The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 21, 1898, Image 2

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it, but not in vain.
fhe people of the United States
their representatives assembled,
woes be withdrawn from the
Cuba by the armed
fis in both houses, an
held tenaciously for its own
of the United States.
many rofl
1 of starving Cuba to hu.
succor has been lon and pa-
Spanish rule mast cease
and that her land and na-
E gr - £ pig Y
er —
Backward,” ix dying.
A census of Spaniards residing
Philadelphia is being taken
in Pittsburg. He hopes for war
Elzeor Alexandre Tasheag,
Quarreling over
Mexicans fought to
by | Tex.
ing the past few days has weorohed
fruit crop.
i» A Pittsburg concern has received
ton of Water pipe.
their jewels and contributing
money to war funds
removed to Havana.
pen declared a failure
Wealthy Spanish families are sell
Bdward Bellary, author of “Looking
Moody is conducting revival services
archbishop, died at Quebec last Tues-
a chicken fgnt. two
death at Karedo,
The great heat in San Francisco dur |
order frors a Canadian city for & 08
the |
The Spanish colony at Tampa, Fila.
nambering about 6 persons has been
The reindeer expedition of the gov-
ernment for the relief of Klondikers has
Chicags has mised a 30-foot flag over
The government bas ordered 100 feid
the Navy as Auxiliary Cruisers.
A Powerful FVieet
a A 4 SAA
Pocidediy the most warlike
taken by the department
tor the possibility of An encounter with
Spain wag inasgurated Satumiay, When
orders weérs imsued for the concentra
fom at four polsty in the Bouth of
rogimants of cavalry, Twenty-two regis
ments of infantry and the
~ AN
Chicamangua there will
ments of artillery. at
gx regi
seven regiments of infapivy.
Mobile, seven regiments of infantry.
Kines the civil wir po such proportion
fhe gravity of the sitaation As
The determination to rendagvous
troops in the Rogih, whe
acclimated to the candi
| Four Oreat Ocean Steamers Also Added to
in preparing |
ix |
; Hght bat. |
tering of five regiments of artillery. At
sight regiments of infantry. at Tampa, |
and at}
of the army has beens mabliizsd and the i
maven? teaif he the Best svidence of |
eked |
gpon by the president and his advisors. |
the |
pw Of & MOre |
ee aca
The Republican members of the
| Ways and Means Committen of the
Hous: Buve practically completed the
preparation of the bili which will we
passed (4 raise revenud sy clemy 10
prosecute the war. The members pro-
poe that the present generation shall
bear the burdens of the war, and pro
condinng on That thesry, they have pre-
pared a bil that will raise Delwesn
$100 C00 GY and BL a 00 additional
| pavEnRe DET ADDU.
hoa BH will provide for an additional
tax of $1 a barrel pon bewr, from
which £3 006060 will he raised Upon
manufactured tobgecn and nuff the
Internal revenues tax will be increased
rove 8 16 IT cents. This is sxpected to
rates £15000 6% revenge. The inoreass
on clenrs and cigarestss has not been
abanitety fixed. but it probably will be
From this §5000.000 is
i $1 oon all classes
- expedited
The proposition which the Benate
piaced in the tariff MOL bat which went
ast in conferemes to tax all foeks and
transfers of corporations, is embodied
in the measurs, together with practice
#11 all the srheme
sation of the scr of 194 which in.
Plans of Taxation Being Discussed Por}
of internal revenge |
Rebellion in the Philippines Cemtinues sud
4 Rupture at Home Presded Gifts
for the Army.
0 Sg A
The outiook at Madrid has become
much worse and very gloomy views are
generally dntertained A few persis
more optimistic thas the majority, mist
that in & few dayy’ time the prevailing
tension Buty De iessensd It ix the
general belief, Rowiver that a rupture
is lrvaninent
The cabinet council met Monday af-
ternoon. The seasion iasted three hours
Benor Bagpwsta, the premier mghmit ted
a draft of the spedch from the throne,
11a tenor in pot predisesly known, thoagh
it makes An Appea; to the highest pa
triotism of the nation
It smmnrnikriges the international probe
jem and points owt That Spain has al
ways prweented an
frome in sveryibing which 4d pot dime
nish her soversipty, though she only
Agieed to grant « cessation of bostilh
fies in Cabs when the pope msde hn
socrenmodating |
grewate ower.
Largs Orders Por Tron aul Stes! Work Aso
Being Deiayed
EB G. Dun & Co's weekly review of
trade reports as follows:
Preparations for war continue as If i¢
wars fmevitable. There is some Bin
drance in buastaess, and yet the volume
of payments through clearing houses i»
#119 per cent larger than last year,
snd outside New York about 30 per
cont larger than in 1883 (hough speco-
ative stagnation here makes the ag-
; Now York banks may
pow realize that they are sirong
snongh for all poesitile emergencies,
and may give the government valuable
aid by greater fresdom in business
cane. Sound New York banks are not
in the least alarmed about the business
sitantion. nor have they any osocasion
for alarm, :
The industries are doing well
cause they have snommmous ©
taken in February and March of
cariiey, which insure operations’ for
periods varying from a fortnight te
sevaral months But the pew orders
uton which they have th rely if partial
stonpae or closing of many Works
to be prevented are just now restricted
by apprehension about the money mae.
ket and the possibility of loans
The conferees ned great
tion as finally afopted is
from the senate commit.
i relations, with the addi
aden 8 Fam tax on all checks drafts
and all indtruments of business (HLrt.
pages, cans and bonds: A AX On
patent and proprietary medicine and
rropleal climate, bas been under come |
sidorstion by the president and his :
suhinet for some ime. Jt was hot anti |
Saturday. howsewsr, that the president, |
request spd the powers joined in coun
Ealing 11
The speach from the throne appeain
the Spanish pepe to rmally around
In the fon business thers sre orders
for abbot B08 tons of stroctural wark
held up BF questions of law; In Chicage
the large pewtoffice order (= yot waiting
the court houses and will not lake 1
down until Cuba is free
Congress will in a few days adopt re
solutions prohibiting the axpoart of oomd
ment, disclaiming any
the part of the United States
pled were as fol.
ved by the Senate and
spentatives of the
are and of Dam ought to
That it Is the duty of the
tes to demand and the gov-
of the United States does
demand that the gevernment
; relinquish its author-
t in the isiand
withdraw i(t# land and naval
and Cuban
States be
d and
of the several states,
$8 resolutions into effect
That the Units
N " rg an :
puse by 30 to &
wore in the senate wis 41 yeas
the year and nays
country was being plunged.”
Following the presentation of the
on the
two of the mast
yet delivered on
ars, presented
of the Cuban sftuation.
and an.
seldom heard in
section, Known as the
ren United
of America in Congress assem-
t, That the people of the Island
«, and hersdy is di-
wered to une the en- |
and maval forces of the
States and to call into the ac-
fee of the United States the
' to such
may be necessary to carry
resident's ‘message in the
last Wednesday, and after Mr. |
(Mass), had insisted that con- |
mtion of the resolution go over un-
e next day on a joint of order,
the Cubac |
. Mr. Foraker (Ohio) and Mr.
‘Mags. ), both britliant and im- |
different |
of the Mr.
advocated the direct recogni-
independence of the Cuban
with an eloquence and |
the senate.
and supplies to Spanish ports
ing & trial trip the other day.
children were cruelly raurdered
Spaniards near Havana fast won
he A ved hot wires pierced the brain
The Pennsylvania Steet Company
The resolutions
Avperdenoe passed
Saturday are endorsed by
Spanish troops to the number
retired after a futile attempt to
favoring Cuban
last Monday.
The people
by thelr newspapers that there will
afraid to fight.
Lew Wallace, soldier
aged 71 yours,
torial candidate in
paring to enlist.
Vaclar Haas, » demented
and two children.
to | Glass Company
Pittsburg burned to
day wight. Loss, $700,006
at Atlantic City Bunday.
suffering from stomach trouble
& note she
are ng to go tO
#0 prom
ing their
| Whitarkey
the front. ry
service in the army.
y.. the other day
and Wm Jackson
One thousand chased
Spaniards through the
purg Sunday night
upon Spain by several small boys.
Spaniards were soon lodged in Jail
LA Preserves War.
Bishop Potter presented
! the Central Labor union of New
the other night, hut they
by & vote of nearly 2 to 1
tions were 8
The resolutions are &
cogehed in the most
each other down, and
war would interfere with
more AI HI 37 ol
Spasish Mob Dr
I Theres was a8 Seriou Aimturtance
Malaga, Spain, a few Axyw ago
tng in an attack upon
with the paradiog of nail
through the streets,
and attacked the United
suiate. Stones were thrown,
the mob leaders procured a
which to some res
Afterwani the streets were paraded
————————— nl.
Their Opinions May Change
grade of
Gen. Clusesett admiringly praises
tenacity and courage of
The Holland submarine torpedo boat
navigated a mils beneath water dur.
Af 614 man, a woman and her wn
The business of New York is sald to
have saffered th the extent of $50,506 00
as & result of the uncertainty of war.
Charles Magnason at & Pittsburg wird
mill, and death resulted last sunday.
Philadelphia concluded a omtract last
week with Russia for RG of steel
y the senate Jast
Witiiam J.
of 1.000
jodge 186 insurgents at El Ixmde, Cuba,
of Havana are being told |
no war, and that the Americans ard
Bas withdrawn 48 8 Sen
Indiana, and is pre
at Miller, Nob, last
week, having first murdered his wile
The extensive plant of the Penn Plate
at Narita Irwin near
the ground Tues
Mrs. John Murson committed suicide
fBhe war
said the pain was more than
Chicago business houses are
the Hives of their empioyss who |
(hat salaries will go on dur-
ard Ready creek, Ferry
& fencn, drew revolvers, fired
simaltansously and wers killed by the
: too
streets of Pits
They had usd
knives in resenting the stiacks made
A Oced Bishop Makes s Futile Effort to
a sot of reac
Amainst war at the Testing of
were defentad
. The resoly.
wi by the blahap, Ernest
: iam Dean Howells, Bol-
Hall. Charles Frederic Adams and
masterly ar-
mit of war and a ples for peace,
persuasive Ia
uage of men renowned for their ability
in the use of words, but they falled to
; the great
nattle for industrial freedom, which is
the American Fag
resyil- |
tive United Bates
consulate. The demonstration began
shouting patriotic
But a mob eventuaily gathered
Segre COT
and one oA
| tore down the shield having upon It |
} the United States, and
reet. The pre
begging them to disperse
The Figaro of Paris prints an Inter
view with Gen Cluserett, who won the |
general by fighting for the
porth against the south in the rebellion.
= | soldiers, whom he places the highest in
the world. On the other hand,
man of dense military ignorance
Jackson, but
to the Front
orator of Washington DO
! caught the infection of the hour
i tial ardor.
frg up of the Maine in Havana har
splay Uhristianity
} jards
uraveidable and looks upon it as
{ yrgent duty to go to the front if
Ti shoulder # musket, at f=2ast to
{ spire those who do by his we ris
Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage the pulpit |
i signal for action
Far the first time in many weeks the
again : Be Says
ey | that the skill of American officers is al, the pler to the dock, while practically |
1 Gen. Grant, he declares was 4 the whole
: The «3 with
only officer on either side who had any co
of tactics was Stomewsll
the quality of the soldiers
on both sides covered thelr leaders’ de-
| Talmage has Jong been fired with mar ;
Ever since the trpgic bo
| he has longed for thie opportunity of
putting into play a little nf his mos |
agairst the >pan-
Iv. Talmage feels that war is
nat |
| Thess ships are the Prajrie ihe
| derwriters atl nearly
in Phew of the snurmogs expenss which
will Be entailed, felt justified in
in the work of war preparation
taken by the navy Asrartoment
week, 11 was diwiled to
naval reserves of New York Now Jer
sey. Massachusetts, Maryland
Boreaficr fv be Known sx patrol Biatx
this Tankes the Yosersits snd
of which was purchased saturday.
The question off the American
feamers was also wound up lest
them, the Bt. Louis the 81. Paul, the
Faris and the New York
mentionsd have siready
ment being undecided 1
L purchase these Wo anly or charter al
four. Whh the
these magnificent ships had been added
to the auxilinry fleet, came the state-
ment that the department also
purchased the Yorkiows sf the
[remsiniom line, and the Yumur of the
Ward line With these additions the
the pick of the cocan dners and const -
ing steainers running
can fag. As in ail sue Instances, the
But of greater moment than Any of
thems Gevelopments Was the reopening
of negotiations for the purchase of (wu
warships and several tarpedn hosts
from Chill and Argentina. (ime of the
cruisers in the Chiltan O'Higring unt
aompleted at an English yard
garded an one of
of her class afloat
Signs of activity
ts be 8 probalie conflict
tinged at the war department
thing i» in readiness for a
mavsment of 1PHG5E
tral point. particularly
done in tha way
body of
thers WM more evidence that thelr ser.
vices will be needed.
Complete arrangements
made for the immediate mobiiteation
practioaily the entire
first sgns
National park at the /
came nf pRCeR-
trouble. It bs fapectad in
city & omil will be meged
al weard
pitorien. Jin the
Hey contemplates thie invasion of Cuba,
the areny may be (nerensed to 100.006
ress. (3 this the regular Trompe
the national Foard wild ARETEARIE
abot $5008 men, and the remainder
will be made up of volunteers.
Is the event of a CAll Upon the na-
tional guard artention will be directed
feat to the sraunizations in the states
of New York Pennsylvania and OMe
and the District of Columbia
Gen. Milew’ piag is to mobilise seven-
teen of the twenty-five regiments of in-
fantry and fiv of fhe ten regiments
cavalry &t the Chickamaugua park
speedily as possible.
To Wis Amsrics.
ident Octave Law of the Jamaica
Junta has received diepaiches Tom
General Caltxto Garcia suggesting 3
plan of speration in Eastern Cuba in
motion With America A Cuban
FOVErIment courier, with other dispat-
ches, was caught by Spaniards a few
days age at Urists, fear Santiago de
Cuba, and killed.
i r—————
is » Orsis :
IO ee ot BE
Damage to the Amount
The roof of the grain slevalor at
Hoosae tunnel docks Charieatown,
pear Boeton, was blown completely off
by a dust expoeion at § oeiock Sunday
morning, and the fire that fniiowed not
anty destroyed the remaining portion
af the immense sTroolare, but consume
od pearly the sntire contents, over $00,
a bushels of mwetly wheat
Toe loss is estimated by the fire an-
ered by Insurance. The explosion pot
only shook 3p the entire section
Chariestown, bat was poticeably leit
in the eity proper and
burbs These quarters of the Bre de
first firemen
of the roof were in every direction.
| Great timbers had
of nsighboring
pierced by
| crushed and
of the grain
water thas the les will be
cotgiplete. The gTA
saw iw, Tha
C$150.0% and the
Fadjoining propecty, Is about $a, 000.
Remember the Maine™ will be
an the warships
president attended church Sunday
Seoretery Alger ast werk ahained
Fim ON for projectiles and powder.
Semator Maerriil
el mix SSih hirthday ast Thursday
se biames Span ds for the Maine
exprasion, bug xernpts Gen, B 4
The spall sities on App
mmendad $48 eX
{om AX Of telegraph MmesEAges and
taking |
i rhe
Several important and decleive sobs i
ware i
ast i
asmign the
nd British sad American Soldiers Subdue Three
Michigan to the vs auxiliary cruisers, |
the Venepuela or Yorktown the latter
The two Sra ;
beeen aoqttred |
by the department, though the form of |
| acquisition was tentative, the departs
whether it would
The Yankess and Britislvers, 150 strong. i
aansuncement that
| shoulder, some cryimg “Hall Columbia.” |
Land some "God save the
had |
| put hostilities 4d not cease until the
fest of ponverisl vessels NOW inciodes |
ander the Ameri. |
prices paid are withheld by the depart: |
the most formidable
Mobilisntion of | if the Blowing up of the Maine had been |
for what now Reoms Hates to ee US
were ooB-
prompt |
taward some oen- |
of the forces |
sant of the Rocky mountains, but Caen.
Miles says that nothing is lkely 10 De |
of moving Any ree
troops Southenstward until |
| Conner mentivned the scheme it was |
| raceived With the greatest snthusiasn :
have been
of |
military foros of |
the government at the Chickamauga | sufficient sum to equip the regiment.
of | Bagt if 1 I Bot, mors many can ts Binal
for the asking.
for abwast #0.
ae troops preferably from the pation |
of the different slates and ter-
event that the War po-
of |
fag of whistles and ringing of bells al
she ol, well cove
> Englanders feel safer
many of the su- | beet
partment, incipding the two horseless | : ; _
engines and fre boats, were soon mass | dysamite have arrived at New Orieans
<4 in the immediate vicinity. When the |
arrived they found some
ad the streets impassable. for portions
| the Spanish feet last Saturday.
been blown a Bun-
; dred fest In the air by the foros of the |
| sxplosion and many of the upper : od
American $ po: y were | Apanish minister a Washington.
the Ereat
fell through |
| squadron of Fort Monroe & few days
of it was 90 thoroughly soak. | A§0.
, | Eighty thousand
in was valued at
tosses om the structure is
damage to the pler and
| Young Men's
[aid to Be waiting for a call to arms
i ofenrs |
the i
| whore manner in which Havana coud |
af Verpuont, ceiebrt-
wi for |
cron DAcCKBEes ix Alms incorporated in
Ii This scheme of taxation is os
timated To raise $30 000 00h,
IAA es
Hundred Allied Foreigners
Fourth Officer Hepburn, of
3 steamer Empress of India, which bas |
either : : a
| gust arsived at Vancouver, B C.. tells ;
3 . i
of a big street and saloon Sgt in Hong
ine ©
with the dsciston to charter ail four of
ewtiors om land sad declared hostilities |
Kong between Hossisn and English
dalicrs A sausid of Russian sailors
picked up all the Ceoman and Freach
Against the Anglo-Saxon Mace in 3
minutes #6 German, Frosch and Rus-
cian sailors had fined up snd defied
the Tankees and Jonale Hulls to break |
thebr ranks, jesring them for cowards |
advanced to the charge. 15
queen.” They |
of foreigners, |
drove through the mass i
alle forces cried for quarter.
una atib anal
Has No Sympathy for the Biseradle Nalatios
in Cuda
Vrs Jefferson mvs Tears that the
heatened war will injure the soulh
tw x letter written to Edgar 8 Wiss
of WMavon, fia. she sAye
he WRT PEWS Gleels mie like (he re.
sengl of the Borrors of 188). The brunt |
of the war will be Borse by our dear |
people. The contracts which bring |
moltey to the country, will, of course, |
ail be in the north. There must be some |
suteonve for ae but whets 1 cannot |
gos After it is ali over, our cities on |
the sea destroyed we must Day HUT |
percentage of pensions !
Men Davie says safe would net mind |
bgt she
‘fromm sympathy foe
the ocRuse
plunge inte war
that miserable mulatto race a
Wall Street Becoming Patrictic
Members of the New York stock ex-
change Save undertaken to Mise a roe 1
giment of infantry for the possible war
aginst Spain. The Llea originated with
Whshington KE. Conner. Wherever Mr
The scheme is to have the rewiment |
known ae the stock exchange regiment. |
It is thought now that $106 00 will be a
It is proposed that as
many of the members of the exchange |
and their employes as May care 1o en- :
iat. shail form the nucirgs of the regt-
maint and after that 4 recruiting offi
will be opened for the eniistinent of
atsers :
Suicide in 8 Court Reem !
A. RB Reynolds, shot himself through |
the Read In the supreme soRrt room at
Jackson Tenn. last wosk Jost after
Judge McAllister had the sen-
tenes of (he ower cours af six years
far embeugiement. Reynelds aft a let-
ter. saying he waa fonocent and that
thegraiirond had killed him. He leaves
a wife and hid at Brownston, Ww. Va.
a. - a o>
The pops still hopes for pono
Four Rodred Chicago bicyclists are
ready to enlist,
The Massachumetiis jemriniature Ras
poted $M E for war purpoes
Gen. Harrison thinks the soming war
will be of & month's durstion.
Havana will be blockaded not bom-
harded by the [Tnited States In event of
Meteo will strictly enforce the Deu
trality laws on the border of Texas
Cuited States troops at Fort Bliss
Tex have Leen ordered to Chicka
The war Aepartment ls considering
the purchase of 600 ght saddle
War will be announced by the Blow
Four rar loads of tarpedoes were
pianted in the MissiasiDpl near New (nr
sane last Tharsday
| roocemrnition of Cuban independence,
wahwie abandoned
{ fying
mlands of Spain aed
1 et ome,
Leys meenmge.
The Atiantic coast ls now pretty weil
protected with modern guns, and New |
The flibustering boat Dauntiess has
angaged by the Associated Press
as a dispatch boat
Three hundred thousand pounds of
top the protection of that port
Three thousand tons of coal were
whipped from (he Atlantic coast for
“we have insulted Spain by sending
towel to the starving Cubans’ says the
English merchant vesscin doffed their
colors as they passed the Atlantic
snjistment blanks
will be printed at Albany Now York, as
soon as President McoKinley calls for | Lor Lieut
yolun eer.
Furty-five thousand members of the
Catholic Institute are
tn consultation with saval
‘wet Thursday Gen. lev toahd of
fa TERE.
The prulssr Newark is
f wt aii around
Chet nrove an effev
fred bt
ainst rapid Bring uns.
22% e
worican line steamers St. Paul |
tous were purchased by he
Ls of
memandad by Capt. Bigs
pee and will serve 33 auxiliary Crucsers. :
% ES
syvis Mi
GAVATH nar Wedaeslay:, Une
{hens Will De On
receiving &
the young king. sive the country, amd
19 grant the goversment
evsrvibing |
which may be necessary and urgent to |
defend the national honor and integrity,
The cabinet Monday dlecusesd Var
ous Alenatoher relating to the Cuban
greestions and the sititads of the United
eolomion, read a dispated
Biapon containing
Ban rebels It wiesnw That when
cassion of ard Yoted In
" their intention of
yielding 4» Spain in return for a broad.
| or measures of xatnomy, and thers is a
geners! poraliasy Jletraet hers a0 fo Any
I catorene of The pegotations with the
News especting the progress of
events in America i» anxinusly swiitedd
Hut In Any case the government Wid
maintain a frm attitode amd will act
onerpationily. It bs pointed
and the Russian order for rails is still
peoding, possibly becaaee of Anancial
Aiffiegitine. Whils new Business offered
Lin tBis Hindle stil very Beavy. the pro
| duction ix wo Brae thas
i omay casily
fhe dlenstrogsly checked BY a persistent
| restriction of the current demand t
Reatem Sener Morst, secretary Tor the | By
; Hews |
with regard to the attitude of the Cu.
tarelgn orders for six large vessels are
in eastern ship yards, and
actual orders for CRY AloTe caver
| tone of baste steel at Pittsburg Angles
the |
| American senate commenced the digs :
favor A the |
| Manufacturers are still
shoul someshst encouraged
have been advanced 3 per oe avd
structed works are ail crowded with
srders, While pipes ars in heavy de
The stagnation in wand is sunething
rimarkable the total sales at the three
eRlef markets Raving been only 1114
pounds. against 564 GW last year. and
in the Seat Half of April only $355.064
pounds, sgainst 200M a year ago.
walting, si
by a
| rather Better tone in the cothing trade
| of late They have ample orders for the
out that |
wankness at the present time would de |
fraaght with the urmost danaer.
News off Praah elieointers in the Drow |
ines of Cebu, in the Philippines has
bows mecaived By the guverament. thus
land Pacific exports,
proving he existence of revolutionary
santers in that datrie
Twn aristocrarie families at Barcelo
ra Rave contribated Bad oan io the nh
Hess] rubveription for the army. The
[ Integrist or anti-monarchial party wil
ard over the independent submoription
Lg to the gpowernment in cRise
wear bot shoud thers be an Bostill
we paoney Wi be prosented fo
Jaws Rrios
Wo mmtter what the decision of the
sired States Senate may be Spain
positively will not yieid her grasp upon
Cubs, The government st Madrid may
recognise the advisability of ylrtding
pouceably to the demands of Arteria,
tut dare pot tals such action, when
the miliary and Carilsts are
hy ie HC rn
termined to defy American interfarencs
on the Island with arms
Af the reauitl Mf 4 ORR.
cabinet poanell Wr
Madrid the Spanish |
war ofce is actively sugaged in forld- |
The meeting of cabins
whol devoted to
arcagnt of the artillery at Porto Rico
Senor Gullon resd a portion of
and manting the Mediterranean |
in placing other |
of the Rogdom na State of |
prewant in most lines though not in all.
Wheat mse Sk and held Ig cents for
he wesk although Atlantic exports
ir he week Nave heen 15001 Dashels,
fone Included against TET | hy
Against 710.008 last year. The total from
Beth conmte for two weeks of April has
teen TIT5.136 bushels, agninet 1Le6T.488
So 000 hushels smaller than a year ago
Meanwhile it i» astonishing that re
ceipts of corm oqntinge ren
heavy, for the week mors than & mil
lon bushels Ixrger than last year.
for twos wesks more than 1.650 000
bushels, and the exports for the week
have Deon 4853681 Dushels sguinst 2-
26 T3% last year and for half of April
‘ inet £032.015 it
March wore 15
shows that exports in
four included,
£8.57 bushels of Wheat,
bushels aginst
vear Meanwhile the exports of corn in
TR, 900. $4
| the nine months have Down
It is stated further that |
| the cabiset has granted an extraordin-
| ary credit for war purposes and las ne 1
| cidentally imereased the grant for ihe |
| again 3B last
the |
text of President MeKiniey's mossage.
Although sever paragraphs
lacking, the cabinel, after referring Oh
the President's
| Canadian Artillery Men Seeking Service In
previous IESERER, |
whleh wae constdersd Necessary in of §
{Ber to Sl wp the saps in the present
| summery, decided That the PATRE TRIN |
rocetved were sufficient for the cabinet i
vo afivin that the government refuses
{ Brates to interferes In Taha, adding
to acknowledge the right of the Uniter |
{ srniting
mma doctrines contained in the mes.
sage Are
pignty nd rights of he
an interference in ihe
affairs of this cogntry”
The Spanish governmmant,
expressed the opinion that it Was not
wgtion, dnd are
incompatible with the sover- i
hashes, sgainst 13563400 last year
mae volume of legitimate tusiness 9
pucrmons, and meanwhile failures are
Jhiv small. for the week they
in the United Rrates,
t your, and 15 in Canada,
_t year.
Ae $A
the United States Navy.
Expert artille af Cacada are
being sought for by the United States
military suthorities Gunoer Ross of
flattery A of them military school at
Kingston, Ont, procured Bis discharge
several duvs ago and has been Pe
ever sinos, He jeft for Wash~
inp followed By st east
af the best arlillerymen
ington, and wil
sail a handred
i of the Dominion.
called upon to take action until the Tee :
sornmeniat ident MoKiniey |
tions of Preside x Mey 4 a and T 1s
have become snecific avis
The Hpanish government ennaidlsrs
that apart froem ta sclemn affirma-
stom of Spain's rights as a nation the | rhortting have rained
ministers are oi called upon to maka
any declaration so OBE As the ressiu.
sions of Congress or the inituatve of
President MceKiniey do not lead to pons
Crete ACTA
The fetal Bote Alms says TA
consrigueness of fox righin united with
ihe remiihtion to maintain them, will
{nepire the nation, as they
government, with
Arm ne else are eligible, will recetve 9 8
| This military school ie iged Dy
the British war office and ong Aissione
Bowewer, | :
{ porind army. Several
cadets in® the ime
of the Tormer
Fadets are pow in active service in the
Soudan and o8 the indian frontier The
artillery forces atu
are granted to te
amin the Dom inten 8U~
United States
Up to the
the Dest men lAKIBE thei
Ceeives in the United States
; Army
inspire the
the serenity Recess.
sary in theme difficuil moments to direel |
successfully and defend
she amerwd interests which are
rimony of the Spanish race.’
“ue minister of dunes,
corver, read a decree. already
up relative 1a
to increase the strength of tha
ruha for a conmderition
action in regard to the Spanish- Aner
CER orTiss
The university at Parce ona hie been
cleged In conpeQURnoCe af the deinon~
strations made bY the students
The (Ear presented ihe Prinoy
Montenegre with an
wi repeating rides an
The French cable
prabibited from making mesengts
Cuba. exoept those adidrexmed to
Spanish government
There have been many
at the United States Ein bhamey
fn apon the part of old German solids
fers who are desirous uf
army or navy of the Pnioed
The Madrid porrespondent of
Aon Dally Telegraph says:
“Several infAusntial and
jeurnals bBelleve that ‘mn the
ar 000 NE cart
svant of
ber thy ohief command 0 Taba
Primossg Lauise,
othe, who glopeal rom her hnsband,
Prance Philip, of Sgxe-oburg aad
(lotta, and who has heat pesbding With
ny aver Mattacheoh, on
thy ia in retina, has been
speietedd To Ansirian aormin-
wre autate
fon ve the
vilak the Spanish mins
acl ta Kind far innapest
he Bas par Based
5 nent to (hat
prevent Use shipoed
ir Breas «
way 10 Spain,
5 38 hop dy
rie ifs TORR
epergetivally |
the pat |
Senor Puig |
} | United States Comsul
sme nations! subscription |
| Wade! Jurisberg arrived at
ae of snradl ing them-
efficient gunners. and
the @xpross DREW
1t is said that
work. All those who have volunteered
ap to the prisent have nad more than
ran years oonstant training with the
atest pattern of British feild and naval
so ———
Forced to Seek Refuge
in a Foreign Ship
Norwegian steamer Herman
New York
Prgesday aftermson from Matansas.
AEE | bringing 15 PREIRTUIETS,
| that pert to evade the
#|raln in being ad visid to pat Ww th >
who fled from
Spanish mob
The passengers were United States
| Consul Brice and his staf? and their
European powers wil take no further
i threes days before leaving
| people
times his property was in
| as the mob
or | SHEEN the elt a
Easter gift off 3+ [ 0 sistrthuting
{ing pene sn ITRdos
| neceapitios,
sompany huis heen
i raw from his poet. The Jurisheryg was
he | the only steamer :
| Kjeriand agreed to
al Ber:
Coansal Brice said that for
Matanzas the
shrestencd Bis life and at
for Me
at his
supplies to the star.
and retleving their
ALT pm of the th net,
he got sotice from Havana to
encrotary was ohiigedsto flee
threatened 1
days the consul
in purt.
take the consul and
York. The consul
nis party ito New
and nons of the
ft all his Dagmage.
party was able te bring away any of
sniisting in the
| condition of the
ther Lam i
i fort to
toward Havana, ready to act with
Jey. Weyviser will bi places |
af Ggxe-Cobary and
says that the
thetr affects The consul
terrible. and
people in
that the authorities are making ne
supply thelr wants 5
The Cuban insurgents are
. United States TOONS 30 3060 as war is
Valuabies Arrive From Caba
i York recsived S00 In
arrival from Havana on
% >
Co New
stopmebip Orizaba. It was snl
for safe keeping, and makes 3.-
of goil thus received by the frm,
Lid however, 8 mat the only thing
Being sent ruin tubs to 2% 1 KRWAY
crirn duper om hed ard Jestragetion
by hambardnaent ng and pillage
of war Every steamship from
tity heen brooging Doaxes
hriooms sijvarwsrs and
A these have fen 19 sale
places of Sals
vay PREY
3 Hage 1
Cuba Bas
vaults OF eth