Sue dh, A RR MA IAAT the First You not ve the Last. Hood's Sarsaparilia gives hoth. _ and gives digestive power, creates an ap- petite and invigorates the whole system, 's Grea est M, : Try Allens Foot-Ense. A powder to be shakan Into the saoms. At this seamon your fest foe] swailen, ner. {the amendment of the m yous and hot, and get tired easily, If you _ Bave smarting feet or tight shoes, try Al- len’s Foot-Eass. It cools the fect and makes _walkiog amsy. (lures swollen and sweatin , BHisters and callous spots, ~ Relieves corns and bunfons of ail pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it to-day, Soid all drugpists and sion stores or Be, Trial package FREE Address, Allen B, | Olinsted, Le Boy, N. ——" A MR RS A set of he works of Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, printed on vellum ‘and of the baunds at the Ashburtiham sale, ; Beauty Is Blood Deep, Oeanblont means a clesin skin. No beanty without It. Cascarets, Candy Cathartic clean Jo Hod snl keep it clean, by stirring up | Sn Jay Hver and 3 Sriviie all impurities ral Begin to day to banish atehes, Blac kboads and that | = Do eomaplexion hy taking Oss ~Awauty for 6 peti a Sraggiats, | guarasteed. 184 4, Xe Shipment was recemily side by a firin of a telephone equipment son City, In the Klondike region. ar et : BatTvknsec Spit aad Smite Your Life Ava). ah ne ware, especially locks, builders’ ma- terial, supplies for carriage-making, mechani © bleycles, ey whic wl es’ tools, cutlery, : sewing machines and typewriters. A SA I LB EEG SHE %'o Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Desgsits refund sooner if 1 aie to cure. oe. a Panama Canal has cost so far $350.- 000000, AILS 8 RS, A An . gherinn : ently fared Ly the Se re N in Pquid and ts take tn & an the blood a rite for ta the Constitution Prise to Girosvernier (Hep, tn. | (Dem, Le. | all sectional feeling and the reality al Jast of & reunited country. | to the debate 4% | viewed the conclusion that he negroes of the West Indies use the great toe constantly in climbing. w. Mann! Fond oo ra by o. TH I Rima Hh god The Use of the Great Tos. yours 1 suffered with sucha of the back, I could not my household duties, 1 also J of the womb, terrible bear- ! not pal It k and st ) » stomach | ¥ tones and strengt'tens the stomach | Buon in the treasary Neer certificate 4 I the other By making the blood rich and pure it ° : strengthens the nerves and gives refreshing | 's Sarsaparilla :- {gue Can insue gad by EA the dute 1883, brought S89 ‘eight hours, Pani ; ton, i finance obhmmitive i graduated according ta price Particles frredds mark or name not [eral use, and which are not otherwise Husalan merchants and buyers at re- tall are said to favor American hard- ! Mr. Lindzay the senats decided not to Dupont adulterated flour, and tax of 1 cent upon every Cling ihe holder to a seal in a palace or . parlor car or berth in a sleeping Car. | the company selling the séat or borth | being required to affix the stamp. The hill has at. FITUS' DANCE. SPASMS and all ner. ; Dr Kline's Send for | a | passage of a Will calied up by Mr. Jen. kins (Rep. Ltd (to {MOnETess & recguest Cthonm amounting to | mistence of the army, supplies of the quartermaster s depart horses for cavalry and | artillery, §1L000 000 barracks and Ltrs, §1.500.000, | $14,000 000. clothing for the army, I p00 000. contingencies of the army {00h equipment of engineer troops. 35. C60: signal service of the arty, $70.00 | eivilinn assistants to enginser off $30. 006. : non, chalrman of ; | Already mide on account of Mole Bt i ing with dispatches for CONGRESS. Ws i i tt SENATE the war revenue moasure was kid by the entire wenats Friday, two very important votes were takes, one an a proposition to coin the siiver and to issge sil- aprainst the ain, Whi ar the buped Re FFI in Hew of tf offersd bv 2d TH freer ¥ tredasury fr 7% in the treasury artificate neainst Bire LOREIGTY A Vale wns and the amendment to 21 several Hepulb Mr Allrich (Rep ner wf Tin : fir Waa finance committees, providin fame of $100 G00 006 of certifi # # cdhebtedness and 3a dy 8 bd for Ho PHY After An ext nd - aght to of 45 Fler ETE ax 8 subtityte fo gal tender hie gael exclusive] the expenses of war eff debate. the spent fon was bre th 21 the boned am porated in the hil amendment to Cotes, The war revenue bill passed the sens gle Baturday. The till was under A Boore teriipits were made to amend iL three or four Instances were the pitempis successful Partboular efMort was made fo amend the bond provision of the measure, but it was futile In every Instance The most notable amendment to the measure was that offered ty Mr. Tillman, placing a duty of 16 cents a pound upon all tea imported Into the United States The amendment reated ShEive Yote i iste de sonsideration tr rors of nt {po debsite and was adopted by a vite of 3% 10 32 ate sxperts for 100 numbers to be installed in Daw- BE a te inte law, wi i least §i0.000 000 o he pen it be raise 5 probatdy 1: is ealenisted by 1 that the duty, if it VeaRy, nnd Mr. 51 member of the provides for a tax Gon Bil a patent right, aspen to gens An amendment offered by # Demovrathe sold under taxed by the hill Through an amendment offered by pines a stamp tax upun bundies of newspapers wholly or perily pri weigh jews than 19 pounds § venta a barrel was placed A ElAmMD ticket antit- A tax of now gone 1a conference, SSA Wednesday's sexsion of the House was given to the consideration and Wis 1 to remove gl] politi disabilities incurred by the third gestion of the fourteenith amendment The debate gave speeches from Mr. 35 and Mr. Belts the obliteration of notable Ky upon Incidental mentee fae un roembey of Congress could not hold simultane. ously a military and & civil office The Bewretary of War Thursday sent for appropria- $52 RTE LES Thea peed for the several appropriations will be Ceguipment and malntenand we until Jans | uRry r PRs of the recently called for Ly Th EE t ha viadunteers President | The several itema are given as follows $id ad £1 mabe 31404 regiuine Pay of volunteers, Bo ment, $2508 000 Bar. transportation $14.- , $0 ~ army LEBER, The House practically without de. : bate passed Thursday the urgency de i ficiency bill, expenses of the army sand | periments incident to the war | based upon estimates recelved recentiy Lirom the departments Litem contemplated in i expedition and the upon Caba, woviding for emergency navy de It was and carries Phillipplae movement the Rely In cammittes of the whole Mr Cane the the war Cand likely to develop ts essential, in- P eluding the first six months of the com- fing fiscal year, at $350 000 ti. In re 1 | sponse to a question from Mr. Dingley, I Mr. Cannon said ! approximately $600,000 000, . should continue one year. a TERRIFIC £ARNONA DING. irteen United tates Veosels Pour Shot asd Shell Inte the Streagheids st Sastiage The torpedo boat Porter arrived at Nicholas, Wednesday morn- Washington She left immediately. But before go Ig to sea the following story of ih bombardment of Santiago de Cuba, | the refuge of Cervera and the Bpankh fleet, wus obtained: The American siuadron, augmented by the torpedo boat Porter, the auxil- { ary crulser St. Paul and the protected cruiser New Orleans. approached the entrance to the harbor of Bantlago, the lowa leading. As the American fleet drew near the | New Orleans was detached and steam- ed forward ahead of the lowa, Texas and Massachusetts. One of the forts | opened fire on her and she replied, the other two ships directing their fire at i the battery on the Punta Gorda. with- preme court at Washington in the case cof Marianne J. Baldy ve John H, Hun- in the harbor and to the westward of the position occupied by the Bpanizh ship. The latter replied to the fire and immediately became a target for all the American ships engaged in the battle. She retired behind a protecting head land and was not seen again during the engagement. The lowa, directed by Capt. Fight. ing Bob” Evans, the Massachusetts, Capt. F, J. Higginson; Texas, Capt. J, W. Phillip, and the New Orleans, Capt. W. M. Folger, kept up their terrific fire against the Morro, Zecapa and Punta Gordo forts for two hours, their pro- jectiles, of enormous sige, doing trem- endous damage to the defenses of the harbor, The masonry on Zecapa and was battered almost into dust and the forms of Spanish artillerymen and in- fantry could be plainly seen flying to safety behind the neighboring hills After seeking the protection of a jutting headland the Spanish warships continued to fire projectiles over the hills toward the fleet, sea, but in (18 i muthorities { denon i ta Paris, Bia prig PREC BR Move: rrancle Care eked pears 14 ; Cylees of & disinterested power 1a [AK | is sbeorbed Bank of Fpaln Care gerisue than ithe (MeAns frites] | exhausted, which net shi 0 Ties i ERG appropriations notes outstanding, which ar an equal amount of cash in the | ary. | wifes! as follows the war would cost provided it Chslnnoes 1 thers Ling any pet cash balance CEI SARIS Ceeourred under the sanction of : of that | government i The f tenance of police regulations, 1 he 1 Ceclition of Morya ‘ the anthority of the ! de fac but they had no | range, not even direction to their shots ,ooen the ROVEINMents were a . ; i =” y prganised | and the shells fell barmlessly into the i, nostility to the union established by {the National Coustitution, SPAN FOVORS 1 PEE MOY Ly A SHE IS EELPLESS. Fir Taberraanst of the Suk of Spi ar? the Desperate Condition of Her Traepy » Sxfnice! Cans for 3 Cessation of Fastilition wing fn the best In. cierted that Spain make peace, AD | REELS 4 age y Wr An oake inipuir ty Wht (srma for or + Jao ¥ be far Wpait 1G aks 5 0 aumihorities mg y and The on # pnt of this kind entertained § A rirdibrr ing af Renor Castiido ipal mnsior Being to eniist sympathy thers and ts enoony- wet rd securing pen ar 8 bakis hon rab ta Rpails With this : the ropoprt of a simile the at i= the ken TR Cidney to he fernrasnt Fie for § ou the Wa? The Aigperate condition wf the ‘eanien foarcees at Mar ant iags and Havas Added repsons why aie Al this time « Spain 5 thought ere whe Ke gre the ReT- Spar fr OW hide A funds Ronis ® he £2 0% for pesado, fut to bee anions 1G seo gre ber ymabile Io ges the initiative in a peace movemem The attention of the public at Madrid in the condition of the which is considered any reverse of the inasmuch ax (he lmpossibiily of bank to help the government the frmpresibiiity chmting the war. the expenses for fondue whirh sracunt to $20.00 00 & raonth There Was & ing Pron ams bank jast Wednesday, All pennies were represdn ritedd ; wWoneh wate in awaiting turn to changr wiiver War, te AnY thal fest 3 sine poles do ig the notes would soon be subjected to a discount. 1f the ran continoes there iz danger of the bank's sto k of silver beromink would coonpel the goivernment to résort to os foroesd ours rency, lasuing notes of eoigil demins- tion, The hanks have only $2606 00) in silver to meet a note siromiation of IH Ee Rs The financial outlook of Bpain i= rather dark. The goverrnment has on: trusted the Bank of Spain with the he ! gutiations for a loan of ing LW ee eas i MARKETS Grai WHEAT No. § Ned rad CORN No. # yes iow, war No. 3 yoliow, sheiied Mixad sar, CGA IR No, Py 39 i an i white 34 BYE «No. |} eile ‘3 iY FLOUR Winter patents Fancy siratght winier. Hye Bour, HAY «No. | umotny ECtever Ne Hay, FEF LN Brown Brag: | HIHRAW Cal WALD. ; Ck Waite M4. tos diioge Wheat ws [over 5 oY prime Dairy Products. TIER Eglin Crenmer P AreAiery. any scuniry fou CHEESE Ohi, new, New York, new, Timothy, | BUT i Fruite sad Vaxrtadiss i FEANS~Gitewn ¥ $1 | FOTATORS WY Bite, ot Bu TCABEBAGE Per cesta ONIONS New Foutdsra, Ol Poultry. Bro ¥ pur snail 5 iB "CHICKENS, IUBEREYS #5 Eastin ra. an 4 Onin 5, CINCINNATL oly 8 ioe is iv trom FLOUR. .. WHEAT 8 RYE No. 2 C GUBN-~~ Mixed OAS EGan : BUTTER - No. 3 red. FremZivrY PHILADELFHIA. FLOUR, , ei 3 WHEAT -Na dred COBN--NG. 3 mined AID No § wh: BUITER- {iteamery, extra. EGS Pa firsts NEW YORK FLOUR Patents WHEAT Ni. 4 reid CORN-No, od GALS Wile Westory BUTLER §reamsry i Efeiim-. Mage of Fong IIVE STUCK. FLAK YARDH BART CATTLE - Frizoe, 1.300 50 1 #0 0s frond, 1 50 le 1 Mi hes Thy, JOO 15 1.150 Bs. Fair figut s° ants, 0 to 1006 Ba Common, FETs MG a ae Lh Te CENTRAL LEBRATY, 8 5 04 Madia irae Heavy, Boogie and stags = SHEP, C Frime, 55 14 33 Mai, weliors. Cheeni, 85 10 96 Ba, Fair, 70 10 % Ps Common. , ,. Coikibs Wr te > Ro ned Ie TRADE = REVIEW, pesetas at § por cent, which sum is 10 0 be raised sx and when required The bank will spdeavor to raise the loan at home and abroad The statement from Madrid seemed to be almost seml-offioia : Snava ial | ¢ at the acuteners of the stringency there and the plain intin tion that the Bank of Spain, and serruently Spain, were nearing f of their financial resonrces w garded at the states deparims 4 Washington as of mages read mgnif. cares than many of the stories of bat ties on land and sea thal Rave been cofning over the cabdes for the past fon weoRs The ofet of this notice tay Ie to hasten the pwralions against Porte Rio the prize ali fromn our grasp through unexperisad termination of the war, TREASURY STATEMENT 4 fmt $16 341 108 is One Masts, The monthly statement of the publ ww that at the close of Duss news May 31, 199% the public debt, lens wh in the treasury, amoung te B CIT ATA5%, an (nereans over Lisl Teon of Bigs 1 This inorvease in dus expenMiures an account of the The db is recalitiated as 0 intereat-beuring debt, S887 57 of whith interest his sire maturity, $1 24.558 debit beard interest, O84 8 515. total, $1255 - Tk This, hawever TER ir feat tip Ce te Soex pot incinde $043 - fioalsn and Nees by treads The cash in the treasury is clan. Gold, $267. al, 63 paper, FAs 287. bonds depo Nationa! banks disbursing eto B00 RT Eas Total, $O1076738% again are demand Habiiitl =e FG Aanting to HIS 5004 in the milver, $514.22 which tata saving a treasary ¥ The comparative siatemant of the receipts and expenditures of the Gin ernment shows that during Mas the receipts amounted 10 80a) gral the expenditures 10 $7 83 wi leaving the deficit for the month §17.- 2 This deficit ia sooounted the increased expenditures an Sooaunt of the war The increase in these items as compared with May 180 about 3800 The receipts internal revenue amounted to F448 [XE a gain of nearly $4.60 Xo L111 months the receipts show | crease over 187 of aver $380 .400 004 Ba Iin- A A ATC LAWS OF CONFEDERATE STATES VALID Se Decides the Daited Slates Burson fet ix a Brad Investment Cesc An opinion was rendered by the By- ter, administrator, affirming the valid. ity of Investments in confederate bonds {during the civil war In rendering the opinton of the court Justice Harlan isakd: The transactions bwlween per { Bons actually residing within the terri. | tory dominated by the government of (the confederate states were only nol in- that they the laws or of any al recognigiog ite authority. preservation of order, the main- (iS. valid, for the reason government Crimes the property, the enforceme the velebration of marriages the put. tiement of estates the trun descent of property and similar dred subjects were during the t der the control of the heal governs ment constituting the 80 alled oO erate states What done in respect profection $11 of Contracts, ovourred af such © Wa gs tO povernmen shoul, disregarded or held invalid merely ia is bee in what Far the of | Considering the War There Ware dat Pew Pailores Periag May Grout Wiest Crepe ie Prospent CRG Duan & fos Weskily Revie C Trade 1epiria as werk May, month fatinres % # i REE ERY bh 4 2 0h Tap 7g 5% borg ly a wepdden and iP YPRT, ant vear, and fi BRITS] Hezitat in pean Glisy 'BAr CEE il ®asinty wETending Seusd Began Baturiily afte te Than #lraag TOGoer Ss, Bas wee to steady can fdenod arid FRE TE wag rant wi OTETIN Sl beg haan ¥ i ¥ we iors fae rete freRmury | t shrinkage Ted ¥ eixIeemih gh furiag the w HeeTREn E31 ; wink thus resderin te “row Ral Line Have 4143 “. ; Wy Ya Tk A farger demand for pods, In government orders and are about 1 per cent letler Toles than a month as | There is mt much sand for Wool i which is still held in main above Pthe views of manulacturers and 4 Cc Bave deciized gn average of hail a i vent for tke month Wheat Sropped 4 cenls from high Ar point after the May dea! minated snd has since been we for July tecause of accounis promis. ing an enormous yiewd hose wha were nearest the truth last year now predict about 7 INg%, and all accounts make a much larger and condi ter than a year ago stil paid fer No “ foreign demand hushels, flour orts for the aRRInst ast year and SGA from ports, against 14.33% last year, Cline tiv hastens the vem fhe fr ANETAEIng prices for WY 8 owe 45 * be aan the Ci Ker CRE Jans much tet with 3 _e ww. and § ga. 3 #20 Ry ie de market new oroep ris Pac * i. LAA evden SUTEHEER and 11 ie mot joss sury revwipis for the week Year STH ard. for the of each 206.4% NORE EXOTLS riachad YORY Fadures Tor the week Mave i in the (nited States against i year, and 18 in Canada the same *. ae ween 83 gw 51 ast 1 2 wey so 0 i RLS ME eb:¥ oe o - ® w Of anid RETUTE 3 wh fi * ww OF » e * » By w i > & TA Sesh i AA A HN Wingo] The following case was pristad originally fn The Monitor, 8 pewspaper pabliished at | Meaford, Ontaris. Dold werd raised as § iomesid {to Ita teuthininess, conssquentiv a sioes | watch was kept on the cass for {wo yesrs | Plage lgugees Lown, ie wg aoe bushels for $1 5 3M. as i {#1 050 | enire being permanent. | honith than when I gave vou the first ine i terview and minly Mie Tis : ivin | day markantie cases in moderns times face moa an alaborsts proteiise at Apology. . pouldn’t call you haosom, jou know, could 17 {unknown Iaxury with and the original siatement has now heen | | eompistely verified | Mr Paton had been a hopelens paraletis Hi age has bad wide at- | i panting ia & Ayn c hloatad al for fiva years , was nition, snd alors rallied id not take ssid food Hineass spinel scheronis, and 131 sald ha 15d por Hwee, The Canadian Mutasl Lila i Anscciatinn after a thorough axniinat) Bim hie , regariing For threes years total disability ~laim © Sim ax forever inegrable he lingered in thls con dition pal 4 Aftwy | tailing some | of Dr, fans’ Pian “ Pills £4 P ne Wil | bv ther re was a slight shangs 8 Be: fordensy uw Nwy Hite fesling in Bl mds This extend. al followed By a prickiog sansation, inst the blood began to course fromiy until st { fraely amd vigorously through Nis body, P Reng ba owas pest ore 10 hie time healthy, A reporter for The Momitor recestly } } call ead on Mr, Pate Again and was told: “You may say thers is po doubt as to my I ars in better ile iy care 19 Dr Willams’ Pink for Pale Pepin “To these pills J owe my relonde from the death, asd I «leeil aiways bless the was ndgosd to take them’ Rage is the Bistory of one of (hae most ra. of sgeh testimony, a. of modera medi | sina? These pills ara acid by all dentists and | are odnaiderad by them Io be ne of the | moat valuable remedial agests knows to : solenoe. Deamation Gilbert's dole. The follows siart exsumpls of | yepartes is attributed fo W. 8 Glibert, The dramatist was at an evening party, ari chanosd fo be standing tare bead: ed io the hall, when a fut, departiog burry, mistook him for a Waiter, “Call we a four wheeler, will you” ; sail he “Rie.” romllad the ready nathor of | "The Mikado” and a round deeen other | operas, “you are a four wheeler.” The guest wine startiod hy this reply. “Why.” be exclaimed, “what the." But Mr. Gilbert interrupted him with wy Rights of Newsboys. The judgment comes from the Dis i trie court at the natbmal capital thal | the sade Of DOWSPApETS On The atreets is i a legitimate busioess, and That news | boys have a right Ww enter street care Land sell NEWIDADATS 10 DAaRSONZETS [D- | vided they behave leave the car when their Luisioess fs | - Gndehed. | elected fos & Cme ago and had a leg crushed by a ear | | running on the other track just ofgained an award Cae newshoy wa foreibly | car in Washington some | He has of 83000 dam ages fron a Joy ander Dericlions 10 the above oot by the Indo oWell” sald the great huporter, “vos i want a position as tendaster, 45 youl { Have you ever had any experience in + | this business?” | plied, | enten at restauranis so long that | | know I'd be a good one at it, ! tall the genuine tem right off, because it {would be so different, you | Chicago News “Na” the apolicant re “hat Pre boarded arand and I could Know." i It requires ab much time to get sway | from a persistent agent as [2 Joes to | | sy good by Ww an affectionate woman, Xo To Bae for Fifty Cents Cia rat eed fihames hala Ife, Rakes wWenk prs shratig, Soc pre. i Ad 3 drugginta The only the arth tiraly of a $ wh be life oR p 20x Ver vegetal is pro dae te FUT Sap used in India, being the nallive Edneate Your Bowes wit ih Unienrets. { and { & Lh rt CRW net patio furever Pe, Be 150. CC 6 druggists rel money tes gtilize 1.008 300 Ans aail ¥ pent free, Kiandike Wap Froma hry Commas issbon's official wareey dreaa Yaniger a Ca. Calorady Springs, As pounds Lia Futile Ine Tisa's Care for Consmmpting ith fn Parres- | farnily and tiem. Ee. be 2 Tniater, Mik, Naw, itt Li my i ¥ sume 81 t Ia the “An Miyone say { that Dy. lnm Pink Pills are sot : Ptitied to ; $i Burr hii wornan br child? | pee i truth, a miracle ke careful considerstiog of LXerY | fa not the | i themselves and | uel an - Fy Tha New York Ladger fz row sucs cewnfuily gold by bright boys and girls, whe thas ears many valuable preme Pfam. Thea cents profit on each copy Navmnney required in advance. name and address for complete including Premiam List, to Bonner's Sans, Ledger Fuild- i5 William Bt, N.Y. City. (yf the cotton wring the fix Bend outfit, Flo humid fog. importsd ints Spain ® wegen sanding with 1885 mensnred Vas came ited Nigton in To Care ( oostipation Forever, re Cancaretn Candy Cathartc He ay 5 0G fast tooure, drugs Sh Pe and WHEY. MMiarkeeukicdd viakin makers Fite permanently» Pace witer Soret d Xepve red No Sta OT BETTOGS. 1 TRE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality sad sigyplicity of the gombination. bat also tor the care and skill with which it is nsaafactared by wientific processes known to the Casrronnia Fo Svar Cao. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrap of Figs is manafactured by the Cativonxia Fa Syrer Co only, 8 knowledges of that facet will assist one in arolding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par- tien. The high standing of the Cats FOHRNIA Fie Svri pr Co with the medi oni profession. and the satisfaction which the gennine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families. makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far io advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, amd it does not gripe nor nisnseate. In order to gt its beneficial effects, please remember the same of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CD. SAN FRANCIS, Cal aasyn ad xy. ew YORE, 5 v. SRR n— ASI I » ms. CR BROADDC “Wes Musto: for Bande Aw aad © Now Mask: ue. Hythe 1 Baran ta iahbing Oar Fila poNTN ANT Hw. nIitly — Are Ready For You. Call at one of our stores and try the Columbia Chainless. You will be convinced of its