od Bt OS a eS At, Ancient Catton. From Republican Traveler, Arkansas City, ; Pigtnsges to some shrine of St. Vitns to cure the disease known as St, Vitus’ FSi jo mad on The modern as afflistion is is “within reach ol as is shown - the aleven-y George wi $15 9th 5, an oy 88 Sulla the story as folle hig was i ‘snr ago,” says, “Karl was takes with 81. V ity’ dance and to grow worss daring five months he was mds ap ee ta wi at ot the use of his » Samed doe Splany i2- | . Wa up hope when | Dr. Wililame' Pink in te Pale People | were rasommendad to my wile by a lady hose daa ier bad been cured of a ais A a Saken five : Boxes the at Pale People sre the most re- rai medisine on the market.” ne discovery ot mad. times bas prov vod meh 8 bisssin as Dr. WiLL fame’ Pink I'10 pr Fale Poople, Asting directly on ti blood and nerves, lavigne. ating the body, regulating. the Tanetions, ao & strength aud health in the putient when every effort of the ees unavailing. i mre sold in pox at 50 esis Deke bones for $3.50, aad Ri druggins, or ne Cow. Beouest on Dr. 0 BAH ro A oa i ee At the Btroxrl palace, In Rome, os is & book nade of marble, the leaves being of mirvelous thinness. Don't Tobaern fight and Smoke Tour Lith Away. Tv tohincso essily and forever, be mag “metie, full of |ite, servo sad vigor, take No To fo that makes weak men rng. AN 0c or #1. Cure gusrso- Bookir sl sample free Address Bretitng Regia Co. C Cuicago or New York SAT There are 250 glaciers fn the Alps maid to be gver five miles in length. hake 1 1nte Your ld Allen's Fout-Ease a powder for tha fest. Tt euros painful, swolien nervous sm arting teat and tnstantly takes the sting out of corns mod bunlonh, It's the greatest eomtort dia | eovery of tha age. Allen's Foot Ease makes or new slices fosl easy. It in 8 2ertain sure tor» Te , eallous and hot, tired, {to day. Soild 14 by all dr drug. fant J IY stores, 35e NS Address Alles 8, Olmsted, Le Roy N : tree, Kiondike Wap wrves. Im OST ras 1 : >! : } FSP ASME and all pore. : ST. VITUS DANCE, A A ei is (rant Bestorer. S Rend for Y 3 iret Nene snd treative to ae. Ld Wi Arch Street, Phils. Mr Winslow’ % Soothing Syrup torchildren saltons reductn In sliays ove Fe otros wind colic. Te. The average {es of women who work far oa Hving is 36 years BAA To Care 8 Cold in One Day. Take Laxitive Brome inine Tabista AR Druggists ref and money it Tit falls ours. Se Hy novel and simple ours for the head. “mache Is announced. It ix for the suf- Serer to walk backward for about ten minutes. Note os for Fifty Conta Guosraniopd tobacco lt All dr maken weak wen strong, bivod pure 4s. a EL AL drugs Shoes niade of porpoise leather are absolutely fmpervious of water. 5 Sie ima ts apie et i Prayers for Columbus. Prof. Purk of Andover figures rath | & amusingly 15 the 1eimiuscemens of ee ————————— continued A A AIP, 317 to only leava {manure is more than | Yauraopetita, | Purity and ; ~ Vitalize Your Blood, Overcome That ‘Tired Feeling Get a tottle of Hood's Sarsanarila and begin to take #t TODAY. ard realize the great ed ois sure to do yeu EE aE a a Footing Currant Cuttings. Tt is very easy to make entlings of ipither surrant or goossbarry tA foot length of last year's gre fwith the end smoothed off and standing in the sal, froin its smoothed surface & gro higahion yb fined wiil pat ont roots ons bad above This will make the stem for the failure plant. Which Page Are Mast Feritla Tha fia s sy : soe from old bang are mada t} hast for bat te [tak rary so far, at FF i i geiewh pr iw 33 i Bs 2 sR, REISE HE Dor Cent. OF 87 statergent is iat Pfr Fleasan ta mt £5 & : 3 MERTON Had - 3 2 Fie es Btrengtn T Spa ext with th arative sae west with the Feds Hits RYH Diy fe tra HAYA than © days of sper averaging Hw per RYHLRIINE higher twonty-twn i A : 5 on SRI Agneniturst, Cent. Bations Var Sheep, For ground fond a maxtara of ponds of sora vical, 100 pong in of wheat brag and twenty-five pounds of al raeal has been fonad very satisfac tory, Oats may be sabstitated for the bran with grand if tha ff oil meal aw ironnd ecrn and oats miteld in proportions only a good food, bat a fat anne one fo pes ¥ i the fatlaning should be regularly dipped do Prin dd Cornisa highly J fond and can only be fod & safety when given with bran With such oa A 3 during the fatten; Ww period to | capacity, which resigita slightly inoreased 1% not best results in » Blan W tiem boa fed ther fad sale wit CTR, : anil beans bh a ration wholly or mainly of Manors For Stramherries, The strawberry plantation requires very itary manaring to proda best yiald., Every year on most plants there is a sncesssion of berries, the firs! and second pickings being al most always larger and finer than hse that ripen later. Bat if ra (4a times in, we have known the later crop to ripen up and be very nearly as good as the first, his suggests that in addition to ths top dressing applied in winter there ought to boas | additional fertilization, while the crop is forming, and this last ghould be al- ways dissolved in water, 50 as to be | Nitrate of potash | readily available. is the best ruanure to be thas applied This is saltpetre, and costs five to six cents per pound. Inmp dissolved in warm water and ap plied] freely will keep the vines fresh | and vigorous to the last, and will make a great inorease in the size nf the fruit. The labor of ap plying hud Ha and 12 greater than can be gener for any other cr: op 1 thas the strawberry Uy #2 An Easy Way to Grow Tomatoes, The usual method of raising tomato plants and frait calls for more work and attention than the ardinary ran of garden crops demand. Sowing the seed early in hot -beds, the formation and care of which is a matter demand ing much daily attention to details, and the repeated transplanting of the young plants fo remder them stoeky | and vigorous, all this requires work, { perhaps more work than many very | busy people feel like attempting While this care and labor may be need ful for extra early tomato plants, which | are to give early crops, yet it is en- tirely unnecessary for regular erops of delicious fruit. One can sow the seed directly in the open ground as soon as | weather is suitable, or what is still throw all good more easily done, specimens of the tomato (that bee affected with rot or are bruised in any way, aud so anfitted for sale) upon the | manure heap. These tomatoes furnish plenty of seed in the manure to give a volunteer crop of tomato plants upon | the corn or potato field upon which this same manure is used. Planty good, ripe, late tomatoes, as wel green ones, will thus be grown practically no etpense. —M. Sumner Perkins, Sealy Tews A subscriber at Shongaloo, Miss | wants remedy for gout or scaly leas: aiso best means of exterminating fleas As regards sealy legs, the remedy is The disease, if such it may simple. be termed, being esused by small parasites that bury themselves nnder the skin and lay eggs there The feathered-leg fowls are most J subject to tha affliction, but even they san be kept {ree of it, if a little care is given. After the rough scales have ap peared, catoh the hirds and wash the legs thoroughly in warm water and soap—using a brush if necessary. After this, rub the legs with a mixture of one part sulphur and three parts lard. Repeat the operation daily for three days and the scales will disap. pear. A few dropsof kerosene added, will hasten the cure, but if used too freely will burn and irritate the flesh. A friend of this paper suggests an application daily of pureappie vinegar, sud says he has tested it with perfect satisfaction. It the roosts are given a coat of terosene every month throughout the season, not a case of scaly legs will ear. ~ As for ridding the premises of fleas, Innless we knew the exact surround.’ anid 1060 jaantity PETE LY 5 y | RrODURG ation they av the later season 18 very wef, ax it sone. But a very small | rally afforded : rather it wo mid ha AL that comid /A Crips ings ET Fgest § means applied in the barn or mint no : a A selntion of erade Spraye: 1 over the 2 £3 } = st. } id DERE og ay wy wr Rid i¥ walls wi GFiva ih 8 © hat if the Paes Ty rye Eg 2 TE ny, BP EA SOOTHER Wii the mest oe stual remed SE j% have them Home an New Facts Avant a od Fon, na Ye. BN Rarer ag] do 3. SEHrim i. sitract not Hold the af the lary enter | ADTATIOG a § Hiya with pars five, Mopraving tien doen mmneh ingw gt In laboratory tein! sprayed are Late spraying with hordeaax mixture whale-oil sap or sud soda arsena™, safe and does some good, Beraping the bark and tacking paper frank when {he is pupating will eateh many the celiar wisi ndows in spring w sons emulsion, hatehal ages on the atfactive, and with load acetate reel § tread, Lan l# the fine the mmotiis winieh want in Appias as larve in the fall, { ewiggest that you spray Eharnn with parss green within a we tthe bBlossdian