The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 28, 1898, Image 8
mi sere art is ished r n ap, ——— Thea you: oars Anished too.” r il} Templer, Is A American Agriculturist, Tecommanien Sed tn Rhode Laland. (Garner Dyer, ot Rhode Island, is a thorough iever in good roads, and has done much to aid the good work for them in his State. He comes ont in favor of 8 Highway Commission and continuous work, in his message to the legislature, as follows: “The question of improved high- ways has ceased to be one that can be disregarded. Every educational and Iatatial interest of the State requires ls, increased making the v oti upon the igh. the Bate will be in a ee Tad to be experimen- d will show relatively upon and i There is little doubt that free mail very is just as practicable in many of our more thickly populated rural : inities as it is in England. The continuance of the service, if success- a. Ly shonid be dependent upon. the : Proper mal maintenance of the roads. If wants his mail delivered at his doo haa he must contribute his share =z ’ vio Tass Hera of oe highways, | mile. Deeay Follows Neglect. A Columbus (Ohio) States 000 om re | improving 114 miles of that they have been allowed to get into such shape that an ex "| of $250,000 for repairs wonid hardly | put them in decent condition. streets, bat watched and repaired, just as regular. will deteriorate very rapidly and prac- years. There is no use in buiding | expensive fronds, and leaving them to go to rain from neglect. In a recent address, E. H. Thayer eight months of the seventy miles of stant, effective and complete repair at the outside expense of nary country rosd exceeds $35 per with crashed rock or gravel. With » hoe, a shovel and a rammer, the re- the ros. Every washout be repairs, every rat he fills up, loose stones he throws oat, rough places he levels, obstructions in water comrses he re- moves, aad his tireless efforts day af- ter day result in keeping the good road in good repair and making happy { every man snd woman who drives over the highway.” It is only by following the example set by railway companies in the care of their road-beds, and scting npon = as those above given, such st that the highways can be efficiently maintained and properly preserved. J of the ground in fromt of it the depth of the sinking. inches in the ground the effect is pre- siasly ihe Mane ss if the wagon was 1p the same insline when the » faire Boy Stone. know that a bad one is a heavy con. { tinuous tax. — 84. Louis Globe-Deme- reo 10 Tair Japanese Women, Naturally there are no figures more perfect than those of the Japanese they begin to fasten long garments abont their hips, the effect of which is to impede awkward shale. In course of time it ment of the legs and thighs. the laboring class an additional miss- of carrying burdens from an early age apon the back, for the support of which broad straps are ‘passed over the shoulders and crossed in front, ing directly npon the breasts. a Japanese girl reaches the age of six- teen witaout having undergone either of the processes of deformity, she is & wonder to the eye, and remains so un 1 til twenty-five,'or possibly a little later; then she ceases to charm for » certain period in any way, excepting by ber | manuer, aud that is genersily preserved to the last. Bat as she grows old, sae has a chance of becoming quite de- lightfu! agai Jian o Sigeifed Sd vane old apanese is alw for she is always mach yas The Great Towns of Barops. While the population of Europe, es- {timated at 175,000,000 in the begin- | ning of the century, rose to 216,000,- 000 in 1830, 300,000,000 in 1870, and 1870 (with 20,000,000 inhabitants: and 121 in 1806 (with about 37,000,- 000 inhabitants). In 1801 France had three towns with over 100,000 inhabi. tants, while England and Germany had two each, but in 18Tithe figures were: England, 18; Germany, 10; anid France, 9; while in 1896 they stood | England, 80; : Germany, 28, and France, ly snd carefully as the great railway | ies watch their rond-beds, they | tically have to be rebuilt every few stated on this sabject that "‘s man with one horse and cart, working ear, can keep | road in com- | 50, which is $5 per toile, while the cost of even at- tempting to make passable the ordi- | A dirt cart is loaded pairer, a= frequently as the task is as- signed him will permit, starts ont on | psrrow wheel sinks three or foar wheel is used, but if it does not fines lrreghodu het obstacle does not exist. The surface of the wheel | wire. Yoby s and the Zeb +1 wrlly prow, young women. The children, up to ths age of fourteen, or as lang as they have tive free use of their limbs, are | models of symmetry. Abdut thattime and give them an does worse, and interrupts the develop | Among haping is sccomplished by the practice There is nothing nicer cherished by her juniors, | tain age the natarsl high breeding of | the race in ber to attain ite is now nearly 370,000,000, there has been a still more remarkable increasa in the number of fowns with over 100,. C00 inhabitants. There were only twenty-one of these in 1801 (with 4. 500,000 inhabitants), 42 tn 1850, 70 in | Wea know not what the noug May bring tous, what wreoks may trew | the strand, Put the Brave flag still ripples & white showey Cf stars o'er sil the land, We know not when the storm tyes : Ba Honor ‘shines 8 shield for fresdom’s : form { Though arth’ s foundations shake, | Wa only know the sod Ia sacred with the ! gave, And the sus circling in the exile of God Kiineas not apon & slave, Fond that heroes We know that on the hills, {rr when ths stopm-winds of the oronns TORRES: This thought thrills pe Boar: ne haope he ~F. LL Stanton, in Atiasta Conititation. “PITH AND POINT. When we speak of a delicate sitne- tion we nsnally mesn inlelicate, Judge. “What do you think was Shake speare’s strongest point?’ “His pen.” Cleveland Leader, “Tis you know that George left the ielub?’ “Neo.” "Yes He has twins to sapport pow. "Standard. Ada "Jack says he woulda’ the micest girl hving “Pshaw! As if I'd hare Philadelphia North American. Johnny ‘Isa’t candy good for paothache?' Mamma "No, 1ndead’” Johony*“Mightn't it be good you est it witha different tooth” Pack. “What a long, thin head Jimson has.” “Hasn't he? Looks ns if he ‘bad pushed it ander a bureau for a collar batton.” — Cleveland Flan | “Does the professor really expect ‘to discover the North Pole®” ‘No; | he merely expects to be known as the | man who failed to discover it in 1898.” | — Puck. “Jack and Josephine are not on ing terms.” “Did he guess her slosa the patriot x bosom Ls age?” | she was old enough to Lave her ags guessed ot.” — Puck. Lala--"Don't yon think compres _ sion of the waist is harmfal®’ Mead "Oh, Bo; not if the young man and - young lady are well sequainted with each other.” Judge. Bunday-Schoo! Teacher {reading to . class; — "And some feli by the way ‘ pide.” Tommy _ bikes in those days!” “Didn't you say that the Sanctoary dear.” ‘Then, when you sare writing for them, why do you not use smaller paper ¥ — Indianapoiis Journal. Willie (stadying his Virgil “Pa, I'm stack. saying something to his rival, and I can’t make it out.” Father.“ Maybe he's telling him to go and get a repu- tation." — Philadelphia Record. . The Publisher "We can publish your book of epigrams if you will Funrautes us the cost of printing sod nding.” The Poet— “It's uo go. I never conld emjoy witticisms at my own expense.” —{incnnsti Eoquirer, . Drummer “That fellcw, Lazten- berry, who loanges about here con- siderably, is pretty lazy, sm't he? Raralvilie Meribant—" Yes; be 1s sctaally too lazyleven to take pleasare in bragging bow be used to work. Puck. ) | “These are honeless sausages,” saul the butcher, facetionsly, as be wrapped some up for Mrs, Backers. *Yes, 1 suppose 20,” replied Mrs ‘ Snickers; “I wish I could bo just as certain that they are horseless san- sages." —Louisviile Courier-Journal “Have you suything to say?” asked the Sheriff, ar he strapped the mur derer in the elecaric chair. want to point ont what fools those people were who said I was bora to | be hanged,” replied the criminal, with as smile of trizmph, Philadelphia North Amerson. Favorite Viowers of t Royalty. The Queen's special Sowers are intimate friends, knowisg her favorite blossoras, send her those in profusion on her birthday, st Christmas and the New Year. Violets, the pet Sower of the late Emperor Frederick of Ger many, bave become guile sacred in the eyes of his widow. The Duchess of York prefers Lilies of the valley and white roses—the roses of Work ber own wear. The Priccess of Wales is the most ardent enthasias for flow ers among the royal family and is never content unless har rooms are simply one mass of scented hiossoms - As for the Prince of Wales, Lie cannot sadure to be without kis ‘button. bola™ Baximg » Dride’s Ear. In Lithuania, a province of Kassia, it is customary that the bride's ears should be boxed before the marrage ceremony. No matter how tender- | hearted the mother may Le, she al. | ways makes it a point of almiuster- ing a hearty smack to her daughter in : the presence of witnesses, aed a mote . is made of the fact. The mother's in- | tention is a kind one, though the eas. i toma itself 1s bad Tue reason for it | is to protect the bride should her mar. | riage prove an unhappy one is that esse she will sme for a Jdivoree, and | her plea will be that she was ‘. sreed Limto the marriage against har will. and on that score the verdict : will be 1u her favor He How Daal Bu Gat nis Xamne, William Frederick Cody carnad title of “Balalo Bil” by killing bufaloes 1a eizhiean wmanihs. slaughter was to sapply men: : laborers who were eonstraciing a vals Teoad in Western Kacsas. Ch a A ARH Lf 5 _ Gaivation Army Boveives s Large Bequest | With alt its ghtnings from the dae may of Beal Estate. Unless the roads are constantly | 38. Peter Kar! i P MoNesn $ Willer Bes FC pitie. $8 Abraham J. Riggle Coy EL 3E a Bi : Haley, MK pespion, ® Ls i. Mer andions. Fou a : Shy A: rdrew J “No: but he intimuted thet { Mite Wal . Dmrbars Tester i ht i Carbendaie : aed with {becoming wuddenly ’ interested) —*‘I didn’t know they rode | Pan het engines Several people were in. | Ldured but sess seviousty. The road 7 asked the novelist's | A | Robert Parber- (hy George Clark, aia “Hoving Jack The Trojan gladiator in | { ghosting. The rouble was cof am obd feud : been comducting B Quiet temt of the mak | Fappay Ee a pied YE Jouery glare ance nil be FN ME The b ry just Ly lilies of the valiey and violets and her | ~for | ty days prier to death Ct be in HEIRS DISSATISFIED. SN ARI Charisse Baron. of History townshin, Jeuves in a few Says 0 By Pai, Minn to setts op a vast estate left hy Bis heotrer whe dled ABOUT 8 Yor ARG The brother | 11 eft BBLO0G in rod estate to vation army, white periion o | Bes Deen Boa. Iv rontestad 5 “1 Dong ragide whereby the BSadvation army oi aoiept $16 000 and pas half the hit case Jarman Faton, brother. of Sharon. was 3 inst wae so SWInR pens wo mE Wars granted Lavy, Scaip leovel seed, Newvil Cligen © beriand IN Thomas Barnes, Hu ir dom, BB, Jon T. Tarr 9 en BE Antrew Deas, 1 Samed > Lome avid P tard, Teorey Carnistian Fiasnigan, Gari dk = Ww £ % Altert Roberts, Bellefonte, 3 13 I Charisse B Reddick, Allegheny. Lg Anna Borker Pittsburg Ase Bo Gliese. Hazelton, $B Fhsabetn 1. Has wy, Allegheny. B. Matthew RB Mo sri Huse Tater $0 Juke Rmpeids, ; Indian ik. B= n I. Kerr. ¢ ¥ 10 2 Fim sh # ha 7% 4 A rest hey aan $e * Weebl Alsxanmivia Mur 6 BB Thar FS BE tor BR Jobim A gin Zackarian = { fio Rots 2 or, ie Jobs ana, Boro EE Imaniel Hash wn. B13 rn ny Farah Newry 18 to £517 Christians Meyersinin } £ Tay a t Tem * 25 a ven 17 0 SEH sr ney so 3 mise AS Nancy Siroap F rene Kirn B Flipabeak Barr & peli $2 Moxicnr war widow Apodinx Hob mann. Brie $8. Hoberr BM Jeann Hy Fag mad Baw wer, ath, Batier #10 88. WW. Wagrer Prem Morey O. Zeigler, Fhads 3 Hantizedon, BB 106 ne: Fravkiin Orvis Kerksbaure, » wi ams Me $i: Miers $a a B12 Joke Finger i Rownester Mids odians (Sommer Train $8 10 BC Rruger, Rennva., 3. Lecinda | Note, Indiana. ¥i2. Hupidad poriipr (omBaence $8 Hannah Adams | fillsdgoviiie Mercury $8. Rebeca Lo Henderson. ack Gap. Frankie. NS Mother New Eater. Bedford Fi Margaret A. Fas Pitsburg, $5. Rosilia Mahoney, $i Ths northdemnd paws niger train on he Plteburg & lake Ere road ool the Now Caste breach pas senger at New Castie Juncilom ihe Ser afrernoor. The Brassed SE Was sm the sid ing and Ihe wrack Was J pi spew weiteh. The main line train, : wrerking | LE ba Frawel Wem ts bog Forry a 5 SRK Trty, #1 Age 8t 142 crated into 1 ong wis Docket for am Roar gineors and Sremven Jumped A shooting afray Between Twn codared whicl may resglt a morder, oo the vaker night at Gatnesta. WARN shot throw Cire fn wrred and tx al the hospital at All tones in & | bat condition Clark ewoaped. Harder says Clark came to hia room when be arises Rima ami began the result ® WARE ASAT Recretary of Agricolturs Edge has of Pirtaturg and Philadeiphis and the rapport of Ne former examine ue mas Sewn fled Bamoles were $e. jected from the milk at! railroad deppola, MR WaROne gre ATS rARtRGTARTA And The vagiusl rege hed that Paemsbarg has wr peserest saree found anywher the Biate Fire at the mineral spring rosie Ragagiertown Toesday morsivg dest wf Froater’s CaRITIALe SPD bun re tov bose 550 Horns he Bass andertaking and furnily how tur Mrg Miers dwelling ! ee gon The total es above in sig Deitels mar rowly seeped the flames ip Brandt, MW years ol x brake on tae OC C.o&8 YY. railroad was gover hy the cxlesoase OF DIN rons = RE Pirrstesrg and cat entirely in ten The badly was fond by Pe! won kin en tae Serorday. Deandt leaves a widen sme oli Mra Brant 2 Srat Rue was Kiged the AMS DGADOer | ad glwsomt IN Lhe same Sore Years REE, - Harry. a 2-Four-ok PTesemdaty of = wk iin Haying wi pede i T Brean Woah Kiet a was broken #rnd Peoth Hp and nse im wrapped KR Toren ¢ Fray Aco [the Renate receded ; for the orher mortgage to expire. I with By : pending for TES We RE BP personal priviiege. | tleri's desk an sditorinl in 8 New York | paper cumanenting spon Nis statement thls war be fonpBt under he banmer of the | | Republican sdmindstration of Nis gov- | pdght jew mand Payne's Bl i i has expended iT relief pedir dy | pe the Tenth Tennesse dinirict } the Runt Amel [ fuetiws I poavering Ihe Prexident : : wolgnteer forges and prov Sr for thelr | srganisation : toate Pf the Riates 2 Kame, CONGRESS. Senate nate Tumsday pase] »”- i allowing holders of & Junior a to snforse it withoat waning Bewnrt's (of Mahoping: bil aBowing Killed ¥ farses and relatives af persis or iImjorsd by med vicléncs damages which wach vio against the county = paitsed the sengle and jenoe occurred, sR nw In five hours of disensson Serate Waodneaday of its recent ao toms upon the Coban resciutions erly cme mew point wae develo That | was Haade by Mr Foraker : the regognition of sdependenss. He suid: pudekily. spesdfly, | poy moa cam fhe altioutom PRE bess i sunnt to the ressiations that ews fig SLavErmn recognized the ra : thing poaswibily 0 Is trom was wii xi Dow by to-morrhw teat the govern. memt in to-day Yelng officially deal the Yepremeatativey Bf this ax it showild be” * to Ronin. par Governmneang, Bein ng pressed by Mr T man for the sures of Bw information, Mr Forney raping that his information was pron . bat nox afioial Aili prossnted an unniisneny to the sundry oivi , raking monedl tel ¥ with which to pay 1 tie award for Bering : made hy the jedns eoyvenlsg of Fatsaary de TREE The apwindvent ws sErved in The sundry Mell BN iid 7%. which has Deen aries od BATES amount of money Ended be used in the mre mathening of the wept cont Mifare, WES Snally pansnd Thursiay hy serate. The ERAT Apreoteiatien ¥ immer ect iv ately taken Eber ily Com. phere. aithe Som ie- sion of an inent i aren The price of wrmor plats the Bi was dis se der That the meastire Tom regsingr Thi mtiary estab. » Ce v 4 pera; vw Sanrment sf war ought be considerad wn Agmrmemion of the BIL a mended | by the coammittes it was passat. re sundry oP Appropriation nid which pasesd the sat Tagrsday and | wks sent Friday to a confers commit tag of the tars Beviimes Con TRINE erintions apareTating FELIS ME for con. tnging the improveninls on the Dilin, ALiwgheny and Monongahels recsrR. Ri the semgie To Raye for this purpoess retained ar [he high swe Axed By Representative Wiliam A. Rtame in the Bouse Thus, as the ipsrmg were not changed by the senate ar will Be in the & the approval of the president. gE Mr Grosvenor then. Bald read at fn the Boues on April 7 thar wil ervmens or 12 will sof be fought at ald” Mr. Orosvencr aapiained the Bet with the [rity Nad made had only | aad in the sEatsmnent he meant that aw the present administra rien Bad tRres years 15 ran that the ; | war whieh was pol us mat be fogaht daring tx Nfs or nol at ail | msemnt ne refectivn and had appealed | va Beth sides of the Mopse $6 stand he the executive, ole Bad been dpm ited ~ Mr fact that the hows Ral Dern qilling adi ard that the membres wore weary, Ne would move 8 aljosrn A cordingty at 12 5 p om. ihe Bouse si Mr Ti 4 fo honcee Tuesmdiay passed Aanthuoriging Columba mye $0 lv Bonde for the rellef pose fusd The bonds ram from 18 to years and bear sot tho exXcied § per ent inrerest. The city peor depart prent Seale teal! in feed of gel & re Yief measure Since the abelishment of utdoer refind TW POETS BR the city sdiee money thin it had re tra cesdit in the per fund and Kee ceprdingly weni to the Jegislsturs Gor rae consideration of sm cee of Paterson Carmack WAR interrupted Thursday iz the Bouse 0 Allow the passage without division of remciatlon ws AGTHOrIE president In Ris disoretion to pak iB she exportation Of coal and (ther war material The measures 10 prevent he anipmment of coal te Cuban Parts Rican Aner porte where it cogil be used hy Spain, The speaker signal in just the hops adjourned The Homes Wednesday pasged as an SMETERRCY WAT PRU the Bi em ts TT va The fit In permanen The princinnd Range an the BED ge inreebsced was That the Appointments of all Fein pl foers are to be made DY he ROVTROrs ashen of by the AE WAS propos weed originally Separtpent. Thin avzion practice if the i »% reese nods Bensaliog a ely the : LE when Mar i” HEC in Is character War {i he Was 5 Td one after ihe isms Beery ov of the 18a wv SR PTY tw Hagses On } red hed An PET sapped this Apres eat are 4 EE tax from {he times IW the Sera erning 1 agpenfiment i whith the srganimed militia ada l seroe Lares to Bhat the time fur which ali vuduntesrs he enlisted in redyuesd finan how fads to fWO - ARATE, paimer WIR, Suited rast & Graham io Pre al leer Tht 2 se. lawrsmos oagenty. fad aaely on an miine wreck that © a Jamas Tscanses her will was 201 Jray z ie boy Mrs Fim Presbyterian ohareh 5 4 $l oe paste isresnviiie Ri A man spre dd rk orrel ¥ Ceegs foun pearly dr wrod in ter who ; [moen Hariee demrrased 1 bars in Blackiirs sogmly CRESS Boras oak Luowe burned A rights dig bare 41 fd AEE: ¥ ftw {hand Hast weer POLE Te Sirsa ooage Ar mE bare Maman | toe red 1 igre | 52, oe Wags i a ard SIP 4 rom? { Paiace Car Company, { assm. The Spans Am 2 ¢ ant said: | the same sacred mii t i A sa of iberty and {many excellent « to all and have male it the moss Comal The slightest allusion w i the Un | mors and Ohio peivtel 1100 new 5 ] Tear Logie American Unio. Lewsox, Bagiaad (Hy Cadiel —AD the : | Lowd Mayor's Baster banquet Ambassador © Bay deliversd a speech apan Anjio- Amer smn reistioss that bt enthusi- ar sent word he was “isdis asd sonid pot attend. Our Am. “Wo are joint ministers a at the sat minute that posed progress (Cheers! chasped with futies that we sanaed wvinde, by the tmpoeition of jreasistibie awe” Coloosl Hay 413 30g mi American orinis, bul Gis spedeh was in- teppenteal by the gassts as ap indirest resoguition of (poe British sympathy witd ited Sale A Datlwmay Daou. Dyring fhe rast two monlias tas Dadth Raiirsad Company as re 4 3 3 angh i ram wre al the WE aasias and Ba» 3H reranliy acd with a the Misehfgman Jnr and Fogndry ware Car medidas TRS SAL Hanh. se ler a % = £Rnin. ar salar Wares the Hiss ane aid the Ww <8, Deliveries ars shiv as the cars are dom Spain's Wheat Crop, Ta Ry ARRD wikent ean ArHLnges abhoar ¥ sdaiy anBaNALY. n te | of Chto, i : ef statement ond- the Cuba very day wien the | pas practioaily | of uta. and } gn tne the rdted States io time | After & APPT, a% 5 guestion or the cleo. | | stances under whieh the statement wis | mde. He had been dell | ropord the Dremocrall He Bad | Dingley stated that in view of the 3 of the | tha poantested the the | he Span- | Worn! Womthity i THE DOMINANT 0.20500 for Besds sod Uretes : tre In pao Now Wasse. Besgh oy DOMINANT, | Sam This is “ Hood's Sarsapariila and be- to take it today, and realize at once the great good it is sure to do a. Hood's Sarsag pT AY’ Grwatent tes’s Greatest Spring | Wedicing. __ ar i —— a bortin of Gront Chinese Bridge. Spanning aa ine of the Yellow Seq sesr Seugang, China is & bheldge five and a quarter miles long. with 300 piers of masonry, add having its road way sixty four feet above the water. Tats work is said 0 have heed socom | piwhed by Chinese cugiveers S00 yeare - 6go. | therimed BY provious congresses. Senne | ator Quay was n¥upential enor In tha appripriation | ! isan A Cheap Trick. To manufacture a © stack oo the wall with gine, [it to be the “wmme thing” of : they wil pot be disturbed in conference | : : Bil when It receives | Coal Tar for De uw Coal mar, when used foo dyes yiekls sixteen shades of hive, (LHe me BUY | her of yellow tints twelve of orange, nine of tioler, sod anmerous other cob | OTe 40d shades. GE CA HEA Srreguinr Desesty i's harder to mam Suv MAR TOU: dishdnduty. > BR A RA Syrapof Figs is ‘ taken Tht and refreshing to the taste. ard sete tiv yet promptly on the Kidneys, ir and Bowels, clcanses the sys tem efectnally, dispels colds, bead. ' aches and fevers and cures habitual 3 constipation. only remedy of its kind ever | daced, pleasing to the taste ceptable to the stomach, | To action and tral beneficial a it ire | effects, ' healthy Syrup of Figs is the e 2nd se. p red on't from the most a agrecable substances, ite malities commend it alar remedy known. Svrap of Figs is for sale in 50 | cent, bottles by all leading drag- | Sh , may not have | cure it promptly for any ope who wishes to try it. * oustameptang . substita Any reliable « druggist who on hand will pro- ie ie La Spmind % ® Begnsinnnt Lhraens 2 a nae © CERRY and presse Hw, aks, NX, Cian ; Thompson's Eve Water SEs fathom wey | SOE EWE, AN