in friend, Three States have under considers. _ $ion bills to tax bachelors $2 apiece per annum. The modern battleship, with her supply of dynamite, gun-cotton, mod. ern powder, torpedoes and other war. like stores, has been aptly described as “‘a floating volcano,” liable at any moment to blow all on board to eter- ity, ANA EA rb Goa SE The Order of the Orawn, started in New York, is disenssed with great glee in England by the London Daily Chronicle, the Daily Mail and other _mewspapers, Vanity Fair declaring that ft is ‘‘quite in the patnre of things that such an order shonld De born in New York.” A great advance has certainly been made since the times when William 7 Tyndale’s declaration that he wonid piace an open Bible within the reach of every ploughboy in England was considered a rash boast, Now the American Bible Society has a stop _eylinder press that prints a whole ‘Bible in a minute, Until the loss of the Maine there were but three American naval casa sities attended with great loss of life ontside of war times. One of these was the wrecking of the Trenton, the Vandalia and the Nipsic at Samoa in 1889. The discipline of the Ameri ean erews at this time was commanted mpon and commended by the com- _ maunding officers of the English man. : of war Calliope, which suffered at the That was an annenal scene in the elapel of Princeton University when in the presence of all the nndergrad- ustes President Patton presented to F. W. Dolier, of the senior class, a ‘medal from the Life Saving Aid Asso- ciation, of New York City. Young Dolier had bronght credit upon him ra pA RA rb a SAAT [ninety {ernment plot i sul Laat he Dogar Official Document of the Maine Disaster Made Public. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Accompanies the Report Evidence as fe cured by the Board Submitted to Spain Washington, March 22--The follow ing is the full text of the report of the eingrt of inquiry II. B 8 Towa, Key West Fin Mom : March 21, 1m and matures consideration mony before it the court After full of all the (aa firgdn as foliows; Firgt—- That the shin Maire arrived Havana, Cuba, the of January Maht, £ oir tinited tates batyie. ths harbor of twenty Ath iny ghtesn hundred and 4 was taken to buoy and a half to six by the reguiar gov- United Staten Cons had lad the place rey is fon} of ix iy Lg No 4 In fathoans of water The enoral at Havana ities at that se. of the intern Renrmrdi, Lisp rad ne, & ra wherever ) Gre 3 tha whic Magazines hh waa not po treed wow P there, always i proper 5 { evervihing { cars that evening at & o'cly Poand abell | had an undue amount 1 After i stowid i Case sell and the university by saving a ; boy from drowning. One such act as ~ that answers a great mauy criticisms about college boys. A singular sdmission of the incraas- Ing trade of the United States with India is made by the Edinburgh Beotsman, According to that journal American cotton cloth has supplanted the goods of Manchester in the Red Bea and Somaliland, while the nse of American kerosene in India has be- eome enormons, and recent contracts have been made with American manu- Ancturers for 15,000 tons of steel rails, ‘But the total imports of India from the United States last year, $15,750, 000, were exceeded five times by the ‘hides, jute and miscellaneous goods that Indis sent to the United States, The Chicago Times. Herald declares hat the harmfal effect of the now famous DeLome letter will be felt in every capital whers Spaindhas a diplo- matic representative. ‘Bat of greater snd more immediate harm,” says the Citfento paper, “is DeLowme’s conles. pion that Spain is impotent in Cuba, In the distinct and immediate success ‘of Marshal Blanco's campaign against the insurgents lay Spain's only hope ‘was the opinion he expressed at atime and under conditions that would indi oate his sincerity. Blanco’s campaign bas been plainly a failure, and by the terms of the Delos letter Spain is put in the position of admitting the ‘hopelessness of her cause in Cuba. The Spanish elections are near at hand, and if the populace could be made to understand the serious aspect of De- | Lome's confession it might have an. If the Sagasta ministry shail be sastained i : important bearing on the result, in the clections, that body of officials will have no reason to regard DeLome in any other ight than thatof an enem) to Spain. In February the telephone reached ts twenty-first year. A message from ~ Professor Bell, of Salem, Mass, to the Boston Globe opened the first practi. eal line. It was considered even more * wonderful than the opening of the first telegraph line, by Morse, from Balti. more to Washington. To talk to a and to recognize his voice, over a wire a few miles in seemed almost supernatural, appears periectly natural to perform the same feat over a wire 2000 miles in length. The generation born since the adaptation of the telephone can hardly conceive how its use conld now be dis. pensed with, while the generations that lived before, many of whom are living now, can hardly recall their first experience with the talking wire ~ With them it is almost as if the tele. phone always existed. The magnetic telegraph, the Atlantic cable, the tele. phone, the phonograph, the audipbone and the Lord oniy knows What next? It would seman nothing is impossible for the accomplishmensy of man. If not direct communication with Mars, then possibly the airship, length Now is oY oi eive, what Poort : with } uneder the ward roo { the sone pas stores of any Kind were | dally. | the 2 Po staowesd wae acosssih cat all : time P38." had been | | emginesr officer | hese Bn Case of sponiane i were } hat R COIL i and § P tha { seeure for the night Fable persons, i the ship was quist, | Hable to Popraenis fro Febronry. partial sxplosior ! forward rid he magazines and Powe eed Sar after #% the Keys rnc # in the having pared Mui the magazings daily and winieh Beek! was the and that 4.4 Maine wns The temperatures of POOTHR Ware taken The only magaz & hy ; reported, frie tan<inch magazine . * ha : RE ope The torpedo in the under the ward 4 por participa. tion of the Maine The primers and detonators the sahin war KEE ew a car«fu Maine to ders in regard 4 by the corsmanding Varnishes re bviate wr ¥ Aryors or thin 3 Fae 3 A Hp ye Ihe fot haves had the destruation of read ical = JEEEnL, . ey i eaold eo &1t wn a danger: BR 4 Boe TEL R es] Wey Ir The VEE sey of the dpb of the other story low in any Tha cond ti Tae Peseta} ts bunkers those Dunkers TGAZAR oR PIE Were adjacent arward four were Ba “A lh and “A 14 eeiad This coal snspeeted befors The bunker in wigeh thre fuly boamed, atrth ide At “1 4 Fog SRE times, and BOC of x fh hn being empty papacted that on duty Ainrms the order Bork This “Rn 4 Paingers were fi yiepy Win we, The iY working in IR th Te and FE in ¢ ; - £9% on board the tw alter fry nme mt the tivo RUXary purp Argrively ew | ing tamded by These boilers could sgpiosion of the wird bodlers have #ing the divers and are in Cm the night of the dexty Maine sveryihing bad Atl ough commanding dostrayed inant Ie Vite Maine Hers 2 IRR The the whi oD Ci oa ba £31 reported 8S Gom by rele the proper ay- on Re, E3EEAR Poigs ¥ thr the the Maine was and therefory acehlent cxussd by a those Bem rid EXPLOSION destruction ¥ $4 p nv, onl i {RGN Havana, Cuba, moored to the same had been taken pan Ber There two explo tinutly ri short har db then and th waa [ifted 14 a marked time of the frat exp The first explosion nature of a report, like while the second explosioy oper, prodonged, and ne, T goon the opine thorities, (o Al the time LAF GH Mains a0. ith day of harbor of wha 2 The read at br gle time h she Als very Dot Wey were Fifere Sele. ot Fa2in oe of Fhe Ma € CONDITION OF ge The evide Tee bearin ing princip Aid rot ep definite con of the wre iisledd that was prac tiemil that condl ee After the destruct part The following facts in forward part of the ship satabiiahed by the testir Nt 13 Ems Sai Min That portion of the po protective deck, which ahaut frame 8 to alt hlown up. aft and over main deck from about frame 41 was hiown up aft, aver to starboard, foldipg the forward part of the middle superstructure aver and on top of the after part. This was in the opinion of the court caused Ly the partial sxplosion of two or m the forward magazines of the Mal do-At frame 17, the outer shell ship, from a point 11 1-2 middle Hine of the ship, and § the Keel when in {ts normal has been forced up 8G 48 surface of 14 Poor regard to 1 the ars Bowsyver, ot pon pr s TAI and slightly apt eng h from 25) is doubled back the continuation of tending forward At frame 185 the al fra broken in two and fiat K+ into an angle similar to the angel ed by the outside bottom plating. This break {3 now about 8 feel below tne sur face of the water, and about above its normal position. yverts the : Ped, A AP Sab A a 0 SORA ea A A le A BAB HE 5 SH ASAE pe" In the opinion of the court this os % remild have been prostuced only the explosion of a mine situated under the bortamy nf the ship at ah fri and somewhat on the port ship bry 0s Fryige 1% wide of the The Ooirt of fnagniry nds that of the Maine on the wae nod ANDY Tesh vir megligenics on the part ¥ officers or of the Th ote mton ny in due 16 Any EXPN vans a “In the Maine paid 3 pinion dont raved fa gubmmarise mine which cau partial explosion of two or mare forward magazines ~The 4 #irt hax been anghbie to biden Sxing the responsibil destruction of the Mame gpon GF perscns WT BAMPRON, Captain UB President IX. Tet. Com. 1. BN, Judge Yor gte, court. having finished the was ordersd tn makes, adiogrn. am. toawalt the antion of the nk Authority w RAMP artain UU. BN 1} fAeut Com. 11. RN was 3 ey ihe “EE F person fans Wad WN, rose No Judge T * Fiagehin New York, {HT Key West, Fin, Marck 30 and fndingy of {$a wis in gw nquiry in the above in M. ste A RY C3 omman yider. in. illel nf i ik % “oN the are Admiral PooaR SwRYni + Atian Ii rari) ‘rited fay Th Kars , pointed she wal SCE ’ sagLae RATT 2 Maine to Ha na NESTOR S 2 ty Row fr the {"gban " the wuiar advantagys nationsl ships io gocuataning The pe ip af our fag ae the &Y and of our ships the misston of prot pre vasts ORR TH peed therelor ACC ian, ttan sonferanoe Minister, in witch of Sur war vessels was discussed and accepted, insular authorities at Madrid ana wears advised of the purioss thin government rowime i faeryd iy naval visits nt vet and that yy that view the Maing wy iid forthaith call at the port of Hay ravia. This an- BnOUncement WN an spcaived hy the Bpan ish Oovernment with appreciation gif the friendly character of the the Maine and with notifica tantion to return the Courts wy Es ing Rpanian shipa to the i tyiteat Slates he 83 Tee LC» ves Bn} in tne SION SEN I ight oxint. rh with fhe roncwnl rdingiy on the the ta Spann pe or) > Tix fTabmn Ie te shdes the wai unter and The Maine af Havana dar APTI in the harbor the throes weeks fol. jowing her ar Na appreciable eX: clitement atten her stay, on the contrary, a fee of reife! and cone Adwnoe followed resumption of the bong Interrupted fendly intare Sa potiosalils wan this Dnmediate Af Ber visit that the Consul Generid strongly arged that the présence “ui ters should b ing Maine at Hava ail, HY there 10 14K rit as Gite 2 In 50% CTE aod the yr EE Te “Want oF our we ah rd $ ha of hdr fa Hoy of the } the Ma ont the was ulter yo al af Pabirgary EXD Sih wold 5 mes entire whi tagiray fered. frou Rian Th he people force, and rXcitament munity alarmity aphail Country Portal tigen #iled a hich quaiife i lar $s ¥ seek Sie 1 Wf Rt ® Swe Bg avaliable means £Xaat tok fi the explon Pods rrrdn DpPertunily taneous investigation by authorities The finding of the was reached after 10 dave o fabor, on the list of Man having been approved on the 0 I = Biel af the Riates naval foroe an the North tic station, was transmiiisd ta Utive It is testimony Itz purport ia in When the Mains abe was oondae red by the reguial ernment pilot 1a ‘ she was maorsid in to six fatho he state ia¥ 3 h wnt £ t 4) ht lg nerewl ta gethe taken re i So x ya Havana brief, ASTI wiar @ hig Fe nn There th a bri The first iifted ships very per were twa 3 af in {he which LEA = Rr=ale ¥ Ni i i i i i i | CrpyevEY, ume, for ine Pe CHF BOTS ¥ the Eo Phe oxi phat the re ry HPT the govern yearn and sh ist v Spanish nation } suggested 3 The relntions of th CATHY ROVarn-. the duty of the axe ‘ongreas of the re. meantime deliberate iH ret WILLIAM Mo that merits t will Ply boy malyine the | and the wh leratinng hae in suey In KINLEY. A HUNTER'S MARVELOUS STORY How theCharges of Two (yonns Penetras ted Each Other in Midair. Arian Tar Ye a By in They had been plazing al an game when one of the party with “You know my friend Prof is quite ar authority on. He had a hammeriess He loaned the un io t wan the hes! shooting iron | had no my hands He wis so in giving directions about the barrels that you could shoot a hundred shots there wohl pot be Headowy “«hatgun Fin ard had ~ver on the Gueat] made, me, careful haa® got him pre for o mee just i fou jt. Ruaart. un came want aut his and mine, amd we accel ap a bunch of bir on the flush, he hrash, and we The professor and 1 were when a bird BOrWeen ny we iF targey both waiked Apiowe ad, Fer to 1 them. twenty vards apart, fehinsd and Sew directly off, and, 2, fy y direct i} av i & & aie within at tll guns went thiak oth shot fhe of le “In i Was rat A hen there haat od a. per was so frightened in Rillel my smoke elearsd nrofessor Ant I don't of my sure | had wat Triond, thie 1way, veyed, wtiwt The 4 Kiser, Know Bae both started) toward fy oaue left hatels senda). WH suddenly Sale a8 onle how ft happened, UK, As with other and wi 3 Lhe I ee, the with opie right ar met professor sad “Look there’ He was pointing at onr feet. | inoked down, and there Ixy what was left of the bird, and on each side of It war a small gray ridge. Woe examined the ridge: 11 was compos] of double shot, Our charges had in tdair, and by force of contact been welded together and, respomting to the law of gravitation, had fallen the ground, “You kpow that there a in a shell loaded with Well, we nile YY SUNS 1 am we olasiwsl hands, net Hracd iy 5 Pig ounces 2a! aren wliont of sist cares Herrin up! Porn teed dotihile, mero tond The Wind a No hat Mid missing. “Talk abot tern) The world wen an toe Pliers single 8! ml 4 Sst TWO he Kant Weary Wh snd ten a ie fern +) x eo tn) peal allowed Rida LW heing Aun professod’s and % i “a iors. A Sober-Faced Huamorist. From present Lord "Momnirs™ of Lis far following story YANO her rH yy rg 2 ae Penns Bast ow 4 p . ve “er take Lhe Wis most friend nid, ar of whose amusing mine was Edwand Pitzger ¥ y Boyd man, th was thar, Waris Seat of this, when near od, the rest » KIN falty mors the move solemn his face always I remember an illustration After a large evening party, tv ail the guests had dena retained to smmoeke. In that pry was a man celebratsd for hls passion for tities, On this occasion ex Himself All Liz alk great. Yesterday ith my fread, the Margulis SAUnor tHe 2omical were his if? xf en pent Was Ww rie . the pind I was ridiz re {ca g® Tiesday last . 1ie rena rsed To Qe. for H nine; long ERE REE Lares 1Zzergid found Slowly ang a lord, bat he ls to; Lo “Riowly, sadly, he withdrew, clos ing we» Zour aiid 4 roar of laughter.” . inh” PEEL BEL CON Pittsburg Blamen 3 § [fren Campbell { 2 Chm 8 nwa Slatin, FEN on i Lp Nelson's Wonderful Feat. Writers of historical reminiscences f Five to be masters of a odrtatn amount f of accurate Information abot theip! hey wish to aveld mistakes if not, they are sure to “get | things soul” | Neat long sinee a revdeowor In the Ton. don Ti writing of a book named toving Commissions.” related on Lily aceount the following episode of | Nelson, the great admiral; While in chase of Villeneu French fleet he was informed of the | enemy heaving In sight at which ine formation Nelson evinced fi ige pest satisfaction, and ie i t ¥ i § freroes if t they are fr! Hie, VWI (vk AT i% the gisafully rublssd " Lands An 3 pints out, correspondent ineldent of the T occurred in Neluon ost bis right arm in the attack on Santa Crug, Teneriffe. in 17897 alight rears prior to Ms purentt of Villenegva's fleet. It wonld have heen, a Aifenlt matter for Lim Ww rub Bis hands” in SOO, “Its threequarters of an honr «sineg I orderad that turtle soup” snapped the angry guest at the restaurant. “Yes, said the walter, with an oleae jlous bow, “hut de turtle done make ‘seape, sah, an’ dey had to chase "bout a mile, sah.” : this IRN, 3 therefore, $i iis Bed ian MARKETS. PITTSRURO. rain, Fiour sad Peed i red § yuri way , wlisdied vy Te 4 4 white No, J white HYE--No. } ive FLOU B- Winter natenls Pusey straight winter Hye Sour HAT «No | tgiothy Ldower Na}. Hay, Irom magne. Ne. 1 Waite M i. Brows midditugy. Hran, bulk .e FTRAW Wheat Oat. PGR RWB of al Pet over, 83 Me smithy, prime Dairy Products. BUTTER Figin Utoatliery LR arestnery Fancy country CHEERE Ohio, New ark new, roti Lau . Fruits and Vegetables fEANS.-Hugd-ploked, ¢ Lu Piel aiiEs Wille per ta Apia Howe grown, Uh, ONIORR- per Gu Poultry, Blo CHICKENS, ¥ pair stuns FERRED ¥ ib Biss Fa atic CINCINNATL , fate, Treal FL GUS rin TNo, 3 red BYE} 3 CORN Mixed As Baron BULL TER- reRIneTY PRILADELYVHIA, Lille FLOUR WHEAT Now dred CORN--No. § mined a in ~ No, wi LITER A reamery EGGS rete NEW YORK FLOTU Re Pater is Wie A i: No “read Now 3 ORL White oem ory BUTTER treamery EGus Nate ol Peus ite % exira Pa LIVE LTOCK. CENTRAL FTE TaubDi, Easy CATILS, 1.500 to § 3080 hs 1.58 10 1 3G De al to 1 100 The LARURTY Prime, 2 Lyi Thivy, I . Fair gut stesrs 00 To JRE) La Commo, 00 to 8 (be HOON, Medium. .... .... « Heavy . Boughs and stags. . & Easter: Table. YO TAKE EFFECT NOV. 15. 1897. Westward Nal %. 1% Mautner: 3 154 + - ea SH DOL Se Ta Ti 11ae SAEED Titan Miation roe Miliary foastmilsciost | ammnlwll $iowy 1 iE Eastward N 4 tun Horton Run islen OCmmpbell Passmore { Hurtiside Fok {dex ? sunderiand 1 Wiaks [ Water] Mod owes lLabathnrst Mander Paw bs {reek Janetion {"nlon Station MahaTer! f Fag station Connections. AL LU with; Mawel peek railroad, & 1. division Ponnavivania rail rows Loand FP 2 NW mil rome at Whiskey lin with Mies & New. ta burg pmilroamdd; at Moers with PAN. W mil fread Noting] ily Delween 8 EERE EW ER @h Lo #0 Mahathy, nion Aation, ntl Mrther notice trains will =a Union Station Mahaftev: and il tines ART exoenn Bune if Ricks (enemi Mansiger MahatTey, ~B R & P Time Table. The #hort Line tween Dollois, Hidgway, Amadford, sSsaimanoa, Buta, histor Ni Falls, asd points in apse Cid J By Fa law ithe Reston, 1 after Nov, (0 188 and depart Passenger teming from Yale reel Reed sumiay, as llows WARY a, a ifio med Rochester nall Hrowkwayy! Ridgway, Jolinembarng, EWE Heat tom, maldnanca, Butiic Rochester: conning at Johnsmiurg PAE tein 2 fr WHenx, Kane, wry. and Erte nil a. wm burg, Ri frend bin te LW rey bop Hig Ran, Ei Horchiirew, Hideway, Rrdtord ar. ied F Pungeitawney Uratis arrive 040 a «Far Mi FEE with bien Hox press from Bedford Hew kawayyvilie, and for Dialiols and Jesh inter Panza. dwar wlalicns iy Danllose, Nei pes — Aocammia tation} aad Prine Bradford Accomodation For Brow Kwarvitie, Elmont, Carmo, Johnsenburg, t. Jewell and ied ne oR r Pm Bois, Sykes, Big Lan, sand Walston m aail fram Walston amd Panxsuwtawney: 07 Expres from Hmdford and intermediate stallions 1 ps m, accommodation from Punxentawnes; 28 | Express froan Punxsutawnsy; a p in, mail | from HBudho and Bochesier. Leave | Bea Shore Express, week | Mutn Line ly tn LAltoons ATA Aatly ER Mail Express dally i Philadelphia Ex vole | Wa | Johnstown Adcom , week dayw 1 tran glen 0A train for Patton and £] way { Junetion TO% Kaylor for Ebensha Larrtving at Cresson al &0 8m Ummpbell wt Tis p Mop n 103 Paton 1000 y | Close 1BOR Mubaffey 1500 Clamey idmres Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table November 20, 1597, Main Line. a anv. At oans A umes on, week days wa ar a Ln dui a pa cntain Mh pian antwasd. woek dayy........ TPIS, on dally. Rs — oy — Fo maar sii i So ——— a ae Fasting, Amity He SHNLFES CuEgNE VUCYYER uv Ree B3pBE832 p3EbgE cambria and clearfield. Sonthward, men ii 44% Mahatfer 20 5 pe 3 Westover 504: Hastings #15 Gare for Cresson S08 £ry en Patton 65 Hmd 3 ig A ernons aves m: I J ee Lala a; Wislovor y 32 Hast) Sings by 4 « Gray for ‘rewmon! B08 Patton ¢8 Junetion iain for Patton and UE: Kaylor $46 ardving at Bradley at 548. Northward, train leaves Cresson for Mahatfey Rayior Wr: Junetion iy Pa 1047 (iarwny ‘fr Haste Hartree for Mahia fey shim a Pi plates Hei Ww exlaver ise arriving at Glen ied Afternoon train for Pac i frp 3 Moraing ngs id uny (for mm nbell at 3 forr 3 rien ¥ irgsd $1038 fratiiver ng : Patron & Hastings f Plen 4 Hastings Gareay thr si rey pabaesi | 157. Mab a Phi 3 $n srpiet % 4 » wi Dn : JAY fo tekst agent fm. E.R oan WwW, hd Crises Fifth avenis J.B. Huteldnsen, EE SE 3 en. Paws. Agt Altoona & Phil Comnesting RR CONDENSED TIME TARLE, rrhmpy il] nile in effect December | 1597, Week Dave X; A NaN 7 (38 Hogtiodnie 14.57 vim Miles, 75 3 id Chllipaburg 8H Favvwasn ru, 6.00 re 300 312 38 548 y. 5% 6.81 19 8 45 145 Osean i Mi 33 31.3% -.01 Huats } = 3d Bargey, 53 SruisyY iRaAI¥s, 5 tn Shane REX te ga ile te Houtsdaie i x it smeeiinn Siils bak pas = iad » El id Li we ~ 8 i turg x v w $0 Mage et - ann x2 se AL Phiitpabiurg { Union Stes Howey (Creek Halirosd reine tran Delletotte Lock Haven, Wilke Reading, Prlisdeiphin and New fawrencevii vw Corning, Watkins Livoas: Cleartieid, Mebafloy or Pilots, Papxsutaws graensyiie Li Bradiord PBuflaic and yenETy apd Pitas; SHY 2 odie leg Ar (hompin for Houtedale and Hamey with i trains saving Lvione st 1.00 P. wi. MH GOOD, General Sept & M Division. FALLS CREEX aN 0 CLEARFIELD ar Fasi! Orewlg Pallas Deslhode June Pag berry Itherstairg Rowe tan Arpderson Viedoot Hewes Hridgeport C45 Cureensvilie $e. «7 13 Wrighis To Ceart itd Market Hy, “ Peeve Cronk Pept ar 3 1 Rd KU%3 “8 4 LENE LARCEES pom "dd on wi eh wala? 23.008 iV ~xeept Rurndey wie at To Bots fur Riage wuy, Jobnsonbarg, Hmdiond, Buffalo and Biwhosler Train No 78 connects at Da Bole for Bradford, aid PMilaturg Trin Nov 74 connects at Clearfield with Lewy Creel mlinomd for Phulpabasy, aek faven. Jotesy Shore, Willameport, Pullsde. ant New York ruonssnd mile tokets at two cents per nalle, gowsd “aa hewn all atin Paward OO. Lapeer, Gen, Pas Af. Roe heater, Y Sor Passengers are rox) trewted to ptirchase tick. sta Defisre snoring ihe mars. An excess charge fren cenit will be eadieeled by conductors whan fares are 4 an trains from ali stations where a ekel Oo ts tmalntainad. » 8 $m AM Amn “ing ii apily Trap Na, 7 Creek Railroad. & H.R R Con Loasee. ‘undensed Time Table. Noy PS Paton Wieativer Ma affey IK errIniGe A RETR IG im. ERE = sy RFYCIE. eee SERLBEL wah 5 PHC RORBEC RE x” sz in wgdsu wp ll OB Prog tae f5il: Sq nloown w 5 - iN WE Hows ie) Mi Mid Lowi Maven Wayne! Iangtion Share iH lamapart ce ha aa Wy 4 ERns . - io 0 « ngstnie Jeresy mbore ‘ Torragy Ww es rok ® EOE Ee RR wt hl = 4 11 15 aril W am La Hiv - vw & dt wt chew CG EW Phit'a & Reading rR R r Williamsport taipliin ~ = smagua ar #5 arbi ew SR m sundays cEdgMsEnNTuaEAt CE NY vin NOY vig £58 gmt yn 5 OR p P10 a 0 NODAAYS JB TEErE TERE Jing via Pht} 5 1h temin from Wi isrnsyrt a) Bint Ave, Phils r Witdsmepaort with Phils I Reasling xii re wil at Jersey Rhiore ’ Heoonk Hy. at Mul Hail xi! d of Pennsvivaniag at tants mMilreed snd anneeing milroad: at Main, Rochester and try st $a fra fey and Patton with arenria wod Oeafie gd division of the Pennsvraita wilroad: at Mabary with the Peiinay vamis ond North wasters Is mi Tay. A Te. PRiiorer ig Ls Po Superintendent. Home or the Cigarette. Nearly every man, woman and child in Egypt is a smoker of cigarettes and a pipe hemily ever seen in the mouth =f 3 uaiive. i 108 pathy “the 3 pIARY “5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers