The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 21, 1898, Image 1

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    LL —
RR ria
and offer
o Save your checks.
On January 1st, 189y, I will
ive to the person return-
ing the largest number of
my Cash Register Checks
—A .
A Of standard make.
Will be on exhibition in
| To Ebensbu
‘make us doubly anxious to put an end
‘to Spain's bloody career,
1 was at the Norfolk Navy Yard last
from Chas. H. Weakland. the West Indies and I had been aboard
to my former shipmates for we were to
ACTION ave the following week for Monte
| Met With Much Favor by the Blue Jackets crowd would ever mee! the sad fate
interesting Letter. | that they did at the hands of Spanish
| The following letter from Chan. H. treachery. When
| Weakland, a member of Uncle Sam's news of the disaster at La Guayra,
navy, whose former home was in Cam- Venezuela, South America, you could
bri, appeared in the Ebenshurg Moun- have heard a pin drop on the decks of
taineer last week. ‘our vessels: we were almost dumb.
: U. 8. 8. Wilmington, Jacksonville, Fla, founded and the desire for revenge can
April 8, 1598. never be wiped out of the heart of an
| 1have not written to yon recently, American Blue Jacket.
| and it has been because my time is very ~~ Wishing to be remembered to all in-
limited. I guess you know, as well as quiring friends, I remain,
3 Very respectfully,
_shipmates of the Maine only tends to
rg Mountaineer December when the Maive sailed for
| her the night before, saying good-bye
| video, and little did I think that jolly |
LATEST WAR NEWS. The Patton Stik. |
The situation in the local coal miners |
Washington, D. C., 12:30 p. m. April strike in Patton remains unchanged. |
20 President McKinley signed the The men still stand firm for their de
Cuban resolution shortly after 11. Maly and Ts Uta Shades for
uke : winning are gox ] poeive :
lock sain, Lo proper aid. At a meeting held in
tos Spain; and alse a copy es the following appeal Wis made: :
Spanish minister at Washington ask- To the Miners of Central Pennsyl-|
ing him to reply at once. Yalu -In * Sencral Sisk meeting of]
~~ he miners of Patton, and a meeting of |
Spain was given 72 hours to Saks Lodge No: $42. U. M. W., the following |
‘some action in regards to the resolution von were adopted:
passed by House and Senate and ‘Whereas, We, the miners of the
dgned be President. Patton Coal conipany, are now on a
Sm : strike in opposition to a reduction of
U. 8. Minister Woodford asked for 5 cents per ton (or its equivalent by
hi . v Sval the loading of conl by the car instead |
his passport to leave Spain and We, or by the ton}: therefore, be it | AN OBJECT
same was granted. “Resolved, t we appeal to the ;
issue a call for 30,000 volunteers passed our fight ; his . Vr
i P
i i
sssist 0s in our trouble financially, as
we believe, will be your
if a reduction is foreed upon
| I, that ail the ships have been kept
very busy stripping of their wood
work, painting with war paint, and
getting ready to meet the calamity
which has been banging over our
otherwise peaceful country since the
blowing up of the Maine in Havana
Of Regalnr Meeling Held Monday Night.
April 18th.
Patton, Pa, April 18, 1888 Patton
the House today by a unanimous
vote. Will go to the Senate this
Two Jolas in Patton.
W. E. Kase, representing Van Lill,
wholesale dealers in jellies and pre-
| mibew to
coded Mole obi sng drgrnd
d - '® 3 yoa 3
| respond liberally and have com-
mittees appoisied at your various.
up collections and send
money to William Clark, Patton, Pa.”
[Signed]! RicHarD CRAGO, Presa.
Wa. CLARK, Bec'y.
A welldrosasd mian ov Unk obdeet of
adniinition dlwave. IT you wear (ne of ear
srrefitlly out und made salts. it will thllow “as
the aight, the day.” Opr suits are all alike in
one rovpert hey Bt. We stody ach man, bis
Cutyie and his peculiarities, asd the rewall
sotisfivetion 10 all coscemad,
Wea please you in styles of Soods js well as
September. | harbor on February 15th, 1898. Per. Borough Council met in regular seaninn Freo Mees, Th in LOW PRICES,
~ Full Part culars
mre very destructive engines of war.
| decide for either war or peace.
man said, “War is Hell,” and we all
haps before you receive this war will in council chambers this evening with
DR We think noth. the following members present at roll
else than that the coming week will ©All: President Montsith, Hubbard,
McCormick, Scheid, Anderson and
We are willing and anxious for a Jones Blair coming in after roll call
The minutes of regular meeting held
chance to avenge the death of oar 266
fellow sailors who were #0 cruelly mur- Monday night, April 2d, were read and
| dered on that fatal night by Spanish SpPproved
On motion it wax carried that the
Street Commissioner be notified to
fmove barn or stable off of alley at the
rear of the lot on which E. P. McCorm-
ick resides, on Palmer avenue.
E. C. Brown was nominated for the
' office of borough engineer and upon a
ballot he was ananimously elected for
‘treachery. Of course, as a famous
realize that it is something terrible, but
when peace ceases to be a virtue itis
‘no doubt the best thing to resort to,
| eopecially with such a nation ns Spain,
‘again? But I fear she has reached the
| end of her string and by not accepting he ensaing year.
thet of the United States she is no | D. P. Jones, chairman of the Street
| doubt committing suicide, for Spain Committee, reported progress on the
u h with her. Of course, there On motion it was carried that the
will no donbt be a heavy loss of lifeon Street Committee be instructed to
either side, bat there is no doubt in the PI8ot the dirt taken from the school
! world that the United States will win Property on North Fifth AVENUE ACTOM
in the end, for we have better vessels Flannagan run, providing Mr. Hubbard
| and bett men to man them with than 2onid make arrangements to procure
{Spain las, snd war with Spain means og tion it was onanimously car
{ain awful naval huiie, for modern gun, Ll ol, AT Ll Rn
| Patton Water company's bill for March
There is a great deal of worry about
a ® | water rent, to owing the fact that the
serves of Baltimore, Md, and Eugene |
D. Jerome, representing E. Myers &
Ca. wholesale dealers in lye, ole, of oy Toesdsy an important transfer
St. Louis, Mo, were probably two of yuu made in Patton in which Major
the largest traveling sslesmen who john A. Wolfe teunsfored his interests
have ever visited Patton at the same , the Palmer house to WL Daggett,
time. They were both here one daY of Bellefonte, who took possession at’
last week and their combined weight .. § 0 Daggett, of :
in 880 pouscis, Kase weighing 340 and | op, iy 4 brother of the proprietor,
Jerome 330. Tt is reported that owidg will manage this popular hotel and F. |
to the crowded condition of the Palmer Kirkland, a pleasant young man of
house both were consigned to one |swrenceville, Pa, will act in the
room which contained but one bed and capacity of clerk. Mr. Wolf, the :
Palmer Houw Changes ; Hands, :
“double ap” but not being able to 30- | sided upon his fatare plans but will,
complish that feat very easily they in gi probability take up his residence
pulied straws to see who would 000UDY Jeewhers. The Major came here
Dinsmore Bros.,
and Carpets §
sw 10 Sr Jueneptd
more than thirty years been non-
shiered, and justly too,
then be aroused from his pesceful fonily have gained many warm friends |
siumbers to jot the other fatty snoo®e who will :
till morning. It was difficult to learn ing P
which one of the gentlemen were com.
pelied to sit on the floor throagh the
“we sma hours” Both clam the
In Cine of War. i
The Travelers Insurance company,
‘of Hartford, Cobn., of which Parnell
& Cowher represent in Patton, passed |
the following one day rs
Quite 4 number of friends gathered Phy until otherwise ordered, policy
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. holders of present date insured for the
Dixon Friday evening, Apri' 15. term of life or for endowment, may be
Among those present were Mr. and prjviliged by written permission of the
Mrs Dixon, Misses Bridget
regret to learn of their leav- i
§ Spain’s torpedo fleet, but they are
really not so much after all, for one
Jittle or no use at sea, and as they are
| 80 very delicate they are 30 very easily
| disabled |
The United States has resource to all |
the provisions and coal that will be
needed, but where will Spain come in, |
for ber supply of provisions and coal
will be very limited. Our forefathers
in the past have proven what good
| Aghting qualities were in the land of
the stars and stripes, and I think that
the younger element are well able to
protect their reputations. !
Now I can speak from what | know |
1 of finished up on wrong. As long as we can have peace
, Hamess, Plows, land uphold the nation’s honor, wl well
rden Tools, Cinderella 30d good, Yt NS (A have
and a car load of Doors | 3 enor, id a oe
serious measures.
| President McKinley is recognized by |
. [the men of the Navy as a very cool
> man, ready and willing to do the right
thing at the right time and bis policy
of delay has no doubt been a very good |
one, for had this country been plunged
in war on short notice, say immediately
after the Maine disaster, the people
would bave found themselves very
‘mech in & bole, for we were not pre- |
pared fur war under any circumstances. |
Our vessels were scattered all over
: base of supplies for coal and provisions.
But now all our ships, with the ex-
xt ception of two or three, are in home
© | waters and the others will be in » vey |
. Kirk How. Co’
1 tricks of the Spaniards, however, they
do not deserve to be called a civilised
ination. No doubt by the time this
letter reaches its destination hostilities
will have commenced.
| But the boys of the American Navy
—and a nobler lot of patriotic men
{for “Old Glory” as long as they can
breathe God's air, and the murder of |
our loved and long to be remeinbered
water for that period of time.
fines from the Barges
meeting night, May 2d, 1998
company to enter the military or naval |
Mattie Jones, Maggie Sheehan, Joanna gervice of the State or of the United
‘Sheehan, Rebecca Hamond, [dma guates, in case of war, without preju-
On motion it was unanimously car. Johnson, Helen Lehman, Sadediv dice to the insurance under the
ried that the Borough pay the costs of Jones, Mewrs. Winfred J. Radeliffe, policy.”
$52.31 in the case of the Commonwealth William G. Jones, Edward Yingling. |
ve. Stromp. | Edward J. Severin, Joseph Lehman,
On motion it was unanimously car- | Charles Lehman, Paul Dixon. i Shout stwesapar steals, the |
ried that the following bills be accepted | Mandolin club furnished some very 1 oone a8 runny sbsruoou Sly
and orders drawn for same: Patton fine music, which was thoroughly ap. Published at Johnstown, takes the
Water Co. $38.67 for water rent for preciated by all present. Supper was Tae JNIRIE (rh the issue of Safar |
month of March; W. J. Dounelly & served at 11 o'clock, after which all % pr . ey ure Sages
Co., $2.17 for lumber per bill rendered; departed for their homes, having en. * ° Setters Mi Sounty weekly |
Patton Clay Manuficturing Co., $1.53 joyed a very pleasant evening, iRewepupus is given any ordi foe We
for sewer pipe per bill rendered; Wm. Would it Work Mere. fos ee i hppa
H. Sandford, $21.28 for State tax ob The Borough Council of Barnesboro
outstanding bonds. ‘has adopted a resolution instructing Sound yur Supe
On motion it was unanimously car- the Burgess and Justice of the Peace A B¥and oyster supper and bail will
ried that an order bei drawn in favor of of that town to carry out the provis. 0 eld in the School Hall, Carrolitown,
Patton School Board for $18.00 for ions of the Act of Assembly of No. © °dnesday and Thursday ‘evenings,
money the board has received from vember, 1887 that any persons or APril 20 and 21. As the evening's
- er : persons arvested for violation of any SRteFtainment promises to be a very
No further tess Council then borough ordinance and refusing or ®Pjoyable affair, a large crowd is ex-
adjourned to meet at next regular neglecting to pay the fines imposed on pected. All are invited. The pro.
plog at South Patton was without
Takes the Cake
1 Takes Ste Hioppivg. street at the rate of §1 per day for each Church.
One day last week Peter Campbeil, ¥ ne and costs entered against them. A Sanilangs.
of Carrolltown, came down to Patton The Mountaineer Herald. The members of the Hastings Rod
to attend to some business, with the The Cambria Herald, a woekly news. #04 Gun Club hereby issue a challenge
intention of walking back via the paper published at Ebensburg for the UO 38Y person or persons in Patton to
Beech Creek extension, mown as last 20 years and edited by Fes Lloyd, *hoot at target range of 50 or 100 yards
Cambria County Railroad, and count- who was recently appointed post. OF 80y amount of money. Address
ing the number of steps he would take. master at that place. is no more. w. all communications to Ed. Kelley,
It took 7,971 steps (averaging about R. Thompson, editor of the Ebensburg (rove Hotel, Hastings, Pu.
three feet to each step; to walk from Mountaineer has purchased the entire Good Conking
the Corner Drug Store, Patton, to plant and the two papers have been ls one of the chief blessings of every
where the railroad crosses the Hastings cvousclodated and will be known here- home. To insure good bread, and have |
road, which is near the fair grounds, after as the “Mountaineer-Herald.” your meats done to perfection, buy the
leading into Carrolitown. By these The Coumrzr wishes Bro. Thompwon Cinderella Stoves and Ranges. None
figures you can come very near at abundant success in the new venture. better, fow as good. Sold by J. BR
guessing the number of miles the above Worth Considering, Kirk Hardware Co.
Toute contains. oi i Meats will roast more juicy and have Dinmer Served.
Horse Commits Huleide. ia better flivor when cooked in the! Dinner for the benefit of St. Mary's
Engineer Morrison, of the Beech (Cinderella Range;
it is facltless in Catholic church of Patton will be
Creek passenger engine No. # wit- operation. Examine it before you served at the residence of James Mel-
nessed a peculiar accident Sstarday buy. Sold and guaranteed by J. E lon, Esq., Patton, Tuesday, May 3d, at
while speeding to Patton with Kirk Hardware Co. ‘So'clock. Tiekets only 35 cents. All
had pulled ont of To Select a Candidate. are invited to be present.
ae § a A competitive examination, to select Look Here! |
Re bad * Candidate for West Point and also. The United States Photograph Gal-
: Joos from its delit ‘ome for the Naval Academy at Annap- lery is located on the vacant lot on the |
into the | TUT: was lis will be held in DuBois, Pa, on corner of Fourth and Mugee avenues, |
No ot} d April 30, 1398, at 10 a. m. No one Patton, Pa, and will remain but a
‘should apply who is not a bona-fide short time only. All who desire to
is resident of the Twenty-Eighth Con- havea and cheap photograph of
Asather New Business Block. gressional District of oy have oot Ad us ~ this oppor-
The Patton Supply Co. is making the All applicants will please report at my | tunity pass. Bring your cross babies.
preliminary arrangements for the office in DuBois, Pa, at 9a m. on the Don’t let cloudy weather keep you
erection of a new brick business plock 30th inst. W. C. Arvorp, M. C. away. All photos @nished at the gal-
on Fifib avenue beiow Magee. The Prom Le Aw Patten. lery in the shortest time possible.
building will be 50 x 70 feet, two stories, ao Splniter Irwin dog, Cabinet size photos from $1.25 to $1.50
a large basement and will be equipped One of those high-toned “to - per dosen. -2062 U. 8 Puore Co.
That's so well-bred And Rice, fry ld
He never pants but trousers,
will contair: two large store rooms on
The londs his fount with “figs,” ow
be used for tenement purposes.
The * "are bright and new,
And conl-men ask the lemon, “Ix
It hot enought for you
Out of Town
are invited to correspond
with us if it is not convenient to
come to the store.
We can supply your wants
promptly and save you money.
them, shall work out their fines on the ©0048 are for the Carrolltown Catholic |
The man who has been
poorly supplied or has been
given poor material is sure to
on the war path for the
rm that “sold hum,” We do
business to retain it. We make
things right in the start and
if by any accident they are
not right, we right them. Its
‘our method of making friends
and retaining them by selling
the best and latest style