The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 24, 1898, Image 8
Compare Conditions Carefully. Misrepresentation makes mischief. Care should be exercised in making comparisons. Statements have been made that some States are paying $2000 a mile for good roads, while other States pay 810,000 for abont the same thing. As a matter of fact, the roads are very unlike, and differently built. First-class, permanent stone roads, well drained and properly graded, are likely to cost very mnech nearer the latter fignre than the for- mer. —L. A. W. Balletin. Different Forms of Pavement. There is no one varisty of pavement suited to all degrees and forms of traf- fie, says the Manicipal World “‘Granite block pavement is the most durable which can be constructed, re- quires but little repair and is well 1 to steep grades, but is rongh, noisy and trying on the hoofs of horses. Asphalt is a very smooth and Gl as are available, together wi® thnde which may be secured from the State, and ‘‘every county shall an- anally levy a roed tax of not less than fifteen cents, nor more than thirty cents, on every one hundred dollars of the value of the property, real and personal, assessed for taxes in the county, the pr roceeds to be applied to road improvements in said county.” Cost of Fad Koad Yeanspartation. Some very interesting observations as to the cost of bad roads to farmers the students of Union College, N.Y. by Mr. Francis V. Greene, President of the Barber Asphalt Company. As a thorough disenssion of the expense as well as the inoonvenience of bad highways is Recassary to hring abou a reform soz reprodnced: “In the older and more sett! led pe tions of the conutry the raviroads so namerons and the rates are so low that they yield but & small return 03 the cavital invested, aud the construe tion of new railroads has ceasad to bea An attractive field for investment, agreeable pavement on which to drives, is bandsome, sanitary and may be kept very clesn, but is less darable than granite, and cannot be used on steep grades. Vitrified brick is fairly | well adapted to steep grades, ranking next to granite in the foothold afford- than granites, is very agreeable for driving or wheeling, may be kept very | clean, but is less larable than either anite or asphalt. Crashed stone i) is the most agreeable for driving, is not noisy, is superior to all | in safety is adapted to steep grades, but under excessive trafic is very ex- pensive to maintain.” A Stimulus to Life in Raral Communities | J 3 i tion 1s a principal factor 1a detersaip- We have 1,300,000 miles of country roails in the United States. Most of them are so bad that hanling is costly, | laborious aad often cruel work, whiie driving for Jesteation is out of the | i ton per mile, . The pleasares of country would be doubled were there turn- pikes in every neighborhood. Notice | those counties in Kentacky, like Shel. by, where the rods are kept in a high | ~ state of improvement, and others, hike | Green, where there are virtually no. highways. Witness the improvement counties, whicn have recently built ex- tensive and valuable systems of tarn- of rural communities than the build: ing of roads; no other so easy to be re- oF a1 sorted to It is not nee to invite i ary facts to show what an enormaons capital; it can bedone at home. | relieve the hard conditions of rural life so fully that the drift of the alstion 0 towns and cities wouid pa 8 ‘ ithe remsdy is equally ev: at once arrested, When pleasure and profit are so joined together as in this scheme of | vement why should there be hes | itation?— Louisville Coutier-J ournal. » Geek Roads Ear Secure. A Pennsylvania paper says that » competent engineer and contractor offers to give bonds to gridiron Las. ‘won't be a farmer who. will live over a mile-and-a-balf from one of theses roads on any side of him, and three-fourths will live immediately on them, pro- ‘ Tide 8 four mill tax per asnam on She county's ralaation {outside of Lan- Columbis) be him for — Journ. This looks like get good roads, The county i is : ey twenty-eight Ly thirty miles, so it wonld require nearly 500 miles of road to cross it in both ways, every three miles. But the contractor allows for building 600 miles, as fol- lows: EXFEXDITURES, 300 miles, 4 Wide 91.4205. col 900.000 | 200 60 ww | : Taterest on nual POMEL nding 3a gon i Qwau Bepaiss lor Ave years... © —— a — £1,530 000 BICEIFTS. Tax four mille, annually for ten years on valuation, $44,618 841. 4 Interea: on aanosl receipts... iat 876 am ax 3,283 207 Deduct expenditures, ........ 1,50 000 ACSI ——— Net profit....................KL413.207 And this on a tax of only four dol. lars on each thousand of valoation, — L. A. W. Bulletin. To Work Virginia's Conviets on the Roed. The bill iotroduced in the Virginia Legislatare, for the em ent of convicts on the roads of State, Deovides that all able-bodied male sentenced to jail or peni- | for more thaa ninety days, or Jan nian roads. Those sentenced to county jails shall work upon the roads of such counties, unless there is no immediate need of them, in which case they may be hired | to otlfer countics, bat only for road work. The convicts pot required for ser- vices in the penitentiary are to be dis- tributed among the counties, on ap- plication, sud none sre to be hired out for any purpose but road wors. Not less than five, nor more than twenty-five, are to be assigned to auy { something over ten years 8go. iaay profit. : tha rate on the ratiroad in the rural life of Hardin and Warren | pikes. Ther is no greater agency to %” that it costs as mach stimulate farming and the whole life : i total length, | The rates of freight have been steadily reduced, year hy year, anti | toes to the railway station as it does | to carry it 40%) miles over the railroad. ““The bal condition of tha roads ha- gan to attract widesprond attention Certain elementary principles were evilent at ‘a glanes, to wit: the price of fart [pro Iaots is fixed s it the great crtien nr centers of consumption and distribm- tion, and is wholly bevond the farmer's conteol, and the eost of transporta ‘ing his profits or the possiblity of Om the railroads this has hasn reduced anti] it varies according to balk, from one cent to six mills per are so bad that & two-horse team and a ton of more than ten miles and return io a | day. The cost of road Teli | 1s, therefore, thirty cents per ton per ‘ mile, or abont forty times as great as The averasa distance from the farm to the nearest railroad station is at least ten miles, $a gat tha goods to or from the raircad station | a8 to carry them $00 miles on the cars, : It only needs to state these lament drain bad roads make on sur re i gonroes “It is evident that an improvement ‘ia these conditions is yuperative, and F4 w ‘has been proved, not only by me { chanical srperinent birad by artasl test, draw fie that the same {urce which ton on a muldy earth road will diaw fonr tons on a bard macadam read On the improved roads in New Jereey loads of four to five tons are habitu. ally drawn by a two-horse team. This effects a saving of fally three-fourths ‘ of the cost of banliagz to the station, and redgces the cost of road trans- portation from thirty cents to « ve: and one-ball cents per tou par mile What this saving amonuts to may ba imagined wha it is known that the New York Central railroad alone car- rias nearly 20,000,000 tons of way freight io a year. If this is bauied only two miles by road to or from the station, and a saving of twenty two and one-half cents per ton per w corld be effactel, it wounll niesn a saving of pearly 892000 0G0 These figures may sess exagierated, but they, will no longer apnear so when wa realize the saviny setaally Rite compiishel Ly the redaction in ral- road rates io the last twenty-five years For iastancs, in 1880 tha averagoe freight rate on the New York Central Baiiroad was 2.4 cents per tou per mile; 11 1893 it was seven mills. Thus saving, on the business of 15893 1a up- ward of 834,000,000, This 1a the re- § iis the application to the railread probe lem of the highest available talent Daring these same twenty-five voars little or no attention Las been g the railroad problem. The roads are as bad sow as they were in 13540, and the cost of transportation over them as great now as it was then, Jn next twenty five years the reani's ae- complished on the common roads are likely to be as remarkable as those achieve! on the railroads in the last twendy-five years.’ A co HS AOI Longest Mane and Tell of Any Hares, In the Dresden Masenm there isn a stuffed horse wiich formerly belonged to the Elector of Saxe, Angnst [I the i Strong. This horse's mane is 1Ift tleng, aod his tail 1a over 3j3yds. in On State occasions the Elector was wont to ride his horse, a retinue of pages attending to sappor the animal's mane and tail, In 1809, a scientific review pablishedl a pictare of a French stallion named Absalon of the Percheron rare, whose mage was liyds long and Lis tail nearly 4yds. in length. He was bonght by an American millionaire at a heavy one county, every assigument to be made for a year, unless shorter time | is requested, snd even then for not’ less than ninety days. If the number | of conviots is not sufficient to ill the applications, they are to be supplied ratably. Convicts, in respect to their work, are to be under the control of the county authorities in which they work: but, as prisoners, they are to ‘remain in the custody of the State authorities as if they remained in the penitentiary,” and transportation ex- penses, guarding, feeding, clothing and medical attendance are to be paid by the State, the counties to provide suitable shelter. Each county is to ado , and put in a scheme or for working rice. A borse that was bred ag ion, 1a Oregon, one of the western. most of the United States of America, ! and which was the property of Messrs, CH andH W Eaton, had a mane oft, in. long, as tail 121%, Sin and a foretop, the name given t> the hair which hangs over a horse's forehead, 8ft., Yin. in length. — London Tit-Bits Sleep. Nature" » Medicine. Menander said that ali diseases were curable by sleep—a broad statement, in which, nevertheless, thers may be something thas is trae, for good sleep- ors are ever, as [think the most cura- ble patients, and [ would always rather bear a sick person had slept than had taken regularly the preseribad medi. cine during sleeping houos —3ir Bew nt ite roads by such prisoners in its jail jamin Richardson. they are t now barely one-fourth of what they | ware thirly years ago. jortation problem can not be consid | | ered as satisfactorily scived iit costs aa i Wyo wheat or puta ‘od horses, is smooth and less noisy | mach to carry a ton of wheat or po Still the trans ! {ent fw it the | Anat hey Age : Cay ~NIAale ee : 8" $0 The | | ! | 2 | | | were made inan address deliverad to | drag Hannon hi viv » of has Femara are — ! are | Ear OW SUTrZiArs The robbers = § dar rete ok AER AIL TR LEY re SOT Bepise Mr 8 niighiwir Ww i Was i Bo Thres * ( § 2 i¥ »ir Riza peed tid Lage] Kis The LAs Wan in Delancey N ying Known the rohtery But the average roads | = { wagon, the value of which 1s §3 per dar, eaanot hanl prodiues A thse ARERR a. wt -t a wl 5 eg REL MRL SIE the town mer Leslie a thar the 1 run until: a fra had beer werd to ris that “ue A hid salt which has been accomplished by | Fiven to {ms ooay of appeared abo Ie In Ape te Wiakim There (a a lnrge is HOUR “ Heed in A Rion Tit kidergbie Sh the Shand Laan - ARAL Benly Ciarat or and Ligh ¥ Riivy Hz» was barn | and nia & daughter Jittaburg Sr at $B AE trom a? Waal riaimead by M He DUEL A WaINAn world be a farmer Ww H Puftalo, said ihn Herg Xx suman the tT iaman Lisisling. was Harnisburg ™aAnrts the sale | Bunday 3% ip valid share Where the Mmpaney 3 and then ¢ Time after the vi hers ran a Was BEN eT Mie hare Morr: Biter a Vigo ro arearali Bington witowasr Piper to [EYSTONE TIE ENS (INDERSED BEATEN Al RD » ROBBED of porribia by be FW > lee In A fe taKen Mm in a WAR “Fa HEIR NT Ane 4 Fe po Lawn ward f: in if Hannon revives sh Arse Aang t ingraphed LEE T hares and Buggy in {Hm oR AE RETY Fosenh i.e v her fate eh *R% rou a Aine nh WO a shed the waa rat ria : 1 GRES ~g4 Cosple Tortared Into Bevealing the Hiding Place of Their Money. : fhe Bia +f Bs A occurred a yi re ning las ot Jiao. Pw od. Tare: Oo} id ae voy rake DURE, ys man & at abuses ATS wry BiH AnKeL, its 34 foal Hannon tare ing nat v fearing that ApProfnalian i 3 ) told the romaking soundings [or a » Hawaiian ¥ Aarts er 9 20 arm Ar Lae as ian bi was Ridden na tue X = ad | or % 2d Ww had #5 ty stat and BAY Rg Bo *T oh ~ gen reid derspiian J args Dans starford § ey or kde Jamies Ad ans Lr Ata Her WRN “a #4 z fA. PIV ERATE IT an! HRA AN PGI Chiaries OO) Bi esry an Railroad a day at his in Lugerns isd. iin aw MET » 4 i 143 TH Ww J Frank s a H rE. WN ury Piper » $ Ww wis Tor Fea whem ww ee Pusxeatas rey di “fp TET A KN Ar EO Alinistarin FP GigRi oad CMMPARY Mauch COunALY Ha > PR alirow 33 Baht in Ue Racariiy B; nahi 3 Ail ra 3 wy 38 i Ke 4 Mary Fliaa shad by tha AW caian PE meXats aim entay 5 farther Mh : & Was hop he gee and Mr Wik sper end with a annexation of Has in the {raat os sree Law ¥y Missisni is IRBinsT the gonmton Friday oa oh Ph $e REST RL} ie HM 5 ALLE 104. ry ho th fam 4 to | i { stats Bad Wak ng ar tg 1 Mar \ iTINer r ington wrilos tun Fr rare Turkish Empire Fong to Giecas Lia ry ailint the other ard Brunnoaw? Brean tay to Pal ne just now said Ah An IA Kon think 8 me the other fay in A man bystiel 1s Mma My ori my ne wil femme voir handkesreohiat iy i my Lod fran Ox 10m Mir at An i KBow tha at PRimeretan i now said what yay swerad no what Rappan ths Af maat and sail mn mers nave 5% that 4 wy mid iy Ne i | in (8313 WAR TNLie the ad and Pia uo aryl vy hn pent. rou! eh ohinl 13 nanliker. sali you dunt take Ia fy Liat ped Ore af Raed Jokes a £4 «352 Alien & Galiiniry mada 1} 1nd haat ticle, tor she talis it with numb Every one ean play o enough an 4 5 tar to be disagreeable. CW COW at get this | 1 Cnandolted ADtomaricany. In Enrope the elevator affords so many chances for sgocidents that it ie surprising so {ow occur, Of course, larger hotels snd stores have sles rArare sh are in the hands of som. pent people who operate them: but 3 many small hotels and private Loreen and shops the “Hf” are ape parnvd antirely from the ground floor, Wien a person wishes to 20 4D in the elevator he tells the attendant the num. hor of the floor he wishes to sop at. An index is moved iv that number and the car iw started np. When the car regeliea tlie proper floor the slevator stone and t rar iyelf Tans as the car passes ach Aoor Le door into the elevator shalt is unholtad automatically for an instant anti] the car heine to tse past Aor, It is possibile for A person 70 open tw + the door at this ttme and fall into the alavgraor shaft He seldom does, how. prer: they move more cautiously on the | LAY Kaylor oe, arriving at Cresson at 308 other wide of the water than on this all to Ins Paper ne [3raes oes Gre F3 made Horses a. 3 Mretag, a thang hoee LM ot DArgess ot organ nt oll Carer Der COLlaM Ia MARKETS. PITTSBURG. Grain, Four acd feed WHEAT No, irwd ¥ Nee 3 red COBN Na No J owes Mixed! sar mew, dw i Sai 3 aii a Foaliow, sar sw, shied Lite wi WHEE Dalene ry sirnighit wintar Loar vo, } umn y id SH WATE FEEL: Noo} Waite Md Brows middling Pras, bulk THAW. Wheat nt BEE wf AEs i in AB. prime _ Datry Products Pry E R—Eigiu Lramary Cio creamery. , Vane § vouRLey Pol CHEERE nso, naw | New ork aww Fa Sag 3 79 ld FE fp ew » i Fraite and Varstadies Hand-ploked, ¢ © ¢ LL IAT OES Wake CARBAGE. Ee Rr wy UNFON See by ANS... BE . por oon i rer Pounitry. Eo CHRICRENS ¥ pair sina ILKAEY> #00 ii Pisan— a ad Loi -— CINCI FLO ’ : FLO. Nd BiE~ Na I CORN Mixed GAs (ata x 4 BH y-A2 PHILADELPHIA BL Lio ches kery YLOUR WHEAT No dred CORN-No, 3 Sand CIA LR Ni d waite =e i Eibot reauery Evo Pa desl NRW YORK FLOU B--Patenls WHEAT we MER i red CORN-~Nu d GA TR White Weostery BUTTER Creamery Kips dusts of enn. LIVE STOCK. CENTRAL STOCK TLRNS. Bas? CATTLA 1.90) to 1 400 a Good, 100 to 1 38 Na Piay, {008 to [ 130 Ms Fair gut steares, 200 to 1000 Common, 100 to MN le, Beas ' LIBTATY, Prt tm. Meiium Heavy Rouges and stags sume: a 108 he wetljiers a ea : Prime 25t On pepel LH TO TAKE EFFECT wy Westwind 5. 1397 Pia) § Reg rs wich Pommard item ty sEweal Horton Ra an r a Leer Bs int) LMA Pyar Passtnaouw HH: frida Fig faek wynderignd wus ’ od sew {attivarst WVManatWer Hy ppc Fy f reer Jans! i city Matin Ma ¢ ¥ wa station VEE re Lie Al with Mewwh ipoek fil Pox rows 1. mud Rin with Mot sears Bn png wtatinn rowed (irmN ANIL TH wed at Whisker wirg mMdinead; ad a. wo 12x Pot wawery 1 tery La a jrisei! th P firs iey tains will man Mahaftey spl Yat exanagel Sun a seer Marnuge Mar B R & cP Time Table e, ii Bais Hi 1] % ¥ sham Tomiie 1 ised forties Fhe sla Tiny Al maine H. Hicks, is Noi £ Fil 3 and alter Now LY as a) depart div,» Ti Suet) fui eto sind Howlin ! Ridgway Barel, Bey ia COREE peeling at REE Wit ; as tiger TIRE ¥ Ais Ws Pane i im fad a TRE, in wed Dsl Rew iahnsoniurg, WR ARR a ig M1 awe £113 Ridg: yas Brad? Fp — hl — i Prin tal tay ney POR RIVE Fem allie, Sykes, ig and Walston Boa om oman wand Punxsatawies: 0007 Express Bradford and a Anton a3, acemntuodation from Panxstaw ney: 08 Expross from Panxsatawnoey L# Dm, mail from Bufo and Bovlhester {room | ; a 5 | Pennsylvania Railroad Time | Seu Bhome Kxpross, i fohpetosrn Arvo | | Partfle Expmacy, duty : Way Passenger Antly ; tabu ry Expross i Mat i Past: fru { Jolinstotrn Aceon he door le anholted by the | iv the | t it Jp Eten ! arciving at reason at At EB i - Tunotion 10:34 Patron (847 WEN Walston © fran Lig p Table November 20, 1807. Main Line Poy Ent ward. Weg AL owaiie AcOGIRneodnting, Main Line Fxpres daily itocha Accommodut] wx, datly PF Expross, daily . fiadeiphin Frpross, Aatiy | {asa © regen WN astarsed. wowsig days. a —- isave sd a ys ete » LUEeNE iatly VEVOVEE CTT IES B5paB83 BpaEns he THAR Wook dave cambria and Clearfield. Roathws rd Moriing imiin for Parton and Crosson leaves sles Cuonpbell $80 Mahatfey 5.0 a Do a Wamtover S01 Ha ating | ng for tC rwenn 2 Patan S00 Tay Kay for Ebhe naturg: 71% Brad , al =i a m. ratn Or Patton and Cresson Whi Formona amphell at Tid pm AY Wostover 18 Hast rewannt kM Patton var way dy! Lay ys I i An Northwerd, Morsing ‘main saves Cregson fae benaburng 0 Kaylor rll; (rarway fh for Mara fey! 1h Westover eo ilk arrdving at Glen Am pheil Wil Afemonn min for Pate £313 and ist am nbd! meow © at Sell ay or val Whwenetioirg B08 Bradie - Junetion $3 than og RY fir Ha tage: T Hastings five i pleas; * Amp well TON a: sly Cmmpheli 7 W& stover be Ladoss ol Hana Fry wm Lid arTivin 2 at sign Campbell its mi For Rte: THAPA, “le any Wo ticket agent ir addins Thos v Wat, PAW. D, J. RR Wand Tinh avenue, Pittsburg. Pa Jd B Hut tren. Pass Agh a Altoona & Philipsburg Conueeting BR. RB CONDENSED TIME TABLE. ngs) 1107; Hast oi wny (fire Ho M “t #37 rhinee, Mer i pusiry {a #Qeot December} i, 1997. Basrwanp Week Days 5 Lh #4 33 4 Lis 33 345 Pamey Hogtzdaie iwenalia Mills Putlipsburg a. AX 11.43 fi.8% 5 1008 Baad LL) Wesrwaps x. M. Phlllpsbarg = 30 wean Mills Haoutzdaie Ramey. md AY Tease Pow Soils sewn &F Bead Do Hamoy Houtsdals (rmoecin Mills Paliipsburg ia x 41 "ob Foo AX “wo “a A LE Ax SF Rant Up. Hamer 5) Houtzdais SA8 pace in Mite we Patiipsburyg AL Ph with all Beach far agd fro Dede istmaport. Beadicg fark Lawres neve ant Ly Patton Lurweliay. ie vy Hidgway Srad hoch aster At hopeals for Hogted XR trains waving CoNsg ipsharg (Union Sims (reeg aiitom] LraiDs pia ocx Haven, Wile $0 ached plain Atal New yi» wii Corpsng, Walkin stam: 4a ar Metafile Pouxitnws Bua and TioRe v3} 8 void i} ug Pests, rd ae an! laser with PAT ee ar 7 = P HoH ooh Usowral Sap’ Pires i i i + w = X M Division. FALLS CREEX AND CLEARFIELD Fasdi Crew : Dio Basin Da Rods Junction wag ste Latherwbrg wk isn Anderson Vigdoet esas Redgepart 1 rw erieviiie Wrights i i i ne Market St Blevins ¢ reek 3 2 4 x iY iad ar - =~ 19 TEs § : wr rie Am A 1m Fag irily . ran “is i SITE TIER vay. Johnsbury, Lewtak ale Tiny 5 7 rd Pte i¥ sxe Sunday Dra Be Hrad ford, Bode Or Butlin nneets at ra Bis fr Breaded, ta 32 iY 4 Pr “Ey Fit itil Ter fii 3% Ww Temrfoid with iipetarg, Loe vimgaort, J i Lachine Ld eta 3t Twn ents per mile, ut E ews ass stallions wer, Leen. Pas y Rie A 3 Y. a rwnes 13 APS roan pete ts pu rebaes Uok- Tf beer DE 9 An axed Charge ted bY eodBetom ve foun al! tations tained Ed wan faa Hoare £1 Senin Wii biam fares are pws ' iii where 5 tego fies ix ramet CRA Beech Creek Ratiroad. N. ¥! LH RR Co Lessee arte hd Time Table. Raga No ® ; fond up xg ’ Lr Nid vr} PY : Patton | Wastover wi Maliaffey 15 Kerrmaonr "ia (TTA A ids Rear mione Now Millipon alle 8 Maile E fa WY - * . 8 ave ESIBCEULEARSRUSESTICNABBURRNCACUER 9 Raa - 28% SoUgluNETYE - SERRA D Re HE hed wad feria om Wowstiand Higier & i hws tenny Mor wlais Min Mune Phiitrahurg - hs PROUT EVE CNET RRR B= PR BE DREN AAPA IAT OT GRA BRP Ne w= om, oe Munson Winnums Pron ia faritivatiaurty FLEE atu oo w Mri Wye Mond en Mit Hai iwi Haven Yarns Iunction airy ravage ww HB REE RR kde Ee BERL ASUERBNI pd i KE YVooungwtaie Tormey migary Toray miu W - od --—- wi Ny “ Phil's * Reading RR Ww , Ph Ny NY FLEE rt afteigiiis u Tama pom Sundave Jing vie Phi in Ww { iif “¥e Trend 219 in Tuite with at Ab Hail f Perinsyivanie; af paris maimed apd sitet ing mtiromd; a i Hoehester and ihafiey and Patton wre dd diviaon of the Pants canta mila at Yiata my with the Penney vant uf Nortiovesiern milway y, ip. Maine ¥ KE Herrtinan, Superintendent en. Dass Agent, : Philadelphia, Pa A Boston pursictan ars a certain rmount of tightlacing is beneficial Che fault is the ladies don't know where to draw the ibe .