uilding Periods. teresting article on "An- ul Modsen Highways,” by C. file, in the New England Ms- the writer divides the history ug, as affected by varions 0 three periods: One, Dur- reign of the Egyptian and Ae- Kings; two, Beginnivg with the Carthage, and continuing | the rise and fallof the Roman sted by Tressguet;” then by y and Telford in England, af rds on the Continent, and now in | 1 | value of horses oY or ny a S404.8T106. ne Over good furnished by C. E. d the roads were in Ken- 1 997.50 for onr bad roads 1) Is Mr. Cole- figured from the statistical “1 bave United States for 1803 abstract of the that onr principal crops of corn, wheat, pot {to 1,265,788 tons of 2000 pounds toes and tobasco amount each. I omit all other products, such as lum! er, minerals and other sfrops, crops which may be consumed at home, and taking 2000 nds as an average load snd ten miles as the av- miles, which at twenty-five cents per ten mile, wents $3 104,450 as the total enst hanling all prodoets fo the railroad or market. Now if un- der the proposed condition of good highways the average load can be in- ereased to even 4000 pounds then we are again paying each year $1,582,- Bat if we ean haul the load of 4000 pounds then we affect a saving in cost of $512,891, and that amount must be charged to the secount of bad roads. “Then taking the sssessed valne of all vehicles in the State at $3,061,783, and estimating snnual depreciation under present conditions st 10 per “And, final ide mules st $13,405, tion of stock to an extent cent, of Then we up the sunual cost of bad con reduce ‘may sum { roads in Virginia as follows: To Interest on depreciation cy eiens ioe 81,598 A080 63 As3.207 5 614.091 00 151,588 90 ADA RTT WN Chnrgeable to bad roads a. $4.375.463 9 " Ar aRaws EEmentarsesNgw United States to 845, and figuring on that basis for the State of Virginia we ‘would have 200,567 horses at $15, or $4,358,505, as the cost of bad roads, { I am now convinced that they are per n for the lead it has taken in it is not sar- periments in the practicability seport of the Commissioner of shows that this work is making ‘which city folk go into the coun- by the New Jersey Road ir. Ho shows that the » bushel of whoat carted to jist thers are no delinquents, and there can be no evasion of puyment.” triking Sgures bearing upon | ft tion have bees | Ey zh. reasonable. | “If my reasoning on this subjeot of the cost of head romds is correct, we} are losing in this State 811,713.60 for seach day in the year, or $1.58 per an. nam for each unit in the population. If we had the nse of the money charge- | {able to bad reads we could construct 1710 miles of the best class of maoad. am rosds each ywsr, aod in fifteen years our rosd systems would be on plane with that of France. : “Acoordingllo these figures onr bad roads are costing us $2 47H 018.07, more than the total tax collected in this Ntate, which, in 1893, only amount. | od to 81.996.545.02. [This invisible but insidious tax is nove the leas fatal our Frovpny because it is not ered by the tax collector. On its No man who has reflected apon the subject, belioves these fignres are ex- aggerated. The cost in Virginia is proportionally as great in Kentueky, thoagh we have many times more good roads. Bus the whole State should have itshighwaysimproved. It would cost money, bat it would cost indefl- nitely less than the present wretched system of highways in most of the counties. Besides, it would add im. measurably to the charms and attrac. tiveness of rural life, would cheek the drift of population to the cities, and would elevate the farming class in the social and pseaniary seale aa nothing else can. — Louisville Courier-Journal, | : How to Step Coughing. The following is from a doctor enn. neeted with an institution where there are many children: “There is nuth- ing more irritable to a cough thao a For some time | had been so for five miles is! fally sssared of this that [ determined, lent to the cost of 600 miles of | The most expensive y of wheat from the greater | draw a long breath and for ope minnte at least, to lessen the samber of econghs head in a certain {ward in a hospital of the jastitation. By the promise of rewards and pun- | ishaents 1 succeeded them to sitaply bold their breath when in induciog tempted to congh, and in a liftle while I was myself surprised to see bow some of the children entirely recoverad from the disears. Constant evaghing lis precisely like scratohing s wound on the outside of the body, So long as it is done the wound will not heal. Let a person when tempted to cough d it until it | warms and soothes every air cell, and from this process. some benefit will soon be received The nitrogen | which is thus refized acts as azn ano ded in hauling over even macadam road. New Jersey report should y interesting and instructive read- the people's representatives at! in yiew of the needed advance tor of good roads in this the introdnetion of the aw , Heoate and Assembly. — dyne to the mucnous membrane, al- laying the desire to cough and giving the throst and luags a chance to heel. At the same time a suitable medicine | will aid natare in her effort to recuper- ate, "—New York Ledger. Must Bloom ss Advertiomd. Orchids must bloom as they are ad- vertised to, the English Court of Ap- peals has decided A man who bought a bulb for $100, which he was told would produce = white tiower, and after enltivating it for two years obtained a purple blossom, has re- covered $250 and costs from the vea- dor. New York San. Set we AG Sai Brought Their Own Table Toom. Before the Bevolntion in France it hi NA Sel | was customary, whens gentleman was invited to dinner, for him to send his { servant with his knife, fork and spoon; jor, if as an offset against that part of the erage haul would give 12,657,820 ten. , taking the assessed he head no servant, he earried pleted in Jerusalem at u cost of $200,~ 000. The fashionable quarter of Sidney, same of Woolloommoolloo, pire. The Chinese dictionary, rary history. Mrs, Willard Brown, of West Ken- pebunk, Me., opened a can of pumpkin ald. right. There is an It was sweet aud apparently all 000 square miles. Tt tnnd, and is filled with lakes, and canals, An ingenious hatter of Paris con- structed a house of felt made out of 24,000 old hats. This house consist ponds room; also a kitchen, ily service ever sinon field, Mass, , a great-grandson, of them annually. Among the Arabs the expression | “to have 8 ring in one's ears’ is syn. # with “to be a slave,” and to | the present day an Arab who has been | conquered by another places a ring on throngh his ear as a token, eral in Rome and the jewels wera #0 heavy that thare were professionals kuown as earhealors, who tended the ears of ladies who bad tora or injured | the lobes with the weight of the peod- | A single stone 11% feet long, ten | feet square st one end and four feet | square at the other hus been success at Henghton Point, Wis. It is sup posed to be the longest monolith ever quarried. Chinesa brides, whea patling on | their bridal garments ou the eveatful morning, stand in round, shallow bas | their lengthy toilets, | insare them | placid and well-rounded lives iu their | kets during This is supposed to new homes, wicked colorad boy, of Louisville, has has decided to spend the rest of it pumerary keeper. of the Pharaohs gave a feast his guests arrived at midday in chariots and pa- janquins; were met at the door by slaves, their bands and feet washed in perfamed water i golden vossels, aud their heads apointed with owt ment, oo Ancient Varisties of Dosw. According to D. G. Brinton, In mal sean to have been the dog. In the Swiss Society of Natural History, last yoar, Professor Sinder read a per on ancient Enropean dogs. The the dog. It belongs to period, in that of the lake dwellings. Direct descendants of these are the German hanting bounds, the shepherd dog and the poodia. In Americas there In the far north the Eskimo dog was to the Red Race. The dogs of Mexico ceremonial suerifices, In Pern there were several varieties under domesti- distingnished. sacred or mythical animal in the faction, bat with dislike and aversion, Tschudi, hn ol Moase of Cammone Co dunn, the matter of dress every session, Hinge the advent of Mr. Keir Hardie dress, assembly in Earope, Conservative benches, where the old custom of frock coat and silk hat 1s in say other part of the House, generation have compromised with morning cost. The erush hat has not invaded the Conservative side of tim House, though Mr. Joha Barns's ex- smple has done mach to popularize it on the Irish benches and among the Liberal Laber members. In the House of Lords the members have not got be- youd ties of a revolutionary rad, though the other day no less a person than the Duke of Devoushire erossed Parliament square in a shoekmgly bad bowler hat; bat he did uot appear ia the Hoanse of Lords with it. —Loudaa Telegraph. RA SAAN 450 isan Spenilest Race of Hamans, The smallest ras of people in the world inhabit the Andaman [slands, They have an average weight of sev. enty pounds, and are under four feet ia height, A new German church lias been cote | New South Wales, bears the beautiful | The carrier pigeon was in use by | the State Department of the Ottoman | Empire as carly as the fourteenth em- | sompiled | by Pa-cut-she, 1100 years B.C, is the | most ancient of any resorded in lite- | recently that was twenty-two Years immense garden in China that embraces an area of 5O0,- i all mesdow | od of a parlor, dining-room and bed- | | peror of China lias in his trouble is A sleigh made by Colonel David | Moseley in 1776 has been in the fam- | It is now | owned by Edward Moseley, of West- | It is stated on German authority | that ihe astounding number of 2,000,- | 000 glass eyes are made every year in | Germany snd Switzerland, while one French houses manufactures 300,000 The wearing of earrings was so gen- fally cut from the sandstone quarries “Possum” Washington, a one-time | reformed, but he has spent so much of his life in the county jul that he there, and he has besu made a super- | When a great nobleman of the time Seience, the first domesticated mame oldest variety was the so-called peat | neolithic | There were four other varie- | ties known in the bronze period and | ia little evidenca | that any dog was trained for bunting. | a beast of dranght, the oulyone known | and Central America seem to have | been principally raised for food or eation, two of which have been clearly It is noteworthy that, although in | many American tribes the dog was a legends, lie was net regarded with of i a fact strongly bromght out by Ven Parlisuent gets giora demoeratan in; with his workman mit snd cloth cap there has been a distinet lowering of | the House of Commovrs standard of | It is no longer the hest dressed | The short coat | is becoming quite common among members and has even invaded the | being retained move tenaciously than | Lord | Balearres invariably wesrs a short | jncket, sad all the younger men of his | a | A What is a gentleman? Is it not one sowing instinctively what he shonld shun, fpeaking no word that can injure or pain, Spreading no scandal and deepening no stain? X {| One who knows how to pot each at his | Brriving instinetively always to please? One who can tell by a gisnes st your sheak When to bes silent and when he should speak? [What fea gentleman? Is it not ona Honestly eating the bread he has won Living uprightly, fearing bis God, | Leaving oo stain on the path he hax trod, ; Caring not whether his cont may be old, | Prizing sincerity far abuye grid, Beeking nit whether bis band may bo | 7 ] ; | spon analysis have proven to be olegs © i hard, | Btretehing 18 boldly to rasp its rowari? . What {= a gentleman? Hay is it birth Makas 5 man noble or adds to his worth? | 1s thers a family tres to be hid | Beek ont the man who has God Tor his ide i Ba hs noble or be he in trades, This is the gentleman sature bas made, i «Young Fulka i so RIAA : PITH AND POINT. About the only consolation the Em that he didn’t barrow it — Puck. Young physician {excitedly ‘How did you learn about me?” Rang all the bells nil I found one _ at home." —Truoth. Dumleigh- ‘Yes, I saw the play Inst night; bat, I don’t know fact is, | T hardly know what to think of it.” boy. You haven't sean the morning | paper yet.” — Boston Transeript. She" "What can there ba worse than thinking one is loved and find ing too iste thet one is not?” “Yr.well thinking that one is in love and fluading otherwise too late, for instance. Indianapolis Journal, before Be ficishes, dear.” Hus band—*'1 don’t mind that so much.” “Then why do you hesitate? thinking of the four years after he gets : throagh,"” Life. Passenger (on ocean steswer)— : serve as good fare now as you asad Ww have on this vessel ' Steward. *‘No | gir. Everybody eating. Nobody ses sick. Have to keep expenses down, | sir." ~~Chieago Tribune. Mary has a Billy goat, its tail sort of bent, and everywhere that Mary goes the lmmb is sure te went He followed her to school one day, which made her hot as fire, for Mary had ridden on her wheel, and Billy ste | the tire..— Oil City Blizzard. “Don't say good-bye forever,” she ‘ plended. There was roason in her re« quest. He had been nearly ball an bour st it already, so her suspicions : thet the Process might projet into the boundless regions of eternity were well founded. —Iudiavapolis Journal, (MW covrse,” said the mild manver ad man to the farmer, “i you iosist that those egress [ bonght last from you wers new laid, thera is nothing more to be said on that paint. Bat are yon sara that the hen basn'ttaken ap with the rage for the antique.” Tadianap- | olis Journal, | The member from the Twentieth | ward arose to his dignity sud struck | an attitade. “Gentlemen,” he sx claimed, I have been offered S00 ty vote for this franchise.” “‘Lireat daott! How mueh more do vou want?’ salled out a voice from the lobby, | Columbngs Joursal. “Phie ” sald the bystander, "must be the proudest moment of your hfe. - CoN” sadly answered thie owner of the winging horse, ‘It was a great | race aud I've won » fortane, but {rom i gow on, I see that I shall be Xnowy | ouly as ownar of the horse that wou Lit =New York Journal “What an asfal liar Whopper is | getting to be," said Blowfly. “Batl don’t mind telling you that he can’t ' deceive me. ll call his bint Bat what have you got your Head in hundes ages for?’ “Why replied Hinders, | with “sadness, “1 called Whoepper's bluff last night." — Philadelphia Norta American. Matriwouial Exports. In the early days of Virginia, when the adventurers wera mostly auaiare ried men, it was destied Decesnary to export such wiamnen as could ba pre vatled upon to leave Fogland as wives for the planters. A letter acompany. ing one of the matrimonial ships, dated London, August 13, 1621, says: “Wa send youn in the ship, one widow aud eleven maids, as wives for | the people of Virginia; there hath been enpeciai cars taken in the choos of them, for there batik not one of them heen received hut apon good recomiendations, Thera are fifty mors that ars ready to go. For the reimbursing of charges, it is ardored | that every man that marries them give | one hundred pounds of best leal We | baceo for each of them.” SAAR 1 Handkerchiefs by the Million, It has been estimated that in order to sappiy the demand in the trade for handkerchiefs 350,000,000 are always { kept in stock in New York City alone, | As something like seventy-five thous sand are needed fur the daily outpual, it will be readily seen that miibioas yearly can easily be disposed of, The quantity maaafactured in Amenea is small; inportations are largest from France, Belgium, Switzeriaad and Ireland, while the punges and silk handkerchiefs come from Japan Tu the most part, seventeen miaom di 4 pighteen million being exported to tiie country alone. Haonse Hail of OL Has, An ingenivns hatter of Paria con stracted a house of felt wade cat of 24,000 old hats. This house consist ed of parlor, dining room sul bel room; also a kitchen. oa } Nothing to blush for and nothing to bide; | Wile “If Will goss to college, you | ' will have to support him for four “yl was } “Sreward, it seems to we you don't npreading enough to conceal what is bad? | Plast 8 i Erie, $8: Samuel | burg, $6; John Plekering, Titusville, $6; | William M. Thompaon, Saxonbure. ®; | Richard A. Rice Eldred, MoKean. $8 10 io Lyin PD Bomerset, $12 Messenger 3 Synnex-—*'Of course not, my dear Jeffernon, 6 DISOBEY THE LAW. I Oleomargarine Deslers Numerous in the | Pittsburg Distriet. SAAN me HN. James Terry, agent of the dalry and || fod department for the Plitsbarg dis tet, has made a report to Commis sioner Levi Wells, He says thers is probably no district in the state where the law regarding the sale of margarine ia so openly and defiantly vicated, He has secured more than 409 samples, & large proportion of which, raRTERrine Many of these samples were ohitgined from small dealers who | disappeared on sull being brought. He says the dealers in oleomargarine in Pittaburg district have behind them nen of wealth and influence who make ie dient for the agent to enforce the ioaw The folowing penwdons were granted week: Lewis Bawls, Matthew Willinms, Pittsburg, B25 George 8. Richardson, 2. Bossier, $%: lirieh Sehlandricker, Evie, BW $15: Jokn Scheafnocker, Mendville, 38 Lo Williams FP. Blair, to $24 Minnie Washington. $5: W. Ward, burg, Canter, 35. James FP. Howden, ravi Hopfer lLamber City, Cle field. $e John Bush, Ore Hil Kisven Phillipe. man, Pittsburg, 36; Joseph Hustner, Clarion, 38. Abesdnegn Oceanis Mills, $8 ty 35: George Yonkers, DEik City, $2; William Hamma, Green ek, Allegheny H ¢ Pittsburg. 96 1e-~ | Bellefonte | Deckers Point, Indiana. 3B. Ostharioe Francis J. Moore, #10: George Myers, $i Rarah Eider, 10 on Behe, Lilly, 8; Knights Gree, Pragality, Cambria, 3. Char lotte Masser, Eilleottavilie, Fayetie $8; Annis BF Pittsburg, $3: FA. Lauer, Soldiers Kome. Erie, $17 Morris Bmith, Eutaw, Washington, $8: Joseph Brown, Wash. ington, 38: Jonas Brown, Johnsburg, Romerset. $$: William Fell, RBianeo, Armstrong, $6: Newton Heal Clear fistd. B®: Wiltiam Jackson, Uniontown, $8: Ciabriel Barnhart Mp Chestnut, 38 to $12: Daniel Kroteer, Liberty, Tioga, $5 to $1. Andrew Hehuts, Allegheny, $12: Elizabeth A. Waison, Fay, Law. renee, $8 Mra lasbel Ridgeway. siped IX years and her son Charies, aged § years, wore found dead in bed the other marniag at the home of Charles Hartiey near | besutiful. The Chinese and Japaneses West Chester. Their thronts were ont, the heads being nearly severed from the bodies. The weapon used was ovis dently a butcher knife found close hy the Boilies was harnessing a horse. the statements mde the Woman Was abet to Become fk mother Bhe was housekeeper for Hartley, Some are of the apinton thst the woman commited suicide after culting the oR # throat, The authorities ane making an investi gation, Gen. A. HH Coffeoth, of HSomersel, came home recently from Harvisburs, where Be had appeared before the pars Jon board in behsit of Dee Wiliam T Mitehell of Addison, who was convicts sd fn Febraary, D3 of orbwinal prac thee on Sadie © Beal of this county. Geni. Coffesth had wilted upon the governor and sseyred his signature to the pardon papers in order lo bring them with him. or. Mitchell had not Begun to serve hile sentence, having bess appealed ta the higher soastte. The pardon sxempts him from festh thie tmprisonment and Bae. The pardon board's recommendation was sirong. A comptittes appointed at 8 citizens’ weeeting @r Clarion interviewsd the pisrpbure & Western railway officiale, and the jailer styted that they sould reams connestions with Clarion if the rawr wouhl build & new bridge across the iver anid broad gauge the four fine at 8 Crpmiiitae eing ihe main The miles Branch from cost of about E00 refused and agitation ia again ronswed 1a Rave the projected sew sond fron DuBloby to Fraskiin badit William Phenrdects, of smployed 28 a policeman, wis fouted fa mil at Washington the other day, Wy Conctable Tobin of Russw on B® cpmitment isms by Rquire William MoKenna chasing Aim Robert Hughes, Williams Mamiitsn aged 78 Cherry tree township, Venango county, imatantly Rilled by fhe promature exe piosiun of a dynamite cartridge, work while blasting stumps, wis blown completely off foseph Lomche, aged 5, a prominent | { wnior pRrtBer sekellesner, of Williamsport, ear Kime self through the body the other morn. ing and dled alms? ipstantly Diem insti» aver the failgre to raise Wan Ie Sais, fess His license, Maver Wagoner, of Johnstown, vetoed atingnoe Ane RINR srataie Jabhnsionn. He recent] vartoiy angexation of Marreiivilie % kh tae at TE 1 the and the matter ix now in the superior | | of the system. Ned A meeting of the capitol sommission © =i. was held at which it wai Jeetded to amd roadvertine for bids posnn] states house and award the ¢ tract April 18 Bree Ode Allegheny, | Waotdieors’ home, | Crrwigee S[roryetown, | Piair, $5: Samus [3 Van Woert, | Wharton, Potter, 36; William 8 Low- | i Gundy, | West Middlesex, Morcer, $16; Reni P. Markle, Maze Juniata, #8: Samus] F, | Rogers, Oi City, 38: Bernard Siegel, | Crain, | evidence the antiquity of the art. Pn Oar Tithographed Car ; Casslogus showing SArpeta of oor on man placture i mailed free, (ua ity semnios sant for Be stmenn, FREIGHT PAID ON CARPETS Daze 11% pape special Cats i sof Vaurnitare, Draperies Crockery, Fy Beroves, Hefrigeratons, \& + 4 a Te re iF : oe f 1 % | ments of born and ivory, engraved wi i Wangaman, | Westmoreland, $20. Martha Egyptian skill in Ivory carving, attrib | uted to the age of Moses. In the latter minor of Jou Hehe. Lilly. $2. Jos, Miller, | Ctilection are chairs or seats of the stx- teenth century, B. C, inlaid with Ivory, and other pleces of the eleventh cen C tury. BC. We have already referred excellent pictures of animals, have been ' found in caves and beds of rivers and | lakes. There are specimens in the Brits ish museum, also in the Louvre, of the ! to the Ninevah tvories. Carving of the | carried on at Constantinople middle ages: combm caskets, horney boxes, ete, of carved ivory and bone, _ often set in precious stones, of the : : Roman and Anglo-Saxon periods, mw frequently found in tombs. Cruclixes | mind images of the virgin and saints which was | The bodies were found by Furtley, who sald the | end was probably committed while he | ] Avcording to p Turkish army during the recent wer | with Greece refor often to the | habits of the Turks. Pau, or pil | tise ational dish, receives groat praise. made in that age are often graceful and are sival artists now in thelr pretliag pinutine und detail.—Popular Belence Monthly. : Nad Turkish Army Rations : Correspondents who accompanied the It ts what we should call 8 chowdnn, | composed of lamb, rice, butter, alme | ands, raisins, allspice, powdered mace, | sardamons, cloves saffron, onlon, gine | ger, salt, whole black pepper and dhley. {he butter and onions are placed in the : Bettis of the earthen pot] then & layer of rien, over which are distributed more onions matsins and almonds, sprinkled | sith saffron in water: then a layer of hig cum : toeat, and so on ait - A. , ¢ | vessel is Old Butter is then poured over the whale, and the cover of the pot is closed with pasie so that Do steals LIDRY eel pe, It is pisced in an oven and cooked for three bouni—~New York Psa Laevyetils, Big Pear Yield. A single tree in an orchard near Cor vallls, Ore, has yielded this season nine bundred pounds of Bartlett pears, a ASA SR he trouble with a great many men ts they sre never satisfied with wasting their own time. a Japatose women wear Deither cor pets nor stays of any description. Thelr Csostunwes gre doubtiess worn with real with killing | wis | fast | fii head $i tor han for the pro | We i Log Ti Cavernor Hastings hay aeoeptid the resignation of Benjamin BH. Severs, ontrniler of Schavikill County, to ake | Meet upon the appointment of his suis CERNE Rendered almost insane by lunges under a train at Mount Carmel bloed beauty without | tie clean Your Michael Kiosiss tried to throw himself ! stirring up the axy bat men dragged hirs from the track and } aneed hie fe At Howard near Bellefonte Mra Mary Miller was found hanging with a rope arcund her neck. She was out down and with great dUReuity brought ti, James Ww. fiuchanan, a nephew of President Bachansn, Killed in the Pennsviverias sed at Altoana \he other Any. i Cascareis ~tenuty for Lea cents gets, sitnfection g 10, : educating grand | Was railrsad {in time always steps nigh. Willlam Hamilton, aged 30 a farmer i af meas OD Ory. was Killed by a pre mature expligion of dynamite Biasting stuinps a {ew Jays ago, Mim George HL Cole city of Johastown for juries from a Golfer a verdict Dr 3 who sa a for willie sued the i fn- | sidewalk, gut | The Disomsbute Car Manufacturing | at Bloomsburg, be night and Corn pany ning their plan WER EL Tha Postotfice Department ; £ temas af (hie postotiive shannon for ve yours a8 3 TREN SRE day wggensd The Charles Miran, a Beott Haven miner, gh | 3 + i ois ie | &E dr dns | arew $200 from a Pittsburg bany and | was vohbed of it on his way Yume, The food landed a T-pound simon fish in a barbed wire fence at Froepors, | and it was captured. Japan ease. i a SS The first thing « grt does when abe has mastered 4 kodak, ix to put the palm on the plano and take 8 picture of ir Spare ov One, Trey oy Toren, ? Lucas COENYY, 3 FRANK J CHENEY makes oath that he isthe of the rss of PF. J. UN - § “or. deh mi Sead eae LG Lead TIRY sf Ta 3 srw Mate nu frwaaiad, anal inl said free will the sum of ONE RUSDERD DOLLARS for and every nase of CATANRN that canbot cared by the uae af ALLS CATARKR LUNE Frass J. REXEY. Sworn to before me aud in my tm | preserce, this Sth Any of y A TL ioe, AW 6 § mom § Nesacy Pubite. Hall's Catarth One is taken internally, and Acts Air otty on the blood HIE fur teatimonials, rea FO unxey & Co, Toledo, said By Drags ota, Ta, Hall's Saasily Plis are thie beat, IRI AT ASA A newly-born giraffe measures about t from his hoof 10 the top of his head. ra titan a ANF SR os means & clean skin. it. Cascarets, Candy Catha food and | it ole a liver and rites from © body, Begin today nish pimples, boils, biotchen, bisckbeads, and that sickly bibs complet inking Clean Zhe, Me. A great deal of trouble is sxpended In the showy, high-stepping horse. He is trained to step Nigh and act showily by being driven along & path wherson rails are set crosswise; he stops nigh to avoid stumbling, and A A SAT To Care a Cald in One Day. Tate Laxative Heoano Uninios Tablets AN Dragiosts reins money if iL inils oure he A A IAT Englishwomen are making vigorous starts to secures smoking compart. ments for women on railroad trains according to » London Daily Mail Chew Star Tolaseso ~The Best smoke Sledge Cigarettes, The total cordage required for a first. rate man-of-war weighs about 3 tons and exceeds £3100 in value. Educate Your Dowels With Oascarets: r 00, 25. 11 C CC. fail, droggisis retund money About #6000008 pounds of soap are used in Britain yearly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers