The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 19, 1898, Image 1

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    Ah spe nm 1 Rl hs
VOL. V.—NO. ; 25.
on AO ol AA VIR 7
# 00 PER VEAR.
A pp mane earn BA
Save your checks.
On January 1st, 1899, I will,
| Cleaned Here and There by
the “Courier” Reporter.
ve to the person return-|
ing the largest number of FROM CHAS. S. WEAKLAND
my Cash Register Checks
i A cin
[OF the United Sates Navy. to the Ebenw
; burg Mountsieeyr.
| U. 8 8 Wilmington, off Havana,
| Cuba, April 30, 1898. 1 will try to give
L | you a brief account of what is going
ion in these waters. Altho' we are en-
‘gaged In a very serious calling just
{mow it is nevertheless good sport. for
‘hunting Spanish vessels is far more
interesting than fishing for trout or
| hunting for bears in the wilds of Cam-
bria county.
| Our vessel has been christened the
Of standard make.
Will be on exhibition in
Full Particulars
Of lescription
all . Pai selection
in this section of the country.
n Pharmacy.
andl Beech avenues, Oppo-
; The tale of the greedy
re Ostrich.
a “Once 1 an Ostrich named Miss Jennie
2 on Hapdware Store,
She could of finished up on
~ Buggies, Harness, Plows,
Gan Tools, Cinderella
| pan a a car load of Doors
; and Sash at
J E Kiki How. Cos
» of Cooking Stoves
Next door
a shine
Bave ashine on your
: We yr have a
“Dare-Devel Wilmington™ by some of
the leading papers, and if you had
‘some of the little experiences we have
| gone through the past 10 days you
would think we deserve the name.
. When word was received at Key
| West on Thursday evening, April 21st,
to get ready to proceed to Havana we
were the first to get underway, and we
‘ were stationed on the outside, there to
act as a marker for the rest of the fleet.
Friday morning came and the fleet
(sailed for Havana. The ‘‘Dare-Devil
Wilmington” was in lead, and sighted
‘the large Spanish steamer which was
‘eaptared by the Nashville and towed
to Key West.
the war and belongs to the Wilming-
‘ton crew, even if the papers did give
joe Nashville credit for it. The
also sighted the Spanish
Sait Panama and reported it to the
flagship New York, which sent the
‘ battleship Indiana after it and the Man.
grove started to escort ber in, bat was |
glad to have the Wilmington's assist.
‘anos to take ber to the flagship.
The fleet sailed from Key West about
Bam. April 22nd and arrived off Ha-
‘vans at about 5:30 p. m. of the same
. When we arrived off Havana the
‘city was beautifully lighted up with
| electric lights aud the Jight house on
| Morro Castle was throwing ber light
far out to sea, and this presented a
i grand spectacle.
| About 11:30 p. m. a couple of the
‘ torpede boats got right under the lights
fof Morro Castle before they were dis
| covered and a few shot were fired from
“Old Morro” and all the lights in the
city were put out as also the light house
and the only lights to be seen around
Havana now at night is the great
| searchlight which is thrown out around
‘the harbor at intervals, to cateh any
| American boats that may be getting a
| little too close for Spanish comfort.
| Since arriving here we have had a
i prety exciting time capturing prizes,
| and some of them have given us pretty
| exciting experience, for in several in-
| stances we have gone very close to
one we chee right ander one of the
| “wand batteries,” close to Morro Castle, |
! and we expected to get fired on, but
the Spaniards were either afraid or
‘wanted to save their amunition, for we
captured our prize all 0. K,
. We patrol the beach every night
: without any light and one half of the
ship company are at their guns all the
time, ready for anything that sees fit
to get in cur way. This ‘makes things
exciting and tends to make the time
. pass more rapidly. We are anxiously
| awaiting a chance to see whether we
‘can whip the Spanish Navy or not and
also 10 see dow long it will take us to
capture Havana and Old Morro Castle.
“We steamed along very close to Ha-
| vana yesterday afternoon and hada
! good look at the city and old castle
and were within easy range of their
| guns but they did not see fit to use
: them. Yours,
Cuas. H Weaxraxn,
Memoria! Day in Patton.
i Memorial day will be observed in
i by
| the Grund Army of the Republic,
pablse schools, Sunday schools and
In order to make full ar-
all the societies, fire com-
pany, schools aad citizens should ap-
point two or more of a committee to!
meet the Grand Army in Bell's hall on
Saturday May 2ist at 2 o'clock p. m.
Don't fail to attend this meeting as the |
time is short to arrange program for
parade. By order of Post,
W. H. H. Beri, Com'dr.
Card of Thanks.
I wish, through the columns of the
| Counter, to sincerely thank all those
! who so kindly assisted my family dor.
ing the recent illness and death of my
Ladies our new shirt waists are now
in. Call and see them.
Parrox Scrreny Co.
It was the first prize of
LETTER FROM wa. wanz
With Hix Brother Hamer,
Crabwe St. Paul
U. 8. 8 St Paul, off Norfolk, Va,
May 11, 1898
Who, are on he |
Dear FatHer and Morwer—: I :
thought I would write and let you know |
that we are still alive and well and hav-
ing a good time. We are laying off
the navy yard here and are getting |
ready for Cuban Waters. After taking
coal and provisions we will join the |
fleet. You ought to have seen Hamer
and I while we were on our way here;
talk about two sick boys we were a
pair, I tell you.
It is getting quite warm down here
I am cooking for ten men on this ves-
sel and it is a “snap.”
dollars per month more than for ordin-
ary work. [am also second captain on
one of the guns, and
holds a shell about a yard long.
Oh, by the way, we had ta live on
hard-tack and coffee for a couple of
days and you ought to have seen
Hamer; it made bim wish tha” he wan
home again.
We took on thirty hundred of amu-
nition the other day and we expect to
take on as much more to-day or to
morrow. The St. Paul is a dandy ves
sel; she carries about 450 men We
bave seen many strange sights since
our departare from home. There are
@ve other big war ships here waiting on
os, when we join them amd depart
for Caban waters and then you will
hear of some fun down there
Tell the boys that we are well and
baving a good time and getting fat
eating hard-tack; also tell them that we
send our regards. [ will write again
when we get down to Key West.
With love to «ll | remain your son,
Witiiam Martz
Now Mrz. and Misses Deweyan.
Since the last issue of the COURIER
‘the population of Patton hax been in.
creased to quite an extent by the
arrival of several bran new littie boys
and girls. The proud parents now
have a chance to confer an honor apon
their heirs by naming them after some
hero of the now existing war, namely
Dewew, Whitney, and possibly others
in a short time. Following are the
proud possessors: Councilman D. P.
Jones, a boy, arrived Friday; Council
man J. D. Blair, girl, Friday; Waiter
Drie, boy, one day last week; 'W. Stew-
art Jones, hov, last week; Postmaster
Ed A. Mellon, girl, Saturday; Wm. L.
Thompaon, boy, Toesday; Sidney
Rounsley, girl, Thursday; A. J Watt,
boy, Wednesday.
A Larges Ran
On Wednesday of last week the Pat
ton Clay Manufacturing Company
turned cut one and ooe-hall’ mile of
three-inch sewer pipe in the remark.
ably quick time of but four und one
half hours. This is one of the best
records ever made in Pennuylvania,
‘but as the plant is equipped with all
firnt-class modern machinery it was
quite eawily accomplished. The works
are now closed down for about a week
in order to make some important
changes and overhaul the machinery
somewhat. The two pew large kilns
| which have been in course of conartuct-
ion are about completed and when the
plant resumes operation its capacity
will be greatly increased.
Married May 11th,
Francis Martin Leary, better known
as little “Tim,” and Miss Lizzie Taylor,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Taylor,
of Kerr avenue, were united in holy
bonds of matrimony at Holicaysbarg
on Wednesday morning May 11th
happy young couple went to Altoona
. where they ate dinner. They then re
turned to Patton in the evening and
proceeded to the doties of hoasekeep-
| ing in the rooms over Kinkeads restaar-
ant on Magee avenue The Covmier
extends congratulations to Mr. and
| Mrs. Leary, wishing them a bappy and
prosperious voyage together.
Literary Entertainment.
A literary entertainment will be held
on Tuesday evening, May 24th, in the
.M. E. church, Patton, at § o'clock. A
program will be rendered, consisting
recitations and a lecture by
Prof. Fulton, entitied, “The Acorn and |
A silver
of music,
(The Oak.” All are invited.
collection will be lifted for the benefit
of Epworth League. Come one
come all, i
Ramad- Mo Naish War Atlas
The UormriEr is indebted w Post.
master Ed A. Mellon for Rand-Mc-
Nally’s war atias, which is by all
odds the most complete of any on
| the market to-day. The price of an
! atlas, including a large map, is only
35 cents, and any person wishing one
can be accommodated by calling at the
r -
itisa dandy. Tt
of Regular Session Held on
Monday Evening.
