" ™e FIELDS © OF CLOVER. | 7 dy, HY ad over Ba never was * Joy : Ri sali or of clover, 1S es i Re fields o of elover! ais Zon, for one more vigoron : In he deep old bis go whore ae Hight is = down I plane, over NDS Sven, when I come ama ver, “As tho wind blows tread 5 ols naked flesh, from the fields of slover! yar elds of fragrant lover; 2 perererm was joy M ks bel 7, hud of clover! —Everywhere, BR. THEOPHIL- us Templeton leaned back very comfort ably in his crim- son leather, >] brass-nsil stud- ded library chair, rested his : the arms, bt his finger own wife. I have chosen Miss ‘Th ce you havel Well, then, hear what you have to say when 1 the lady I have in my eye for ite niece is the most beautifal, , refined girl who ever flashed West End society. She's rich, | just the very daisy for you. A teacher indeed, when Beatrice Thich to be had for the asking!” doesn't raise her in my es- ,”? Fred avowed serenely. Whit” Mr. Templeton said stern: py red, you ‘re a—a—fool!” od then 1 laughed, which had a ost exasperating effect upon the old you shall marry ber, and I _ want you to put en your hat’and go with | sh once and be introduced to her! She's staying at. Mr, Susans Come along, sir Fred rose promptly. to her, and 1 dare say there will be no | reason why I shall not admire her in- mensely. But as for falling in love with Miss Lovett —" He laughed and shrugged his broad shonlders, then put on his hat, and went out with Mr. Templeton to meet the charming young lady intended for his destiny. It was a beantiful little villa, not far from Mr. Templeton’s stately mansion, a little back from the Parade, and ita made a very pretty picture, with its white lace draperies floating in the still sea breeze, and the spray from the fountains blowing in a rainbow shower, and the gay striped awnings | fluttering their scalloped borders in the July sunshine. The liveried footman bowed his best and regretted to be obliged to inform the gentlemen that Mrs. Saxony was not in, A swift look of dismay on Mr. Templeton's face perhaps touched that fanctionary's tender heart, for he hastened to assure them that “Miss Lovett was in the drawing-rooni— would they walk in?" But that Mr. Templeton declined doing, as he was not personally ac- quainted with Miss Lovett, at least not sufficiently acquainted with har fo present himself. He had kvown her when she was a girl of ten, and had always been her father's most cher. ished friend, and had been in corres pondence with Mr. Lovett when that tleman died so suddenly in India; | but all the same, with an old bache- | lor's characteristic pretty young girls, he declined the in- vitation until Mrs, Saxony should be present, , Hhey wou went into which carriages were not Templeton midway down the and tarned to look back at Mrs. : y's house. “By Jove! There | window Miss Lovett! she is ad the $arn an for ! CIR And Mr. Templeton seized his ao offending nephew by the sleeve, and gesticulated em Nayhstilly toward the indeed—marvelonaly fellow turvy? Look, o's the wife I've picked out Can your musio-teacher tarvey.” Bhe did not raise her. eyes from her book, srd she was unconscious of their espionage, or of Fred Warring: ton's transfixed gaze. a "So Jou'se struck, 257 Joyous ve the old man eredit for having find taste, will rew 4 long breath, then a linked his arm in Mr. Temple- ton’s, and drew that away. “She is the sweetest, most beaati- fal girl I ever saw. I'll marry hor to- morrow if she'll have me.” be said And bow the old gentleman ob?" he said. “Absorbed In “your book still, Rossia? Lt is time for my lesson, isa's it?” And Rossie Plerying laid down her book, and for an bour she and Miss Beatriz Lovett devoted themselves to the music lesson, to be by s gentieman who had bribed man to permit him to enter the masio- room unannounced, snd to whom Rossie flew, with a litile shriek of de light. *Fred—0O Fred! know I was in Brighton? Ionly came Jesterday to assist Miss Lovett with masic. This is Miss Lovett, Pred Mr, Warrington, Miss Lovett.” And before he had Gnished his very delightfal call Mr. Warrington re- Isted to the ladies the mistake his uncle bad made. “And I am sure Miss Lovett will pot blame me if I insist that I shall marry you, little Rossis, and the sooner the better, before Uncle Phil discovers his mistake.” And the next week there was s quiet wedding at the local registrar's office, while Mr. Templeton was taking his snooze in his chief over his face, dreaming of the days when beaatiful Miss Lovett would reigp royally in his nephew's home. At 8 o'clock the same night he was electrified by the receipt of a note from Fred. “I have been and gone and done it, Unele Phil.” it said. ‘I promised youl would marry the lady you se. lected for me, and I shall present her to you in an hour, like striking when the irou’s bot, is | there?” And punctoally to time Fred ap ‘peared, his bride on his arm lovely as the morning, blushing like a rose, her blue eyes shining like stars, her sweet red mouth quivering ss she ton's face when Fred presented her. SR nl : ll go and be presented shrinking from “T's too bad—too bad!” he said, as through the beautiful little ial snd, impelled byan impulse | he recognized afterward as fate, Mr. | fan’t she » beauty? Ism't she sweet enough to 3 Jou? You wouldn't | twe has for your wife, after »1 “Music teacher votwithstanding, foot- | How did you | air, with bis haodker- | There's nothing | looked wistfully up into Mr. Temple | *‘We've quite stolen a march upon | that he coming you; but this is my wife, Uncle Theo | naut, philas—Mrs, Fred Warrington, fast and sare.” “I'm astonished snd dumbfounded, and? delighted, my dear. However did you do it, Fred?" But before Fred could make the ex- planation he deemed incumbent & ser- | vant anncunced a lady, who came came sweeping in in garments of deep purple velvet—a girl with starry eyes and hair as golden as sunshine servant. eribable, bnt with two lovely women beseeching him to forgive, and the pansy-parple eyes making him feel the queerest around his heart he ever had felt, somehow-<he Tnever knew quietly down, and secepted the situa- mand nntil six months afterward, when he trinmphantly annonoced to his life had been when Rossie for Miss Lovett “For since you wouldn't have her for your wife yon shail have her for your aunt, and help yoursell if you can!" But as no ong was at all antious to help it, Mr. Templeton married his beautiful young wife, and it is a ques- tion who of the quartet is the Lappi- ‘eat, ~Bpare Mometia, “The Wild Birds of Europa. Tf it were not for the climate’s naka birds of passage would do well never to cross the Alps, In Germany, in Switzerland, in northern FEarope generally, they are more or less pro. tected by the laws, but as soon as they have reached the Latin races their slanghter begins. Ticino awaits | their coming with net, snare and gun, | and the war of devastation spreads from Italien Switzerland to Italy. From south Italy it begins again in the spring, snd in this promiscuons he mistook ed BA SAN ASS AABN ARN. “feathered favorites the ark, the nightingale, the swallow and the thrush suffer most. The Berlin Souiety for the Protection of Wild Birds ht for many years been legislating for the hirds ot bome, center. Some years ago a petition was ad- of Italy such » now to try snd has same effect. His holiness is implored arge them * to stop | Bo poe doetrine and by re- is wanton ter.” Gazette. To Market by Trolley. farm wagons Es ay of thr trailer which is sometimes seen. In order to keep the wagons on the track a second pair cf rails is laid in- side the working higher. The towns at either end of each service. It is, theref re, ie Tor Tanger vy bring oe to market and “of it Pe ony the sid of his horses. It is not an no- amusing one, to see's lumbering farm wagon, loaded with hay or produce, flying slong bebind the motor car on its way to market, The farmers take kindly to the scheme, as it is a sa ving of money sas City Architect and Builder. A Malnocholy Figure in History. It ta said that the rd the United States ; The part or the eariior ap- ; The Motzos doe d in Mexico becansa ntion, and now the Queen Regent | pathetic figure] Not Spanish in race i he finds thrown apon Made Absurd, fidel, was once |engaged in 8 discus- sion with a [dissenting minister, : should answer I “Yes or No,’ i location, assertibg that every Susstion conld be repliefl to in that wanner { The reverend gintleman rose, and in a quiet manner shid: “Mr. Bradiaugh, i question by a sumgpls will you allow ole to ask you a ques tion on those 53" “Certainly,” | said Bradiaugh.] *“Then, may I ask, | have you given 3 This was a posd “Yes,” it would | previously beat n her, and by "No." ed to do se common sight, snd always s rather “Miss Beatrice Lovett!” said the © a iL, th | the anthracite A en-—well, t efpcene is indea- | | the Hallstend mins, owned by the Dela- Eye and extends over a territory of prpdiar | how-—Theophilus Templeton sitamered i Emanuel, tion with the best grace at his com- masascre it is noticed that of all onr | da 4 Jonn Fas has | years against the evil, and while other countries have | Capsiand, this body has sought to stick the | Kiteabe mischief in Italy, its very heart aad paring mpd Sey | faruver, pany, Lin the his nenshew that the lnokiest day of F farniture DANGEROUS CAVE-IN sk bon AD | Whole Community Shaken by the Sett’ag ef a Mine Men Entombed. Sn 48 RR Duryea. six miles from Scranton, was | visited last week by ons of the most extansive and damaging mine ss Hire : of The caves | old workings in | amendment requiring that the quotas that has ever occurred in this part cond regions, in touk place over the ware, Lackawanna and Western one-half to three-quarters of a square In one of the most thickly popu- jnted parts of the town, and affects ; more or less, 106 wtores and dwellings, and 180 privates, The Two men, Thomas Willams and David wipe @ ftom bed All the houses in racked as though shulten by quakes, and through the wide surface lowed streams et jonse by the breaking of the waler muaitie, Chimneys weeps levaled to the ground, and fourdations, rocks and were tarmibiod profasion about the apartousnty The following ponsions were granted ast week Robert Wilson, Thorn Hil, Allegheny, $8 Joseph W. Whiten, ilar. theldi, Washingtion, Ramuni OC Dewnody, Soldiers’ Reape, Erie $8: Vache! Carlin, West Newton West. maorelgnd, £5: Jer, WW. dead Mansngaheln, 35 to $12; Pravie, Thariesvilie Belford, Joseph Feasba don, Milipewt Pottery to B17. John A J Willams Mittin, Boo 85: Dantes! Ki Hol Bradfonst, BB 1a 310: Jason 7 titebner, nn: BH to JG Hanarah Miho Un, Prankiin, 8 Mary an sarth- openings in dilos, # to fli fie YW oagnes fenback, 31 Fairport Rimmer ria idoe ik ine Manongahein, mother, i $12. Emily ners, Tioga vitle, #12. Abssiom © $12; Edgmonte | Fries, WW Tiotwe rt A Hondarann Moi annedls Mitie, Washington, $8. Hentamin Crane Ova. Hair, $16 James MM. Pstirrson New hensington, $8 James ay, Tn. har, 3. Charles MoMannus Hindesiil $4 1o BE Erastus Hohb tofonte $8 1 $15: James I Hyrst, Mt Pleasant, $1 ade. Duncannon 8 4 8%: John W. Ayers, Meaivey's Forty Hantingdon, 04 10 217, Willam Eok- nard, Bradenviile #8 on JI. Edaand Heel with Hannah, Centers $M to B10 Wilitasn BH. Barrell. Manorville, 8, Levi Bird Iai? Pitsburg #0: Lacinds East Hickory, Forest, $8 Flimabeth EB White, MeKocanort, Roger Morgan, itaona, $12. George Butler. $8: Philip Puties, $8. : Wasning Acaitemy Harper, Mend aasins. (HI City, Chris > Eh Lh Thy {fromersnl - Swope, Bennett, $8 to 38, Patrlek Han- dressed to Quesn Margherita asking for her pity and protection in behalf of the bird emigrants, and to the queen | would pot be addressed in vain. But the Italian peasant cannot be reached by these means, The same society ini Berlin re religious i : petitioned the pops to the | to aove the clergy throughout Italy to | speak in the cause of the birds, and to | Cen. Italian is himeell an exile in | all lsnds. He should feel soroe touch TH of pity for his fellow wandorer, the ’ guest of many nations —Pall Mall | W An E ish trolley line Jing be Enoki» { the oibue tracks and slightly the line are both market towns, and the line runs directly to the business | centres, where the wagons are drawn | aside and rua into their places by » | half-dozen sturdy men, who sare paid jhiow Boy lsft to eniist, ley (dead). Plttsbarg, $2 John Gra- Bam Now Castle $8 to $12. James Mo Pride New Alexander, $13 to 117 James 8 Jones Gresnsbhors, Bote $120 Moses Yocum Curwepsvills 8 (0 31 Jacy A Hoover, Garrett, Somerset, §5, of Charles Marks, Lewiston $12, minor of Habert Harper, Shade Gap, Hunt. ingdon, $12 It was catimated that #0 people were hauled into camp at Mu Grelnas lant RBupnday making the largest nume her, togetiier with the soldiers that has ever eollecte! on the Chautaugus grounds The day was an deal one, Wiley ordered the regiments out for brigade formation, although he had intended ta allow the regimental come manders to hold regimental parade Gobi mass the Third brigade sn the groen to show thelr evaluations to hin admiring nelghbors in Lebanon, as the wholy pasalutison had sdivurned to the camp. This nay have netted Gen itey., who alse orders his brigade ont t was a grind slight. Charles Woods, & youar iron worker of New Castle, while off Bis way home other nlrbt, ‘was almost murdered by highwaymen. Four mes ran ont from hae shadow of the Epworth Meth. Epimcopst church and one ds. manded his money, Two selgad him and threw him dewn while a thist hid Bim on the head with A piece of [rom He lay une ons 19 gs for soame time when he recaversd and i aad reach 8 dew tis re ofes He was relleved of $15 Joshon Caldwell, a farmer neds arks Mills was found dead in his Rompe the sther morning Caldwell was oid and seventric. He and Big son have been Bving sions (nn 1dr antatod farm. house until a few days ago, when the The father Beqed and when found lay ¥ He heartbroken, with a recent photograph of the bay 9 | preswed against his breast. Hs was Abaut 0 years old asd a ative of She! | fleld, England, Giearge Bununirs of the inverted with two other sen $1500 in a C Haturday Mr Summers i from the agent in Colorado that Be had as well as horse flesh. — Kan- | men went on duty at Carpenter's steel works at | Bebind ol! shis drama stand the gic figures of the house Spaic, a daughter of | the Hapsbarga| finds the possessions shtened Ly this same re- Qneen Regent is a ected bLiy the gravest igtield (Mass. | Ropub- , the well-known ine PReRienge i deawned in the | drowned in the Bradlaagh insijted that the minister without aoy cirvam- | “The is I partially cov —Argos | ; ! gobd mie in Colorade They Ald not ex pect to get out what they put In, but raceivedd won Peon cere] 3500068 for the mine Sum. mers oft for Colorado to Invest gate, A heavily armed guard of a teading a few days ago. In consequence of reperta of suspected Spanish apler In the vicinity of other establishments dising Fovarament work. The guards ave anders to shod Any susticious characters who fall 10 depart after fair warning. Isnac Hagnall at Nw with drink, shot his physic an, FE, Miller in the taouth a few inflicting 2 painful intaey EC. Autlinger, 4 parm ited suicide 3 rt By shooting himself thr Fe had family troubles, ats] in a divores Imuiel Code, of Peaver Meadows, while digging a trench in the rear of the hime of Mrs William Dugan, an earthed a bax containing $79 (nn ogold, which had probably besn buried thers eighiten years ago hy William Wil Hama, an oid shuvemalkier. who formerly occupied the Dugan restdencs Postmaster J H Brown castle has ! the Postmaster Genernl in he may enlist as a private f Thee Nowcasiie aluint $204W 3 vear. Twa brothers, Jahn and Roddie, were amd at Soames Tues- day for the mundsr of Parmer Dia Derkey. Both men protested thi on thes sca®™oid Ma irein, ora ged irr. W, days ago, and vecaped RTUOUeryinan, ther day the head. pat in, EET of Now arder that r the War postmasterahip pays Bernard aged 7, muysqusrhanna rl Harrisburg by a boat The rotive Dour maid sporated by M. a gor aamiplotely deste IRB Wi was ANSITING Al & Uressman, of bw Ire axe Raa ig wre vf ti neariy Yim ona ered by insurance tasaiigua, p beating your wife?" | Jan r, for if answered by | i imply thal he bad 4 rev br hig claim, he prowl vd her, Ny i alt ph ya abo inn the mine, | the immed ate vie nity | of water, | tow held - Hawalian islands Andrew J ol per C the divine ald and Srectio Tiavid minors Ghering Brewing Company of Sharon, recently which cuimin- | wrwarled his resignation to yap neg i This ventary was | the pw | has no pommel i stondy a i oand orsoes titidean sorstohes) CONGRESS, Durfee the two-hours session of the | | Benate Tuesday the conference report | on the army C agreed tn and reorganization bill the measure on and signed. Bille wore passed to enable | the officers and marines of the United | Rtates navy who may distinguish them | galves in action to receive medals of honor, rosettes and ribbons, and to place on the rotired Hat of the srmy as Hn Arctic expedition, i was i | price ix considerably sergeants four survivors of the Frank. | larger than the hait million-dollar con~ tract for eleven disappearing he conferees the two hogses Hn The conferees of the £3 are to be completed within six months | The company is greatly enlarging its the army hill agreed to the Henate of militia of the various States and Territories shall be in COM pain, troops and batteries in drder to be ace cepted by the President, and als that . Renate amendment incriasing the sige - oxntersive works INDUSTRIAL NOTES. i Am Alhance. 0. Firm Receives Large fore tracts from the Government The representatives of the Morgan Engineering Company of Alliance. O., returned from Washingion last week, where they were the successful bidders Cfor 17 coast defense guns. There wep three other bidders. but the local SG was awarded the entire contract. known 15 be . secured a month ago. The ratio 4 A large forge shop | has just beun completed and two mam- moth steam hammers added. An erect- ing room 900 (eet long and #0 feet wide is nearing completion, ral corps to the extent of 10 carporais | ronferencs res 2auesd to accept the armnendment aus tharizging the active employment re tired army officers in time of war, and it was sliminated The senate foreign relations commit. ite regular weekly meeting Wainowlay Senator Margan araposd upon the committee the importance of again taking un the question of annexing tae Flo wall the slands Siaten in and that # IR were casentinl to the [loited view of the war with Bpain no time should be lost in perfecting Gf the pamm SO that [1 was wend with the Other members the opinl treaty. fas dx preansd fmpracticabls 0H pn Guestiog at pressnt The senate tions held a meating the ne nalderationg of the sarexaiion of the Haw There is a general desir « passers of the go tha Ly View of the Span the traaty samittee on foreign a 8 ip big Fas Pb Phursd for fa the ietome of ft felands the part of ty take Bn i sigan Jt in Fos as tt we wo CORE 1 yoweithetraey feed pont tien eging the jrsuthod the exigency The committee phage of the question ander © tion Hat sepia wi Band a definite conelusing ad 1 the be pursed At Friday's seanfon of the report of the coanferoms naval approgriatiosy bit presentsd send agresd to. The measures, as perfectad caries a itis mors than $57 5d 880 No business of gensral importanes swan transactad anal the Sennte ads fourned ti Monday Heuen The opening of the three days’ de binte on the war revenue mealgre ats tracted crowds ta the house galleries Wednesday, and the attendance an the for was ales Inrge. Bley. Hed Beem who delivered the Invention asked 8 fOr cur ar- tire Braet this srvst fer gs resching Penn 1a ath Serpte, thi By tHak wa my and navy. The gen<ral the war revenue Aehales the Worf iit in an LeOMmpany, . from t for owed Thorsiay | night after eight and a Mf hours of speech-making. Thera was tle dis cusddon of the Internal tevenue features af the hill. The Demuwerate comtinged thelr assaults on the hand featurs thelr advocacy of the neiame KX. The mtter was ridieglad we a 2ihatitute proposition by the Rapubiioats Th authority