Fopau ‘SPANIARDS FLED. Wn red Eo Rferts Be First Sueesssfel lasting of Ameriesn Troop The Partifiee. j tions Bursed at Outittenamy ss im on _ The banner that makes tyranny trerible, the stars and stripes of the great American Republic, are now floatine from & Spanish flag staff on the Island of Cuba. Oppression and crusity cannot long reign where that emblem waves and in a few days, when the great American cohorts have Jaded on Cuban sofl, the tyrants re) Tous clutch will have been re moved. : Six ‘hundred marines eferted a land. ng Raturday at Guantanamo, and » mow encamped about the smoking the Spanish fortifications the valiant eneray hastily de- of when they saw the approach of pen whose saddisrly qualities they n much despised. To Captain Clark and the battleship ngs the honor of accom - he first successful landing of Forty marines from the bat- went ashore Saturday morning | acoupied the left entrance of the 1 the troopship Panther ar. with 800 mnrines. Thess, under and of Lieutenant Colonel KH. untington, firrived at 3 o'vliwk, : ithin Balt an himr they had ee CAPT. CLARK lie commander of the Oregon who last week conducted the first success- landing of rps on Cuban mil, the | buildings of the Spanish and had set fire to the miserable é¢ which crouched on the t the ‘hilltop of Guantana- : otty of Guantanatno lies four up the bay and a little Spanish arne down to help the shore . But she stayed just long h to turn around, Numerous are fired by the Spaniards. but tanded, atid no Aniericans were found evidence of a very riure hy the Spaniards’ , hammocks and ammunition meting about the sarthworks, a Bpanieh Bag was found in one of Fine pits, soon as the American flag was 08 to the breeze from the flag: of yo captured Spanish camp the steamed away to rejoin the . The marines wil 1 position until the arrival of wted troops, in the meantime in the vicinity, with Vixen and Dolphin lying Li 1 Sampson now has a base of supplies on the of the island and troops 82% at wil mo is but 48 miles east of Cuba, and is a splendid for a bane of supplies for the Jd that the island of rely cut off from cable L ‘ith the outside world, ¢ has it that the cable ship cut the cable at Saptiago on : that the same day the ‘elit the cable running from | mmo to the Mole £1, Nicholas, By wi i shells from the shores, but the i meveril shiolis &t the and. ered thom. L pumber of Bampmwon's war 8% juantanamo bay, the vl to the * Philippites in another. ; office is called “New of the money branch of the and Eben Brower, of rol of the work in Cola. ppot expen ter for that place. F. mass of work whch | Emperor does can be judged by Pe Inst year, just insucd frog iain's office. His Majesty fate reports, gave led $02 Cabinet orders, INILY and other docummnts, ceortte that the President Abe permanent scupation of ment expects thirt $15,000, - rom the Klondike will ba v on his way to co the | BE, visions for the starving troops tone of provisions. ry attempted 10 prevent the jonding of # few dave As is generally belived, then the United States will not be jexn she has troops on the (shina, cept in the neighborhood of San Juan fiulanana, west of Ponce Gulnnsna ard San Juan, as flest should Anish the down Mores and Ban Carlos war in Pusrto Rico, for the Spaninrds work Admiral frants of Puerta Rica sare thoroughly not be reguairéd to sabdue the pape the United Riates soidisrs, raiirond system, prt of the island easy. It would be fine town, With Hicely paved Ftrests w ay dc row OUR WAR WITH SPAIN, Admiral Sampson has received or- dérs to attack Puerto Rico, Over Ball the bakeries in Havana | are closed because of a scarcity of four. Blanco reports that 1.508 Americans were kitted during the recent bombard. | ment of Santiago. bots to charter troops 16 Manila, as transporis for ernment at New York The United Btates cruiser Bt. Louis | captured a merchantman belonging 10 Spain just oot of Kingston last week, Bianco has cabled Madrid that American merchantimen conveying troops have arrived before Banting. session charts of New York harbor | were arrested as pies and imprisoned ast week. in 16 be burned befors Property is sold af any price that can be obtained for it The troops at Camp Alger, sind Rave been disarmed. sme Gistanoe | radi bombarded Dwiguaird, cust of Agundores, and near the road line to Santiago de (ulm, he guns ara being removed from the Spanish ships bottled ap in Rant ago harbor and are being used io strengthen the land defenses With reference to the sinking of the | Mervimme, Rpaniards say the Borkad- tog of a port with sunken vessels 1s eGnirary to interpatiomal jaw, af time, then will Andrew Carsexgie ft Gut & regiment of Scotohmen uniform. | ed in the Highland fashion and to bear his naroe, Blarvation in grows more apparsnt. Ones who dines twggars, {rom hie table, during the hombardment of Hhi> was gtee] cruiser Was mun Santiago lsat Monday. unarmored. single sirew of 3489 tons displacement. They will not charter thelr vessels for use ax transports but want to sell them al a high price 16 the government Dispatch hosts report that early in the week an American crulser shelled | 4 train conveying iroops tear Santi. The train wax wrecked by the sibote and pany soldiers killed snd in- fred, The government ships under charter in southern waters | to carry about $090 seidiers to Uuba and Porto Rico, and the question of | transportation hax been practically | sett] led, THE GOVERNOR GENERAL'S PALACE AND FORTIPVICATIONR REDUCED BY ADMIRAL BAMPRON'S FLEET. Jt tx President Mo RKinlay'wintention able to Ral M Puerto Rich as inden ang south of Everywhere in Piryort trope With supplies contd be moved A beri the falared read The ood After the fleet Bad silenced the forte t he Barber clogred of ohetructions, transports taken in and troops nded. Av the inhab- wg LHI Pue rin: Boe Horses, cattle and ail found supplies are gin andant. the frst.olass carvia ge ’ i The government is still looking for : Fifty thousand light weight uniforms have been contracted for by the gov! DD. Bullard, a volunteer, discharged for Alsability, committed suicide at At. jlenta, Ga. a few days ago. i Two Spaniards having in thelr presse | 1t is accepted as a fact that Havana | surrendering. | Falis | Chureh, Va, from Missouri and Kans. | #8, were too frees with their revolvers | RBeveral American warships last week | Bhould the war continue any length | the city of Havans | 81 8 rextaurent is always besicged by | Cften they snatch the food | The Spanish crulser Reina Mercedes | Ar hip owners have combined againt the Dinited Mates government now has enough | - o- AN AXGLE OF THE SAN JUAN within and une fry BH at toupee In Puerto Rico Bya dit shortly spe for pence nity, # in A United Biates expedity can fan J wheres it plessen in Puerto Rico, ex The Fan Hien is Letwenn best Harber in Porto Juan, The roxds a. Rice are excellent, and iy. The Atiriean Rampeon «tarred fmt eieenth and batt rppativn of San Juan would «ng th sould pot make a stand anywhere sine may Fe cecanterind and £ disaffected the Armeric an fron wand try. The people genersily would wel. has not Deen fataged hy war ard, sithou ££ thers is no yante makes rommunication with ail 8 pity to destroy Ban Juan which is & Wer than 1 Bevriier ot ald Havana. or cv Bpain's effort in securing 8 forsign Ioan has Tatied | The Spanish garrisen at com hal! rations. The delivering of small fridges to the guvernment Thi ter a day. i The government in sending sinokelens powder to the front for use in nil siege and field guns Twelve solid miles of frojght rars shave thas far been loaded with provis- Choma for the army. Insurgents aboyt Sartiage say that 0 Rpanisrds were killed by inst Mon- {day's bombardment, Af target! prasitice recently 8 marine on hoard the cruiser Yankee was in- i stantly killed by an exploding she il The stock of provisions at Puerto : Rico is rapidly diminishing. The sup- ply bs barely saficient for tao months Thus far the goavernment kas trans i ported 123 regiments of infantry, 34 re- pimetite, Batteries or trons of cavalry f mnd 20 batteries of artillery. All fatare expedition ta Cubs and Puerto Rico will be dispatehed from Csovse other city than Tampa, where : ratirond facilities are more adequate. Néw York will sppropriate $3006 00 for War PUrpOREes SN Rowin GF The exits wesmion of (he legislature meds Lwsillion has already been expended by ihe state, There is disappointment at Washing tars oer the feet that theres were ho | frmurgenis ready to assist Gur (resps when they were attacked by Spaniards 8! Guantanamo, Three thousand Cubans received rifles, aimunition and machetes from the Tnited Rintes gunboat Buranes & féw Aays apn Reveral tons of bread and bacon were alse jandesd en. Loe Kas received an order from Washington to oollect an army of #060 roan, These sre expected to bi ready far service in thirly dave whet an At tack upon Havana will be made, Cubsine in the D'nited Riates ars mak ing an appeal for funds for 1h sup txt of their delogniion In this f wintery Thee Far $17 000 Bas been sent to Cutan | for equipping soldiers on the land The British steamshin Twickenham, whieh was chartered by seernment to deliver coal to Admiral Bantiago is arm Car- amounts to PRKey West In charge of a prize CTEW, Je A WR bn TIGRTING yo nm : CL mmo | Spasierit Wight Lend Themmives te Spnading Ihe [Surgeon General Brernbers. of the Carmy. and Van Revpen. of 13 navy, have taken every precaution to protect the army and pavy from yellow fever. | They da not feel that the present con. { aston give ground for serioun appre hepsior Care will be taken that our Cahips in Cuban waters kev) well clear of the fever sections, Certain wharves End warehouses along the harbors are i patabilshed points for boveding fever, jt was stated that yellow fever exiatesd at Rantiagse ds Cuba the year round. It wae feared (hat the Spanish auibor- ther might w | the spread of yellow fever among our nrtidiers and sailors, and the Posi] ity 3 1 t i The t boat Winslow, so badly on May 11, will require a thorough for sery. ice. Blanco has telegraphed ‘Madrid that he must have supplies. Swift Spanish voesels will attempt to run the strict American blockade and land pre- Havana. The Bethlehem, Pa. Iron company Wednesday night finished and shipped to Fortress Monroe four breech-load- Ing rifles. weighing 215.000 pounds, and four turret plates and hatch covers for the battleship Kearsarge, to New- port News, weighing #0 tons The Spanish bark Maria Dolores was captured by the cPaiser Minneapoiis and brought to Charleston, 8 C, There were 11 Spaniards on board, who at one time became troublesome and the guards were ordered to shout the first one who rebelled. The bark Lim tosis of fac! intended for Spanish warships, The auxiliary crulser nnded for the insurgents. Bat Vixen has Amerada a few miles vest of Santiagy, $9 rifles, 23.000 rounds of ammunition snd five The Spanish caval but were shelled and ‘the supplies, a whl YVixen's shells did great driven off. The 1 execution. carried | TORPEDO BOAT WINSLOW. injured during the action at Ounrdenas overhauling before she will bo ready of this has bien Suarded against, No email craft bearing suspicious gonds such as might contain yellow fever germ, have been seized Rigid rules will be obteerved in Cuba by the soid- ers sins rv AANA So) 8 AR As Rapessive Bombardment Approximately $26 08 worth of am. bomberdment of Sactiage by Ramp son's ships buat apparently 1 has not checked Spanish activity on the earth- WHrKS, of crockery and other vasily Dreskabie guns, MANILA NEWS A German steamer has Manila with seorel onders Pightern huncsed Soaniandx failed into the Bands of Apanaids, 1 IEEE leader nt Manila. He aisn soured 18 gascear walters have arrived us Mania, Cope the Spanish | Corvern's squadron, Ix being taken to § willingly lend thempeives tn munition was sxpended (nn Monday's The warships lost a quantity things from the concussion of the bg left for have has 4.0 rities and & tied guns | Aceardine to a dispatch freon Madrid threa Bpantsh ironciads from Mala sight of FAST LAN A ly on ea FOUR MARINES KILLED. Soo Liniel #5 Ymasteione Soy Pht te EL my for Thirtess Hews Spanisd Lem js Commiderabin Four Armirican Bain in a ng i if By Amr war wWors Wil fad in a eoniios with 28 trans ast Bt {yams tansy Last Friday 5% marines transport Punibher landed under the corms yued H3 bi IE tars day why a5 A STRION retinitis wos for foomparr Tt R WE Eaturday from the at this pl white encamped oe guarding the thoy were attacked BYR fighring wan 12 when rein- {rion #Ee iE The Bosars, Hraded Toeomiy Gre tive Awuintant 4rd eof May Kitivd ia Piadr Gibby > regular army, Who Teil in ster roasmms re His home was RTaonn. Ya. bus Be has been ticing in New York amd he entered #Ervice minis the war wiinr fcer thors RE Charies HH BEmith vate William Dun why of Mass, and Private of Bionsham, Mass T hee Spanish foment x anlinown, was probably senide rn ble The shipy threw gakors, ARe pevwerfol aiectrie sweering the dean Tropic follage Fiscioming evasionally skulking tiem of Spaniards transformation scsne st Bach distovery of the BHT Begun | of Sraliwensd are ut 1 Body ight Eg roby the EASY Was - | i which have | Tar the Somrted roy the | Sure: &1 Tae i He was | Rerpoant Pris? fitoeawtar, | ames MoCOdlgan, and | Par. It 81 resembled 8) Barber, | greeted by the cracks of the carbine fire along he edge rf the ramp reige tr by the bong ro chins gun, searching the thickets with & lenden stream. Shortly afier midnight came i] of the launed’s ma Pte signal the @ rain attack. The Spaniards made a, pailant charge up the pogihwest slope, but were rust by repeated volleys from | the main bouly, and broke before they | were ane ANird of but they Came wo there was aizna EIrUREe. Vers Three Spariards open foromntion the way ap the hill, riome that at through the of Fadi tha odige gins a hand-to-hand The offvwrs used thelr revol- | i Nery GREAT ARNY, Twesty. Sevens Thovssad Her O¢ 0 Fist fie Stary snd Siripe Wt Sastisge Ges Sear iz Command. Tive transporte with trosps for Cuba pen reporisd leaving As freq few the won dran MEL Lae a wooornd dix For powitively sallied, Bn Derinst Boanish has the (ast Ton The first division of fhe army of ins Fim yavion started fro Tampon Runiday Went, whivk ‘was remehod The Seer of 11 travwp yl will Be pret By the samvoy of 11 vesmeln, and wil 1 In beijeved, & EDS Ay gtaer for Cube It was a mighty protsssion gwept aut of Tampa bay galianty seross he Fen N RRS that a stately RAAT WRIETE Cen Koso Fa SERIO, meri ne “along in ont wean, as wii atiesesd and as stemfily BE a regiment of soldiers on land The peanle of Tames and the sol Hiern jeft ebhind had theied fo (he wae tep-Trant. Fron thse Iransports came cheer after cheer shoute ware taken tp frome ame verse! Is another, and then songs that rolled along the line ike an almost cesswiesy soho. AL inet “Io anchor” was floated froin the mast of the flaehip “Eight keots an bour,” sald the sig- raie The boats were ranged in a deubis polumn, an Slows ay safely tre weeks hag now FORCED 10 5 RRENDER Spuzisrds Meds 3 Tiers Rowiztane but Their Narics- @uastiy Was Por Gen August Makes s Eeprisns Report to Spain. A resort has reached Hose Kong fhe! Manis bas fallen, It i» said to De by the Philippine ine £49 Seeigped Po sarients, commanded by Genergl Agu Lope naval | » 3 inal ore | The relpl Janta and wealthy Philip istandurs resident are Jubliant oer She Ben The 1 nited States CON 1 sults Bas ik crowded ail day Tiwe Avnerican consyi, Mr Widmann, i Baw beds five recipdent of handreds of and aried | would permit. but with allewasce for panty of stesrage Way. Thers was more or lex confusion in the bay, owing 10 the great nuraber of eral. and this was responsible for a serious accident that oan near sending the trarsport Florida to the the | camp. Oolens] Jose Cmmpioa the Coe dime harged his revolver, turning and finding them SUPpport, ran helte han gus, and they. sefven without ite cargo of human the skip in disabled Smt torn with all freight. Ax It in and wast go inte dry dock for repairs. LTH Joss of the Florida will be teriogs. skelter down the reverse side of the isk I: war Soaring (his assauit sietant Surgeon Gibbs was Killed was sda in the bend in front own tame the faribest paint of attack that Ax. Fie fell inte the arms of Private Sullis | VEL & nd beh Sropped. A second bul | Ht threw dust in their faces. Surgeon Gilde lived ten minutes, but did not ches, rogaln OGrNCE ORS ERY, AL § ooh Monday morning the fir. P whieh started for Cuba are as tallow: ing was again renswsd by the Spani- &rile, who edge of a eral Eaed about a mile th the morihenet Jf was promptly re turned hy 12 apponred off the camp on the | LC Temah, Lersemith Niath rifiem ard a S-ipch Sold gun. and in a short time sll signs of | the enemy had disappeared The skirsaieh (ines the camp wept up A penning ail the | Bevernth Seventiesenth thegwn around I oeniissed morning. bat with sot much result to shaw for 11. Maunwhite the Marble. oad eff the Rarhwe gnd threw g fow shells into the woods eo the great delight of marines camp. Lientenants Wendell © Newlile snd Meaetiviile J Ruane, Cuesainy It returned In good shape Pept wish exhaagwtst hy IS Bours pleat duty. One man, Sergeant Sm ith of favhpany K. Bad Deen shot through the sbdan en, sad featantly Kifled. SARA ENR Ss NB 1 mavan sewer staavive y oof I sixth Ninth First ap bo with 3 reen of | i of 2 i for boa Soldiers Besniving Rativns Waish Ane Lows Thus the Begnistion Quantity jetters roeatvedi from an alear of the Prithh eraser Tallow by persons in Torsnis Rive Kioomy pileiires of Rf fairs in Cuda generally and the capital in particular. The officer bad every op portunity of pi the state of aXaire He found the opommmen ib slowly StArsing white the wealthy pairs hie hardships The m arp oe rates Ritghtly gooey thee re eis tin Wr gantay. Gon Hianeo te usieg every mntural formats i La Teak the Sefenwis stromger. and I= waning and entrome hing at ai points Tre rrowad al en. AL tinaes I3 Presa sd. Jt the Eoxmi = “ra they will splendidly. He says tf wi ti cRrYy the fortress by storm, after e®ertive bombardment garrison can Ye starved ints sures in a short 1 AAI SSS IBIAS AR SPAIN DESIRES PEACE Negotiations Brewer Hm yo bo Opened by be Kaamy A special Madrid surrespapdent has telegraphed an laterview with Benor Mering (Ne private secretary of the Spanish Premier, HNeaor Bagasta. pine = buayant, wen van be Kept i Joubriess ght Ev Si fe 3git The the garrison, he save Var- | then Jew even ander | | 1-yearonid Alber: I Dorms ited | boy had played fraast Cprenwe The duties on American bh they claim are injuring the trade ; v iy felt in the tramwportation of troops ty Cuba Crem Shafter ix in chief command of i the force, Hes of Bie i ernfs, which fw comyvoyed by the pattieahip Indizna, dnd the janboul Helena with the training ship Ban ax Gen Rhafrers fiopting hose. The trapspiris are 40« at Santiago in 3 few dave and shortly. 11 is ex. pected at Washington, the stirs and sivipes will Boat over Bantige de The Iroops making up the expedition Beventy-fArst New York Twenty Seer, te Thier. Twsuty fourth, Eighth, Raovned Maseag huseits Twenty A815 Twelfth Third Torentieth My seers snd 19.008 og HIeeTe second, First, Twanty- vidgn teers infaniry. Pres Cavalry Twn fore Troagem eae R i Aimmseanted saiadrons foamy thei Third, nd Tenth, ay “wiry. Ahwsmongntad squadrons of four FrGaPR Eel Foam the Firar I aited Hegtes voluntesr cavalry (Hodsevells Fourh Riders: Total Slemeounted of valry, 15% oMesra, LX05 0 snlisted] mele Bn ERERITY and tao vee syaadrog, of the if officurs and es smitenivl me per hatteries FB oasnd RK. A and P Second aryl i PIE Hiery f Fret Arts: LRN Spi 1 afioars ned 303 : entisthd men & and H Fourth arttilery nlisted Han. ry tierive siege, 4 o.. “rs ang 3 A News NoTES ware Rillad he B® tors. a few days ago. an sleviior a Bundivy and were ridned ary mn KX Lins Beattie Monday for the Three peapis Ades 81 Rutdievilie, Tex, A tarnado wpdenaburg 58 i hoekelx of grain € nye Ruddred ProesEas reall af Kor dike Trey. Gon elected presidani pabl. The pre of tei Certara of TE 3 nin whieh congress placed upon SL arpeiius ¥ amderbiit, fearing nix yacht will be captured by Spaniards haw fel her at Odessa, Ruasshi, wat peace a deciared is fenr of a whip a £5 AX. Boca Bas been the Argentive Hee 41k dry of le sairide last Sumdiy. Egropeans are smdeavoring 1a which Caf pattve manufaciurers in which the mecrstary is guoted as hav- ing formally declared that the Spanish | Guverpment will pow acvepl KRY Peace proposal which ls submitted express condita that ot cmanate from the enemy The Premisy's serretury le madd nave mdded: The international media. tion which well be especially corned on the part of Spain would be (n the case of the initiative being taken hy Frannie or Austria ; dies Lol rm »e Wheat Dei Caile Pood Joseph 1 iters big profits 'm wheat Tosrewd ue wis a sh ta Rave vanished wr Be sian thas ag with & Thi ® Pe frst reds by a: i “perhaps i: rng ster have go veld 41 in thie liter dual Pas & “Py shary. the Distutlh aed Minneapalls millers were aise Riterested. “on ihe attempted befire Bul no 0, Wels | Toston banks are heavy losers by the | fanners. | The | Liabilities of the TaBceTn Are IR excess | failure of Io B ime & Ua, af that city asd Kingmus, Me af SESE Om the Fourth of July. a =m Loewe will go over the Niagara in a barre! Fails at NER fives] to tell of his experience The New York Journal has sued the | The | New York World Zor $s a World acoused the Journ od ing government documents whlch attempted to smnggie ads of ro TERETE i wy hs, oy "4 Pray rr Pitraburg af the reas § J ates aban, v4 the legnder of the crave wf ; nandnnany of the } pases, sapraved in New Yak Satur Murray's record is international i, bwin Wills can be easily crossed with aed Yankees Bold the harbor, feamer than ever” seid is rapidly going up Ch Bred BLN and that : Pras ar Falls Church, congrataial ome, for the Janta gives Rive alrodst as much credit for the res pasried capture of Manlia as (hey give in reneral Agusinabiv himself singe Mr. Wikbnuasn Bas been their Snewery- ing champion, and has advised in all thelr plans snd Wildman Sore not credit the report (hat Manila has bees actually ser gpied vet. bat he believes that wif De in oa few days The Svardards have Deen fighting dedpersoely, Put their marks i= jor, sind they Bave lost Beavity, The falinwing communication from Captain General Augusii dated at Maupin, Jure § has been published at Madrid “Phe situation fs very grave Aga-~ innido has waceseded in stirring op The eontry, and the telegraph lines and railways are being cut. I am without ronsmunication with the provinces, Thy Province of Cavite has completely rebelled and the towns and villages ars oeeipppiad by numersns bands “A Bparish ontumn defends the Za- pore Hane ta prevent the snemmy from ine vadling the Provinss of Manis, but the fou has eptersd through Bulsean, Latina andl Moron, so that Manila will thus Be attacked by land and sea. “I am striving to raises the courage of the mhabitarts and will exhaust every means of resistances. but | dis trust the patives and the volunteers bec ase there Rave airsady been many Avanrtione. Bacoonr and Imus have ale regdy heen seiged by the enemy. “Phe insurrection has reached great proportions, and if 1 cannot count apon the suppnrt of the country the forces a1 my Slepdsai will not #aMee to hold the ground against two enamjen A I LT A FORTS DEMOLISHED. EE Admired Hempwe's Ships Few Await Ue Troop Which Wii! Pulte Poosension «7 Subs. The savy now at Santiago d+ Cada awrite the army, The fghting ships of Fleur Admiral Sampson and Coma dave Sibley Rave battered down the coat defenwes of Southern Cube, and Bave seaind up Admiral © feat in the Narbor of Sastiags by sake mg the collier Merrimas in the channel 81 te sritranes. Which the guns of the Sed? cover unceasingly. Soont Dots, rug ming under the shadows of Ei More ro. Rave cut the Haitien cable and ER now Bold 15 miles of the coast east of Sartings de Coda. inciading Guantan- ame Barber Under the cover of the Fons of the feet, astern Cuba may be safely invested by land and ses, Ad- medi Cervera’s feet annihilated and the entire provinces and its towns snd Barbary ssiged and held alter a short CaRmipe ign The marlsor of Duanianars is fine Baws of fand and sen operations It is capbrions ped han feel of Water, The intl appronches are fol 50 previp Itoie ak #¢ Santiags de Cubs. The lows trates of siege goo, and thers sre level roadie Dy Santas II miles distant, wher a3 few mountain batleries, Dee vost the reach of the Beet, will be Tagen to an eminence commanding the catty And thee Spanish ships The Suantards muds bat slight Se foros gguinet the bombardment, Fmt Yattsries were silenced Tuwsduy dy the arbi Bead in a few minutes firing at Co verde A small Fpasdsh gunboat FRY AREY The Dirsgen. Marblehead wating os amd mnrines. The savy's work haw neem Sune wedi Dally and nightly ship patra the 30 miles of count, withe in Snsy gun Fangs of thee share, jt) ERE CR OIE Watt Paw Paver os Alina fur Pras. Phe Right Hon John Morley. Libe ers MP. for Montroseburne. speak- ing wt Lewds recently and referring to the daliert of an Asgio-Saxen ali ance, wid thet Ne 2d not believe a want of all the “gloomy alk about Hegimndls scisthen and threatening prospects,” Unies she secured an aili- ance with Germany or Ameren Fingland's aval power I» gpiaantis, her fnancial resources ad credit are Tr. ‘ari the spirit of Ber people to repel mrdsion cr pralest their rights is a8 great sm at the beginning of the cen. tary. The whole country desires ore infhmate eelstions with the United Seas An ond always diligently work wd for ny Laord Ballsbury and Me Giadstone Put we do pal want an al. tine for Ihe purpose of menace and wa. Waker Seiters Hegeily Fined The raids upon the whisky seilers 82 Cains Alper. Va, comtinne Camp the man from whos the Govern. rasint vented thim ground, has Deen scntencad fo Thre months In dal) by the Justice of he for Hiseaily he dl, | selling figouer He will appeal from this | rather curious swmtencs by a Justice, wee from hix father i pm of Now York | The i De | order, to pure vitriol | ATannday. vary samasd #4 "; " 4 This feat has bow? | render. a Spanish officer came out in & Tha tadt at Fairfax Court House ia full af bimeks and whites Badiied in ane big stew! cag charged with wringing Hguer inte camp The stuf rans from manmahioe apphiack of the convalsve The fuses run ces HB to 9 Poought Evans Wanted to Surrender. The ofcers and creas of the Ameri. can fest are laughing over an amusing aintaks made by the Spaniards last They saw sunething white ving from the battleship Iowa, and believing that vessel wished fo sur. much, under a fag of IrUce | pearded the lows, He stated his mis- Plect w sroutp and was poiitely informed that the Spaniards were mistaken. The ab- nich cnased the Spaniards oe Cmuch treuble was Capt. “Bob” Evens’ i sit Irae | ye the rimgstruct- § Buovtase Herm swe Mania came Fuses ragnish quesn-regenl is reports soanish relief fund which was in London amounted to 1 has tendersd bis services (0 f Spain should she desir Bis services for lntareentian, flarmany i= sending warships ™ with Sa intent im sad ewes ns pPrososed bom capital of ¢ Philip. Wf peeans tin