The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 02, 1898, Image 5
Rr is Tih big sonont For fine cakes and ples go to Daus’ | “Green goods st Ou Grocery any Rany after Monday -20¢f The people know where to pend | their holiday —at Patton. The Cash Grocery iw headquarters | 1 for everything in the grocery lines. 1 Mr. and Mra Wm. H. Sandford spent | § | Bunday with relatives at Philipsburg. Sylvester Walker and dy, of Hast | lings, were visitors to Patton Monday. | {is the guest of his brother, C. 8. Smith. | Dr. A. J. Miller, of Portage, visited ! his brother, Matthew Miller, Satorday. FB The U.M W. of A has declared a Jueves against Went Virginia oper. | RB Bo. see the new line of shirt J waists and dress skirts at Patton | Bupply. A little daughter arrived at the home | “tof Mr. and Mrs. Thos Fill on Tuenday | | morning. Gool sods water and refreshing root | | beer om tap at C. W. Hodgkins, Patton | Pharmacy. Cabbage, apples, Dotatons onions, | | parsnips, carrots radishes at Cash Grocery. J. B. McFarlane, of Detroit, Mich, | wae looking after business interests in town Saturday. E. 8. Bacharach, a traveling sales man for F. Westheimer & Bons, spent | | Toenday in our town. Henry L. Rinehold, a traveling sales | man of Philadelphia, was looking after "| trade in Patton Monday. Miss Mary Culp, of Lock Haven, | L. Culp, on Palmer avenoe. {he Ingest sud DSU weelsiy Bewspaper | ; published in North Combria. The amount of coal st Hawai which | has been secured for mse of the United | Sates amounts 1 7,400 tons. church services will be held in Buck’s hall this (Thursday) | evening. All are invited to attend. | The Pennsylvania State Editorial | Amocistion will take its summer cut Baten ing at Atlantic City, beginning June “The oor of the Cocnom uh on yr | Toesday for Harrisburg, where be ie | stenting Wa -Repuiiican State eon | Will Smith, of Lawrenceville, Pa,’ | visiting at the home of ber brother, J. Subscribe for the PATTON COURIER, Tomato plants at the Cash Grocery. | 8 very hearty encore, when he recited { very clover]y James Whitcoms Riley's “When the frost ison the Pankin ” Jobnstown Democrat, December M, 1897. Prof. Hipps will appear in con- ‘cert at Firemens Hall Tnenday evening June 7, under anspiossof Y. M. L | : Awesver Somerviiie's Bepori. Assessor John H. Somerville has com- pleted his task of registering the I VH< WR voters, ete, of Patton borough Fol lowing is his report in brief: Nomber | ‘of registered voters, 837, number of those from 6 to 21 years, 723; number . of children horn from November lst, 1 There 1s poetry ‘what we are saying. ‘Not metered lines or lyrical sentences, but Bomely expressions of ‘practical helps at this season. You will ap- ere Ipreciate the goods we sell you and the cash’ ‘we can save you on little or big purchases. "LET US Say a word abont Men's Suits. We offer you a good all-wool suit for $6.18. Just think of it. It’s nice looking and well fitting and as well made as can be. | We also have a suitat A Vary y Foyeier Wilke See 7.48 that is a regular yore by Mm C. ear, of Own. $10.00 quality. | ola, and music by ber brother, Richard The ones we sell at Blankley, of Huntingdon. Also bay 9.98 are actually better uy Home in Ireland,” words by Mr. | than others in Patton |S A Wheater and muosie by Pred and Altoona ask 13.00 Wight, of Omri” ht 8 and $15.00 for. Commercial hotel. -26t2 'WE CAN Show you an ele-| gant line of Boys’ Children's Suits — all] prices and dollars save on every one. 1998, 58 Eraudicg's Bespieadenes. June 5th to 13th the city of Reading will hold Sesqui-Centennial Jubilee and for this cocasion the Beech Creek raii- road has completed arrsogements for the sale of excursion tickets for all points on its line to Reading, Pa, a return, at special rates Fia preparations have been made for the oslebration and a large concourse of people is expected to sttend. June Sth, Sth and Mh have heen set apart as special days and a very interesting program has heem arranged The Beech Creek railroad will sell tickets ‘om June 4th to 1th retarning, good until Jone 13th, inclosive. Nothee To the People of Priton We, the Band of Patton, not receiv. ing an invitation to turn out on Mon day, May the 3th thought our services not required; we jeft town. Jas J. Hovos, Viee- Pres. i 2 i i Te My Castors. {tomers to wait upon, | wish to so mounce that it may be impossible at ' times for me to call on all with fish IN 1997, op to and including April 30th, and Owing to my large number of cos J fe such should be the case you are. "WE CARRY A Fine line OF aun amt oe sare wot wonton Star dinner pail, heavy tin at $ Orval dinner pail, best quality - Fancy Jappaned flour can, holds 50 ibe, at . 1-galion galvanized oil can at ; 10-quart tin backed gow at large granite wash basin at Granite dh pane, 250 to Ciranite kettle Xe to Tow ovens freensrs; Sqm, - § - * Screen doors, oo pete, angen Enobw, ele. Sepoen windows nice pond; 2 for Large Sday clock, oak, at « 2 Nice gilt frame mirror, 7x18 inches Good. fall see wank rabher at “Amerions’” bicycle, best valoe ever offered, . RN 13-piece chamber sede decorated, :: : Leatherette innch boxes, Men's heavy work shoes, Men's dress shoes, oor andersil ing price - . an 7 Sicheapest prices, Chidren’s small shoes, <3 the best on the market, ‘and vour price, too, is all right; Ladien shore at « Ladiew’ dress shore WE ALSO have some big Umbrella ‘Bargains; also just received a. mice lot of Ladies’ Skirts, lack Brilliantine, figured at 75¢c.; and a nice lot of colors. “Plaids and Silk Skirts at unheard of low prices. | Nober, of Allport, Ps, are visiting at | | the home of Carl Bargewson on West * The Nicktown & Spangler Telephone company have the poles in piace for the new line and will piace the wires {and ‘phones in a few days — ~Bpangler Sentinel. A valuable borse belonging to How- ard Woomer received a broken leg one ‘day last week by being kicked by | another horse. The injury proved so » | unfortunate animal. A runaway train of loaded mine cars ‘on the incline at the Sammit mine, in Spangler, badly wrecked the tipple last Saturday morning, and deprived the Seige work up ‘till Thursday of | this week. Spangler Sentinel. Elsewhere in the COURIER will be; representing Dilworth found the announcement of M. B. coffee importers of guenhens Esq, of Johnstown, for dis- i trict attorney. Mr. Stephens is a good | staunch Republican, worthy of the The miners employed at Stineman colliery raised a flag at the mine Mon. day afternoon at 4 o'clock. The flag, which is an emblem 15x30 feet, was the employes of the mine. Evans, Esq., of Ebemsburg, candidate of Cambria county for Congress Democrat. Following is sent from Washington, iD. Co preparing for a crisis which she ex- pects will occur in the Far East. Of t gil of baving 8 weak ‘ficial Information which bas been castles in Spain. — | received at the Navy Department _ ‘shows that she is buying up great the idol of: 1 quatition af Soa 1 oS Now this is not correct, inasmuch as Great Britain never buys a pound of but on the contrary our western slope is a large user of the British Columbia | and Australian coal, which under latest | neutrality regulations cannot be sup- plied to us, for any purpose. —Coal! | Trade Journal. One Minute Cough Care, cures. That ie what It was made for. nut Tobaon and Miss Effie | | was a pleasant visitor to Patton San- | serious that it was necessary to Kill the + office he is seeking for. He now holds | the office of city solicitor in Johnstown. | purchased with a fund subscribed by Alvin | ‘delivered an address. — Johnstown “Great Britain is evidently is storing it at her yard at Esquimaalt.” 98¢ ones up to $3.98. 'WE ALSO Have the Overalls © and Jackets that we sell for 88¢, regular prices 81 each. We have the soc Over. alls and HE, at 38¢c. each. | WE CALL Your attention to | our elegant line of Straw to $1.98. WE CARRY A Complete line. Up-todate and at! penny profits. and Hats are always ahead of the procession. ¥ be seen in any other stock in Patton—and are bright, fresh and new. the biggest and best line 1 oresenting them with Base Balls and Bats. your SHOES, WELL Yes we carry in town. Ask neighbor. COME HERE First or last, and our motto still is ‘Penny Profits—Big Sales. MD SHOE CD. si Directly opposite the Bank. § Hats from the sc ones up the Celebrated Sweet, Orr prompt attention. 1 1 | nL y 1 & Co. Pants—from the ! MarrrEw M The Fah and lew Man. G.0. BRADY, iti AR A RAE OG SR REY Always safe! Riways fhe Pl ain ig ia — EVERYBODY ADMIRES OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF CLOTHING & SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS. USINESS IS CERTAINLY BOOMING IN OUR BOYS’ AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. ‘We're selling Children's Suits very cheap now-—cheaper ‘than we ever sold them before—much cheaper then they can ‘be bought elsewhere—and that's the reason of i People You always give us s the best we don't want poor stuff at the but what you send us makes the ‘quality of our food and our people | like good things to eat. we need not tell vou to hurry, ‘because vou al- ways prompt. THAT'S ALL! GOOD BYE! They Bear (lose Inspection. arc ‘are bound to trade where they can get the most for their OUR FURNISHING Goods Next to Bank. THE KEYSTONE CLOTHING Seventy.Ave thousand more volon- teers akirts at Mrs. Dartt’s buy your bread from Daves oppo site the Palmer house. The Beech Creek passenger Umain, doe in Patton at 10:35 p. m., was over foar hours late Priday night, owing wo a freight wreck near Mitchell's station Henry Kibler, of St. Boniface, was in Cresson Tuesday morning on his way to New Germany to attend the wedding of Aloywins Schrift and Turesa Schmitt, which took place at that place Wednesday morning. - Cresson Record. The tax on beer will be raised from $1 to $2 a barrell, on tobacco will be increased to 12 cents, on cigars weigh- |ing more than 3 pounds per thousand i will be increased §4. Perfumery, chew- ‘ing gum, coal from the Western Pacific states, money. vinced that we exhibit THR that all our goods We also make the boys happy Ladies’ Fine Shoes and Dry Goods a Specialty. Mirkin & Kusner, Patton, Pa. L. W. COOK. It May be Possible That a Rumor Has Reached You That We are Going to Leave Altoona. If so it is the truth for we have purchased a large Dey Goods Hotse in Harrishburk and as soon as we can dispose of cur present stock we are going ont our immense stock we have PUT PRICES DOWN to Jeave Altoona and resume bosiness in the Capital Sty New things in ladies black ola : To quickly move {jower than von have ever known them to be on Standard ( oofls. Everything in stock has been heavily redooed - Patronize your home bakery and’ mineral waters, bills of | exchange, drafe and promissory notes {will be taxed to help pay the war (Opera House Block, | expenses. i aged ax Carpets, Ladies’ Jackets, Millinery, Dress Goods, Domestics, Fancy Goods, Men's Furnishings and all Sorts of H sasehoid Goods, Cut Glass and Silverware We want every one within reach of us to come bere sod have a share In these Wonderfal Bargain Offers and to come soon a8 the goods are going fst Immense throngs are comm daily and you will mise the greatest chanoe 10 save money ever afforded if you fail to join them before our sale closes. Come to the Bargain Feast we have spread for yoa in this Great Removal Sale and you will find that it will richly repay you. Our stock must be closed out at any sacrifice and cur patrons are reaping the henefit of oar losses. This sale will continge but a short time, sO come as son as possible to the Big Store. L.. Cook, Mothers who made selections from our Boys’ and § s Childs ren’s Department HRE the past month, were con- E Suits to every ONE to (ure ctensive [ne of SHO ES y for Summer Wear will bear ck se Imspec ron. An examination will show ¢ the extreme care exera: every detail of rial f and workmanship is what makes the excellence 1m stock. You cannat tell by the appear- ance in Often the shoddiest looks the neatest before thev are worn. It takes close examination to tell difference, and {ifference 1s there Patton Supply Co. dl mater aur » + 15 a Bw gx tagse Lines, - ROOCS the the ALL GOODS DELIVERED ALTOONA, PA. FREE. a & sean ane edna