A AP i i 2 A Member of Parliament Bursts Forth into Verse on the Long Estrangement of England and America and the Present Relations of Friendship na - London, April 2. ‘William Alin, Radical member of Parliament, and an | NEWS FROM WASHINGTON. ‘ardent advocate of Anglo-American alliance, whose songs are widely known | Written by Moses Perkin Especially for the and popular among workingmen of North England, wrote to-night the fol AA SST A SFO RN : AR ES VA Shoes at a Bargain. You should not miss seeing the large table fall of shoes of all styles and sists at the store of Geo. S. Good. They will all go at a bargain. Don’t miss the opportonity. Announcement. nee myself as a can- of Assembly Patronise your home Sakery and louy your bread from Dans, oppo-. Subject to market changes: | site the Palmer house, : j Boi ter. ; « 2B oante per pound Thirty- five years makes a generation. 3 “ to That is bow long Adolph Fisher, of oF bushel Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He nit x was cured by osing three boxes of De- Mivmns Store Co. [Limited] Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. CC. W. The Cash Grocery is headquarters Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Bekwhent = Fagus _ Pitatoes » Eine, , for everythin in the grocery lines. 1 i R ” - jdidate for the nomination of Americans are the most inventive ; BE i" people on earth. To them have been issued nearly 600,000 patents or more “Qourter.” Washington, D. C., April 26. There has been no occasion for anybody to find any fault with the rapidity with which important events have followed each other during the past week. The signing by the President of the armed | intervention Xs Seuoiesion, the nitimatam | to Spain, the proclamation declaring to the nations of the world the inten- | : tion of the United States to blockade ~ capture of oorchant vanes by ships of the blockading squadron, the proclamation calling for 125,000 men to serve two years, unless sooner dis- | . That is the week's record of the most important acts of the execu. : tive branch of the government. ¥ has not been idle during | the week. It passed the bill aathoriz- ing the formation of a volunteer army, the bill for reorganizing the regular’ army and increasing it in time of war $060,000 men, adopted a resolution de- | claring the existance of a state of war | between Bpain and the United States, besides doing the usual amount of routine business and attending the i faneral of the late Senator Walthall, of g its attention to bunting stray | American merchant vessels which can ‘be taken without fighting. There are numerous reports about their coming over Bere to fight, but our naval offi- cers do not believe them, although they | would be more than glad to have them dato. Our navy will not attack the | s lines east of Pittsburg and Erle, ved 451,412 tons of coal and coke during the week ending April 9. Of it amount 43171 tons were anthra- te coal, 200,929 tons bituminous coal | and 117,402 tons coke’ The total ton- nage for the year fo April $ was 600, | compared with 5,185,102 last year. Times, Toagentsasa sample. | This is the opportun- | ity for a hustler. For partienlars address INDIANAPOLIS, IND. cuses. Editor Swank, of the Johostown Tribune, of stealing news, and does it | °F D0 forever { Tribune. | lowing sympathetic verses, entitled “John Bail and Uncle Sam:"’ “John Bull had once a little boy who ran away from home. The hardy fellow, full of joy, ved in the West to roam. He bad the daring of hin sire; he had his genius too, igh J thet he storms of fire » aye the stronger grew. little Sam--pluc y little Sam; Figin to be for mankind free, said pushing little Sam. “John Bull once tried to stop his growth, but Sam hit ont at once; So poor old John for was loth and ceased the youth to bounce. To manhood’s lusty oree and vim he grew at Freedom's call And millions went to wong hit, so be made room for all. Mighty Uncle Sam, glorious Uncle Sam ! From sea to sea, great, brave and free, spread daantiess Uncle Ram. “John Bull, with proud and loving heart, this message to him sends ‘Dear Sam, of me you are a part, we must, we shall be friends.’ United we’ll dare war's alarms; shake hands, by Sam. Hurrah, come all the world in arms; we will not care a d The Union Jack of John; the Stars and Stripes of Sam Shall rulers be on, land on sea. Three cheers for John and Sam.” A aditore Notive. In the Court of Common Pleas of Came bria County, Penn’a In re second and partial account of | Thomas H. Myers, Assi of D. (i Myers et ux. for benefit of creditors. And now to-wit: The 28th day of | March, A. D. | Somerville, F Attorney for As. “signee, Mathiot appointed Audi | a jiorto Juke tn report tribution of | ; n hands o account- | Children like it, it saves their lives. | 4 1, snd among those begally entitled We roean One Minute cough curs, the to receive the same. infallible remedy for coughs, colds, | Notice is ven that I will sit] croup, bronchitis, grippe, and ail throat 3% mY of Io the Dofongl, of Fhei and inng troubles. C. W. Hodykine, Fo ¥ of Pay, A. D, Mowsid at 10 o'clock | Patton Pharmacy. jam 0 m. 5a day : Editor Greene, of the COURIER, ac- { Appoint | ment : hea and where ai wf J see proper, forever bebarred from coming in| in no gentile tone, either. -Hastings | MaTiior READE, Auditor. Ebenaburg, Pa., April 18, 1598, | One Minute Cough Care. cures. | That is whet it was made DeWitt's Little Barly | Risers, 1868, on motion of Reuel rpose of | than one-third of all the patents issned ‘in the world. No discovery of modern ‘years has been of greater benefit to mankind cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done more to relieve pain and suffer ing. J W. Vaugn, of Uskton, Ky, ‘mays: “I have osed Chamberlain's colie, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for several years, and find | it to be the best medicine | ever awed for cramps in the stomach and bowels.’ For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins, (‘ure that cough with Shiloh's Care. The best cough cure. Relieves croup i promptly. Ome million bottles sold last year 4) doses for 25 cents. Sold at Corner Drug Store. Two years ago R. J. Warren, a drug- gist at Pleasant Brook, N.Y. bought a small supply of Chamberlain's cough Remedy. He sums ap the result as follows: “At that time the goods were ‘unknown in this saction; to-day Cham- berlain's cough Remedy is a household | word.” It is the same in hundreds of | communities. Wherever the good | qualities of Chamberlain’s cough Rem- ody becomes known the people will ‘ have nothing else. For sale by Patton { Pharmacy, (© W. Hodgkins, A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little | Barly Risers clense the liver, cure con- stipation and all stomach and liver : troubles. Ww. j JPhasmaey. | DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Caron Plies, Scolds. Beres. C. Hodgkins, Patton The popular use of a spring medicine is founded on experience. With the coming of the spring season comes languor, out” condition and a general lassitude summed up in “that tired feeling.” from the gross effects of the fatty foods of winter, equal to Dr. Ayer’s Sarsaparilli. It not only cleans vitalizes it. betoken health. reduces the liability to disease by neutralizing the ¢ the development of disease germs. * As 2 spring medicine duning the mouths of Marth, April, and M preparation that can begin to compare with Ayer’s Sutsapariila It is WwW. A EINER, X thiy } oo of Aver's Barsarariia “1 canoot speax too hig Paw » ISA A recommend it Seal pe srt Pho ¥ wn LE 4 4 ne. “1 have weed Aver's Samaparila in my family Mee wears and hi a spring medicine, it has no equal.” AK “ Ayer's Sarvapar la hos been every spring, begimnang wn April and makes tie sleep av a wp a household companioa in As a blood medicine, it has no su H.R sal &s a Lived ; have : Badd ita ed hive taseyis ? « Ayer's Samapariiia iv without an eg cannot have prose coough treatment was of 59 5a ane medicine that | have ever effects so many permanent cues ov Ayur's Sarsapaniia . Dik BH che basen ia at Loe » ¢ NICHOLS, Ellery Re our family tor y It tones up my system, gives me 40 ou WILDEY, het and esa MEERIL debility, a *drageed- 5 x ¥ the famibar phrase —- » there is no medicine ses the blood, but re- It puts a spring into the step and a sparkle into the eye that It restores the lost appetite, induces refreshing sleep, and onditions c¢ssential to Or AYCI'S. ay. lL know of no other the leader of leaders ® § Lp, BE arb a, in ¢. 1 can Ky. As Ie, Mass. Canora wars, | take it viient Appetite, «in my opinion, Philadelphia, Pa. Like and & tier sland per spring areal wh Hage LAME, Na « >a its, aod, anid I have rind thorn ail, is 0 thorough in is acti on, and L. Augnsta, Maine. than Chamberlain's Collie, s : = & : £ = E & E ts Ee E | & LE & : & s : 4 RE Notley, ‘Wines, Li Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family ase cannot be excelied. Prices | ar ressonable, FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. Jase INGS, PA; Get Your FIRE INSURANCE meine, IPRs James Mellon, J. P. | Good and reliable com-| panies. Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aves. | Patios Pa. 2 |v You can always find FRESH At our store and of the very best quality. Qur store 1s for everybody. ii uarters Prices are as low as the low- est. shddddasaisaadsisddissidiiddidtis Abb idl y If You Doubt US! You perhaps have some doubt about what we ¢an do for you in cur store, You are not ertain, maybe, how we can sell Er Grads Good sie at the prices we name. The only way to be convinced is to come and look at our goods and see what they are. No matter what your prejudice may be vou will be convinced, and it will be to your advantage, too. We are headquarters for [ ¢ Kept in a hrst- class up-to-date (:eneral Store. (all whether vou wish to purchase or not. All Joods { | to VOur home romptly and without charge. } 3 ceive red
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers