: - a Ha ‘The Best Remedy for Rheunistiom. «+ According to the newspapers, an From the Pulrbaven (N.Y. Register, : Ohio husband became the happy father EBERT, RI Sl imsminc sn A —_— jon take Karl's Clover | Hr an fires. | For | Fatton Markets. Ata regular session of Patton Castle, Root the great blood purifier. | Subject to market changes: No. 303, K. of G. E., beid May 5th, we, | Cite headache, nes yousmems, eruptions Subic, "+ SoItih pi pone ished basement, seven: rooms, ou Magee | Mr. Jumes Rowland, of this village, of seven children not long ago. Of the pointed to draw up suitable resolutions Potatoes © © bushel 8b purchaser's price. No reas‘nable been a sufferer from rheumatism. A hoped be laid in a supply of Chamber- on the death of the beloved wife of One Minute Cough Cure, cures. J - $1 0" offer refused. | few nights ago she was in woch pain igin's congh Remedy, the only sure That is what it was made for. Two-story frame dwelling on Lang that she was nearly crazy. ; Two-story frame dwelling, with fin- | Sir Knight Bdward Leich, beg 10ave 10 | qumummmsnns offer the following: : WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God, the Great Chief of the universe, | to take from our midst the beloved wife of our brother Knight, Edward Leich, and : WHEREAS, It is bat just as a recog- nition to ber memory; therefore be it | Patton Castle, No. 502, | Resolved bh K. G. BE, that while ve bow in humble i to the (reat Chief of the Heavenly Castle, we do not mourn the less for onr brother in his hour of HOTTOW. Resolved, that the heartfelt sympathy of this Castle be witended to our brother and family in their bereave- ment, and may they look to Him, Who doeth all things well, for consolation in their bereavement. ; Resolved, that the charter be draped | in mourning for the period of thirty ys. Resolved, that these resolutions be Ww our mite record, 8 copy them be the brother and family of the and be ted in the Patron COURIER and also Inthe Knights of the Golden li io H. H. Bey, CA Late to bed and early to rise, pre. 3 pares a man for his home in the skies. Early to bad and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser (. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Song That is Gebag Around. There is 8 song going the rounds of the papers and runneth in this wise: ‘We don’t want to buy at your place, we won't trade there any more; you'll be sorry when you see us going to some other store. You can't sell us any stale goods; we lave opened wide our eyes, we don't want to trade at your store, ‘eause you do not advertise. 8 M. Geary, Pierson, Mich., writes: “DeWitt's Witch Hagel Balve is curing more piles here to-day than all other remedies combined. It cures eczema and all other skin diseases. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. A Short Cul to Houtth, To in to cure constipation by taking is is like going around in a circle. ou will never reach the point ht, but only get back $0 thestarting pont. A parfect natoral laxative is ons 6 King, the celebrated remedy for all nerve, blood, stomach, liver and kidney diseases. It regulates the CC. W. Hodgkins will give you i _sdmple package free. Large sizes 25 and tents. : | avenue, Patton. Four rooms; stable ‘on lot. Will be sold at a bargain. ‘ Two-story frame dwelling on Beech Mixers Store Co. [Limited] | en avenue, eight rooms. All modern con- veniences, SA IR Two-story frame dwelling, eight 1 EEE 2% = rooms, on Paimer avenue, erected in WE ARF ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO 11896, fitted with all modern conven THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CASTORIA,” AND iences. Owner is leaving town and “«PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADE MARK. must sell. Will be sold cheap. I, DR SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, .niion and any of them wil rake was the originator of “CASTORIA/ the same that fine home, or would prove a profitable : investment to anyone with any capital has borne and does now bear OR CUOTY |. vent PARCEL & COWHER the fac-simile signature of 74 wrapper. Real Estate Agents, This is the original “CASTORIA" which has been used in ‘Good Building, Patton, Pa. the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. The Westfield (Ind. News prints the LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is ms ro vor oo A or the kind you have always bought on the many yearsin the employ of the L., and has the signalure of wrap- per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. N. A. & C. Ry. here, says: ‘I have used Chamberlain's colic, cholera and March 24, 1898. Clove aller —o0.D. Do Not Be Deceived. | Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. [consider it the best remedy of the kind manufactared. [I take Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in- gredients of which even he does not know. , pleasure in recommending it." tis a “The Kind You Have Always Bought” specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, ¢. W. BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Hodgkins “Jt in the Best on Earth That I» what Edwards & Parker, merchants of Plains, Ga, say of Cham. beriain’s Pain Balm, for rhenmatism, lame back, desp seated and muscalar pains. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins Announcements. I hereby announce that [| will be a candidate for Delegate to the Republi. can State Convention, for the county of Cambria, at the Republican Primary Election to be held in said county on Saturday, May 2, 1888 E. WILL GREENE. | hereby announce that 1 will be a candidate for Delegate to the Republi can State Convention, for the county of Cambria, at the Republican Primary Election to be held in sald county on Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. Tw CERYAUR SOMOANY, TF SURREY OTRTLY, MEW TORR SITY. A Wagons ELAMARY camsisce axe naRAZes MP6. CO. W. RB PEATT, Sur's, ELERART, IND. Satarday, May 21, 1588 "EBSTER GRIFFITH 1 hereby announce that | will be a candidate for Delegate to the Republi- can State Convention, for the county of Cambria, at the Repaoblican Primary Election to bu held in said county on Saturday, May 21, 1888. CYRUS ELDER. I hereby announce myself as a can. didate for the pomination of Asembly subject to the rules of the Republican party of Cambria OT INET the same R J. YOTHERS, Hastings, Fi Send he fous 4 be! Cotalugee of o11 sur i - i went to the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not approve of Mr. Rowland’« purchase at first, but never. theless applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applys it when she feels an ache or pain and finds that it always gives relief. He sayn that no medecine which she had used done her as much good. The 256 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. What ir A. FE Salter Sava, - Boffalo, N. Y.-GeNrs:-- From my personal knowledge, gained in obsery- ing the sffect of your Shiloh's cure in| cases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most remark- able remedy that has ever bean brooght to my attention. It has certainly saved man z from consumption. Sold at Corner Drug Store. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can be Cured. An Eminent Now York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Ofer ts Our Readers The distingmished New York chemist, T A Sioenm, demonstrating his dis. covery of a reliable and absolute core for consumption | Poimonary Tuber enlowis and ali brovehial, throat, long and chest diseases, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, and weakness, loss © THREY. FREE BOTTLES? neral decline flesh, and ail conditions of wasting away, will send all differ. ent: of his New Discoveries to any She sent ogre for croup, whoo Mr, Reawland for tos factor, but he had] ans corm ey capitis cough ils read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician he and coughs, and so insured his chilbren against these diseases. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, OC. W. Hodgkins. UY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS THE KING GUARANTEED Kin : ngie Tobe Ti Pdght and Fast set Strong $5.00 PER PAIR. THE KING Mag, 0, (Yor X36 Aveh St Fhlladelipbia, Pa. FirstNation'I Bank Patton. Comrie Co. Pa. ota CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $30,000.00. Ansognta of Corporations, Firms, Individe- als and Ranks received upon the meost favors: his tern soneistent with safe and ronservative ning. Ktmusakilp tickets for sale for all the loading lines, Fomign Drafls Je in the principe eition of the (0d World, Al sornmpondencs will have otr prompt and personal aitention. Interest paid on Ume deposits, A E Patron, Wu H SANDFORD, afflicted reader of the Patron COURIER. writing for them. His “New Scientific Treatment’ has cured thousands permanently by its timely nse, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible cure. Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently ex- perimenting for years, has produced reaults as beneficial to suffering hamanity as cangbe claimwd by any modern genius His assertion that lung troobles and consumption am curable in any climate is proven by “heartfelt letters of gratitadie,”’ filed in hin American and FEoropean labea- tories in thousands from those cored in all parts of the world. Madical experts concede that bron. chinl, chest and fang troubles lead to const mplon, whieh, oninterropted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C, a8 Pine street, New York, giving post. office and express address, and the fron medicine will be promptly sent, Sufferers should take jnstant ad- vantage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor thal you saw iis offer in the PATTON COURIER. Great Bargain Sale at QOINN'S, JORNSTOWN. The entire remaining stock of Ladies’ and Misses' coats and furs will be sold at a gre sacrifice in prices We will not keep any of these goods ‘over. They must be sold, and it is everybody's business to buy as cheap an they can come and get a bargain. We sell the beat yard-wide bleached mnalin at Je yard Outing cloth at i yurd. Ginghams at 34 yard, Cut prices on ladies’, misses’ and children’s underwear, the lowest made *T QUINN'S. ERAT APRIL 30, 1898. WITH GREAT SUCCESS AT To High Prices. We always was and always will be the Drum Majors of the ranks of Trade. Our progressive methods place us at the head. We i i - ‘oe ) . 5 . J¢ : a - D ' “ - - are proud of the position. Our capacity of distributing such enormous quantities of goods places us in a position to offer large quanti- ties and better qualities of goods at lower figures than any other house has heretofore done. One thing you may expect to find at our immense store is a three times larger stock in Men's, Boy's and Children’s Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Furnishings in every detail. rvEGoods, Fancy Goods, Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Etc, Etc, Etc. ou can’t go astray in style, quality or price by coming to GOLDSTEIN'S MAMMOTH DEPARTMENT STORE. All the safeguards that can be thrown around the purchaser are here in practice. Highest Quality. Perfect Fits. Thorough Work. Money Refunded. Qh AND LOWEST PRICES. —aalP Your visit will prove an advantage to vou aud a gratification to us. Goldstein's Mammoth Department Store, Patton, Penna. Also bE SN » Goods Exchanged. Greatest Variety. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers