THE PATTON COURIER JUNE 30, hh | Of Patten Borough School | District | FROM JUNE 7, 1897, TO | Jume 13, 1896-The Cost of Each Pupll Per i Month. SCHOOLS. © Whol number of Schools. aia © Average number of months taught TEACHERS. Number of Male Tenchary eraployed... to Average siaries of Maire month i Femaies 1 per month BUHOLARS, 8 ® 2 # wu A 2 ms hgh tmp A on ri == i - Subject to market changes: | KH your friends or OF sini EE fering from bb or consumption: ask them if { 3 have ever used Otto's Cure he - famous German remedy is havisg a Ee — — [Limited] | large sale here and is performing some | wonderful cures of throat lang | TRE WONDERS OF SCIENCE diseases. C. W. Hodgkins will give you a sample bottle free. NS na a.” Lung Troubles es and Consump-| hat Shar Medic ney Have. > tion Can be Cured. 50 cents. Chom Scientist let that cough with Shiloh's An Eminent ree Sher 1s Our weses | sou Br Relieves | me million bottles sold 38 doses fr 25 renin. Sold | Store. a bon. are gut | a De renntagy of attendance od JR Dn papil per month fio TAX AND RATE PER CENT. AE Neher of mill leyiet Ar ading © i Amount levied for ™ BR | timely sohool “ hmailding Total amount jevied, Prom State propristion se Dolloctar, taxes of aii a Dap. 186, Cash i © Feanl eowiprs * a wn EXPENDITURES. jnsing idling We : X 2 a Fret and oo rf ingemcion, ; Exemesntiong i Exdiintnr, vit : Erp Je. : 1 oy iid =e 1 “aie G48 + 4 1a To 8% =) omnia i $600 0 RESOURCES A AND | ABILITIES Doe tom Cuter owt: Dop., 148 we 7 -6 8 Tax doe trom unseated lands wi "eel aw 91 i Ll ABILITIER LAerant due Troms wd cmtstanding. Total Estimate Valo Seton Property . Baving gaamined Lise & Seregoing aeToRI nt, pd It true and correet na Erwex SMALE. , MerLion, - Auditoes RErssER, } . Be it enacted and or- | and Town and it is ; of the we | 198 anf our; Discoveries to any Fender o of the PaTrox COURIER Hin tow Sole Scientific Treatment’ has | cored permanently by its a he sufferi Comers 2 imple uty to : to donate a of his in lible pa Science daily develops new w and this great chemist, patiently ex. {perimenting for years, has need | suffering } beneficial to isartlelt lotteryof gratitude, "QUINN'S, JORNSTOWN. tories in thonsands from those cured The entire remaining stock of Ladies’ Lin aii pasts of the world, and Misses’ coats and for will be experts concede that bron- sold at a sacrifict: in prices. chial, chest and lung tronbles lead to We will not keep any of these goods comsumption, which, uninterrupted, over. They must w sold, and it is means speedy and certain death, Le MY a to bay as cheap Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C, |, they coed a bargain. (G8 Pine street, New York, giving post We sell the best yard-wide bleached office and express address, and the muslin st 3jc Hes medicine will be promptly sent. Outing clot We ara should take sor Hy ad- Ginghams st 3 at 3} aa a generous T misses’ an tell the ootar that you saw | children’s i rs lowest made his offer in the PATTON COURIER. 3 J 4 i : DeWitt's Little Sark Risers, | ”e | The Final Decision About Leaving Altoona. It is now nearly three months since we announced our purchase of a store in Harrisburg and our intention of removing there this spring. Since then we have made every elon to Pedscs th immense stock we had, by putting groat on all giving Trading Stamps, Etc. , and Se nctions we a. enormous quantities we still find a stock of foods on band 00 large to be riy stored in our Har- rishurg House already stocked. is, coupled with the fact that we have been so continnously arged not to go by very ted Hg remain throug year, or an anuary rt Consequently we arehased in New York last week, for cash down, over 000 worth of seasonsble, fashionable goods and buying cash will enable us to sell at about our prwsent rates of d to send samples and fill mail orders again, having been to cease doing that on account of the rapid sales of goods. A FEW PRICES: ¥6 sous dad of the way prices are going in oar big store the follow. § lagehed muslin, 5c, 6c, Tc and Charming Organdies at 100 and 124¢ per yard. dedi | Percales, in many styles, Madras cloth in fine ches ks 1240 8c and 12ie por yard, New Wash Silks in 58 plaka and stripes, iffon Crepe, a new cotlon weave, 37 45¢ 84c and 15¢ ard. Pama Bop Ie v yard. Organdie Novelty Sills 80, 790 and $8c per vd ; And many other tyies and prices. Visit us if possible. We extend a cordial invitation tw all L. W. COOK, - Altoona, Penn’a. nf You Doubt You perhaps have some doubt about what we can do for you in our store. You are not certain, maybe, how we can sell High-Grade Goods at the prices we name. The only way to be convinced is to come and look at our goods and see what they are. No matter what your prejudice may be you will be convinced, and it will be to your advantage, too. We are headquarters for In fact everything kept i in a first- class up-to-date General Store. Call whether you wish to purchase or not. All goods delivered to your home promptly and without charge. any throat or lung disease | if they i . This is one of our great bar- | terns, full size, from 50c up. SAA SBE, Se st perior | | Unekampled ! Extraordinary! . Unapproachable! THE QUALITY, THE STOX dantiest, pi 7 AM a It's setisible, and we have the prettiest, loveliest, unique. rove! oe origin: al Collectio of Dry ‘Goods, Cletg Gents Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Etc, Etc., in the aty. And with youn bring the pocket-book well filled. chase in our many departments. sound of the funeral knell to our flowers, no enlogies. This is a case of common sense vs The people want hight, not darkness; BARGAINS, not Boncombe. Low prices give us the boom. A little experience The following is not a price list, but simply a fuw these EYE OPENERS. Ta you belongs the spoils of an over pur- The prices quoted will make us sad—you happy—and the merchants, We ask but a comparison, no tears, no 5. absurd assertions. facts. not stories: realities not imaginations; » 8 fa 4K worth a whole page of argument. cts tersely told. Scan over a few of Men’s nobby all-wool cashmeres $8.25 Dandies. Men's fine derby Hate 75¢. * Yooman Hats $1.35. * Crusher Hats, 5c. best Crushers $1.00 Paralyzers. Best grade Lancaster Ginghams 4c per yard Liberty Bell Indigo blue calicos de per yard. Columbia Shalle 3c per yard. American Shirtings 4c per yard White Lawns 5c per yard. Bleached Muoslins 40 per yard Unbleached Musline 3c per yard. Diamond Plaid Suitings 4c per yard Shepherd i"laids 10c per yard Deacon Fancy Plaid lle per yard. Norwood Fancies 15¢ per yard Brocades, all styles, 13c per yard This wonderful bargain beg- 11 ES ag a gars all description. Men's strictly allowed and blue, $7.25 We ear clays, black oS thy eno + term this suit a menal bargain. And manv more too nnmer- ous to mention. We also carry a full line of & Boy's and Youth's Hats and Caps. A full line of Youth's Suits from $2.75 up. line of t A complete Suits from 73¢ A full line of Cashmeres, Cre- Boy's tons. Dimities and Henriettas, CREMATORS. Men's fine dress Shoes #00. “viol finished Shoes $1.00 tan Jdress Shoes $1.35 cloth top tan Sho $1.50. pat. leather top Shoes fine cordovan Shoes $1.10. b- 3 Ap Le [L3 LL Daisies. Men's dress pants $1.35 ap darlent ** 9c working * We can show you the finest assortment of Men's, Boys’ and Youth's Also Pants at the very low- est prices. Pulverizers. Men's good Suits at §3.20 i“ Ladies’ ine Shoes #5c. Dong. Kid Shoes $1.35. Lofeita Dong. Shoes $1.25. Tan Shoes §1.25 ‘And everyone is worth double r 80¢c its price. 3 Men's elegant dress Suits $4.50. a fall Line of Boys’, Youths’, Misses’ and gains. Infants’ Shoes. A Few Purse Openers. HANDKERCHIEFS. WAISTS. All styles, sizes colors, and grades, a1 Wa bination ab from 35 up. tachshie collar, all colors, 35¢ to Soe. Umbrellas Ladies’ and Gents’ Umbrellas, latest style, from The ap. SKIRT PATTERNS Ladies’ Elegant Sterting Silver All. wool Country Flannel Skirt Pat- Corner Alligator Leather (lombination Pocket-books, from 0c ap. styles, 4.00, 4.50 to $5.00, Mackintoshes WRAPPERS. SKIRTS. Ladies’ and Gents’ Mackintoshes, Ladiew’s Wrappers, fuil nize and best Ladies’ Fine Dress Skirts, iatest noy- double texture, from $2.50 up. make, 45c, T0¢, 58¢ and $1.10. eity, 1, 3 4.00, 3.00, 3.50, $i.50 § Linties’ Silk Waists, full trim, latest If you are looking for a store where quality and economy join hands, come and see us. One call will convince you what we say 1s true, »a~REMEMBER THE PLACE.
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