THE PATTON COURIER JUNE 9, 1898. pf ———————————— “ Potited Up. Where, {3 where (3 where, is Cervera? Where, (Ff where (an he be? He sation fo Santingo harbor To see what he could we, The barbor's small and shallow And root for amily one fleet; Harnpson or Sah lwy will bay It, Or give up the “hide amd go swk O, Bedey was an athlete, And Sampson was the same But if Caey don't eich Cervera They won't give up the game. They'll play a good and honest gate, Yikes do ail players tru And “dewey” think they" i take the land * ¥ guess we think we 40 FamMER The Coal Trade. Boston. — The market for bitaminoos | coal Is very niarrow. There is almost ne new business, and the present movement is nearly all on contract trade. Two cargoes of Georges Creek | coal are here on the market and it i» very difficult to find purchasers at any reasonable price. Philadelphia. —Bitominoas trade is moving slong nicely although the orders at tide are small in number at present, but that will last for a short, time only. New York The soft coal trade shows fair tonnages going forward. “There is some complaint that business is slow, and it is generaly thought that a full in freights will bring more orders into the market. BCRPCS, § List of Unelaimed Letters. © The following letters remain in the postoffice at Patton for the week end ing Thursday, June 9, 1595: D. K. Peightal, Mrs. Maris Roland, John Reynolds, Miss Jennie Wilson. Persons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. E A MELLON, P.M A Correction. Eomror COURIER: In last week's Courier, ander the heading of Me. morial Services at Patton, the follow- ing statement appears: “Everything, from the decorating of the dead heroes’ graves at St. Augastine and St. Law- rence, to the services oomdocted in the apple grove below the school building, ete, ete’ There was no delegation from Patton or elsswhepe in SL. Ang. astine on Memorial Day. The services here hore a guspioss of the Veterans of this piace, and were largely sitendes. Your correspondent Was froslas rerrpet in Lhin woek's COURIER. Var ERAN Sit. Avpostine, Pu, June 8, The Cobtsn question snd imsties sink into insignificanc: man wie seiffers from piles” What be desires, i» relief DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cares piles. CW. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. here under 1h Ce le political with the Detneeratye (oavention The following were elected at Ebens- burg Saturday ua delegates tothe Herman Baumer. of Samibtie ox H. J. Hopple, of Barr Sownship; Frank J. (PComnor, of [ Johnstown; W. A. Mellon, of Patton; 'M. D. Bearer, of Ebensburg: E A. Goodfellow, of Hastings, and J P. Farrell, of Wilmore. The committes on resolutions introduced a plank to ‘endorse (Goffey for governor and A.D. Dively, of Altoona, for Heutenant | governor, but the convention let dele- gates go uninstraocted. Iraportant Notice. If any of your family should be at- tacked with a sudden cough or cold ‘don’t fail to try a bottle of Gray's Balsam, the great guaranteed congh ‘cure. It never fails to relieve and promptly cure coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, cronp and whooping cough. No family with children should be ' without it. Samples free. Large bot- ‘ties 25 cents. Sold only by CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Te My Customers. Owing to my large number of cus tomers to wait upon, | wish to an- pounce that it may be impossible at times for me to call on all with fish. Baltimore, Orders for bituminous coal from the eastern markets are ; ‘of business and the same will receive If such shouid be the case you are asked to leave your order at my place prompt attention. Marraew Mies, The Fish and Ire Man. Ladies our new shirt waists are now in. Csll and see them. ParroN BueprrLy Co. 8 OP. Jones, Milesburg. Pa, writes: “I have osed DeWitt's Little Early Risers ever since they were introduced here and | must say | have never used any pills in my family during #0 years of housekeeping that ave 1 katie factars as a Clr thartic. (. W. Hodgkins Paton Pharmacy. a reshygit IAXalive or Fatton Markets. Subject to market changes 5% - STR wi ' $ x MINERS Srone Oo, Baas ng I. mited A Short Cat to Hesith, To try to cure constipation by taking pis is like going around in a circle You will never reach the point sought, bes only get back to the star lug paint A perfect natural laxative ie sucon’ Celery Ring, the celebrated for afl nerve, blood, stomach kidney diseases It rogalates heres. €. W. Hodekins will give a samy cRLge free. |. Arge sizes 25 and 5 0 Cee One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. is For Sale’ Twostory frame dwelling, with fin. | ished basement, seven rooms, on | avenue, Patton, Pa. Owner will sell | at purchaser's price. No reasonable | offer refused. Two-story frame dwelling on Lang avenne, Patton. Four rooms; stable on lot. Will be sodd at a bargain { DR Focator: frame dwelling on Beach | avenue, sight rootns. All modern oon | venienoes Two-story frame dwelling, eight | : rooms, on Palmer avenue, erected in 1898, fiited with all modern conven jences. Owner is leaving town and must seil. Will be sold cheap. ; All of above properties are in good | condition and any of them will make a fine home, or wotild prove a profitable investment to anyone with any capital tor invest. PARNELL & COWHER, Ileal Estate Agents, Good Building, Patton, Pa. One Minute is not long, yet relief is obtained in half that time by the use of Ome Minute cough care. It prevents consumption and quickly cures colds, croup bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lang trooblex W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famons tittle pills. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles 8 and Consump- tion Can be Cured. Aa Eminent Wow York Chemist and Scientist Makes & Free Ofer to Our Readers. The distinguished New York chemist, T A Socom, demonstrating his dis covery of a reliable and absolute cure for consumption Poimonary Tuber. culowis and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest diseases, stabborn conghs catarrhal affections, general decline and weskness, low of Besh and ail conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOTTLES (all differ. ent of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the Patron UntRIER writing for them, Hix “New Scientific Treatment’ cured thousands permanen by timely me, snd be considers 3 a aim profiwic mad duty to sulering human to donate un trial of bi bi Segonee dally devel ®t Figs Se sho oom i Sion Ws & 3 age iy bE Hae Ww andes 3 g t Be i it, patently prrimenting io : Pie prodinges he fe Sa } $4 = 1 fe clan : iis inne troabies ana oconsaaplaon crirable m any climate i» Preses oF “heartlel wrters od g oe,’ flag in bik Lares KR in ati Erte of ther work eX peria LB. Brome a" ® trie ane 1% 3 i x HRN PLY bers consymplic means speedy an gs Pine street, 1 exprivms mie will be promplis Sufferers should take instant vantage of his generous proj Plesaw: tel] the Didior thal vob his offer in the Patron Oot 5% 4 AF Tem Fe Sud tT es Fa WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS All the month of May NF on Shen? daiiar's worth « goods roach at Mrs. Anna Darit's: MILLINERY STORE. FirstNation'| Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50 000.00. SURPLUS, $40,000.00 Aronintes of i {hetnw ns. Individe win and Banks received © goon 3 ew Ga wore. ble termes consistent wiih aie wind asreative tanking Him pnahiip tielets for sais 1or al the inating | lines, Foreign Drafis JT fn the principal | eition of the Old Wort AB ooresspon denies wii pernormi alienlion interest paid on time depiatin A FP Parrox, Wa H Saxpromn, it have only prooopt snd | Great Bargain Sais at ROINN'S, JORNSTCWN. The entire remal atc of Lawdie and Mowew' onats and Io x wild al a grea Wa will not keep any of over, They must vperyhod ys basiness Lo diy is they oAD-- come At Wa well the Papal nisin a 4c yard iting cloth at #0 re inghams at 3 yard 3 wt prices on adiew’, iidlren’s nnderwesr, the QUINN S, Rip Fe § oe: y uk Wd Pred § Yara yeh LA SVR mT You perhaps have some doubt about what we can do for vou in our store. You are not certain, maybe, how we can sell we name. The only High-Grade Good at the prices way to be convinced is to come and look at our goods and see. what No matter what your prejudice may be you will be convinced, and it will be they to your advantage, too tor * 3 are. - "w i 1% Gi weryl Lil )-1id Fev late 4 y 13! £55 AR % § w x iy 'We are headquarters I it, ke pt in a first- ral ote Call VINO % vig 3 Wish 19 purchase Or Not. lehhvered = 2 without charge. too VOur home —. GEC. 3. GOOD. a carefully. avoided. We us Boy's 15¢ suspenders Sc Fine white cambric muslin, toc quality slic. Best white cambric muslin, 12% ¢ quality gc. Men's Balbriggan under- wear 25¢ Children’s vests 5c fine summer Ladies’ ine summer vests 5c Wash Goods Specials. Latest Dutchess, nice pat- ‘terns, former price 15¢,n0w 10¢ rant vour confidence and vour patronage any new customers. Fine Organdies in high col ors at 3¢ Choice assortments of Ging- hams, Percales, Madras Linen 1 Skirtings, Ducks, Piques, FE Shirtwaists. Opened today—choice pat- teans, latest style, at 33¢, 33¢, and soc. Corsets Just night for this weather. All sizes, from to 30, at oc and up warm 18 Thing 1 1s to buy Ww he ‘TEC Vou can buy the cheape St. It's a Store Bulletin—a truthful story « of t the store = and ATC IN New belts, Regular beant- og wy hoi * 4% » EX, Ril COROTH, Ingrain carpets, ity, new and fast more patterns than stock of other dealers good (qh 3 il COLOTS ~— entire Brussels carpet, : that has made Eo Jue known as the great wearing carpet Chi that wears Very substantial matting, the kind cll — 5s 24 emember the Place -— MAMMOTH DEPARTMENT hest qualities tor the | feast happenings. . . ¥ ® - aking every hgitimate Extra good bt 6 54 te LABEL NN, FCS at 20 and 2%¢ T 4 * yu Be oes atest patter a yy of (hl Cloths - Rues of all stze AUYES GF Ki LICH i a Tr ae a HES fa dil Wika i gy oF 1 5 hasta #5 A he t eh vw dete Clothing. $ . xy 3b Tess Suits, Men's evening latest patterns from #3.73 up Men's fh lar 8.30 suit, money , Read the store news; Fxageration and misleading statements are endeavor to get it ¥ . JER 2H 4 E >a * fine blac > lar Ladies’ fast black seamless and stainless hose, al Ix ~~ STORE. x #5 wa suo if oF mat Sidi read it carefully To-day's news will bring k seamless 1a worth T * ” ah goods % Matchless Bargains in Rats, You will snule when you hear certain Hatters call their You- man Hats at 2.00 and $2.50 real Bargains after vou have seen the same identical hat at 1.23 and $1.40 at Goldstein's. This offer will knock the wind out of the Hatters Very fine and most fashion- able American make hats m all the latest Derby shades sold everywhere for $3 at $1.75. If you would prefer a stylish hat don't fail to see (Goldstein's endless vanety - ~ PATTON, PENNA.