The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 05, 1898, Image 3

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    Stomach and LiverTroubles Cured | RS :
by Hood's Sarsaparilia.
“1 suffered from stomach and Hyver trow- |
bles and was confined to my house for a
tag time. 1 was entirely deaf in one ear.
ap hope of evar being well,
eares by Hood's Barsapariila I decided to
give it atrial. Soon after I began taking
{#1 could see it had a good effect.
and my stomach and liver troubles re.
Hoven.” W. T. Nomrow, Canisteo, N. Y,
, Sarsa-
six for $5.
Japan is atmos as large as Catitor-
2, A A i SI Bs ANAS a
the American State has 158, 00,
The average Weight of
Woman ix 4 fat | inch The American
Women are nearly I mehes taller, and
| the right to lay and use a donble track
| street railway on it for transporting
| freight and passengers, for a period of
> | from this source is to become part of
¢ the road-building fund.
New Guinea are still in the mest pri. |
They are wholly unac- |
the women of Great Britain 1-2 inch
Sndier than thude American sisters,
To Cure - Codd d in One | Pray.
Take Laxative frome Quinine Tablets,
ragcists refund money if it falls toenre.
ES nt
The Papuan of the Malay coast of
pitive state.
gusinted with metals, and make their
weapons of stome, bones and wood, ?
in cooking. bebsg grated,
St———y oar
An Unique Game,
_ graph blanks ay there are guests, They
will give them for the asking at any
telegraph office. Select the Initial letter |
of ten words; for instance, T, H, B, A,
CBE LW. 8 G. Hand each guest a
telegraph blank, and have Wim or her
. witite thereon & message 10 you. using
_ dbese letters for the heginning of each
of the ten words. Collect the telegrams
aod réad aloud, If letters not common-
ty seed In making words, like 7, X. Y,
te, be selected, the greater ingenuity
8 required to write the telegram. For
~ Inptance, using the letters above for an
A netration, one could write:
* Starting Point, March 1, 1808 10 p. m.
Mm J. G. Blank:
This kas been sw§D enjeradie evening, }
will ny good: 6
3 DE eourse. earth person has the same
© jpiters, and the iden Is to note the di
versity of tha sentences.~Woman's
Home Companion.
HE want
A Oumparieon of Sea and Land.
; by John Holt Scheoling. A
bucket 743 miles deep and 743 miles
: to side would hold every |
oe mine Tos
Tied Hew Own Obimar.
; a ary.
mirlenice of reading her own obitoary
murtioes, the Australian papers Loving
i made the mistake of supposing that
Sif $ui1 ot eee BAIA, died vecently.
Sanstive Nas
and Liver Pils
have done {or
nd painful menstruation. I could
LD Buta few minutes at a time.
up othomd py
have taken oi bottles of Lydia
Pinkhany s Vegetable Compound and
of Sanative Wash,
ny amour of all my troubles. I feel
8 Dew woman. I can do all kinds
+ and feel stronger than I
did in my life. Inowweighlity
Before using your medicine I |
bed only 108 pounds.
Surely it is the grandest medicine for
weak woman that ever was, and my
advice to all who are suffering from
r female trouble is to try it at ance
be well. Your medicine has
proven & blessing to me, and i cannot
praise i enough. —Mrs. Lucy Goobwix,
| Fo Va.
Icon. |
tinued its use antil my deafness was cored |
: road il
the road -bhuildérs to get
‘a great natural ridge of sand,
in rR
Lem be a fair prospect that the money
i be intelligently and scientifically
A System of Military Highways
of Sharpsburg, Penn,
“there shall be no State debt ecreatid
except for military purposes,” he pro-
ha constructed in the bent
ing may be required, and tw be from
The whole charge of bnilling and!
| x these militar haghwa
pi meine Sunes i wie | Detiting these miliary bigbears
‘of Internal Affairs, who is to hava
| three competent civil engineers as his
{ pounseliors,
tions of engineers In charge of the
| eonstroction of these roads are to be
i rigidly examined before they can he
| appointed,
| point a court to hear all claims and
| award damages for property taken for |
| the construction of the roads
| each section of road is completed, the |
All applicants for pow.
The Secretary is to ap-
Becretary is to seil at public sanction
twenty years, and money receivid
Before the end of November in esach
year, the Secretary is to notify the
| State Treamnrer how mireh will be ro
. quired for the following year, which
| som shall not excead $12,000, (WHY,
i the first Toesday of each month, the
The tadian or fe. sar cheese must | Treasurer shall sell at pablic sanction |
be cut with a saw and is used mains
. bonds, to
: 81,0006 00%) per month, anti] thesam
i required bry thre Secretary ix obtained.
For 8 simple amusement try the tele |
graph game. Provide as many tele |
three per cent
amount not excesding
twenty year,
Sach highways are expected to)
benefit the people so greatly that they |”
bgt t
wiil demand thet they be built
twenty miles apart, and then ten, and
then five. Mr, Kirk has given the
road question much attention hath |
here snd abroad. His proposed |
Military Road Law has been printed |
with fal! explanations.
Statistics Regarding Good Roads.
This is the time of the year when
the average cyclist begins to look
aroand to find out the condition of
ths roads. It {s only the enthusiast
who has done more or less regular
riding daring the winter, but this
elass 1s iraasing every year. Fred.
| erick J. H. Merril has issned a good-
road bulletin for the New York State
Masset of the University of the
State of Kew York, which »
Lie has made a close study ot the good
roads probjem. The bulletin treats
of road-bailding and good road ma
iu and it also includes a andl
ills sigpe
7 The triviality of the sea compared | no.
- WHA the land Ix the theme of a recent |
of stretches of good
writer shows that this
country iu in the same condition ia
regard to roads that Great Britain was
| at the beginning of the present cen.
| fury, or, in other words, that we are a |
Jean behind England in|
mth of {8 soaks directly into the sar-
| hundred
ing. Mr. Merrill says that
the Romans showed a better kaow.
ledge of ed nailEing three handred
B. C., than the officials of this State
do to-day. He gives the mileage of
the important soads of this State at
123,000 miles. Much money, he says,
is spent ini repairing roads improperly,
leaving the highways in worse con.
- | dition than they ware in befors the im.
i provements were mada Tha maps
show the quarries in the State and the
kind of stone to be seoured in each,
The ideal stone for road-buildisg can
i be had around the Palisades on the
Hodson. Mr. Merrill argues that it is
not necessary to destroy the Palisades !
or biases for this stome, for, he says,
there is enough loose material at the
foot of the Palisades to last for road.
| building io this distrist for some time
to come. The writer argnes that all |
that would Le necessary would be for
barges, piok
it up and bring it over. This partion.
lar stone is known as “trap-rook,
and it can be found in quantities iz
Bo other part of the State,
New load Law Already Popular,
Belore tiovernor Black had attache
his signature to the Higbee Armstrong
| State roads bill, the property owners
along two important highways ig
Monroe County bad taken steps tu
secure the benefits of that bill when
it shall beromae a law. The movement
waa fret started on the road between
Rochester and Brighton, and the
property owners on the Ridge road,
between Hoosic Hill sad Lake
Avenue, are a good second
Both of the thoroughfares men.
tioned are important ones leading inte
this eity. The Ridge road, for exam
ple, is a splendid natural highway
leading westward from the Genesee
River to the Niagara. Nas greatest
breadth makes it sppear likes superd
boulevard, and along its entire leagth,
country crossroads from the north
and south run inte it, many of them
from important villages. Bat as it is
wagon tracks along this road arg
during most of the year, very heavy,
An improvement which would give
teams and wazons a good, solid drive.
way wonld immensely expedite and
relieve the large traffic over the road.
The evidence thus promptly far-
nisiaed of the prospective popularity
of the proposed law is specially grat-
ifying to its friends. Something was
needed to stimulate property owners
on country hizhways to adopt meas.
ures for ‘securing good roads. This
something is furnished in the State
and county aid secured under the
bill, Under the new System there i new
An elaborate system of good high. "8% Are.
‘ways for Pennsylvania is proposed Ly |
: Arthur Kirk,
I endured it distress fa my stomach | As the constitntion of that State says
aed could not sit hearty food. I had given |
Reading of | :
| pores that the State create un complete |
i rystem of military rowds, which shodl |
| traverse the State from east to west |
in parallel linea forty miles apart, and | |
in like manser from north to south.
' These military highways are not to
utilize old rounds, bat are to be lsad |
. ont new nuder the most expert supar-
| vision;
manner; have no grade greater than |
{ three per cent, no matter what grad.
4 Fills hs =|
forty to sitty feet wide,
Before La
Niate |
| Springfield, Maes,
| quarry wagons are driven,
ows that!
{applied insted of being practically
% | wasted, us the money and Inbor in the
of working the
P existing system ©
After two or threes
nong ohwol lessons, zach
Brighton asd Bidge road
‘monte will be, have been farntehed,
tharg will 8 rush of aps
from rural properly owners for road
improvements ander the new law
Rochester Dernocras and Chr
gs the
Pa ik
Marviand and Good Boads,
There is siBple econymon senses for
| the good roads tions, says the Bal
| timers American, i men, and
i make the money reach As
{ things are at present OY
Cdimorganized. cin Maryland,
doliar in fonr or iva appropriated for
roads reaches the work on the roads,
This fact 1s known It i» admitiad,
It is one of the chief scandals of the
Now the
money to be honestly nsed
shonld ha sow laws, new rogniations,
now men and new metiuwis, The
lsck of good romsds 1s keeping down
the price of every farm in the State,
sosting avery farmer more in got his
| products to market, keeping back that
progress which would conse if we had
better highwavs
It i= a simple matter, but wa hope
he Legislatars will study it and he.
gin by wise laws that progress toward
better things, whieh will lead Mary.
land to the destiny that kelongs to it
by right of position and by the ex-
bhaustiess value of its resources,
rot Fons
: ;
$m moat
Tait Nps
timo haw come for the
Warking of Permissive Laws.
Permissive road laws will not bring
the millenniam of good roads upon
joe with a rush. Thera is still much
| opposition to road improvement, and
iit will take a good while, and much
hard work, to overcome it. If county
| supervisors are simply given permis-
sion to indicate what roads they want
Limproved, and their sonstitgents don't
| want any done, they will not call for
any read building in their districts,
| Under such laws, the only induce
ment for a conte to build roads that
it does not want, is the Riste's prom.
i ise to hear hall the sxpanss. As same
| one remarked, “this is a good desl
Chika asking & man, into whose intel
lset wo ray of spiritual Rght
pisread, if be wouldn't Like
taxed fos his salvation” —Gisod Roads
i ab
to he
Preserving Goad Rosils,
Tho effect of wide tires on roads has
‘boen shown clearly on a street in
over which heavy
The road
was formeriy badly cas up, bat a
nuniber of years ago it wus given a
heavy surface coat of gravel with the
anderstanding that wide tizes should
be put on the wagons carrying the
quarry stones. This was done, the
tires being four to five inches wide,
snd since that time the’ strest has
been in good condition, although little
Las Leen done on it,
Ia the Wrong Flace,
Id is said that 27,000 tonu of water
fall every year on each mils of romd.
This water does its beat to ritn off and
join some watercourse, but is general.
iy so hetopered in its efforts that
face, so that dirt roads become mind,
and stone roada are rained,
drainage aloge would go far toward
improving all our highways,
Tadian Falls as Shoplitter;
A Navajo Indian can bide mors
balk within the folds of his blanket
thau a two-bushel basket could bold,
and can successfully hide many stolen
articles before our eyes. The settlers
along the San Jaan and Anise rivers,
during the early days, had to pusall
their stealable possessions in one cor-
ner of their places of abode nad stand
guard whew the Navajoas wer visitors,
which was a 00 frequent occourrence
“Chinvy ah-go!* (meaning something
to eat) was the first islimation, gener.
ally, that an Indian was near (perhaps
a half dozen). They rarely sxcssded
y hall & dozen 1o number, as thay, Like
the American bobo, bad leammed that
saalier numbers stood a better show
to get something to eat
One dayin A. R. Lincoln's cabln,
on the south bank of the San Juau
River, three bachelors were partaking
fof their evening meal, when a Navajo
with a : las eye walked in AN tried
to wateh the Indian's movements, bm
he had managed to got several articles
'aader his blanket, and wonid not have
bean detected had not an accidant be.
fallen Lam. A hatchet which slippad
from one of the folds in bis blanket
fell, and the sharp blade ent a long
gash inthe calf of his log. The Indian
lsoked to the roof of the cabin as if
wondering where the hatohes had fal
len from, but the blood spurting from
the open gush betrayed hin His
blanket was shaken and a butcher
knife, mimer's candleatiok, several can-
longing iu the cabin, fell on the earthy
Roar.—Duzeage {0a} J Vasu Earner,
Tuetion of Pursued Deer,
An Oxford County sportsraan who
is much interested in the habits of
wild game reposts sesing three deer
chased by dogs in the deep snow. I
was impossible for them to rium fast,
snd they adopted tactios that were at
once novel sud practical. They were
ranning single file, The flirt thine
that attracted attention as anual
was the action of the leader, wihioh
stopped sudlenly, jnmped to one
side, and let the other two deer ran by
in the path he had made. Vary sven
the new leader jumped out and lot his
followers run ahead as long as the
leader could stand it to make the path
in the deep snow. This was kept up
until they went out of sight, and the
sportsman hed learned someting
.—Kennebee tMe.} Journal
of the would-be purchases
Proper |
' dies and a package of tebaceo, all be- |
A Woman's Burden.
Prom the Booming News. Detroit, Nick,
The women of to-day are not as strong as
heir grandmothers. They are bearing &
pardon in diencs that grows heavier day
by day; thut is sappisg thelr vitality and
shouding thelr haopiness,
Mrs. Alaxunder B. Clark, of 417 Misbisae |
EF Loe
wmiy 3
of beep
of dis
Avenues Detrodt, is & (ypl ai woman
dxv. A wife with susk ambition as
toring wile san have Bat the joys
jife were marred by the existence
Hy Tring as thousands of her sisters haw
raferad she almoet despalred of lle snd
re she was onreil
‘Por Sve years |}
salfernd with ovariag
trouble,” In Mrs
{imrk’s own version
of the story. “1 was
nig free ome siogie
Any from headicho
and intesse twitch.
ing pains in 0 y nook
and shoulders For
mouths at 8 Sime |
woaid be sonlaed to
my ed, At times
bisek spots wud
appear Lelore wy
ove and I would be I harame Hid,
> Werle andy 3 1
A [of 19.000 feet an a mile |
| eetie. fuil of life. merve and vigor, take
eame Bnd. My nerves were in imelra stale :
that a step on the Soor ansettied be.
“Ralneat dootogs, skiliful nurses the
best Sood and medicins all failed
sonsestnd to an operstios, Thet, too,
failed and thay sshd another was oacewary.
After the seoond | was worse than ever and
tha worid wax darier than twfore.
“It was than 1 beard of Dr William
Pink Pills for Pals Pacple. 1 bean! thet
they Bad cured asses [ike mins and I tried
“They cured ms They
shine tom Bitte and ied me cop with
Jinee. neadnnnhe ls gone: the Twite
ng is gone. the
twenty six pounds, Heath and strength
4s mine and I am thaskfsl to Dr. Williams’ |
Pink Plils for Pale People for the hiessing.™
Acting dlreetly on the Mood and nerves
they restore the requisite vitality to i |
parts. of the body, sresting tunetionsl regs-
rity and perinct hafmony throaghout
the nervous systom. The
shanks is changed to the
health: the oye
grow siastis, smiition is created and good |
beaith returus,
fininfertant smells giwed
bins of
If a
a Lowi Simin
Edneate Your Sowels WHA Casearetn
Candy Catbhariie, owe constipation [orerer.
it has been aes riatned that
laws wl make a more duralve Goniu-
ment than the harlot granile.
kd ld ol permanently va reid
Ds Kitze's Oimaal Nopyvw Hestoper
FRUE $00 grind bettie and treatise to [ir
Hn Kiioe 1 ul.
ns |
| | teething. sf to tie
nervousness a gone; the any cae
trembling has coasad, and I have goined taking Hani
fis are a Soon to womankisd, | | Avram De
Sr af the |
brighton: the museies
it isn't
nid all nore.
the ame of |
mend for |
nt Arch Street, Phils, Pa |
Modern needle are aid 10 have ane |
SLs nee In 1b,
No-Te Nas for Fifty Cents.
CHunranined When Lalit cure makes weak
Wel M2ORg, Mod pure. -_.a R All drags
Theres are 1 0 hawkers of news.
Papers in Lan £14.
wo EE a ca
To he Point,
A certain Eastern ootipany that
SNe Une Wgo Wis anxious (0 purchase
3 ailverdead mice, found itself in @
state of agcertainty. What seemed
he a really attractive mine was found
to be ln the murkel and segotiations
for its purchase ware entered upon,
The resudl of these negotiations is ro
periad by the Spokane Miner and Elo
As the ore assayed well, and every |
thing looked propitious, a wining ex
port was sent W exadiine the mine. His
report was favorable, [a fact, it was toc
favorable. He certified that the ore
was there Ib large quasUties, and that
it was extreipely valusble. His un
qualified praise aroused the suspicion
If the
mine was Indeed so valuable, why was
the price so low? The company deter
mined to luvestigate more closely.
At this polut a well ksown mining
When one man proowmes go good |
thing, another man usually procoses
one 0 wuch better that ucthing is
done, i Ea Es ai
Shake Tuto Your snivee
Allen's Poot. Fame a powder Top the feet. It
cures nalnini swollen gervous soaring foes
sud instantiv takes the sting ast of soraw
add anions. [Us the pretest som fort Sle. |
pavery ol the age, Alien sn Foot lass maken
} r new shies 8 foresd raey. ft ix ow cortuln
for sweating, sellogs and nog teed,
Try i by all drag. |
T hind DET ERE
hd Rien 8.00 Amated. ie Roy, N41.
ber The dariaeter ves wien 8 i.
RL. wed mate She steed wipes ua
aebing fot
Kits wrod
FREE. a4
if fen
% She wn 4 EWR Be
ja Rei itmeriamd that
way labopees coghd |
ired Su loog AL A height
it hae wen Tognd
Wing a ri
in bags
Pont Tobores Spit and Semele Tour Life Away,
To quit whmess easily and forweer, be mags
Yo To
| Bae, the wocder wurierr, tht makes weaslk men
Cstromg All drapes, #00 or B85. Cure gustan
seed Bookier and saosiiie fret Adiiresy
| Bering Hemady Ca. Chicago or Rew York :
Ir Paves ty boom
Wieite fur
Make mors snd tetiee
“Manafuct iree, M. VTLAND. PA
I a —
irrnliar and Prices
Agitation is active In the 'Pransvaal
fur The stablishment of a departraent
of agri. with a minister at {ta
diture, UI
Fitn re rT ty pH Nu Aor nerross. ;
news after fret day's wee of Dr. Kline's Great | |
Nery’ ¢ Restorer $orin’ twttle snd treatise
fro iit HH Koiwe Lod 8) Arch vt Phils. Pa.
MRACHERS WANTED, 300 oaetl ae
fe cotton for next ters (Bows (6 Ta an
a AGEWCLEN OF Awunaca. Ansa. Pittsburg. Fos
PND wn
Mes Winslow's Bacthing Sern foro hldmn
| : the ams, reduc wl ithe
mmation, allays palin, Cures wind colic. Te.
a Bottle $ Sw
honey & Toledo, ih, Pm
iii & ata a Es Tofu SUB yews for
of Catarrh thet taunot be cured by |
a Catarrhs Cure. send for testi
few. Rodd by Arigeists, He i
i believe Pac's Cure for Consumption
(saved ray Nev's fe ae sumiemer oc MRE
HL, Ae, LeRoy, Mich, ie 3
are the strongest, most improved and
best form of cycle construction. DON'T
LESS.” There are many uatried chain-
less devices on the market.
are The Original, The Standard.
- Their superiority over chain wheels has
been demonstrated on the road.
Clolumbin Chain Wheels,
Harttord Bicycles,
Vedeotte Bicycles,
$40 and 35
man of Spokane recommended that 8
certain rougb-and-rosily genius a man
who bad graduated frem mo college
should be sent to look at the uae.
“You can depend ou bis Judginent”™
“and be will web
said the miuiugman,
you nothing but the Guth. Yeu had
hed ter trust to Lis report, which 4n al ©
probability, will be sbort and vwery
much to the polit”
The advice was followed and the :
avant showed the wisdom of the ad
vier, As Be Nad predicted, the report |
vas short sod full of pith. It read sub
stantially as fuliows:
“Dear Sizs—[ have made an e3amine durable than amy other nianos manufac.
ton of the CUE Dweller mise snd re
port that the are ls there sa ripresinted tured.
that it sesays high, that !t » there
plenty, but Ww gel your supplies in end
your ore out you will reed a pack-wrain largest College of Music in the world,
and over goo Ivers & Pood Planos used
in two hundred of the leading colleges
of bald aglen
The mine was rejected on the ground
» paceensihility,
Every sale mde by the mioon-Kecper
is a b bargals
have ge pr ed
wilh soRetingd un for some tame. Bul siter ak:
had plmpios on er face,
inkdig CA ASC ARETS aud they
ing ths fru Cascares | have had no trouble |
with nls aliment. We ensnot sapesi too Righ- |
FRED Waktomax
iy of Cancureis
5708 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, Pa
Pleasant. Palatabin, Potent. Taste Good.
Good, Never Siexen, Weaken. or Gripe
Storting Remedy Company, Chisoge, Wontreal, Sow Veok. ik
Sold and va
ay 1 x
atewd by al drag
x Tobaetn Bann
Wow Mie ine fot hel
5 i$ $+ ~
ment, Great Cindting Offer” orm
maaa's Depart
Fol pan TET LO BT Vda
Da |
He. Re. Me.
a exchange.
I had been froubied :
as |
POPE MFC. CO., Hartford, Conn.
Catmieguns res from aay Columbin denies, or by mall for sone Te. stamp. |
Strictly First Class. | Easy Payments.
Require less tuning and prove mare! HH no desler sells our pianos near you
i we supply them on time payments to
parses living in any city or vi in the
237 purchased by the New. United States. A small Te a
England Conservatory of Music, the and monthly payments extending owes
three years secure one of our pianos
We send pianos for trial in your home,
even though you live three thousand
wiles away, and guarantee satisfaction
and institutions of learning in the United Of plano is returned to us at our
States. Catalogue and valuable infor for pailway heigl both a. A pet
} containing special prices
mation mailed free. Old pianos taken 1 description of our easy payment
| plans, free upon application.
Ivers & Pond Piano Capany,
i4 Boylston Street, Baston, Mass.
: vn ation of RSI -
1“ Cood Wives Crow Fair in the Light of Their
Works,” Especially if They Use