SPAIN WON'T YIELD. A A The Provident Will Send a Final Message to LE Horrors Stopped. The opinion, almost universaily held n Washington Monday by leading _ public men and diplomats, is that the crisis will reach its climax this week, (hat the question of war or peace determined within the next days. fs fully expected by the adminis- tion that the president's message pill deal vigorously with the question. will include the Maine incident and will make definits recommendations to con- E one of which will be recognition of Cuban independence. As to the me- dilation of Europe or the pope, they de sé that these material and moral mast exercise their suasion on for this government will insta dependence of Cuba as an uiti- gine qua ron, unless the insur : ives should consent to this they have flatly refused Speaking of thin point one of the officers Monday: ‘ou can say that all the powers of nd the heads af al the Shusen, propose mediation to Spain | esire, but the United Bates will iy not listen to mediation of kind that does not lead to the ac. . of our condition, which i» in- ittie doubt that the Presi. the members of his cabinet t with Spain as ai- message to cabinet meeting Friday morning unquestionably the mest import. held in many years. It ravpived answer to the uitimatam of this at, and finding It unsatistac. cally decided upon a policy hh at thix hour seems certainly to ¢ whole record will be laid before pgress. and the is now un. earnest consideration of what shall the particular form our polioy shall bringing to an end the horrors y and securing the independence nd. ; sitions ranging from a simple pit of Cuban independence to 8 yt out declaration of war have 4 at the Capitsl, but there bs majority of Gen. Blanco and his under secretaries are in & ferment at Havana The news of United States’ pew demand on Bn was sent 16 the governor-general, with an intimation that Brain's or would not be such as to satisfy | ca and Hance could settle him- r the worst. He looks for hostil- | practically conceding ernment of Cuba” vious helen del. © A PLEA FOR PEACE. mid, who has been in Cubs for the ‘three weeks, has arrived in New from Weahington. afternoon he had a long talk mt McKinley in the pres t Secretary Adee and of the Cabipst. Dr. Kispech . President that the Cuban did t independence. To a New York peporter be uald: “1 gave the Prom ny views on the Cuban question Jd to him that there were 205- 4 as wha had no means pther than that given by left Cubs. . 1 told him that we had enough food se there to supply the resident this. and that there was way of avoiding It. My words to fdent were: “The pen that pa declaration of war signs the , warrant of 150.0% reconcentrad- also told him that the better people in Cuba were In favor omy—1hat they would consider bene a terribie calamity. demand for beef by the govern- may cause a rise In the price of war department notified Presi- [eKinley that all bf its plans are | matured and that 100.006 men can Frown on the seaboard within #8 ards, at Havana, and thousands are enlisting in the battalions prefer to fight with a great nation than th a smaller one, as they would . “die as heroes than live as treasury ha gold to the bank in order to provide for . eventualities, Sener Quesada, representing Quhan junta in Washington, said Mon- ys. i “The Cubans will : tice until their independence is : Aghting. ‘hen independ- gnized the Cubans will con- ige for settlement of cone tsland.” or declared, the news will be 80 station fa Hi. war than any book he has read deiphia, was Saturday yer with a penknife and i everything te the head of | finest vassals to be had i able fur the governm never consent to an | that time they will ¢ i i ¥ | | tain Tat wank cable message and $709 for another, Insurance Companies in Heston are 4 refusing to write “hombardment’ risks An unknown has given $320.00 to the University of Chicago as an Easter gift. The Mexican government Will prevent the Spaninrds ror raising an army there, MJ Coleman, a lineman, fell from the top of 8 Pittsburg building Monday and was Killed. : The Pingres corporation taxation bil passed the Michigan House with only theoe dissenting votes, A Run lias just been invented by Haden Mixis which will throw a ton of dynamite five miles The wife of Justice Brower of thn United Rates Supreme Court dled Sane day night. Eleven then wees pescued from the wrecked bark Bothnia by the 1a Bre tare which arrived at Now York a few Guys ago. Ranger FPallman who was rocantly married has decided to superintend the brecding of fine horses on a M0-acre rench in Colorado, Michigan's governor, Pingres, will ricammend to the legistaiure an spe propriation of $500.600 for arming the militia and volunteers, Americans have filed claims with the state department against Spain to the amount of §14800.000. This is demanded for Joss of property in Cuba. There is a clash between the Feder. al authorilies and the State board of health, which says that Cuban refugee cannot corse to Fiorida ports. The will of Charles B. Wright, former president if the Northern Pacifie rall- road company, left $50000 to Anna Wright seminary, at Tacoma, Wash The employes of the Ponbmah oot. ton milla of Taftvilte, Conn, went out on strike, to the number off LIM the other day. A 10 per cent rofuction in Wages was the cause. Chauncey M. Depew will shortly ree tral Railroad. He will then become chairman of the Board of Directors of ail the Vanderbilt roads Although the government cannot command them, vet it fs expected that all graduates of West [Foint wind Annapolis, who have resigned, will be ready to give their services in case of war. The steamship Mascotte arrived at Tampa Sunday afternoon from Havana bringing her fall capacity af pRsienE TS Capt. Hanlon says that Americans are paving Cubs as fast as the transports tion faciiities will permit. to grant Spain s Hmited tinve in which to pay for the Italian warships she has parchancd. It is amsertsd that the de parture of the Garibaidian volunteers {or Cuba will be unopposed. Special Commissioner Louis Klopseh wis on the steamer Mascotte from Havana for Tampa Wednesday He said: “Supplies have now reached $2 towns in Cuba, and have been distrib uted to 36.008 reconcentrados. Frank B. Leefs and Joseph N. Wall son, charged with participation in the wrecking of the Union Natiinal bank of New (nftenns, were both porte tad, f.eefe falsified the books, and Wolfson robbed the bank of over $106 M0, fddie Wein, aged 13. bus been ar- rested on R charge of murder in the first degre at Crown Point, iad Ha killed hiv playmate, John Van Witligan It ix charged that he boasted to play. mates that he shot Van Willigan pur a The provisions for the suflercrs In Cuba which have been at the naval sit Key West for over 1wo weeks, waiting for boats to take them to their destination wers turned aver to the Plant line, which will ship them to Havana, Albert . Barrington was found dead at his home in Prookiyh a few dayn Bo with peven knife wounds in his Mis wife and a boarder, Charles ware in the hogs injured by bullete. Wika Burns, psarder. is under xrraat fev. OL. Martin, of Anderson, =, body. FC.. has sent & card to the ketal papers calling for war with Spain. The Pine he says, has more about | for ia sige fle has tendered Rix services as chaplain an any American warship, The boalien of the victims of the Maine | expinaion which have not heen Pal over- od, numbering 35 or 74 are by this time probably completely disintegrate], but ArTAnES Rents can be meade with the Havana authorities that should any Bodies Rpjresr upon the surface they *1li be cared for and shipped north by Ward ins stesmers Samuel Henderson, the li-year-oid boy wha hips been on tris! far ths Mur der of Perey Lockyer, in West Phila. morning found guilty of taurder in the speomd degree Judge Autenrid deferred sentence for the present. Henderson stabbed Look bony 4i5to a creek Thren thousgnd Journeymen carpon. ters struck at Chicage Mosday morn. tng, About 20.08 men will probally bu fald oft om bultding, repkirs ofc, ax they oan not work unless the carpen- ters do. The strike (8 dae to the ree fusal of the purneymen lo agves that no work shall be done for bosses outs side of the Duildery’ association a ARNT TON LR TEN MORE SEIFS Naval Boird Purchases Auxiliary Cruisers at NewYisrk- Orders Carried Ost Quickly. Cirdors were received Monday from Assistant Recretary of the Navy Roose. volt hy the naval board at New York, which his been at work for three winks inspecting merchant Vessels tor an auxiliary fleet, to mslect for the gov- ernment ten of the finest and largest vessels tp be bad, fram 2080 to 16%, ten tons burden sach, to be mediately purchased as auxiiiary srgisers. This order was received early and it ame mediately set the naval hoard at work, as it han pot worked before. Hefors 5 aelock two vessels had been inspected, a conclusion had been reached as to the rempining «ight before the aflter- noon had passed. and at night a tele. | gram was forwarded to the seoretary toard the following vesssls: Yorktown, Jamestown and Prive Ans of the 04d Deaminien vaval board tasl? does nit eR gets from the owners thelr terms L far chartering or purchases and the ode It has onde whioh are TR pRETpRESes, gither ra ment in Washington to I OGRE OR § i Siam Must Fay. ¥ as arbitrator in the ed recently orders Blum to indemnity pay aad THO Ged Chea estate &n Tinited States Minister Barrett, and = suevesallul conclusion to effgris of four years’ duration. Spain paid $1,000 for one | . tire as president of the New York Cen- The govirnment of Italy has agreed | another | shrew his pUTrpeses ne bay any vessels 13 examives them in detall, | ag | pew mosguite tear $3 The award of Rir Niibholas Hannan, desigliated as auxs sede case, rendors | : ihe | his is a brithant victory for RUNDREDS DROWN. * Shawneetown, I1L, Completly Under Water ~ People Were Carried Away ay by an Awvalspehe cpm nn. SAPS A levas, built by the government, and regarded as safe broke at Shawnee. town, Iii, Sunday evening and bun dreds of Hyves were joel, Shawneetown 73 miles below Puansviiie, fad. on the Onin river, B fa altuated in a valley of extremely tow land with pills sKiriing It in the roar and with a foot levees in front rusning fram hill to Bill. The tewn very much in the position of a fortified eity, and when the jeveps gave way a mile above town under the pressure of 4 very high river the water shot through a 2-foot opening and struck the pines lie a hurricanes, sweeping evervihing before it Houses were turned and tossed about Hie haxer The people were not warned of the break. and for that reason sn many were caught. Those at home sought refuge in second stories and on house tops, Those (n the strests ware carried before the svalanche of waler, and probably a8 majority ware drowned, Citizens came from the place by akiffs to a telephons gaveral milew away and asked for aid from Evansville These said thar more than 00 people were drowned and they had reason to Believe (1 would reach 5090 or even 100) The water stands from twenty to thirty feet ail over the (Own, Shawnestown, Ili, has a population of ahout Toi inhabitants and it is sit uted on the west bank of the Ohio river. The streets were parallel with the slvr, the principal business street being but tes biocks distant from the water, The level of the river Is abont 15 fest above the city and the leves bank is about 3 feet thick. Situated an the hank and about level with the river ix the Riverside hotel a large folly story building. ballt by Henry Docker. This hotel is generaily docu- pied fully ail the year around = being not only a transient hostelry, but fam- iliew also reside there. It ix feared that the hotel has been washed away. Tuesday simost two score of bodies of victims of the Rhawnestown flood were recovered and hundrails of homeless people ars dependent upon charity for fore and shelter. The death list is likely to be largely increased when Aa finite information from the aedro QUAr- ter, which suffers mest, is secured. The fond burst upesn thess people with out warning, aml owing to the weak constructing of thelr shanties, they toppled over in the rush of water, leav. ing thelr Inmates ns means of getting out of danger Hundreds of people whe Hved farther from the river front sought safety on roofs and In upper stomion. of made a retreat to the hills at the west These were removed aw rapidly as possible, to places where they could Be plven proper ore No offort Rin vet heen mado to search for Poadion the attention of (he relief parties being directed most antirely 10 providisg supolise and making the bomelens As soantoriable as possible. The relied work i= wall srganizged, and the tents, Blankets and foods sent by the governor will be promptis distributed, Those Wha swrgped fost everything, and their Rowen drs In rain The lower portion of Carmi Hi, on the Wahush river, js #ntirely Powocdedd Tha water reaches hal? way to the see and stories of the houses The walter le jovel with the floor of the Iron road Brides. hat that raitroad heldge x still ties fest above AL one point on the fig Four. a mile perth of Carmi, the track ts Bayt ane foot above witer for 4 quar: ter of & mile : FOR WEARING THE GREEN. British Seaman Arrested Wust Not Do Boner to 8t Patrick. hers wax a seeps in the British Houme of commons Monday on the a krowiedgment by the first joni of the admiralty, Mr Goschen thal a seumaan helonging to the ritish first-class bat- thenhip Resolution had been mer aneeed th a fortnight's oonfloement in a pel] snd to be deprived of Bis good condust nadge for wearing the shamroek on Bt Patrick's day in dcbedience to driers Me (mchen pEpained (hat it matter of Alscipiine, whereupon Wit Fant Clare, hotly replivd, and was saited to order By the speaker, W ow Jee wis A 3 : 2 rants ox coffes would bring in a large Ham Redmond, Parpellite member for | ToVRUS possibly $35,000.00 to $0.0. - EE a year Lweantid pot resait in materially increas. | iP cafes, i SPAIN’S NAVAL STRENGTH. About a undred Vessels Could be Pressed Inte Service An interesting compilation of the na va! strength avaliable by Spain in case af war has been bweuet by Colonel Wagner, chief of the military informe office of the war department. the total number of ships vessels ay may be impress ied by Spain, 10 be pilation, bowsyer, dose pot Aaget defense vessels proper, number of mall special ora od by the Spanish government in Cue han waters under special circumstance. oR The ¢ include nor A YP 1 gregate tonnage of over L000 all of which except three have a speed of 3 Knots or more. ‘There are 38 ships. which include cryyissrs ganboats torpeds gunboats, sey, dhapatch vessels and sinops of war All except olghtl of these are of jouw than 1.000 tong About two-thirds are of jess than 1.I08 tons None of the towns or threes which have a stight duck protection, Thirteen of them bave a speed above 18 knots There are three gun vessels pnd four gunboats designed for services in Cus ban waters,” They are of light ton. nage and armament. small stesl gunboats for service In Cuba, carrying each one mx-pounder Maxim-Nordenfeldt rapld-fire and one matic gun In the torpedo BOA fo strover clase thers are six voasels with a speed of JR-Knuots or over, There are 18 torpedn boats of ight tonnage and a speed mnging from 8 to 25 i-2 knots Por hour, fol. 1.000 The ships building include the jowing: Hattieship. unnamed, tons designed tn make 15 knots] an ar- maored crofser. unnamed, 18.500 tons a1 Knots: two protectsd cruisers, the Fei. na Reponte, of 2573 tons, and the Rin d¢ In Plata, of 1.775 tons each of 0 knots: the armored cruiser Pedro peda gunboat Velos, 0 tans, of kris speed. and torpedo gunboats, the number of which is not given. Thirteen vessels of the Compania Transatiantica. of Cadiz are desigfa- ted am being avallable for arming as cruisers. They average from 31084 to 8 49% gross tons cach, and have a sped of from 12 1-2 to 17 knots WILL PAY ALL DEBTS phis Amount to 81.550 843. Bank Commissioner day gave out a statement showing the time ita delphia at the of the bank are FLAGS SIG with assets of losses which are set down as FLOW - 640. Richard F. Leper and the Guamn- tors’ Finance Company, of which Loper i the general Manager. BpLEAT AX debtors to the $91 450-26 00 an call loans deafis carried ax cash. These tems are clnemed in the statensent sdaubtful One tem of Indebledness includes missiog New Jersey Consnils Anted Traction 3 per cent bonds to the value of SILA8 Besides these missing ihe Guarantors Fiance amount to early Ph O60 President MeManes of the People's hank said: “The depositors wilt roe crive dollar for dollar” He pledged himself to make good the entire In- Aohrodrens of the institution beyond the Hability of the stackhoidor,, NAB 1 ENA ANE WAR REVENUE Imposed. Secretary Gage Dingley, of Maine chairman Hogae wavs aml means were summoned by the President the ather day. Thaler discussion was rela. tive to the National finances and 10 measures needed to put the treasury on & war footing There (8 reason fur the heilef tHat & War revenue meksuce Nas been upder consideration. Treasury pxpeTis say that the naroaxe of the hissy tax from BT to BB per barrel would af the ia small 5 0G M0 a year The guestion of aying intertial revange 14x on anit enfes ba diss ander consideration It iw thought that & fax of something {lesw than Ie a pound on tea and about claret that Bis conduct was grosy sii | srderty. Mr Redmond said that at the rial of being grossly disorderiy, he must denounce ar an sutrage the sone This tax, it ix thought, ing the price of either tea exeant possibly in the beginning The Cepmbdned revenies frat beer. (es fined | enaffoe tencing of A sailor to a fortaight's im | nats priscament for wearing (he shamrock. | The speaker hen calisd upon Mr © Bedrmond to withdraw: but he diy ant i lenve his sest until the arms advanced, afMecr agt of the Bouse, repealing: "I {2 an outrage” morgeant ct. THE COMING CONFLICT. Farts to buy mors warships still enn linge. from Spain a fete days ago. The Spanish torpeiln osetia at Ports Rice fast Saturday Party submarise mines were planted in Havana harbor ast winx. Incandescent lectirie lights will By week arders of the of the Maine government Bus been { danmi, The naval reserves of New Hroakivn have le nordersd for duty. The New York legislature kill appropriating #000000 for The pope hae in vain appenied tervention The feet at Key West has been notl- | | Bed to be ready for action at a mo- | ments fnetice, The United States has purchased the | | cruiser Diogenes from the Thames Iron i § ee & isryity : of the BAvY naming as the choice of the | Works at Lendun. r Kansas : City of the Savannah lne Caracas and | Venipusln of the Rod D Gre, El Hin li | Bod, Ei Bel and EY Nerte of the Morgan | I lng: ¥irom a performance in Madrid last Thursday. Prayers for the sugecess of Soan aves wine offers in all the hurg ehurches at Madoid last sunday English workmen cheered when 31% Haw Was Basia of an 8 cruiser br 1 ER | cg wrote pa 18 meat Spdon CLs ACH wtihoadl Ulm cadets Troon Anns Ey. have been gant customary formal. 5, ilcers have been | fa nd va hts, whieh are affiels Harry 343 Munday the 2 1.006 yards of gun sacking. It mails into sacks. which will be 438 with sapd and used 3s ext armor fay the lowa, which is expected to stand #rmanent | the brunt of the fight, it im thought. wauld $70 O00 MW) 4 YEAR, $0 Os Wn, Navy Orders Meat 24 RPraXis SSH The the government far $0 {angen (about 960 0% pounds) of canned i i £ i der, § ¥ arrived : meal to be shipped to New York finan Hapnnend, Ind. withaar delay. The srder was roost unexpectad, tHe af Rotate specifying that the immense ore which will amount to thirty car. leads must be shipped & son as pos About Te troops arrived at Havana in Is by special fam ight § Wot Very Complimentary. The Spanish ambassaber at Vienna denies that the United States has pres | sented : Brain be | aed fir aight signals by the war ships. | the | aban- | £ mares York and | jards are born soldiers of gneonguera- to peport | bie toughness r ; | pecurding to the Spanish ambassador, pagasd a wr ta} France, Austria and Germany for ine the Interest | of Spain's navy FIL MR was readin at | og ish | the tha iE fant ghot, Tat flight fiw mutha Br aitioatam fio mays wii! pot fire the [rst that if war ocours she will years and to the Bitter end. American while the wiriied and gor, paraiyee industry Span- Phe American navy, congiste of mercenaries whi are not used to war” A on est CAPITAL GLEANINGS Socretary Sherman entertained the day The course of Mo oKinley has Desn ene : of i dorwed Dy the New York Hoard Trade. ta the senate Wednesiay a bil was introddueed 10 authorize tae tion of a8 cowboy regiment, [ecritary Sheeran may soon rere ean the cabinet If is said thet sffice will be offered to EX-Prasdent if Harris;n, ve PRovnix powder mila Va. fur Lowy saarviasl operation oan a fo coiatract from tae fatariinent of Wenlioga years have dmrge powder vernment tif ‘ wis wt was inf sptifinnt redopilon Was sain Sigaboo of the wreekel dp rurday President wens among the guests. He sald 0 was & great hoor to meet the captuin Prestilont MoKintey is closely yuard- el by detectives, and when he takes his { dally drives late in the afternoon his | gurras= ia followed by armed oficers, Un Ya ¥ 5 ant da tion division of the adiutant general's | It shows | including | those pow building and such merchant | A into sors fiw employ. | Thera are 11 armersd ships of an ng- | arulsing | proper, gun ves. crulsingg ships have any armor except | They are also 18 | one-pounder Maxim. Nordenfeldt auto- | Ad' Aragon, £840 tons, 20 knots! the tor- | Liabilities of the People’s Bank of Philadel: | Gllkeson Tues- | aan Chins Now Has Not Even & Port in Which | pix condition of the People's bank of Phila- | gaors Were ! closed on Marsh 35 The total labiiiiies | amounting to 3539.58 In the statement | bank to the extent of | abot $90.00 on bills discounted and LI on | famed as securities, the loans made to Looper snd | Company | A Tax on Beer, Coffee ound Toa Likely to be and Representative : committees, resit in a gain of approximately Ma. lea and possibly Hammond packing coms | os i nany of Chiongs has received an or- when he follows at | RED! | vi fap paved that | der from war, continues the Spanish anbiasa- Et. Spanish minister at dinner fast Hatur- | AERA San the | 3 Maine! MeKiniev PRR eT GERMANY APPROVES. £ hla | She Herself Has a Grievance Against Spain for Which Satisfaction Will Soon be Demanded a id wan : The sentiment in Germany, In of- ficial and unofficial circles mst weed, was that the Hispano American orivis a8 veered considerably during the sures of the week, und is now decid. (edly more favorable fe the United | States. This, it is asserted. is partly | Aus to the moderation of President Ma | Kinley and the conservative manner in { which the United States minister, Geil eral Stewart 1. Woodford, bas dealt with the authorities in Madrid, and | partly to the bitterness engenderad by the alleged wanton attack of a band of Uinsurgents upon the German sugar St i finery atl Cannamabs. in the Trinidad Alstrict of the province of Santa Clare, Cuba, and the murdar of four persons | connectsd with the refinery on March (18, which Bar taught Germany thst {Spain i unable to protect even the lives of forelyners in Cubs. The Ger. {man foreign office is demanding im- ! rage, and a German warship will soon | be sent to Havana if satisfaction is nt | tortheoming in short order. The Span- wh arnbassador here, Senor Mendes de | Vigo, has had lengthy conferences with | Baron von Huslow, the (Jerman minis | ter for foreign affairs, who convineed | the ambassador that Germany intemi- Led to have completes satisfaction, n- | pluding an indemnity {or the properly | destroyed and for the lives taken | The ambassador was also informed | that unless the redress was forthooen- i ing; Germany would herself act, secure Samages and punish the offenders. As | an incentive to quick reparation, Baron ' von Buelow added that provisional or- | ders had been cabled to the command. ler of the German wiurship Geler to all {in the direction of Coba. The Spanish | ambassador promise] that he would | exert himself 10 the utmost to comily | with the German demands. The news. | PADers are als changing thelr ae i and now concede in the main the jus- {tice of the American demands, e- | krowledging that Washington has sete led with the modenstion which many | {another government would not have | | shown under similar clrcumstances, i Laan § A LI HUNG'S READ WANTED. i to Anchor Her Warships. ft i» announced that a person of the highest rank has memorialized the am- [ peror af China in the most vigorous mnguage, secusing the whole Teun | Li-Yamen (Chiness foreign offiea)y of Dpelpge in the pay of Rossin, He assaris that Russia expended 10 00,008 tacly in { pribery during the recent negotiations regarding the cession of Port Arthur and Ta-Lisn-Wan, otc, and claims that Li Chung Chang's share was 1.- ah ont taeln. Thereupon the personage | peferred to demands a full investigs- | tion and asks that Li Hung Chang ba | neheaded if the accisations are proven, the memotialiger affering to be axe punted himself If Bis charges arg ant Co sustained i The Chinese complain bitterly of the Fact that they do not possess & war port tor the five warships which are being built for them abroad, aml which are due ts arrive in Chiness walels this summer. Unless Wat-Hal- Wal, oien- pled hy the Japanese svaruaied, which ts doubtful, the Chinese have no | places in which to receive their new | warships. SH BIAS CABLE sP The guards at the United Htntvs lo gation at Madrid have been doubled. Poor China. It ix now sald that Great Eritain has taken possession of fh we nnd of Chusan Hnanish Newspapers Have areal fd publish nothing mgarding the move {ments of the navy The Conservative nowspapers in: England are demanding the rétivement af Lord Salisbury as premise All Europe is niw satisfied that way between Spain and the United States assured, Much refiyet x ex pronsed. She Austria. Huysgary government intends to ask for 4, 008000 to oR a | faring to norease the Austrian navy. © The pulile of Hpain is at present | more interested in a coming bull feb and lottery than in the fr pending war, The Austro- Hungary government is reing arged to retaliate agaipst th nited States Deciomes of her prohibit. fve tart? Engin royaity reception shook hands with United States minister Fay, They aisty bowed fry the Spanish representative & By u Lak other dry &t i A eartior pigeon boarded the Brinisis stesiner Challerton Dearing Wo mess sagen telling of assbstance rondered 19 an English sailing vessad and oo the fothaia by the La Bretagne, 12 ts said the board of agriculture will take steps to prevent the landing in England of a consignment af Ameri- can applies which has heen refused ad- minston into Germany because the frat iw atlesed to be Hoe infect Tr im annotineed in London that Eis Paar Maro Aven, Suuphter of the Ge tehrated German Socialist ender, Kat! Marx, has computed aritedde By tak- ing prassic acid whe visited the Uni el Staten with her Husband, oallege professer and writer on sociaiisng, geyeral YHRTE Ag0 ol a lecfiire tour A dispateh trem Hong Kong says The rising of the Colinas in Zambales | has been subdued The troops Ritld thousands of Indians iscluding Bune dreds off women and shildren, A rebel meeting in Manila was surprised ly Ceivil guards, who kitled 11 in the house Cand tock 8 prisoners All Ihe prisog- srw were shot the same day without tin. #ix of the guardsmen ware [woanmied and two kitted, The alarm has subsided. Preparing to lavade Texas. Through information furnished hy Sheriff Haynes the Mexican autho | tien have Arrested the leaders af =a | #pamish uprising. The Spaniards wer preparing to make a raid nth Texas iy coms of hostilities between the Unit- | ad States and Spain. The arganization consists of pearty Hx men, and it ix said they are well wrmed and mou tivl, Carriaso was selected as the place toy esmmienee aporalions A oouner of the leader has bhesn pupiured hy Mexican trons bearing letters and other evi defo, For Harbor Defe The Henatse compunities on naval ar faire Baturday decided to racapimenad an wmendment in the naval apprapria- van Bill striking out the provision for battleships and substituting for it thes Rarhar defionss vessels, if the geeretsry of the navy should concur in the whdom of this course The opinion i was genernily expressed that three ! ight vessein could be batlt at no graat- {pp expense chan one battleship. snd that they could be built in time for use in case of a war with Spain. three mediate and full redress for this out- } | Mesaba mines the purchases ~ TRADE REVIEW. REMC A oe Business Continues Brisk and fs Not AGectell by War Rumors ’ G Dunn & Co's weekly trade reports as follows: In spite of foreign conditions since the destruction of the Maine February 15, fatiures in three months are smaller han in the first quarter of any year tines 1888: the ratio of ted Hablle ities to payments through clearing houses has been the smallest for that quarter since 1581; the average of Ha bilities per firm in business hus been the smallest since 1580, and the average of Hubitities per fallure has been lower than ever before in any quarter. It expecially significant that the failures fur less than $H00000 without material derrease in number, were 3 per cent emailer than last year in manufactur ing, and HM per cent smaller in The war cloud, which, many have in- ferred, must have greatly increased sommercial disasters, does not appear to have any such effect as yet, while there (8 some decline in the nets orders for industries, nearly all live works are coversd so far ahead that the difference is not feit Rates for money have advanced, and the § per cent, which used to be the ruling rate in active times, again prevails, which compels many specglators to But the imports of gold go far to pres vent any real anxiety. Moreover, ale though part of the hypothecated ex- change on Burope has been sold and it thers is known 10 | The outgo of breadstuffa continue, Atlantic exports being 2.516.220 bushels, flour included, for the SIRS. 7TH lust year and Pacific © | 542,147 bushels, against 135.207 last year, and for the past five weeks from both coasts the exports have been bushels against S226 last yearn Meanwhile corn exports have been for the week, 1.767.029 bushels, agninst 4% M1611 last year. All the speculative movements at the West have been less influsntial than this heavy and oof ‘tinusd buving of grain and western re= eeipts begin to fall off as if supplies were no longer unlimited. Wheat has declined stightly, hut corn has sdvane- ad 4 cent for the week, and no one imagines that foreign troubles ob check the outgo. The iron and steel market shows ne Aocreass, for fu em-~ ployed and some addi The pat ducers, while without ; of ore at Clovolund were over a miflion tons for the week. Billets are still scarce and sheet bars in demand, though wire rods are lower, and wire nails are weaker in spite of the Imperfect combination of makers Other prices for manufee~ tured products are unchanged als though rails are a shade « a Russian order pending for 5.000 to complete the Pacific railway, and plates are in very heavy demand, 4.00 tons for cars and $000 tons for other use at Pittsburg, with 10.008 tons more sriginating at Chicago, and structural ardere cover 4.200 tons for buildings at ihe East, with 1.000 mare at Pittsburg, and many at Chicago Pailisres for the week have been 20 in the United States sgainst M0 last year, and 7 in Cansda against 42 last VERY, stronger with tons I A SAA ST SAS A Not Cash Balance of $396.106,043 in the Treasury. The statement of the public debt ise sited Saturday shows that the debt at the close of business March 31, ona cash in the treaury, was SLO TILL a decrenwe fur the month of $1,387 365, The debt is recapitoiated as follows: tutorest-hearing debt, $547 368 8%; debt a1 which interest has ceased sines ma- turity. $1.22T.070; debt hearing no inters ost. 3358 9RBONE making a total of $l.- #25 G6 419. This, however, does not in clgde $555 252933 in certificates and treasury notes outstanding, whith are offest by an squall amount of cash in the regasary. The cash in the treasury in slaenified ax follows: Gold, SXI0.%RIE silver, $LULARI5; paper, $57 N18 228 disbursing officers’ balances, ete, $i 244.074 making a total of $503. 7O8 468, agning which there are demand Habils ities setzanding amaunting to IT 88. LEE leaving a pet cash balance of 28, 1 0 wo The Waiting Policy of the President De- sensed in Texus A non-partisan mass-mesting was Rabid at the sourthouss in Ki Pasa, Tex, the other night to demand that the presfdent shall at pramptiy in driving the [paniards from Cuba and in avenge. {ng the blowing up of he Maine Ex- citement ran high and Mark Hanna's name was grevted with hisses. Hesoe- ations were passed favoring immediate setion and pledging the support of this community to the government. Rueeths prs Were made hy leading lawyers and sitigons degouncing the present waite ing polio of Prostdent steKinley., The meeting clos] with three cheers and & tiger for Consul Get Cannot Rely on Spain's Honor. The state department a Tew days cabled to the United States consuls in Cuba to repalr 4 apes 0 Havana and bi prepares 0 save there at 3 Mb- ment's notice, Consul General Lew has heen cabled to the same effect. in view of the Spanish character some trench sronis Blow to these men is frared after Congress takes action. Under the rules of civilized warfare representatives of a hostile country are permitted to leave the territory of the snemy without mos temtation. Spain, however, is not much af a stickier for international Custom, if the killing of anybody (x regarded as fullvious. One Hundred Boats. Pregident MeKintey will probably invest $7.080.088 in the construction of 106 torpedo boats and destroyers should thers be any evidence of a fallure of the pases negotiations now in progress, A naval bossd has ponsidersd the mat- ror and recommended that 0 destroys vrs and 30 terpedn boxe should he baile. The vessels will all be of high speed, and must be completed within wi days It is the belief that thers will he no trouble i placing the contracts for the speedy construction of thosa hoats should it be dremed DECESeary. Another Cruiser fieutenant Commander Colwell, United States naval attache at London, purchased from the Thames iron works for his governmoeni a oraiser af 1.508 tons displacement, and capable of & speed of 16 knots. he vessel carries six 47-inch guns and 19 smaller ones. she is fitted with Iwin screws on the cruiser, and had already abtained a crew. The vessel will go tq sea within three days > 938%
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