The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 07, 1898, Image 8

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    A Good Blood Purifier a Neces-
: sity Now
od’s Sarsaparliia Unequarfed
for Making Rich, Red Blood
The necessity for taking s good Spring
Matitioe to yunity the blood and bafid up
he system fs based upon natural asd as.
: fable causes, In cold weather thers
: — perspiration and impurities
have not passed out of the systems as they
should, Food has eonsintod largely of
plah, fatty substances and there has beet
Jems opporianiiy for outdoor exversise.
The tesult (a, ths biood is loaded with fo.
purities aud theso most be promptiy ex.
palin] or besith will bs endsugersd,
Hood's Bamapariiia fs the best Spring
Modinine becawss it Is the best Mood
purifier and tosis. 1 thoroughly purifies
Ab blood and gives vigor and vitality.
100 ’s Sarsa-~
. arilla
: Is America’ 's Grontest Medicina $1; ix for $4
ood's Pills i %: en, Hox
ie my
About 20 0 Litinrs gre addressed tt
Quesn Victoria yearly fers her sub
Jools. Those that ars net stamped Are
Bot forwarded by ins Melals. The
Queers letters have
‘anther. and sre forwprded to Windeor
iy special messenger from the general
Se FA A A Ss
That Setties Jr.
With the bloom and beauly of the
season, its balmy ales and delightful
temperature. we feel likes living with
pew life, and are thersfore often very
earsleks In taking care of ourselves It
B® this forgetfulness that Jaye us Hable
39 Btracks of rheumatisen, the mors
Babble because we think there is little
danger of ita coming on, but rheuma-
tiem in an easy thing to take and some.
© times 8 bard thing to got rd of unless
we take the advices of others and learn
that the best way prasible in to ose 8,
Jacobs Oil. It has teen used so long
#8 8 sire cure that this advice ix given
in good faith from the testimony of
Showsands ne
If all the cabw in London were placed
in a Mite there would be #8 total jength
of #4 miles,
tine of war France can put 373 out |
of every 1.900 of her population in the
Beid; Ge Genmany, 2i0; Russia, Ih
i" cured No tear nervous
r fiend aan one of Dr. Kline's J tireat
bettie snd
Kien Lon st yor dro Pics ony
ad Re EAR Hn ie.
L foes Bguihing Stas tor children
in Rn where the lunatic asyloms
rr In providing sccominoda.
sumber of
Pron aa S00, Tn To
345, Yille 13 Joes
: Yh lntefesting
to note also that, while the growth of
is general, it is more marked
Tr I amet evan
Wary have died withen twelve
ive s monthly pai feel! wil,
the nerves end make women
s thelr time.
foundation of woman's health is
tly normal and regaler per
of nature's function. The
we print from Miss Gen
DE Sikes, of Eldred, Pu., is echoed
every sity town and hazelet in this
ry. Read what she says
Mas. PrINRAN 13a] ke a
progadsnes of an i
was cowed hy 1h
A wild ard upr
Chand of the Repub!
La resciation,
The sundry civil appropriation bl |
was reported to the Bente Wednesday |
from the cormittes on appropriations,
With many srendmaonts, the total net
Increase carried by them being 34.998.»
BTR. fine of the momt imporisst amend.
ment is tne apLT pricy $451,163 for
the pavmont of meri of fhe twos
additional regiments of prifiiery pro
vided for by recent je tian, The
genera! sprropriation fur tee snlares-
ment of military posts 5 incregsed
from $0006 to Wl. Forty thousand
Bolars iv approprigted for the pur
chase of Point Park on Teodont mow
tain as & part of Crick pm 3 park,
A provided the
erection of & :
aluntesrs 2
Ings, Ark. the total ei
ait toy $165 one For the re pr FETE
of the Mnited Histon gt the Paris sxpo-
Fitton of 19 the sxbnenar of Bach rep
PESAE YR on being Fwitad to BTN 0G an
Hnrnedtats Appr: 2 4 3
made, Aro
Blglinny mur
Ng miller IN. HS and Me
« forrrinr Hate Seas
the romduct of
sities and to
sf #3 i Pep
Any Friday | bs the Ais
solution repertied
Hitters on Fayed ; #10
paisition of the Ww pit 1k
pwned by [mamark asd
d of the resolution by sennboy
its suthor,
in the ha ae of repr
resday when Mr Ba
erRtis leas A¢ r, atremt
aod poran
inde pn
Fis was
gitiom to averrals the seg ey
recrgniging the
depose of the Cuban republie
cheered on by the crowded
But the meribers of the maloority
fused to support him Mary of them
sympathized with the porposs of the
résolution, Mr. Hull chairman of the
military committee point wo far a5 to
InGorss the progeeition under the me
privcion that 1 pro 4 for 8 dev lara
thom of ear but Bailey was defiled
For threes hours Thursday peed
galleries and excitsd of the
Rouse listened tH 8 pass an tbarrat
of eratory an the Cuban gamwmtion Sar
Ing which the intensity of feeling was
giternately manifested by chsers, jears,
Kd Bisses, The threa speeches which
stirred fhe amsembilage Tx Its depths
were made by Mr Gromreaor of Ohi
wha, if was assumed. pods for the
administration sud wha pislged It, 30
far a2 He was ails, to the cass of Tres
Coba, Mr. Bailey, of Texss the Demo.
eratic leader wha sonounced the
Pemocratic poxition 28 for free Juba
without war, if i could be avolded, hut
with war if necessary, 80% Mr Jobn.
son of Indians, whe spoke for jescs,
drclaring that 8 was cur Solty to po ts
the extreme in magnanimity to avoid
the Borrore of war, .
After pn exceedingly turbulent ses.
sham of six hotirs, the House Priday
paneed the vavel sppropriation bil and
then sdjournsd until Monday The
WAr spirit was manifenisd in a0 the
Gispatches and overrode the naval
commities itsalf Ly increasing the
number of torjeds boats and torpeda
boat destroyers to 24, the Bill as report.
od providing for but 12
Cent. of the World's Product
Al a meeting of the dirrctors of tne
« 0, Wire Nall Company sand of
others interested in the American Sted
and Wire Company Saturday, the
Salem company entered the combine,
operation April 3. All sutecribed stock
Bas been paid in, and the articles of
tion have been filed under the
Re main office at Chicago, and the mills
Included in the consciidation wilt be die
Vidod into four classes. Eastern, Cen
76 per cent of the output of the coun.
127. or even of the world. It will have
tons of wire and wire roads and a for
ign trades of S100, which is ex
$15.900.006 tn the near fata
The Connellevilie “Courise”
“Floods interfered with railrosd t
shipments fell «ff mors than 3 cars
Lge detailed report for the week ending
March 25 shows 19.88 ovens, of which
14.29% are active sind 369 are iY = Ths
sslmated production for the week was
“5.108 tone, as compared with 14
tone the week previous Shipments
fast week azpregated $006 cars, a dee
the week Previags
The Connellsville Cols (enpany,
which last sunoner built 8 dwers at
Gans station, fn Springti] townshin
has opened up another coal mine and
will erect 20 new ovens this sammer.
The United States lasy Cuppany,
Claseport, Va; is at work on 8 big con
tract from the Government The coder
is for deck globes, signal Hght glasses
and reflectors for war vessels The ox
a mize of the onder is not Knows. bat
it is a large one, and fx a rusk order.
RE fast ax i1 is finished. The glass plates
are very beavy. and are of various
sizes. The dork globes gre mostly In-
8 vessel
The preliminary arrangements for
the new rolling mill at Wellsville, O
have completed, the beard of
trade haViog deiivered a deed for Ble
ares fur a site and the rolling mill
company having stenel a contract
agraeing to begin work on the plant
within 15 days.
The Baldwin locomotive works of
Philwlelphia received orders for six
freight engines for the (Ga F.C Dwi
Hullro de la Robin 8 Vaimazsda, shih
sperates large Lon ore mines in Spain
The engines are to be delivered at Now.
Fork, June L
W. LL. Washington of the Washing-
ton- Elliott Steel Company, New Castle,
. Bas sold his interest in that con-
cern to George DD Hislr, of Pittsburg,
and the new concern will be known as
the Elllott-Riair Steel Company.
After over a year of idleness the
Pottsville, Pa. iron milla will resume
again on foil time. The entire plant
with the exception of the biast furnace
and steel mills, has been jeased hy the
Giasgow Iron Company. Pawurteen
double-puddie furnaces will st rt pext
week, and others will be put In opera-
tion as woon as possible. When in full
operation the works will give employ
ment to about 1.9% hands. The mills
will manufacture pipe and sheet iron,
and if pecessary can turn out light are
‘mor plate. sit
(3 family and trusts provi:
| vide the family with a bowse and some |
1 wife's rth
wane fel
ogee ory amd Stir aranng
York Times.
kal RTT DR
Cparions kal
| stands pre-emiin
(ble wail comting. aod 8B conmnrwers in
packages and 1
fe pot always decorated wi
ER own purveranos
attested fact that excellent diamonds,
: thelr value 38 |
them from
Lpractically lmpossilsle
The Wire Nail Combine to Control 75 Per
{eho use;
Cperh gems are In the dark
cates of a Kafr headman
Within a few years enterpring]
ing traders have muade speeial expedis
| Faenl,
which Is pow completed, and bean
COrpaoTi :
laws of Iiiinols. The cosppany will have |
| pances the superstition of the chlefd
| stood in the way of traders recoy
tral, Western and Southern. The con /
bine includes 4 plants, and will control
RA producing capacity of 700 000 or W6.008
| jars’ worth of diamonds
pected 10 be inervased to 50 8.000 or i
i anes of more thas
karats each.
portation fast week and ax & result
creme of UK care as corapared with
of a
The giass company is poshing the work Sha The.
vigorously. and is shipping the output |
ended to admit Hght th the Interior of |
Boome Foul Mon,
The mat whe ‘talks about “support
ng” a wite when she is working four |
. teens hours a day, including Sundays.
| The man who thinks his wife exists |
i for the comfort aad convenience of is |
| mother and sisters.
Tie man who provides &
Taree E57 oe
thing to eat,
The man who inks that women sre
The man who thinks that nobody bat |
{88 angel ix zood snougdh to be hie wife
who can't remember his
win y
The mat whe thinks a3 woman »
syed for the seston” of sie Las 8 Dew
The man
The tran who inks a woman ought
to plese up a LO galery and work in
his Kilvhen for ber board and a low
cio hs, goed be gid 51 the chanee.
The man
baste ths: bis wiles money belon
“The man
£7 Hams when
De takes his surpimer
; Sun
fhe ton
mri 8
9 ho doesn't koow what an
vOmAS Wants with mone
she hae a hill at the slo,
rARn Who thinks a wife
T Py WETn WwW Bey forrpta Bix
£5 BOO0 &
Co hnid, 3
The man who (Links he can koon
, Botse hotter than bis wile
The man who (Hinks thers is
the Anois
The man who quotes
Paul on the “woman question
| who Broly balleves tia the mantis of
the apostles has fallen on his. New
Ir Wil Pay.
It will pay to carefully read the de
seriptive advertimment of Alabmstine |
Bppearing in this Paper, explaining the
3 1 ree Pot veaeey Thome gowwie and
{ vem pners shld bear on
Alatmetine ix nulike all the
few moid om the tint
HA Alntastine
snd alone REA "dur
ge Al
rid that
tinier difore
boving shenld ove that the poe sam: m
oparly atwied
fe Frey Dr amond.
The Baath Af708n it sewrma
3 the mere
tramaery of the trader's wallet ar of
: 4] Sire,
Ietler than
Stes and boarded by
mach In intelligence of
ina Hr fetlohiines. The
stones Lave come 1 (hetr hands by the
good oid fashioned metdod of sexing
the Kimberley mines years
ARS before the present mings watery
against gen thieving wis systems
tized). Iamondateall
and diamonds that,
Fomsessed hy
not so
Sewer i
* metiawin of its prevention,
began 10 le enforced, parive
fen were under 3 seer
anpart with thelr tribal ralers not to
some baek from tie mines withau! 8
good-sized stolen @lamond
Senos, 3 great rABY ud
an fathoms
i ‘s eatals in
tons and palavers for diamonds
Hidden, with the rmult of socress
have been found umefal. In soste ine
valuable stones; on the othey
hand, 8 small company working on thig
Hoe of soquisition a credited with have
ing obalined wirhin fomr mosihs not
ens than two handired thonsand del
Coe agent
chief aix
succesded In buying of a
An American Artiet.
Most of New Yaris Dotsd society
twauiiza have teen saint by 3 wo
an whose iniatars long ago bes
caise fats us and sive was oted as the
most sucvessial and fanionat se gotist
in that Dae that Now York possessed
Now this fortanate art
where sie painted x misiargre of the
Priove of Wales in the cvmiame that
wore at the famods ball given
Druchess of Devonshire. The privilege
of pas Hilng this weak Eave been in ot.
I Boser enongh for ost artists, bat
in AE the PYiooe sear the artist
diam ond heart pin, which represented |
TORT, the Pritiev’s horse, in die |
rons, with the jockeys colors done in
Alter the fact of the prosents.
tion became public the price of her :
minatures wen! up to $1.00 snd per
sons are wondering If the influence of |
the Prince of Walew' patronage will be |
srrong enough To have the same eect
in New York New Yark Row
A 5)
Egge® #5 Currency.
A $1.20 farm In Tennessvs Sav been |
paid for whadly In bens eggs
stallmenta belug rengitted dally, some !
times gt the rate of three coats 5 dogen
for the egpe. delivered [nn fourdazen
mself with
a Yo Faw » §
Who Iahor under the de | yratel of the Rue Mont Blane 5208 Br
who siways eaves bis wife
if she word "in sw $
i ho erousrs his own thresh
Soy |
places lie hooge” lor grambing sod ee
; growling.
1: has become 89
ng at present iy |
ander he wey |
| tne rigid examsinatioos of woarkoen and
[ Jsbovers of
thd |
bartering for them. Liguor and guse
ist Ix ta Landen
Be |
i | Mme. Recamier, the Mont Splendid and
Famous of French Women,
The recent sale [5 Pars of a mantel
| fisteen hat orce scorned the ssion of
| Madame Recamler, recalls the inemor:
£ that most rem bable woman 8
| gras In her time the most besutifal an
| fhe most famous of European ‘women
pod her modesty and ber secomplis
Anests enchatned the world of Frases
Bo ber feet,
|. Madarne Recamier was bora In 177
nd at the age of 16 married M, Ress
Fier, 35 opulent tanker of twice hes
age. He had joer acnnired thy sete] of
M. Necker, giinated in the Boe Mont
Biaek. He bad this property #5 en
Cdarged sod ernbeifiaiiad as to mike 2
| dwelling wortliy of } ber who was to in
FP Babit it. All the furniture, even to the
; bast arm ehalr, was designed asd exe
{vated sxprensiy for this purposs. The
| CHD The center of testiton and latelll
. genew, Pele suovoeded fete. Mine. He
camber, radiant 43 8 spring morsing
received friends and poesia witk
| Ineamnpars ble Her salon was »
Kiowd of peut ground where nen of
| Wl pasties met, mingled Tn the same 34
Lamiration. There gpathersd prices, Ho
bles, phliosos Pt, writers, art
rians, wits xod beanties—3
. at
Thin epowel of seslorndowr. Borate
Bot of jong Surstion. M. Reoass ior
F thrash aula
simon (he whole of His fortune, Mme
PERNT Was oliuted to well bar head
| per Lunds, ber horses. even ber sitver
fe Los 3 Mlle apartment In the Roe
Laene dn Rempart. where 3% IB thn
Paxt, der adoirers crowds armund L
Fresh financial dimasters Raving over.
(taken her husband ume Repamier
sought refuge in the Abbaye ant Beis,
where her ssion became mors eels
brat] than ever The Abbare any
Bois was (he home of a religlogm eon
ment Irurisg the somber days of
the revolutic ni this property Bad served
ak 8 prison. Under the restoration the
atte of the community Sad made IT 8
refugee for women of the world who
withdrew there to taste of the plens
ures of solitade without 32 the ssiae
firme renvinsiog theme of society
nuns ceded 10 her
magnilicent apartment, and there she
surrounded herself with objects that
recaliod ber princely existence of other |
days. The friends of former ties
flocked to see ber and the most poted |
Farisinos dotiied through the salons of |
the Abbumye aux Bois A writer of this |
time says of her: “Rie never hell such |
ft place in the world as when she Heed |
in thls humble retreat at one end of |
It was there that her gentile
praiun,. disengaged from too vebement |
romplications, made itself mom and
| more fait. It may be sald that she per
erate the remaining years of hes
: vation of friendship”
She died in 1840 Yor fs was Mame
| fem, lait Der salon was the scene of in
trignes, religious and political
- Bave come 1 for severs critica
Burial Mowey in Chins.
A Mind of Chinese money which Is
Iargely manufavtored aid sold 8 wor
thy of mention, altbough the timveler
peed Dot troatle hisnanll with it except
a2 a cartonily, This is prepared for
the expevisl purpose of Dursing at the
erates of deceased relatives ay all offer
fing to the dead. The denizens of the
other world sre supposed to require | |
‘asd to be capable of receiving mwges | |
fn thin way: bot the Colnaman is far
too practical a person fo part Gt sach |
Bs Tanlion with the currency of te ens
ple. Tustead be burs for a few “rash”
x large supply of silvvred and gilded
plows of paper, or of Imitation coins
Line Kel out of cardboard.
Aithongh these have no purrhasing
power on etrih they are
soint for mark In the transactions of
the spirit workl By tile practioe ¢
a reminded of an odd story of 0 miser
who leit bbe bedonpgings to Be son on
enteditiig that a cerlaln sum of STE
should be buried io the coo with &
Le son was however a chip of the of!
Mock, snd carried out bis
winless by placing § in the sofa & evows
ed cheek for the required amount ax
ured 1a it had Uttle chance of bwin:
| presented af his laskers ~Chius bers
5 Peaches Once Potson.
The peach was orighally a polsen
timoud. Its fruity parts were and to
| poison arrows, and for that Parpose
| were introduced into Persia. Trans
| plantation snd cultivation have mor
snly removed [ts polsopous qualities
| but turned It inte the delicious fruit
| We Bow
| A large sacl ev
dene of brains «» 4 Pome Cuma bx ow
a shirt.
thm Jervatis WOE Shoe i
, was
suste speculations, lost
| boos to woensnkind,
! the bbs
he right for Heol a |
fectadd the art of friendship and caused
it to take on pew charms. Tals lovely |
woman was gracious aad captivating |
even In her old age. The day she som |
prebonded that ber beauty was wan {
tug. beranse the little chimney svoens |
no longer turned to look Spon her when ||
the passed, she determined to onse |
Hie ta %
| the duties of religion and to the eults | |
that |
Woawen snd as Peet.
From fr Gametie, Delaware, Oia,
The haaithfoiness of bMeyels riding for
women fo atill a dispntad guestion between
eninent physicians wad health relormens.
Used in siodersiion it sioely cooates for
women § means of oat-donr exertise, the
tonedt of whish sil phyvietuns sonis,
Tard to exorms. (ike yiny other pastime, te
Tent in Hkely to be Sangerous,
The srgatiancs of Miss Bertha
prvenions coed (benarhter of Mr.
Bend, 335 Lake #2. Delsware Ohle
point & moral for parts wha,
Hes Boot have exparianend nme mosses
for thelr Sangiters who are 1 oid of wheel
ing. in the fail of "90 Wiss Berths whe hed
ridden s grest deal, began to Indl fl an
. Fw |
Haring manner the grew steadily 3 ater p
sed thinner snd i pred sive was
{ato sonwamption,
Vultures PRR not dimover = carcass
by the sense of smell They rely en
tirely upon thelr sight in quest of fool
Ypulse st 06a Ad
very Bigh rate,
Thinking this
mas have heen
due so Semypo- |
oa examined ber
Se Rider Wel bo wate hed her |
Flomely, Diet her prsive postigged |
a8 Chay ‘Pate for tws wage Ha
‘was satistad then frvom her High |
wise kod stesdily wasfing somdition hat
Eis wan wa Mering Troan anegis or & blood.
bag somlition of the beds, Khe Deena exe |
4 pot stand the
othe condition
mmanded by an
hat famons Mood
tee ato ot an Pink Pills for Paie |
Pea wie They 41d so, and simon from the
fret Some Derihe began to mmorows. Bhe |
timed to tak» the pills asd was by Ge
moans of Thoms pili made sntively wali,
&2d mors pratelal pensle than Dew
cannot be finn in Th whois State of Glide
Dr Wiliams Plak File bave proved a
wad and serves they restore the tag.
fa Rally adi parts of the Lady
erating famrtioned rewniarity and perileet |
Narmany (Arreghout tHe DOrvOus system,
The pallor of the chenks Is changed to the |
dedionte Bash of heath, De eves brighten:
ihe muses grow slastis, sebitica
created and Ruan health retaras,
the rgeet sity In Stan
abitarts: Madrid 507.000.
Hae BMS OG |
$0 08 Soir mt ts take the
Azting direatiy on |
is ;
inh eral fner Po we prtul out 3 China.
I NS MA SA Ginny
i Ener Sp
5c Se
A TONER 8h ST 51
Ask any disinterested
suppmed 10
Columbia Chain Wheals, .
and he will tell you
mere ARE THE BEST ===
; They are absolutely uniform in quality and finish. Yo
have the added satisfaction of knowing no one can
Columbia cheaper than you. We sell for one price
the advertised price.
Columbia 1 Chuimess, . $125 Bartford Bioyolas, . . . .
1 Vedat, ee. . S0 ad
POPE MFG. CO. HarTrorp, Cox
scuba ra 2 lL ot te ata
in rim eed tints aud EE
eonooetion of G
ing that san possibly be made by hand. :
purchase thus meterial from your loeal dealers lot us know 2d we
put you in the way of obtaining it
Alsbastine bs a & rahe and natural sont.
fo for walls and ceilings eatirsiv Liersat
Troon al kabsosine prepuraticas
ready for use in ¥hite of twelve Baaatifd
tints by the stmpie widition of water |; lat-
© pakke beiag adapted tomix with eoid
Water), pul up is dry powder form in |
pound packages, with teil directions oa |
every package.
A» —
} araticos manufactured from chai clave, |
| whiting, ete. are stack on the waa with
decariag animal glue ER Ce
ment, whieh pos theoagh a process of sot.
ting. hardens with age. can be recoatsd
and re~daccrated from time to tio with.
cout having to wash and scrape off its oid
[tals Deliire renewing,
ered with layers ot molttag Sour paste ty
fomd vermin, with paper to hide them and
to absorh the moistare of respiration. and
an animal give culture ground on Bw feo
for disewse germs; this having stroag
colors added, Uke a 2oloped shirs, to Big
the dirt; thea think of “the nasty
practice” |
of repeating this papering, without PART |
Loar the obd, and s sumber of times. af
as many do. Then think of a room
with pars,
i which is retintmd 1