The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 26, 1898, Image 5

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    Cash Grocery.
Don’t forget Memorial Day.
Remember June 7th— big concert
Susmsg | For fine cakes and pies go to Dans’
New things in ladies black satin
{skirts at Mrs. Dartt’s.
- Go to Dane’ Bakery for your
fresh bread and cakes.
{| Thanks to L. Goldstein for a very
pretty patriotic button.
Green goods at Cash Grocery any
day after Monday. 2611
at 10 cents per hundred.
Gt. B. Curry, of Madera, Ps., was in
Patton on business Friday.
Dr. J. Van Wilson spent Sanday |
‘among friends at Tyrone, Pa
John Banghman, of Punxsutawney,
| was a visitor to Patton Friday.
| Major John A. Wolfe is visiting
friends at Philipsburg this week.
Shoes made to order at Miller's Shoe
Store. Fit and work guaranteed.
the John 8. Miller, a commercial sales
not worthy of tienes man of Petersburg, spent Monday in
eanndt Aeht He the rials, town.
are potile, trize and brave, §
for King and cquntry | Goto the Patton Feed and Bock wheat
| Mills for your rye flour, corn meal
: at Bi i
Th Don's Bonet.
Sanh on as | Nate twirled hie cane,
And rhey 40 pot far the grave,
Uncle Sam's Be oto Mee
LR Oele fam With checks aftame, | Thos. Cartwright, of this piace, has
IE EE been granted a pension of $8 per
men and women, month.
oe 0 fnfarits 150, i
Tae Rewi'ors moni fers tiromgh® Wm. Crichton and John Bloom, Jr,
4 — of Peale, Pa, were visitors to Patton |
Gm the vie god oe of Ent. Monday.
; And Sey i SAL fit. ¢. IL. Roop and J. B. Fielty, of Al
FE | toena, were among the many visitors
' to Patton Monday.
RE i TACGUETTE. Poor House Director Jas. Somerville, |
Patton, Pa., May 1, 10. * of Sasquehanna township, transacted |
Bar dais ii | - .
You Tried | A. G. Neff, Esq., accompanied by his
OW. | wife and dsaghter, Hellen, spent Sun- |
tot Hodghine’ ' day among friends in Patton.
Fine Soda Water Yet? | Jalins Hofman, wholesale dealer fo
Memorial Day, Monday, May 30th. py hers’ supplies and furniture, tran-
The rainy season has certainly set in. | sacted business in Patton Tnesday. |
Geb your shoes repaired at Miller's] W. F. Overly, manufactarer o
Shoe Store. architectural sheet metal work, of
Qive the Clash Grocery one trial and Greensburg, was in town Thereiay
Jou will call again. loooking after business interests.
The most up to date muslin ander- J. 0. McMullen and wife, of Dysart, (v/
wear at Mra. Darts and John EK. Karlheim and wife, of
Attend the Firemen’s dance on May Altoona, visited at the home of Mrs.
20 in park below town John Kariheim the first of the week. |
Wm. Switsler, of Carrolitown, was & H. W. Todd, Steve Waugh and Jobn |
visitor to our town Monday. | Campbell are trout aking In Mosque
| ies Carrie Tackitt is lying serionely | T0%: Clearfield toumy, Wack: |
ill a¢ her home on Beech avenve. Great fish stories may be looked
The Cash Grocery is headquarters" soning |
: k y but who is now a resident of Dunlo,
Kadir seo the sew oe of sin] po, was a visitor to our town Toes |
Architect Geo. T. Smith, of Johns os .
Ar . W. P. Smith, ex-deputy sheriff of
on ia ide 8 busioe kip to out town Clearfield county, Tr. pleasant visi- |
ie to Patton one day last week. Ho is.
a Johnstown, was seen on our streets i oid Tem Bol, Walk Co. whole. |
sale shoe dealers of Philadelphia.
Coal sods water and refreshing root T. M. Richards, D. D. 8, the popular
he a Hodgkins, Patton | mayor of Ebensharg, is very happy |
: . !over the arrival of a bran mew little
Onbbage, spples, potatoes, onions, | Asaghter at his pleasant home on Tues |
pasnips, carrots and radishes at day, May 17. The COURIER extends
Cas Grocery. conprtatationa.
"A tramp law should be passed in Abe Goldeteln, accompanied by Pred
Patton. They are getting a little | Kinkead, made an advertising tour in
too numerous. ! the interests of Goldstein's Mammoth
: glow BF Sub and et Wado tnt ee na
ae ’ y: ngs,
* day for & Soh aye vis Ji Spangler, Chest Springs, Carrolitown
; ‘and Ashville.
home bakery and
me L. IL. Brande, of Chicago; MJ
site the Palmer bouse. a | att, of Philadelphia; V. E. Pliater,
- ‘burg; J. M. Howard, of Detroit, and
tothe new ad of Miller's White Shoe. o, "> Brown, of Lite Falls, N
were among the many traveling iy
. men who visited Patton Tuesday.
. L. 8. Bell, John Moran, Wm. Stratiff
and Chas. Wolfe retarned Satarday
‘night from a trout fishing expedition
to the wilds of the Alleghenies near
ous, reftsio drink Lioydsville, Pa. They all give a “bon-
ae. . afide” report of eatchin anywhere
t ¢ Thursday in Patton. She visiied | frou os dor of oe i
Soothes, Mr John Karibeim, who | beanties.
a i Abraham Hostetler, Benj. Jones and
5 EO, Lars, formerly of Patton, | Thomas Hoover, county commisslon-
but: who now resides at Clearfield, was ers, and F. B. Jones, prothonatary,
: g buds with his friends in this { drova through Patton Tuenday enroute
oe Friday. {to Flynton. Their mission was for the
Misses Celin Dunegan and Clara purpose of investigating the advisa-
Myers left Tuesday morning for Gal- | bility of erecting a new county bridge
ee they will attend the across Clearfield creek at that place.
na ol at; that place. . In three weddings ovlebrated st St.
EB. Back, the furnitare dealer, isthe Benedict's Catholic charch, Carroll
| an man in Patton at present, | your, recently, the contracting partios
ring to the arrival of abig bouncing | were Valentine Bishop, of Allegheny
¥ at his home Sunday morning. ‘township, and Miss Rose Hite, of Car-
ey Rounsley and F. H. Kinkead, roll township; Geo. Huber and Miss
of this place, represented the Republi- Maggie Kirkpatrick, near Hastings,
cans of Patton borough at the county and Edward W. Wentz and Miss Emma
sonventionheld at Ebensburg Monday. | Arble, both of Carroll township.
Yatton, 4 BO Oy er On Priday last the contract for pat-
Ca 8, about ting op a buildi for the chemical
toshave paved streets. What's the Neral win awarded to W,
mafter with Lilly, anybow?-—Lilly |, pantzy, of Spangler. The bids for
its ‘the building, excepting the tin roof,
Ww. Lupfer, manager of Geo. 8. | were as follows: WwW. A. Lantzy, pty:
8 store, went to Harrisburg Mon- (iver Evans, $250; Krug & Davis, $350;
day to attend the annual convention of Strittmatter Bros, $374; John Wright,
igh emplars which is in ses g356 61; M. J. Kirsch, $240. The com-
v (pany has had a number of men at
and Mrs. D. W. Luke and two work for some time clearing five acres
ers, Marion and Josephine, of | of ground and after getting up their
k, and Miss Boule Swith, of building will begin the manufacture of
wood alcohol, acetate of lime char.
| coal, ete.
os IE Farman over Sunday
01 newepaers to sie a i off
| Patronise home industry by buying |
| your flour and feed at the Patton Feed |
| and Buckwheat Mills-20tf
A. M. Thomas, of Lock Haven, a!
former merchant of Patton, was a
visitor to town one day last week. :
James Hutch, of 8t. Aogustine, and |
J WwW. Anna, of St Boniface, were
welcome visitors to Patton Sunday. |
Jas. McGee, better known ss ‘big
foot Jim.” of near Mahaffey, was a
A Spring
: the Centrai
There 1s poetry in
‘what we are saying.
Not metered lines or
lyrical sentences, but
‘homely expressions of
practical helps at this
season. You will ap-
preciate the goods we
sell you and the cash
we can save you on
little or big purchases.
LET US Say a word about
Men's Suits. We offer
you a good all-wool suit
for 86.13. Just think of
it. It's nice looking and
well fitting and as well
made as can be.
We also have a suit at
7.48 that is a regular
£10.00 quality.
The ones we sell at
9.98 are actually better
than others in Patton
and Altoona ask 13.00
and $15.00 for.
WE CAN Show you an ele-
t line of Boys’ and
hildren’s Suits — all
prices and dollars saved
on every one.
WE CARRY A Fine line of
the Celebrated Sweet, Orr
& Co. Pants—from the
98 ones up to $3.98.
'WE ALSO Have the Overalls
and Jackets that we sell
fov 88¢, regular prices $1,
filling the offices they are seeking for.
“We have the soc Over-
alls and Jackets at 38c.
WE CA LL Your attention to
our elegant line of Straw
Hats from the 5c ones up
to $1.98.
WE CARRY A Complete’
line. Up-todate and at
penny profits.
and Hats are always
ahead of the procession.
SHOES, WELL, Yes we carry
the biggest and best line |
in town. Ask your
COME HERE First or
and our motto still 1s
Penny Profits—Big Sales.
par Directly opposite the Bank.
Pure rvs or Sofa chop ab the Patton
Feed and Buckwheat Mills -26tf
EW. Whitcomb, a merchant chaser
of Chicago, was in town Monday.
Note the change in the advertisement
of the J. BE. Kirk Hardware (Co. this
H. G. Dill spent Sunday at Carwens-
ville, the guest of Mr. and Mm A E
Don't firget the entertainment to be
given by the Y. M. L in Firemen's Hall
Tuesday night June 7th
The Patton Supply company expects
to commence the erection of ita new
store building in a few weeks,
The family of 8. O. Daggeit, man-
ager of the Palmer house, arrived in
Patton from Tioga Friday oight.
Miss Grace Cowher, who tas been
visiting friends at Hastings for the
past ten days, returned bome Saturday.
W. E. Chase, the heavy weight travel-
ing salesman for the Van Lill Preserve
company of Baltimore, was seen on
| our streets Tuesday.
‘tend divine services in a body in come
pany with Lieut. Peter Kaylor Post,
4. A. R Don’t forget the time of
on a 50-cent bottle of Downe’ Elixir, if
to prove satisfactory or money Te
It May be Possible That a Rumor Has Reached You
That We are Going to Leave Altoona.
pleasant visitor to our town Monday.
Geo. B. Hopkins, of Altoona, repre- |
senting Lippincott & Co., wholesale
grocers of Philadelphia, was looking
after trade in Patton Tuesday. Be
F. L. Baker, the efficient manager of 1D
District and Printing
Telegraph company of north Cambria |
county, accompanied by Jobn Click,
drove over to Rarnesboro and Hastings |
One day last week the Miners Store
company presented the St. Mary's gq... sinner pail, heavy tin at
Catholic church of Patton with a a0 ail b Hit
, { ner pail, tid quadny
ladies’ new Winchester bicycle which Fancy Jappaned floar can, “holds
will be given away as a prize by that’ 50 Ihe, at ;
organimtion. The fonds obtained I-galion galvanized oil can at
therefrom will go towards the expense Fn bucket: goes at
in the erection of the new church. Large granite wash hasin at
Flsewhere in the Covripr will be Granite dish pans, 250 to
found the announcements of John T. (Granite kettle 200 to
(line, of Barnesboro, for Assembly oa cream freesers:
and 8. L. Reed, of Fbensbarg, for 3-quart,
District Attorney. Both of the above . . .
named gentlemen are quite well known Serven doom, complete, Rings,
in Cambria county as being good true knobs, ate. -
staunch Republicans and capable of Sereen windows nice goods, 2 for
Large $day clock, oak, at . 2
Nice gilt frame mirror, 7x10 inches
Good, full size wash rabber at
All members of Washington Camp “Americas” bicycle, best valoe
P. 0. 8 of A, of Patton are requested ever offered, - - 281
to meet in their hall at 9:30 sharp on 12-piece chamber seta, decorated,
Sunday morning when they will at- Leatherette lunch boxes ,
Men's heavy work shoes, . "
Men's dress shoes, oor undersell.
ing price . . 00
Ladies shoes at . a ;
Ladies’ drees shoes - - 100
Children’s small shoes, . 2%
Special Notice.
meeting. All come COMMITTER
We, the andemigned, do hereby
agree to refund the money on two 25
cent bottles of Baxter's Mandrake
Bitters, if it fails to care constipation, have some big Umbrella;
billiousness, sick headache, or any of Bargains; also just received a
the diseases for which it is recom- nice lot of Ladies’ Skirts,
mended. Also will refund the money Black Brilliantine, figured at
it does mot cure any cough, cold, 75S: and a nice lot of colors.
croup, whooping cough, or throat or Plaids and Silk Skirts at
lung difficulty. We aleo guarantee unheard of low prices.
Patton Pharmacy.
one 25-cent bottle of either of the above | Ji
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
funded. Formale by C. W. Holgi, |
Riways satel Always the Plain trathi Riways satisfactory!
We're selling Children's Suits very cheap now-—cheaper!
than we ever sold them before—much cheaper than they can
be bought elsewhere—and that’s the reason of it. People
are bound to trade where they can get the most for their’
money. Mothers who made selections from our Boys' and
w cheapest prices,
things to eat.
You alw ays give us
oy best. we don't
‘want poor stuff at the
‘the best on the market,
and your price, too, Is
all nght; what you
send us makes the
quality of our food and
our people like good
we need
‘not tell you to hurry,
‘because vou are al-
| ways prompt.
They Bear
(lose Inspection.
Children's Department HRE the past month, were con-|
vinced that we exhibit THREE Suits to every ONE ©
be seen in any other stock in Patton—and that all our goods
are bright, fresh and new. We also make the boys happy
by presenting them with Base Balls and Bats. ;
Fine Shoes and Dry Goods a Specialty.
Mirkin & Kusner,
Patton, Pa.
Next to Bank. - - -
If so it; is the truth for we have purchased a large Dry Goods House
in Harrisburg and as soon as we can dis of our present stock we are going
to leave Altoona and resume business in the Capital City
To quickly move out oar immense stock we have PUT PRICES DOWN
lower than von have ever known them to be on Standard Goods. Everything
in stock has been heavily reduced —such as
Carpets, Ladies’ Jackets,
Millinery, Dress Goods,
Domestics, Fancy Goods,
Men's Furnishings and all Sorts of Household Goods, Cut (lass and Silverware.
We want every one within reach of us to come here and have a share in
these Wonderful Bargain Offers and to come soon as the goods are going fast.
Immense throngs are coming daily and you will miss the greatest chanoe to
save money ever afforded if you fail to join them before our sale closes.
Come to the Bargain Feast we have spread for you in this
(Great Removal Sale
and you will find that it will richly repay you.
Our stock must be closed out at any sacrifice and our patrons are reaping the
benefit of our lomses. Wiis sale will continue but a short time, so come #8 soon |
a . Coc DON,
Opera House Block,
Our extensive line of
will bear close inspection.
An examination will show that
the extreme care exercised in
every detail of material and
workmanship is what makes
the excellence in our stock,
You cannot tell by the appear-
ance in these times. Often
the shoddi est shoes looks the
neatest before they are worn.
It takes close examination to
tell the difference, and the
difference 1s there.
Supply Co.
red 7