GOOD ROAD WISDOM. It is constantly being remarked in conversation and printed in interviews and editorials in the papers that better roads are very necessary, bat that they | are too expensive. The community is too poor to do anything, and there the matter ends. This need not beso, saysthe L. A. W. Bulletin. There is hardly a town or county in this country in which the money now annually expended is not sufficient to procure much better road surfaces than now exist, while a very slight increase in expenditures would make great improvements possible. Road taxes most be paid in money, Ea We, the rg. dn hereby agree to refund the money on two 25 ‘oent bottles of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, : billiotmness, sick headache, or any of the diseases for which it is recom- mended. Also will refand the money on a 50-cent bottle of Downs’ Elixir, if it does pot care any oongh, cold, oN ctit Sole of dither of the stove ito prove satisfactory or money re. faonded Forsleby C. W. Hodgkins, | Patton Pharmacy. Neosieary Soe 18 —— The instroctions issved by the War t to govern recruiting in the time of war give the weight required for men enlisting for branches of the service, together with a table showing and not in labor. Good results have never been obtained by working out road taxes, and it is not in the natare of things that they should be. What ever is to be spent on the roads must be available for nse in the employment of experienced help under intilligent | i supervision. Proper grading must be secured, hills | reduced and fillings made until no steep | hill exists that the farmer most ‘Joad for’ every time he hanls over the road | The bed must be thoronghly drained | or a good surface will be impossible, | and the surface must enable the water 0 dow off $adiy. Nothing ruins &' road si quickly as water standing on it or soaking into it. ~The roadbed must be crowned enough | to shed water and must be kept in con- | dition by asystem of regular repains 4 and continous oversight. = JANet a Good szface is cured by he | above methods it must preserved and maintained by permitting only the use | of wide tires on heavily laden vehicles, | thereby contipually rolling and im- proving it. I HE MAD DOG BUGABOO. In the June Ladies’ Home Journal Bdward W. Bok writes on “The Bug- | aboo of the mad Dog,” quoting s num- | sme i ber of suthorities to show that there IsBo such disease as ‘hydrophobia’ | and inquiring if “It is not ie; whore | the physical proportions for height, weight and chest measurement For the infantry snd the artillery branches, the height must he not less than five ‘feet, four inches and weight not less than 120 pounds and not more than 190 pounds. For the cavalry branch, the height mnst not be jess than five feet, fonr inches and not more than five feet, ten inches and weight not to exceed 165 pounds. No minimum {weight is prescribed for the cavalry, | but the chest measurment must be sat. isfactory. Frmt, A black cow with white spote on back and belly strayed from my prem ‘isos on Monday, May 18 A liberal re. ward will be given. MIKE Boswox. The human machine starts bat noe and stops but once. You can keep it giant Tongent and most regalariy by ning DeWitt’s Little Farly Risers, the famoms little pills for constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. W. | Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. : LArt de in Mode. The current issue of L'Art de is I Modie bs full of the most important dens of all kinds of costumes. Seven ‘colored pistes and nearly 100 other illastrations make it the most osefal bock for dressmakery published. cles of great interest vokutiea 23 tions as to every important branch of dressmaking. Altogether this is per haps the best number of Art dela Mode ever imued. 1/Art de 1a Mode is for sale st afl newsstands or send 2 | conte for a sample copy or 38 cents for | a tingle number to The More-Brough- | ton Co, No. 3 East 19th street, New | York. Seuss wink into insignificance With the man who suffers from piles What be desires, is relief. DeWitt’s Witch Hassel Salve cures piles. CW. Hodg | | Kins, Patton Pharmacy. Gentle Hint to Patton Borough. Mrs. William Quigley ,of Lock Haven, was awarded $8,000 damages for a a’ | broken thigh cansed by falling Wilmore, Penn’a, Thursday nd Friday, June 9th and 10th, 196, | what other pa dbin ic rs Anna Dartt's. S. We have Just received a line of black tan shoes in B and C widths In i display advertisernent in the Patron COURIER, or who wish to change their fering from coughs, (or any throat or lung ¢ Siasane includ: through is bole in a boardwalk in that city! | March, 1808 Het Satinad #iso wai, swarded $200 for expenses incurred during Mr. Quigley’s fliness. The "Dow Forget | That Mathew Miller has the Carroll- town manufactured ice for sale; also foe cream and fresh fish. -23tf Ladies our new shirt waists are now | in. Call sand see them. Parrox ScrrLy Co. ' Patton Markets. | Babject o marin changes: | city has applied for s new trial Por the best fresh fish go to Matthew Miller. - 1981 “To Adwertiems. Hereafter all patrons who wish a Jr banded I ED a ue i be Rell over Mil ihe BEXt yusk All wel time tn which, lo. receve ; business; if mot, the paper Hable to be imuned several hours ihind time and bg wig os would have good remson to sompiaa. | : TY fo ge copy in early. PaTros Pra. Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was mode for. rane An Yanporman: Qeestion. If your friends or Si Sm me sore rest } 1 over and Otto's ‘Ours il German remedy oo — ung Hodgkins will give you a sample bottle free. No matter medicines have failed to do | A Short — to tion fins famous ( large sale here and is performing some wonderful cures of throat : ‘diseases. C. W. AR # ie 4 Whim of Lows TL T In “The I of OM Paris” the author, Tighe mys the trans formation of the chateau of Vioosnmme into a dungeon was Aecided upon by | Louis XI while in 3» sardonic mood. “He walked one Say in the precincts of Viecennes, wrapped in his thread. queer little pealbnd cap : st the the jenden uaden image of toe Virgin ‘What's just the thick. makad ‘Bix fest in in others,’ anvwered see ntion. and tapped the great wai ih » ” * 03 is igh! 5 d . duly 7 —Akszo J : of the murder of been sentenced fo be == Easley % Leese, UNDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, ETC. |All calls promptly attended to. Office in Cornelius building, next to Commercial ho tel, Patton Pa.. and Spen cer bullding, Hastings, Pa. building, Barneshoro, H- C. EASLY, ‘Manager. sos | ‘New Shoemaker Shop. I have secured a first-class Shossakis Wih Joary of sper | enor ve opened a shop in the rear end ¢f my : Shoe Store and am now prepared to do all kinds of work, both in new and repair, on short notice. A tral wall convince you that we lead’ in neatness and work- manship. ‘A Share of Your Patronage Solicited. All Work Gnaranteed at : Miller s Shoe Store WEDNESDAYS & SRTORDRYS All the month of May on every dollar's worth of goods bought at MILLINERY STORE. Repair Work. ~ Piste of Paitett, is now prepared to do | all kins of sewing muschine repair work ini | | | firstcinm stybe. A specially is mde of the Low Armed Singer Sewing Machine -3e4 ‘ TE J GLE Also office in Spiece SE ur Dee pelid of Somat Be rg pe. wen Ree TE Suan #8 whmille. ok rey. svaey Bw the i mer rR Wiarw Dot ErEweieRte oh . Semen Prise. SE Wagons. Sond Se Somew Sov — 1 i BY gt we walter PO Cutndnpon of G5 oer vm rr DT re CLKNART CARRIAGE AND NARKNESS WP. CO. W. B FRATY, for'y, BLERARY. DUB. DR. S. Ww. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, |Ofice in Good Building, Room No. % APGreers Sevpry ave Se Ban Seecemy 0 ; oils will reosive prompt attention. DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block. next door to oatofiee, Patton, Pa Bmw oe Night, prvonpdiy pa ALE ris, You can always find FRESH GROCERIES At & ~ best Paton py a amar Of 1 Tras BoU BRT nfs mand Ro2pm JAM ES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building - 10ef WM DAVIR — Attorney and Counselor of Low, ExexsscnG, Pa PAT emi Deanioes genanptly attended 6. ! i in Rmrier Patiding. TORAOCO and CIGARS Brwt line is Patios st G. J. FITZPATRICK'S P R R depot. — MEALS £1 AL uorEs. our store and of the very Our verybody. quabty. store 1s - ” headquarters for e Prices are as low as the low- S ? est. RBA: 3 Ms CC bom of En Io a Lh Lh Le ill T T i 2 E 3 TE HE To St ENE gr Si 5 RS AA A TE A NO AS PR 3 SNE. KD OO SEH 3, MAIO ANS EAN 5 LAS 0 5 PO HANIOSS WH Trin Lo 0 i You Doubt US! You perhaps have some doubt about what we can do for you in our store. You are not certain, maybe, how we can sell High-Grade GoodsRia— at the prices The only way to be comvinced is to come and look at our goods and see what they are. No matt oat your prejudice may be vou will be vid and 1t will be to your advantage, too. We are headquarters or Attorney-at-Law, PaTTON, PA. We nant. Caw Baiting, Patton, Pt Phone No. 8 FIRE INSURANCE James Mellon, J.P Good and reliable com- panies. Offloe covger of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. RE _ Notley, Wines, “Liquors, Beer, Etc. D Laz & Son's Beer a Specialty. family ase cannot be excelled Prices . are reasonable. TG., ETE. In fact everything kept in a first- class Uup-to- late Ger neral Store. Call whether you wish to purchase or not. All goods delivered to your home prop and without charge. == GEO. S. GOOD. CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA; at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers