| BATTLESHIPS LEE FOR MANILA. iii Cot of the War Thuy Far Estimated of HEAVY EXPENSES. Tar WAR DISAPPOINTING. rer Sh SHA 10.840. CANNOT BE FOUND. A LONG CRUISE S30 Co ¢ = Ana Secretary Alger has sent to the sec : ; I petary of the treasury (or transmission A \ J Wt 5 X 5 Lo. = Ch he Admiral's Con! tapplion Are Being Ex- Another Terrible Fighting Machine the to Congress supplemental estimates of | Independence of the United States se Well ® Yams nd There is No Friendly Rawierey. Goes to the Beiteter Dewey appropriations ageregating $88 635.640 of Spain the Aim of the Insurgests ort in Sight nthusiazm at Sax FPramcisso { redptiired by the war department for An Opies ion from Madrid Bi iiin # Fo : tHe mupseort of the regular and volgn. Ly “i HY ; ‘JB / tewr armives of the {Tnited States for | en —— Admiral Cervera, of the Spanish TT Fo a The Charleston ia will on her way 19 the fret six months of the fiscal Year | rye vice.president of the Coban Tee squadron, is earning considerable re- | if SLR 2H, og / Manila The hi ory Hey ns ending June 8, 1558, in wig fae | public Senor Mendex Capote n ups 1 ; $ e is thssugh the foiden Gare at amounts appropoiated in the acts af | iin : ; Rd now upon hs wid to eACape the g - = : ! on Gat ¥ i Bn March 15 and Mav 4 O98 The par: . Jpurneying ta Washington said the two great ficets of American warships. | SINO0 URGE. Tovar steam Vess®l 1% teular items for which appropriations tither ilay to sn Associated Press 00fe Last wéek he was reported at Santiago | ! Sl {ne Barbas lew. ay rewalr 4 Capt ars asked are given as follows | respondent ; abn. astral B Yewedia- | a on . : CGilass and him crew. Nope of the Torta Expenses of the cotmmandin par. rn: oy that port Brom the ones | er —— : EE = in the harbor saluted the vesss! bit | avs office, 31.060. contingent Fxpetiaes yr ee strand or § i x [gps - 4 ‘ VIE es . the daa rat mate thee #14 bg ae ER aE Fm A yan BE re ee Jisrded the ROTLEETR Coast i ar : : . oe 8 sol tars a oy Ho ¥ uirtos ho Rep as general 8 duparteent, 51,088. ment noon junction with Rapor Paims. i it is believed that the : - re pe _ . : a i fre asnilous When tho ensal Was ee of tha afer So of : anh incionn the precise nature of pds again left Santiago before | Coe : mm = k dehted comming down the bay the nt ! BEC 0, SoRey ¥ GT.804: pay of the repressntations | shall make Their aon arrived : To? ; - . me nine ven i five ay the ats colunteers FEL aR subsistence of Heer i tH setabilsh a firm gndere oi <a i y 5 a ” 9 7 2 iz i Ps Oy thas hppa 3 Tis ¥ a iia AER EB . jell officicis at Washington how. | J. ; A : . hgh yy oe re aa 8 and fe { the army. §18.219 635: regular supplies | “ta ding between the governments and d ; ; J H Per oom Viale They ined the LoarN | Lane {eo 5 : t an engagement shortly | - : H for 3 wile and hur Sirs clear = re GUArtermimter 3 department, $6 000100 | prTAnEe a basis of co-operation in mile dy ees th 4 The i : , ; . Bs 1 - : red YW Svs ERE : ran | incidental x penees FUarisrias ers rary designs ant a ~$yil reorganize. ‘ ¢ squadrons, conl sup | i fT ES cut fredys the mem wha gars 85 SOON 10 | Soom stent £5 nh ab ormen far tion of (he nd WwW fee . Hs ply of the Spanish fleet is becoming ¢x- ra = L follow the (harieston to the scene of | Ar hbiiion I ft wi eI a | isla ¢ {edd immensely hawoated and they have no neutral ports , po” : i Adriral Poway » feymnh a | . TY nd Artie, Be wre | grateful to the United States for their whets 4 _sufielen: quantity can be se. : op pn | haiamirin's Big siren i 4 The racks and quarters, ¥:30 M00 BURY | al ecgred. The run across from Cape da : rls Ginsdpiigrhdm Mgein art cna | lrAnEportation. §30.000.900 clothing and | The nes.decisive character of the v NE at = eo = I I A Jan again and | amp and garrison equipagy. AM0- war 5 far x a Kote diegppointing to erde used up the greater part if not - : " the whtetler wae Reard from one end 4 : unig all off Mervera's coat supply. Bince then > et il " : or . i of tha city to the other il YM: contingencies of the army FA... pa. bat we know the American pans @tops have been made at Martinique, | 2 7. | A ~~ Never Mut a war vessel leaving nie! Iedinut 2nd septal TR a1 ae rei Curacao and Santiago, but at no one | : el — 3 harbor received such 3 sond-off as was | Soo STO spn sd a nities i, of thew places has it been possible to | J LE | Riven the Charieston which ous the EE nance sie - rues fi 1 % = 3 3 1 Ld : : #2 of the TT P| site 7 oon hil rman of Torftiioad take on more than enough coal to car. | % > Cet a first of the Ameeican fost 10 De BUHL: 5190.50 MA tant pe of arms ry them to the pext port, which wound | 2 » AY fa 4 ivr tha Pacific oan She was a et tT ei EL YM : be from 360 to $0 tons at the most. At gr A : i hy a Fone the [inion iron words in j = Rips dd = EnEane, > TMP i Curacao the amount of coal secured | : : / ; 18 ¢ ak: . Pranciace fan yefira $0 and Was id Han pr - engines ariners. aid pot excesd 100 tons, ! ” ; dh Ae : x Nd Ian i af the pest.Spgw’ of Lhe present 3 4 a 000 mn 3 = oe ’ 4 ; At Santiago there is no conl, unless | 4 2 ; Wh Ya, - ; arian wavs LS } to this me ie x Fates and np ‘eoftiers have brought It there recently, we ; nr : ; Tae Montersy was orfared 1 ry Taare whch Bs not belisved to have ovcurrad, | ry oa stim 2 sod to Mawmils to reinforce Admire I NA area jin, 25 240 abd As against these small supplies, the | —————— 's YL ; ; - i Pewayts spisdren s Stamterey tes agi a ring REE Shh id nk ships have been consuming So 4 Ak Ty PA R" | towes of strength in Bere! BE her RN axat calantier FEY much eon! an their elusive rans i 3 : | arin ¢ Ps. - = > addition to Admiral Dewey’ a in ed Ps A Giuittee? Srm) ! are no other coating depots in 21 & i we & Ti a | 3 wd forte fo iho AR x mont ithe hepa S10 2 the West Indian Islands open to the | Spas ships, except for their tempor. | : RW / ; ; : i ary needs The British stands, Jamal. ; . We : sumed no ha eR, Burbados and others, ars closed EEE ; = —_— = j the Ph Hppines #hip Returns to Spain, Raving fant dod Sup. ‘aging’ them by the decree making niined fo take fH plies for Slanto’s Seldier coal contraband. The Irulch islands wer patil seed tiens ae the opie Tas Spaniel BUXGRTY ocr Mant will give them no farther coal relief, as Remtoum (tuslf Bas arranged io LR result of negations with the ato h petition of the (alan ta : en, following the coaling of the The M stiwray iw protmhly the "we os Syanth ships at Curacas. The Danish vi VIEW = oe SH formers dy witor in the werd of 8. Troms is similarly clomed PO IE OF THE HOLLAND. 5 vy mes with the Rp He He Guadaloape and other (The mouth of the aerial torpedo gun, the stjerstrugiure deci and eon:tlog i defensive GUSHUion of 188 | Lik rhe spembars of the spew peeved perich islands have the same restrict. | tower are shown.) monitor type A seaworthiness hat 8 on aeation when the) Went asbiors, the | fons ue Martinique. Haltien poris are The Holland sahmiarine torpedo bom wile Boman purchied by the go - a . 2 peeatihes emibracin thie captain and of. closed to them by A strict treaty pro- | pont a few dave apo is bound ta prove a mom Spat Figen e Foi gain dni db i : 3 Re t¥ ie arheite AD ficera of The steamer. Pogainr demon. vislon between Haiti and the United | Spain's ships and forts, should the war tontinge much longer re Sains rat, Jo froe board monitor of 4k ® | ptrations followed in various parts of | H Staton, whieh the Haltien authorities ghe could approach Castie Marrs ard at he distance of Be Ene -e od by 58 ae Sosa, and it i a the city. The commander 5¢ he Mont. will see is not waived in the present | plodding shell info the fortifications Rie a plan suneited With forpeds tubes | eaves ded ol Sarhettod tan OR Fas Sui RAN TAE BLOCKADE * ‘ 3 * rl ¥ morpat ardiosd pt Coruna. Spain, last Anmserican biockling ships Large pada of fae flu Eh rest ead the IERIE warral declared that he was pol ass EOTEABS Path oe. (from which she oud od theme torr blin projectiles REgainst the eneriy sg ly Fy Ben IRER CC chmreed with any oviasion and sali he as I of This : : . i hi # ‘ aval twa ined uns while aon Ber - SE 4 : vy | (Mints vt potessiine ot the Brpublle : ot condition of scant coal supplies : ships ey Holland « i defy the seoul heats by day ang fhe search alte at I Tobit Seles FurTale NAS Bot carrying disba tehes. But tine Cada.) places Admiral Cevern in a critical po | night, hurling destroction upon the un suspecting enemy The boat 53 feet | are mounted six $-p Andere faye 1. Fhaniards calm he i BATEIOLIONIY CHI © mim ———" sition, sven though he dors ot meet | fn femgth. and can remain submarped far a oni Heth of 1 te NE iiylety and = : th - 2 ys ! ‘ yr aling the facts in he cane z mast be wise and certain in the ond the American ships, Lc - . : } cote mre” 1-2 ana ® Actes thick ” The Montserrat i to be sent 10 Fore go the «fect the result striven for, A prominent rival wWioial wa ia hat | a ~ He Toning ap] ; ton A re TE Sant msl He ade ie artery Raves Her guns ela t reenl? for ie is not Liherty naval strategy consisted mainly in OUR WAR WITH SPAIN, mounted alone hut independence independence Casto duties on provisbine have + - \ x $ x ata pe! rnd 1] 1.2 Dmohes of stosl, an ' knowing usr the condition of the ene. won abolished st all WY potix el o DS ati OR Sattorios for Aamil The pnewabapers Clam that the Gf the United Statew as well ax of mys feet. It im for this reason that An order of PLIAGE worth af oro . FRNA . ad Bin a Mantserrat thrive ren 1ae Blockad { | Bpsin the timdition of the coal supply on the The war is costing Spain §N0G0 & 4 vey wis Jot by the government | SS de A the Cuban coast.’ and that, therntirs, i The Madrid correspondent of the te ships Is looked upon as vital, mianth, last week Tm Nfs aren se pe] rie Dlosoksde x ineffective, | foandon Times, commenting on the 3 mat only in for-shadaow Hg ANY AREres- . Ten thousand veluntes MO Oare NOW Clearance papers will not te ated 2; * - heh gm 3 5 anid A hi 11 im maoeerted that the Lavtgation in Cuba, says “Whather any sive tactics Admiral Cervora may be tenting at San Francisco ts vesnnts for the bisckaded Maniia | safely in the entrance of Manila har. janded 150000800 pesetas 10M jery. | large number of insurgents will vet _ emboldened to adept, hat also in dis. | The Tenth regirtent of Pennsylvania dk Bar roth ng in ie Boanish pavy would Wn guns, 15060 sites and & J | flght for the Americans is considered closing Nis chances of escaping from voluntesrs will be sent to Maria. : The Cul : be ikely to Budge her from Her post. apstnanitien in Cubs | extremely doubtful, but despite Spain's : fo he len IER" ; i isnt - Bape it iE equally desbtful whethes s foarte are fle of the water. now that he has = A trained Canadian regiment has 5d - fie $n Eh isn ¥ be : on Sacks wold ———————_—— EE IA Lhe east Where they er . - Gen. Maximo Gomes and the other in. p———— — {ey in our mvading forces ADMITS FINAL DEFEAT. ; ; uential insurgent leaders will boldly : : WAY got tere. : fared jis services to President MoKine : CABLES CUT [A $A80 prige was caplured by the Beven hundred Insurgents left Keb | declars agminst American annexation, en a A A Cargo For the Tnited trates Bxcites the Spaniards to Vicleuce rivimg at Tampa, Fla. to take observa. | POrl Bag been towed to Key West 4 Captaln Wand, of the Britiah steam sid - {3 RLY Pies 3 iY tions as to the manner uf conducting await a decision from Washington : ne Tia x it hu I 48 Ww. pmiviinter fram Spain Pato vw Der ship fe : . ido shig HAN the TAT. : A hae warebosseew at are 4 i as ave > Bet Prides T3548. stam ota will femve Montrend Tor Bis pative Hire A law cays id = E ihe BRE g 1 AD the warehanmu At 2 danas AL oiige A A nem Ml for Rim DALY Spain, reports a sarrow escape from jdle people al Havana are forced to | well as the lurge Npanish Casing Were | quan prefers a possibile defeat to 8 try in a Tew days The eX-IMAIAT | gin at the hands of a Spanish mob. ad. A “topmast uy = ork upon the Gatleries strengthening tarnedt daring the teoen ¢ bombard wend 4 cortain disgrace Ministers Know {hg haw mde goad ume of his thane fet i He ls ho it aut That his ob “| them against the impending bombard. | of thal part By the American gunbaat | fro mers sympathios of the powers | feeng 4 s¥Rb of ohtaining Informas i for et tordan . Lovuls was shot away. o.ont LWitminigte Ihe MAGER. SF RASH EE gm Sm After Polo's departure these ans 1a? Traa. vant. | { : lon t Wh they (ihe Spaniards) found ¢ Ape ith Snel ard that while hesilal : hav be of the Wampatuck : : : are with Spain ard that # hes ae 1 report to the Rpatdsh consul ¥ splintered, {me man on Traring the relent sfREaRemment bet. | A andere nds of orders caused sa In underiaie hee pempeniaE DAILY Fie at avo ae Intel a wettl Be 1 wat 1 owas going Tis the Trait States” said | Captain Word, “they beoame wild Wt. Louis had a finger broken by & ween Americans and Bpaniards at 3 a eaftiston of trains on the Florkia wetinn which might lead to 2 greater forwarded to Madrid by wap of tn. ody fragment of & shell while hand Jenfuegon, the Iatier Lost 300 men ang | FUR iTa FRiiroan taal Monday ar Mae Arar. hey may | eR ening intervene don with rage. A mob with sticks BLOONS the cable. Hundreds were ‘wounded : : vannah, in, Private Baris of Ihe | Irom motives of meif-interest and pub. | VT msi Ad Big BEnives declared they would de on the Amzricans had complated | An Amepionn miner at Manila Max Neri Carchina velanteosrs waa Wilhed ie palioy on hehnif 3 of 2p an a A “Satior Pardosed stroy my shi pa : thelr work at Santiago, they proceeded | bean forced to leave by the naniarty | An Fralish pager claims that th The Foilnpd miindetey w Brg 5 Governor Holcomb of NeNrani, i Fax sinner tefr the ship than » me 30 miles to the eastward, where vio fearsd he wanld supply United rited RBratos bs elpdenviring to seculy fairs had 3 lng cage 4 2a . Be aramted a pardon tH Parpick Ford Jr. Pow begun following me, hooting entered te bay of Guanianams. States vespsls With coal i feed Irish soidiers roa Pritiah re nite) Nava Rix — Siii ha Si Fm of Ch W Mes ie neler a Tess yong ait denring ea Ww they ya they wers picking up the cable | 1 water is not soon secured for the iments, The paper adds that Ameren hi Fee eh nde : eT TC wentemee In the penitentiary, Ford twa, a» a th : ono Haat. fan Bs the bay the Spanish batteries opened | 12,000 men now arseembled at Camp 0 sadiy in need Gf competent men for | 1B® Srthemiam vanrs RO, While in cust dy of am off. § TEE Stel the ps ne Taine American . fire on hem, hg guns being small | : Alger, Falls (husch, Va. there will fhe PIAS. whieh was in the “opwl 3 Gilide Was i : * . : a NW ony fa » 3 al sd fis De ; Kil that + H sald ith certging w» a —————— eraiser New York, on Ber trip to San 1: AST Ww XxX and iL is < ¢ ¢: , io Ask TVR an hp sald wilh erie yy 2 1 p ataty. Sut Spain Eepes for the Intervention of : = X | that the cabinet at Washington has 4 foe cen Rk pa ny EA pial ¥ Fihods Tab 4 Ciureinh the navy . ' yo ; micution ty Cuda. : IN "ws Standard ridicules the ith & terpedd Bont Garrat ses Rima Srarieh minister of the ofieient assistance from the ins The firing at fantiago de Cuba on (OTAILGR of the volunteer tMmy DOW Rena > dented, ry Ele Core g argeritys which it evidently expectad Bpapiards thers and two Amerikan In Spain it ix rumorsd that the Cadiz © aatitution Sf the ministry would in | Yj fag b - ing an arty of corupation ready 3 g 3 ; * nk o. . a Ze oa ik 4 Sw £ 2h i { G : vensein. Aiting vrder orders from Ad: other New Fegls a wmingtaon, Pel sre bedng guarded by wi PRERiaters : eg ps i # eipetand sable and prominence ave iki SL aa i ERC ad : Bt. Louis ar the tug Wampatuck an agreement “niin hn (rest FHritain pot MEORe Trgament to por JA ert ®4s? ps BEUITLMT energy : rain movements of tropa which seen : j ty indicate an intention io warm Leprrespomntent of the Rew York v . : ; wenrin the gray-brown anifesms | sosdlousiy near smoriftetng her honor In oh Fond fave 1.358 anh ro enls was arches. To xe ca : : pertlously near MOTBOIRRE Ger BOGOR a4 ‘ \ } owas ploked up within. a at Chieaes apd forwarded to Chlex- ™ Siok he gnvsrament Bas sdnnted far | the interest of pesos SHY making =a - wg SLREY 3 iw ready To resist any unidstifahle : 0 os { the warm climate. stare! when further oon sscions would ; Spaniaristar once opened fire on or * : por dlgsrncs and of : : | aparter they may conte. Thess move. A Bis ap The United Btalen const #1 Key Waal | Lo wi i 44 avy ¥ ; . : e #4, > i wiv 2 Ph rk y > es FEE ¥ ase 1 Ta VIB 2 Z tak TH ® Bi iE A Pas condemned Tou tha Boanish 3 on draw = . ~ Ya _— TE eet ? . said Ais the Boawy : La : Sain may ba Bel 3 ful ta Me POW Ors m 5 ol aa ; & 2 Fw Es Rrreapled te B sie wenn dF Blog} t= ® A L MRRRLS nk LEAT TERE NY ged Bre : _ SR [1 Rate that )p » re. on the shore af the bottom of { vessels capt: red Fon WORKS AR +g Be ris 3 Griiorm ‘ of , lf oi Ptos event Af any combination agaitet the Nelght on whi the Morro fs sit. The Hollmpd tarpeds boat has Bears | vat putariging : g ———— Americans responded, The aim of the A destroyer travels beneath the water | transported to Has ine the capo w= 1 and poverty ara np 4 to strengih BRITISH SHIP THREATENED. anish gunners was atroc y had. | A rove active strategy board has | rentey brought fo Clenlusgos OY x rut aith. bul 8 $n iw in the [wwi- pried for if from the deck of | President MeRiniey, Names nol give ¥ The Hritieh steamer Ardanmohe They found it with little Attaches Lis the foreign offices are 81 i pussected of landing catlle 33 & LTUURT io move peevertal oar tagonist whi, = a though he an coming i that the resy Amersians Cesiy Saver the Lines of Comma : Jaan last week hi Power. FE - % mast fannd and canpet count upon Wadsesday, Joy 15, was between the @t Chickamauga. has started a fund by subscribing {| _° , {opt sed rh hat the change in the | hi. <Q 5 when tf rushed Into wir without have fost bs cerning to borabasd Hoston and THe Dupont Poawiler mills near Wi goralen E. » ; ince Lhe ministry has been recon miral Bnspsen, the anxiliary cruiser The I'nirad States hus enfersd ints the frst hattalion of Pennsylvania's | ing in favor of a souting the war | : : | Leing Riven by leading organs 10 cen ‘went to Ban! is sii to cut the cable there to bombard the Canary Islands, Soldiers a1 Tampe, Fla, or | lenin” said Senor Capdepon, “went : when it may conrern that Spain 2 rage of the gars of Morro Castie a 1d Aug last week. €ret ty oN Rj : | gohemes of aggression from whatever : A Rpunish spy, Raving in Bis posses. | Ma wilt | merits Nave reference to the ides that ‘sand baliivies and one mortar New York a fon LYE AED : a af Angin. Saxon aillance fod Joined in the Airing to which the purchased by the cAernment. Ths A freight train, consist 13 onrs ie t is aware that weakness ‘whi were detailed io ny the : been substituted for the ald one Spanish steanier Manteorial ton of & dusilist Bodnd to defend ¢ STROR POLO ¥. BERNAWE, ol Mesa agains Foe Cu suits a 3! t fa almost veritas od rh #is * recuse of the io Lous, “where it tat, the B sannuhile doing A NA i cor ai his Bore Bidding Dis mOIART © oa ra rib iptite ; Twi etpli wd ahs from the st { heat ia intens : tent) os of Ad we val Rrver , ia sits i iv => - TR 3 & pres ti Ihe station Grimm somes panel, avriasle sim Te ATH iy : a ra’ a FAs oe ‘ secured comparative Gulel. f No soldiers can pa through Pits. : ke sr fhe Amerie 3 in doubt os factile ea Har "ve nl Lr Ao wy sat and Seemtne 4 eaten on the pi aan Kicked in the sud and spat Spain in negotiating with burg without receiving hot cit en ts Bia whervralrigls Fie Thess tata | a TST .t idem} srright % x aipis. Flas swan gee of (he Faved SUT YIN > | my ne : Yra + for the "ale of the Philippines. | sandwiches and other necessities from | Spain Mapes 10 prosang he wa SPIO | parsons metvrely peel, ameig the ars of the wreek, and is now an the San, mah then bombarded the hate the Linited States has not | the hands of a specially appointed cit | | Be meapiime Tor Puaropes inter tah ACU rRGE Of Fay We expiee | Marblehsusd Pelilinage fur hi Haren anaes [Bed with stones. | escaped by 4 Ten 'u committer WL ais Woks A Shana 3 Years BLE roa iy Fy gh aligned, sivii Beak WEN after wa left Gihraliar (we were sighrsd astern amd we wat to he Spanish torpeds miles they fMiowed us rranl lenders Bod as vag. § 4 BY £ i £1 whan igh Clans on Se put on a Flan j - I % " ? pg yp {ead of steam and ran for It onl Avaanesw af the 3h as Gamitlieg 4 bi . 5 . 3 5 3 pao wire EMern belind [Canadian fire compamieratcOmMpan et. | 4 Rar Simo roe BREN - em Spat dechares (hat the Cuban blocks RF = wo to > She frohler 3 : | i 3 wT ar i ; 4 ner, PE > 3 # ¥ giles imal CEIVe Bn a nones that the York i to ! oe Er IFO on . i ; g ] we pe, le TAY at : sehr gears will nat pecagnize it ¥ « Niagara ¢ i : ie Bigot. . i thon of Bi { CRTLENY Ww May 24 the nueen’'s § ; eneral Weiler REW BATTLE se LATECEID fave as commands The Alabama is 768 Fre: in Length snd Hae a in i 4 fy pt 5 3 swe - PE - » * 3 > y YER re 4 3° we ge x5 ¥ ! , 4g Barbs uf tne : MAD CAMPING GBOUNDS IN CHICKAMAUGA BOS UNITED 47ATLS TROOPS, Four Torpedo Tare ! starts Monday announce is 2 : Fgagement to 8 CWleago gir Lad i They ool new Dade nro rad far he thogeasds of vsign The hatileship Alabama which will 5 3 > Ed i c: i " > FLEW u ¥ $e » * 4 : 4 ia Mian Laura W Filan, { hy swelling. A watsr works plant for pumBin he pn warthy addition Ia the United { BES Miax Willlums 3 4: ig » frost} hold mug ingen over fx Dein ele ted, Tw nty-fve ATR. Qrates BRYY, was nunchod at Cramps wat £4 Bn a i : ; drsasviiin Vs bayer as Bis bir mer ovesd millions wads pd i pg $i 1x axt Munda Fifty he Misr ave 2 ; " s y ay : REE : Ee shipyard at Philadelphia ast Wed nes ‘the Oregon had reached Sampson's squadron in safely. The Oregon left c befors war was declared CLRITAL cLEANTNOL Senator Maron's “Washington resid. ence was robbod of SL0M0 worth of Jewelry. ! An order for 200,000 pairs of soldiers’ shoes has been placed by the war de- partment. | Russia objects to the United States retaining the Philippines or to selling | them either to Ungland or Japan. (adh g dock to be stationed at New Orleans. : Washington soclety ladies are ad- | vising their achugingances throughout | tng nountry to woveott Paris millinery, {hig is done in yotalintion for syo- yathy shown to Spain by the French, President MoKinley last Saturday re- in thirty years that volunteer troups thave, been reviewed by a President. and for four weeks hax been stemdily fuahine forward to the relief of the ' United States ships on the Atlante, | Long ofctally announced that : ’ : The nation has lived In continuum a fear leat the Spaniards should seize or deztroy the vessel Defore she reached her destinal ton, The Pennsylvania regiments now at | Chickamaugs are suffering from an epidernie of sore eyo The flour which was brought to Cuba some time ago for the recaoncentradis ‘in a Norwegian steamer sent from the I'nited States has been confiscated by ‘the military authorities Rpanish private steamship come panies have placed their vessels at the cdisposal of the £overnmen and over The navy department is calling for bids for the arn of an $200.000 floatin i £0 vessels are ready for sag vi & AWail- ing orders The military {rsp ctors say tha rt the FPonpsyivania yajurntoers ave the that have @oBe to war: th gurpase those of all organizalian, GEC pang ment A Portuguise lady whe Was 8 pas wenger on the Spanish steamer. Ar slewed the voluntoer troops of the Dis. trict of Columba. This Is the first time gounata, recantiy cspiursd by Amen cans cinims that the prize crew tx § $5,080 in gold and some jewwir {rom {hier Doggage. in 5 an exh ibation Reovked over a tibr received i wis FER An agent of the Southern 2 demanded 330 s the Minnesola troops for hacling Car mtiacbhed [ragien refused to pay the money sedered tro af Ri mer Agen t #1 rrenderad Baier Dees Aigreitatest filha the ib iT i3 RUNORZID Tht (he fivegn ia not at Key West % Waar Corvera s feet oo moving on RAVEN That Spain iotends © engage privatsering That ano Faas and wit wgoagh white bresaid ¥ Tht Hee ja Birtles peosiect of ihe § see Kat "That the Unitest States steamer Man- | Sodiars Unpose ike Chinese man Franels na beh first compalios {f the TROOIS TOR DREWLY Firat Expedition for Manila Leaves San Fran cisto nn Three Large Transperis The frst expedition to the Philip piven left last Tuemday and was Gv wad an follows The (HY of Pekin—-The Mra tarnia Volunteers, composed of Seprs and SAE enlisted men 10 athe and 11 sailors of the navy, MaRing tidal of 5% oexra and Ld mien The 1710y of atin Srnirtednn oiftenrs ail BIR enlisted men of hur L2PEgnn virnnteers. 3 offers and 34 men of He Foarteenth Trait States Infantry. one SHfoer aad oven 55 th pa peel Tike “vy Xt aval § HOM Moan ranking ] i 4% FT : day. As the formidaiue sais slid mio the Twianars xhe Bas christened by Mires Mary H. Morgan, desughter of Senator Juhlin TT Mago, of AlRDams. fe Alkbars ix oa Srsteciass bailies ; Her jengih on load walter line 18 Lin feet eXtreme breadth 72 feet 3 neh men draught 03 feet 6 inches: dis “placement al mean draught 11035 tons She iw to develop 1908 indicated horse power. and her guarantesd sped is 0 ee 18 Kuoets per hour Her armament will be four 13-inch Lraschioading riftes: 33 d-inch rapid fire Brassey loading rifles] see ondary bat- af 18 &opcinders and four 1-pound- pid fire guns she will have {our “du tubes 5 EW3 3 x0: Ia cvernor of Hau Chon was Lilled ast week Boonure he fail &61 has Leen Mee her hist spate wilh fool Snod- sia danughier SER, i abo, Hed at 3 cana. aad TRINAY.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers