The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 07, 1898, Image 3

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    | Short Troms of Interest Gathered That Will |
Plasise Manny Readers. :
F. R Shoff is preparing to erect a
mew barn during the summer.
Six old sheep and two lambs belong: |
| Henry street, Alton, TIL, antired with
sciatic rhemmatism for over eight
months, She doctored for it nearly
the whole of this time, using varions
remedion recommended by friends, and
sod KL
[ee wer, pte of oo
Wadd ar
Dimes the valoe nf Shaiwrais cough
the U. B. church, Dillsborg, Pa,
Remedy and does not hesitate to
others abont it. *'1 have sed
Loretto, Pa. en) on Mauda: April fil
Reforms Disenwsnd.
| The Cambria County Pomona Grange
IP. of H held their second anarterly
berlain’s cough Remedy.” he ays | | meeting for 1898 at Loretto on Monday
was treated by physicians, bot received
no relief, She then used one and a
balf bottles of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, which effected a complete cure,
This is poblished at her request, as she
wants others similarly afflicted to know
what cared her. The 35 and eoent |
“and find it an excellent medicine for of this week.
conghs, eolds and hoarseness.” So The meeting was called to order
dose everyone that gives it a trial’ promptly at 9 a m. by Worthy Master
Sold by Patton Pharmacy, ©. W. | Alex Strittmatter. The morning ses
Hodgkine. (wion wax taken up with reports from
Bubordinate Gran and suggestions
Thirty-five years makes a generation. for the good of
sizes for sale by Patton Pharmacy, C, | That is bow long Adolph Fisher, of The afterncon session began with
W. Hodgkins. Zanesville, 0, suffered from piles. He 5 general discossion of the best methods
was cured by asing three boxes of De: of rising onr prodacts in this county,
One Minute Cough Cure, cures | Withs Witch Hamel Salve. C. W. when, after some good suggestions
That is whet it was made for. Haodgking, Patton Pharmacy, were given, the commitiee on resoln-
SE —— — , tions presented the following, which
ing to Dennis McCanley were killed
by dogs last Friday morning.
Joseph Travis has removed from a
farm in Dean township to Mr.
MoCanley’s farm in this place
HIS CAREER ENDED. Angustine Durbin, is pi han beens in | 2 these prices.
~The Philadelphia Press of Tuesday West Virginia for the past three years, Rewt parlor matches, por doz. hoses, 7
contained the following in regard 10 jg visiting his old home in White Six toilet wap, nice goods, 10
the denth of W. OC. Brann, who died on | Township. Men's heavy work 94
Saterday from the effects of a bullet Vincent Mulvehill, who has been 1a ange aap botler, warranted not
received while fighting a revolver duel | teaching school in White township the | Large granite wash Bowt
with Capt. M. T. Davis, who was also past winter, finished his school term, Ball brace or bits each - 18
fatally wounded: | on Thursday and retarned to his home Fancy cake dish, footed, Ha 15
Bas sats bY icknes of W. ©. lin Sarkick towbiy od Se
Brann, the editor of ibe newspaper in| Beech Grove school in Chest town’ Boy anita, Sto 15 years, $1.35
7 Waco, Tex., known as the “Iconoclast,” | ship and Cooper school in this town- Mens’ Kentoo ¥ Jane pane
result that everybody anticipated, ship closed on Friday after p—— price, 84
: Fh ttt Wt 2 Sreeruad horn os uf ie’ siung —eosie} Fine line of Tam O'Shant-
: where resided number of our you -
was ain to be no pesce #0 are going to Gailitzin this summer to, = and Ladies trimmed hats
ss he lived. He attacked men attend the third session of the Gallitsin | —New Spring Styles.
women indiscriminately and de- normal. Ladies’ dress skirts, made of Figured
character with no other appar-. The Beech Grove ( Granger at their Brilliantine, Black Mohair and Figured
oe than to gratify bis distorted regular meeting held last Saturday Silk, best qualities at. priors no one can
wm. Of granty birth he | eve decid to build their ball at | compete.
and immedintely became | tbe fi Ron near Frank Rice's THE BAZAAR
of this most rabid of Mre-catern and | LL. Coury Cary. cures. 3. O. BRADY, Prop'r.
i That iv whet it was mode for. :
if you are not a customer of ours
you cannot fail to wee the necessity and
advantage of being one when you look
Ye nemimounty adaghed:
Whereas, The present salary of the
county treasurer of Cambria county is
excessive, anjost and bardensome to
‘the taxpayers of the county, and
Whereas, The last meeting of the
| Pomona Grange advocated the repeal
(of the Special Act of March, 1872, reg-
‘ulating the salary of the treasurer of
Cambria county and allow the general
law of the State to apply. We there
fore instroct our Legislative committee
to interrogate candidates for the Logie
lature relative to their position on this
matter and make report to the Grange
in due time.
. Resolved, That we believe that all
| publie work undertaken by the county
‘should be done only after doe notice
{ has been given and all our citizens be
[thus aftorded an opportunity to com-
| pete with others for public contracts
. Resolved, That while we mre =»
desirous of honoring the memory of
the defenders of our republic as any of
our citizens, we are averse to the erec-
‘thon of the monument recently con
tracted for by the commissioners for
| the reason that the contract according
to pablished report is not specific. We
believe the law passed by the last
Legislature authorizing the building
‘of monuments should be so amended
‘an to allow commissioners to use thelr
| discretion whether to erect a monn
ment or memoral building, which
would honor the dead heroes and be a
source of benefit to the living as & re-
pository for the history of our soldiers,
relics of their exploits, a place of
| meeting for aged veterans and other
| patriotic citizens. We therefore recom.
f «
Tegulne v
Y Ou can always nnel
At our store
" that the mav's mind was un- |
d and that be was not respons. |
Jur whit jo wid sad ad. fe} It May be Possible That a Rumor Has Reached You
i, but ae that was probably im. That We are Going to Leave Altoona. and of the very
If 80 it In the truth for we have purchased & linge
oh Goods House
rg as soon as we can dispose of we are going
1 jeave Alloona and een Toinems in the Cap ital (ity, :
To quiskty move ont our immense stock on ae PUT PRICES DOWN
{lower you have ever known them to be on Standard Goods. | Everything
| im stock has been heavily reduced-—-such as
‘Carpets, Ladies’ Jackets,
Millinery, Dress Goods,
Domestics, Fancy Goods,
best quahty. Our store 1s
hea lquarters for Cy ery be dy.
oii TT a ity Prices are as low as the low-
< &
. 71
; Ww
ea The President, er
Geared nor uated war, wan the | Insieven throngs atv Souing a Ive
juve money ever afforded if you
G reat Removal Sale
and you will find that it will richly repay you
ust be closed ont at any sacrifice and our patrons are reaping the
— This sale will continae but a short time, so come as soon
an effort can be made to secure the
desired amendment.
The Grange then convened in Ath
degree for initiations snd selection of
_& representative from the order to help
arrange and oondoct the Farmesw’
Institutes in the county for 1888. John
Ricketts, of Fiinton, twang elected the
meeting then adjourned until 8 po m.
The evening session was with open
doors and & crowded house. The prin.
cipal speskers of the evening were
Rev. Father Ferdinand Kittell, who
spoke on the subject of “Good Roads,”
and Prof. Wm. Maguire, who gave a
short talk on “Self Fducation in Oar
Rural Homes. The meeting then ad-
journed to meet during the month of
The members who partic in
essays and singing certainly deserve
many thanks from their hearers for
If You Doubt
their talented selections, also St
‘ . Michael's cornet band for the music at
You perhaps hav SOIC Lan ht hens idl SVELINE season.
we can do for vou in our store. Ny oun dre not
certain, mavhe, how we can sell
High-Grade Goods
at the prices.
= 4
s. Anna Dartt.
ro Opting!
Wed. and Thurs., April 6 and 7.
Following is the report of Cooper
school, Clearfield township, for sixth
month ending April 1, 1888: Number
of pupils in attendance during month,
maes, 20: females, 18; total, 38. Aver
sttendanoe during term, males, 15;
females, 13: total 28. Per cent. of at
vonr : tendanece during term, moles, 8
. . Pre] female, 86: total, S4. Perfeol in at-
and tendanes during month: Bessie Cup-
We are headquarters plow, Violet Shoff, Gertrude Nagle,
: Olive Monahan, Mary MeGough, Kath-
(arine Sharon, Mary Cupples, Stela
Nagle, Leo Ryan, Francis Cupples,
Bernard Ryan, Elmer Moflahan. Pupils
perfect in attendance during term:
Mary MeGoagh, Mary Capples, Olive
Monahan, Katharine Sharon.
Janus G. Lyon, Teacher.
The foilowing i» the report of the
Beaver Dam school in White township
fur the month ending March 31, 1508:
Number enrolled, males, 25; females,
18; total, 4. Avemge attendance
daring month, males 24; females, 18;
ctotal, #1 Per cent of attendance dar
ing month, males, WW: females, 58;
total, #82. Names of those missing no
days during month: Timothy Davis,
Thomas Bargeon, Walter Burgoon,
Matthew Durbin, Jovita Durbin, Leona
Gauntoer, Csiin Gauntner, Lewis Mo
Mallen, Hdward Burgoon, Thomas
Frank Davis, Francis MceGaire,
Maggie Burgoon, Bessie Burgoen, Lena
Sargon, Charis Burgoon, Lawrence
Neel, uh Noel, John Davis, Blase
Durbin, Alons: Gaunther. The names
of those missing no days during term:
Thomas Davis, Frank Davis, Matthew
Dupin, Jovita Dwarbin, Lewis Me
Mallen, Lens Burgoun, (oaarvies Bar
goon, Maggie Burgoon, Bessie Bure
goon, Fraoccis MeGuire,
Vincusy Munvenna,
Without a doubt we will have the finest line of Milli
nery ever brought to this place.
gh & ye 1 La
WE Dude, toy Dw 1 18
ty orstvye arte lewsls a . orgie ver
HW COE ANIA ou) iL OUT geadis ang
they No
ee "yy *
Ra bes - ¥EF Gadi all
ma %
You ; vox yY hg oy
to your
Hats from 15 Cents up.
tir Py oon®
* Savike
Not only Millinery will we have at this time,
a full line of Ladies’ Shirt Waists, We
late ourselves in securing the
Melby Shirt Waists,
& which we will handle during the entire se
& ft and uptodate in figures none other ca
‘& AND TOO, we will have a full line of
& Wrappers in all styles and prices
A Skier in all the different materials.
y plete line of Ladies’ Muslin Underwear.
Hosiery in all the fancies as well as a full re
| made Hose in fast black for La and Chile
_ 10¢ pair.
y Belts, Neckties, Collars and everything in
} Notions. Come, ins lon
| get the time,
estigate oar goods and Jon
Wednesday and Thursday, Rpril 6 and 7
§ 3 Mr rs. Anna Dartt.
congratu- need,
on ae ay
advantage, oo,
n equal it;
A mast com-
qu ial
Sa a
dies en,
Go wd
FV. end
a Ys,
3 60
Children like it, it saves their lives
We mean One Minute Cough cure, the
, infallible remedy for coughs, colds,
. croup, bronchitis, grippe, and all throat
and lung troubles. CU. W. Hodgkins,
. Patton Pharmacy.