gle to regain health after the birth of Go Is He Without hlood elrewisting through your veins you sould mot Hve. Without pure blood you cannot be well, The healthy setion of every organ depends upon the purity and rishness of the blood by which | it is nourished and sustained. If you have salt rhenm, serofuls sores, phaples, boils ‘or spy kind of hemor, your blood is not | pure. If you take Hood's Sarsapariiia it will make your Pood pure snd prompily relieve all thess troubles. Fa the spring the bieod is loaded with impurities. Henee, ail those unsightly etuptions, that | of serious fness. Hood's Sereaparilis ia needed to puri’y, onrich and vitalize £36 Dlood and protect and fortify the system. od’ ) parila ts Oreatset Medicine, Sold by al on six for $1. Got only Fieod's i z $ 8 i i i § ars tha onir piiia to take Sti fiooa’s Barsevariiia. | The firit vovage round the workd was made by Sie Francis Drake, in 158: the second by Magellan, in 1081 the third by Br Thomas Cavendish, in 1598: and others by Lord Anson, BLE 178; by Daptan Cook, in IT68, and be Peyrovss, 1750-4, ‘Pov Fifty Cents makes weak All Arogg ses Ro-To- Fae Cuarantied wheocs habit cure men stroag, blood pure. 0c. 83 Two Acres Enough in Belgfam. What tansy an American farmer falls to do on 100 acres, the thrifty Holland. er In Belgiom easily doss on Wo acres, | samely, support a large family and Isy by sumething for a raioy day. He | does it hy making the most of every fach, by heavy manuring, slowing no : _ waste places. iis two acres are for ‘rounded by a ditch of running water. : fhe typical twoacre Belgtam farm ntains a patch of wheat or rye and another of barley; another fair portion grows potatoes. A row of cabbage grows all around on the sloping sides | of the itches with a row of onions Jost inside. leaving bere walking room between them and the grain. The shade trees round the house are pear trees. Every foot of land is made to : ‘ . He keeps pigs and chickens. We refer to this as Mustrating the pos- | sibilitien of ldnd production. In Bel Hive on & piece of land the State of Maryland. They furnish an object lesson on successful farming. Colman's Rural World. : "what's the matter? inquired the foreman, as be entered the sanctum for | copy and noted the editor's bleeding nose, swollen forehead, puffed, red rye and tattered, dusty coat. “Fall down stairs” “No—only that” repited the editor, ~ pointing with his finger to 8 pATSgEYRDh 10 the paper before him. “Us fo our acconnt of the Crapley Smith wedding. | It ought to read: ‘Miss Smith's dim- _ pled, shiving face formed a pleasing contrast with Mr. Crapley's strong, bold physiognemy.’ But see bow It was: printed.” And the foreman read. “Miss Smith's pimple), skinny face formed a pleasing | contrast with Mr, Crapley’s stony, baid z a Y. “Crapley was ust in hers.” continued | the editor, throwing one blood-streaked | Bandkerchief into the wastebasket and feeling in his pockets for a clean one, | and be—but just send that fool of & ‘prosfriader in here! There's fight fa /me'gu.~Typogeaphical Journal | Net Like u Novel. Wirst beiress— Here comes 3 mad that | is & true Bero, if thdre ever was ono. Second beiress—What First helrese—ITe saved my life at the sensbore last summer and dide’t ‘ask We to marry Wi Elistpry spends half its time ia re a : { | : | Mrs. W. E. Paxvon, Younglown, North Dakota, writes about her strug did be ever + fr ARATE Dan Mra Prsgoas—It is with | plepsure that I add my testimony to your list, hoping that it may induce others to avail themselves of your val : “Afier the birth of my little girl, three years ago, my health was very terrible Dbearing-down pain which ~ gradanlly grew worse, until I could do no work. Also had headache pearly all the time, and dizzy feelings. Men. ~_struations were very profuse, sppear- fog every two weeks. put it seemed to do no good. 1 was % 3 ¥ $ $ e I felt s0 much better that I i ! a aa fn A Sl a ity is a wonderful experience jany women approach it wholly prepared. Childbirth under right conditions need not terrify women. ~“7'he advice of Mrs. Pinkham is freely offured to all expectant mothers, and her advice is beyond question the most | waluable to be obtained. If Mrs. Pax- ton hild written to Mrs. Pinkham be fore confinement she would have been saved much suffering. Mra. Pinkhasa's | address is Lyra. Mass. : : ; } | pore, weighed a little over : If the Eastern people will | ' pounds, eat carp, thay can have all they want raging ; opinion that the Labor is the greatest substantial in- terest on which we all stand. Why will you mention obligations? | Tove never confers any. It doth every- thing for its own sake. A kind heart is a fountain of glad- | ness, making everything in its vidinity to freshen with gladness, The blossoms of spring are the prophets of antamn. So a joyial ser- vice in youth promises a rich fruitage in after years, Men love at first, and most warmly; This 14 nataral enongh, for natnre makes wo- | women love last and longest. men to be won, and men to win. Remove from the history of the past | all those actions which have either | sprang directly from the religious | patare of man, or heen modified by it, and yon have the history of another world and of another race, I protest against the unfair Jiwtrie | bution of the world's work, which can | only be well done when every man | and woman is fitted to work, left free to chooses the field in which to work, and condemned by public opinion i they refuse to work. : The shortest and surest way to liva with honor in the world, is to be in | reality what we wonld appear to he: and if wo observe, wa ahall find, that hunsan virines incrsase He is not rich that hath much, bot he that hath enough; nor he indigent | that hath little, but he that craves For wa are not rich or poor, happy or unhappy, honorable or mean, so much aceording to the proportion of that which we possess as of that which we desire, The ideal isto be obtained by select. ing and assembling in one whole the beanties snd perfections which are asually seen in different individuals, | sxelading evervihing defective or un- | movie | seemly, so as to form a type or of the species, Thas, the Apollo Bel- yadere is the ideal of the beauty a proportion of the haman frame, wo 2 LE Oregon Sends Tis Carp Fae, Af last a market has been found for earp, and if it only proves adequate to { the supply which can be fornished, the number of carp in this section will | Beasder, of Sauvie's Island, says thers are now | three men fishing for carp in the ont- | fet of Stargeon Lake, and they sell soon be rednced. Mr. their catoh to a dealer in Portland for | two cents per pound, to be frozen anid | If the fish find a ready | shipped East. market and the sale increases there | will soon be many more persons fish. | for them. >» gacions fish rash ont again. comin’ or a-gwine.” The lake and sloughs on Sauvie's | Island are swarming with carp, and | there ia no end to the quantity that Carp grow to weigh | forty pounds or more and it is said that some weighing forty pounds have | been sean in Sturgeon Lake, but the hore | twenty-five | can be taken. largest seen in the market st low rates from this section — Port Siberian Rallway sad Wheat, The United States Conwul at Amoy ‘ rakes an interesting report to the State Department as to the effect of extension of the Transsiberian Rail. | road upon the exportation of Rassian : wheat, 8 question of some importance, | as within the lnst ten years the expor- | tation of flour from the United States to China and Japan has assumed en- conragl tions. Hoe ia of sion will not be followed by an in- crease of Rassian wheat exportation: . First, because the wheat fields in Si- beris are not numerous or extensive, and where wheat is grown in the larg- | est quantities the railroad does not | penetrate; second, because freight by rail is too expensive to permit the car- rying of wheat froggy the interior of Siberia to the frontier, thns enabling new fields to develop and materially affecting the world's market; third, because the surplus in Wester Siberia goes only to the rural districts to sap- ply the deficit of that coun try; fourth, that portion of the country suited to the production of wheat has long been under caltivation and is oe- capied by small holdings. Underthese conditions, he argues, it is not likely there will be any material change in the erops grown and no inerense io the surplus need be expected. How to Live Leng. Tis deeply in mind the grand truth a arm that life power -ules the body, and that it alec we e® are disease, Life power liv. 3 on air, water and food only; all else is hartial, Make cleanliness your motto, and | watch against filth in both house and | nds. Few starve for food, bat many for . Breathe deeply a hnndred times | ar daily, Wear no tight clothing. Above | ail, ventilate your sleeping room. Beware of gluttony. fruits. Never ask your stomach fo chew your food —employ your teeth. Adorn your table not only with ~iands, but with flowers and smiles and kind- ly words, Deformity is not awkwardness only, but danger. A high chest will give freedom to breathing snd digestion, and Leip to cure many disenses. Spend part of each day im maseular work, part in study, sud part in good deeds to men.— New York Ledger. and | strengthen themselves by the practice : and experience of them. en the water is rising the carp | rash up the river into the lake, and | when the water begins to fall the sa | They i are caught in a bag or purse nets set i ‘im the outlet of the lake, and by turning the nets around as the flow of | the water changes they are caught ‘a above railroad exten If the appetite | is dull, eat fruit caly, or eat notiung. | Use no fiery condiments, but live chief | ly on natural grains, vegetables asd ! & , . " To suffer for years with s prevailing pain- fa) ailment, whish baffed skfiital medieal | treatment, yet which was ctired by & sim- ple household remedy, is the lot whisk be- fell Mre. George L. Bogers, of West Maln | Street, Canton, N.Y. | “Thirteen years ago,” said Mrs. Bogers to a reporter, 1 was attacked with inflam - matory rhenmatism and 8 complieation of : : . You ean judge somewhat of what | { endured, when you jook of these hati. : They were dimorted, t : W | My foot, too, is so mueh out of shape that ! the big ton lays across the thers, t end touching the iiitie toe, standing [am jaizsty-five : i ears old, from eajoys- fov all other things LL Goes bo Church, health. triad rietary remedies, bul Laat March I Pills tor Pals People and befor [ Rad do shad the drt box I began 10 feel that they were doing me good. | sontinusd asing them and stoa grew Dilley, “1 hares used thirtaan Loxss and to-day feel better than for the vi. My appetite is g¢ of the pi vd enjoy society. 1 have heen a mambar of © . ahureh for many years, but foe six years | wus noalie to attend, Iam able sow to strond the chigreh serviies roguinsty and cortainly anprociatle that priviingre, a sider Dr. Willams Pink ple & wonderbal madicing and am ooaldent po other medicine oould hav eeoted the wonderful snr they Gave in ny oases.” Dr, Williams’ Pink Pilis for Pale People are | eompiead of vegstabis remedies that sxert a powsrial rieding tio its mermatienty onred. J | mas nfter Aret days tee af Nerve Restorer E2trial bottle an Prone BHR LENE T0101 Are SE # Timalows siwEhing = Toasrim They WIRES FAYE pati, CUTS Wh Mrs V Frap for: # pel spend § palin BE { v 2 C piasty Came for Conemmi | Aste medicine WK i Clie, Apt loa mama gil of Coba is so 0s ie that in geome districts Tour (rods oR SORT are i raised. AI ANS, Antioch #1 ru wy Daa’t Tobe Spit snd Smoke Tour Life Awuy, To quit whaceo sasily and forever, bw mag serie. fail of lite, pervs and vigor, take No Ter strong. AN i ed Booked Bioriing Remedy Ce, Chicago or Now Work Maxin's cavalry gun, which fre ns | shots a mingle, weighs but 30 pounds, | and ean he cxrried strapped to ® so} dier's back. The gun he made for the | Sultan fires 770 shots a minute, but ft ix a Bed plece on whesin Ta Care & Cold in One Pay. Take Laxative Rroms (Qninine Tablets, Drettnrtets re fand money i IR 7alls tooure Ail ERR Ts aanteaten In England thers are 72000 girls en- gaged in public botises and drinking ba Fx. iy hoi mr Chew Star Tobacco Tie Beat Smoke Niedge Cliparetles, vt {nd glass bottles, which are mors ar lens Useless, are nose ground ap and employed as a substitute for sand in the preparation of mortar To Care Constipation Voreves. Ww Candy Cathars Me or Be » Porcing” the Stadies. The abandonment of the Froebel sys. fem in the government schools in Paris Is an interesting eduiational aRpOUNee- { ment. The Parts correspondent of the | New York Evening Post makes this | omment upon the change: “Exper! | snyoe has proved the wisdom of the old snying, ‘Work when you work, and play when you play.’ A game forced, | the teachers say, is no longer A gine; and while thie children are amused at firet, they soon weary of Froohel's (4 structive ‘mother play.” The autheri . ties hers consider that prolonging dar ing the ages of 8 and even O, as The Froebel kindergartens do, the associa gon of amusement and Instruction, | makes the child lacking ia application and retards him, which is clearly : proved hy the fact that The children who leave the kindergurtens at 7 go te the second and third grade of the srimary schools, knowing remding, wril ing. addition, saubstraction, the grogra- phy of France and the multiplication table up to seven. Bo while thers are sul occasional ardent devolees to this method tn Paris, the government has pronounced against If, as falling to amuse from the standpaint of play. and hindering the fullest development in the mature of work” The prolonging : of the Kindergarten age is doubtless at the root of the tropbie. There is no doubt that in this country, alse, the spirit of the Froebel teaching is by no means always follyweal Bat wher | ever it is comprehended the results are pevessarily good, being foouded upon a deep philosophies principle of fe. | The fault is not in Froebel's philowaphy, | mot in the motor power, but in the sort of machinery used, so to speak, In the | ignorance of the teachers of its right pul and spiritual and educational appli- : cation. Boston Transcript i Stone doles An inventor has hit upen a method of | putting stone soles on boots and shoes He mixes a waterproof glue with a | suitable quantity of clean quarts sand, . and spreads it over the leather sole | gsed as foundation. These quarts soles are sald to be very exible and practically indestructible, and to give the foot a firm hold even on the most slippery surface. A New Envelope. An envelope for carrying merchan dise through the mails is so consiruet ed with reversible Saps and a stiffen ing strip attached to the closing fap thad the faside of the envelope may be come the outside. nnd the same enve lope nsed to return merchandise in the same manger in wileh it was forward - Natwith. i fate in. | Ai%eorant doctarsand many © UF was pot bene | 07 triod Dr. Willlame Pink | ils as bright sheerfyl god dave a desire to live mal am i ills tor Pais Peo- | tefuance in pusifrisg and en | blood thus curing many dis | io ft ar pervons. Dir Wiime's fren | © § twpaties | BUTE GG Pala Pact son ivan A No. 1 | Pag, the wonder worker, 136% makes wenk men dragriois, ¥¢ of Bi. Cure guard | sod sastple free Address Take Cuscare 171 CCC fail wo cure, dtuggosts relind Booey. In the Year 1900. A pale form lay upon & cot in the bos | pital. Friends and relatives were gah | sped at the bedside; all were gazing . anxiously upon the wan face of the | prostrate man. Grief was wrilten upot | their faces, and tears, unconsciously and unheeded, trickled down thelr | cheeks, Oh, would be pot awaken fo speak one Inst word before he crossed over the dark river of death! Ab | look! His lips move, his eyelids slowly ‘ open, he struggles to speak! Finally in faint quivering | the words same. i tones he asked: “Tell me, tell me, what make of air ship was it that collided with mine?” | “Have peace, my dearest” pitifully | sobbed the stricken wife, “It was a5 im . proved. ball-bearing. chalnless ‘Aerial | of the latest model” “Thank heaven! Now | ean dle han py. It is the same make as mine’ | New York Evening World, ] | Ona parade ground at Calcoita ar gdintants prenias Thee which belong to the stork trie i and down the gremmd, and wv lool wp uch like soldiers that of digrames strangers often mistak: them Tor gronadiies | several Lg i tw om Yoawn where of the region and Water 3 In Arizonia there Baogsrpee of the arbility ¥ af the mirpels { fogmonn the SUAS od¥ te seit il 5h reind fram Bause (oo Bouse In CRRYRS sn thie backs of Dyrics or eK PIE R59 Ph ox s¥d in 2 § he Mathndist | | Clean blond moons a clean skin. No { beauty without it. Lascarets, | fie rican yow: hivod and keep it clean, by | stirring up the lasy aver and dnving ali ime ritien from the body. Pepin today to | barssh parples, bous, Llotches, blackheads, | and that mckly bdious eotuphennn by taking | Lawarets-Desuly for ten conte. Al drug | pats, satadaction guaranteed, 100, Te, Se. Pa ot gold milne in the world thriving own Austrailia. Jt hes § 7s WE O90 gold SHAY RRO. spn of Than wan opened 3 Catarrh Cannot be Cured th neal applications, as they cannot teas! | ihe wnat of the disesse, Calared in a Blood a ational dieses, ant in onder oo oun sent take internal remesdtes, Hall's {hae be taken intersally, and acie do § wer Chas Bloed eel msaeons surface, Hall's Catmrrly Cars is pot aoquack mesdivisge agar ri bend by ofie of the bet phiydeiaps ib ie couples for pens, and iv a resrular phe wri pt tin roam momed of the bend Logics & own. sop ued with the bewt ood per Dens ating tireetly on the musons serfsces The | penta t coamtd nating of the Dw ing redtils ic what iradoes sacl wonderlil results ib our ing catardh, Rend for testimonials, Troe FJ. Cayery & Cin, Prope, Tondo, O0 Bold br Dranniwts, price, Te, Hsit's Fapiiiy Pills are thodek Few 20% 1 of gorse of Hying prers Coase anlv sit in the Hones of Lands an poss after hoing specially created such nf thelr fathers-a paelie “& ta in very exoeplionsd The aliest Afetime , only resorted Rdveate Tour Bowels With Casearets. Candy care constipation forever te, De. IY GC GC fall, arogists refund mosey! The ropes on & Brst-clas mano war cost about $15,005 Both the method nd results whep Syrup ig is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and sets gently yet promptly on the Kidneyn, iver and Bowels, cleanses the syn tem effectually, dispels colds, bead. aches and fevers and cures habitunl constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste ~- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ite effects, prepared only from the most healthy agreeable substances, its many exellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most yrup of Figs is for sale in 10 remedy known. cent bottles by ail leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not acceptany substitute. san 4900, CAL EW YORK, B& “For oix pe in ite worst farm. © could set aonltng But metil toast. aod a Hnees mY stomach weil sot retain sod digest even that Last March segin waking CASCARETS aml sitice then i save semdily im greved. antll § mn as well as 1 svar was in my life. Davin BH. Munray. Newark Ci CANDY CATHARTIC 7 2 . a ; Hosen. W cnken, wr Gripe. ie. Se Ye we CURE CONSTIPATION. ... seritng: Nomety Company, (visage, Neptresl, Sew York. TI R0-TO-BAC ™ “PEI EnoL NAR” i HA Lim nin dp Ire. RA (ri Sa rT Candy Cathar | x 1 was a victim of dye Established 1750, Baker’s celebrated for more than a century as & o delicious, nutritious, and Sesh forming beverage, has our © well-known Yellow Label on the front of every package, and our trade-mark “1a Relle . Chocolatiere,” cn = AA - SELINA expos we Wolie tous for dovtare, plate. eh Bone om one Hat for nest sess R1 | mets te write Corvestumietew SERS Sport from the J. iu » » Sy AEE Wray = & C0. » 9 j DOMINANT: wmamrrapae® Wiskenl { 3 Mapaaine for Batsls and O tres w Now Maurie Belghe Ldsrminra 8 Winans Degartivent. Grea? Clnhivieg Fy ns Bard ate ca ed pein oe, 4 "i a . ia TAL WALI NONE OTHER GENUINE. MADE OsLY BY WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd, ABODE Vem a AR RAO SEA AINSI Sines 3 TX A UAE SCAR IE a Ep TEAM In APIIRIIND > i BT AAD AADTNRR edi ONAN Fic VARI ESI Wo pond it wae BH anything better can be ji 1 Columbias. and bocomes as bard as Cement, Milled in twen | J equally as well with cold or hot water. , SANE CARDS and if you cannot purchase this material from your local ors let us know and we will pat you in the way of obtaining it, 8 din ; to ones > OF POSS ev Written by Anna A, Gordan, for st years ber private retary wml meek intimate frend. Official memorial w ensued by the WC. TU The Most Popular Book of the Contury. Sige fSyio inclies, nearly wo pages Henutif an py Betis! price, Cleat fo: Hath Moroeen fi78 axe $505 Sent postpaid om recetyd of price Sol tiolsars VWan very w i ER $5 ti 88 et day easily mateo ling tha book. Experienetey MEY not necesnary most Hberal terme erect given: freight clresiar snd terms free, Write for outfit todas, | Da “Well Done Outlives Death ia iE Na Sr o