THE PATTON COURIER MAY 26, 1898. hn a A A NISHA SS FS 8 Be Of Properties of North Cambria County 0 Take Pinee June 6. ; Sheriff Wertz has advertised the following properties at sheriff's sale at i the court house, in Ebensburg on Mon- day, June 6, 1898 at 1 o'clock p. m.: : ; The interests of William Gottwald in | alot of ground in Lioydsville, having | thereon a one and a half story frame County's Capital. dwelling house. Minerals reserved. : | The interest of G. W. and Sarah J. Ebenshurg Pa., May 25rd, 1898. Sol. |p, jn two acres of ground in Reade | ———— json HES From L. A W. Bulletin athe thonsand af riers and scrapers For uows, = nis the war has begun Make Afty reporis in the papers Toy every reper from a gan, THs worn i always debtor ‘Bo the birds (had wing at will, For whens er thw spy 8 worm they Po esrth and present their bill Thix thine Pye fond 0 be no joke J Omi plessitre int” poe will get “hmke EBENSSURG LETTER. News Gathered at fy Important Cambris i ro —— a A A IRE i 3 Announcements. par All cards under this head must be paid for in advance. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. hereby announce myself as a candi- date for tbe nomin of District Asorney sabject to the rules governing “8. L. REED, Ebensburg, Pa. ASSEMBLY. I hereby announce myself as & can- didate for the nomination of Assembly subject to the rules of the Republican i 3 AeA en Sa bp ARE i nn Sa A nh ng es a ARAN The Best Remedy for Bhenmatism. + According to the newspapers, an | From the Fairhaven (N.Y. Register. | Ohio husband became the happy father ished basement, seven rooms, on Magee | Mr. James Rowland, of this villuge, of seven children not long ago. Of the avenue, Patton, Pa. Owner will sell | states that for 26 year: his wife has even all lived bat one. It is to be at purchaser's price. No pegsonable | been a sufferer from rheumatism. A hoped he laid in a supply of Chamber- offer refused. few nights ago she was in such pain jgin's congh Remedy, the only sure Two-story frame dwelling on Lang that she was nearly crazy. She went cure for croup, w colds avenue, Patton, Four rooms; stable Mr. Rowland for the doctor, bat he had and coughs, and so insured his chilbren on lot. Will be sold at a bargain. read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and | aguinet thuwe diseases. For sale by Twostory frame dwelling on Beech instead of going for the physician he Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. avenue, eight rooms. All modern con- went to the store and secured a bottle ~~ : An EE . orit. His wife did not approve of Mr. | (UY PIRRCT FROM MANUFACTURERS. Twostory frame dwelling, eight Rowland’s purchase st fist, but never | THE KING GUARANTEED rooms, on Palmer avenue, erected in theless applied the Balm thoroughly : single Tate Tire. Light and Past yet Strong For Sale! i Twosatory frame dwelling, with fin- | i t Wagoner and son of Nantyglow were |, hip, having the a four-room | ty of Cambria county governing : : same. RJ. YOTHERS 1898, fitted with all modern conven | and in an hour's time wis able to £2 to in town on Satarday. : Married, by Rev. Hunt on Toesday, plasik house nd dots vis Miss Lottie Smith and Mr. Teeter, both : in Chest Spring, having of Juckson township. Also on Satur- lot of ground in ¢ i day, Mr. George Guthrie and Miss Deeters of Mahaffey. Congratulations. Quite a number of cattle and bores eve disposed of st Kimball's stock The new cement t laid by ~ Sawyer & Conley |n front of Mr. Web. Griflith’s property is quite an improve- taining eight rooms and a frame barn. The interest of Jennie D., and A. B. Cushing in a Jot of ground in Spang. The interest of Paul McKentia in one-half acre of ground in Cresson Harbor, of St. Augustine, _.. ;, o jot of ground in Jackeon pleasant visit 08, hip having thereon a two-story | ' dwelling house containing four rooms. The interest of Jobn and Margaret Courtney in a lot of ground in Gal litain. The interest of Charles F. Luther in | 41 acres and allowance of land in Sos | quehanna township, having thereon a . plank dwelling house, 4 bank bara and Om Satarday, Ma an examin- °% | mg eT 1. Gibson eld an exami. | Henry J. Behe, attorney in fief for High School, and the following pamed in Carrolltown boraag’s | successfully: Minnie Holter, Virginia Also the interest of same in ohe-| Dale, Saral Holt .R hel Anderson | fourth of an acre in Carrolitown a Walter Xie 1a ~The interest of James F. McFarlane, Wanted. in a lot of ground in Spangler bor- with some cash to embark ough, having pail the county sest a ‘Mr. Frank Donahue, of Carrolitown, | was in Ebensbury to-day. A partoer thereon a two-story in the advertising dental business Ad- | dwelling house containing seven rooms dress Dentist, care of COURIER, Pat- and outbuildings. ; toni. Pa The interest of Mathiott Reade, as a signee of James H. Gant, in alotof ground in East Ward, Ebensburg. to market changes: de penis per pound i ¢ Le xs ed - wt Forge! Acsers That Mathew Miller has the Carroll bushel oo cor mantiactared ioe for wie; also jce cream snd fresh fish. -23tf Ladies cur new shirt wiisls are DOW in. Call and see them. i parron SurrLy Co. Bloc are Mixers Srore Co. [Limited] {s For the best fresh fish go to Matthew Miller. -108f ah DeWitt's Little Early Risers, wi i 3 a : o bopn ¥u nttie pile. wo | Hooks and eyes, with humps, black and white, 2 doen for bc. Bedspreads. Large white bedspreads, ready for use RE MT I A 1 Ladiew' shirt waists, percalle, from Ladiew' fine silk waists from $4.00 op Ladiew’ fine dress skirts from §1.50 up. Ladiew’ fine silk dress skirts, 7 gore, from $1.50 up. Ladiew' fine silk and satin capes, lat- i] est out, from $3.50 ap. | : Ladies’ ribbed cotton vests bc. Clothing. Men's evening suits, latest novelties, colors. 14 rows solid-head, needle point pins for le. Sister maks, from $5.50 up. Youth's 3-piece suits, latest novelties, from $1.36 ap. | : _ Boy fine dress suits from §1.00 up. dosen 5c. . per box Te. Gents fine summer underwear, bal- brigan, from 20c up. 22 up. $1.45 up. the LOWEST PRICES eugr -— MAMMOTH __ DEPARTMENT thereon a two-story plank house oon: | an For Silkoline 5c spool, large spools, all Printed lawns and dimities, styles, from 7c per yard up. Nickle plated safety pins, per doz. 3. Large hat pins, with black heads, 1 Lienen writing paper and envelopes, Men's large blue handkerchiefs 4c. Pure Turkey red table linen from Ladies’ fine dress shoes, all sizes, but- ton and lace, §1 and up. Ladies’ tan and cloth top shoes from Hastings, Pa ; announce myself as a candi- pomination of Assembly- , to the rules governing 1 date for the Re in A pu JOHS 1. CLINE, Barnesboro, Pa. 8 BE Parker, Sharon, , writes: “] have tried DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve for itching plies and it always stops them in two minutes. 1 consider | CW A Sheri Cut to Health. : cure constipation by taking | pon dre’ t .. It regulates the C. W. Hodgkins will give you | package free. Large sizes » question and political What be | desires, is relief. DeWitt's Witch | Hazel Salve cores piles. C. W. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. Por Sale. A twostory frame dwelling house with kitchen, porch and necessary out- buildings. Full lot. Also city water on premises. It is known as the Swan- son and is situated on Beech avenue, Patton, Pa Built in 1897 For terms apply to E. C. Brown or Wm. H. Sandford, Patton, Pa 263 constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, the great blood purifier. cures headache, nervousness, eruptions on the face, and makes the head as clear bell. Sold at Corner Drug Store. Two Lots for Sale. Two elegantly situated building lots on Fifth avenue, Patton, will be sold 0 cents. Palmer avenues. Write to or inquire of E. Will Greene, Patton, Pa. tf : Pish, meat, lard, syrup, vinegar, flour, potatoes, onions, apples, red beets, radishes, sour and swent pickles 055559555558 555885SISSSISSSSSEQ Aammoth - Department - Store, Booming Bargain Guns Bombard the Weak Fortifications of Old High Prices. TOTO TETOO TITTIES TIENT IIY. Hew jences. Owner is leaving town and must sell. Will be sold cheap. All of above properties are in good condition and any of them will make a sleep. She now applys it when she feels an ache or pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no - medecine which she had used done her $5.00 PER PXIR. THE KING MPG, OO, Offi X00 Areh NL, Phulladeipbia, {as much good. The 35 and 50 cent siwes for sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. FirstHation' eiphias Pa. OF PATTON, ' patton, Cambria Co., Pa. fine home, or would prove a profitable investment to anyone with any capital to invest. PARNELL & Cownnn, |W. Hodgkins. Real Estate Agents, What Dr. A. E Salier Says. Good Bullding, Patton, Pa. N. Y.--Greme--From my The Westfield (Ind. } News prints the fothe effect of Jour Sihilob's cure in | following In regard to an old resident cases of ad consumption, | am of that piace: \ McAvoy, for prepared to say it is the most : many yoars in the employ of the I, Able remedy that has ever N. A. & C. Ry. here, mays i to my attention. It has I have .qved many from consumption. used Chamberlain's colic, cholera and at Corner Store. ory for ten years or : Diarboss Remedy fr ln Jn 0 yup WONDERS OF SCIENCE family. Ioconsider it the best remedy Senne . of the kind manufsctared. I take Tung Troubles and Consump- tion Can be Cured. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. Aecoutita af Cargarstions, Rr i. Individe ivid conservative hy 3 pleasure in recommending it.’ ” Itisa fic for all bowel disorders. ri sale by Patton Pharmacy, ©. Ww. Hodgkins. : “it is the Best on Barth.” i That is what Edwards & Parker, © TE culosis) merchants of Plains, Ga., say of Cham- heat diseases bborn i 8. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich., writes: afflicted “DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is caring “is $30 S00 ine Treatment’ bas more piles here to-day than all other cgred thousands permanendly by ita] remedies combined. It cures ecsema | timely nee, and he considers it a simg | and all other skin diseases C. W. | profeasional to suffering humanity xt to donate a of his infallible care. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Science daily develops new wonders, Late to bed and carly to rise jjpre- a te Brot Spams Jaucut! ex- pares 3 man for his home in the skies. Lo ite beneficial bud Early to bed and a Little Early Riser, | humanity as can be Rit the pill that makes life longer and modern genius His jt better and wiser. CC. W. Hodgkins, lung ] curable climate is ; Pution Pharmaey. “heartfelt letters of gratitude fled in and hig American and Inbra- | Fy : " i Fy Susgariant Question tories in % from I cured : If your friends or nei bors are suf- 4 al} of the world. fering from coughs, ¢ sore throat, al experts or any throat or lung disease | inciud- higl chest and lung troubles Joad to ing consumption; ask them if they consumption, Ww aninterrupted, have ever used Otto's Cure means speedy and certain : famous Simply i that bron. | ain death. : Gerinan remedy ix having a ato T. A. Slocum, M. C., large sale here and is pekotaung some 98 Pine stroet, New York, giving pos wonderful cures of throat ng Mee and express address, and the you a sample bottle free. No matter Quffarers shou cake instan what other medicines have failed to do Sul oe of his i ts LR try Otto's Cure. Large sizes 25 and. pleaue tell the Doctor that you saw 30 cents. his offer in the PATToX COURINR : G Cut pr children’s Linen crash Se. Fxtra good cotton crash 4c. Turkish bath towels, large size, from Sc ap. Fine bleached muslin, one yard wide, 5c. worth S¢; will not yellow like cheap muslin, 8 So Good domestic 9-4 sheeting, 1 dc per yard, worth 0c. Fine dress percales, fast colo, new designs, many patterns, from Sie up. Cushion crash of best grade, in fancy bars, 13¢ per yd. {rish linen for zhirt bosoms and fancy work, 1 yard wide, 30¢, » Hats and Caps. Men's dress crushers from 0c ap. Men's fine dress derby, Stetson and Youman styles from $1 ap. Men's latest style soft hats, brown, drab and black, from 81.25 ap. Men's crash hats, asscried colors, 35¢. Latest make caps from 15¢ up. Articles That You Need. Best fast color perealle finished prints, new styles, Sec grade 5c. Best Turkey red calico, worth S¢, our price 5c. Lancaster ginghams, latest bars, 4 per yard. Comfort calico, a grade worth 5c at 3¢ per yard Latest designs in drapery 8c and up. Curling irons, all sizes, Sc and up. Men's gray seamless socks 40. Lace curtains, latest make, from 46c per pair ap. Corsets, white and drab, good qual ity and make, $00 per pair. Men's good working pants, all sizes, Men's flue evening pants, all sizes, from §1 up. Men's extras fine dress shoes in tan and cloth top, patent leather, vici kid, and kangaroo, $1.75 up. Carpets. Heavy cottage ingrain carpet in showy patterns 5c per yard. Latest pattern Japan novelty carpet 19¢ per yard. lograin carpet, heavy grade, best colors and patterns, 35¢ per yard. Best all-wool ingrain, choice colors, 60c per yard. Ladies’ faat biack seamioss hose Sc. marked on PERFECT STORE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers