The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 19, 1898, Image 8

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    SD Re AE
of wai E
At our store and of the very
best quality.
headquarters for
Prices are as low
as the low-
in mourning for the period o
The Don's Tiream. i
A Sgmniah Dron of high degre, }
Whe Sosamanted a ship which wailed the
Da #& drome, § here repent,
of muaninh victory and | Korein Aeon
Br Aremwmed as be owpibd the devon wads
Wilh a Bev of vessels by hix side,
That be captured Dewey and his farie Beet
Ark rpidedd Boss A nservae’s Sydow
But that Spanish Tew of high degree
Wh dremusnd thet dreams an be sailed tive |
Liv “mentts the wave tie upd Pad pros
Fur he tari ied Pwwey atvd Bois bers in bine
Itsy Targurerre,
Mav 4 Patten: Py
Bee utions of Resppee
At 2 regular meeting of Fatton
Lodge, No. 1088, 1 0. O. FF, the follow
ing resciations were adopted in consid-
eration of the death of the esteemed
- wife of Brother Edward Leich:
WHaEREA%, God in His all wise provi-
dence has seen proper to remove from
among us the befoved wife of Brother
Edward Leich, therefore be it
Resolved by Patton Lodge, No. 1058,
LO. 0 F, that while we submit to
the will of Him, Who diosth all things
os Sure express our deep re
for our brother in the hour of
Resolved, thst in considerstion of
the death of the wife of our leother,
and the bereavement of the home we
tender cur condolence and do hope our
Le, wg may cheer them in their
Resolved, that our charter be draped
{ 30 days
Resolved, that thee res lations be
upon our minutes and a gopy of of
them be presented to the brother and
family of the decessed and printed
in the Parrox Corrier
W. OC Hossaen,
Coumsrnit tes
Newspaper for Scalp Loved
The Tuesday's Johmstown Democrat
says that Editor W. A Kinsioe, late of
the Patton Semi Woskly Herald, which
lived only a few weeks when the pro
prietor concluded to invade Ebensbarg,
where be landed se the editor of the
Ebeqisburg Democrat, bas been invest.
igating newer fields The report comes
now that be had bis investigating ap
parstos up in Scalp level ast week,
with a view of remivving bis plant to
that place and giving the Wimbmr and
Scalp Level people a “straight haired”
newspaper. It is not known what con-
clasion, if any, be hes reached.
List Of Unclaimed Letters.
The following letters remain in the
jastofioe at Patton for the week end.
ing Thursday, May 113, 189%:
Waiter Bover, Ellake Brows, I. Pat
rick Callaghan, Patrick Green, Joseph
Holburn 2. Tim Harding Wm E
‘Jones, A. Koebler, Thos Lewis, Geo
E. Saxton, Mis Mirgil Snider Mins
Nettie Weteei
Persons calling for the above #tiem
will please say they are advertised
EA Mix. PM
For Sale!
Twostory framé dwelling. with fin.
ished basment. seven rooms, on Magee
avenue, Patton, Pa. Owser will sell
‘at purchaser's price No reasonable
: offer refomed.
Two-story frame dwelling on lang
avenne, Patton Four rooms; stable
on jot. Will be sold at & bargain
Two story frame dwelling on Beech
Twostory frame dwelling eight
rooms. on Palmer svenne erected in
1898, fitted with all modern conven
jences. Orwner is Jeaving town and
most sell. Will be sold cheap
All of above properties are in good
condition and any of them will make &
fine home, or would prove a profitable
investment to anyone with any capital
to invest Payer: & COWHER,
Real Estate Agrnis
Good Building, Patton, Pa
The Westfield (Ind. | News prints the
following in regard to an old resident
of that place: “Frank McAvoy, for
many yesrs in the employ of lhe iL,
N. A &C Ry here, says: ‘1 have
ased Chamberlain's colic, (holers and
Diarrboen Remedy for len years or
longer--am never withost it in my
family. I[oconsider it the best remedy
of the kind manofactored [| take
pleasure in recommending it.” Lisa
specific for all bowel disorders. For
sale by Patton Pharmacy, © W.
“Je i» the Best on Earth
That is what Bdwards & Parker,
merchants of Plains Tia say of Cham.
beriain’s Pain Balm, for rheaomatiem
iame back, deep seated and mascalar
pains. Sold by Patton Pharmacy ©
W. Hodgkins
8 M. Geary, Pierson, Mich, writes
“PDeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve in curing
more plies here to-day than ali other
remdies combined. It cures ecaema
and all other skin diseases © W
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy
A firemt Medicine fives Swiy
C. W. Hodgkins is now giviag free
to jo 8 triai kage the t
remedy, } con's Celery ing.
7 ad incivs ng from pervous dis
orders and consti pation will ose this
remedy they will soon be free from the
headaches and backsches that have
caosed thems so muck soffering. It x
3 pories requisor. It quickly cures
13 don, eroptions of
the skin and all blood diseases. Large
sizes 25 and 9 conta
Late to bed and early to rise Tore.
pares a nan for his home in the skies
Farly to bed and a Little Early Riser,
the pill that makes life longer and
better and wiser. CC W. Hodpkins,
Patter Pharmacy
nama AS 3 BAA HO AS NS ANN ty 08 a A SBT ph
Prose the Pairtmven N.Y. Reaghetor
Mr. James Bowland, of this village,
states that for 35 yearw his wife has
heen 3 sufferer from rheamatien. A
few nights ago she was in soch pain
that she wae pearly crazy. She sent
Mr. Rowisnd for the dottor, but he had
read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
instead of going for the physician he
went to (he store and secured a botlle
of it. His wife did not approve of Mr.
Rowlands purchase at first. bot never.
theleam applied the Baim thoroughly
and in an hour's time was able 10 go to
sleep. She now applys it when she
feels an ache or pain and fads that
always gives redlef He says that no
medecine which she had ased done ber
as much good. The 25 and 55 cent
sizes for sale by Patton Pharmaeey, C
W. Hodgkins.
Want Dr AF Salter Saye
Boffalo, N. Y.- “an From my
CY jedge, J+ in cheery
Fo foe effect of Br Shiioh’ 's Care in
wees of adva oonepmption, I am
resin Wh BAY it is the most remark-
able remedy that has ever been bro
to my astiention It has ocertminly |
saved many from consumption. Sold
st Corner Drag Store.
[ang Troubles and Consump-
tion Can be Cured.
Ae Eminent Sy York Chemist ang Scoetist Makes
a Fron Ofer to Dw Beaters
The distingninbed New York chemist,
T. A Socom, demonstrating bis dis
covery of » reliable and absolute care
for consumption Palmosary Taber.
culosis and ail bronckial, throat, lang
and chest dimanees stabborn oooghs,
catarrhal affections, decline
and weakness, lows Beat, and ali
conditions of wasting & , will send
aictnd reader of the PaTrox Covnrem
riting for them.
ie New Scwntife Treatment” Bas :
cured thousands permanently by its
timely owe and he eomiders i » simple :
femsional duty to Homanity
to donate trial of his i .
Science daily develops new a
ard this bias chem. patiently ex.
coh per 3 TR 0s i 1 At A A IRAN
According to the newspapers, an
(tie bushand became the happy father
of seven children not long ago. Of the
seven ali lived but one. It is So be
hoped be inid in» supply of Chamber.
lsin’s congh Remedy, the only sure
ture for croup, whooping-cough, colds
smd coughs, and so insured his chilbren
ge Tine Laght snd Fast yet Stony
$5.00 PER PAIR.
Ofos 09 Arch wy
mi Philndeiptia. ”
RANE ra pnt
~ FirstNation'IBan
Patton, Cambria Co., Pa
CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00.
SURPLUS, $40,000.00.
it of hd
will have oar proaspt sed
Te paid om tase depruite.
AE Parrox, Wx H Sasdromd,
President. Canhier.
sal differ. |
ent’ of hiw New Dimtoveries to any
perimenting fr Fans fi produced
resulta xe "
humanity as can be claimed by any
moders genius Hi sesertion that
long troubles and consumption sre
curable In any cimale in proven by
“Daartit letters of gratitade,” fled in
his American and Horopean labrs
orem in thonsands from those cored
in adl ¢ of the worhd.
Medical experts concede that bron
chial chest and long lroubles lend to
consomption, which, uninterrupted,
means speedy and ceriain death
Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C
88 Pine steer, New York giving post.
office and express address, an d thw
free medicine will be promptiy sent
Sufferers shoald tale instant ad
vantage of his penercis proposstion.
Please tll the Doctor that yoo saw
his offer in the Paros Cormiee.
The sutios mumabaing sock of Ladies
and Mises’ coats and
Hooks und eyes, with humps, black
and whi, 2 dozen for i.
Large white bedspreads, ready for nee
35¢, and each-worth double the money.
ladies’ shirt waists, percalle, from
Bbc up.
Ladies’ fine silk waists from $4.00 up.
Ladies’ fine dress skirts from §1.50 up.
§ Ladies’ fine silk dress skirts, 7 gore,
from $4.50 up.
Ladies’ fine silk and satin capes, Iat-
i i est out, from $2.50 up.
Ladies’ ribbed cotton vesta 5c
| Men's evening suits, latest novelties,
i Men's extra fine dress suits from
96.50 up.
Men's Navy Blue G. A. R. suits,
Slater make, from $5.50 up.
J Youth's 3-piece suita, latest novelties,
from $3.25 up.
Boyw fine dress suits from $1.00 up.
| Gents fine summer underwear,
brigan, from 20c up.
Gents evening dress shirts from
30¢ up.
Gents fine plaid shirts, attachable
. and detachable collars and cuffs, from
| BOc up.
Silkoline 5c spool, large spoois all
Printed lawne and dimilies new
styles, from 7¢ per vard ap.
14 rows solid head, needle point pins
for 1c.
Nickle plated safety pins, per doz
large hat pina, with black heads 1
dozen 5c.
Lienen writing paper and envelopes,
per box Te
Men's large blue handkerchiefs 4c.
Pure Turkey red tabie lines from
2c up.
Ladios’ fine dress ahoes, all sizes, but
ton and lace, $1 and up.
Ladies’ tan and cloth top shoes from
Mammoth - Department - Store,
Booming Bargain Guns Bombard the Weak Fortifications of
Old High Prices.
Hats and Caps.
Men's dress crusiers from Se ap
Men's fine dress derby,
Men's Ialesr alvin
drab apd bisck, from
Men's crash hata, aes 5
Best Turkey red call
per yard
3¢ per yard
Youman styies from 31 ap
of nies, Sw
Latest make caps from Sc ap.
Articles That You
Hest fast color percalle fAnisbed
prints, new styles Sc grade Sc
Comfort calico, a grade worth He at
Latest designs in drapery & and up.
Curling irons, all sizes, 3c and op
Men's gray seamless socks 4&0
{Liven crash Sc.
Fxtra good cotlon crash 4.
Turkish bath towels, large size, from
se ap.
Fine bleached muslin, one yard wide,
Se, worth So; will sot yellow like cheap
Stetson and
, pod Be .
0, Worth so, our
Langaster ginghams, latest bar &
Heavy cottage iagrain carpet in
showy patierns 25c per yard
Good domestic 9-4 sheeting, léc per
yard, worth 20c.
Fine dress percales, fast colors, new
designa, many patterns, from Sc ap.
Cushion crash of best grade, in fancy
bars, 12¢ per yd
Irish linen for shirt bosoms and fancy
work, | yard wide, 300.
per pair np
Corsets, white and drab. good gual-
ity and make, 40c per pair.
Men's good working pants, ali sizes,
from Me ap
Men's fine evening pants, all sizes,
from §il up
Men's extra fine dress shoes in tan
aad cloth top, patent leather, vied nd,
and kangaroo, $1.78 ap.
EE ——————
120 per yard
lograin carpet, heavy grade, best
colors ani patterns, 35¢ per yard
all-wool ingrain, chace colors,
$1.25 up. Ladies’ fast black seamless hose So
the LOWEST PRICES ever marked on PERFECT
Gents fine neckwear from 3c up. SOc per yard
We have