The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 28, 1898, Image 2

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A AR bpm
Tt Has Bristed Betweon the United States |
and Spain Since April 21-The
President’ Power.
The House and Senate Monday adopt.
ed the folivwing bill declaring that war
exists between
Bs it enacted by the Senate and House |
of Ripregeniatives of the United States
LL remain
First That war be and the same is
i Tie declared to exist, and that war |
existed since the Zlst day of April
IN including said day, between
IInited States of America and the |
Kingdom of Spain,
Second That the President of the
: od States be and he
od and empowered to
Jend and naval forces of
Bt to call inte
wae the entire
the actual
fr es spain ig
Spanish froops are concentrating in i
Spain wil be
of Hain.
Fifty thousand men are now under
arms at Havena.
British naval officers say the war will ;
be One of surprises
The armistice in Cuba has been de- |
clared off by Spain
| Gen. Greely has been appointed news
Ftensor at Key West,
the United States of |
America and the Kingdom of pain:
All men in Havana are being armed
Even boys of 14 are takon
Mors than 16000 men have enrolled
in New York City as volunteers, ;
A fourth naval squadron may
{ formed (0 protect cities of the gull
Philadelphia |
John Wanamaker, the
merchant, is organising a regiment,
‘The government has purchased the
. dynamite cruiser Nictheroy from Brasil
hereby is di
the United
States, and |
service of the nited States the militia
the several States to such extent as
may be necessary to carry this act in
“In the senate Mr. Hale offered an
dment authorizing the secrstary
the navy to enlist at any time after
ge of the act as many seamen,
od boyx as he may deem
ry to man the ships of the pavy
for the use of the navy as a tempor
force and appropriating $4,530,000
Mp. Hale agreed to an amendment
offered by Mr Cockrell (30) that the
time Hmit should be “during the exist-
i war.”
: amendment was agreed to pro.
that hereafter all first class bat-
and monitors shall be named
pr VRrious states,
“rhe bill as amended was then passed,
The uitimatam of President MeKin-
which gave Spain until Saturday
to withdraw her forces from the
of Cubs has been ignored by he
2. Before Minister Woodford
resent the final decision of the
I jast Thursday he wan
ted with his ports and im-
tely ft for
trip af Minister Woodford from
jd to Paris was pleasant but for
tf. At Valladolid a crowd
The windows
~ done.
M1 A oodtord aid subsequently: “1
mv ‘gad to see the General safe
not say anything about
outline of the policy to He fol-
by this government in the {real-
mettrals and the pitter of pri
Ig Is contained in the following |
oy ‘event of hostilities Botween
dd Biates and Bpain, ft will be
of this government
privateering. The
will adhere to the following rules:
—Nevtral flag covers enemies’
poodin, with the exception of contra.
gt! war,
so Neutral Koeln not eonira~
pot to
: ier flag.
i oli opr fl in order to
must be elective. ”
doctrine undoubtedly laid
meet Mg: various inquiries re
the dipivmatie Tepragenta-
ie Unit States, from fureign
nts, as to the attitude as
4 the United States. It in sub-
tli in Hne with the rules prac-
the recent Chinese-Japunese
2 places the United States In a
vanced position sc far as the
sotion of individual property and
Pal t sen i concerned.
are made fres from
sens in the ships of a
. This decision on the
ernment will doulhtiess
ay aight ordering the entire
: Pura National
: ket; :
0 wall tents; 150 hospital
haversacks, cantesn
bags: three troops of Cav.
n each, fully equipped, and
t iy 85 men each, fully
with two breech loading uns
Troops ready for nus
e troops will be recruited into the
d Btates service afer they reach
t Gretna. Theres ars fifteen regi-
in the Pennsylvania national
According to Alper's pian to
Pennsylvania's quota into ten
» al orgariza-
rf mustered into the service
plan will pecessitate a complete
Ris [ion of the guard, The ar
will also have to be reorganized
addition of a battery. The three |
companies will nit be rouse
the United States service un-
| The troops will begin to
20.000 republicans, of all shad
of all shades
4 gtd af Madrid, Spain. have
n address to Senor Castellar,
Tepublican Jeader, apparently son.
‘him upon his recovery from
ent sickness, but in reality offering
Sheie 1 services In case he procinims
of War. Alger, it is said,
s | editorials and articles
| patriots to Keep up arms against the
{ Mare troops are
{ the Interior of the island
ief : have blown wp & trop train 19 miles |
{ from the
i apd 10 men were injured
Canada will see to it that Spaln se |
cures no coal at her ports during the
syivania alone could furnish 50.000 vil.
The Michigan
had places open
called to war.
for employes who are
No vessel bs now allowed to pass San. |
dy Hook ur the Narrows off New York
at night
The torpedo boat Foote was the first |
ome fired at by Spaniards during the
present Wir.
Havana ifs already out of heel
necessities of life
heard of prices
The army with whi-h
tates will invade Cuba, will
from Tamps. Fila
Gov. Wolcott wishes to retain the
Massachusetts National Guard to pro
fect the Atlantic coast
The revenues cutter Oresham,
duty on the great lakes,
dered to the Atlantic coast
Havana newspapers ars
and Germans for Yankees
All of the Earopean powers have si
representatives to this country to make |
chservations during the war,
Monday the Prostlent sent a message |
to Congress recommending the adopt-
fon of a formal declaration of war.
An American warship sailed last
Monday with the Intention of cutting |
the cable between Spain and Cuba,
it is rumorsd that
bean purchased by the United States
Canada will remain neutral, but her:
sympathies are certsinly with us ae
cording 10 Attorney Grn. Longtry, of
Nuova Seotia.
The U nited States squadron at Hong |
Kong has been ordered to leave by the
authorities, in accordance with the
Brutrality Iaws
Marquis Arguelios calls at the pal.
ace at Havana recently and offered |
£2000 000 to the captain gevndral to use
as he maw Af
Father Maurice Dorney, of Bt Gab.
rist's Roman Catholic Church of Chi |
cago Has been appointed chaplain on
the battieahip Jowa.
At the request of the State depart.
ment the Spanish fotilia at the Cape
Verde Islands was ordered to jvave last
Toesday by Portugal.
Theres are now 780 American ships
seatterad over the high seus They re
present 8 value of FTG 006 A fine |
prige for the Spaniards,
Capt. Rigsbee, former commander of |
been ohal- |
ght a duel by an ex-Attache |
the destroyed Mains,
ienged to
of the Bpanish jsgation.
The “Imparcial” prints 5 let of the
American ships in the Medbarranean,
pointing out that they will he easy
prey for the Spanish warships,
Thousands of peoples visited Chick.
f amagds park Sonday. at Chattanooga,
Tenn. Eight thousand * United States
{ regulars are pow encampad there
The gure of Castle Mors began firing
at the Urdted States Set Sunday morn.
ing but the shots flew wide of the
mark. The fleet 4id not fre in return
The steamer Rate of Texas left Now
York & few days ago for Cubs, fving
the Red Cross flag. Bue in laden with
provisions for the starving reconcen-
Three Americans arrived at Havana
from Philadeiphin a few days ago amd |
were immediately arrested as spies
The British consul interfered and they
were released.
Ohio has been called upon 1s fumish
fhe government with six regiments of
infantry. four light batteries and two |
aquadrons of cavalry. West Virginia ~
one regiment of infantry.
The tone of the Portoguese press is
friendly to Bpain. and it is sald that
dernonstrations in favor of Bpaf have |
bein made befare several
States consulates in Mexico,
Fifty tons of ammunition. 8 cases of
rapid fire guns, I cases of gun cast-
ings and 146 cases of gun machinery
reached New York from Esgiand re
cently for the United Riates govern.
It i= said that the machinery of the |
Bpanish fiest at the Canary islands was |
disabled by powardly Spaniards who!
feral to cynee (he Heian
WRK rumored that this
damaged Ly a storm.
At fires
folie had been
Weyler says that if American troops |
veach Cuba, the fever will kill hair of
them and the Spaniards the asther halt
fhe Cuban
{alize President MeKinisy
Conse! General Lee to be
iutinns to that effect wern adopted,
Private Robert Keyses, of company |
I, Thirteenth regiment, Mich, who was |
engaged to marry this week, disappear. |
ed from Fort Wayne a few hours befure |
departed, His sweetheart
smuggled in a civillan's suit and to-
the troaph
g2ther they departed for Canada.
Disgatohes from the college and uni-
versity tow
the student
panies and are engaging in daily dni
Cornall will farnish 806 men, Yazie
Harvard and Princeton ame sot far bee
hind, (her colleges will furnish their |
share of patrintic students
Spanish patriotic sentiment i= now
stirred up in Havana and the Span
fards are desircus of engaging in the
first naval combat, relying for thelr fu-
ture success upon being victorious. All
the morning papers contals patriotic
urgirg the
General Pando
shortly. He wilt prof¥biy be pis
Sireet charge the Spanish army
masssd for the defense of Havana.
arriving dally
is exnected in Havana
city. The frain was ditrhed
and fireman were kitted,
Wd in his ragigration in a:
“Jil health jg given as the |
Beerctary of the Navy,
pasion. Long.
DERCE MAL (Dav alse resien
will Tend | Midst D Danger.
Po Secretary Alger has dectled upon the
Pies movement of 1a
forve wil consist of 2000 regulars, made
up of an infantry command of 4 0m and i
{a detachment of 1.000 cavalry and ar
refused coal at the ports
er :
Aecording to reliable estimates Penin. i
ratiroad will |
Rave gone Up 10 un-
doing :
has been or
esutinning |
the people not ta mistakes Englishmen |
the Atiantle |
Liners, the Umbria and Etruria bave
{ Chow venor J
volunteers will memor-
te appoint |
territorial |
governor of Cabs. pendisg the sstab- |
Hshment of the Coban republic. Reso |
of the country report that |
re forming military com- |
wi in i
from ;
The rebels
The engineer |
Wis to Cuba, The |
nb 0 ES Hn AIRE 1 OVA.
The President, In a Proclamation. Calls For
125.000 Men Will Berve
: Two Years
Again have the
the Amerban people been
upon by a call to arms,
feign foe. Last Baturday President
C MoKinley issued a proviamation
volunteers, ard Monday the tread
waidiers god af martial
wore hoard thr
breadth of this great republ
The scenes incidemt to toe
peaceful pursuits
% £
tev Mothers, wives
$ pea
dom of an appressed people
! The trois asssrabied af
(ton, Richmond ant Atanta
Cpednts they will remain at jeast
! mouth during which time they will
| Of army ifs,
By the President of the United States, |
i tional 2 conte,
Ay of |
wr BEE
independence |
of Cuba, demanding that the Govern- |
a Proclamation:
Pf Whereas, By a
: Congress, approved
PApril EMR entitied
for the roecopnitiogs of (he
forint Famigtion
an the Nuh «
: Je int resol
. ment of Spain relinquish its authority
rod government in the Ivinrnd of Cuba,
ra withdraw tx hind and raval forces
from Cuba and Cuban waters, and du
| pooting the President of the United
i States to use the land and naval forces
of the United State to carey these reid-
I batten into affect” and
Whereas Hy as act of Oongreas, sn-
titled “An acl to provide for tempers
Larily Increasing the military establish.
ment of the sited Rates in time of
war and for other purposes’ approved
CADP YE 19 the President was author.
fired in order to rides a volunteer army
| to jswye Ris proclamation calling for
vohinteers to serve in the army of the
i Einited Sates;
i Now, therefore I William MoKinley,
| Prastdent of the United States, by vir
i tue of the power vested In me hy the
Censtitation and laws, and deeming
suMcient occasion to exist. have
I theught fit 10 ox Tor, and hereby do
cafl for, volunteers in the aggregate
number of UB 6A in order to carry into
{ affect the purposes of the sald resolu
tion, the sgme to be apportionad as far
as practicable among the several
| Ftatew and Territories and the District
Poff Columbia socariing to population,
Cand to serve fof two years unless
| sooner discharged, The details for this
abiect will be imamediately communi.
; eatad to the proper authorities of the
| United Beaten through the War Depart.
| ment,
In witness whereof 1 have hereunto
Cet my hand and faveed the seal of the
i U'nited States to he affixed.
Done at the ity of Washington this
Sud day of April, A. Id 18 and of the
independence of the United States the
By the President,
JOHN BHERMAN, Sdey. of State
In many respects the ral! fallow the
outiines of the first made by President
Lincoln on Apri 16 1881, when he asked
for 15.000 men. Necessarily, thers are
a number of changes. because of the
i different purposdae for which volunteers
are asked
If the precedents are followsd Secre-
tary Alger promptly apos the signing
and issuance of the proclamation. wil]
request the Executives of sgch of the
several States to cause to be immedi-
{ately detached from the militia the
quota they may be called on to furnish.
The Governors Will communicate the
thine at which such militia will be ox-
pected at the rendizous. where they will
be met by afflcers of the United States
to muster them inte the service of the
Gevarnment. Following this, the Becre.
tary of War will designate ofcers for
the meter service and they will report
81 the places in each State where the
{troops may tw pendesvoused. Prostitent
Lincoln's Heat ex'l was for but TLO0M
mon but the total number firnished
wan 31X18
With a spirit of patrintizm hustoess
firma throughout the country have
promtesd to retin the positions of
Tete employes whe may enlist.
As Arkanses Feud Settled
A bloody tragedy In the Fagle-Booke
feud was enactad at Loneke, Arkansas,
A few dAays ams
Ccanght the Boclae at a dimdvantage
and peured a errible volley of shots
ints them WK Boole, father and his
gore Wii and Charlie Boole, were ins
The Eagles came out
| mantly killed
| ut the engagemnsat unbur!
The Eagles dre closely related to ex-
PP Pagie and WW. K. Boole
Pans an ex-mamber of
i oldest In the Rate
Lod a potitionl clash between members
tof the tw familles.
a a CR HVS SAN de
Foresd to Trample Upon the Flag.
When the steanssr Eiy
Lames, ana, last week a Spanish mob
including many anidiers, 8iled the pub
i lie
“ieath the Yankees
fF American flags were soiled,
trampled and treated with elaborate
unmentionadle ‘indignities. Bome gate
uraitped Americans were compelled (0
take part in the insulting work, on the
thrent of sath it they refused.
A Renedit to Pennsylvania
A hig feat of wal lr on its way to
San Francises from Australia and
English ports :
hors from British Columbia, the princi
pal source of Han Francisco's supply,
and tn guard against a shortage the
| Government his made armagements
[far the transportation of 000 tons by
rail from Pennayivania
ok LT SR
Gon. Woodford late minister
Spain, has orders to remain in Paria
Th» army reorganization hill provides
for an increase in the standing army of
Benator Edward Walthall of Misets-
sippt died at Washington last Thurs. |
f has announced that’ be will represent
{President MeKinley
fgaper. has thanked Great Britain for
i her friendly interset in 0Gr war
Theadore Roosdvwsit
tary of the navy. wiil
tegtenant coinnel of a cowbaey regiment
he will ralse,
com ETEgat bn
Wiest Congregational dan
Pington last San fay. he
brake into App iagise
guvernment has given a four
PEnirRct to sup iy envelopes Us
the Pur a Envidope oe DAny, Hays
coke, Mass, at M87. 206 per year
i | mated the saving will be $1,
a, Rn,
srhout the length and
Teaving one
¢ the trope during the elvil war were re- |
and weer. :
: hearts, with streaming faces saw their
fvved omes depart to ght for the free- |
i $4 =
Washing. |
Atl those |
be |
drilied and prepared for the hardships
Fallow BR In {he Pre retlent’'s Prox Ta :
when the Fagles
the Arkansas
Iegisiature his family being ome of the |
The feud grew out |
the Nativnal anthem.
i Mrs. McKinley,
eft Guantan~ |
wiuace and adjacent streets yelling: | sailed for Live
Beverul West have been declared false
1a come to i reso nee 10 the serre!
Kiliedd by her lover, 3
WH Prom 8% to 0 per cent
Ne more coal can come |
The French minister at Washington | po nimitied sulcide the other night |
| by taking strychnine
through a news |
: them
Assistant Seere-
appointed |
During the singing af America at the
af Wigah |
It is es-
War Measure Water wi Ratae $109.000, -
000 as Additions! Revenue
The war revenue
duesd in the House
duce F100 060 DOG in
The fax bewr,
Hauors is increased
neasure. as intro.
i eatimatyd 10 pro
ale and fermonted
from $1 to BB a
But po rebate for paused beer
. or deutroved stamps tv allowed The tax
10 ht a for. } O°
= ! i 1.000,
i than three
for |
| pounds per L666 A compensatin
notes | Uf half that amount
on fobmoco snuff Ix increased to 12 ote
a pound; upon cigars, to HM per 1000
weighing more than throes pounds per
and Rl cigars wolghing less
pounds per (000 3
welghing jess than
cunt of the increase) is laid
stock of cigars and clpareties
The following licenses are piaced
tobacree dealers: Dealers in leaf tobac-
whose sales do not excecd F060
shall pay. a $3 Heense: those
salen exceed FR a x. dealers in los
hacoh whose sales do not exces] $18.000,
in excess of that amount $12
on hand
upon |
tax |
ia the am- |
the |
A Merchantman Yiying the Colors of the
Enemy Brought to Key West by the
Gunboat Nashville
The Boantsh
Buoena Ventura,
merchant ship the
ix the firet prize, hav
| Inge surrendered when the first shots of
the Bpanish war wore fired,
Friday moroing
Went, under sealed
orders set aail
When some distance out a vessel way |
; boat Nashvifl . The
{ gun boat Nashvilie wus dispatobed to |
pas which The exports from Atlantic ports have
i bern LI0L30 bushels (Nour included),
geet, CArTYiIng the [nanish fax,
capture the merchant vessel
i survendered after the srcond shot had
{ been fired across har bows
WohOwe |
She proved
laden with
ts be the Buena Ventura
Phnber and carrying a crew of 38 mw
{The vessel was taken tn
{orew were allows
’ i
The provisions of the stamp tax in.
clude proprietary medicine and similar
which re
pr rpration % a ax of 1
prekets, boxes, bottles, ste
titi ar 1% cents or lose
5 and Conte: 1 conte between 50 and
5 cents 4 cents between
and Tor each 6 conte or
terest abrve that amount
The BRING 1 + schedule Aye
Liew fo perfumery 4nd + syation,
Chewing gum is to Ss 1 nent
packets retailing at 5
for pReReges retailing at
rents teiugesr ales, mine
ef. mre to pay i cent
wits § conte per vine
orn all
2 ponts Detween ©
15 cents and |
© ie worth, if is estimated S600 0M To dis.
an wid
| himve to be condemned In
} Hiates Drsirict Court
for ;
ts and I centw
exceeding 19
pint and |
Ping portions
On Bank checks and drafts excesds |
fre 408 7 cents Blils of
eXchange, |
drafts at sight or promissory notes for
| remainder to the men and officers ac
Slevulg tion not exvesding $1 5 cena
Telegraphic mowmagres,
sews Mepatches | cent
hobs the charge of Hq
where the charges i» above 20 conte:
fnagrance policies, not including ac
cident poltoies, for sach SLO 0 cents:
marine and Are insgrance, 35 ces;
EXCODL proes
cant and I conte
fife |
| for Pensarols, Fin,
Koy West, The
their liberty, Ingt
fearing the Cubane preferred to re
main on hoard and were pat to work
carrying coal on the Dotphin,
The captain of the Spanish veal
bd disgusted and found consclintion in
vigorously puffing at his cigareties
The Ruena Ventiara, with her cargn
pasar of her am oa war prize she will
the United
After the core
dApcides thay she was a legitimate prigs
she will be ssid at asetion One-haif of |
Ber value belongs (0 the Government
ard the other half to the men
in the follow.
Cmestwentieth to the
flest cantgin: the remainder to the
Nashville men sd officers, one<tenth
14 rommander of the gun-boatl and the
who captured the prize,
cording to their rate of pay. Bamething
will go to the naval vessels within aig
tin distance at the time of the capture,
The steamer Pedro, from Antwerp,
arrival at Key
: West Saturday morning, having been
| captured by the Sagehip New York,
leawen for a period not excsading three |
SW cents exceeding that period |
71. The Ways and Means Committee |
eutiiaton that the
that would be derived from the war
mensurs proposed would be from $90.
we KE to $00.608.000.
Soldisre From All Over the Country Stream
ing Towards the South
The thres branches of the regular
arrsy. infantry, cavalry and artilery,
began ity movement toward the mo- |
piliging points in the South from all
party of he United States Tuesday.
The four points to watch the army
aves are Chickamauga battlefield
Tampa, New Orleans and Mobile
soon #8 reaching those places they will
Eo te camp. Advance agents of thw
increased revenue
not far from Having The Pedro is a
Spanish freighter of LAG tons and lef
Antwerp March 35 As #oon as she wai |
nid alongside the Padre was boarded
by Ensign Frank Marble, of the New |
Ensign Marble Ind a prigs crew, cone
sisting of a file of marines and seamen,
With great formality the Kosign
swung aboard and assumed command,
A Burly, barefooted Amari tar
shoved the Spanish
AWRY from the wheel ae began to set
the course of the Hpanisrd
The American torpeadn boat, Ertcason
Peaptured a flesing flshing boat imme.
| diately under the guns of Morro cist
‘adt Saturday. The prize was sent to
; Boy West
department Have preceded the troops
aid will make all necessary arrange
ments for thelr comfort and conven.
tenes, The troops carry thirty dayy
rations and a number of rounds of am-
Tron A. BG, and H, of the Sixth
cavalry, from Fart Myer,
through Washington early Tuesday
morting to the raliroad station on ry
way to Chickamanga. They passed in
review before Secretary Alger and Gen
Miles, And wers greeted by crowds
alonit the straets. The secretary shook
hands with officers and soldiers.
John Jaced Astor Offers the Use of His Tacht
and Railvesd to the Ooverument
Jahn Jacob Astor of New York, not |
content with offering the government
free his splendid yacht Normahal and |
free transportation for troops and sup
plies over the railroads in which he is
interestod has come forward with no-
tion that be hae rabed and squipped at |
Bis awn expense 3 battery of artillery
which Ke desires to offer to the govern.
ment ander his own plans for service in
Cuba, This offer probably will be &¢-
captydd although the department hax
heen deluged with offers to raise volun.
toers in this way fo the AgET ELLs
pumber of at legat D0 men
Bi im to enlist only three regiments
{ outside of the regular quotas to be fur
nished hy the state thers in not much
opportunity to accept the services of
Hens patriots.
Friendly B
The “Deutsche Zeitung” of Vienna
the pan-Germanic organ, contrary 1o
most papers. supports the United
Seats on ihe ground that, after Berlin
and Vienna, New York ranks as the
mrt German town in
ang aso because the
reprisents Hberty as opposed to
Led by Mrs McKinley.
When the band at Daly's
New York, played Amberica
As the :
president's authority on the volunteer
the warid' |
“U'nitedt States
alse |
Michie! Jover howe in sight.
! order fa study artidiery
theater, |
ane night
mar week, a woman arose in ane of the
baxes and waved her harddkerchief,
thin the satire audience stood and sang |
The lady was
wife of the president
it Stra re
Richard Croker.
grpesol. ¥
The fleet captured last Saturday the
sehinoner Mathilda, of Havans, aden
with ram. The schooner was aiken by
the torpedo heat Porter after a lively
chase, during whith a number of solid
shots were fired
The 'nited States gunboat Helens
eft Key West Sunday morning to join
the flent now blockading Havana.
While cruiring the Bpanish steamer
A blank
shot fromm the Helena brooght ber at #
hait and a prise crew from the Helenn
towed the Spaniard to Key West. The
captured ship ts Iden with cotton and
staves amd in worth $550.000,
The trans-atlantic Spanish steamer
ar ina, ‘ge taken Sunday morning
brs he cruiser Datestt and towed
wy West,
The gunboat Wilmingion captursd
the $pa Ish schooner Candidia with
dev Toad of charcoal intended for
Havansk where It Is extremely vals
unbie for fuel
The torpedo boat Porter captured the
Spanish schooner Antonio, laden with
sugnr for Havana
The revenge cutter Winonn, captured
the Bpanish stearsier Saturnia, at Ship
istand Miss, iast Sunday.
The Winona ain captured the Span.
fah steamer, lac umina.
Bagiishmen Wasnt te Serve in the Army and
Navy of the United States
The rash of applicants for entistruent
in the 'nitad States army or Bavy con.
tinues at London Betwern #6 and 8
Engiinh and Irish sailors or soldiers, or
wagld-be saldiers nr sailors, applied for
enlistment st the Vinitad States consul.
ate Thursday morning.
Several British officers sonsglted with
Ceol Alfred FL Bates, the United States
military sttache, a8 to whether they
could secure commissions in the United |
Rates army. One Woalwich artillery
Huan declared his intention 10 ag
ply for six monthe leave, without give
ing any reason for so doing, and fo en.
Het g% a private in the §niled States
army. if he 5 noable to do better,
in action.
sslddiers and wal
Marsha! Hat
Nambers of firmer
antesrs have applied to
stead, the United Bares consul
Hirminghan: for enlisunent in
United States army, Mr Halstead sx.
pained to them thut the foreign eniist- |
eptance af |
ment act preventad the a
thelr offer
Many engineers have left
| ham to serve in both the United Stules
{ and the Spanish navies
of New York, has
The rumors of Indian uprisings in the
Foreign men ars willing
America and sorve 4s nurses,
Birdie Fox was
George Miles, at Oshitosh,
counted suloide, ;
Fire destroyed the Fulton Chapman
Erans factory at Pittsburg last Weds
nesday. Loss 10.000
Jeswo Cock, aged 23
by a car in the Carnegie stew)
at Pitsburg, Sunday and Killed
Thére id tremendous excitemen?
Kingston, Jamaica, aver the
American and Cuban fags abound
eslunisers Whenever it shall come,
| ment among the guard
; wed, of the Fourteenth rogl- |
wears, was struck |
{| wainntesr
FTwenty-third regiment
President Cowan of the B & OO. an-
nounces that enlisting employes can
have their oid places after the war
| averboard
The flow of guid to the United States |
from (isemt Britain has ceased heaving
the balance
of trades in
A {descending pully crushed the akull |
i of Prank Owinsk: at Pittsburg last Mon-
day He leaves a large family in poor
Chavies Pitts, Jr, aged 18, of Hannt-
bal, Mo. nephew of State Treasurer
Passengers to this eouniry
favor of this
t | gun crushed through the timbers ints |
i the bay.
I Only the most active
{ preventsd the other guns
} metal proved tov heavy for the rope
Some Will Not Voluntesr
New Yark's nationsi guaed
respoid to the president's call
in rely
instraciions sent
colonels of regiments Major General
flew has received peports showing thal |
sf the meminrsy
reli] upon
i yn the
‘an he to KES
in Ur
of the guard
to the front.
Company |
ment desided Ly a majority vate aol Wo
fur foreign service
vote of about 75 per cent
for service.
I 0 SU
Gun Folie Ovarbeard
bcs i a ep
One of the 13-inch guns intended for |
was oat |
Daley |
are i
of four of the same sige an (he schooner |
Fart Tavior near Key West,
from the seliooner
Farian Wednesday night, 11 wus
tt had been Boigted over the side of the
vense! to the scow alongside It
nerdy in position when its 22 tons
and broke, aml the breech of
The scow Was Hearly capsiged
off and capsizing the stow. No ane was
from |
Furvps are avoiding the larger steam |
ers, preferring the boats which
at Canadian pura
Wille engaged In a Iriendly
match, Robert MoBrnde Br
Fitssburg, a motorman, dropped
af heart disease the other day
In in the Londonderry mine,
roreiad hil at Orippie Creek, . Cok, W
Bt Fine mine superintenden and J
Ww Kus Alor an ” JF Jones, mis ners, Wa
a Bre
donr-stury building ocenpied
ans Westarn Printiag Company,
$1 arid 53 Market sirest, Bt
y gulied by fre. Loss, 360086,
and |
boxing |
elm, of
$Y i
by |
f.ondon tabernacle
vedd Dy fire a few
eniae iy dim re
weil the Phillipine Islands
thus securing manoy
of Manages and Kx Queen
Spain have bath made larg:
Rpanish 4
* + nde Yo the
hak Fis apn ¥ fan ad Hig qo
2 to the royal
Spain may
Phar 26,000,000,
carrying on
= ry
ik sf
butions to the
fis mn | fis
the flew at Key |
In Irom — Price of Wheat Not
R. G. Dun & Co's weekly review of
trade reports as follows for last week:
The war is no longer to be avoided,
and business is somewhat contracted
by bankers’ apprehensions There 8
no excuse except want of nerve for de
cling in railway stocks, when earnings
have been 14.3 per cent. larger than In
| 1882. Neither are clearing house trans.
actions gintmy. The week's payments
wore 304 per cont. larger than jast year
and 6.2 per cont larger than in 1582
In no aspect can the wheat market
from Pacific coast points
§ bushels, against 3.330 last year, make
{ing fur the three weeks of Apel] 5300.
be considers] without finding just of-
caaton for a material advance in prices,
which has been 73 cents for the week.
against 1190 39% bushels lant year, and
£82 bushels from Atlantic ports, against
| ZORR 179 bushels iast year, and from
Parifle ports Z50M628 bushels against
T1247] bushels for the sams week last
sear. The exports of corn during —
same throes wesks have been IL Me.
bushels, against 10.241 10 bushels last
year, which is strong evidence that the
demand for wheat i» in no sense Seti
With #0000 tons of bessemer iron sold
al Pittsburg for $1240 and with the
deglings in y forge unchanged, and
uiten of MS tons 1n car wheal makers
alone at Chicago, and 1680 tons at
[emstern works of Pennsyvivania, with
some at the Bouth fer pipe manufac-
turers, the stormous production does
not diminish. and the demand for fine
ished products includes contracts for
1008 tons in the bullding of two new
merchant ships, with many other cone
{tracts in sight to replace vessels bought
by the government: fur (wo new piers
at Key Want, L000 tons: for the Chie
cago postoffics, 5.008 tons: for the Hare
riahury capitol, 259 tons: for oar
butlding. including one of 31008 tons at
{ Pittsburg. one for a government
ing at Portland, Ore, 1.000 tons; for
track slevation at Chicage 1.700 tons:
for plates at Chicags, including one for
008 tons: for 0M tons mile to the
Maryinnd Sree] Company: 30 tone to
be shipped to Riberin and 10.000 to the
] artent, and for 7.00 tons to a Pittsburg
soncern for Quite, with many struc
tural and implement contracts of minor
importance, No decrease in prices ap
; continues
In woolens the heavy cancelistions
recently reported prove to be in large
measure requests for deferred
jem, but 8 better dumand has been |
opt for other goods to prevent
apreement of manufacturers as to
decrease of warking capacity,
Failures for the week have
in the United States against
year. and 29 ip Canada, against 31
en ter Sunt Toe Baie rey Dw
Bpain has officially declared war.
& decive gasttied Monday she pub
shes to the worid the annulment of
sil treaties, protocols, agreements of
connections in force between her gove
crament and (hat of the United States.
She gives United States ships 30 days
to leave her harbors
She reserves to herself the right of
privateering. and announces that she
will consider aw pirated all foreign pri-
Vatears. The decree follows,
“Iplomatic relations are broken off
| hetween Spats and the United States
Cand the state of war begun between
the two couanlries
Spain will chserve the principles of
international law. cl
A Sms! Oroup Witnessed the President AV
tach Ris
The signing of the Cuban resolutions
by the president st noon Wednesday
was an exceadingly interesting event
although without special incident. Ges.
Alger Bad brought over from the war
the |
Bieming- |
far |
tamen wae divide |
Phe |
by a
to valuntesr |
; an stand, which sven the
Was :
at | capable
thie |
{ hears: the
work by the shes |
roiling |
# .
department a pen which he requested
| the president to use in appendiog his
| signature to the document. The
! had an ordinary gutia percha
[and as it was handed to the president
hy his secretary, Mr. Porter, those pres.
crit gathered around the table to wit.
| mess the act. There was oo
fecling manifested by those about, but
there was no demonstration oF oon
| gratulaticns. The small crowd very
soon dispersed, and within ten minutes
Cine pormal conditions of things at the
| White House tad heen resumed.
i A AR S00 HTS
Our Sailors Ae Uapacriotie Hirelings. Saye
The ihe News of London publishes
interview with ‘a Spanish diple-
| miagist who fx in the secrets of
{ Madrid government.” Amolg Ee
Cth he sald:
i We will not @iticise the American
Best of the American army. because Wwe
| know their officers ars well trained and
that they are brave, but what material
have they to work upon? The Amerts
can navy i workd by a molly crew
if hisck men yellow men, and sailors
of &i nations Well officersd, it is true,
but what is this to the crew of & Span.
| xh ship, ail of one nationality, under
I stride dime ipdine and fighting for their
very Kingdom? The United States
navy will no doubt fight weil, but thele
drawback (s that they are fighting for a
‘aus not exactly patriotic, but for the
independence of a rebellious perty in
gavernment refuses tn :
of forming a i
here will be hard sea fighting. It ©»
diffe uit 10 say on which side vietory
will He. We are superior in torpedo
Americans in battisships
but, conceding the superiority of Amer
ea in this respect, she will suffer a dis.
| advantage in having her fighting done
i by men hired for t the purpose.
Wife Takes His Place
Mavar Harrison of Chivago a few
favs an issued orders making Mra
Wititam WW Wells superintendent of
city parks during tae absence of het
husband in the war. Comptriler Wal
rhe civil esrvice commission and
Rye RETeeid to give the position
Mrs, Ww ails, = and during the term of
Spanish war Mes. Wells will have
of the ninatesn parks owned by
Superintendent Wells is a
the engineering corps of
CETTE STi haw Desi 88
First Latiaiion of sngls
:, He as bez in the Natlona]
Guard and army service since 187