THE PATTON COURIER JUNE 23, 1898. 1 5 A ad WA mt Announcements. CONGRESS. 1 hereby announce myself as 4 can- didate for a Representative inn the gress of the United States for the | Teh District of Pennsylvania, suibject to the rules asages ~ the Republican party. ALVIN EVANS, Ebenshurg, Fa., June 1, 1895. ASSEMBLY. For the sake of party harmony, and for reasons of a iness character, 1 have decided to withdraw from the contest for the nomination for Assen. bly, and desire in this connection to thank my friends throughout the awsuranices of support. Yours respectfully, JAMES C. PATTERSON. Hastings, Pa., June 14th, 1895. I hereby announce myself as a can- didate for the nomination of Assembly /atibjeot & to the rules of the Republican Be same. TR Tom nomination of Assembly to the rules governing kidney the Ripablicer TOR T. CLINE, wo, Pa anaounce Brena a% a candi. ait for the nomination of Assembly. i ry Republican party. H. I. ROGERS Spangler, Pa DISTRICT ATIORXEY. J hereby announce myself as a candi- date for the nomination of District the Repub lican party. Bey party, 1. REED, _ Ebensburg, Pa 1 hereby announce mysell as a candi- date for the nomination of District Autorney Subjest to the rules governing the Repu ican +d M. B. STEPHENS, n PROTHONOTARY. 1 | announos myself as a candi- date for ary, subject to the ritles of the Republican pAsey of | Cam. ~ bitia county. AVIS. Ebensburg, June 1, Rl "REGISTER AND RECORDER. I hereby announce myself as a can. didate for the onsination of Register ¥ $0 the 3 Files of the ar o an a count : F. B. JONES. y rstNation'lBank pation ie er. Pa. CAPITAL PAID | UP, 850,000.00, SURPLUR, §40,000.00) | Asoomids of Ortporstions, Firms, mhivitu. abaand Banks received ripen the meet favors. Ble terms consistent with wf and conservative tanking ean Heke for wo dreian Pirate payee lde Te fhe etien of the (14 Workd. AH sores pendetion will sieve peopl and pe I nitontiin. Srterest paid on fins dépenin A E. Parrox, Ww H SANDFORD, President. Cashier, or ai ihe lambing principe Thing is to buy where you can buy the cheapest. It's a Store Bulletin—a truthful story of the store's daily happenings. carefully. verning to the rules governing to the rules governing - Two-story fare Swelling, with on ished basement, seven rooms, on Mages ‘ avenue, Patton., Pa ‘at purchaser's price. refused. No reasonable offer Two-story frame dwelling on Lang of avenue, Patton. Four rooms; stable on jot. Will be sold at a bargain. Two story frame dwelling on Beech avenue, eight rooms. All modern con veniences. Two-story frame dwelling, eight! rooms, on Palmer avenue, o1 in 1894 fitted with all modern conven jences. Owner is leaving town and must sell. Will be sold cheap. All of above properties are in good county for their generous and hearty condition and any of them will make a fine home, or would prove a profitable investment to anyone with any capital to invest. PARNELL & COWHER, Real Estate Agents, Good Building, Patton, Pa A Shor: Cut to Health, To try to cure constipation by taking ills is fike going around in a circle ou will pever reach the point songht, but only get back to the startin point. i or the namin Phin as a lh FA % date big A perfeet natoral laxative is Bacon's Celery King, the celebrated remedy for all nerve. Blond. stomach, liver and diseases. It regulates the bowels. CW. Hodgkins will give ; you a sa ple package free. Large sizes 25 and a6 cents, DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous litle pills. TRE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles and Constump- tion Can be Cured. As Eminent Sen York Chemist ant Scientist Hates Free Ofer to Our Renders The distingtisbed New York chemist, T A. Slocum, demonstrating his dis covery of a reliable and absolate care for comsumption (Pulmonary Tuber. enlosis and ‘all brofnehial, throat, ung and chest diseases, stubborn cong catarrhal affections, genersi 0. and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOTTLEN all differ- ent: of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the Parrox Covnien writing for them, His “New Scientific Treatment” hos cured thonsands permanently timely use, and he coautders il 8 simp io professional doty wo suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible care Science daily develops new wonders and this great chemis . patiently perimenting for | has prod resnits bensfoial to suff humanity as can be elairoed by modern genins. His assertion (hat jung troubles and consumption are enrable in any climate ix proven by “honrtfelt letters of gratilade,” filed in his American znd European labra- tories In thousands from these cured wird al aricesis that bron ehial, chest und long tro ables oad to consumption, oh, Saiterraptd, HEALS Spe ertian eth Simply weite ‘to T. A. Siocan, M 88 Pine stroot, New Y ork, giving ; st office. and express address, iy Fy its Em in 4! parts fod * and tha free med) ine will be promptly sent Sufferers should take instant ad- vantage of his generous proposition. Please tall the Doctor that you saw ' his offer in the PATTON COURIER. Owner will sell ing consumption ask them if they ‘have ever ¢ ‘ large sale here and is performing $50 10 $100 a week selling it. If your friends or hbare are sof. | feriry from oconghs, colds, sore thro, | or any throat or oi hk ined. psed Otto's Cure. This famons German remedy is having a some | wonderful cures of throat and lung diseases. CW. Hodgkins will give you a sample bottle free. No matter what other medicines have filed to do | ry Otte's Cure. 50 cents. AGENTS WANTED in Every County io Supply the Crest Popular Demand fur America's War for Humanity TOLD IN PICTURE AND sSTORY Coenpdide anal written by SENATOR JORN d. INGALLS, of Kansas. The most brilliantly written, most profasely and artistically Hustrated, and most intensely popalar hook « the subject of the war with par Nearly 200 SUPERB ILLUSTRATIONS from Photographs Juee 1 specialiv for this great work. Agents are making A veri table brnanza for live canvassers Apply for description, terms and Leck tory al onde 10 N. D. THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. OF XEW YORK (ITV. Large sizes 25 and ‘and Misses’ ald at a great sacrifice CWT, "| everybody s business to buy as cheap “An Important Question. | Great Bargain Sale at QUINN’'S, JOANSTOWN. The entire remaining stock of Ladies’ conte and furs will be in prioes We will not keep any of these goods’ Trey must be sold, and it is as they onn-conme and get al 1. We sell the best yvard-wide bleached musiin at 30 yard. Outing cloth at de yard Ginghams at 3} yard = Cut prices on ladies’, miswos’ and children's underwear, the } west sade + QUINN'S. L. W. COOK. The Final Decision About Leaving Altoona. It is now nearly three we announced our E4AL Ree bt the singe purchase of a iarge store in Harrisburg and our intention of removing there this spring. Sines then we have made every ¢fart to reduce the immense stock we had, by potting great reductions on all growin, giving Trading Stam Ete. and while we have sold encrmons quantities we stil And a stock ff goods ony hand "3 risburg Hoos alremdy that we hare been so continuously many of our patrons throtigh Hue year, or antl January Dero ase New Y 25 WH we for cash wi reductions, lm] to send sary phos to cease doing that on ae in Ais Da ee 3 We sb jarge to he seamonatie ax and AL properly stored in our Har. fin, conpled with the fat pred Bot to go by very as fo decides to remain next. Consequently we last week, for cash down, over fashionable goods and buying oa it our prvsent rates of stocked. Bas caymed ork tae Sibir Twn ty Hy pail fo again, CTY of the rapid saglem of ha cing givin A FEW PRICES: To give some idea of the way prices are ing few lems will show: Good unbleached muslin 5c per yard Good bleached musing, se per yard. Heautifol Percales, in fie, Se and 1240 per ard, Chiffon Crepe, A new fic and 5c pe per yard Organdie Zep yrs 120 Freach Lawn Cordeles 1300 Visit us if possible. many Pi By L.. W. Opera House Block, Buy the best qualities for t aig in sar big store the follow: Carabwlin piasiing and aite chop at Tw Charming Organdies at U por yard, Madras cloth in fue checks 1 New Wash Bilis in plaids and stripes, and dhe per y are frei ned] {iias Den Ld x WEY Ni r And many ot ery preity wand (ae r yard xe cand sig par vid es and prices, wr wy We extend a cordial invitation to all COOK, Altoona, Penn’a. + Yon per certain , mayt liaps have some doubt about what we can do for you in our store. we, hoo Ww We an sell You are not High-Grade Good sa we name. to come and look at our they may are. to your advantage, too. ERIES, for at the prices The only way to be convinced is goods and see what No, matter what your prejudice ee you Will Inf class up-to-date General Store. Vou wish to purchase or not. elivered to 1thout charge. 3 an her i ya convinced, and it will be We are headquarters fact cvervthing kept in a first- Call vour home a GED S. GOOD. he least money. Read the store news, Exageration and mislead ng statements are carefully To-day’s news will bring void We want your confidence and vour patronage and arc mc aking every ligitimate endeavor to get it. us many new customers. # i | Boy’s 15¢ suspenders Sc | ‘ Fine white Sauibric muslin, oc quality 5%: . Best white SN muslin, 24 ¢ quality gc. Men's Balbriggan under Children’s fine summer vests 5C * Ladies’ fine summer vests sc Wash Goods Specials. Fine Organdies in high col- ors at 8c Choice assortments of Ging- hams. Percales, Madras Linen Skirtings, "Ducks, Pigues, Etc. Shirtwaists. Opened to-day-—choice pat- teans, latest style, at 35c, 45¢, and 30c. : Corsets Just right for this warm weather. All sizes, from 18 to 30, at goc and up DEPARTMENT heaut- and New beits, 1€8, all i SOC Regular at . COHLOTS, 250, ASU $ 3 2 oy SILANOS, 2 vod EX ~ Ingrain carpets, g ity, new and f: more patterns stock other d of $3 Brussels carpet, the qual it Fim a wes ag 3 es that has made Brussels 1s the great wearing Very substantial matting, the kind that well Place » 3 Ble bi 1c. he Le Fi linen. regu Extra good sorted colors, r at 20 and 2%¢ . ad “ns 20 ¥ a . a Latest patterns; f (ni & } avery T tenes igen 3 11 Cloths and anole oa Rugs of all xg a i 35 Fh Clothing. en's evening dress suits, id pat érns irom 23%. en Shine « S. 50 stil. at lar s x yoy Men's fine small cheg a LG AR RY P LAG custo our gp : 1 at Mw oa MAMMOTH Ose, Soar to suit. ier, Ta ty id " = Li ak 3 aCe rice 37.75 and 38.20 ¥ <1! 13 al Children’s Hosiery. ow LR * * ¥ Rr LAUR seamie >» ¥ * tmnt EXER Wt STORE. W HS 3 has * ¥ Spek wR Ko BAk ads AD LW Pu RAD he me read 1t Matchiess Bargains in Hats, Yao will smile when you hear u Hatters call their You- man Hats at 2.00 and 32.50 real Bargains after yon have seen the same identical hat at 1.25 and $1. 40 at Goldstein's. This offer will knock the wind out of the Hatters Certd Very fine and most fashion- able American make hats mn all the latest Derby shades sold everywhere for $3 at Si. It you wonld prefer a sty hat don't fail to see Goldstein's endless vanety - - £ hal “$y i184 PATTON, PENNA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers