© Seyi. That is what is meant by the vast | member of testimonials written in behalf | | ol Hood's Barsaparilia. They give the re- without any ~ mervous, menstruations were irregular | Take mMcec periods for seven years, and tried Ixperience “And Not Exoermants, Should t ~~ Your Aim in Buying Medicine. Tot others experiment; yon shonid be guided by axperitace. Experiments are . @aneertain in result; experience is surs, Ex- | periments may do you harm: experience ‘proves that Hood's Rarsavarilla will de ; oro > through my properiy, and my fortune | you wonderinl good. Thousands gisdly toll what Hood's has dene for them, They ‘want yon to know and they urge you to experience and prove that 00d’s *ouri, Pills 35, “ios Tue prettier a girl's spring dress 18 ‘the longer It may be kuown that ber’ : wwheels, father Is fussing abo "Ye Curve Constipation Faresas, “ ke Cuscarets (Cawmly Cathar ‘or fail Wo pure, draggists refund money Limi Ro Sri ut it. rst ¥ HA Od Cairo is changing visibly. The electric tramway to the Pyramids Is an mccomplished fact, and the ¢ight-mile trip—befors so expensive—is now posst. ‘Ble for a few pence. Ismail's great PRuseway will in no way be spoiled, as the rails huve been afd right along the #ide of the avenue, and, Indeed, are scarcely noticeable, nn AAS Fits permanently cared. No Bag or nervoms. | # alter first day's tise of Dir, Kiine's Great | Nerve Sores. Firial bettie nnd tremtive | ree De HOH Kove lad Wl Arch ae sci hn arn al Mspatehes were carried into the ¢ by the "Pigeon Post” ~~ Thibet and Its Inhabitants. The immense territory of Thiboet is | almost completely surrounded by moun | fain ranges of appalling magniture, | which, especially along the southern, | western and northern frontiers, const! | tute formidnble barriers against In gress. Frou the Pamir Plateag, in the | extreme west—-"the world's backbone” =radiate the great natural ramparts which shut out India on the one hand | and the Tartar countries of Hokhars | nnd Turkestan on the other, No Asiatic | or Western conqueror has ever dared to penetrate this mountain world; and oven Genghis Khan, the scourge of | Asia, whofe ravages extended from in the East to Moscow In the | Went, was obliged, when juvading Northern India, to take the circufiouns | toute, via Kashghar and Afgbanistan, = fnstead of crossing Thibet. Secure on je of Thibet have rematned undis- d for ages, and have developed teristics for which we might vato | irch in any other race on the globe. Chinese “conquest” lms not pro Guced the slightest change In their gode of life, or exercised suy appre | ible infuence upon their peculiar cul ' OPEN LETTERS FROM | Jzswiz E. Guaex, Denmark, lowa writes to Mrs. Plukham: ‘1 bad been sick at my monthly | almost everything I ever heard of, but ‘without benefit. Was troubled g $1; six for $5. Get only Hool's. §t. Phila, Px, | ; the vehicle will bs pisced ander During the sieg of Paris 150.000 of. | ppg anged, resembling an old.-fash- . ion dripping pan iaverted. fords protection w the gear, and con- : hnes the mind to the lower portion of GOOD = VYalae of Goel Roads Everywhere, cba = LE 55% A lyr pd AT . and sabarban residents of this great ing the railroads extend their lines everywhere. “Jast get a railroad is made,” has been the expreszion of {more than one extensive landowner, ity. abled to get ont to the contras of sivi- lization, and to bring his produce to good markets, bong ago he shoald have devised . some way by which the public high. | more aseful to him than the steel - fracks of the great trunk lines, There is at present under consider pattern, and coupled to it one or more cars, of very light and strong con straotion. This vehicle conld be ran regardless of the grade, and, to some extent, of the state of the roads, Rats and ridges of any ordinary char. acter will not obstruct the progress of this ear, neither will the weather have any effect upon it. "he horsemau's worry is his horss and harness, aud all anxiety on this of a leas carriage. The ranning gear This af- the equipment, eondnoing generally to the comfort and the sleanliness of - the passengers and car alike, a high rate of speed would be desire While able, it is not expected that this will be one of the main points, although excellent time can be made whers the roads are good. This plan will nun- questionably necessitate tha widening of the ordipary track; bat this is a matter very easily managed. If only wide tired vehicles were nned, the aost of work on roads would beradacel to a very low figure. Imagine a horsa- loss carriage with a six or eight-inch steel tire, which would act like aroller, and smooth down arities on the roadway. . The suggestion that thers wonld ha bumping and bouncing is scarcely worth consideration. Jolting comes from sudden contact with a single point. A wide tire wheel would cover 8G ranch surface at one titas that most of the jolting could be avoided, and, | sxoept upon very hard, frozen ground. lated from the rest of the world, the bi : would wear down the surface as it Jen leaving nothing Wo bounce and amp on * It is an interesting fact that much | of the good-ronds enthnsisam has bean stirred up by the manufacturers aad riders of bicyoles. The wheelman must bave a good road, snd thege be- ing so many of him, the beginning of he movement was not ia the least fouls 00 much eannot be said against ' the inertness of certain localities and the atrocious management of cerlain | bits of road. There are regions wher | i one may ride for miles upon roads - that are almost as eeoth as a floor then suddenly the rider snconnters.. which is a veritable Slough of Des pond-—a long stretch of deep holes, ridges and ent-up surface, which is a | disgrace tw the community that tol- | erates it. It is the sheercet nonsense to say | that such pieces of road eannot be : made passable. Hueh assertions show : more and ‘more clearly the need of | the importance of supervision of roads, and intelligent and | painstaking work from the foundation her shies Co This is her letter: “How thankful I sm that I took our medicine. | was troubled for 0 years with inflammation of the b and ovaries, worab was also very I wasin constant misery. 1 had vt trouble, was short of breath and | not walk five blocks to save my Suffered very much with my bad headache all the time, was ful, had a bad discharge and bled with bloating. | was a wreck. Had doctored and | eal \ but still local treatments, but still wasuo for heavy loads, no such thing as a! I wis advised by one of my satisfactory manadein Tondbod ob ror. | ‘msighbors to write to you. I have now | flashed the second bottle of Mrs. Pink- | 8 Vegetajle Compornd, and am i {in every way. lam able todo allmy own work and can walk nearly | Bot been able to do for over two %. Fiakham | . to the surface —Now York Ledger, | the benufit she received from the use of Lydia E. Pinkhum's Vege- | The Ravages of Xarrow Tires, For the first few days after the | steam rollers are taken off the new | highways “they are dreams,” rays the | Springfield Nowa, ‘‘the best thing on | earth, | yielding aud elastic, row tire begins to put in ite work, | entting them like a knife, first disin- smooth as stable, and yet Then the nar- tegrating the surface, and Mier on knocking the foundations to pieces. Once the sarface is disturbed, the . tantly passing narrow tired veluicles did not help it ont. “Asx long as narrow tires'are allowed sible, ' dirt roads. The knife tire thew to nothing quicker. | required, with wheels which do not track. The sooner a Btste law is enacted to carry out this idea, the sooner will taxpayers have relief, and good roads be in sight, “But donot let our legislators forget for a moment that wide tires withont ia provision that the back wheels shall run in a different track from the for- ward wheels is only half the Lettie, if ss much as half. Six-inoh tires, with | the rear wheels running right behind | the forward ones, would ouly smooth Lone foot of the road on a trip. Make the wheels run in different tracks, and we will have two feet rolled each trip. { Allowing for teams passing each Other, cach keeping to its side of the centre line, and we find four feat rolied, and, waking due allowance for teams not taking their extreme right, uniess required, it is reasonable to expect thai nearly the whole read- bed would, in turn, receive its share of rclling iustead, as now, of being cut deeply aud disastrously with every trip.” For many years past the farmers republic have been he'd at work help. | And he has gotten the railroads, with great benefit to himself and his vicin- | By their means he has been en ation a plan for the introduction of horseless enrriages, with widatired for the main thoroughfares, | : through thiekly settled losalities, the | earriage itsslf to be of the ordinary | score is done away with by the horse- | ost of the irrega- | The case is much worse with | Chis through quicker, and the water tears There 1s without fatigue; something I | no reason why dirt roads shoald not! : | prove satisfactory in country districts if wide tires for loaded teams were | ad A New Jersey Fatimate, The annnel report of the State Fad | | Commissioner of New Jirsey makes | g | the folowing statement of the cost of i Hianiare on various roads, and shows { very (oomeisely where the sdvantazes in. He says: a distance of G00 males 31 posta th cents a bushel to hanl wheat on aleve road a distanes of Sve miles andl on a i sandy road it would cost nine cents per mile to haul it, The saving on a brashel of whaat with pool roads for a distance of five miles woald be eqmir- ' alent to that of 600) miles of franspor- ‘tation by steamer or canal boat, or { 375 miles by railroad. One mile i i ¥ : i x i A Chesrfal Woman, Prom the Democrat, Brasil, Ind Bvary woman sannnt be heautifal, bute ehearfal fase often supplins the defisjensy, But nn one can bechesrfal and bring joy to . Others unless they hays perfect hogith, t of good surface and light grades ¢ome | “It costs 01 cents por bushel to | f ship wheat froma Chieags to New York, | wo two year: old and bad Tora i | been in declining beaith nad des | For threes monihs she was not on : household . parisnae ga oof : good roads would make asaving equal | to seventy five miles of railroad trans. | way eonld be improved and made even! portation. Thus every mile of good { rons places the producer geventy-five i miles by rail nearer tothe marzets It | it eatimated that the cost of hauling BOO, 000,000 tous of farm prodaes to niarket is 32 per ton, or just abon BL 000.650, 000; it 1s also estimate that about misty per cent. of this last smount, or S500 O00 O00 wold ¥ + 5 ¥ t | to do this haaling over good roads.” } i A i One Way of Preserving Roads, i To proteet and preserve the high. ' ways by withdrawing then som pub. i f f i i the Kentucky statutes say t | shall repair all damages cansed by the | visor or overseer of roads thall, at any | time when necessary, notify said cor. 3 | and shonld the said parties so notified fail, in a reasonable leagth of time, to repairs, saeh parties shall be deemed guilty of obsfraetiag the gnblic ronda | purposes, " The Weakoet Link, or better than its weakest link, Ina highway there are many links which may be poor, weak or defect saw £5, part, water results; if there is a mingle steep i grade, the size of load that san be | transported is materially redaond; if the sonnection betwesn points is in direct, dae to square corners, much tire is wasted; if cave and repair are labor are spent ‘a vain. disionsly, baild it sotentifieally and a i Distansed by Enrogee, Loe : . { Americans must fea! soma disap i pointment, since their comntry bas {long been famous for its quickness {and skill in adopting mechanical and | setentific disoovaries for business pur- * i poset, when they realiza that Ea. | ropean cities ars far surpassing aay of | i oars in the nse of horssiess vehicles, Until wo have better roads and better | siroet pavesienits wa mast saghmit te tha hazuliation of being distanced by of the most interesting and important phases of modern progress. It is ons tively tires, Loader. Good Roads and the Walls. LArTow building there would not be mael 4 try. establish free delivery in those ses tivas, —3yracuse (N. XY.) Pout, Sires, If our political pravidenses insare : #hall be used on the now roads they will ba a permanent bisssing. Bat if the old style of tires is permitted to | tear thew to pieces it will aot be many tax bills to remember thea by. — Pitts. burg Dispatch. | Guwod Roads Are Good Investments, | When the farmers can be brought to | so that good rosds constructed with } 3 delphia Press, ! A “Dad Roads Map." A “bad roads map’ of Iiliswis is be- | ing prepared Ly the State Division, L. | (A. W., to be sent to the Legislature i and all the newspapers in thie State i Sach » wap would baan “eys-opener” ‘10 almost any State ia the Union, — ‘I. A.W, Bulletin. ! | Rope Skipping snd Meningitis. {i A New York | cently from meningitis, srhool broaekt £3 from over-indalgence of rope skipping. | ¥ : ! mothers of snudry small maidens too | | much addicted to a practice which is! i healthful enough when wodaately ia- i + » This fact may be of interest { dalged ta | lie use at times when they are likely to be injured by heavy travel is oop. Sheela tainly & nuique method of providing for the publie welfare, bat this is what | ; nending a remedy for toning ap and re- “Any corporation, company or in. DUidiog a shattered system. | i dividual who may, by anasaal nse of a road, materially damage the same, | { nse of such road or roads. The super | anavelng, | porations, companies or individanis of | i their daty as provided in this section; | ba filad in the notice, to make such | and shall be sabject to a fing of not exceeding 3100, to be applied to road Like a chain, a road is no stronger | Whatever or wherever the eanso of inferiority may be, the efficiency of | tha whole road is thereby reduced to : . \ ia Jovel with that of its most inferior 20d that nekly bilous complexion If drainags is inadequate, and aconmnintes, [heavy banling irragniar and anintelligent, monevani The remedy tis, Iny out the eonrse of tha road jn. | cars for it constantly. Good Roads + Bulletin, we Germany, France and Eaglad ia one | of the penaltizs we pay for makeshift | highways and for the folly whieh per. mits the use upon them of destruc | w— Cleveland If country roads were generally im. | proved by the modern plan of road lay in providing free deliesry throagh | the more popalons parts of the conn | One reason why Esgland de | livers mail from house to honse ia the | country, an well as in the city, is be | esuse the country reals are in so fine condition that the work of delivery is greatly expedited. If therewere Eng | lish roads sll throagh the Middle and Fastarn States it wonld not be a great | iandertaking for this Government to ‘rain does the rest, even if the con | : State aid mean money in their pock- | | ots, as has been demonstrated in New | Jersey, good roads will become us | common as bad roads are now, — Phila- | girl died re. ithe time T Bo } : takon the Ave Hy § saved each year if farmers wera allo | si ‘abhaut m y asaal work and stopped taking the pitta, | Rha Jost flawed, seemed and Bad ao ambition of the pilis and the i 1he area - Syrup of Figs is taken; ' and refreshing to the taste, and acts . gently yet prosiRly on the Kidneys, Ener and Bowels, cleanses the sys. that only wide tires for henvy loads | Years before we have nothing bat tha cep table to the stomach, ptin} its aetica and truly ni n its | red only from the most | | healthy and agreeable substances, its | - many excellent qualities commend it | to all and have made it the most effects, pr Fortunately, ssionce has placed this prices. logs hoon within the reach of avery woman as the following incident proves { Mrs. Amandn Robinsgn, wife of William Robleson, farmer and storkman. noar Howesyiile, Cav “County, Ind. iv thirty. vara] vears indent, to attend to her domestics dati foabie to bo ap and about. Toda in good health apd able to ette Yi: Bho relates her ex. ey oR wr J was aMisted with female tronhiles and she is WAS (na delicate state of health. I lost omy Appatite, grow thin and was greatly depremsed. After taking various remadios without being herafitad friend to trey Dir “Exriy in Wiiiiams® Plok Pills, the sammer I= i of IST I pro- .gareg ive bores of them and before fin. ishing the second box I, Cpegan to im. ees prove sad <> 5 boxes I wae able to go A Priceless Boom, Our daughter Anna, twelve years oid, was alps aMisted with decline and debility to pe wml} retard her appet atded Sigantion T ugatie bof To to her | was induced bya bronght color to hee | She B sow ia the best of health, I vera Wheres Grass Is a Curiosity. ! At the London county council meet | Ing the chairinan of the bridge com- mittee stated that about fifty vehicles # and 500 passengers per hour pasesd through the Blackwall tonnel Ie Incidentally remarked that a patheile point was that children passad through to the south side of the river and car. ried Lack to the east tafts of grass ag though they wore curiosities { | 7 celebrated for more than a century as & d delicious, nutritious, and fesh forming beverage, has our well-known Yellow Label on the front of every ¢ package, and our 3 trade-mark. “La Belle & RE The Cinecinnat! hootblasla have or #nnized a trust-but they don’t Don't Tobaees Spit snd Smoke Tour Lil fway, To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag petia, fail of He aerys and vigor, take No'To Bae, the wonder worker, that males wesk mes sirang. All druggies, Wo or 8. Cure guaran teed Booklet wid mame fies Address Burling Remedy (0, Chicago or New York Within fhe last ten yenrs the number rafleny stations in Germany has in creased from 40 to S850 if > ST VITUR DANCE SPASMS and all perv. aris dierases permanently cared hy the nee af Pr Kitne's Great Nerve Rastosps Semd fos | FREE 8116 wig] bettie and treatises to Die HH Kine Lid. 81 Arch Steet Phila, Ps | ‘MADE OLY BY WALTER BAKER & C0.Lid, § 11 nat get along withoat Plso's Care sumption Jt always cree Mus KE : Be Ir Pays & know before Write for Cimuinr and Make mors and : WE PAY ON $6; i241 ba $17 AS a I thisk Dr Williams Pisk Pilis for Pale Pacpls the best medicine we aver had in our family and recommend them to all | Ro discovery of modern times has ppovsd | § aah & blessing to women as De. Williame® | : Pink Pliis for Pale People. They restore | Mrangth and hesith to exhausted women | | when avery effort of the physicing proves | These wegetable pilis are | | Sverywhears maoognined ss a specide for | Loo | Henason of the Dicod al marys ! perk tldetutedhon Take Inte Your snoee Allen's Foot -Fase a powder far the fast. It sures salnfol swollen nervous smarting font and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and Bunions. [t'4 150 greatest som fort dis survary of the age, curs for sweating, sallous and hot, tired schinglomt Tee uw fordddy fold by ail drug | pc RAR REE. Address Alien X Oipsted Ie Roy N.Y, about : IPmakota, Hie and show wtaren 35. Trial hos TEINS snare miles of Narth avd Booth with Minnesota atid Beauty is Bleed Deen Cleans hised means a clean Siam skis. Neo besnty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar fie ciean your bieod and keep it clean, by irring ap the lazy liver and driving all in» rites from the body. nash pimoiss, hails bi Sebi, Cascarete beauty for ten rents. Gots, mtsfaction guaranteed, 10c, $e, Soe. Cine of the oldest and most curious samples of the ckamith's are is ate | [tached to the door & Teropls Chureh, The key wolghs Pawven pounds is IR Inches jong and unlike other Keys it wag not make for oek Fisot street, London the contrary, the the sok. On the key, wan made for Te Care a Cold in One Day. Take Lazative firomo Quinine Tablets, All © Drngaiete refund money 1118 latin tocure. Be, The Ee PRS Desert ff Sahara ing west of the Misstesippl NS 48. ro Cp ML Thampnal 4 Ca, Draggivts, Conders. : all's Cataryh Cures (s the best | ated ony sue rare for cataryh they ever ld. | Ors Pu. say Drawgiets sol 18 15 x so “ » own 3 Mex Winejow's Rooting Syrap forchiliren | the gums reducing (0- | fammation ailars pain, cures wind solic, Je | i cH ; tee thitbe, soflons aaa Sid, Portugal bas 35.000 square miles, and | Hille smaller than the | i% therefore. a State of Maine, Educate Your Bowels With Casonvete. Carly Caticartie, ¢ 00, Ba. HCCC tail, Som compisaisanse Er The Netherlands Bave 12.000 square | the combined area | being abangt Gaetis and Connecticut mies, of Massach __ w Allen's Food Bass makes tizht or new shows foniansy. Tt fo § romain , : to | Hegio to-day taking il drag | iz as large as | all that portion of the United States ty | a a PRU Mm parities for Bends aed Sew Music Bright Liters: are Womsan'y Tent. Crest Clubbing Offer La ) 2 ne DOME For three years we have been experimenting with, developing and perfecting Price *125 to on sme. This work has been in the hands of the most expert cycle engineers in the pro- fession and we have succeeded in build- ing a bicycle that everyone who has ridden admits is a better hill climber than any chain wheel yet made. Golumbia Ghiain Wheels #75, Hartfords $50, Vedsttes #40,535 POPE MIFG. CO., Nartford, Conn. Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer, or by mail for coe J-cent stamp. it is pleasant tem effectually, dispels colds, head. | aches and fevers and cures habitnal | constipation. Syrup of Figs ie the || only remedy of its kind ever t in daced, pleasing to the taste ular remedy known. Syrup of Figs cent bottles by all leading drug- for any one who substitute. = 1n a World Maen to aitver . how fond ke hn Roars bow ta Karp a bic ele and wake nine). waaiad : Be Fe MEAD CALLE CONPANY, Chitnse is for sale in 50 Any reliable druggist who H ' may not have it on hand will pro- cure it prom wishes to try it. Do not acceptany | : This material is s HARD ISH to be and becomes as hard as Cement. Milled in equally as well with cold or hot water. : AMF CARDS aad if you eannot purchase this material from your local ¢ | Ji er let ua know and we will put you in the way of obtaining it. J THE MURALO CO, XEW BRS N.S I. NEW — = g Where “Cleanliness Is Next fo & ne Praiss is Too Great for ¥ i