The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 12, 1898, Image 6
earatnty en ed fhe fol : Reina Cristina, a ae Ulioa, Isls de General Lezo, de Duero, Vialascn, dapao, A “transport, and «ry at Cavite, The squndron and only a few men are ounded, Only means of teie r in to American consul at I shall communicate with Dewey.” Cavite, May 4, 1588. ig. Secratary Navy. mye taken p nn of the naval i At Cavite, Philippine islands, destroyed ite fortifications at the ‘entrance, parofiing the Earrison. n the bay completely nd ean ; city at any ume nO GA hy excelent heath and spirits b is not fully known, very heavy; 155 are killed, in- jr the captain of the Reina Chris 1 ani assisting in protecting the sick ind wounded Two bund- fifty sick and wounded are in Boespital within our lines There much excitement at Manila Will tect foretgn residents. PRA A A RE RAN PACA “Pewey.” this Secretary long gave roy to Dewey, which had been by direction of the President, as | Washington, May 7, 1898. Dewey | Manila ~The President, in ” name of the American people, and yourofficersand men for plendid achievement and over. Victory In recognition he has acting admiral, and will & vote of thanks to you by “1oODE. *” al Dewey's reports from t were much move comprehensive the extracts furnished to the pub- t pther things, he sald he 10,000 tons of coal in addition 00) he had with him. and this ] Om the other hand the : all theirs and wasted early | , which has placed the to the very front of | or Jasted three 824 one half The 1 guarding the en- Manila | bay at Corregidor Is- rendered, and Manila is now | at the mercy of American : i American fleet arrived off Manila | break and then for the first time | # made aware of the! of American cruisers, i Dewey refused to answer | Maniis guns fearing injury to residents. The American weded to Cavite where heavy located. Terrific cannonadi- | ed and soon white flags indi surrender of the commanders | The good gunnery of the np ships soom annihilated the! sinish fo Home were Bot om | +5 Llws up by thelr own etre day the American gunboat ironed all the remaining | warships and captured the | Manila. valued at $500.00. chaded 600 tons of comb | : Dewey took possession of | at Cavite, blowing up the magazines. WERE next sent to the governor that should he again fire the nite] Biates fleet Manila he bombarded, The warning was governor at Manila however ‘not permit Commander Dewey fhe cable, and without hesitation A ane cut it. harbor ts full of wrecks of Span. 8 Home may be ralsid and id a8 thess are still in good et oC SR ' shot went clear through the Bal. her shot ripped up bir deck an Ednch gun, exploded a ammunition and and wounded eight # Kong correspondent of the iy Mail gives the following details: "There Was an act Tr of 4 Bpanish er flag and then : take Bhe aid not hit the ur guns were turned on her 10 pleces, Ehe went to the with all on bosrd Several clase in shore behaved in the ‘way and shared her fate. : e Spaniards had fought to their and now surrendered. They | en announcing that the Ameri. ould Kill every one in Cavite, ‘when we landed a long procession and sisters of mercy met the from the Petre] and begged our | not to injure the wounded in the ; Aw a matter “ fast the sh RG Hom EN “ashore. ¢ Span Re ny 2.000 men. ish estimate gives thoir loss is the | text of the order ‘Dewey by Sesretary 24, before war was de. i Haytisn. Hayt! of the Bpa . Haytien recentiy, i protest of Montreal, Can. has refused to sell the | Epies, | Fifteen thinsand troops, | fifteen {tr Chickamauga. iment, A RA IRS Np | Culioch, first I & few days ago: iis desciated and { and increases ite riches and iis strength { and might have done worse, for a long time—~first Deviuse 11 is an mericans praige the bravery of s on board of the Castilla. 100 tons of metal were thrown rican guns during the Manila pers say Dewey's vietory rank high in the naval annals of came re Bey. } 9 not Hkely that. the Spaniards at | din will surrender until) the city is blown to pieces. | Two dln wefe exploded in Marila i y the Spaniards but never affes ted pdore Dewey's fleet. ! | completing cur ruin and with a cut- . ahd-Arted plan of declaring Wir 8 soon . Rolently advapced © ve of F Pirst regiment of infantry will aloum: OUR WAR WITH SPAIN. The troops at Tape were vaccinated last Wednesday, Dewey, Day wiil be celebrated at To- peka, Kas, May 16, Troops at Tampa sre being drilled in the art of making entrenchments A case of small pox has this volunteer (AMD NEAT Mobile, Als. ‘The Spaniards of Argentina have con tributed $2000 to Spain's naval fund Tha criiser Montgomery captured (wo rmiall boats off of Havana last Batur- day, All steamers landing in Now York are discharging Spaniards among thelr Crews, The Italian Admiral says the loss of | the Philippines will be a mortal blow to Spain, The strength of the army nome &8- semnbied gt Chickamauga park, number 53.000 men, The gunboat Wilmington dem adfahad a Bpanish fort near Oojima, Cuba, a fon days AED. Citizens in Havana are burying their {aod in cellars. They fear the starving soidiers of Spain. The (olorads Federstion of Laber | ta strome, has pledged [13 services to the president Ths steel steamer Vigilancia has been fitted sut hy the war department as @ Heating hospital Mondsy the arrival of the Bp feat ar Ports Rich was announced sisting of 17 vorsels Pon thousand army rules have al ready bean purthaxed by the governs ment Bt A cost of $000 Admiral Sampson's fleet pased Cag inst Monday in searc . pi HRS ron in wn ish Evry a rita h An American iner (Of petwithetanding Boanizh consul, The £5 ND ETT fof Porton $e Fy haw Posi srdersd to prepares for 1-0 wh Fpanish roves who will in a few days The city of Ponce, Porto Rive, 8 un. der martial gw, a 80 and British subjects are in dafiger of their Dives Hines anno a ts the starving peaple of blioekaded Havana that Dew ey's fleet at Manila had been del eRe Sonor Ragasta says tha! sail events of Maria have depressed all Spaniards, but they have not fost heart. The Daninion Coal Company +f 1 ofa the BE wy STEVE $a Spanish government 19,000 (ons of pont The authorities of Ban Francisos are alarmed about ithe constant reports sincetning the presence of Spanish The United Riates crufser Mont | Sotaery captured twa Rpaolsh vesssis | a few days ago laden with cattle for Havana. Gomer, the leader of the Cudan In- | surgenta, has thanked the American I people for their interest in the destiny of the island. The thirtesnth regimen of New {York, the majority of whose members | refused to go to war has been disband. ed by (ov, Black. Eminent European authorities state | that the Unitsd Bates are entitled to the Philippine Islands both by right of conquest and from the standpoint of inter-national aw. Capt. Sigsbess auxiliary cruiser, the ft. Paul was put to sea ast Monday. drawn Troan been ordered | tales have The president has accepted the gift i of Miss Helen Gould, of Naw York, to the government of §300.000 for war pur. pomen, and ker check for that amount was received at the treasury depart. ; The Croton agueduct. from which being gusrded by hundreds of deputies 1 is feared that Spanish spies ars plot Benor Mella, a Cariist deputy, was ex- | { pelled from the Bpanigh Cortes a faw | Aays ago for referring fo an unfortun- | ate pation whose Kings are bays, and ¢ that women were always the cause of | the fall of thrones At un meeting of the ily council of New Orleans the other night & petition waa rend from patriotic citizens ask ing that the name of Bpain street bee changed 16 Dewey avenus. The peti : tion was Feigred fo a committed, and no Acsubt will be favorably Rete upon The American ganboats Vicksburg | and Morell, while pursuing & schooner off Cuba the other day Bad 8 narrow | escape fron demtruction, } Peed ows ner the of nta Ciara. sn only the xi Wr TET RE anship of the Bpasish gunners en- abled thera 10 escape, Om the recommendation (hneral i Miles, the secritary of war has gor ten | a trast of land in the vie of Fale oh. Ya, asa Amy for 3y Wt Mix or 30.60 soldiers of tHe volunteer Army The camp ls locatd at Manson’ % hil in Fairfax county, on the of the Bauthern raiivoad and extendy toward Fort Myer. Sparks fran Br : As ahd hyd 5 Ser funnel of the Mo the #Hpanish the attra ted TUns. SX HEN AC RTS RUINED SPAIN. Eenor Sagusta Says the Lend is Denciated By | Iaternsal Troubles Senor Bagasta, the prime minkster of Spain, made the following decluration | “The situation is very simple and un- | fortunately can not be concealsd Spain | ruined Ly Internal troubles. The United Blates prospers daily. There is no use in saying that this state of affairs is the fault of the present system of government. “Would a Spanish republic have pre vented the development of the United States? I do no think so. A republic would have done no better for Spain, A OST oo A “The United States has coveted Culs or A excellent stra fee point, and second, pe be master of t I rade. To attain tts object 1 healtated liter ally at nothing. It knew the state of our finances and took advantage of it to attack ws &fter having assisted the Cuban insurrection with the view of RS TAH A SMA #8 they considersd our exhaustion suf. Supplies fcr the [asergeats. The staarncr Gusais, chartered by the Jovernment As a transport, will sail! for Cuba shortly, loaded with arms am. | munition and supplies furnished by the | United States Government for the use the Cuban insurgenis. A United States troops Ep company | of la Irom the pany the expslition and aid In guard- ing the landing of the valuable cargo and wilt if necessary. hetrate the interior far enough to place supplies in the hands of the insurgents The Gussie has on board between 800 | and 1.060 Springfield rifles, about Se | Van rounds of smmunition, 7 nla the ¢ Pranity to flee te the hills conditien woenld mot be improved, ar the | | insurgents are sow in posession of the 3 j outly ing districts : The orders of the president to acting | admiral ithe { governme Care ordered, wil Ran Francises harbor, L the const defense being ier by I four cavalry companies at the Presidio | : sevmpanies of the | | Poutesnth Infantry now at Vancouver | i barracks and same | Washing i Ameriian Poona is vegnrdad by the furelpn obsery {od that Ethie i yrice (days tin Canada : merle Pama destren wad hy fir ¢ a : — ered 10 latin, : Pugh 4 ¢ breath | Pittsburg merchant EUROPE “ur PROTEST. Stesmery Will Loews Bus Fraveteeo With Supplies and Men for Commo dore Dewny's Fiset New thet the Urdted States Pave pos. senior of the Philippine Isiards they do pot propeeses foo part With them for the prescnt, at mast Eonrops ie ready begins Ming Wr prides mgein the setzu clabming that it "will dis tur the Ee mation in the far amet Berne for of peueenment roast cers tainly be established by the rival Staton at Mania, Commodore Dewey aontrels the waier suppis and the food will not last mors than two weeks Irevey can demand the surrender of Marila, acd if sot coaonplied he will tars boned the oity which he is parmitied to do meording Wo ternational law provifing he gives a day s notes Thies could give the people an oppor where their fle pet Pwstey are that he must re the sare advantageous po hat be pow ecules bat Re mak an sitions CD Rtven great titade. He ix marines Qn icER Lhe city and If becormen pecrsERly the inmnrRonts, teenioral Merriam wild tre subingats he wiand dnd 1 Bparish army in ibe Philips He wilh hmwpviiately (5x vharge of ny and wil réitamin As nad gorErnor anti further It i» suid General B Tracy will be the governs general Although the sentirmoet at Wash iret ie averse to hedling the i» ands permanently. vot they will be aecypled antil Rpain DIyR ths #x- penser of the TTnited States incurred by the present war A tsaling station will, Bawever, bw pafrmanentiy relained an the islands. Admiral Dewey has Been instructed to A Abish a military jpovermnent in the iminnd 2x rapidiv as possitie, He raake this as stalks as he can, and has been advised particolariy with reference 109 the rights of foreign eit. zone The City of Pekin is now at Francisco, and the TRTTY Siam ry SANPSON'S FLEET SANS. | He Wilt Znderver to Suk the rom Before it Roaches Cabs at Key West and jeff and it jo Sefeved | shat & deckeive movement of same sort im to Le mde by (tf iremedintely Some AY a threatened by hs that Paps 3 finde favor the next point of A atied recently from St Vieosnt, lands = yon Ameren attark the Spanish Seon Beil amother and the favorite view Pe ar Ein # flor © Creel hod © iv qmered before any Janine Wexn be rade fo Cuba, ak that As Barisan wid sail to meet it anf Te Dewey gave the Spanish Heer and forts ‘at Magia A GREAT FLEET to Cuba Eis tw ery PAN sed Boh em to rostral i rife as | | Prowdens : vale thangs | Fi guiness and fan Mare Iwisnd Navy! Yard people promised to have her in condition to receive fraops and sul plies in a few days Meanwhile (be Avy Fit together come more swift merchant StOAINers 10 GATYe a8 fransports staRITIeTS rent oosan liners starting fram San nein, | hours thers wii} {Tampa and 12.000 mules Several han. office will make every effort to | Ars ambulances will aise be hurried 15 Tarapa They may be neoded ties are net all fike the one which just Angus, Clppines, seat hy Wey It iw) Pant doubted thar a suffictent number i of theses ran be secured from among | the swift powerful of the | The Fars of Mastis Tasures snd Presented General Miles thought that about 5. alk troops would saffies to reinforce Dewey With vessels like the City of Vokin no troubls woulf be found in carrying these to the Prilippines is six ships within threes wean It is the pressnt purpose to gtart the expedition on the 1th. The troops will be taken malay from the Wear The | War Department promised 0 take one of the infantry cormganies from ldabo fxther troops will be demwn from Wash. ingion and California There ars slg)? companies of United Rigen regulars tn red they prob ably will be dispatched. thelr places | if the six At the srmibasdes and ran fenton Commodoas Dewey's i [pears were read with great iBlerest and New York receives hor water suppiv is | piryved to renew the high fributes of tmander. The remarkable Limparity bet een the Casaaiition on and Spasosh whips, aa shown By the Dewey report vias a sour: : special comaiant seed the military ats tena of one of the shassied 233d such 2 disparity vesda bly was pRraiied In history have § wongnided, er fined) i Killed and © wan ter 4 Few men saabhtly injured Sw vairg Ihe Sexrish arma of thw grest Re wuss of Ls wet oan hive wart hE liews Cilpevr ge mf 3 ut Amerian {Ie RTIY prom off 123 ar Worthless. The sehen der tm their ahipw were they Wonged hE Tore cr AE SARA TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Felix RB Prunes? a well known Sent of Pittsburg died lest Monday An entire family was drowned by fend at Mulberry, Ark. ast week. Three mid hoaheie of ood Lark for southern markets a RED, {af Bieway? Sra 3 Lene FR 1. Wied frd, v6 mis ater to Spain, vo New York Ex-minigier Folio aes Manila - with has returned fa Diss BE FAUT depressed | i 1s Spanish naval % vans a few days age A betier explosion at the Passaic Rol- Hier taille in New Jersey Killed Edward PL Caverr a few 3 dave agin ore Pelroit Soap SAmpany"s Su, insurance BO ro Pals! and her two ¢ Basse at Now York last Monday H. in ir home at Walsrtown NY. Cal ERs BL Irish touched an wi=ctric wire at the Westinghouse works near Pitts. Larg ast Wednesday, und was shocked to death, A Chicagn Nersine. May Gleason, ARed wix years, the other night rescusd her two younger sister from their burn- ing home. A faht occurred at Aimy. Tenn Two men killed each other and three men And two women were wounded, flabert Lindblom, the widely known | of Chicago | | cavalry, ghwiin i Fates, Board of Trade operador made an assignroent 4 few days ag Asses are given as Jee, and 1 tien as LI 00 Yellow fever has aliscked four men #1 Kev West Two ar ” | the } Etat ute pr ‘ ¢ miiala Bt : ET i thee foriign authorities ti the gallant : ' Afertean eo : ting to crippie the aqueduct and cause | A water famine | ment the | Foe I Pray : The res Led within 1 ow Iowans vaiiad to : ; Hie thon offered a BI increas. | ga! Me Fxplained af the sug Papdd endeavor Dewey without adlitansl Taher sol Al ote wear the mpniform of and they will not retary vo defeated the nan and the Feral lmiend 1 "hae > Hi i flamd MEY om ii they fw Try Re A rwanrd Poms as Quem ares th Manila tha CAVITY ow sms t mie rat and the Bis anproved the pians a £4 of the army 10 in fob will Sa thes (15000 or Prov ips PRAE are Bow gesesntliag wt New Crptemme snd Tampa, They ares at t= went oof Shyer metal Beng Bre menmoTeNE focrive Thry wil Be fod By Aapother srmy wher will ba FRU BS 1035 1 “Tre first oy have wpe or the They {rr Kiv as the trades an < a® the necessary hips can be poised “Ty le sstimatee? that i will take at Tens? 300 voumels to carry this mre Army to Cuba Nearly » svervihing that flosts Bas alrendy hewn aecgred Py the | ard last sight the wires {son ernnsent, were Bot in all Airections directise somtracts to pe closed Immedistely In all the principal seaport towns Cher dutalls of the great expeddt. tion Rave lwen arranged Wiahin ®R be TO wagons Af Font - has Teen fought in Manila harbor.” AL A BASE CONGRESS HONORS DEWEY ith » Sword 18 the Seria tamt Monday A message was pecrved from the prestient re viewing the prompt, hemote and glord cus wel of Commodors Desay at Manish, The mossagy suggeted that a vot of thanks from congrees be ex temited fo the Admiral, his his Troe Mr Hails in the senate offered 8 ™ solgitves of Tharks ey for the brilliant victory off Manis Gticay Was gnaniimeusly ado cimutes alter ihe Sey Xe mbar of reser admirals In that the present piv SIX rear wal The whrs her {res dent ww oF Baan iy pasar, of My SWitheat Sivisie roms Wo 26 be 7 of The Bavy Tix sncretary = a i i Corbin tuned wit hvast % : Flog the Bpaniards | While the AMurionn Was Wis “re 38 Rave i rat cane peirtatitly upon | ti Fagl ded toward nited #5 hoard was caplared near Ha. ; plant | ae week, Lows a baptism at Americans and | Tha after a bin i Berne capt opt ’e 1 ir thy BY wea Ranks 10 A Am AXERICAN SUCCESS DREADED. wd Ris mus fom oy Warid's Affairs huts fan Be nis qoute 1Rat the unex. sgrcens of the {Inited Staten sdron at Af; ia Eives i amie mR "politician America 8m fire. fA 5% in Bi and BETAINE 10 ma Way LNs oe YE nn Teale} a $e rt dT hetare appeared tis Say ts eng of ie His Wage, PB eeming te ie * } Tord Sa nb Preimaroes La mane ItRat he Asn ! mis sng 2 nN frehy show the ing 4 Bak ihe RTRA wo Rares t: S untries an i Pi way. “Diyiag ure vous by ure vio aeligin a exuinaively 80" sogntries Be said, cp AR SF SAAR RIAA Gu APIOIATED. chibdren were | : death hy x r { { sath BF A en ew | Pisabugd Loe Rewarded Yor His fervices in Martin and his wile were killed j 8! tow days age by Lroathing escaping Cada Minalions To be mator generals— Brig Gen Jos C. Breckinridge, 8 A: Brig Gen Eiwsii 8 nia U A Brig Gen John J Coppinger. U A: Brig. Gen. Wm. Shafter, UU 8B A Brig Gen Wm M Graham UU 8 Hrig en. James FF. Wade U Hrig Ger Henry C. Merriam, U iI BH | Lee. of Vieginta: Wm J Sewell of New Jersey: Joseph Wheeler of Alabama. To be repair gensrais— ol. Thom 8 a L Samptan, and, Srares infantry: Cel Charlies E Fourth U a Stales cavalry, raham XK. Armed, Fors I'nited John 8 Poland, @ Hates Imrantry; Cad, Rao United States ————— A Eo Ca nyal CLEANING Jahn infantry Eipited two hedong to the oITew of a captarsd | whe oo anish prize A bear gopsized an Blakes ne Ma. the olher day and setivee Phare and wore drovensd, White riding a bioyw Charles Ho MeUCracken, a wall Was death by a troliey car Twenty-t9o men Wire the breaking of ioe DB & stream nes Vancouver, BC on route to the Kind WE, € pangs = wr Gal ™ Dave Gal- | [ vel fast Monday, | Kovooan crushed fo! takes Theodde BARE nY has Aion Bl new BRAY YE Charis» H. Fite ve cg af fp sw fever passant the Cart. A has i mia drowned by | last week, They wera’ prpasn ar Wash Spavink Squad Admiral Sampson's feet how conied | think & portion of the feet will Se sent : 0 meet the Dragon an ff Marista which ! > feet | Adcther view that | is thar Pars Riso isto he | pesprty gral (abies Buedng 10 take ponssssion of the | ihe! and and i ports. ard thus peevent | Ft becoming a base ® 1 far 1 i v £ a base of mpplies fur ie | Man. board has decided | fron Cape Verde mast De | A similar fig | then IR were Eilled and L 1% tise sawne gret oF 4 dows as Admiral : Te killed and tho tates | an fe emer | Hakatged By the 'reops they resunted | SL tHe refs and radsed tiles andoohine. | “Three Mavdrdd Vessels win Carry Troops wilt | | The the Cee apvarnded Spanish ary Fasana ne the ¢ geese at MU of rie mititary ads the Rea | thw studertx and Aw Em OW Bs i 1 af TB pe valygnteaee | srmeosetralal al Sothern | CRrY | ming. yhatn. and will he transporiad as fast | Pe sg MILAN IN TERROR Chimneys Huried ps dhe Shoo nr Korth - sn Italy Provinoes A Royal Family Warned of Danger. bladed cages By Bringer, Aoy relgn Wn provinces of Northam wa one Torrow and abted In the Italy. Burnday Thspmmnds of wore hurled fromm Trews, Whvh Wor ew mind ihe rools upen the wmpeiing to retite Bt taal place In the Via Temdne ard 1 te (edieved hat rv fewer lumns of ric é Saws mnergoed the tiewn Ain! whip they rapidly When they Lem ted bar rricmdios. "rE re ye At won Mawr goon hee soddidry Monza, hers was i against calling oul uehaora Charged (hree Herre people wers Eitled and sixteen The Queen and ie Guoen Fagen of pend. wi suspen exes ding, re the (hiaeernment A lor pee of thee srrival sim, mrrnod gamete 1a ity. hat ross of ate da ant arh- worldly rev om AD EHR pengieed pe og PRE hore. Wh aouprpledt four Tee bowlive ofthe Bad were Sonera. ar ays anid were 2 : be Thy army wa Bgl tain. Permanent ard EE TIATY, mew ovsrfiowing with wotinitad people AL Genzano mesr Rome the Seed om a wold which Bue aaged Toros purscr wiow Bled and mary wounded A moh patheeid at Pontedoes Boks » the town bal, demande beead work Thee stared the hufiding and | refused ta fieperie when aedersd tH do s6. The troepa fired a wolley and killed theese termes A nurshie ef others SU WY A NESSAGE ™ SPAIN The Governor of the Destrection of the — S;sadron. eMein’ Alspatoh from Genel AN | Madod says RA AS A TO a 5 a oars and | 1 Commandos Dew. | terday | my adiean, The enemy seiend Cavite and the ar. woreml, Soanish squadron, and stabilised “home bcekade Ro said that mt net hombard Manila for the present, provided 1 do not spon fre upon enemy's squadron, whith 1s om range of car rung Therefor: I canndt Bra Got they come neRrey “A thousand saliors amived hera vem fvening from par the losses of which number {EES warts | &ate | Aaestion | 3d appoint eglaiagion, | : ; While Praying for Americua Sureors They Teds the pomate { a resolution AutRarinng | pesing United States May Becoms a Factor in the powsrs sail 17 show | thir Hp indy £40. ? tie pleasurs Parti f fo oand sar i fram FXoty - teed pations | MoT but 1 regret 5 The prigudent made the following noe | inapecior general LU | 8 | = A 8 A: Wieon of Delaware, Fitzhugh | of England at the paar Pardra as nf held, at which Inflgential Savk ime fam foo the y of the iu Ey siren hfe Eo aty an to irslare tod 10 ABEL CAR GEES TL The A : pvr wt eure ig lt v Aven the raTRIOTS van out. Lose Their Hester B om, Beinn Bt Hi Sie Fifty frame TH Mime analy Baris y ro fee SAR TRY Fhe Wan Th mide mal RAAB OH BD VHA SATO Spasirds Go ts Prisca eee Ras dread ern Sad the tuned of the MBoanish STostnes at Key % TINY Wi ey Ww out tepartinent of J Tb refrgll Es +81 fe ee ed at Tame > javadtog amy it roi H— € ALLE FLASHES Eoain hos apanibited the exportation af fom 4 #4 rafts Emperor WIM me gotion of the Manila. Chis has paid of Germany pra‘sos Armaan Pavy al $55 {mi a at the Han i wat imaiaiiment of the J dg ie ead Gemeny. ML Anderyon, Fourteenth United States | ol Ab | Seventeenth © during the con | iy Daring riots at Lanares Spain fas Wil fitry wounded Ly the spidives, In the Preneh = es from. Lhe koe Ww slag ge far as bs ee Lane” Wispssbitoans ¥en vhamber cu ah of Spat of hoawor of : ! general oentitiiam of business has CRIMP | LAO piured and Acrmenstra- | thie Beast | eC L FART Piamvee Beery | vised pam Sadamede © pa pigiay doe to # stapjonits Den oo Kiited pee of | Lbapieds apssost 26K adep. : Tea } i Fimnos pets Dy Russi Lrvwipn Crise of 35 LOE NC aes § ithe © oor mies fee Plea, and mmoehed om a Bs 1 Frnraent Baas wonion cloths, 125.00 Manikets, 2.000.000 | ‘ramps and onlers foe { Mexion Rave piven » pond Crane maar Senernl of the Neil. : ure of Imbuan to Loreneded and at the seas time one fee oming Too the dewtruction of the | tabltshment far in the Interior in Did ihe | White sar and rail works continue to peqprent of he Consuls The snemy wit ther 3 5 LC esving | few dave. cowsde those from the gov dest raved : AM © ! Released by the Covernment Tea Tavette, santared Sf Tisvara by the gun- © Bead Ann dre Ervens bie 3a oo nner {AED i pitioant romRrK PRRRY } pet , this twelvn persons were slain and farmy o wil oper and fhe generis is nad pe ped ] TRADE REVIEW. The Sucems of Gur Fars at Wee oveoe sbi RG. Duns & Cos weekly mwiew of trade reports as follows for last week: A ate of was was w greetive by those who lave seen nothing ike i$ for mors than thirty veare that ty come ing haw wrt Jee thas ts apprelen- seam, Eeapecigily sings the viEtory Mandal, which indicated the oper ~~ ity af {fy Ameria avy. Rune § a expartations that the war will not J san has influensed all markets ot on diw Wave adlbsncad. the avemge prices Se ralirosde 52 79 per shape © has b nrsteriat iy imuroved. C(rpe dawd wie wd by fhe rere amd men at Manila has Zhan many dave’ earl to (houpsands of evade ar Sooo, of whos hae Rriew potglne, and bas placed all American vhs and interests on og Eronger fonts for any sonectvabie future Te fart that mid is gow GF almost € | excimively hetarsen Pe troamary and [the dlraring hose indicates Ue entire fram frown sppeehetsion rear the COrren av or lie radi Thee most seesmtienal of all Ramage, hae mm practically important hin hovany | fe rise ite wheat 11 ceva Paring ane Case sewer, 2 1-3 ewe from Tread sy to Thursday night aed 5 12 i x “nts for the wee throwing. int the Bade ail past sfvances and # ERP ap here regrithvy of YLT seit salgiely Iatiaawed on Friday. Waster afters sveraging owe than I- Hug bushel per wee fae fogr me have saddenly Tear Ts Ore an TM GG Yuehels Fxuwrta have Been ompeodtva By higher prices ae fat awe Jagat them aevecngn ling gel to TEN BN bamwelr Solr Ader 188 ET bushels from ports ast year, and 5S GR frees Paaifie 1 apatandd Aid Te Foire, he reepap ale rise on THRprelsy Was tary dus To removal of duties by aed te the prabhi®iton of ex. bith wheewing the #x- Lr gran tinary needs Abroad so that the ie for the weed bn test Withee Initus sos Bave reaceltol § wandering] wim Gitie fromm Ihe convimion that hos. wiities will met last ong and from Bary'y government onder Besides great demand for steel dates and other iron products and anenrnitiog (he gov. ordered ZIM vards and meanshie revivimge confidence had | muitpiied other F due fn domestic sondftions that non Admits the Asrunde Tt I» aot from the Russian gpevermenat or te Lig warships Rave Deen italien rails start rouge Colorado Four merchant shins have Deen ardered the Defgware worltw, § plate milis are Line on a foveigs srder for 1008 tons, rieeive large crders and demands for sprteuitural implements and fencing go hevond the aN¥ty of works Is some Cs, Toxtite estabiiviments avs Been res grger srdses within the past SPRITE hin hr yy rhe cod Failures for the woe’ have hoes 2% ae the afte? Riates agains 107 last var ard 2B in Canadas sgsinst 38 Ret year FRYYCR sTrawER carve #3 that he stohpugy MW fee of thes In fonr woslen milly g the weak may have Doel pres 9 Ren tae evans Blocksie The Pronch steamer af Harere Caps. Nerorpe, WHS Thyraday night tie lin Th mer hud fried ta enter the ¥ cr Enrtvig the day, but had warned away, but under cover of rotgrned 20d ried Tn AD ue Ship WAS hromptly NY An ADIran wi lian Be fan Baga Se atl captured f the Boost of Transatian- 1.064 * ws burden. Her sie Bas Lwin Sores of regislry wm 8t, Here Erie WARE Havans by the Wilmington proreission of he whethor the fale fx and passengers £1 a Frome pout #4 ar oa Moeiade sha the TU niled Stale Tae government had samunieats with wiih made the ¥ Be so twd Tin 5 A& Tin wees BERD was fowl slime To «iw cotsent Br wer, i Ey an SE CRATE TOs Ng A Seversar Toaeed Foyt . ‘ Span at Ax sneplegey aan sae Phu ste Train Ro Sai he _Dranem 331 Hs priand Friday ™ INE gOYSIRar's vw Pacific mails ssid that whtla was passing Heneia 4 tare Spaniands an of the really wronght shit's activily in Argan «ere ty fight Rpain and rg despped the sig- ‘If we fanoel get with he goveiner, we ght te sme one to da it for us” The brakeman followed the Spaniards © «try and the governor and potlos sears getifleed of Dis ht nw governor makes ght of the matier, regard wast I Udslbe OO ER _— [ Ho mod A 5 Fw ek £87 ITE sag Hu dat Lapras Lis% mang the 1 Epsin off the Spit hia friends ave of ifr as wer: th a. v————————— cm — Seven Army Corps slnwiog general order provide of the regular and The ing for the Givision | pnianterr armies Into seven ATMY Corps, wis iarund ay the war department last wei Py Sires ) > gular and tion of the president seven i cospprixing both the res the volunteer branches of tha arny, are hereby sumtituted. They hha winibersd consecgiively from Their several headguars tions there? as well as inted to command ured in orders here. EWR RIA Phas, witli be G02 . Ren, Xileg, ‘Ho OORMIN. “Adjrant General” ronghe id Be mharded 4 Cuba seen ombasd- $id Vasrhinhagd aie the town on the shaeited the © wilh the uagids of the nas $80 Wve and was al 4.599