Pedi finn THE PATTON COURIER MAY gs, ob i pos ri A EA gd 5 y ge ra Patriotism (71 & | It i in a great leap from the od fash. | Thousands of sufferers from grippe | For Sale! The Best Remedy for ee Spay “It is the Rest on Barth.” The kind of patriotism some people ioned dosss of blue ross and nauseous have been redeemed to health by One Two-story frame dwelling, with fin. From the Patrbaven | Register. That is what Pdwards & Parker, are afflicted with is pretty well filus- | phys Joe te the pleasant little pills Minute conpl cure. It guickiy cures ished basement, seven rooms, on Magee Mr. James Rowland, "of this village, merchants of Plains, Ga., say of Cham- trate: hy the price list of American knovso as DoWitt's Little Early Risers fags. A small size that our retail | They oars conetips tion, sick headache dealers could purchase three weeks ago and billicneness ©. W. Hodgins, for $4.7 per dozen are now $11.50 per | Patton Phermny, dozen and lable to go higher, though it | gee om or wma e, polde, bronchitis, posomonia long tronbles does not cost a penny more to make them now than then. In the same way | coffee in quoted two cents per pound higher to-day than a week ago,and flour has jomped in the same propertos. | Every necissity will be pushed to the highest price the laboring man can be | compelled to pay for it. - Johnstown | Tribune. : * Just in Time. | A well-known lady in town exclaimed | large packages 25 cents. Sold only by W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. : List of Unebatmed Letters. : The following letters remain in the | postafiice at Patton for the week end. ing Thorsday, May 5, 1898: “Miss Agoes Baker, Erek Grader, Esq, 5; Miss Ada Grambry, James James, Charles Karlburg, John Locas, James McGinn, Mrs. Betty Quist, Newton Whinnery. Persons calling for the above letters | ‘will please say the are advertised. ; E A Meuiox, P.M. Loog Walk for Ose Legged Mas. i Reuben Lane, the one legged tramp from Barsnsboro, Cambria county, who Shoofed”’ it to Kansas to marry a rich | 5 sat Savcasing 1 spcicacons ] | : 3 : i | i i i Paoet Republiean County Convention. I oro “and In Johnstown city, and from Sto 7 I: 8, In too \owmshipe, for tae prepose | of electing delegates to a county con- vention to be held at Ebensburg on. Monday, May 33, 186, at 1p. m., to, select delegates to the state convention. Jomn H. Brown,” | Chairman Commitee. avenne, Patton, Pa. Owner will sell “at purchaser's price. No reasonable offer refused, Two-story frame dwelling on Lang avenue, Patton. Four rooms: stable on lot. Will be sold at a bargain. Two story frame dwelling on Beech avenue, eight rooms. All modern pon. venionces Two-story frame dwelling, sight rooms. on Palmer avenue, erected in 1806. fitted with all modern conven fences. Owner is leaving town and must sell. Will be sold cheap. All of above properties are in good condition and any of them will make a fine home, or would prove a profitable investment to anyone with any capital to invest, Parnell & Cow, Real Estate Agents, Good Building, Patton, Pa. The farmer, the mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cate and bruises. DeWitt’'s Witeh Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and ix a well known care for pilex. CW. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. TRE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can be Cured. An Eminent Nw York Charsist 4nd Scientist Maen Offer to Our Readers The distingruished New York chemist, T. A. Slocum, demonstrating his dis covery of a reliable and absolute cure for consumption | Polmovary TPuber- culosis | and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest diseasew, stabborn coughs, eatarrhal affections, raj decline and weakness, loss | flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOTTI call differ. ent: of his New Discoveries to Any ER oma Teeny by cured thousa rmanently by ite timely ome, and he conde naiders it a simple dat & humanity to donate a Ginf of of his infallible cure Science daily develops new wonders, and this grat chemist, patiently ex. perimenting for years, has produced results as beneficial to suffering homanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lang troubles and consumption are curable In any Shmute is proven by of gratitude,” filed in A 13 v and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C _ 98 Pine street, New York, Fork. giving ng poat- amine ol Worm se ¢ ne y wen fSafferers should take ad. vantage of Ma gnnerous PE Please tell the Doctor that you saw his offer in the PATTON COURIER. [o High Prices. states that for 25 years his wife has ‘been a sufferer from rhenmatism. A few nights ago she was in soch pain “that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, bat he had read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going fur the physician he went to the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not approve of Mr, Rowland's purchase at Ard, bit never theless applied the Balm thoroughly amd in an hour's time was able to go to sieen. She pow applys it when she ford an ache or pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medecing which she had nied done her as much good. The 25 und 50 cent sizes for sale by Patton Pharmaey, C W. Hodgkins According to the newspapers, an Ohio husband became the happy father of seven chililren not long ago. Of the seven all lived but one. It is to be hoped he laid in a supply of Chamber. lain's congh Remedy, the only sure cure for croup, whooping-congh, colds and coughs, and so insured his chitbren against these diseases. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins beriain's Pain Balm, for rheamatism, lame back, deep seated und muscalar pains. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hexigkina A littie boy asked for a bottle of “get op in the moming as fast as yon can,” the draggist recognised a household name for “DeWitt’s Little Early Ris- ers,” and guve him a bottle of those famous littles pills for constipation, sick headache, liver and stomach troubles. CC. W. Hodgkins, Pstton Pharmacy. FirstNation'I Bank OF PATTON, Patton, cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PAID uP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $30,000.00. Aventis of Corporntions Fira, individe- als and Banks reewived pon the most von Hie Sere vonsiatent with safe and Jo) Swvary Nmap tieloets fir amie tor ail the & Hee, Foreldgy Drafts Fable in the prt | cttiok of the O14 We Atl evrrewpnndence wilt have oor prompt and | perwongd attention, One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. A.C. Fisher. WALL PAPER! afllicted reader of the PATToN CoUnikk writing for them. : We have the most com of Wall Paper orn Cambria. All new Pictures and Frames. All styles an Tritervst pald on tine degponits. ‘AE. Patron, Wu H. SaNprorp, President. others Give us a call Se omey. | Store on corner Magee and Fourth Aves, PATTON, PA. FAAS RRAAAL ASAI ‘We always was and always will be the Drum Majors of the ranks of Trade. Qur progressive methods place us at the head. We are proud of the position. Our capacity of distributing such enormous quantities of rk places us in a position to offer large quanti- ties and better qualities of goods at lower figures than any other house has heretofore Jone. Fe One thing you may expect to find at our immense store is a three times larger stock in Men's, Boy's and Children’s Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Fnrnishings in every detail. Also Goods, Fancy Goods, Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Etc., Etc, Etc. ou can't go astray in style, quality or price. hy Coming to GOLDSTEIN'S MAMMOTH DEPARTMENT STORE All the sa feguards that can be thrown aroun‘! the purchaser are here in practice. Goods Exchanged. Greatest Variety. Perfect Fits. Money Refunded. Caw AND LOWEST PRICES. —ulp Your visit will prove an advantage to vou and a g1 fication to us. *oldstein’s Mammoth Department Store, h est Quality. Thorough Work.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers