The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 28, 1898, Image 1
VOL. V.—NO. 22 . AR ne BAR Sk Save your checks. : On January 1st, 1899, I will give to the person return. ing the largest number of my Cash Register Checks Ae es PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1898. COOK'S DEPARTMENT STORE. ALTOONA, PA, 3 ry £3 >, CA —— = YY) W 1 Of an Entertainment to be Given in M. E. | i Chareh Friday Night. |! Following is the program of an 'Gleaned Here and There by entertainment to be given by the Ep the “Courier” Reporter. ' worth League in the Methodist Episco- ee pal church on Friday evening, April MRS. JNO. PATTON DEAD i 1 ' 99th, commencing at 7:45, and all are cordially invited to be prwent: A silver collection will be taken: of the Late Hon. Johs Patton Ex- Singing - “Onward Christian Sol- | plres at Lakewood, N. J. diers.” Mrs. Patton, widow of the late Hon. | Prayer. John Patton, of Curwensville, died Recitation ‘Little Golden Shoes,” {linens of only a few days of pneumonin. | Singing Little Alice Blair. Mrs. Patton was visiting friends at | Recitation “Richard Lakew: »d when she became ill. Her | Speech,” Howard Bloom. husband, Hon. John Patton died foor | Singing ‘Beautiful Hill," League months ago. The remains were taken Choir. to Corwensville Monday. | Select Reading Suth Reese. General and Mrs. Patton were mar Recitation Old Pashioned Pocket,” § : i Dingle's | a £ i LATEST WAR NEWS. Weyler Drowned io Patton, i | On Monday night a large number of Washington, D. C., April 35.—The bill young Americans of Patton deemed it making the formal declaration of war necessary to show their patriotic spirit passed the House and Senate So-day | aud alter ovjasising Ruesives ie 3 and was signed by the President. large company, armed with guns anc y headed by the Keystone Drum Corps U. 8. Flagship to Key West, April | hed th h our streets cheering | 25 Moro Oastle battery again opened for Old Glory and d ing a dummy effect. after them. They halted on the high | Key West, April 25. First Spanish | hill above the Clay Works and after shots fired at American flag were di. | iudiog Ge Spposs Sp time Seer fired a yof 8 | rected against the torpedo boat Foote, | when he: was rel 1 and! between 5 and 8 o'clock Saturday even- | ggnorted to the iron bridge near the ing, while she was taking sound in the P.R. R. station where they completed | Mantanzas harbor. their yoguneo By Swowiag he over | w 1 : a board into C Creek, pro- | ashington, D. C., April The | Stn fired up much President has notified Governor Hast- | 4 tie boys hod: to thelr n $1.00 PER YEAR. Xa A AN OBJECT OF ADMIRATION. ings to call out ten regiments of Penn- quarters playing the familiar air of _sylvania infantry and also four batteries | “Yankee Doodle’ and renting forth a ried June 8, 1858. Mrs. Patton was the Mary Hornauer. { Clearfield, and her mother, Mrs. Folley is still living at Clearfield, having reached extreme years in the span of life. Mrs. Patton would herself have been sixty years old had she lived until pext October. Of standard ar make. Will be on exhibition in Another New Indostey. Messrs. F. R. Steele and Benj. Jury, of DuBois, are stopping ton this week in the interests | for the building of the factory. Itiss | good thing and why not push it along. P. R. R. Relief. The effect of the war on the Volun- tary Relief association of the P. R. R. is interesting to officials of that coto- pany and a consultation of local relief officials has been called on the subject ist Altoona. The offices at Philadelphia have notified the Altoona office to list their employes in the | National Guard who belong to the irelief. The fund regulations do not provide for war and mech the same condition exists in some insurance socheties and most of the secret societies which have the insurance feature. a yi Por Harraking for Spain. The Tribune says that in the pattern department of the P. R. shops at Al- | toona one of the workmen on Saturday burrabed for Spain. Angry fellow- workmen seized him aod hanged him _froen a second-story window, first pin- | ning on his back a placard bearing the word “traitor.” He was drawn in in an unconscious condition and was revived only after strenous efforts. A parade of railroad employes from the Penn isylvania shops was held Tuesday night amidst great enthusiasm. Keysione Druns {wpa Patton can boast of haviog one of | the best drum corps in North Cambria county. It is known as the Keystone Drum Corps and is composed of the : . : following young gentlemen: Ct She could of finished Up ON Tippery, David Wagoner, Richard Buggies, Harness, Plows, we Rolland, Pred McPherson, Chas. Hunt, 0 arden Tools, Cinderella Williams Bennett, Earl Cupples, David i! nd a car load of Doors Stoves and a car load been furnishing some soulstirring a | music during the past few evenings, a Tek » - J. E. Kirk How. Co's! Opposite Commercial Hotel. § { | Barr and John Evans. The boys have _ jand Sash at Boe which is certainly appreciated by all, Prospecting thr Canal, i John Click, in charge of a crew of ‘men commenced work Wednesday morning in prospecting for coal for the ‘ Patton Water Company on the hillside {pear the pump station. If the oval ‘proves satisfactory a drift will be opened at once. at once | Geo, | . daughter of Judge William Folley, of Dpet— Mrs. Hasson and Mr. Kelsall. of heavy artillery. The Sheridan troop cheer after cheer for the U. 8 flag. | ation "1a a Hospital,” Elinor oq) not be called out at present. ! R : itation—D Sandford. Fallsmouth, Fng., April 28. The U. “The Merry Sun Flowers," by six S. torpedo boat Somers was notified that | she must not leave harbor. A British | Qnartette— Mrs. Hasson, Mrs. Bar| torpedo boat is watching her. (ton, Mr. Kelsall and Mr. Greene. . praerisburg, April 26.—The Fifth Recitation Mite Shrs Jones. wr. | Regiment has received orders to move Chorus - League Choir. ‘at once. Expocted at Mt Gretna Recitation-—**A Wayward Life,” Miss | Thursday night. Mable Robinson. | Washington, April 26.--The Presi- Recitation “*A Similar Case,” EVE | sent has i od a iamation. that all Duet—Mrs. Hasson and Mr. Kelsall. | Yo™¢is having left Spanish waters prior Instrumental Selection while collec- to April 2ist and coming to the U. 8. tion is being taken— Mamie Jones. . will be allowed to discharge their car- | Recitation— “The Proud Flag of goesin the U. S.; and all Spanish ves | Prvedam, Les Thatpuos. 4 | eel in American waters will be allowed Suging by Ameria.” ill May 21st to depart. } ¥ i ; i i i A welldrviseed man is the object of SE , admiration always. If you wear one of our : | carefully cul and made suits, it will follow “ws Eay42 Cupete Soumy. | the night, the day.” Our suits sre all alike In Johnstown and Cambria county will | ane respect they st. We study each man, his do their full duty in furnishing men style snd his peculiarities, and the rmult is and money to uphold the honor of the A ™tishction io all concerned. Nation in the present emergency, as. We pleas you in styles of goods as well as they have always done in the past says | ‘0 [OW PRICES the Johnstown Tribune. Our people . y are and have been loyal and devoted DiNSMore Bros, Americans, and if the President had PATTON, PA. Eee eo ee ol Dry goods and Carpets would have responded. There is but | Sold by Wm. Murray's $ been con. i tio mg until the Stars and Stripes are triumphant. Its not now a question of how we got into the fight; we sre into it, and will get out of it as becomes Americans--tri- amphant, with honor. . SL V : Verde 1 Thew Er Ai PE incent, Cape Island, Apri The Wopsononock railroad running from Juniata, near Altoona, to Daugh- erty, st the top of the Allegheny mountains, will again be opened to the not sight City of Paris, but sighted a oster Brewing Altoona, was as y 15 town Priday and stated that he had Washington, April 26 The U. 8 been with a party of inspectors who | Fovernment bas secured the Bismark went over the road the first of last No. 1, one of the largest of the Trane week and reported that they had found Atlantic steamers, which will be fitted | stated that the road would Prancisce, Cal, April 27.