The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 02, 1898, Image 2

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@merican Battleships Lying Outnide the
Harbor of Santiago Where Admiral
Cervera’s Cruisers Are Anchored.
The navy department is now positive
that the Spanish fleet is anchored In
Santiago harior. The news was re
eetved from Commodore Schley, and
his flest of Duttle-ships ix now arrayed
before the harbor from which the ene
may's ships must either emerge and night
or be sunk al their anchorage.
The cruiser §t. Paul, commanded by
Capt. Sigabed, Inte of the Maine, which
bas been cruising about Santiago for
he fast ten diye, alno reports the Span:
fish fleet anchored fn that harbor.
| The President sald to a Senator when
learned of the whereabouts of the
; ish fleet, that the invasion ot
Cuba would begin immediately after
the Spanish fleet had heen entrapped
or destroyed. Judging from this, Cuba
welll be speedily invaded
| It Is reported that the fleet and sol
diery are monopalizing the supplies
stored in Santiago, and fear and fam-
Ane prevall among the people.
Schiey's blockade by sea and the in.
surgent lines on land prevent the re:
jenishing of the stores nf provisions
result is much excitement and dis
satisfaction. to which patriotism hax
Degn subordinated.
Phe people believed that Cerverd
would simply take on supplies and xo
Ott to mee! Sampson in battle In
stead, the appearance of Schley's sgn -
Centipetied him ro remain in
fig relief by the Cadi
quadron. The arrival of that fleet 1s
necessarily uncertain, and the people
of Santiago realize tha a mistake was
made in bringing the squadron there
Cervera (lepends upon the Caddie
squadron to uncork the beste into
which he is shut. He is believed to
; r of the poming of the feet,
he cable is censored rigidiv, and no
w are allowed to leave the harbor,
o Believes it impossible for the
y ships to dash loside after
. because, in addition to the
torts, ihe channel hay been thor.
nw hily, the Insurgents ars draw.
availible forces around the city,
are propared, in the #vent of mn
can naval victory, ti Attack the
r on the Jand side, and try to take
ast stronghold of the Bpaniards
ast t of Cuba.
Commodore Schley has secured &
uban pilot who knows all about the
Cuban coast and harbors, having been
in the business for 17 years. It is said
mt he Knows the exact jocation of all
je mines planted by the fipaniards at
; A ollowing dispatch has been ro-
| oelved from the correspondent of the
Associated Press with the American
off Sarntiage de Cubs.
Off Santingo de Cuba, May 2% —Cowm-
modore Schley and the flying sgusd-
fon have the Spanish fleet bottled up
the harbor of Santiago de Cuba
the most clever maneuvering the
! re. allowed the Spaniards to
he had left In disgust. They
he balt and ran ints the harbog
odors Bohiey moved down this
ng. atid at € o'clock, going close
the harbor. he saw the Cristobal
pn, the Muria Teresa and two tor
pmmodore Schley has acted upon
‘ B 18lmmation and judgment for
Hparish fleet is there, He sat
After triangle of the Brookiyn
wrning until after the discovery
fleet, and he then want tp break |
jaya, and lelleves the
: , late commander of the
Maine, now eaptain of the
St. Paul, last Monday captured
ah vessel which attempted to
cargo of coal into Santiago de
is Hkelihood of intersa-
complications over the seizure
Hritish ship, as Bantiago is viot
‘port. But, if the vessel
enerny, | neutral
her, and we can
i Te il
f a mixing mill at
, powder works of the
lompany. at arney’s Point,
oe ron N. J. last week
Penns Grove, injured.
mills destroyed. The explosion
poited to have been caused by a
in the mixing trough. The mili
and the flames were come
featod to two other mlils nearby.
they were alno destroyed.
One hundred and thirty street cars
were destroyed in a Haitimore fire
fant relay. 5
{s ¢fficially announced at Buenos
hat 400,000 tons of wheat are
avikllable for export,
are de-
in | BEC
the “wheat king,” fur
market, and raising the
leading German newspapers
have consolidated and will
ra COmpAnY, of which
1 be President.
P. Hallowell, of the Na-
Commerce, of Boston,
disappearance of Fred
assistant paying teller, leav-
of $50,000.
y was signed a few days ago
en the United States and France
laces the minimum rate upon
oducts exported to France.
's capture of Manila has
ed up the price of rope in this
eountry. Manila was, outside of Mex-
dco, the main supply for raw material.
A Pittsburg boy, Frank Peters, cele-
ra Jewey's victory with a tommto
Ind with powder, Both his eves
wn out by the resulting explo-
hlehem Iron Company of
yivania, has mad and shipped
ferviiet arsenal the largest can-
ever turned oul in Amer-
anx The 1 nited States soldiers
ars anchored the great American
Rehley's fiver, Either Cervera
the protected harbor and engage
an honorable defeat
poetic aatiim which he represents
there in na refuge for the Iroops
are on the outside, ready
Wide spread dixtresd in
from the interior of Spain.
All goods fram Americ
ars to be admitted free of duty.
Thirty thonsand native volunieers at
Manila have ofersd their sefyices in
Spaniards at Manila are rajodc ing
aver the appronch of another Rpamish
Three tims nx many men will be sent
= tons of cos! at Kingston last San-
More than twenty (ransporis gre
to Cubs
Two Ametivan newspaper correspin.
at Matanzas
The (Cuban insdrgents ard belber
srmed and mounted than ever and mre
now moving spon Havana
The transports waiting at Tan
convey the troops ti Cuba are costing
the governraent 355.006 a day
The Commissary Department
has on hand at Tampa, Fila,
saanths’ rations for 00006 men
Ralloons will be nwed in determining
the exact position of Admiral Cle
vera's lest fn Santiago harbor.
fo Ys
byes the cities in preference 16 wud.
rendering 10 American soldiers
Capt. Blane gays there are nly four
American gun boats along the Uuban
const from Santiago to Havens,
Three gin on bom of ihe faguhip
the Dwwey, Rehloy and Farosgnt
The soidiers of the north and saath
together Lbmerved Memorial day on
Southern hattiefieids ast Monday.
Senor Polo v Bernabe, late minister
16 the United Mlates has Deen Sppoint-
ed ambassador to Hungry Ausra.
Spain wil sot 6 out A third fest,
she has pone to Bt out, neither will
whe send 5.000 men to the Philippines.
The tneaston of Cob i
delayed until the Spanish fleet
beer captured or is utterly dinpeomed of
Fifty thousand
under the second
fil out deficient
call will be gee) 16
regiments already in
pel the impending attacks of the in
battie-ship Maitre was one of the fent-
ures of the Memorial parades at {hie
cago last Monday
Admiral Sampson's squadron ls ving
nenr Key West, prepared to intercepd
Atlantic coast cities.
The temperature about Cuba fn 11a
degrees in the shade and the men on
the American battle-ships are wuller
Ping from the extreme heal
The Spanish Minister for the
premiums for Vessels carrying pro-
visions to Cuba and Puerto Rico,
Three Spanish spies fired on Arperic.
an soldisrs at Fort Taye,
8 Tew days ago
ane returned the fre the
The second call for voluntedrs (o the
number of 50% men is for the pur
poss of Blng up the companies of the |
different state regiments to Lhe maxi |
mum Hit,
of coin at Kingston for
ron kas been warned and he
net be anded,
Home Spaniards disgusted with the
attitude of the European Powers, bow
Believe that their only Bowe is in
directly negotiating with President
MeKinley for peace.
The horses and mules at Tampa
suffering greatly from the Isent
a day.
or no shade for the horses,
Spain recently sent a note inviting
the blockades of Cuba. The
cided to take no action, and no replies
have been received at Madrid
The American bark Saranod. captur-
ed some time ago by the Spaniards,
has been released. Dewey sent
gunboat Petrel to Tolio where the
jay and she effected a rescue
has been arrested and held as a spy.
The contents of his trunk indicate
to be an officer of high degree.
1t is the president's intention to end
the war before the summer is over
A train consisting of ten seeping
cars will be held in readiness at Tam-
. to convey sick and wounded sol
dters to the nearest hospital as soon as
the invasion of Cuba has begun.
The naval authorities entertain
hopes of capturing four of thes Spanish
cruisers, bottled up in Santiago har-
bor, intact. These ships
Tampa and Key West, that the pu
fie will have no knowledge of the in-
terded Cuban invasion. untit th
troops are actually on the fsiand
An official denial was jssued to ru-
mors of the coeupation, cession or
sale of any Spanish territory Lax
France, and it was aiso denied
the latter intends to otcupy Moroucan
Gr he WOK to the disgrace and rumiliation
irs the disaster which will befall the city
ar inkabitants
to capture the city as soon as the font in Ginpowed
to the Philippines as were first intend. ;
The cruiser Harvard took on bene
waiting at Tampa. Fla to take troops |
dents have heen arrested by Spaniards !
Residents of Porto Rico say they will |
Brookivn, wers last Buniay erisietad
of the troops raised |
The Ssaniards at Manila have turned :
the guns of their forts Iandwied to re.
The tattered peanant of the (H-fated |
any Spanish vessel from approaching |
"olonien, Senor Giron. proposes 10 offer |
Rey West, |
Although the Americ. |
Bpaniards es
have purchased 198 tons |
wldiers in
soatherr Cube. The American squad. i
olin will
Ustrustion. sink hie ships or surrender, |
sad |
they are dying at the rate of five or 1
Many of the camps have jittle |
the powers to protest jointly against
pawers de- |
the |
A Spaniard who wanted to know too |
much about the channel at Key West ;
hten |
would make |
additions to the United States |
So strict is the news censorship at
of :
that |
The inhabitants of tins hexutiful Cab an city
the terribde results which must fellow
are Ax terpninesd
Are NOW RANK IOUS awalting
a faliure to surremier 16 the Araeric-
Just outside of the harbor
« tin-whips EO post NE Copnmodaors
will bring his Spanish cruisers ont from
thie dea "
thes American,
Battle with
The Cuban insurgenia
i The war department hay dally oom
| municatiane with the Cuban insur:
The currency of the ited Riates
will be legal tender on all islands oo
cupted by the United States during the
war with Spain,
Contractors at Ran FPranciseo ars
furnishing the Troops with an inferior
aunty ivf fund, aye the government
wiil investigate
The Spaniards retained $50 of the
{ American newspaper correspondents
mney wha Were recently exenanged
for Spanish prisoners
A letter wan stolen from the Spanish
spy headogarters at Montreal, cons
{ saining a list of Spain's spies in the
| United States Immense rewards have
i been offered hy the enemy for the y=
turn of thix jetter which is said to
"have fallen into the hand of United
| Rtates detectives
| Gen: Merritt to Have Absolute Control of the
i Islands New Calle
{The state departraent Bas maiied to
i General Merritt his oF hanstive ne
| structions for the government of the
| Philippines. These smbady not spy
Loti detalin for the contral wf the mili
I tary and naval forces in sutabliishing
| topited States soversignty over the
| Fhilippine group. which Were prepared
I hy the war and navy Jdepriments far
j ineorperation ie the instiuctions, bat
wre understood to clothe the command
ing general with greater Sinersiionary
powers than have aver ui In this (ine
| peer ETADLAE 16 AR REEL of this gov.
senmment Except in his raintions with
foreign powers growing out of pos.
gibi complications in the east, which
are to be referred to Washington for
pegotintion, General Merritt es contr
of afairs will be practically supreme
The instructions throughout bear every
evidence that the Dnited Slaten fniends
fo preserve permanent Control of tha
In this comnectibon fn onderstoot
{ made to bay A cable from San Fran.
cleen by way of Hawall directly to
Manita, and the work will be winder
taken ax & military necessity the mo.
ment authority for the expenditure
can be secured from COBETOAN,
Americans Decorate the Grave of Lafayette
! Present War Referred to
With a view to check the fro Rpan
jun feeling at Paris and enlist the symy
pathiex of Frendhmen on the wide of
America, 8 special effort was made by
the American rolony Monday to do
honor to the memary of Lafayette. A
big gathering procesded 16 Bis tom
in the Pleous cemetery hich was de.
Cooraled with wreaths and mutusi Nagy
The United States ambissador. Gen.
| erat Horace Portes. Aepuwited the Am-
erican wreaths amd In an eloquent
speech referred to Amuirica's debs to
{ Lafayette and the “unbreakable ties
i betwen the two propics © He Was
C warmly applauded. M. Flartholdi fad
Jowed in the same strain, but be wad
he deplored the fact that there exited
a new spirit among msdern Amerie.
ans which “differed from the traditions
i of the founders of the republic” He
| sald Progpehmen looked to General
Porter and Americans Hike Rin to
! keep
great principles of Healy and joestice
i which presided at the Wirth of the Re-
} pabile =
The Capture of Santiage
Santiago is cut off by a
country and ihe insurgents ross Lhe
{ rest of Cuba. Jt ie therefore, mips.
wihiv fur Blanco to reinfores {f, even
Lif Be could spare Irooge
The capture of Santiago watild con
tpl Cervera to rush upon certain de
{ mpd the Administratios. # it chose
enuld estaniieh the Cuban Government
The Muster of Troops.
Adjutant Ceneral Corbin sald Tues
tered ints the volunteer army under
the onli for 125.008 met. and that the
remaining 150 men ‘were In stale
camps ready for the visit of the mus-
{ tering ofMicers The apparent shortage
Pfs divided among the tates uf ow,
Mississippt and North Carolina.
Eo ae
The italian cabinet hse resigned,
The German Admiralty will shortly
Aispateh the shoal sixip Moltke and
| Stowch ta the West Indies for the pro-
tection of German citizens residing in
Central America
The Spanish military agent Senor
| Sandoval, ts still at Bertin, It was he
{who effected the recent purchase in be
| half of Spain of the Marth German line
I greamer Havel :
The unveiling of & rnonument to th
fate John Jacob Astor ocrurred al
Waldorf Germany, last week, with ap
| of the Grand Duke of Baden
President Faure, of Fradce, regrets
that the efforts of the powers were
' futile In restoming peace hetween
| Ameries and Spain
The Frankfurt Zeitung says that the
i Spanish Minister aX Copenhagen has
sdueed the Government nf
3 Tas
| Antilles to afford Spain certain facili-
i ties in regurd to hey feel
{The German papers teem with
| enstic comments on the all sged
; tivity of the United States attrib
Ling it “toa jack of courage” or io
vuynreadiness of ts forces” especially
ta the notorious comdition of lasub-
| ordination of the American militia”
the United States falthind bo the | ©
I Evan's finances were in 8 .
romdiese |
of the external debt
| athe
i tional debt
rhe necessity of 8 230 per cent, inorease
that 121 500 troops bad been muss 0 0
propriate ceremonies in the presence { Saturday
I Beat
. L Turkey
jestruct the Danish officials in the
bo ffed 3
! Mavana, that the esthange af prison-
| den Jones, the
The Destination of the Troops Canmot be
Learned Gen Miles Takes Personal
Word has reached Tampa ordering |
the troops mobilized at that place 1D
prepare for the Cubapg invasion at
omen Cen Miles and staff left Wash.
tngton Tor Tampa last Monday and ne
will take personal charge of the invad-
ng army
Abonit 25 ships, the biggest and fast-
sat that oogld be shtnined. have besn
gathersl to receive the troops They
will aceommndate about 30.600 men, for {
in a short vovage like that from one of |
the gulf ports to Cuba 1 ie possible |
tes PEFPY BR Much larger number of
mer abonrd ship thas would be admis.
sihia in the came of a cruise to the Phi
How many troops started
they tank ships where they are EE
are queetions whieh the directing wpir.
ftw of the campign refuse positively
tov answer They have no dekire that
the Spanish should have opportunity :
afforded them to gather forces to at- :
rack our soldiers as they land :
There iw a suspicion that the star?
will be made from Tampa and Mable, |
and in probable that in such case
the fAeeta of fransports will converge
at Key Went to move wysder The con
vow of warships which Admiral Samp
sory Bas provided 1a insure them
against attack at the hands of some
stray Npanish orgiser of ganboat
It lw probable that there will he nn
Lesw than fogr sesarate military expe. |
Aitinre and thar thess will be innded
At four Siferent points Whether
Porte Riso is one of hese pisints of
nat cannot be jearned Bafora the
enit force which it is proposed to ose
tn Cuba oan be landed the (Fansporos ;
must Make four separats VOVARRes
acroms The straits
Arrangements Rave been raade to |
wilttee 1he MOTVICES of the insurgents |
tor the largest possible extent The |
government Riready has sent expe i
ditions 10 a args number of potas on
he ikiand and ianded arms for the in |
where |
surgents Most of the parties succeeds |
i FA 4
[She and her distor ships, St. Peal, Paris and New York, ebartorel dy he Doverament
* for suxiliary cruisers.)
{.5uls and the Tug Wampatuck were ar.
dered to cut the cables that start from Rantiage de Cuba and dluantanamo
- -—
Om the 18th of May Lhe cruiser st
The Wamphtuck. regardless of mines entered
af sonal
foented the wharves and L050 tone
Marra opened on the Rt Louis and the
The American boats immediately replivd to the
of the 8 Leuts had demolished all but
crabby But escaped,
duy they were chased Hy a spanish
«f perfectiy In gaining their ob jest?
and it was said ar the war department
that 8 suffelent number of the insur
gonits Rave heen armed 10 constitute 8
vary «forties support for the troops
as they laad
Her Represestatives in Paris Endeavoring |
to Raise $50.000.000.
Revior Lean ¥ Castille, the Spanish
kr bas anadnr to Frances, bas peturined tw
} paris tn continue his mysterious pega
tigtions which are now helleved to be
Erancial rather than political
The Paris correspondent of the Daily
Mail says he hears that Renor Leon jy
Cantilo is charged to endeavor fo
Boat 4 loan of £0 O08 0060 Fab Okey 000}
an the security of the lobhoiyg mono:
ta Coarrespondencia Espana
serves An unexplained feeling of des-
pondercy in noticeable. As no bad news
ras Deen received we can only suggest
that this feeling ix caused by fears af
a protongation of the war
In the chamber of deputies to-day
Senor Puigrerver, minister of finance, ,
rapiving to the criticisms of Marquis
Ae Villaverde, Conservative, with mse |
spect to the fnancial policy of the |
BuNErnraent, repudiated the charge of
want of foresight and sazeriad that
stint lors
condition assuring the payment of sil
the expenses of the Wat Renny Puig- |
corver said that tn view of [he INR- :
Wibitity of nRegatiating loans a bervand
{Rore Was fo means of raising funds to
continps (he War sxiept by an extans. :
fom of the Bank of Spain's note issus
which Bowever did mot Impey A farce 4
paper He proposed. he maid
Vo canvert the treasiyy a floating dedi
pow searly Rta 06 Deke Til, into |
penall dermpmiimiion treasury bonds i
He esulained the praedl conversion i
nut avoided any |
oto the proposed tax on (he na- :
Benor Puaigoesryer wR red
ily i
atl taxazion, including that on RET
Believed Senor Gomago, the |
instroctien |
Senor |
It i»
serene nl Minister of pubdic
and Liternl leader will repiace
Puigorrver, tow minister Af finance,
wha has abeoiutely declined In the :
coprtes to Agree tH an income 13X, and |
who is consequently eX je tad ta resign
Remar Gomags favors the pv spread TD
post, Jt iw said that the conceaniration
of Row lady PosipR EN the neig? Pout Pony ©
of Gitesitar i» dus th an increase in *
the British military preparaions
Preiser Raastas organ, the Liberal,
says that the diverging interexts of
the powers preciude for the present
any prompt. definite diplomatic action |
giving Spain powerful European back
In the porthern transept of West
minster abtwy Wheres England's great.
fest dead rest, the body of the late Wii
Ewart Oladstons was entombed
with the Csrsmanies of the
nation he bad served and of the chureh
he had loved
wear 8 Straus of New York has
tepdered | post of minister
The President is dissatisfied with
iro Tess made fn prepanng
ar troops for aCtusl service
department has been nati.
pips ‘Gnsul Geodian, At
and that ths
Maple, with Uharies Trrall and Hay
American corrasponid-
board, has sailed for Key
ity gh ;
bese ty ef ew edd,
ers has
| Cadumbia came into port at New York
| and wagon might have pen driven.
Charge of the Forces }
ier to peat
i eoliteban
D xawed pnd brought to port hy the Cols
C genbia
| atoms is pothing short of a priraeie |
| During the collision the
| agninst a torpedo Shute ingded with a
| af gun cotton There was ni explosion
: besn placed in dry
: Columbia,
i I
i Bertin is greatly pleased
ity. Agling
| foreign office and proteniied,
1 ao ted
: goarsfed and no
leave fur
, Wars to fn
5 pine
troops, armed with Mauder ©
Rave agreed to go over to the asar-
Collides During s Dense Fog With the United
States Craiser, Colombia.
The Thaited States protected craiser
Sunday. with a great hele Ia her Star.
board quarter through whith a horse
The gallant vessel bad ali & heavy
he warship had bees In
with the British steamship
Foscolin, Saturday evening, during 2
thick fog while erulsime off Firs
fetand. The Foscolia was mank Her
afoers ard crew, numbering 31, were
Not 8 fe was oat nnd sobody
“That bots vessels were nat blown to
Fivscidin ran
Whitehead missile carrying 58 pounds
It wilt take weeks to repuir the Colgan.
| Bin, The exact amount of damage will |
pot be knows until the cruluer has |
doles :
The caplain of the Foscollis paces the
responwibility on the captain of the
Capt James H Bands
Bt will take three weeks W repr the
cruiser Columbia
Toleve Theneard Volunteers Pas Before
Their Commander-in Chief
One of the most briffiant military |
PE RERTLE enacted Kinoe she grand muse
tering out parade of the Federal ;
troops, doen the streets of Washing |
ton, at the close the civil war !
easrred at Caep Alger. Va, last Bate!
srday when President Makiniey tes
viva ead the Troops Now quartered there,
Wis The times ie puer Thirty
epgres tHE! an are voip tases ren-
Angvausant in the of war Rod paseed in
feviesn hefore ihe porna erin niet |
af the army and Aavy and the deimson-
stration attractsd many tigen aide
from Washingion and the surrounding
fountey the camp grounds near
Falls chureh. There wore T0000
troops in line
German Neutrality. :
United States Ambawsadiy White at :
at a fresh
on lence of Germanys stiict neutral.
upon information from
a a ction
oY a
the harbor of Spntiage sod
T.ast Wedpesday the guns of
after two cables Had bean CHL
forte, smd soon (he big gune
The next
ave of the shore Bator
Coe Om ST SA SSS 0 Vo Br : {EF il RoE AES SS
eorsat a1 Hamburg
the Spanish steamer
tor wail alth eontra- |
White wont the
with the .
guvernsent officials
The steamer WAR
ronteatsand of war
found on board.