ii bende f eloses eggs re Ljeaves, abound CH this fails, nse paris green com with bordeaux mastnre instesd, the trees smooth atid nse paper bands trunk woes the lara are prirats, abont the last week Remove and Kil the lores Lpne or two weeks ister. Piace bands Gt main the last week in Augast, Leave them anti the apples ars out the orebard, then gather them np and destroy the larve. Get the balance 113 spring by screeus over the cellar door and windows, Observe for yomreail bow wany of thews pracantions you ~Profossor F, W, Card od ant Station, The Short Cheek Rein, x > puiliag as tha rating he We ET TERGY in Jt Nhe, Penn omit the Nebraska Experian To keep a horse {rom hewl down and cating or trying to ind somethitae 0 eat for. no «how well the horse 1a fad, when he ix harassed and taken Be ia FoR iy { for a bate of Fram if stissaabl that is nit aiways pleaxant thon ] i* the thoagh many hes using & team on the road skoreina are I pre! far the side check, a9 they are far wore sorroeahie ts tha hiss and will even better the horse from puttiog its head to the ground than the overcheck when hoth are foosely need The over-cherk wears af the mane, presses dow on the head anid helps to keep 1% hot and makes SOE places and mars the horse's face, : RB at % may dof asl RE enough asd does not have a sepurato i bat for it. { Some horses are so physically con- | stractad with the neck high ap on the i shoulders that their head 1a high enough without a check rein, while others may have a low neck aod nos | carry the head well up, mad no amoun k-reins will add any grace Ww wvemsents or beunty to their hi ier ait wie RETR resory, with ¥ x Lispanasl prevest sone lines he over-oneek of cher their CArviage To see a horse's head drawn up out of its natural positis wm feoks oatlan. dish, xt times the hot san bisning down in their eves so they cannot ! well see where they are going, and they travel high, » ymething after the style of a bd ind horse, and they soon get to traveling heavy; then | spring, activity and elasticity are leaving them A Borse with a short invariably a slow wal care to wot unless urged and who can hime him?-—and yet I have pheok- % ¥ £3 : often noticed that ali the shor reins don't belong to the wnge Rid reader, did you ever think when man was given domiulon the beasts of the field pected he would torturs the faithful, hard-working animal with the check rein? And to see a horse wit two bits in his mouth, bolding apart, the saliva drooling out, the tongue dry, the lips thew a very sninviting appearance, a graceful carnage ‘few more oats, or, if he 1s petting i enough of them, arrange {or a little less work and get things in balance KEALD 88 SOO as You cas In a nstural position is when th horas appears at its best, tis then hie ia best prepared ta travel or pall loads, ia fact, 1 find pethung © particuiar to a the over- check above the side-check the cost of them, for I soe by consult. twenty per cent. more than the sd check. —L. C. (ireen, iu Farm, Piel | amid Fireside. Chinn iris, Bours, Twenty. ‘nine sheep » introdaced inte their fast 1 cheek rein in ker aml doesn’! Gree 2s 3 was BX. sliort. | lips : chafed, gives My best plan to make a horse have to fhe head is. . Bot even | : Le : : 1% Park Building. ing same lists that the over-check costs | i Russia holds the thind place amcng gold. producing countries Gold Is only found in large quastity io the Ural mountains and east and west Siberia; the very limited owipnt of washed gold In Fialand is not of any Importance. it is only puatural that the government should do all In im power to advance the goid-mining Industry, { Russian | i Its plan is to train up a staf of mining | engineers, and to lot these experts visit North America, south Africa and Aus tralia. It is also proposed fo attempt a second extraction of gold from some of the vast quantities of resiiue, sto, fo the various mining distriets~—Phiia- delpbia Recwrds 1h vor onli its as bard a8 iL can im Yeu, mom; that's the was wet Alarrons Bile snange eake® Why Nang a sponge bs before Us Four Rasen 0 i BOD Beauty Te Bleod Deep. (lean hiood means a clean skin, Ne bean ty without Cancareta, Candy Cathar tie clean your blood and Resp i clean, by eer an a drwving ail me shir 2g np the Mary | ich from tie baw Fagin today to ‘eg. belie, b ptehen black beads, | biiwus complexion § IY Tar ten pwr, Al i 3 oaran teed, - 1 wan fred lt “1 as the resin Fdncate Your Bowesls With Cascaretn. Candy Cnthartie, cure Soumipiine Jorg Be, Se. GCC fal drugmms ref and mane. 8 sur SK greater that An raliways. fasutent ¥ than 4 i 3 i ATRL va are is a wander? WW Puxesy Yan N.Y. ws, Enekirn, Lis asm Be To Care Constipation Forevey. Take Cascarets Candy Calero The Tilatcd oraminaiad frorsaning In Russia ‘SINGULAR ST ATEY ENT. PA YR from Mra Rask to Mra Pinkham. —— a a’ The failowing letter to Mr Piak- ham from Mes M RBaxx, Noo 2.3% Fast Susquebanan Ave, Philadelphis, | Fa. ls» remarkable statement of re | lief from ater discouragement, She | say : “I pever ong find words with which to thank you for what Lodia EF. Pink. ham's Vegeinbie Compound has done | for me. * Rome years ago i had womb and dixtored tor a long tie, ing any va At would You) treable : BOL ee weil miserable, So ow lsat Ovtober, | felt something terrible creeping over me, [ knew sot | what, but kept petting worse. 1 can | MIA Lien Wis ¥ nates hardly expinin my feelings st that | time. I was so depressed in spirits that i did nit wink Ww 1 Te although 1 Lad everyibing to live for teria, Was very nervous; Blogs. * Indesd, | thought I would lose my mind. No one knowi what | endured. * I continued this way until the last of Febraary, when | saw ia a paper a testimonial of a lady whose case was similar to mine, and who had been cured by Lydia E ble Compound. well woman, snd heart, ‘Thank Good cine." can say Mrs Pinkham invites all suffering rite to Ker at Lynn, Maas, , 5 All sueh ietters Are seen women to for advice. and answered by women or ST BA HN CI BI A “i have boom Iascennia, with which over Lweniy years and I can say that Casares | Eaves piven me more re llef thin any other reme. dy l Gave ever triad. shal certainly recom. awad wr my frisnds as Deing ail they are represonhed. Trmoa Glirann, Eggin, UL CANDY Py sy faking ; OTR top or®ie. It CCC fai 10 cure, drag ise refubd ones. aun en d CRITICS Re Had hays conid pot sleep anid was not safe tw be left Pinkham's Vepeta- | I determined totry it, | anid felt better after the frst dope. 1 evutinosd taking it, sad to-day am a ; from my | for such a mwedi- CASCARETYS for | we bess afioved for Taste Sood Tom or Gripe Me, Bo lee CURE CONSTIPATION. — ew Marieg Nemedy Company, COMmagn, Buutreal. Sew York. 38 | —— NO-T0-8AC ane TRL - emis on es pt pr 2 Cheap ‘Excursions to Denver, Col. wm June LR 3 aud § the Wabash BR. KB will ren pote txenally cond te ted DANVER, COL. and return the Annual Meetieg Amarioan Mwlieal Asser elation. Full particuars from agents of coo. ac tiag dees or F. MH. TRISTRAM, CPA Wabash RB KR. 5 Ivaban. Pa the Australian colonies in 1758 are | | now represented by 120,000,000 of the finest wool sheen in the world ex areins Wh an asxign at of § No amount of argument can op honest grocer that any o ther soap wi such faction as lvory oy they prefer r Ivo ry Soap to new kinds, of unknown quality. Ivory s ap will sell because the people want it, the other soaps look like Ivory, but his customers want the real thas Rg — the; : may buy a new soap once to try it, but they come hick and again for Ivory Soap, and § a aly nce the experienced, I give his customers He knows that y ff » general sat 4 i " may Zan insist Gh havi Bicycles STANDARD OF THE WORLD are out of the ordinary—there is nothing ordinary about EVERY PARTICULAR. §% Nickel Steel Tubing, dust proof bearings, direct tangent spokes, finish of the finest, construction im- possible to equal—New Departure Back Pedaling Brake on all chain Columbias-—every possible re quirement that the greatest experience and skill can produce is yours with a Columbia, Columbia Chain Wheels, . . Hartford Bicycles, Vedette Bicycles, , . POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Cona. Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer, or by mail for one J-cent stamp. purchase thm material from pat you in the way of obtaining it. THE MURALO Co. NEW BRIGHTON, Ss. I. ne a nisi cisco worn by machinery in twenty-four tints and is superior to say eonevetion of lng that can possibly le made by band. To as wrxen wrra Coud Warm: na and W Br sESD FOR SAMPLE COLOR CARDS and il you ¢ ; es local dealers let 3s kaow aad we will + ———r———— on msi “Fool's Haste is Nae Speed.” Don't Hurry the Work Unless You Use A Si oh WO AG 5 THE DOMINANT tras. = : Wogan As Sanrpessed Waatonl } Magazine for dn and Oreo iy 3 ; ; Great “Tudbing Use Sd oa NERNTS a | rm a