Question Aguin Taken Up A Commitis: to
Investigate Other Pavements.
Patton, Pa, May 16, 1888 - Council
met this evening in regular session with
‘ the following members present as per
“roll eall: Hubbard, MeCormick, Blair,
Anderson and Scheid. The minutes of
regular meeting held on Monday night,
; ive nine | M1o¥ 2d, and special meeting held on
Wednesday night, May 4th, were read
and approved.
In the absence of President Mon-
teith, W. CC. Hubbard acted as presi.
dent pro tem.
The following bills were presented to
Council and upon motion of Scheid,
and seconded by McCormick, it was
unanimously carried that the Clerk be
instructed to draw orders for same:
Hanter & Baughman, $24.40, and Pat-
ton Clay Manufactaring Co., $2.62.
On motion of Blair, and seconded by
MeCormick, it wis unanimously car-
ried that W. C. Hubbard be granted a
building permit of three months for
the erection of addition to school
building on Fifth avenue, and six
months for the erection of Catholic
church on corner of Palmer and Sixth
The following petition, signed by
property owners of Patton Borough,
was presented to Council:
Patton, Pa, May 16, 1608.
i To the Borges and Town Council: -
We, the unde od citizens and tax-
payers of the sagh of Patton,
respectfily request that before the
details connected with the paving of
Mages avenue are definitely decided,
that a committee be sent to owns
convenient to Patton where street
paving has been done, to coafer with
those who had charge of the work and
to obtain information that may be use-
ful to us here.
The committee to consist of two or
three members of the Council; some
of the Jroperty owners on Magee ave-
nue, east of Fifth avenue, or their
representatives, and the Borough
Eogineer. The taxpayers who do not
own property on Magee avenue, east
of Fi h avenue, fo be represented by
W. CC. Lingle and Geo. Prindible. The
property owners on Magee avenue
where paving is to be done to select
their own representatives.
We believe that valuable information
can be derived, and that we will profit
by the experience of others in street
Bison Supply Ca, I. 8 Bell P. P.
oun Coe Hn, Patton Hotel Co,
re F.C Yeager, C. M. Letts,
a: Ag id Land & Improvement Co.
w Steatiff, Wolf & Thompson,
John Futon Estate Hardware store
rey venue |, James Mel.
ErnTa Bl ont. G8 Cor Por.
Ww Lupfer, Parnell & Cowher, W. H.
Sandford, Ed A. Mellon.
On motion of Scheid, and seconded
by McCormick it was unanimously car-
ried that the President appoint two
members of Council to go Wo some
neighboring town to investigate street
pavillg in accordance with the above
A petition signed by citizens of Pat
ton was presented to Council asking
for a road or highway to lead from
Lang avenue to Borough line at or
near the residence of Andrew Salts
On motion of Scheid, and
seconded by Blair, it was unanimously
carried that said petition be referred to
the street committee.
Council then adjourned to meet at
next regular meeting night, Monday,
June Sth.
After the ceremony was performed the
Marriage Licenses Granted,
The following of north Cambria
Making tespravemente. !
C. W. Hodgkins, proprietor of the |
Patton Pharmacy, bas been making
several improvements to his property
on the corner of Fifth and Beech ave |
‘noes which are quite noticeable to |
Another story has been
added to the rear portion of his drug
store building thereby giving him two
' more living rooms on the second floor. |
A new Marshall elevator has just re-
cently been placed in the building, |
which traverses from the toy and
novelty department in the basement up |
to the prescription room on the second
floor. The building is now fitted
throughout with all modern conven.
ences such as bath room, hot and cold |
water, lighted by acetylene gaa, heated
by hot water pipes, ete. Churley in
also having both the store buildings
and all other buildings on his lot treated
to a fresh coat of paint. When this is
done he will have one of the most con-
venient and attractive places of busi-
ness in this section of the county.
Change of Baveh Creek Thm,
On Monday, May 18th, the Beech
Creek railroad pot in effect their sam-
mer schedule. The only material
change is in train No. 30, which form-
Wm. H. Sandford, Patton, Pa. 2513
county have received legal permits to
wed ap to date of May 7th: David L.
. Philips and Miss Margaret A. Emanuel,
of Patton; J. Goloa and Mary Resetar,
of Barnesboro; Wiltred Ivory of Chest
Springs and Anna Parrish of Loretto;
John Mriz and Moey Tomiko, of Spang-
ler; Jas. F. Bender, of Coupon, and
Stella V. Litzinger, of Chest Springs
Attention G. A R
Remember special meeting of Post
Saturday, May 2st 2 o'clock p. m. to
mest committees to arrange for memor-
ind day.
To The Ladies.
We have just received a line of black
and tan shoes in B and C widths in
very fine and up to date footwear that
we ask nobby dressers to call and see.
The price $1.45 is actually $1.52 less
than they should be soid.
ThE Keysrose CrorminGg Co.
Paitos Markets.
Subject to market shudages:
Butler Ran per pound
Cabbage a
Buck wheal nny rina i 4
Fagus - eran iH = dose
| Petulons. is aaa i i bushel
Onions. LL “
“MINESS STORE Co. { Limited]
erly left Patton at 8:00 a. m. and arrived
at Williamsport 11:50 a m. This train,
ander the new schedole, will leave Pat.
ton one hour eariier, thet is, 5300 a m.,
and arrive at Williamsport 10:50 a. m.,
connection being made with the Read-
ing rallway noon train, thos giving
through daylight service from all points
on the Beech Creek railroad to Phila
deiphia. Train No. 33 will leave Wik
Hamsport 2 minutes earlier than under
the old schedule, or 7:88 a. m., and will
arrive at Patton 5 minutes earlier, or
1:45 p. m., connection still being made
with the Philadelpbia & Reading rail
way midnight train from Philadelphia.
Time tables and further information
can be obtained from Beech Creek
railrond ticket agents.
Is Now the Reech Cnvk
At the annual meeting of the stock-
holders of the Beech (Creek Railroad
company in Philadelphia Saturday it.
was decided to merge the Cambria
County railroad into the Beech Creek
company. The latter company in leased
to the New York Central and is i factor
in the soft coal trade The Cambria
County railroad was built last year by
the Beech Creek company to tap a
number of mines that had no railroad
facilities. The cost of the rosd was
$130,000, but only $106,000 stork was
imued. The annual election resulted
as follows: President, M. E. Olmstead;
directors, Comelins Vanderbilt, W. K.
Vanderbilt, Chauncey M. Depew,
Giworge F. Baer, WD.
James Kerr.
flaw About Patton?
An exchange says that the borough
council at Hollidaysburg has passed an
ordinance placing a yearly tax on all
electric light, electric and stean: rail
way, telegraph, and telephone poles,
each pole on the public streets to be
One reapect-- they ft
Kelly and
A weib-dremsed man is the objet of
admimtion always If vou sear one of ony
cwrefilly cot and nade site, it will Sillow “ge
the night, the day.” Our aaits are all alike in
We stanly sch man, hile
style and lite peculiarities, and the mall is
mm tisthetbon hall concerned,
Wa plows you in style of goods as well as
Dinsmore Bros.
The "Way" is to do
your shopping by mail,
and if you'll get descrip
tion and prices from us
for your requirements in
the line of
site AN Pern
the will won't be lacking
The oldest, best and cheapest
house in Central Penn'a.
Write for a booklet.
taxed $1, each pole in the alleys 75
cents vearly, the money fron these
taxes to be used for keeping up the
streets and to defray expenses of police
Yor Sale.
two-story frame dwelling house |
th kitchen, porch and necessary out-
buildings. Fall lot. Also city water
on premises. It is known as the Swan.
son property and is situated on Beech
avenue, Patton, Pa. Bailt
For terms apply to E. C. Bown or
Twe Lois far Sale.
Two elegantly situated building lots
on Fifth avenue, Patton, will be sold:
cheap. They are 30x15) feet and one is |
situated on the corner of Fifth and
Palmer avenues. Write to or inquire |
of E. Will Greene, Patton, Pa. if
I hereby announce that | by be a
Candidate for + to the pop
lican State Conven for the Reps
of Cambria, at the I Primary
| Election to be held in said county on
party of Cambria count
May 21, ISIS,
May 12, 1808.
I hereby announce that [ will bea’
candidate for Delegate to the Republi
can State ( onvention, fur the coanty of
Cambria, at the Republican Primary
Election to be held in said county on
Saturday, 1808,
I hereby announce that [ will be a
candidate for Delegate to the Bepubli-
can State Convention, for the county
of Cambria, at the Republican Primary
Election to be held in said county on
Saturday, May 21, 1504
[ hereby announce myself as a can-
didate for the nomination of Assembly
subject to the rules of the Repabiican
ty governing
May n
the same.
Hastings, Pa.
in 1897.
Should not prevent you
from taking advantage of the
we are offering in
If war should prove se-
rious vou will need your
money and will find it to vour
advantage to buy while the
‘saving prices are on.
Wolt & Thompson.