THE PATTON COURIER APRIL 21, 1898. aE Hos RRS ra nelay , 1 A Famous German Doctor's Work, i 4 Consumption 8 now known to be § mera We Api rn i HERRON RR ARR RR ot Rally "Round the Flag, Boys. | A Tittle boy asked for a bottle of “get | 1 notice that the editor of the Clear- | up in the morning as fast as you can,’ fetd Spirit says: “It Is now believed | the druggist recognized a household | curable if taken in time the German that when (uba is annexed to the name for “DeWitt # Little Early Ris- | remedy known as Otto's Cure, having {Inited States they will also take in erm,” and gave him a bottle of those been found to be an almeowt certain Indiana county.” Thanks Matthew, famous littles pills for constipation, carve for the discase. Asthma, bron- Indiana county always was in and sick headache, liver and stomach | chitis, croup, coughs, colds, pnegmonia Uncle Sam is proud of her because she | troubles. C. Hodgkins, Patton and all throat and lung diseases are gent more men to the late war, accord- | Pharmacy. quickly cared by Dr. Otio’s Great ing to her population, than any other . | German Remedy, Rample bottles of ‘county in the State of Pennsylvania. Rey Ww. ny caver, jpastor of. Otto's Cure are being given away by But how about Clearfield county? I t Sanu h, Di Ene Pa. vocOR- | our agent, C. W. Hodgkins Large have never heard of her being recon. nizes the valte of Chamberlain's COUR | yim 25 and 50 cents. stracted, but I do know that while | ' Remedy and does not hesitate to tell | Indiana county was sending men to | | others about it. “1 have used cham- the front by the thousand, Uncle Sam: | berlain’s congh Remedy, * he says, nel had to wend some boys in blue te and find it an excellent medicine for Clearfield to keep it in shape. OM | coughs, colds and hoarseness.’ Bo indiana don’t envy Clearfield her war ‘does everyone that gives it a trial record. 1 notice Matthew also says. | | Sold by Patton Pharmacy, CW. “Yes® we'll rally round the flag, boys, | Hedging just as old” Now 1 wonder when.” = Matthew ever rallied around the flag of oid, not the stars and stripes at , Jeast. Yes, “rally ‘round the flag " boys” and I')] stand back and bark. ; Orb SuLoms oF INDIANA COUNTY. Ww. It is a great leap from the old fash- inned doses of bine-mass and nauseous physics to the pleasant little pills known as DeWitt’s Little Early Risers They care constipation, sick headache ‘and billionsness. CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. -~ : Tha Rorortys that ‘Menzo Sibley, | Brockwayvilie’s crack base ball pitcher, Bf bias signed with the famous Demorest lab of Willismsport. This club be- mgs tothe Gentes League of Pens. | a includes Harrisburg when the ciab expects to start on a four throngh New York state and Can- ada beford the league season opens. It | was hoped that Menzo might remain : here this season as his presence would | er of ateongtlt to The Toca. | Mr. Sibley is well-known in base ball circles in Patton, having twirled the ball | for the Johnstown Athletic club last sesnon. To Work lor Usele Sam. _ Albert E. Pepper, of Gallitsin, who | : tad oem foreman of the carpenters in | the employ of the Pennsylvania Rail- | road company between Gallitzin and has left for Key West, Fla, where Mr. Pepper will enter the employ of the | uy United States government in its Key | West naval somtruction department. : ok ant a WS Watch for big ad. ished basement, seven rooms, on Magee “to invest, known cure for piles. kins, Patton Pharmacy. TRE WONDERS OF SCIENCE ‘and chest diseases, stubborn catarrhal wo - SE On 5 nd wr seRie For Sale! i Two-story frame dwelling, with fin- | Owner will sell No reasonable avenoe, Patton, Pa at purchaser's price, offer refused. Two-story frame dwelling on Lang avenue, Patton. Four rooms; stable on jot. Will be sold at a bargain. : Two story frame dwelling on Beech avenue, eight rooms. All modern con. venienoes Two-story frame dwelling, eight rooms, on Palmer avenue, erected in 1596, fitted with all modern conven jones. Owner is leaving town and must sell. Will be sold cheap. All of above properties are in good condition and any of them will make a fine home, or would prove a profitable investment to anyone with any capital ParNgLs. & COWHER, Real Estate Agents, Good Building, Patton, Pa. The farmer, the mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. [It heals quickly, and is a well C. W. Hodg- Lang Troubles and Consump-| tion Can be Cured. An Eminent Now ¥ otk Chemist and Scientist Makes te Our Readers. The distinguished New York chemist, T A. Slocum, demonstrating his die- covery of a reliable and absolute cure for consumption | Pulmonary Tuber- | culosis : and all bronchial, throat, Jung | is ough) wl flenh, , and all conditions awa wend | THREE FREE vasting sway. all differ ent: of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the ParTox COURIER writing for for them. New Solentific Treatment’ has ot thousands permanently by its timely ose, and he Considers it a a dimple professional duty to suffering humanity To donate a tr of his in ie care Science daily develops new wonders, affaetions, and this —y chemist, Jesient ex perimenting for years, results as , haa suffering humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that nng troubles consum are curable in any climate is proven by “heartfelt \etters of gratitude,” filed in his American snd Furopean labra. tories in thousands from those cared in all of the world. M experts concede that bron. chial, chest and lung troubles lead to consumption, which, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C., 9% Pine street, New York, giving post- A es Tih, ba EPO. Set medicine sent. Sufferers should take at ad- vantage of his generons proposition. Please tell the Doctor that you saw his offer in the PaTrox CoURiER. PATTON, If ladies suf ering from nervous oe | | remedy they will soon be free from | he fasnens, indigestion, oro mimes 25 and 50 conta burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or ; using DeWitt's W have been restored to health by One oe, long troubles. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat-| ton Pharmacy. A.C. Fisher. Srp i 7 a Nee Ge a Great Medicine Given Ar CW.H ns is now giving free | to all a al package of we pool herbal remedy, orders and constipation will use this} headaches ind backnches that have | caused them so much suffering. Tt is | , regulator. It quickly cares: pions of | the skin and all biood discases. barge; Children and adoits tortured vy diseases may secore instant relief by itech Hazel Salve t t pile remedy. CO. W. Hodg- atton Pharmacy. Preadfall y Nervous Gents: was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and Loans and Real Estate. OFFICE IN GOOD BUILD'G. Telephone Connected. FirstNation’l Bank d my whole nervous sys IFS a on ; I was troubled with constipation, OF PATTOR, kidney and howel tronble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly | Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. that I rapidly gained health and | strength. Mra 8 A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold at Corner Drug Store. Thousands of sufferers from grippe is the vd ne, Ai CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $30,000.00. Arvounts of Ourpomtions, Firms, Individe : site and Banks reevived upon the moet Savors | ble trios ernwistont wt with safe and comervative king. vship Uekety for she tor ull the ie Minute congh cure. It quickly cures rtp ocho coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, | ettien of the Od grippe, asthma, and all throat and All earvepondence wiil have ony promptand Interest paid an time deposits. A. EB Parron, Wu H SanNproms, We have We most com line Wall Paper in North- Cambria. All new’ orns to sulect from. ood White Blank 3¢ ih BE bic od Frames. All sty To. QUINN'S, JORNSTOWN. The entire remaining stock of Ladies’ ‘and Mises’ coats and furs will sold at a , sacrifice in § | We will not any of theese ‘over. must be —l d it ayon Tver 8 business eo buy a an CAD COIN AL > We ei the best varie bargain. Give ns a call and save money. ‘ Store on corner Magee and Fourth Aves, PATTON, PA. lew and sizes. We carry a large stock of Moald-