to borrow money was Setond- ad By them as absolutely eoeEseyY Hefire the debate upin the war Wan rejeal AD UrEENCY War neasure hy unanimous consent, limitations dpan the purchases torninstery supplics during the ing war with Ruain The house Friday passed the WARY rev. snue hill with only the treed upon hy the Republilean mem. be Owing to large government contracts received by the it has been found necessary to increase the hours of shor seach day ten lo eleven, Jouble tern and every day in the week including Ban day. The employes will be given 15 mintiten to caf their meals but will res ceive pay Tor full time. The smploydw nave alana been notifled that seginning May 1, the rate of wages in force prior po 1863 will be restored. A large num- per of men have been employed hy the firm during the past two weeks and ton large additions to the plant are BOW in conitee of erento, i the bessemer big iron producsery Central West have asresd to tank thelr furnaces for thirty dave out af The three months of May, June and Af a guarantee in those who in- tir follow ont such a plan. that ane oles will not fall to abide by the aproement and thos largely profit aa the expense of the faithful ones, & 12- seatitatics has been given hy avery g! are about IS furtsioes affestad by the selon taken. Nome of the Pittsburgh furnaces affected Hy the combination, The ning a part of the agresment hold the price of pig in the valleys and 310 85 + 5m iy $s vied BEATE 4% ithe rest fds sshiieh will Le hr i Ca} VIER Dv 4 bay sel ton at $10 Pittsburgh, Penn irom The Plate Glass Company, of trwin, Pa. has purchased the Anders sot (13d) plate glass works and will manufneiure plate Fines there, This 1H nor affect the rebuilding of the works at lrwin, entiv hurned, The wiuul taxation committees of the Rr Logis Bingle Tax league claims to have evidence that “ore than 358.000 ~ or worth in actual cash vale of real ewtaley und franchises in the city of =r ouls goes gntaxed.” Wallis & Carley. Sharon. Pa, have hers dwraiied the contract to erect twentyeseven housen for the Washing ton Coal and Coke Company at - netisvitle, rosting $150 900, and ten houses the MoClure Coke Company of Uniontown, A member of Boston Barbers’ union sutunite the following proposition to of ganized labor “If 4 painter claims the right to shave himself, why shouldn't & Tage barter be privileged to paint the ne anid ; Pongiastaring terior of his own store? The shops of the Tamaqua, Pa, Ma- Company have come - menced rymning sighteen hours daily Loan meeount of the large amount of work re. venue BU was resumed in the house | pamwad the | sf quar. xing | an hand The Central Telephone Company has Yeon organized with a capital of $282.- WH vo aperate tn Centew, Clinton, Clears etl. Huntington, Montour and Lyoome ing Counties, Pa. The MelBifresh Company's big sewer {pipe factory loonted at Penrith, W. Va, mmendments | sreganization financia heres of the wave and resans committe: | Added The motion to recammil was defeats odd 134 tix 173 The vores was then taken an the final passage of the bill, and 8 was passed is] to iN Boutvile, Chairman of the Com. | church at Hanford, fp Tagen Tn, wifl go into a4 re ty. The business-like congregation of & Cal, haves enterad inte an amresment with thelr pastor Anite 8 Cwherehiy he will be equipped for a twos a on Naval Affairs. presented the penference report on the nay ai BL Mr Cannon made the paint the conferees had sxoeaded their juris diction in that they had added over f arifer that $500 00h ghove the differences betwaen the two Houses, and had also, added provisions which warp not in confer. ance. With the pesint of order pending, he moved an adiournment, carried which was | The house committer on military als fairs agrecd Priday ta report an amendment $0 the vidgnteer Bi favorably | providing for an inerease of 1000 men i with special qualifications to the vols. uteer foros inetesd This change amends the last proviso of the 1,000 proe | vided in the voluntesr Li as enacted ¢ Mixed ear : OATS--No. 3 of section 8 of the Bill, and authorizes the secretary of War to organise come panies, possessing special quniifications troops, hattallons or regiments frown | the nation af large, not excesding 18.~ | 000 under rules and regulations of the | war department foow 3000 to ba used for the cowboy ruanigations and the remalnder will furcish a chance fo arm battalions of | snginvers and enlistment thousand immunes AE Eile se a CTCUNG NOTES. of several | The ireroase will nde 1 § § vrar sojourn in the on dition that if be make & rich strike shall pay off the church debt, WHEAT--Neo. Jred.. 2 i v ~ a. vibes o NEse trans BIE. cox cnnrnnns wv are Es No ghd vie. Ne. Lk Pianos anvun ssn snnmmrs DU Bb Winter straight Tr fmol We scrvinnnnn De Forni on Yeas ns Ener w« Rok ews © E88B ENE ELESEE: NEAR ene timothy... shwars . Ol. Sera seER SEER Shits uee FREESE CREEYERREEE2 ER rab abe £ EAL EE eae EE EE "eG eEss et Atlanta. Ga. i" 10 Save s new six-mile | _ eyele path, Demen The practise of pareats carrying habies | in front vived to an alarming extent, The Massachusetts Stata killed the bill provihineg * port tion of boveles on ratiroads, Henate of them on their bicyolos has ree | : | CH has | ivr thie foes Lrmie. | ! Many people forget to think of the home | journey when starting out so snengotioally, and miles soem turning with feelings of wenrinesy, As an instanes of the ponniarity eyoling in the nave, it is stated thas i would be diffleuit to Spd a men-of war that haa not at jeast aus bieyele an it, Dealers in Bievelos haw Tonnd that there fo a demand among cvalimis this season for narrow handishars, and a sorrsiponding decrease for the ram's horn or drop bars, One of this year's high-erade weeds can boast of a novelty thal will only be found on this particular machine [tis 0 handle. barwhich is adlustabide and is futersaily fastened, ; “Riding a blevele is a most affective sure for melanehoiln, The change of serene di vorts the attention andthe hain redeives a splendid tonts by the temporary thauage,” says a physician, For the short-sighted avails who cannot | remd his ovalometer while seated tn the Csaddle s little device, James sopsisting of » oes monnted on the fork in font of the mileage meander, has heen patuuted, wid 19g. § ik An Baglishh writar who ls an mseosnted authority on cvollng mistlers says that all tourists and lang distances riders shonbl carry chocolate with them on aaeonnt of ith oourishime aml mmstainiaog virtaes, might he worth trviag during the FUL SoRRin, A sew saddle jast ont indlentos that med problem is bessunine the shied! one in eahitie constraction, iis saddle tnt ne a sUDstit ute hrings in rent. so that thev can tears and nsed tor Hg purposes the same as a pommel, ander a eampetitions of atl kinds will be rite far «of conlest on ase pro. grasnmes this segeom Tandem handicaps mAdn an it inianhony snesass fast voar, will fraud on nearly avery ore. Ramm: while tandess on rsuit obo, will also ie thn Aprings aut Yous wrANPeg Ya weeny tua pst Giri, tried. The average marrying age of a Frenchman is 30 veg FP POTATOES White, per bu. sor interminable whes pee } ONIUNS-— per bu. 13] i Fancy cuvuntry TI EEBE~Ubio, new. New York, new. BEANH-— Hand-pleked, ¥ bu... § 1 ® 13 CABBAGE ~Home grown, bbl, i » Poultry, Bite. CHICKENH, ¥ pair small TULKEYS, #1. Etna. and ui, ih. 1 CINCINNATL FLOUR... ® i 3 IB EERE BUTTHR- Ohio ereamery FLOUR... ..ccn.ivneens WHEAT No Sred CONN-~No. 3 mixed. UATS--No. 2 white . BUTTER Creamery, extra. EGun--ia, firsts NE FLOUR~FPatents. WHEAT ~Na 2red. COHRN-~Nao. 3 : OA LD--White Wesers BUTTER Creamery. EGGS. siate of ean. . LIVE STOCK. CENTRAL STOUR YARDS, EAST LIBRRYY, PA CATTLE Prime, 1,300 to 1, #0 hs Grood, 120K Lo 1500 Tha, Tidy, 1,088 10 |, ou Ts. Fair fant stenrs #6 to 1000 ha Common, (910 WE bs Bus 25 xe 310 4M 419) 460 +5 4 20 : iQ i Mellin... Heavy, . Bouts azul stags 440 3 3 ve SHER. Prime, to 108 ha, wedliors. 8 Rost, BO Ter 3 hes, Fair, 70 tu 80 ths. eT SEEZEE Fair Wi xoud iambs. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers