THE PATTON COURIER, MARCH 31, 1898. ation Courier. . from Western Pennsylvania to PATTON PUBLISHING CO., Proprietors. BE. Wiis Ginsexe, Editor. ESTABLISHED - - 1863. CPHOSE WHO SHALL AND SHALL NOT The laws of Pennsylvania declare that every able bodied male citizen, between the ages of 21 and 45 years, must be enrolled in the militia, sub- ject to active daty in case of war, invasion, the prevention of invasion, the suppression of riots and to aid civil officers in the execution of the laws of the Commonwealth; and the governor, who is the commander-in-chief of the malitia, shall order out for actual serv. joe By draft and otherwise as many of the militia as necessity demands. Such is the law, and onder it all able bodied citizens are liable, but there are exemptions. Those whom the State discards absolutely from its military service are idiots, lunatics, common drunkards, vagabonds, paupers and persons convicted of an infamous crime; also those non-liable to enroll ment in the malitia are: the legislature and officers thereof, - the secretary of the Commonwealth, attorney general, State tressurer, sur- or ral, auditor general, State I superintendent of common schools, all the judges of all the courts, sheriff, recorder of deeds, regis- ter of wills, prothonotary, district at- torney and clerk of the courts. An estimate furnished the United States authorities make 850,000 men available in this State. BUYING A HOME WITHOUT CASH. “It is possible nowadays, quite easy, indeed, for the industrions wage- earner, or person with small means or income, to own his home, writes Barton Cheyney on “Buying a House Without Cash’ in the April Ladies’ Home Journal. “And he can do this either with a very small sum of money in hand or by some plans without ready cash. By these plans a home is purchased outright, and cleared of debt in a comparatively short term of years, the purchaser paying a sum equivalent to a fair rent for the prop- erty. There are a number of methods ‘by which such purchases may be made,” that offered by the Building and Loan Associations, endowment in- surance, through installment mort gages, etc. “Of the many sources of borrowing money to pay for a home,” Mr. Cheyney concludes, “it may be said that the Building and loan Associa tions are, in many respects to be pre. ferred by the borrower. Perhaps not to the private individual much, bow. ever depends on the individual. Asa rule, one can, I believe, much more advantageously on a mort- gage from an individual than from almost any other source. This is especially the case where the applicant for a loan is known to be of correct | habits and indmtzions,” A BILL requiring horseshoers to pass | an examination is before the Massa- chusetis legislature. & ———————— ) Jonn L. Strrarvan is Hable to “do Spain up” with his big mouth. He has already commenced blowing. ADVERTIFERS are invited to this office at any time to examine the subscrip- tion list of the Cormier. Onur books ire open to all. ALL THE United States, all the world, indeed, is watching expectantly, anx- jously, the course of President Me. Kinley in determining what shall be the attitude and action of the Govern- ment in the Caban matter. All good citizens everywhere are commending the careful, prayerful consideration which he is giving this subject, recog- nizing ns he does that the lives of many American citizens would be endang- ered, not only soldier and sailors in sssssssassssssssssinnsis active war, but millions of others, ' through the probability of the intro- § duction of yellow fever in the United States, which woald almost certainly follow war, and the necessity of con- stant intercommunieation with our troops in Cuba. A Av 410008088858 List of Unclabmed Lotters, The following letters remain in the _ postoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Tharsday, March 13, 150%: | Mrs. N. Anderson, Geo. L. Bloom, Mrs. Lyde Cosentino, Wm. Dishart, Kate Dawson, Wm. R Hutton, James James, J. C. Lowry, Wm. McNeigh, Miss Effie Miller, Miss Mary Ryan 2, Swan Swanson 5, Thos. Shears, Miss Katie Warner. Persons calling for the ‘above letters) will please say the are advertised. E.A Miiox, P.M DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cares Plies, Scalds. Burns. CArrying Washington; Members of Borrow money Reduoeod Bates to Washington. last two low-rate A GREAT EXCUrsions Wash | ington via the Pennsylvania railroad will be run on April 14 and May 12. rte tickets will be sold af rates quoted below, good going on special licated, or No. 4, tteburg at 3:10 pm. and through oppo srtanity for bargaing is in offered at THE BAZAAR, If vou are not a onstomer of ours wots cannot fail 1o see the neosasity and advantage of hing one when vou look at these prices train in on train eaving bi sleeping cars to returning tiokets will be good on any regular train except the Penpsvivania Limited, These tickels will also be good to stop off at Balti more within their limit: Special train of through parlor cars and coaches will rut the folbos Train leaves Cresson at 10.56 3 m fare will be waled the number of passengers not to warrant the ronning of a special train, the company i to carry participants in this on regular train Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at Union Ticket Offos, 360 Fifth avenoe, and Union Station, and. at all stations mentioned above. For full information apply agents or Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent Brijliantine, Black Mohair and I Fig TEE Western District, Fifth avenoe and Silk, best qualities at prices no ca , Smithfield street, Pittsburg. j Compete. THE BAZAAR One Minute Cough Cure, cures. : (;. 0). BRADY, Prop'r. i ar ; wrk abo ey pil wash + warranted 10 beak, srbredale i ede Lib fran: F ng Fo 3517 tarps and | brads Oo Fancy cake d . Large square or faites’ Bovs' suits - » fone’ Kentucky Jane bes £373 only $7.35. Sh bee sufficient : hw CRIOO Wrappers, Warts Ages w Ey o0y TERRE pants : Bazaar price f Tam O'Shant- x guys + v3 gut wa gx ritnniea h iD FORO POR carson | to Ladies’ dress skirts, made of F gure wi 3 1 That is what it was made for. AE — COOK. It May be Possible That a Rumor Has Reached Yon That We are Going to Leave Altoona. If 80 it is the truth for we have purchased a large Dry Goods House in Harrisburg and as soon as we can dispose of onr present gtook we are going to leave Altoona and resume business in the Capital City : To quickly move out our immense stock we have PUT PRICES DOWN lower than yon have ever known them to be on Standard Goods. Everything in stock has been heavily rednoed—soch as Carpets, Ladies’ Jackets, Millinery, Dress Goods, Domestics, Fancy Goods, Men's Furnishings and ail Sorte of Honsehold Goods, Cot Glass and Silverware. We want every one within reach of os to come here and have a share in these Wonderful Bargain Offers and to come soon as the goods are going fast. Immense throngs are coming daily and you will miss the greatest chance to save money ever afforded if you fail to join them before our sale closes. Come to the Bargain Feast we have spread for you in this Great Removal Sale and you will find that it will ric} Our stock must be closed ont at any sacrifice and our patrons are reaping the benefit of our losses. This sale will continge but a short time, #0 come a8 soon as possible to the Big Store. . VV ® Coo ng ALTOONA, PA. iy repay you. Opera Honse Block, SSIS ISISSSS. FSS SSSSISSSS M rs. Anna Dartt RANDea—r: } Millinery Opening! Wed. and Thurs. April 6 and 7. Without a doubt we wi nery eh %s A $F AL jave the finest line of Mills eves broil to this pl Ice, Hats from 15 Cents up. y we have adies’ Shirt Waists securing the Melby Shirt Waists, which we will handle during fit and up-to-date mn figures AND TOO. we will fave a ful Wrappers in all styles and prices, Skirts in all the different matenals. plete line of Ladies’ Muslin Underwear Hosiery in all the fancies as well made Hose 1n for lad I(x pair, Belts, Notions pad FEN ca Fooewy ou Re 3 3 1 « vwry1) WW 1ii 1 . : inte nuriscives n kN » ft." 3 $og ob i : , bed ei hind BR + eye and eve ivy A ; 14a se OUT rel . Neckties, Collars Come, Vest ™ Wednesday and Thursday, April 6 and 7 Mrs. Anna Dartt. J. SITET IEIT SAIS ETI OAT ITOIIIETIIIIISS, rors, Ea it is, every rs firm ing Tr fanny and L 84 1 Teel Toy = or. é 1, are} # Meyers & FEableman, Sterling. Bo will neve fii, i= do po am hy risrrhoes TE EFAS SOS or should be, the highest aim of £3 prions hija ¢ § Sher Curd to Houlth, merchant stam To fey to cnre constipation by taking going around in a circle : r reach the point sought, hat only et Tavele tay Lowe. 3 the starting po int i A perfect i Re : 4 iRxative ix six. | A : 3 ve ix iColery King, the nerve, for all blown, or kuiney { ¢ ~ § Beyaeda OW that the wide.awake drong 3 in WES tre Me i& proven by the fol star a ¥n Xu “a 25 58% Eshleman “In my wtosrnseh eh wes, Eo pyr ¥ ii Hodgleins wel re Flom, ol rovear of untold ww : es cured hy F sadn TRE sm i a z tities ya Witt's Wi and makes the clear sot ar { frrag Stowe sy Moring Porwell of Knoxville, Pa ix of einer a winols 5. rg teh Hazel Salve in disease fae fae he a | arly AB pepe Ses iim 2 Sf a afin ates Loire 3 § sitragned us Minute Cough Cure, cures That is what if was made for, wore MRR PTI RORY RO TROY 2 Arey 'RIESH ROCERIES At best quality Our store Store IS headquart >I 3 , ery M ly. Ie \ as the low- 3 Jl 0 LIMITED. » 4 I 7,» A Siibidbibasibibbbsabiiiisisbsiisbssssiiissist If You Doubt TRY US —— GEO. 5. 500D. Egan” 3 celebrated pemedy |} ver and | Lhe tig | fourm | Ede | anpect jos, i atr t frat Has i Ye My a sample ? Hothe fo Bridge Builders. 8 will he recived at mr ission- antil FRIDAY. Yeioek noon, for Pridge OF Dar ‘ounty Oo Foe Ed way 14 fio wy and Spr. «will be reqiipedd. All bids to anied by with ifwo or the of a surety op fall " of a growsd faith on Plans and #pecifion. said Come snLer. plans YE buried hand tent saomnany 1a the 3 ant the a guaranty helepa on Ble in Bids be acoompanisd with MASONTY myinsionerm’ ofa ir . $n Jobers 4s “4 arid speeitfivations t hidder Srperenfn will he required to Iast two anretios trast come of the hid, 2h 4b a surety “Hr othls the amaonnt faithful performance of son. The {on nty Commissioners the right wo reject any or all roses rye Hig JONES, Bex Anes Hogrerien, Tunvwas Hoover, Cn Commissioners fats, Clerk. Fhensburg, Pa. March ¥ hay 3 LEE 4 JNes fd Yu CP og 1 a Aa Tanprortat dusstion r neighbors are suf sola, wore thmoat, 5 ing disease inelnd- Se at ask them If they over used Otto's Come. This famons German remedy is having a Iarge sale bore and is performing some wonderful cures of throat and lung diseases. w Hodgkins will give tthe free No matter hat other raed! icines have failed to do ry Otto's Care. Large sizes 25 and Wi centa Whooping eongh is the most distress. ing malady but ita duration can be ent short hy the nse of One Minute cough care which also the best Enuwl remedy for croup and all He hronchial tronbles, © W, Patton Pharmacy AUDITORS" STATEMENT Of Pattans Borough far the Year Fuding March 10th, (898, Statement of the financial condition of Patton Borough for the year ending March 10, 1808: Revedpin, Ha La vee 0 Biagde of Trvssnrer A spdit $ aut » wr 1 weiss. | TYR PRs ew Fr pam Rimnurvow Trouser