—The be in operation is a few days. The: a mill at Sant py = wa pleastire seekers of Patton and vicinity powder : ’ will be glad to learn that the popalar blown up yesterday. No cause is resort at Wopsononock will again be | assigned yet. 1 opened to the public the coming sum-| Key West, April 27. ~The vessel cap- me. tared yesterday morning by the U. 8. cruiser Mangrove and brought here proved to be the Spanish steamer Pan- On the lowa. Bart Hobart, a resident of Clearfield cena pect ee 0 ee formed the writer that his won, F. P.,| Kingston, Jamaca, April 27. —A cable is a member of Uncle Sam's Navy dispatch from Havana last night asked and is on the battleship Iowa with for information as to the fact of the Captain “Fighting” Bob Evans. Hels go pniun TransAtlantic steamer Mont- been in the service for about two and |*>"®: Which i due at Havana and the most formidable battleships in the $500,000 in silver. Navy, which belongs to Sampeon’s Washington, April 27. -The British Fleet, which is forming the blockade of | p,cornment was requested yesterday ‘Havana. Patton is now represented in ‘both the Flying Squadron and Samp- son's Fleet, Homer Martz, of Patton, being on the battleship Texus. May Organise & Regiment. Congressman Hicks has applied to Giovernor Hastings for the anthority to raise a regiment of volunteers from Altoona and vicinity. Mr Hicks ar- rived at his home Saturday morning and spent the day and part of Sanday ‘there. Speaking of Mr Hicks’ inten- tion, the Altoona times anys: Con. gressman Hicks is in popular favor with the young men of this city, and, when it was announced Satarday that he would likely command a regiment of volunteers, many earnestly ex- pressed their intention of joining the ranks of his command. Paton Lady te Enlist. 3 ter Polo removed from Canadian soil Key West, April 27. The Detroit captured another Spanish the Bolivar, last wight, which had on board $60, 000 inn silver. The money wus put on board the Monitor Terror snd the steamer was steamer, Ambrosia brought in here as a prise. Madrid, April 27. ~The minister of the commander of the Spanish fleet at Manilla, Philippine Islands saying | Squadron to meet the coming Ameri can fleet now moving on Manilla from Hong Kong. ents of Cuba will be equipped by the 128, 6 m.— The Spanish fleet is still bere. | Queenstown, April 28. The stexmer | On Tuoesday, April 12th, the residents Tennland, which has just arrived, did by the President fo have spanish Minis. marines bere received a dispatch from | Washington, April 27 The insurg- one side for us in this ight, and that is Son & Co, years and justly too, the American one. We are neither Democrats, Republicans, Probibitionists, nor Socialists more than thirty THE BEST QUALITY. TRE NEWEST STYLES. THE LOWEST PRICES. Death of Mrs. Goo Sankers, of Clearfield township were grieved to learn of the death of Gertrude, wife of George Sankers, at her home near Chest Springs after an illness of but a few weeks of dropsy. She was aged 43 years and leaves to mourn her sad | departare a devoted husband and three sons, besides her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thos Miller, and four ‘ brothers and two sisters. [nterment took place at Chest Springs Thursday, after ceremony in the Chest Springs Catholic church conducted by Father McCarne. The bereaved husband and children have the sympathy of a host of friends. g Out of Town Purchasers sre invited to correspond with us if it is not convenient to come to the store. We can supply your wants promptly and save you money. i ® Dogs Killliig Sheep Again. Dog» are still killing sheep in Clear fleld township. T. M. Sheehan re- ported to the COURIER that the amount | of damages he has suffered by his sheep | | being killed and injured since the first iof March up to the present time | amounts to over $60. During the past | | three weeks dogs have killed or injored three sheep belonging to Joseph Dune- | | gan, seven belonging to Ignatius | Adams and nine for Dennis McCauley. | | It is estimated that over $200.00 dam- | | ages have been sustained since March | 1st in Clearfield township. Thus far’ the owners of the sheep have been an. able to ascertain whose dogm are making the trouble. : WN. NURRAY'S SON (O., ALTOONA, PA. TT oA SAE ASA Patriotie ¥. RB. 1 Marcellus Council, No. +, Young Men's Catholic Institute, of Patton, has received a commuunication refer ing to a resolution adopted by the Pennaylvania Jurisdiction in which it states that ail members of the conneil should offer their servioss to Uncle Sam during the present conflict with Spain. The motto of the organizatioa is, “For ON THE WAR PATH!!! has been that he would sail to-day with his (od and for Country,” and they pro. pose to be true to this. The resolution ‘also recites that Spain is a despotic, power, violating all agreements with this government. The man who ‘poorly supplied or has been Ebensharg Letler great and | at a rn are and f Cooking g Stoves in and see us We t a shine ine stove It on your 't have a a te man the Y nN | It is the intention of the Company to Mm. A. H. Roobk, proprictress of supply their station from this source the notion and woveity store on Magee i instead of having the coal! hauld from Svenue, retarued home Monday from a distance which would be much more Philadelphia where she has made appii- {eonvenient. cation as nurse in Uncle Sam's army. : She is the first in this section of the Five Hurdarers Die. State, the COURIER has any knowledge | Tuesday was a great day for hanging of, who has volunteered service in the | in Pennsylvania as a quintette of crim- pow existing conflict between the U. _inals perished on the scaffold. John 8 and Spain. Patton is certainly (and James Roddy were hanged at of the many patriotic people Somerset; T. C. Rockwell and Patrick who reside here. { Banya at Ridgway and Frank Jongriss | ist New Castle. The Roddy brothers and Jongrass protested their innocence in their final words, but Rockwell and ‘Banya confessed they were guilty. § £ 2 & Republican County Convention The Republican voters of Cambria county are requested to meet at their usual places of holding election on Saturday, May 21, 1888, between the Another Gallitzin Shooting Affray. ‘hours of 4 and 7 p. m. in the boroughs Another shooting affray occurred at and in Johnstown city, and from 3te 7 ‘ Gallitzin Monday. One man shot an- p. m. in the townships, for the purpose (other known as “Jack,” and Jnck of electing delegates to a county con- chased his assailant half a mile and ventien to be held nt Ebensburg om 1 i i $ 1 A shot him in the hip. Officer Keith, of Monday, May 33, 1598, at 1p. m., to | | Tunnel Hill, and Warner, of Gallituin, select delegates to the state convention. captured both men after a long chase Jonx H. Browx, and an exchange of shots. Chairman Committee. : : i % - Dears the United States to move on Havana la co-operation with the fleet. London, April 27. -Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone expired to-day. Te Join the Navy On Monday Wesley Merriman and Wm. Smith departed for League Island, Philadelphia, for the purpose of joining Uuncle Sam's Navy. These two young men are members of Patton Fire Co, No. 1 and if they are successful in being admitted the company will loose two enthusiastic and very useful members. Later The two above named gentle. men returned to Patton Wednesday. They were unable to gain admittance at the present time. Ebensburg, Pa., April 35th County Commissioner Benjamin Jones, of Cambria township, spent Ssturday in Johnstown, Some extensive improvements are being made in the interior of the Cath- olic parsonage. About 100 persons from Ebensburg attended the Eisteddfod at Johnstown on Saturday. A special train was run from this place for the accommodation of those who attended the great Walsh festival. The train brought the people home about 3 o'clock Sunday morning. Rhod Ritter ts the owner of a “bran new Sterling racing wheel” It is a dandy. Harry Humphreys, while breaking on a train Saturday, was thrown off a ear and hurled against a rail, cutting his chin and eye. He ia getting along very nicely. A freight train on the Blacklick branch was derailed near Twin Rocks Saturday and two cars were badly | wrecked. Luckily, ue one was hurt. Ladies our new shirt waisls are new in. Call and see them. Parros Surrey Uo, CASTORIA. pT Kind Yu aw wars Bug of given poor material 1s sure to o on the war path for the Rem that “sold him.” Wede business to retain it. We make things right in the start and if by any accident they are not right, we right them. Its our method of making friends and retaining them by selling the best and latest style CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, GENTS FURN- ISHINGS. Wolf & Thompson.