- Patton Gourier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO.. Proprietors. E. Wirt UREENE, Fdirar, ~ ESTABLISHED - - 1563, | aPAXY { NEARING I PISSOLI “TION. The fate of Spain hangs on two hairs, | With defeat for her arms staring her in Convention, to be held at Ebensburg the face ahead, an more dire calamity faces her at home in the shape of an | impending financial crisis that will m totally wreck the nation when it falls; and fall it probably will, for it is difficult to see how the crash is to averted. The Bank of Spain has just been commis. sioned by the government to negotiate a loan of 1,000,000,000 pesetas. This bank is practically the financial agent of Spain, the ability of the Treasury to pay ite current expenditures in cash depending upon the solvency of the institution. This solvency is now ser. | jously threatened, for with the an. " pegotiated a beavy run was started on made by the people for silver in return for their bank notes. This run cannot continue long without draining the bank of its specie reserve and compell- ing it to suspend payment. Then the crisis will be precipitated, and the re- sult of this no one can foresee. At best, however, it is not all clear how the government can hope to negotiate the proposed loan, and without the loan it will be impossible to carry the war any farther. The whole situation presents a glaring picture of a mon- archy in the last stages of decay and dissolution. The impetus of her former | alone carries Spain along to-day, and the sndden stop announcing the end may ‘come at asy time. VRE ow GRIST OR UNRELIABLE STATEMENTS Certain of the Pittaburg papers con- tinue to send out unreliable informa | tion in regard to the coal trade. During | the past week the Post of that ity | stated: ‘The Navy Department has awarded an additional contract to the | Patton Coal company, of Patton, Pa, _ for the delivery of 300,000 tons of steam | coal, at Tampa, Fla, and the contract is to be completed in 60 days With the contract just received, the company | has orders from the government for 750,000 tone of coal, a great deal of ~ which has already been delivered. The - orders from the War and Navy De partment are to rush the coal with all possible speed to the sea coast. While the greater part of the coal will go to Tampa, n shipment of 50,000 tons will 20 to San Francisco to be sent to Hon- ‘olula and Manila.” This is a com- plete fake and is denied by the com- pany, says the Coal Trade Journal, who advise that there is no truth what- ever in these newspaper reports about large government contracta, and we are asked to take the trouble to deny them through this journal, as they only tend to inflame the men, who are in- eited to ask for icreased wages, and do the company no good, in fag they are certainly injurious to all concerned. THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE The National Editorial Association - making strenuous efforts to force the government out of the envelope print ing business. Such action on the part of the government Is claimed to be an : interference with private interests. ~The g sold last year 344, 250 special request envelopes, ag- gregating §7,371,376.96. All the profit from this immense business was di-| vided between the contractor in Hart- ford, Conn., and the Postoffice Depart ment, to the loss of all others engaged in printing in the United States. All editors and printers are urged to write #t once to the members of the House ‘and Senate with regard to the injustice. WHAT would be the matter of rais- ing a large flag pole in Patton on the 4th of the July? Not anything would be more appropriate at this particular hour. Woxper if Josiah Dolittle Hicks, of Altoona, will come into Cambria to put up » fight against Alvin Evans? Still he kas nerve or “gall” enough to dosiment anything in odd Cambria. PE TR AR : AT THE Democratic county conven. : tion, held at Ebensborg Satarday, Wm. A. Mellon, of Patton, and E. A. Good- fellow, of Hastings, were elected as delegates to the State convention to be held at Altoona this month. The dele- ates alerted go uninstructed. Isv'T mr peculiar that the persons who do the most “kicking’' about the correctness of war bulletina, are those who never have contributed a penny to maintain the same. They wre not only inquisitive as to whether it somes from a reliable source bot “kick’ be- canse it does not come oftener and con- tain more words than it usually does. It seems strange but it is a fact, never- hel Vol. 1, No. 1 of the Cambria Tribune of Ebensburg, made its first appearance Friday. June. Itis edited and pub- lished by R. J. and H. G. Kaylor, and the initial number presents every ap- pearance of a first-class journal, being well edited and neatly printed. | Itwill be a straight-haired Democratic weekly and"Will in all probability en- ' lighten many of its readers in the trials : and tribulations of Democracy. We wish the genial editors success in their mew enterprise. ; ; : i cent bottles ‘the i mended. Also will nouncement that the loan was to be it does the bank, increasing demands being Diarrhoea Remedy does the work. paration and those of others’ | took a and conscientiously | can recommend “it as the heat thing on the market.” pares a man for his home in the skies. Early to bed and a Little Early Riser, Republican County Convention. The Republican voters of Cambria | county are requested to meet at their | usual places of holding elections on Saturday, June 25, 1808 between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m. in the Boroughs and in Johnstown City, and from 3 to 7 p. m. in the Townships, for the pur | pose of electing Delegates to a Uounty Monday, June 27, 1885, at 1 o'clock p. . to nominate a county ticket and transact such other business as may properly come before the convention Jorn H. Browx, Chairman Committee. Nitiew, We, the undersigned, hereby agree to refund the money on two 25 of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, billionsness, sick headache, or any of diseases for which it is recom. refund the money on a Scent bottle of Downs Elixir, if not cure any cough, cold, cronp, whooping cough, or throat or jung diffienlty. We also guarantee one 25-cent bottle of either of the above to prove satisfactory or money re fanded, For sale by CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. dn 8 F. Parker, Sharon, Wis, writes: HH] have tried DeWitt's Witeh Hazel Salve for itching piles and it always stops them in two minutes. I consider i DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great. est pile cure on the market.” CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Dresdfolly Nervous. Genta: -1 was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea [It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole nervous sys tem [| was troubled with constipation, | kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea : soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that 1 rapidly gnined health and strength Mrs 8 A Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold at Corner Drug Store SM Geary, Pierwon, Mich, writes: “DeaWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is caring | | more piles here to-day than all other | remedies combined. It cures eczema ‘and all other skin diseases. CC. W.. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. “There's no use in talking,” says W. H. Broadwell druggist, La Cygne, Kas, “Chamberiainn’s colic cholera and After taking medicines of my own pre- dose of Chamberlaind’'s and it helped | me; a second dose cared me. Candidly | The 25 and 50 cent size for sale by Pat | ton Pharmacy C. W. Hodgkins, : Cure that cough with Shilols cure, The best cough cure Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last your. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold | at Corner Drug Store, : Late to bed and early to rise, pre- the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. (. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. : Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri fier the blood. Clears the complexion, Easy to make and pleasant to take. Bi ’d ots. Bold at Corner Drug Store. Announcements. gr All cards ander this head must be paid for in advance, } ¥ A. H. Patter, never before given a testimonial in my | But | will say that for three years we have never been without Chamber. | iife, } EE wife withont Harr my inin’s COLIC, CHOLERA and Remedy in the house; and would as soon think of being flour as a bottle of this Hemedy in the summer season. We have used it with all three of oar children and it has never failed to core pot simply pain, bat cure absolitely ft is all right, and any one who tries it will find it so.’ For sale by Patton Pharmacy 2 Ww. Hodgkins. Hundreds of thousands have been in- duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by reading what it has done for others, and having tested its merits for themselves are to-day te warmest friends. For sale by Patton Fharmary, OC. W. Hodgkins. Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of the Burton House, Burton, W. V., and one of the most widely known men in the state was cured of rheumatism after three years of suffering, He says: have not sufficent command of lan. guage to convey any idea of what | suf- fered, my Physicians told me that nothing could be done for me and my friends were fully convinced that noth. | ing but death would relieve me of my | Evans, | then salesman for the Wheeling Drug | Co., recommended Chamberlain's Pain | foot and imb | were swollen to more than donble their | normal size and it seemed to me my leg | would burst, but soon after | began to using the Pain Balm the swelling began | to decrease, the Pain to leave, and now consider that I am entirely cared. | Patton Pharmacy, OC. W_ | mffering. In June, 1584, Mr Balm. At this time my For sale by Hodgkins. The human machine starts but once and stops bot once. You can keep it going longest and most regularly by nsing DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and all stomach and liver troubles * Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Protracted hunger the scalp is starved the hair dies at the roots. It gets sh it, your hair? wash it and bras! That is why CONGRESS, ) I hereby announce myself ax a can- didate for a Re mtative in the | Congress of the United States for the Twentieth District of Pennsylvania, | subject fo the rules and usages of the Republican party. ; ALVIN EVANS, | Ebensburg, Pa., June 1, 1568, ASSEMBLY. 1 hereby announce rayselfl as a can- didate for the nomination of rea subject to the rules of the Republican party of Cambria county governing the same. R. J. YOTHERS, Hastings, Pa. I hereby announce myself as a candi- | date for the nomination of Assembly | man sobject to the rules governing! the Hepublican part Jons T. CLINE, Barneshoro, Pa. announce rayself as a candi. | » nomination of Assembly. 1 hereby date for t eubie Jo] the rules of the Republican party 0 Casahiia count verning JC. PATTERSON, © the same. v Hastingn I hereby announce myself as a candi. date for nomination of Assembly. ‘man stabject to the ries governing the Republican party. H. I. ROGERS, Spangler, Pa DISTRICT ATTORNEY, I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination of District Attorney subject to the rules governing the Republican pasty; . I. REED, Ehensburg, Pa 1 hereby announce m yoell as a candi. date for the nomination of District Attorney subject to the rules governing the Republican party. ; M. B. STEPHENS, PROTHOXOTARY. I hereby announce myself as a candi. date for Prothonotary, subject to the rules of the Republican purty of Cam- bria county. . DAVIS, Ebensburg, June 1, oe REGISTER AND RECORDER. I hereby announce myself asa gan ] didate for the nomination of Re ‘Rep Recorder yo to the rules of the | lican part Caminia county. | y F. B. JONES. ¥ ! licles that the ¢onlarin: natural color, dan Men and woman friends, ads LL I ast wit Ser { platations of Aver's disappearances of my seit » #1 have sed viour as a hair dressing and restorer, highly in its praise.” ST am sixty-sune veurs aid un motuining gray, my hair fro always ase it" HT find Aver's Hair Vigor 16 be indispensable. applications of the Vigor stopped Ww also found that #t did not ate curling or crimping,’ with EC. Atkins & Co, Indianapolis, Ind, writes: “1 have five slay i 5 You can always find FRESH GROCERIES At Our store and of Our the very best quality. Store 1S » - headquarters for evervbody as the low- STORE 00, LIMITED. Prices are as low iS————— S= — ———— \ ZARA LLIN EE a ar means starvation, and starvation means death, When What's the matter with the ends split. You It washing and dry, harsh, brittle, dull of color, but it still comes out. It's hungry! brushing would stop starvation, then all the expense of a horse's keep would be a sponge and a currycomb. Hunger needs bread, not a bath. Baldness. il the Tae Pn gir A Oo Hen $a alp an EH gi matic: a adundant mit that the i + an a silver dnilar. A few ape Foataried a headline grow { hair, aud in the apt was a sulgrect of wonderment fo my friends and pleasure or A.M ALLEN, Ne 3a ne, foots, Mo. PUD On my Isa 3 a short tune P80 Laniusi at. Hair Vicor for 4 great many years anid Laow of nothing equal to it It has piven sitisfachion among my Cusiomers who speak A. BE. FIELDS, Barber, No. 43 Princess 51, Kagsion, weed A ie It 1s an exceilent preparation for that purpose and FON HECHTMAN, Ose, d have u qer's Har Vigor for fiteon years to prevent I shail Minn, Mo hair fell out for five years, hut a few it gave the } hair a beautiful glossy appesrancg, and 1 M. E.SNYLLEK, Hrantford, Ont, 4 § i % i Fuss] i speviiaily. Dr. V. A. Murray, "One Minute cough cure is the best preparation | have ever sold or used ‘and I can’t say too much in its praise.” iL. M. Kennon, Merchant, Odell, Ga. C w. Hodglins, Patton Pharmacy. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. Graduate Philadelphia Dental College. Mpweial sttention given io the preserve. hon of the natural teeth Artificial teeth » tiewwt Baildine, Patton, Pa ‘DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYRICIAN AND SURGEON, OfMoe in Good Building, Room No. 3 Hir-Ganeral Sorgury and the Eve 2 Specialty Al mails will revive prompt sttention. DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. OMlee in Mellon block, next door to PostofMiese, Patton, Pa. Auicalls, day of night, promptly responded oat PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. fier ta Arlington block, next to Postafes. Patton, Pa AH might calls respocsded to promptly. Disses of (her far, nose and throst Piven pein attention. OFFICE HOURR-Twéamand Top m JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. -10tf. W>: DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Enpvsnt're, Pa. AL legal bastness promptly attended to Offer in Barker Building. TOBACCO and CIGARS Phe floeet Hoe in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, near P. RR. depot. MEALS R ALL HOURR Your Watch may mond Hoguint! Lot aslook at it. No for exwmi Ait needs tell you, and if yoo woald have us pot it in sbmpe we'll doit well at a regular charge thet i you won't objet to, PRI 0 pes RANE RRR FREE SEXD POR CATALOGUE. ARE YOU READY [me For winter Dos yvoulr healer give voa satiation” [hon' pat =p with troubles that anaes] vod Lest Yeer, INRULT us Ano CC hewting vonr hot, either by hotter. hot Lowtalie od shin Cay work. Can give yoo ostimates on GOULD & BEEZER. PATON, PA cagsy SPRINGS FOONDRY. We are to do all kinds of (Sah repairs, plow points, plow re reasonable. pair. Our charges are {84d dal taken in exchange $5 new wivk. 15 CHENT SPRINGK, PA Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, ~ PaTtToN, Pa. Office in the Good Building. MAH AFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Cleartinld Co, Pa. swan nodations Artehom Hest of Liquors ot Wines at the har. Siabilng sitaehed Georar PERGUSON, Prop'r. Parnell & Cowher, » Agents fa LIFE AND INSURANCE. AUCIDENT REAL ENTATE AGENTS yond Muilding, Paton, Pac Phone Nis, & YOUR FORTU une heal Keto ihe Head fre avd Firad is ud i, a WHS ver mel a it is ig’ & EAN. W FIRE, “il BEYGLE THe penis ann WI ie This ts the oppoartas. ity Sar a hustler. Foor pea rien iars address POWER CYCLE CoO. INDIANAPOLIS, IXD. Get Your FIRE INSURANCE sere REPRE rman James Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable come pan (Mee corner of Fifth and Magee Aves, Patton, Pa. R. F. Notley, Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Sen's Specialty. tr Bottled Beer and Porter for family use cannot be excelled. Prices are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA; 18, Beer a Jy