The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 12, 1898, Image 1

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Save your checks.
On January 1st, 1899, I will
ve to the person return-
LL NEWS A Bieycie Rider Kills a Policeman and
g : Attempts to End His Own Life
¢ = ~The town of Glen Campbell was
Gleaned Here and There by thrown into intense excitement Tues
HCarivier” T day evening when a young man named
the “Courier” Reporter. a Yount | EE
killed William Conningham, the police
mg the largest. number of THREE AGED EX PIRE. man at that place, wounded a woman
my Cash Register Checks
oe A ee
Will be on exhibition in
Full F
all prices. L
in this section
to learn of his sudden demise.
_ inamely: Mrs Helena Cole, Mrs. Mary
i Kamen and Mra. Barbara Miller, wi
5 reside in Altoona;
‘and afterwards shooting himself.
Richard Elder, lames Fogerty and Mere. It is «1 that young Bennett
Ferdinand Marks. was riding/ his bicycle through the
Richard Elder, who resided on Palmer main street of that town at a rapid
avenue, expired Thursday at the ad: rate and was asked by the policeman
vanced age of 5% years. Funeral serv. to slacken his speed somewhat, as it
ices were held in the St. Mary's Catholic endangered the lives of pedestrians
church of Patton Satarday morning, This he refused to do, and when com-
after which his remains were laid to manded to obey he became angered
rest jo the Catholic cemetery at St. and deliberately shot Mr. Canningham,
Augustine, his former home. The fol- the bullet piercing his breast, resulting
lowing pamed five sons and three as above stated.
daoghters survive him: Thomas, of [It appears that more than one shot
Braddock, Pa.; Henry, of Lawrence, was fired and a stray bullet struck a
Jowa; Anslem and Frank, of Ports- lady by the name of Smith who was
mouth, Iowa; Luke, of Ashville: Tillie, standing near by but inflicting no
(of Tresno, Cal.; Martina, of Patton, seriousinjury. When Bennett realized
‘and Annie, (Sister Modesta) of New what he had done be attempted to take
{Orleans, Is. The deceased moved his own life by shooting himself At
from St. Augustine to Patton just one :present writing he is in a serious con
month prior to his death. He was dition. Tt is said that he was intoxi-
born at Loretto, Pa, and has always cated when he commited the deed.
Hed in Oustiiein Sounty. His Bie wae Patton Herald No Mere,
i usefainess A yea 2 . OF After an existance of over three
friends and relatives who were grieved i. the Patton Herald, edited by
WW. A Kinsloe, hus suspended publica-
Jama Fogerty. tion and hereafter the management of
On Priday James Fogerty died at his the same will issue a weekly Democratic
home near west Palmer avenue after newspaper at Fbeusburg. The first
J es days iliness. He was aged namber of the Ebensburg Democrat
about 70 years and leaves to mourn his | was jssued on Saturday. Mr. Kinsloe
sad departure a bereaved wife, three | has purchased the Ebensburg Herald
sons ane one daoghter, all of which press and will do business at that old
| were at his bedside when death came. grand. It is also reported that another
The faneral services were held at the Democratic newspaper will be launched
deceased home at one o'clock p. m. | forth in that town in addition to this
after which his reniains were taken to one making only three Democratic
Ashville where they were laid torest in journals in the county seat to one
the Catholic cemetery at that place, | Republican newspaper.
Thesorrowing family have the heartfeit | Pig. Lumbar Deal at ¢ rou
sympathy of their friends in Patton’ gy, Spangler Sentinel says that the
and vicinity. large timber tract belonging to Vincent
Anna Jury Marks. | Tonkins, of Cherrytree, was sold last
. Anna Mary (Fogle), wife of Ferdi-| week to Osbourne Shaflur, a prominent
'nand Marks, expired at her home at jomber dealer of Reynoldsville, who
the old mill residence in Patton, Satar- | will soon locate mills there, and ship
{day May 7, at 1 o,clock p.m. after & the lumber to market. The sale was
brief iliness of pneumonia. She was closed Wednesday and Mr. Tonkins
aged about 60 years and leaves ahus- received $20,000 for his timber. The
band and four daughters and one son tract includes 5,000,000 feet of white
pine, hemlock sod cak. A large nome
* ber of men will be employed culling
Mrs. Teresha Hoffer qo timber and Gpersting the large saw
and Joseph Marks of Patton. Her m and planing mills which will be
5 Proposed Enterptise. :
ys . eo Editor Kaylor, of the Hastings Tri-
Final Action Taken by Coun- pone, still sticks to bis pian of estab
cil Wednesday Night. lishing a Democratic paper in Ebens-
Loi burg to buck against the Freeman,
conducted by Brother Gibbe Hasson.
WILL COMNENCE WORK The fact that Mr. Kinslos, of the Pat-
» ‘ton Herald, bas stolen a march on him
As Soon as the Pans and Specifications ar and js going to be in the field does not |
Prepared, appear to have cut any ioe.
Patton, Pa, May 4. 1898 In pur-| Brother Kaylor visited the county
suant to a call by President Monteith og Priday, and after a conference
a special meeting of Patton Borough with the Democratic leaders who were
Council was held in council chambers oyuected to be with him in the effort
this evening for the purpose of taking u, wither boy out or freese out Mr. Has
action on the paving of Magee aventie. yon, annonned that be was still in the
. The following members were present fiold. He will start a paper within the
(as per roll call. Monteith, Hubbard, coming week, he says, and inside of
‘Jones, Blair, Anderson, Scheid and two months his competitors will be
McCormick. The following signed coming $0 him and he will dictate
petition and amendments thereto at- terms
tached was read to the body: : It will thus be seen that Ebensburg
To the Bu rand Town Council of ig in danger of having four papers,
We, the property owner on Magee '0ree of them Democratic, within a
avenue in said Brut rebels. short time, and a warm season in the
represent; that the condition of the old town may be expected.--Johns
street from the railrond west 10 the town Tribune.
west side of Fifth avenue in said Bor-
Sigh i atch a sian that we deem Hile Gets Glory
it wise ex wnt to take some base
steps 0 permanently improve the Ward Hile, the popular third
same, and therefore petition your hon. | an of last year's Patton team, who is
arable body So . JPeave and curb now a student at Lafayette college,
said street with fire brick, paving brick, | canght for the latter collegm in the game
or such other material as in your jodg- or : ' :
ment is most calcoiated to ar Jods a Vy ednesday tha t resulted in Layette
permanent, solid and lasting street; and shutting out Yale by a store of 3100.
we further represent, that if you de- Yale had three hits and Lafayette four. |
cide to pave sig street and curb the [pn the second inning Hile’s finger was |
sri fp ous or cy Seat sil ay broken by a foul tip, but he stuck 0
ig : } . Brother Kaylor WHI Go Abesd With Fis
A welldrossed man is the object of
asdiniration always If you wear one of our
carnfuily cot and maele suite it will Sillow “ax
the night, the dav.” Dar suits sre afl alibe in
one respert--they A. We study each man, his
syle and his peesiarition, and the rmoll is
stisfaction 1 all oovernsd.
We plomee vod (01 wyios of goods as well as
Dinsmore Bros.,
thereof, or if the Borough does the
curbing, we will pay for the same; and
we farther represent and agree, that if
said street is paved, graded and curbed
n ¢ with this we
will and do hereby agree to pay one
third of the cost oF grading and paving |
of the street in front of our respective
properties, viz: the property owners
on the north side of the street to pay
one-third of the cost, and the property
Owners on He gouty side of the. street |
0 pay one-t of the cost of gradin
paving the sireet in front and s
acent to our Red iiets pective properties, the
ne, or one-third, to be paid for by
the Borough gh. :
we farther represent and agree;
that if the said Bor of :
in pursuance to tition, we agree
that this petition shall be ued to
be a binding agreement and contract
with the Borough of Patton to do and
perform all the things herein contained
and agreed to be performed; all of
which wo respectfully submit for your
worthy consideration.
game with great honors to himeelf,
making a nomber of benntiful plays
Hile in weil known in Johustown and '¢ : |
is a general favorite here and in Pat- ¢ THI BI' yi"
ton. Johnstown Democrat. ‘S 1.
Phieves at Barmeshora ag i: |
Tuesday night thieves entered the | The “Way” is to do
store of Donahey & MeAnuity at § YOUT shopping by mail,
Barnesboro. They gained an entrance | @ and if you'll get descrip
by breaicihg She is 5 Ve front win-' $ tion and prices from us
os money drawer was foroed | § fr your requi nts i
open but fortanately contained but the Jon os Hrements
very little cash. Nothing else of any
importance was taken. [bt is believed
that the would-be thieves are new at,
the business and live nol many miles —AND
the will won't be lacking
either. :
Hariy Gould Wedded. i
Harry Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs |
The oldest, best and cheapest
Peter C. Gould, of the (llinton hoase,
and Miss Butterworth, of Patton, Pa,
were married at the Clinton house last
mains were taken (oo Altoona Manday ODCREREY Goldstsl Patton Hotel C BE ¢ Satarday : iy : hens in Central Penn's
a a : er : eo CaeuiistiEln, ati sO a, ko1. 2 AY evening by the: Rev. M. §
Eating asa after high mass in the Si. Not So. Hira. Bitiey. Brown, Agh; 2 lots); P. P. Young, Blair, of this place. After a visit bere Write for a booklet.
Johns Cathoiic church at that place James W. Kilduff, r and Fd A Mellon, G. C. Yeager, Geo. § the newly married couple will take up | pe
.{ Tuesday, interment took place in the treasurer of the United Mine Workers | Good, (7 lots F. C. Yeager, Jno. A. | ui HE Pa. wherethe WN. MURRAY'S SON (0.
Catholic cemetery. _The i of District No. 2, states that contrary to | Myers, 8. M. Wilson, T. N. XN G. | residence astings, y doit
was born at Klenkheir, Bavaria Ger. | SUrTent report, the miners at Patton J. Fitzpatrick, A. C. Fisher, W. H. groom holds a lucrative position. | ALTOON AK, PA.
: : “| are yet on 8 e and will not retarn 8 Trustee; I. 8. Bell for Aunie Beech Creek Correspondent to Lock
many. She came to America when Sop oneil the grievances are ad- M. Bell, Pesn'a R R. Co, by T. H. Haven Express.
but 19 years of age and was wedded to justed. — Johnstown D amocrat. The Thompson, Gen. Supt. fe
Perdinand Marks Jaly 21, 1856. Mr. mivers of Patton are not on a strike
and Mrs. Marks were the first settlers as they returned to work Friday morn. |
To the Burgess and Town Council of |
the Borough of Patton, Pa., Gentle- |
Anal verwmry Hutvivos. :
The Epworth League of the Patton |
on the land of which has now devel- |ing and have been very busy ever since, , We, the property owners on Mages Methodist church will hold ite anni. |
Waa it strange
She could of finished up on
PA 1 i 'y Harness, Plows, Never Ber Bfetisee seier they folded thas
Garden Tools, Cinderella! ** |
Stoves and a car load of Doors |” sior woe.
4 J.E. Kirk How. Co's
fine | It is 700 miles froca Cadiz, Spain, to and shirt will be a very aftractiveshade
o | the Canary Islands; 876 from the Ca- of green. The boys sre getting in|
’- vans to Porto Rico, and 1,350 miles
| very fine and up to date footwear that home.
. 1 than they should be sold.
oped into the thriving town of Pation, of which the people of Patton are gaite
baving taken up their abode here about thankful for. Every mine in this place
40 years ago. The decessed was well. is in operation with the exception of
i known by nearly everybody of norts the Asheroft colliery, which is closed
Cambria. She was an exceptionally indefinitely.
pleasant old lady and always had on
cheerful word for all and her many
friends and acquaintances’ will be ; :
i are, ‘Perry, of Chest Springs, and J. B. Wil-
ber, of Ebensburg, who will hereafter
put every euergy forth possible to
make the mill do a hustling business.
The services of James Randall, the
fas lived «former muller, have been retained.
‘The CoURIER welcomes the new firm
FERDINAND MARKS, Into oar midst and predicts for them a
Patton Strovt Pavieg. [right futare.
" At the last meeting of the borough
council of Patton it was unanimously
| Metis F punt wows Lhe tresien fous (hy forshond
i» clay,
| And on Ber bomern et hier pede hades dightly
Never, pever, wii it happen any mare.
By ber hasten,
{decided to pave Mugee avenue with PPear in the COURIER this week: C.
was instrocted to prepare plans and Mirkin & Kusner, Patton Supply Co.,
i ia : ‘and Geo. O. Brady Bazaar’. Buoyers
am, 3 ; for the Menta up. Many new things are
businesslike energy of ber citizens in | Ofered. : wind 3
a ¥ Have Ordered Uniforms
__ | The uniformed rank of Patton Fire
; Company No. 1 has placed an order for
uniforms which will consist of a cap, |
| shirt and belt. The color of the cap |
4 — coon i te :
naries 10 Cape Verde Islands and 3,300 | shape to attend the district convention
miles from the Cape Verde Islands to to be held at Curwensville soon. :
Porto Rico. It is 1,100 miles from Ha- have Children Poisoned. ;
Three young sons of G. W. Roth-
Es imme is | rock, of Mellon avenue, were poisoned
To The Ladies. | on Sunday from eating some kind of
We have just received a line of back | roots or berries, which they had found
and tan shoes in B and C widths in in the woods a short distance from their
| we ask nobby dressers to call and see. Dut are now oat of danger.
The price $3.48 is actually $1.52 less For Sale. i
A tull blood Jersey cow, 4 years oid,
Tue KxystoxE CLoTHING Co. | And also calf.
ice cream and fresh fish. -23tf
The following new advertisements
avenove, in said Borough, respectfully versary services in the church aext.
Pepreae at hat ¢ Sis is the nal ai} Sabbath morning, May 15th, beginning
ness street in rong hat Cr i :
street will be too narrow to have it a liga m The Anniversay smpviom
paved less than forty 40) feet. We Will take the place of the regular morn.
therefore ask that Magee avenue be ing preaching services, and special
Javed forty fest wide from the railroad services in connection with the installa. |
the west side of Fifth avenue. ‘tion of officers for the coming year,
| 8 M. Wilson, Ed A. Mellon, L. Goid- Will be held. All are invited.
stein, L. 8. G. J. : Ww. | The § Clock Closing Hour.
J. Weakland, T. N. Nagle, J. Watt ;
Miller, A. C. Fisher, Coo. (. Yeager. The CoUnign has been requested to
On motion of Blair, and seconded by quietly jog the memoris of two or
Scheid, it was unanimously carried that three merchants to the fact that they
Magee avenue be paved from Pepnsyl- bave been breaking the # o'clock p. m |
vania railroad to West side of Fifth closing hour in Patton; ia other words |
‘avenue, and that it be # feet wide are not living up to the agreement
from eurd to curb, with the exception signed some time ago. [fone breaks
of the square, cross streets and alleys, over, all will, and it will not be long |
which are to be 60 feet wide, all of till the rule is of no ancount whatever.
which are to be done in accordance
On Tuesday an election was held at’
On motion of Scheid and seconded | ¢yprgiitown for the purpose of voting |
by Anderson it was unanimously AT- jrenee of indebtedness to erect a
ried that the Borough Engineer be in- ,.. oobiic school building which re-|
| with petition presented to Council. :
specifications for the work and adver. Of & Thompson, Mr. Anna Darth yructed by the Clerk to furnish plans
and specifications at once for the pav-
ing of Magee avenue. ;
sulted in 78 for increase and 19 against. '
Work will be commenced on the new
Should not prevent you
next regular meeting night. Monday | re.
May 16th 1506. i Two elegantly situated building lote
suikir Sharkey Whipped. (on Fifth avenue, Patton, will be sold |
‘cheap. They are 530x150 fbet and one is
Between 5,000 and 6,000 people y :
: ‘situated on the corner of Fifth and
gathered at the National Athletic club's ! .
: i Palmer avenues. Write 0. or inquire
quarters at San Francisco, Cal, May 8, , o wih Greene, Patton Pa Af :
Sharkey and James Jefferies. Jefforion Ladies our new shirt waists are now
was given the decision at the end of in. Call and see them.
the twen tieth round. Patron urrLy Co. ©
All members of Lieut. Peter Kaylor J. L. Liberman, the regular visiting
Post, No. 633, G. A. R, will meet in Optician and Specialist in lenses of the
your Post room Saturday, May 14th, eye, will be at Paliner House, Room 2, |
at 2 o'clock p. m., to make full arrange- May 17 to 21, inclusive. Only for the
ments for Memorial Day, May 30th. correction of all errors of the eye with
Don’t fail to attend. glaswes will correct. All parties wish. |
W. HH. Beri, Commander.
A EEE fi x ham To bot of tren
J. L. LimEnMaN, Optician,
¥ A A A rim,
For the best fresh fish go to Matthew
from taking advantage of the
we are offering in
If war should prove se-
rious you will need your
money and will find it to your
ing to see me will please remember the | yjvantage to buy while the
siving prices are on.