NR Se i
the United) SNiatew
to the of ert that
Mangan was giwiut
nf war, Mr tes
that the
pea A
| of thopsands,
i fruba.
| ates. amet the Cubans generally Bave
days apo that a
| bving sonwiderad,
far follows:
: approved on the
Centitiadt, CAR act
| existe between the United Hates
| America and the Kinsdom of Spain,’
i and
Small-Pox snd Malaria! Fevers Threaten O08
Tehabitants— Yellow Jaex Not Dreail-
ed by the Oubars
The rainy season in Cuba began
more thas a week ago. and it is not
unlikely thet Havana is a perfect pest
Bode. An old resident of Havana said
“Havana has malarial fever and
| smiilipax the year round. but they are
not epidemic except in the rainy sea.
son. Within a week after the rains Leo
#in the death rate shows a large i
crapge ard the situation grows Worse
i ihe season advances But x few days
| are suvigh to scatter disesse,
“Wham the war Broke aut there were
150,000 persons in Havana who had not
| sufficient means of support for one
asi. What must be their comditign
now After five weeks of the blockade?
Ag a rule Cubans ars nol provident,
while Spaninrds had something when
the war began. the Cubans nothing”
Weeki before the blockade was e8-
tabdisdad a large Cigar firm commenced
to feed its workmen In an immense
Kitehsts The tobacca sapply had ron
{ onl, the factories were closed, and the
workmen were soon almost starved
Hunger soon puts & persaf in a con.
dition In which pestilence can ]
wsehpe Bin
“Anson the recofiventrados snail
pox has Killed more than any other
The prople were unable to
keap clean, arable to be vaccinated,
son willing, and they died by tens
In their debilitated con-
dition diseases operated rapidly. Small-
pot oabt Bow te be dangerous in
Malarial fever is now feared
by the (Cubans more thas yellow fever
Yellow frver atteks a person only
in # mid form during
them eforth ime
this Absepase
childhood), and are
mune: hut not so with matarial
! which also i8 very contagions,
“in Havana provinces thers Sree nO-
fo meraus bands of from 8 te insure
gente ach, They are no longer able to
rald the suburbs as before, the Se-
fonses having been strengthened. A
small body of Spanish wildiers whe
winld veander away from the own
wuld De pretty sure to be chopped to
pleces by Cuban machetes With the
fect in front and the Cuban guerrillas
benind Havana is practically
wheged, and the same may be said of
the othor towns.” :
75.000 MEN WANTED.
Prostifent McKinley Wadnesiay ino
gid a proclamation calling for 15.000
sifdivionsl volunteers, The suddenness
off the derision w shown by the fact
iat Secretary Alger stated only two
fall for troops Was aot
The proclamation is
SW Rorens. An set of Congress ‘was
5th day of April. 1888,
declaring that ar
AW hirea. II an act of Congress on-
titled, ‘An act to provide for temporari-
ie mereasing the military establish-
{suomt of fee United States in thane of
{wear and for other purposes’ approved
LoApril 20 188s the
Hl eR
fed. in order to raise a volunlesr army
he -
{po lwsue his prochunstion calling for
Velateers to serve in the army of the
Fitted Rinles
i bow, President
| yipttwe of the power vested
Ae papart that the «ummander of
the Catlas and Admiral Monti have |
owen sentenced to death ly untrge
"The French crubser Puls will soon
Argos her captain peporiing
Rat he cant gel provisions in Masia
Prov isfons are very somes in Manis
Foreign residents of the ily are ang
foe 16 got away, bul they do not KGW
Aguinaide. the lender of the Pht |
insurgents, 11 is sald, has 35 my
fen, pros
paring 0 attack Manta
ir is reported that the native soldiers
pants ge soon Ax the laflsr make an al
tack in foree an Rpain's position
The prigs money which «il ga tag
the Blige Jackets of Hear Admiral i
Dewey” squires as a regis of the Qo.
srenetion of the dnanial feet in the bay |
Gf Manils, # sstimased 33 Rin guid !
$s eReh an !
Ls od
have utahia
THe Ww 3
i shipment of
Winen theses gr
drive the Span.
yet, owing
they aXe?
& Tew days
ive. Ley Tin
tBey Pr
aries into the ek
dd mae fat if
arms, bal
rites In
FeLi Me
Weyier declares that uba
wit! be lost unless he ix sent thee
Cinew on the beiand, le declares he
sonbl invade the Linitied States
The Spaniards have offered 305.000
Por the Read of Agulinaids the nsur-
“ Lory hase
whips are a}
sult provisions
PBroviIEONs are
Arar an
ia Manila bay
fant hage fresh
| Bai
| Hmsensinns.
the toieps
£ Hang Kong has |
ae] Nrates auxi
gunboat Bafive from tuking war st
to the American feet,
The governor
srokibited the U
Fleeing sufficient occasion .
have thought fit to cali forth and Bere
ne do call forth volonteers to the ax-
| gregdte number af 5.008 in addition to
i the volunteers called for By my proc
| inmsition of the 234 day of April, In the
| present
| lvped, as far as practicable, among the
| peveral States and Territories and the
{ nniens stoner
' Lietails of enlistment and
Lnill hee made Rnown through the
i Department,
Porhaye of the
L unteers: Ohio
with a decisive rush.
{ tmvaxion until there
FE Tampe,
ra gw, therefore 1. William MeKin-
af the United States, by
in me bY
pawn, and
1a 4
the Constitgtion and the
the same to He Appelt
Iiwtriet of Columbian, according to the
jpulntion, and to serve for two years
reme proportion of each arm and the
In witness whersa! | have hereunto
ent ory Rand and csused the seni af the
[aited] States To he afiged
Prone at the city of Washington thin
spssty- #7 day of May, in the year g
r Lard ane thousand cight busdved
4 sipnsty-eight amd of the independ
Lipmes of the nited States ihe one Bune
Ares amd Taenty-serond
“ie the President,
Reorarapy of State”
Having developed into a way af acs
capatipn. vaelly greater sumbers are
seeded (RAR Were counted Spon at he
fest enil was made
i owas anticipated that the oniy mii
tier anerations wouki be carried on In
raha Bat stipes Dewey's sapture of the
Phitinnines 100 gen Rave Doel taken
syoven The Fores needed for Mr ha
Pennsylvania will furnish about &-
Ex men for the seciotud muster af Hie
£545 West Virginia 8G
Marviand, L168
Wor Until t1o Forces Equal t2ese of Hanes
Will they Leave Tampa
1t is the intention of President Me
Kinley and the war department that
thy imvasion of Uuba shall be i
There will be BO
are 0008 men,
encamped at
11 is pointed out that General
filanes had an army of perhaps 100.00
acelime tized troops. In the opinion of
the authorities it would be foolish to
seid less than thst pumber of United
grates soldiers there particuiarly as
many 57 them are mw recrais and not
aeclimatized. When the blow in struck
it must Ge decisive amd it will take
place almost Samedistely after the
trisips have been landed There will be
uo hombardment of Havana until the
American forces are sn Caban soil and
shen army and savy will make a colle
Lined RITaoK.
Spain Has No Allies
sadenl corvespomient uf the
Times coTunenting on the
vx of 0 sadness prevailing In
of ministerial
nat veaily seri.
sf a fuller appre-
of tite situs
pelons th eX~
Europe. even
Houssia g. mine Mr
seriain & speech averse from do-
£ precipilaty CaRpICA-
Min now Epos she must
Borgel alone an unequal
“1 avcount
58 in