: |Easter Specialties Found Here. You may want a bright new suit for your little boy—wve have then ranging in age. } from 3 to 8 years in the ves ~ Rlitees, and at a cut price—$§1.98 Jlup to £3.88. THE KNEE PANTS SU Irs { We have age 5 to 15 years, and the price for good all- 'wools $1.08 up to £4.48. We ! wt no shoddy at all so have. no 1.00 Suits here—the sale of them hurts our trade and ‘we will not sell trash. MAYBE YOU ARE A BIG | BOY OR A MAN! Resolutions of Respoet. || Wimneas, The Almighty in his inf. inite wisdom has removed from our | midat another honored metnber of this | Grange our venerable brother, Hon. ‘A. A. Barker, after a long life of ac eeptional nsefuines as a citizen of the county and State. Therefore be it Resolved, That on the death of . Brother Barker, while cheerfully bow- Ling to the dispensation of the Alwise {and Merciful Creator, we feel that this (Grange has sustained an irrepairable loss, he being the oldest in years of the ‘many who constinte the membership ‘of the Grange in Cambria county. The love he always entertained for what he regarded the noblest of all eatlingw, Agriculture, his willingness to ald in the dissemination of aweful agricultoral knowledge and encourage. ment. his presence at our agricaltural meetings endeared him to all the farm- ers of the county. Though an adopted | citizen of Pennsylvania be loved the State of his adoption, he was proud of Cambria county, claiming always that | Cambria county in its agricultural pos. sibilities was second to no other in the | State, and particularly this community owes much to his enterprise and busi. ness capacity in developing our re (source and thos making what was in | many instance a howling wilderness to ‘blossom as the rose. Many of our ‘older citizens will acknowledge that their success was largely dus to the aid and encouragement they received from (our departed friend. It is waid that in We have a nobby line of all the many hundreds that be tran suits, ages 16 to 19 years, and Preah fih at Kinkead's Restaurant. our prices are lower than oth- guion sets 18 town at Cash ers by $1 to $4. Think of it. {We know this from what we the best fresh fish go to Matthew told—and We Have a new lot of 1 knee, pants—3 yrs to 16 yrs—the small ones are put up to match the vestee suit pants. ‘are all good styles and the! thats copy of these resolutions be for. pit visited 1 his mother at price 24¢, 32¢, 38¢, 48¢, 72c. ler are Easter specialties: All new and stylish goods! Neckwear, Hats, Ca vb Cuffs, Shoes, Penis | | Pants, Hosiery, and a dozen ‘other lines. | Come here first or last, a a tm at the Our motto still remains the ant? It is delicious. same: Penny Profits — Big Fe Grocery i» hendquaters Sales. ame rez THE KEYSTONE CLOTHING MND SHOE (0. } ‘on Monday night, April 18th. n't forget that Governor Hastings et forth Pridays, ApriSand 22, as | Saddler, pastor of the M. P. #6 Directly opposite the Ran nk. ch of Burnside, was in Patton on Roe Shad 25 cents a pieces at Kin- 5 Tuesday. kend’s Restaurant. Green onions, radishes, spinich, James Waldron, of Philadelphia, is borse-radish, ele, at. visitiog with nis brother and sister in estaurant.- 16uf | Patton this week. J. W. Hoy and danghter, of are visiting Mr. and Mm. 8. Angustine, is making preparstions to mn this week. ‘ ger rabbits at Daas’ bakery. Magee avenue. miss posing them. All sizes,’ 8 O son of Hon J J Thoma who and at all prices. bad heen attending the lsat term of 5 home bakery and the Baltimore Medical College, arrived bread Jom Dans, oppo- home on Toesday of this work. \ : Rev. Witman preust hed his first Pat. EE chur the trade we ps, Col Patrick Lynch, whe resides near St _sacted business with that he never sued any one for debt. He lived for the ‘ betterment of mankind in everyway and even in his old age he went about doing good wherever it was possibile ‘and died as he wished to, in active ‘service of his fellowmen. He was an honest citizen, a devout Christian and & sincere and faithful friend. Green be his memory. And be it farther Resolved, That as an expression of the regret of onr loss that the charter of this Grange be draped in mourning for the period of 30 days, and further warded to the family of eur deceased Brother. P. OC. STRITTMATTER, Secretary (Concord Grange, No. 1135, P. of H. of Patton, Pa Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a can. didate for the nomination of Assembly eubject to the roles of the Republican party of Cambria county ering the same. R. J YOT Hastings, Re. DICKENS IN DIRT. Dreads Berarden at Ehenshurg itp to Pate Friday, Mareh 8, Commonwealth of Pennsvivania to Catharine ('riste, tion, {19 : Excelsior Boilding & Loan Associa- tion to EP. Read, Carmll, £31. Josephine Singer to Sophia Dietrick, | (Chest, $700. Chest Crowk Land & Improvement company to George W. Quinn, Patton, $100, Jaane Westover of ux to D over, Susquehanna, F350. M.D. Kittell ot vx Kerr, Cresson, $800 Vincent P Sanker # ux to Patrick J. Malligan et ox Cresson, $25 Fl to Elizabeth E {arroll and Carrolltown, $100. Anna M. Gapiner of vir to Lowmaster, Susquehanna, $147. FF. West. Bearer Bearer, Elian D. Nit bows, We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on two 25 cent hottles of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, billiousness, sick headache, or any of the diseases fr which jt mended. Also will refund the money on a M-oent bottle of Downe’ Elixir, if it does not care any cough, cold, croup, whooping cough, or throat or ling diffienlty. We also guarantee one Pcent battle of either of the above to prove satisfactory or money re fanded. Patton Pharmacy A Famous German Doctor's Work Consumption is sow known to be curable if taken in time the German remedy known as Otto's Cure, having been found to he an Almost certain py prox SUPPLY CD. av we now care for the disease. Asthma, bron chitis, croup, coughs, colds, pneamonia | and all throat and lung diseases are quickly cured by Dr. Otto's Great German Remedy. Sample bottles of Otto's Cure are being given away by our agent, ©. W. Hodgkina Large sizes 25 and 30 conta Two years ago R. J. Warren, a drug- gist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought a small supply of chamberliain's cough Remedy. He suns ap the result as follows: “At that time the goods were nnknown in this section; to-day cham- borlain's cough Remedy in a honsehold word.” [It is the same in hundreds of communities. Wherever the good qualities of Chamberlain's cough Rem- edy becomes known the people will have nothing alee. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, OC. W. Hodgkins ——OUR SPRING—— CLOTHING STOCK ii FOLL BLAST. Serviceable Buwiness and Elegoni Dress Goods, Spring Clothing for Men and Boys. y R Asbon TMENT o races such a vanety of ‘erect a new dwelling house on East only way for you to reailv know h look for have serve you is to have a Spring Suit until vou our prices. ~ » ¥ $y 2 g § WE f Bi tia ey CE SE wen d—— Dress als that the * pri oP Are we =¢ and materia We n ny vie HW are to Don't buy your tment and learn 3 FEOLRR Ye {4 WAT HEIVES or OUT ass>or BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. - Parents wre pleased and children delighted with our splendid exhibit B06 of Saits for the younger members of the family. The largest, the most com. new ad in the CovmEx | Sunday morsing. which was mach plete and the most attractive showing in Patton. j enjoyed by all who had the pleasures to T. H. Hamon, a son of Editar J. (GL ) | timo, of the Cambria Freeman, wis Sle church in Paton. for the | admitted to practice in the Cansbria ¢i n to the Patton public school county court Monday morning. He had g will be on Saturday. jade for Mire Fours in Eo of 4 tie, ang passed a very | Son wis born to Mr. Sand Men. creditable examination, we are in of town, the first of the week. formed. Our congratulations are to wa, of the frm of tended. - Ebensburg Mountaineer. 8 imo, i vis. M. L Yocum, Cameron, Pa. says: “1 was a sufferer for ten vears, trying jparemta a Panxsatawney over, most all kinds of pile remedies, but o without success. DeWitt's Witch ir L. Wertz and Mis Ida M. Hazel Salve was recommended to me. n) baths of Hastings, have been || ped one box. It has effected a license under date Lemanent curv” As a permanent W cure for piles DeWitt's Witeh Hane "The fourth annual term of the Car ‘Salve has no equal. C. W. Hodghing wn normal school will open on Patton Pharmacy. Tr April 25, with Prof. G. E. The Cormier is under ob gations to 4 TT. L. Gibson, counts superintendent of While Hicks 5 at the front bringing | public schools, for a eopy of the Pean- : poor Clark wears a sylvania Report of the Superinte adent hb Dixmont. -Ebens- of Public Instruction for 1897 bound in ‘book form, and also fur the School nd son Warner Law Decisions of Pennsylvania for tepsher’s parents, ‘1897. Any person wishing to soe the Peter Campbell, at Car- above named books can do so by calling ‘wee “at this office. ), president of Patton | To Adseriiscrs. of , carries & broad smile Hereafter all patrons who wish a La height young son arrived display advertisement in the Pammon n COURIER, or who wish to change their 2 children, 42d” now running, must hand their Ball nd he copy in not later than Tuesday at 2 | o'clock p. m. of each week. If handed in later than that time it will have w bo held over ‘till the next week. All well 1eguinied newspapers must have time in which to receive business; if not, the paper is J meus; If, not, th hours be Je | hind time and Try to copy in early. =) Est oo Parrox Pun. Co. then the subscribers would have good reason to complain. SPRING HATS.- We are sole agents for the Palton Special Hat. to sen them. No use paying $l and $4 when ¥ WOUMAN steles in the latest shades and 82.850 DUNLAP ane => FINE SHOES Make ap your mind ws i Bod an good hee for $200 A SPECILTY.~ = Mirkin & Kusner, Next to Bank. Patton, Pa. Watch this space and keep your £yes open and vou will see the announcement of the Stein's pening of Cae dl- New Store. It Wi NOW. Very Call Sav EE EL HICY il happen n and vou by 1 £ » Cresmon: considera. | to Thomas RK. i® Peeome. For sale by C. W, Hodgkins, in Lawns, [hmatie Cringhams, Storm Serges, eities are in. “renich ( Jriran Press ie a Ehe3 French “Black Brilliantive, Silk and Neov- Patterns in i Percales 1 colorings and de sien for Spring Dresses and Shirt Waists. Organdies. Percale, rich new affects. Omr are wonderfully beautiful Silk Sensation Prices talk louder than words and our Silk Shirt Waist patterns create the soimation. So wee our line of silks for shirt waists, also our line of Ladies’ silk and wash ties Hosiery in plain and plaid colom. ‘We will not be outdone in this line as we can sell yoo Hosiery from 5e¢ to $1.00 the pair. Quality according to price. Holes in Your Carpet. Or perhaps not so bad, just rough spots or a little worn round the sides where the most walking is done. Then, now is the time to think of buying your new earpet for spring house cleaning and the place to buy is at the have a stock of samples to sleet from repesenting a stock of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS in rich, heavy Wilton Velvet, elegant Axministers, Tapestry and Body Brus. sels, two and three ply all-wool and halwonl Ingrain Carpets; sino a line of Rag Carpet and Linolenmw. All our carpets cut and sewed ready for the floor. You will make a mistake if yoo are needing a carpet not to look over our samples before making yoar par chane. We alvo have nuth y proof carpet iin. ing at 3c per yard or S58 peer roll of 50 yards : Rugs. Beauties in ORs Polos fran R106 ap We have offer you. WRT £3 Trimmings. i484 of new things that have just than the Narrmmw T Ie conse in worth mare We pat Fadgingmw in four in Braids and aves Also a Mb and complete brobdery, Insertions and Laces in many neat and new designs foe Spring Ladies’ Belts 1 Tun, Green, Black and Drab are bere for vour in spection. The price we hive pat apon then will do the rat WRAPPERS you say? call Saares apes then different combiaintions Stamad Tat {eink {anld Silver, anc Hae of Page Ww hile v did Well inst and swe our Spring Wrappers. We will not sell you a wrapper for 50 or 800, but we can sell you one for 9% that will not fade in the washing. Those who bought our wrappers last fall can vouch for the kind of goods we sell. Sea oor Children’s Dresses for avery day wear at $0. They are made from the cuttings of larger garments that is why they can be sold so cheap. Lace Curtains. We have something nice to offer yon in Lave Cartaing at 50e, T5e, $1.00, $1.25, and $2.00 the pair. Others ask you far more money for a cheaper cortain. In Bash Curtain Goods we can show you the finest that ever came to the town for the money. (Come and see them and be convineed that we mre not prevaricating. Easter Shoes. They Bear Close Inspection. show for Mpring, Wo have no roan 50 HIP OX Ent inwpection, aud examination will show hut the exireme gietail of mae terig and workmanship s what makes the sixes lions in oor oil of Ladies? Miwon’ and Children's Black and Tan Vesting Tope. We wre show ing hetlvr makes, beter styles, better gualities, and at prices that will cone tinue to make aur ore the center of thes who desire fsbiinrainle, Shows at little Porites Lines ef mb thy will Dear close CAre pRerelaed IB every fientn’, whipped NMbae hay TR, ARR Cast Our line Wallting Shoes in Tan vary rich and showy, Set Our Imorted Shows for Ladies from Parle Muasofictume will arrive in 18 days of Ladies’ and Mises' and nay Are ERLE it not y 14 L «1 Or another sack Wii TE a. vv ie Hour ron ling ¢ brand of onl ¥ as nl AOL it, as this hour bROGERIES. Ahead in FLOUR. WHY ? we give greater value tor the money than ¢ 1 Sew h ere, Patton and « feimity. If Cons you 5 3 per sack reprise te ed vo Wr mone y re- uaran- Those iS the cri racket » hirhest praise. the g 2 i hings we now Dedlars we "will Have to stop Sn Ene to vou a con rin} nvi- tale to visit onr store a 1d see for vonrself CLOYER AXD TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE. Yours for rade. Patton Supply Co.