£5 | YoUN@ AT SIXTY. Mlere is no longer much desire mong well-informed farmers to get the lowest priced fertilizers with the jdea that these are therefore the cheap- | est. Tt is impossible to cheat nature, All the elements of fer'il‘ty, mineral or pitrogemous, cost money, and if littls money is given for fertilizers, | we ean expect but little good to the | When we take into | scconnt that much of the expense of | erop from them. commercial fertilizers consists in the cost of distributing them evenly | throogh the soil, it will be seen that | the highest priced, if also the best, may be really the cheapest. Weak and Crippled Chicks. Often, from varions caases, the | young chicks are weak or deformed, | and we are puzzled to know just what | to do with them. From past experi ene, I, for my part, think it far bet. ter to at once kill all snch. They, in | most cases, die anyway after a fow | days, and are worthless even should | they live. ; The deformity, as a rale, is inherit. | ed, the egg germ being weak, and from such it is impossible to get strong | fowls. The thrifty chicks will batch about | the nineteenth or twentieth day, and will be ready to leave the nest on the evening of the twenty-first. It will give them a better chance if all erip- | ples are disposed of at once. —W. H. iibron, in Farm and Home, Old Farin Wagons. No really good farming is possible withont wagons. An likely to come loose and axles or wheels sare to break whenever auy ket, and often paying each year twenty-five per cent. of what a new | } would cont. The cheapness of roti enables wagon makers to sell the best wagons more cheaply than ever before. There is not much redaction | inthe cost of repairing, as the chief factor in repsiting old wagons is the labor, —Boston Cultivator. fpravieg With Kerosene Eovalsion, : emulsion is one of the mont valuable insecticides we have snd i a8 it may be easily made aad applied, its nse should be general on the farm well understood. It is made by olviog one-half pound of common soap in one gallon of boiling water. Remove from the fire while boiling and add two gallons of kero- Used to kill the common insects | effactive Toy le eo ., converting e mizture into an the same vessel, continuing the until it appears like thick and the vil does not rise to the amt by ing it through = jotss pump ey nozzle back ig the growing season, the emal- when animals the dilation is one part of eight or ten of water. It applied thoroughly, as it is only when it comes in direct rotitac the insect. A spray pump is the only proper method of # spray the more effective it will ewies if this simple remedy was sp- nt probibiting the importation plants, fruits, ete, } discovery of the scale on | from California. The _ bulietin is supplemental to nary, 1896, which contained a his- down to December, 1895. in the United | bulletin says, our actual , the | of the distribution of the ‘somle in the East in the fall of 1895 y slight. It District of Colutibis have been to the number containing in- points. Se wil. ihe Dominion overrment is considering the gues- 2 of legislation on the subject. A fifty-five fruit and shade trees | ornamental shrubs affected by the s given. Considerable space is devoted to a discussion of the rem- ~ edies suggested to kill the pest. dent says that a Ew et spuple: ; old, | broken-down wagon, with tires always | strain ¢omes upon either, is i the most expensive piece of | a farmer can have on his | rin t the old, worn-out wheels | need not be thrown aside if all else is. | If the spokes ars cut down and s new tire put around, the wheel will last a Jong time on a truck wagon to be used | ~ onlyom the farm. This is mach bet: ~~ ter than trying to patch np the old Te for going on the road to mar- Serene comfort and happiness in ad: | eanced years are realized by compara. | : tively few women, { Their hard lives, their lability to se- | pious troubles on account of their pecn- liar organism an: their profound igno- | panes concerning themseives, ail com- bine to shorten the period of usefulness and £1] their later years withsuffering. Mrs. Pinkham has done much to make women strong. She has given advice | 40 many that has shown them how to against disease and retain vigor | ous health in old age. From every cor | per of the earth there is constantly com | ing the most convincing statements | from women, showing the efficacy of | Lydia FE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com | pound in overcoming female ills. Here is a Jetter from Mrs. J. C. Orms, of 220 | Horner St., Johnstown, Pa, which is | earnest and straight to the point: “ Dear Mas, Prespas:—I feel it my | duty to tell all suffering women that | think your remedies are wonderful. 1 | had trouble with my head, dizzy spells | and hot flashes. Feet and hands were | cold, was very nervous, could not sleep ! well, had kidney trouble, pain in | ovaries snd congestion of the womb. | Sipoce taking your remedies I am better | every wny My head trouble is all gone, have no pain in ovaries, and am | cured of womb trouble. I can eat and | gleep well and am gaining in flesh. I consider your medicine the best to be had for female troubles.” . The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi et.ce in treating female ilis is unparal- Jelled, for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and for sometime past has had sole charge of the esrrespondencoe department of her great business, treating by letter as many as 8 hundred thousand ailing women during & single year. a “ Portoct Type of the Nighest Order : Excellence in Manufacture.’ wade at DORCHESTER, MASS, ty ANA TE AS A diluted one part to ten of | the dilution being greater the insects aro small. Used on | A our way. Where no dealer sells small cash payment, balance in the smuision, and the finer | be, wre Blan scale and other insect en- | in this age of sn well as the same subject pablished in eastern occurrences of the | it is said, in the history of i s opowring in the twenty | } WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. p | Evrassennes rte, EASY PAYMENTS. It is easy to obtain a piano them, we will send a piano for a monthly ay ments. Three years time complete pur chase if desir ” ed. We would like to explain our method - Will send piano guaranteeing | satisfaction, or piano may be | returned to us at our expense | for railway freights both ways. Our CATALOGUE, FREE for the ask- ! ing, tells all about them. Special prices Ivers & Pond Piano Co., Me Fe. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, 60L0! GOLD! and meek easier to get Just at our doors. My circular telis a mast | interesting story all about iL and how you ERY Jurticipaje in profits. Sent free anyone who sske ; C. 0. NEWTON, Homer, NX. ¥. oi pon HES YA A A bp 6 ue bg A BAIS de meuday. Chicago. In quantity equal t Klondike s richest dirt fake more and betier ha WE FAX FREI « of jafnctarer, MAITLAND, Pa, Speaking of the president of France, the Perils correspondent of Londun Truth says: “What country but France could produce a journeyman tanner capable of playing an all but regal part as well?” Grant was a tanber, and Grant Faure is as a toy pistol to Krupp gun, and Faure is a good fellow at that—Chicago News. i A PAA I be told bow y be is bruised uni] ARer he bas been given his Saturday not a firstclass one either. But he | was one of the world's greatest sol | diers, While he was mot the best Pros | ident the country has bad, he was as | goo! as the average. Compared with | a | Mady for use in white or twelve beautiful | tints by the simple addition of water (lat. | est make being adapted to znix with roid i watary, put up in ; : poun When a bey pets hurt, it can pever | A wowaa thinks it must be great for to Io back im a darber's chalr and got | shaved --Dat she basn't the face to wrk Shake Into Your Snoew Allen's Foot-Ease a powder for thafeet, Tt cures pain swollen nervous smarting fest and instantly takes the sting oul of corns and tuniops. Its the greatest somifort dis- sovery of the age. Allens Foot Fase makes tight or now shone fee] snsy, Jf 18 oeurtain eure for sweating, sallous and hot, tiead, aching feet, Try of lodny. Bold by sll drag juts and shoe stores Be. Trial package REE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted Le Boy NX, SHR ARAN SS: ST VITUS DANCE SPASMS and all nervy. cite diwsases perreanently cared by the ose of [rr Kifre's fhirvat Nerve Hestorer Send for FREY S100 trial battle and treaties to Irn BH Kine Ltd, 9 Arch Strewt, Phila. Pa. A writer in the Arena declares that LG men pow dio the winrk, with the aid af machinery, whirh needed 16.060 - 500 persons to dog Tew years ago. No-To- Bae for Fifty Cente A captive bee striving to saraps has heon made to record as many as 15. 40 wing strokes per minute. anid musots surfaces of the system Serud for testimonials. free mold hy Imagginta She F J Usexey & Co, Props, Toledo, O rai Mrs. Winslow's Senthing Syrup forchildren | . [teed Bookiet £4 samunie free Address Anam mation allay: pain, cures wind colie, Be, © testhing. sofiens the gums, redocing io. a hottie. We think Plso’s Care for Constimption is the only medicine Tor Conghs - JEXYIR Pisce ann, Springfield, His, Oct LT The swi's eyes have no muscles by which they oan te moved! Dat extra- sedipary Hexibtilly in the muscles of the neck enables the owl ta move his head with incredible rapidity in any direction, Po Care Constipation Forever Take Cascarels Cindy Cathartie 10e oe Sa It C CC fail w cure, druggists refand moses Eo] According to Sir Henry Irving, the theaters and music balls of the metrop- slis give employment to IM EN peaple, and represent & capital of £30060,000 Fite permanently cured a after fest days use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Hesloorer terial hottie satel treatise tree. Dr JL HL Kywe LA 80 Arch SL Phils Pa A BAD COMPANION. fle Didn't Like to Correct a Lady, but He Cad To. The raan with bronsad skin and long | ish halr was hanging upon every word that the charming young woman spoke, | says the Washington Star. She was telling of an actress whom she greaily admired. wT will never forget how she looked” the young woman sald. "She was as beantifal as Juno” The weatherbeaten aoditor moved uneasily, and then said: “% beg yer pardon, miss, but I ain't edre that | beard yer remark jost right” 1 sald that she was as botiful as Ja 4 : ? Tt ain't for me ter ¢'roet a lady,” be began in apologetic tones, “1 am quite willing to be corrected when there is any reason for doubt” she replied, In a tone with tmces of con geaiment through It perceive how thin san be such a case.” “I don’t persume to cotdard! o | i | to my reception!” body,” be replied. “1 Baven't no obser rations to make further than that there Ain't po acoountin’ fur tastes” “Have you ever seen this irtress ? “No, mins” “Then | don’t soe how you are guall find to speak.” “Might 1 make so bald ag to ingnire whether you was as fur west as Brit tah Columbia?’ “Never.” “Then, miss yon can’t re’line that I'm standin’ up fur the lady's good looks as | Ye can't believe hal! | of what these here miners thal come | wy w, my idea is this ok : understan fur West ax Britiah Colambdn, 11 stan's | gialesssand much as you are. East tell ye. If ye ain't even been as to reason that ye can't have po dea of | what a lonesome, ramshackle, frize-up | et Warikers. jookin’ place Juuean ia.” Mea as Ritchen It is an ntaresting devalopaient of the | woman sullrage agitation that Mise Alice Smoe Blackwell, odMtor of the Women's Journal of Boston, is devo ting a good deal of her time and atten tian $0 fading situations for men ag kitchen workers. She says that the chief difficulty she meets io the way of geting bousework for Ber proteges wW do fa the conservatiam of women In her experience there are always more young wen willing to take domestio gorsice han there are Yanliiee house wives willtng to give them a trial. She affirms that & is as bard tO couvince sone women that men tan do hotmeworl as It 1s to comvince sme men that 8 woman can be a principal of a publie school. Bat, she continues, the women who venturs upon the new departure are sometimes rewarded by finding in ® a perfect solution of the vexwd “do rows, who is one of the Innovators, pro- claims that the young man now duing ber bousework is the best halp she hag bad fn thirty years. The nan giving such distinguished satisfaction Is a cob lege graduate. who fioue his education most useful in the kitchen. ~-New Yor Tribane. Rallways employ ticket scalpers wheg they get to cutting mites. Cher husband had another affect for on : been promised a barrel of apples.— Ginarantoed LOhaoos habit ture mikes Weak i Rockville {€ ed Journal. HAE men strony, biood pure soe. 81. All druggins. | this to supply ; : a | power, Halls Oatarsh One is a liguid avd is taken | interuails, and acts directly upon he Blisowd | Nag fos ar pervitin. | property. reception. The affair was to be very exclusive. board of managers Mra Z serves. The ; member you sil Capavh work amd how litte play you | girls have, and I thought you would etjoy a little glimpse of society fun” { purses apoke up. “but pone of us are | likely to have gowns suitable to wear | at such a function.” 3 “()h, that need not trouble you in the Mra 2 | my guests and sating some of my sup 3 | per. . She kicked and squirmed, but he march: the crowd that bad guthered. | fled the woman se much that she left © town on the frst main and never both: He Paid for Tis Compliment. A Smafford Springs man will proba. | By use discretion hereafter in distrib | wting compliments | jecting rents among the Iallan jene | | ments, and at ote house he commenied | He bad been ool to the housewife on ber baby. In a joking way be told the woman be would give her a rooster for the baby. Kha Ald not seem then to be Improssed with the offer, but a fow days’ delid eration and probable cotsuliation with sibs the following Sunday she appeared at the man's house and offered the baby, at the same tine demanding the roos ter. It required a great amount of ar gument and explanation to convince | the woman that thers was Do market | for her child, even at such a reasonable | price, and she could aot be persuaded to tke It home again until she bad Abnut 80 piles from Btockholm thers is a ree waterfall of 100.0060 horse power. A project is on foot for using that city with siscirie i ae i rn i i % § Poa’t Tebaceo Spit and Smoke Your Life dwry, | To ge't tobacco ousily and forever, be mags | sevie. full of fe. nore and vigor, take NoTo | Bae. the wonder woriier, (hit sigkes weak men wrong. All druggists, 8c or i. Cure guaran Sucrling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York Bir Mark Anthony Tuite, Baronet, who died pecently in County Tipperary i 3t the age of 20 years, spent mores than Kaif a cantyry perfect a fying roachine, of his life in trying | To Cure 5 Cold in One Duy. i Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All Draggints refand money if 1tfalls tocure, 3. | Fo the leading navies of the world the cost of building typical roncinds per tan is oan folloawws atted Kingdom, | £80: United States, £18. France and | (rermany, £37 10 £9 : Chow Bar Tobmeoo The Heel Smoke Siadge Clgaretiam omg A ER nS ROR A I NO-TO-BAC Responsible Distributors Wanted $10 per “A tape worm feet long st least came on the scese sfter my taking two CASCARETS. This I em wire hus caused my : loam stil | bad health for the A threw yoors | taking Usscarsts, the ouly csthartic worthy of police by sensible peonde GEO W. BowLes, Baird, Mass. CANDY «ws CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Comprns. Chlougn, Nuntrent, Sev York. ny Aid Bord Rn be all drag- wists Ww Tobseo) Hatdt. 1.000 wird He Tor particular, contrat & sam ples. Crescent Co, 148 Montana St, Chicago THE NEW BEATS THE OLD A D BEAT THE WOODEN : af smeert, reviswd meter BE net w ave? wil v a Evo ingtoe, B.C. Corres udence PNU IT 'W ts os i A ASIA. as ei mS # RE —— saw Sculptors say that the perfectly pro | portioned mouth & three-quarters tha longth of ths pose, Educate Your Bowels With Casearetn. of | } Candy Csthartie, cure constipation foresee, : Be, Se. UH GCC Fail, dragaists refund money | MAY HAVE MEANT WELL SH Bat Her Efforts Did Not Meet with Much Beccess. It takes fuliy six months for a sory ke the following to become public Last season 8 Washington woman, possessing social and charitable ambitions, elected to five a sth Judge of the surprise wuen a bundle of Imvitations was left at the door of a hospital Io town upon whose invitations were foumd 10 be addressed to the trained surses of the Institution, | and great was the wonder that the pro | | fessional ranks bad been luvaded for | | BOClEly recruits A few days elapsed, and Mrs Z. paid | | a visit to the hospital Making herself | “Bat 1 do not | extremely agreoabie, she remarked to # | the nurses “Well, girls, I hope you recelved cands | Suiiles and ackoowledgments an- \ gwered (0 the affirmative, and Mrs 2. | | went on complacentiy: | “{adeed, 1 was only too glad to re | I appreciate how | “wa doubt of 11, Mrs, Z.,” one of the least” returned the smiling Of course, | 1 youu have evening = | goes, amid that you know very fow | society people, but these facts must not | | interfers with your getting a peep al : POPE MFG 0. ART CATALOGUE OF COLUMBIA BICYCLES BY Al Machines and Prices | Guaranteedj ui 1 1 TO ANY ADDRESS FOR ONE TWO I thought the whole thing woul be simplified if you all came in your pretty uniforms and caps, and took up your stations Yon woald only have to assist the la- dies with their wraps and you coubl ses the gowns to such good advantage, and——" But such a chorus of indig- nant paver completed. The social veneering must be thickly counted on Mrs. Z, for to this day she doss not seem to poderstand why the purses meet her advances with frigid indifference, aad why her visits ta the hospital are no loager pleasant. —Wash- | 4 ington Star. Managing the Woman with a Whip. It has always Deen a guestion with the country newspaper mga what he | would do ¥ an indignant worsan set w Me Inghel C. Bar. ™ © horsewhip him. Some years ago W. W. Wick of Topeka was run ping a country paper and a woman as | satled him on the main street of the | Vl town. He gathered her up under his | arm and paraded around the square od laoghmgly along, displaying der W It mort! in the dressing rooms. scelamations rent the air at that | juncture that Mrs, Z's sentence was | | yoar r or paint dealer and do ‘rating. This material is s HARD equally as well ers let us know and Ey pry $e. 17. Burrey Baresss. Prick, 38.00. A pond wn wkin Dov $3 an ALABASTINE IS WHAT? Alabastine is a durable and natural coat. ing tor walls and ceilings entirely difesent from all ksisomine preparitions, made pwider form, in 8 packages, wi directions oa every package. WHAT ARE KALSOMINES? Kalsomines are cheap temporary prep- ered the editor afierward, arations manufactured from 2haiks, clays, | whiting, sta, am stuck oa the wail with | decaying asimal gine coment. which goes 1RPougL a protess setting, Bardens with ase, can he ps-cuat- ad and pestecurated from time to time without having to wash aad scrape oi iia old ews herons TeRewing. HICH SICKNESS Partioniariy throat and lung diffeunities wrongly sttffhuted to other causes. is the | and becomes sa hard as Cement. Milled with cold or hot water, CARDS snd if you cannot purchase this material from yoaor local d we will put you in the way of obtaining it. THE MURALO CO, NEW BRIGHTON, 8. IL, NEW YOR Wogan Sead Sie arpe Catabigne of wii vur ay ise. shade, apres snd andere, BIE Ae poe ELANART CARRIAGE AXD BARTEss MPG. CO. W. B. PRATT, Seety, ——————— “Well Bred, Soon Wed.” Ci is WheU 4 po | INISH applied with a in twenty-four tints and srSEND FOR SAM 7 ared with lavers of molding four paste to | would be dearsr theo Alnbastine it cost of tosd vermin, with paper to hide them and tor disease germs; this having strong waiors added, ke a anfored shirt, to hile | tion think of “the nasty practice” | tire Airy; af repeating tis papering, witlhiout remo. Hing the old, and & aumber of tines, at that, as many do. Then thik of a room conted | with pure, poroas, permauent Alnbastine, | which ts retinted with bat little trouble or | result of unsanitary conditions of wails and | #Xpense. and i& purifying amd nweet-smeils cpiiings. Think of having bedrooms cov- |b and fils erscks. Wall paper (ree BH | POMC Ying paper is sunstdered. Alnbastine is 8, glsord the moisture of respimtion, sod | sg al + gn animal glue cgiture ground on is face i TO DEALERS, Do pot my a aw <3it or an injunction | with cheap kaisemines, imitations of Alle {pasting Dealers assuoe the risk of & is tor damuges by seiling an infringement, | Alatmstine Company own the right, covered | by letters patent, to make and sei | conting mlapted to be mixed with rater. Alsbastioe Cu, Graad Rapley i Mien,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers