~ CONGRESS. r Senate. In the Senate Monday M-. Bacon (Dem, Ga) gave notice of an amend- xs mse ment which he intended to offer to the | gg 0 oo cks Joint ressiution for the annexatiod of the Hawaiian isiands, the joint resolution shall not tive and of binding eflect, ¢ither on United States or on the republic of Hawaii, until it has been consented 10 and approved by a majority of the electors of the Hawaiian isla mals natives over 21 years aid. and alt he operR- vote: the time and manner of the elec. tion to be prescribed by the president of the United States, A feature of the Senate Tuesday was an extended speech by Mr Cafery (La) in support of the ing National quarantine bill ry sald the United States Goverss metit was the only authority which coud make a quarantine effective, and he added that he was as State's rights advocate as any man State quarantines were, he said, utter- ly powerless against an epidemic yallow fever. Mr Carter (Mant) the committees on territories up the measure making farther pro- visions for a civil goverrment of Alay- ka, said the compnittoe had not A peered jt wise to provide for a legislative as- sembly for Alaska on arcouant nonsadic character of the and the vast extent of the district. Mr. Hale chairrman of the senate committee, culled up for passage fn the senate the Maine rel it eras passed witho by a unanimous vote ast Wednesday, ‘An amendment to the sundry civil Bill ix pending before the senate Com: ot mittee on appropriations sppropristing | $251 000 19 furnish supplies to the Jesti- tuts peoples of Cuba. Thursday Sanntor Thurston delivered 8 speech on the Cuban situation. House. After various c¢ovrections made in the record Chairman Boutele Gained 29 Pounds in § Weeks. Prom the By-Stander, Macomb, IL, Alderman Louis W. Camp, of our eity, has | quite astonished his friends, by a remark | gble gain in weight. He has gained 22 pounds : gal ht. H gal pe | anearthly beings who people Lhe Gewp It provides that | | pess will road with interest the following the | Benoy-iioe, which { ly miserable” Those of bis friends who do not know the facts of his sick. “1 was broken down in health and otter. sald Mr. Camp to our re porter. “I was unabjeto work much ofthe | ime and so badly affected with a form of | nds-—all | stomach trouble that life was a yarital ie : ) y nightmare. male naturatized foreigners entitled to | | six months of my stokness [ obtained uo re- | | Hel. “I trind various remedies, but during the I had aiways been a robust, heaithy | | man and sickness bore heavily upon me, proceedings | | try Dr. Williams’ Plak Pills for Pale Pao Mr. | “About two years ago | was advised to pis. I purchased one box and received so | mush benefit that | used five more and was | | entirely cured. [ gmined twenty -fioo pounds | staunch a | of 1 fn calling | af the { inhabitants © naval tof Bilt, and at & word of debate { to Mr. Camp's mn weeks, Bince 1 stopped taking the pills I have scarcely bad an ache or pain. \ : FE ESHE a Let, t in i bearer [i the Intervimsing he Aldereion, “Dr. Williams Fink Fills restored me to heats and I most beartily recommend them." I. W. Camp on oath says that the forego ing statement is troe, W. W. Meroay, Nofary Pathe, Following is the physician's cartillcate as resent condition. 1 + Tam a regulariy licensed physician ot had been of the naval affairs commited, eaiiod | wii ap in the House Monday the bl the relief of the sufferers by the dee stoaction of the United States steamer Maine in the harbor of Havana, Cuba” It reimburses the survivors for of personal effects; gives heirs of t who perished a sum equal to fomsin | hose | 12 months’ “for | . physical condition. pay, nat, however, to interfere with the i gi to pensions, he naval appropriation bill was re- ted to the House Tuesday, carrying | A total of $35,882058 an Increase over last vear of $3,764,432 and over the cur. rept estimates of $2,014,804, For the in- | crease of the navy the bill allows 10 he | potistructed by contract three sea-go- ing coast-line hattipships, designed entry the heaviest > Jorveriv; crdnance, ars, with the highest practicable speed for their class, to cost, 1H armor and most | dlsplacement 11.608 exvinsive of &r- mament. nat exceeding $1000.00 each, | oni to be named the Maine; sx toepadn | bonts, 150 fons displacement torpedn- displacement, ichigan, to cost, ment, not over $266 (00, the ta cost mot exceeding the United States Steamship and six bent destrovers, about 360 tons | and one gunboat, to take the | exclusive of arma- to be built on sat lakes. One of these sea-poing bastieships is to be built on the Pacific | A The army reorganization bill was adipted unnnirmously by the ernmittes Thursday House | on mititary af- | fairs. and it was subsequently reported | to the House. measure the committes in passing upon the | has disposed of | a significant point as to the President's | functions in war time in allowing the establishment of the _ war formation orly upon the dec lura~ tion of war by Congress or a declara. ‘tion that war exis, in its report rites official third-hattalion The committee | reports as showing the increase of the commis. | stoned force of the line of the Army | neaded to change it from a peace to a : i! war footing, mand puts the enlisted strength at 104.28 men, sn increases 78954 men, an equivalent to 6 reels | ments of volunteers of 1.09 men ench, | the pay aggregating $4,508 800, To aif a flenr the same number of troops under | the provisions of this bili in time war would cost RLOIREM This of the | coramities concludes, effects a saving | in organization of $3808 260 per year lent. Wheelock of Alabama Friday | introduced in the house a bill provid. | ing “that in the event of an act of war | being committed by Spain or any other * foreign nation prior to the meoting of | the next session of congross, the presi. | dent of the United States is hereby | authorized to accept tenders of volun. | tes troops, to purchase arms and mu- ] pltions of war, to equip troops for ac- tive service, organize such troops une | der brigades, divisions and armies for | KAPPOINt NECIRKATY REN. - Byrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant active service, ertil, staff and other officers, exept such field and company officers as may have already been selected or may heroafter be selected by proper 80th day of September, 1877, Mucomh MeDonough County, Iii. 1 have very recently examined Me LW. Clamp a8 to his general physical condition, and find the sama to be ail that sould be desired, appetite and digestion g wed, siomps wall, and has ail the evidences of Pelng (x 8 | Sax’'t Rosspw, M.D, Subsaribed and sworn to before me his W. WwW. Meroax, Notary Public Deafness Cannot Be Cured by Jooal applications, as they cannnt reaeh the diseased portior of the ear. There i» only ony way 30 eure dale, and that is by conetive tio ree ses. [heafness is caused by an on flared cow ition of the mucots [ining of the | Enstashian Thabe. this tubes pots in. | Re med you have a rambling sand or impes | ect Denriog, and when it is antirely closed | news i rongit and onless the inflam | mation can be taken ont and this wade sored to ite Hormel condition, hearing will bw of forever Nine cases mt of ten ary | by estarrh, which is nothing butan in copndition of the murons surfaced We will ive One Hundred [Hilars for any | cane of Deafness: foxnaed by catarrh that san | nt be cared by Hall's Catarrh Core Seed | for rea, free. Caneny & Co, Tob by Diraggists, Te Yd; 0. Hats amily Fills are the host, Fits permanently comd No fitsor nervoms. ress after Firat day's pee of Dr. Kline's farent | Nerve Hestorer SFtrial ttle and treat se free Ir RH. Knrixp Lat, 8 Arch 0 Phila, Fa, | rn Nearly 100 different machin have been invented for boring rook Educate Your Bowels With Casenrets. Osndy Cnthartic, twre constipation forever. We, Be. IFC CC tail, Aragrists refund moor Politeness of the Swedes, 1n Sweden, if you address the pooris! person in the street, you must [If your hat The same courtesy is insisted up on if you pass a lady ou the stairway To enter a reading rawvin or a bank with one's hat on is regarded as impolite. es in ly 3 . : and refreshing to the taste, and acts au- | thority, and do any other act neces. sary to the fety of the country, or any part théreof, and to protect its Bonor and prestige” The second sec tion appropriates the necessary mod to carry out the provisions of the acl promptly on the Kidneys, gealy yet i wels, cleanses the sys- ver and tem effectually, dispels colds, bead. | snr ¥ Iruring the debate on the naval ap- : propriation bill Qaturday In the Houses Five potion against Spain wae applaud. ed to the cho by the crowded galier joi. A strong effort was made io crease the appropriation for the naval reserves, but it failed. The main con. tent of the day was aver a proposition sta delrease the number of timber dey ‘docks authorized Ly the Gil from four ta three. It led Mr. Cannon, man of the appropriation y73- committe s, chalr- | 3 who made the motion, to discuss the | whole question of war preparations and to inveigh against undue #XIravaganc:, It was voted down. 78-107. The Bishop Wanted a Whisk. When the Blashop of New York was once making a visitation at. Goshen otie of the vestrymen who had a pair of Hambletonians, indulged the Bish: ops fondness for fine horses by allow. ing him to drive the pair. Bishop Pot. ter was well covered with dust wher fe drew up at a country inn, vouches the New York Tribune. Stepping into the office, which was also the bar, the Bishop approached the counter and said to the man in at- tendance, “Would you kindly give me a whisk, sir? The man looked con. fused, more especially because of the anmistakable cut of the ecclesiastic’s elathes, and he replied with some difi. dence, “Really, doctor. we daren’t sei} tiquor on Sunday.” It was soon ex. plained that the Bishop only wanted a ART AN SRA whiskbroom to brush his dusty broad. ! i cloth. Captured the Stolen Doll. Some strange cases come before the | police, but a touching incident was re ed to Sergeants Andrew Lew anc {liam Wallace yesterday. A girl with curly hair and big hlue eye: but a very dirty face, walked into Cen Hit i tral station and between sobs repartet i that a boy had stolen her doll baby | She was a daughter of a poor labore | tiving in Cherry alley, and some Dus boy had was seated on, the steps leading to hey tumble home. ¢ A large proportion of the hog bristles that are made into brushes of all sorts are obtained from China. a grabbed her rag doll while sh} i i i } . duced, pleasing to the taste a every utterance in favor nf the ageres. | | A GENTS WANTED: Rithor se) t aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita effects, prepared only from the most | healthy and agreeable substances, its and have made it the most » remedy known. yrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug. | gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it y for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any any excellent qualities commend it to all Mzsienl o handle LBicha 5, XX. A RA kv : Ltriets of Scotisnd, saber. had been executed by the Earl Lsented him with | If given tn his | madden the ot iis | Earl accordingly ; when, I gearoely i when the | patural annoyance | Bde at such {and it hay but the Queen i the English & i with his [ point of ret euphesrer Coo A A A A AE ? WITCH OF BEN-Y-GLOE. Unearthly Being Who Delighted in Evil Doing. Tropica i ae elt a % Intoxicants, The most formidable, perhaps, of the | BES F foveats, at all events in the central dis- witch of highest pen . : we iar soneidteg Prine in the forests of AU enchaniress, wis of 1 hi, ® 2 i i ged an in £7. & ue swe Ee 4 fa Wis Hes, 30d pipally than in assisting Ow the passion of reveng Lpon one oe invoked by the Earl #50. 3 3 i easion her ald was of Athole’'s cupbearer whose The witeh od tr abet his geliemes of vengeance in three days rorialn herbs, w ox 4 aN Fegs Tae Nd 7 garters horse, would =0 +a} that i wonld dash r Rie further gave | ard these - 8 Pr. a ¢ indertool, fall * ean y 20 That £ #5 Pay 10 witch A YIge iki to 0 tortaitwad them Hoan oalled “prin and, iy for Fis x Ing day the indeed, had bullt x palace especial reception. On the folloy cuphearer. as usual, i fered the Earl his *: “Hold ™ exclained “ard pray to the saints ths tng may attend the day's sports’ Faki & £453 Fest to real ME gatdet ink places, there "As OO #§ vpn delay. The Earl's flery stee round; he makes ready has he wart wang of 8 beard. and the horse falls dea to the heart by the page's arrow of the rene We an oooh 5.8 Bo ¥oiige any wal hy Ais 7:3 3 i ame exense that he fim at Aan eagle and mise har EE Ty Inesy Ud TES NT Lane ¥ SEH might have goles ar the srt hier % he As ofr, sa ™H speak, with but one string to his how, That night at the banguet, the Cups rer Ww Bow | was summoned to the south to toe, And sot out forithwinl dAding his host follow in the 1 % an cu * i. Fle EAri was 3 + Went, Where % “tai ring to wa ol 3 ALG 08 carefully conceal i Foley, wd, WHT page, at his wits’ end dreaded catastrophe, tant, though somewlo Lo Cn £01 fire Ki his stem TYR th avert a aie the exXirsvags # dues Lad 2 Pog ¥ £ aay 4388 on : ng with a Ke avs op farang a Boa a #1 Earl. ike a loyal vassal fea, which was prong T he CHL Eig Sik IES eentlion, erally urtering lond execrations in the mone: And the page, win drew’'s Day had come and everything, and } ed with an extate year In which the {8 known to bax men wag 1775 the very same in {vr Ramue! Johnson safely asconip ed Lis celebrated tour of the Helrid was ital aad a bride with of } 4 Fo Loh 3 Tay upd £7. Eryn 0 Yd Ro tha matlier, Your amd asked woril's #e oy FOIE the Arabella, the telepl “What in ma? asked turned from sor her bonnet and wraps. right downtown,” rocks, and thers was a ool her eyes as she spoke call your father up, and I beard Dim the boy fo say ke wasn't lu” land Leader. .. hs 2 Fe SEAR ae aa " WRI a SET Po Care Comstipation Forever. make Cascarets Umandy CUstharic ioe or 2a It C CC tail w cure, druggists miehd moses A 0 Shri Twenty-four members of the Hoga f provirea mre toLAl AVAIL DETS 0h, What Splendid Coffee Mr Goodman. Wihitamas Co. li, writes: rom one packager Talzers German Coffees Berry costing 3 1 grow 2 Tha of belter coe» than | can Duy in stores at Meena aM” A C3 A package of this ¢offee ard big sed and plamt catalogue Iz sent you LY John A. Salzer Seed ( La Crosse, Wis, upon af «8 stamps and this notiew ry eipt recamnenel Pisa’ Auth ra Wie y i AT: oh nde we Bon tox ses Ft Heorers Irom Howard, TH AGOBS OIL day comes after night. SACLE LLETOT VE CANDY CATHARTIC iw amiable TRUMPET CALLS. ! Ram's Horn Sounds a Warning Note to the Unredeemed, ATURE makes no few jg wa Tha world a oy mg Re 38, YY Thane ving ‘ ® for the sowdfio aHX WT, Th Lea BENGY od © OVO om Hi fred It BALE work to be Oh ie al A nes friend and sry ied : Yop » iE andeny will Pay WALCH dian wats Tap met ars Vath e RO & vote withant somsclenocd haek Of 1%, | newer represents manhood. 3 Tower Heraid Times 4 rose rien nd of does” replied Ris om ! “That's wky I'm beginning to ki fose interest in base-bail” = prin r Thess two words emphasize a Beces. pity and mdieste a remedy. Bruna us the Blood most mpare as a resalt of the win. tars / i ing, aud liver: beomis, pir mont Hie to weak, an Y £1" the season whe 8 " an and appear, raid sondition mors of all kindy, araplinns when np when bedi poiire ocmies help Meniorse that to whic turn at thus season rillea The origmal and Arat:on pressnt nseds of the that which makes the blood pure an clean, as shown by ite thonsandse wonderinl cnres of dreadfnl dissases: creates an appetite be x be ® of vw RELA all : higher liv. s sm of the kidmeys) 1 f : A | A + If Christ fu to be the I vor soul, HAD wha oal & ghonh ae ghd, a TALES. “wa gtr” said "yr gePyices are 3 4 “May 1 charged That style may d nem rt oss East, hut 3 death ina eycione as venture to YY ag're ton lated a in rw’ #4 s . wat Jo 3 Terriive fa gS «amd . her TIDY, POLE OY werpx 1 ous 9 nly those who have been relieved ng can fally sppreciste with which the test. sverfow written in favor of Hood's Sargapariila. Just read this: Sere. Tor: bl are tha { fahe whole | femands and wel h the rasifions | Hood's Sarespa- | wy prep expecially adapted to the | yan family; cures dyspepsia, as shown by ite | “magic touch” in all stomach tron. bies. steadiae and strengthens the | nerves, as proved by people for marly nervous, now calm possessed, thanks 0 America's Greatest Mead i ra STANDARD OF ONE PRICE TO ALL ALIKE. We agree to maintain t | Hartford and Vedet alogue, throughout the season. Columbia Models 50 and 51, Columbia Models 47 and 48, Columbia Models 45, 46 and Hartford Patterns, 7 and 8, Vodette Patterns, 15 and 15, Vedette Patterns, 7 and (8, POPE CC Catnisgse free hom any ads og T= - 1% % 3 rr ho A» a j nid sell : wine, te bicycles, published in our 1898 Cat- Pep. L Rood 8 Co, Lown, Men: i eGentismen My dist sxperience with Flood s Sarsaparilis was when | gsed 0 as o and spring medicine. It 41d good avy lath in its merits Decams me 85 a i § Ge THE WORLD. he list prices on Columbia, ending October 1st, 1808. Bevel-Gear Chainless, $125 Tandoms, 123 43, Chain Whesls, - » ” dr — a py SE a. er 3; . - x - % fer cue 2 toni fare SETTINGS MURALO WATER GOLOR PAINTS FOR DECORATING WALLS AND CEILINES your own This material is 3 HARD FINISH to be applied with a your grocer or paint dealer and do rating. and becomes as hard ss Cement. Milled in twenty-foar tints and equally as well with sold or CARDS and if von a ers let us know and wil THE MURALO CO, ET — hat wa Py chan ¢ von J % AA & wa BRIGHTON. STN Purchase a package of MURALO = deco- brash works tor. BrSEND FOR SAMPLE ¢ this material from your cond deal- in the way of obtas ning it. EW YORK. a pt Yet nave sid Lies 5 ve oun. puiner Tar 55 teak wi wiie MLE foek WEYIRE Bam be Goner & reeks. Nhip ax where Bverviaing Pad wavies of far RE Tee. arr la Vena : i arin of Hersess P Tup agree. Ki Surrere $9 = | ; $n 3 ges, Puserens Toaps stan, Spring Head asd MLK Wags Send Tor arpe Tree wy, x Lamincseh of alo oo ang DR, WHITTEN L wrmanoakle Jaret rR uae pobeiendton Taw LE ea seni oJ 2 ph] Bk W ape BE Moves Props 0 curtail. alge. see & Sh motes PEE Rx gel ae we ix Te PRATT. feet ELKHART. 1X a shoe. wpa 0 A HH These: bind BiamiNls The beat, Sooumpoy seng “ht aris x Lh Routh Sead ee “* Thrift is a Good Fevenue.” Ereat Savings Fe:ult from Cleani ness and oLlo MnP Pi Pe? Nt a a a Nang Pond | mome mem who are always ralking | about the treasures they are laying up fn heaven will come very near josing Beauty Is Ricod Clean blood means a clean skin. Xo beauty without 8. Casares ( andy Cathar tie clean your blood and keep 3 clean, by stirring up ihe lazy iver and puritus from the Lael ; empenon by taking Cammrets —twauty for ten cents Al & pets, etaisction goarantesd, Me, 5c, De. ¥ ; proce % se mpmgin ry 3 cegmndie of Wn RS a in Fag. fury miry 5 ¥ 5 Regn i KE an Wena # AGINItE ¢ pp Prop of For Lure a odd i fame Pay. bares Hopoueny Al fails torre, $e sipilat ne Tablets, SE PR pere age Auntie Keo-To Nae for Filly Cena Gupraniond Doberon Sait pure makes wogll Wen sro, Det pare We BAL Grogs AHIR wr a Wg twas in the iy £3 icine very ateong. About two years ister i aed a running sore on my foot, Tt dewsloped tats srysipelas and aected the entire md. ap ea § ws ry Fe ~ At tht time | was Very Much Run Down as I had lees Vrapensis, The rain 50 my system was 50 severs and traoanhisd with my stomach was so weak | became a ready of majaria. 1 never My stomach rebelled at vation feared I eonid regain my health the simplest food and the medicines pow at i smat Ax Sareavariin, asd L inys stinging nid atronger thas wmrifled my i have frpitaed for me 2aVS § itgim peilnt, oe thie of u gd peturs of 9 sina slimes” WwW Easy Mes ia is The Medicine For You Becanss of what it has done for others; BY Gx Ir 1a Hood's Sarsas hargriee ¥ wy argh thaw spring to take {st whieh will do yon the most good, £:il. Be sure { vA Parfoct Type of the Nighest Order of } Erceilence in Mavufacters. i WalterBaker sos <> Breakfast ¢ ay h ” Es Absolutely Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. basis Less Than ONE GENT a Gap. aime Artie, 4 a a a a i i ih a ie ie adie Ba at tT at nt ng vt He sire that wu t thw wade at DORCHESTER, MASS, 5H { WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. { Parariannen 8s We waek tc gy HELEN sew eB Cogmere, aud rence nee I Pig (3 Day Radieh Pug. Barly ped Tersin Eariioat Had Bow, Bis ave yg Casambonee, green Victoria Latbeot Lp Roomdrie Mens, ihe EE Se Brians Flower Seeds, Me Werth $1.08, 8+ 16 conte » Abcre 8 pigs worth FL we will et her wilh ony Send atu w- “ 3 - - -~ a Ne ave rons trae spl sun ome ve Kalas gy 211 mene got ok The Fotuioce nt Pi. Sma ag mone se. Na SEER 00. La (HOME WR #SEXD FOR A BICY Genie 3% Madsls, $14 10040 o F CREAT CLEARING SALE of W «nl - Sodeis Dest sade $8.75 te SIR _ Seat on t RE al » soni pay 3 of wheel to cide Ter af Sew 5 How so Ears o Bleyele™ ss APECIAL THISWEEK = yew BF mada ALERT ARO GT, Sea. UW anderinge A wheel,” & souTeEly and of 81% FREE rd i so ££. F. MEAD CYCLE «0 MPANY, Uhlcage Eg. HIVE TA. Bi XT Attersey ATENTS Evens fiettor of Patents, 3H F st, Waske ington, DU, Corres ioe Nedkch beds sud Liguor Habit cared in R10 wm 30 lars No pay il In. 4b 9 hens, Dept. A, Lebanon, Obie, Fa E™ LINCOLN ™.""" PATENT ic SEYASR Milli ¥ {! Parents Maan. DO oe ale “a8 = Ww & AL ® tide Kam wily BY SE. Gee ; Thompson's Eye Water IL Reh