The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 24, 1898, Image 7
THE PATTON COURIER MARCH 24, 1898. PATTON PUBLIC SCHOOL | Report for the Sixth Hh Mont h Ending March Oth, 1808. The bladder was sreated for one par- | Total ber of led, 495; pose, namely, a receptable for the Total number of pupils enrollec urine, and as such it 8 ot Fable tn any | i per cent. of attendance, 91. The exer- form of disease except b one of tWO ciges on Library day were well ren. wi The first way is imperfect tak : dered. A number of visitors were action of the idrieys. The second 1 ahsabl . way Is from careless focal treatment of | presen av sey SN ua te _bo »] other diseases. | were to the library. BSevera CHIEF CAUSE. {cases of truancy were reported and Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid- | vigorously acted upon. We hope the neys is the chief cause of bladder Figo of the treatment will prove salu- troubles. So the womb, like the blad. : al ; 4 of der, was created for one purpose, and tary. Foll lowing are the reports or if not doctored ton much is not lable the several rooms: to weakness or disease, except in rare High School. cases. It is situated back of and very at un a” 1 males 0: close to the bladder, therefore any Total enrolled, males 10; , disease or inconveniences mani- females, 22. total, 32 Per cent. of in the kidney back, DI attendance, 91. Pupils present every arinary assages is often, by mistake i wm Se. Minnie Helte attribated to female weaktyche or womb Say Nr " — ior 3a Sess trouble of some sort he error is nie chel Anderson, Ann easily made and may be as easily Moore, Clara Myers, Carrie {'rowell, avoided. To find oat Correctly set Rath Reese, Anna Fvans, Edna Bride. your urine aside for twenty-four hours: Angie Cordell, Mamic Jones, sect] po e kidney or Bladder and rq ex. Martha Hewlett, Murry Lewis, Rudy traordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Mellon, Chas. Crowell, John Makin, Swamp-Root, the great kidney and Grams Kehonh bladder remedy is soon realized. If Numb ctondancn. 48 you need a medicine you shoold have Bmber in allendance, 49; of attendance, S58. Perfect in attend the best. At droggists fifty cents and ‘ome dollar. Youn may have a sample anes: Howard Bloom, Jacob Sandford, 1 Arthur Thomas, Anas bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by Yon mail, upon the receipt of three 2-cent a Riiler Rlanche Rrideso . stam ps te cover cost of postage on the tasin Biller, Blanche Brideson, Anna bottle Mention the Parrox Covtrer Cornelius, Grace Cowher, Agnes Don. and send vour address to Dr. Kilmer & nelly, Anna Donnelly, Edith Holter, Co., Binghamton, N. VY. The pro Agnes Hanter, Christina Lees, Maggie H letors of ue. Dr guarantee the Lowe, Jessie Monteith, Stella Wasson, A Sess Of ww ofle Mable Wharton. Children and adults tortared by T. J. Harr, burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin Phied tataveastiinte. thay Sogare instant Yelle! by Namber of pupils in attendance, Sali DeWint 8 Wich Han oH io. Males, 32; females, 23; total, 35. Per » y Teal phe Jemeny- be MOE Sous of attendance, males, 36. females, si ol tota I, 91. The folowing wire per BUSINESS DIRECTORY, | cimaieminnor trim omer: se | Cornelins, Cs arrie Holt ter, Effie Jenkins, ; Anna Jenkins, Mary Owens, Annie ¥ VAN WILSON, (Quinn, Iona Sandford, Elmer Croweli, | Charles Cordell, John Edmiston, Hagh Surgeon Dentist. Hunter, Jacob Hunter, John Ingles Grmiiate Philmdelphia Tenia! Collage. . i a My The Sreetal attention given in ths preserva Charles Kessler, George ars, mas Shoe OF th wir i dr fl aml oth 8 Rounsley, Leroy Wilkins, Bennie Wil speckaliy. God Ballo, Patton, Pa. . ’ kins, Cecil Wilson. DR. S. W. Worrell, Eprra M. ZiumesMas, Teacher, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, second Intermediate. O%ios in Good Building, Room No. 3 5. fernales, 25: 8s Genes! Surgury and the Eve 3 Specaiy Ho Per sent. of calls will receive prompt attention, attendance, males, #8 females, 20 : total. #2 Those perfect in attendance: DR. W. |. DOWLER, : hy ion Mabel Iddings, Bertha Mellon, Mary Physician and Surgeon. Pope, Florence Patterson, Mary Sheka, Office in Mellon block, sat door to {Clarence Blair, James Brady, Paul XL CH ’ Suid 3 Pictafico, Patton, Pa. Barton, James ¢ Jomaph Hud- Ath eatha day or night, proanptly resp ji «1 won, Daniel Jones, Peter Kerrs, Henry , ney oi : Pennington. Nixa B Wairsen, Dr. V. A. Murray, PONE . . gry ¥ t fe & PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. fu) IETS Offe® in Ardingion Bick. pext to BP ty fe Patton, Me All night eanlls reiporeded to ply. [risense of the ear, nose amd throat given spe inl attention, OFFICE HOURS YT to 9% in ats namber pir cent See Th LENE PRO TE, Teacher Whole number in attendance, males total, 55 ornelins, Ts ac ber Whole nnmber in attendance, males, total, 81. Por males, 94; females, 81; ARWMIp I coral, W2 Perfect in attendance: Arthur Jenkins, John Sheka, James Keres, Charles Gradwell, Willie Ingles, John Crago, Charles Mulligan, May, Dariel Jenkins, Wilson Trueman {Clemens Eadie MoUormick, John lel nan, Blair, Bari Wilson, Hudson, Tommie Woomer, Aviriiia Hewlett, Mary A. Hewlety, Abbott, Maggie Crooks. SARA Joxex, Teacher, Third Primary. 5: females 2B Cattendans {8 Business Educaton. The Rind ram Metuwel of Bad a Ps. Wri ive Yo oA : in Li wR ping, Nhat hin 1 Few riding, : praraivip avd Bagiiel | we in foar 13u ity Boal ONE BOOKS FEE SEXD FOR CATALOGUE. Biller a lots Laird, James ALE YOU READY Davidson, For winter? Iwew sour henter give you sptisfeedian® Don't pat ap with Crouldos that Runoyed you ast year, CONSULT us twas? henting year house, either By Db i, het Water or lemin. Onh pive ving # any work. GOULD & BEEZER. PATTON, CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. Number pupils enrolied, 71; average Miendance, £1; per cent. of attend. We are prepared to do ail kinds of 9. Thome presen every day 2 Casting. Mc inery, iron kettles, stoves, — Bent, Vincent Bortmaos, Earl stove Tepairs, plow points, plow re. Cramer, Oscar Danielson, Homer Hill, | pain. Our charges are reasonable. Ned Crompton, Dennis Barkey, Willie Cd saetal taken tn exe hi ge for Bow work. | Pine hers, Carl Foresberg, Anton lye SHANG SPRINGS, FA Struss, George Stross, Thomisine Hole Reuel Somerville, ter, Maggie Kellie, Janie Hant, Mary ; Leonard, Julia Myers, Nora Patterson, Attorney Lizzie Saltegiver, Romaine Smale, Fan- nie Wilkins, Ha y Mbunkwier, Fedor. GerrrUDe Herrxas, Teacher, r -at- la WwW, Tillie Parrox, Pa. Office in the Good Building. JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, second Primary attendance, 91, average attendance, 86, number missed no days, 19, as Patton, Pa. follows: Charlie Bagman, Bruos Beil, Office in Good Building. 10tf. John Davidson, Wilkie Craglairdi, Daniel Morgan, WP. DAVIS, ag! Peightal, Frank Short, John Carl Spencer, Peter Scumitchs, Mills Attorney and Counselor at Las, ari Speicer, Peter Soumitcha, Millard Enso Ri, PA. Rathrock, Ida Foresberg, Edna Kess- . pile i AK A tes ent itslness Prom ptls attended o ler, Mids val law Is, Otfiow to Burker Ballding Annie Monteith or a sheka “TOBACCO and CIGARS xa Thi foes! ine in FP widass ad ¥ ” » x G. J. FITZPATRICK: Restanrint on Magee avenoe, near + P. R. R. depot "2 MEXIS AT ALL HOURS a a (rit {38 we AE ’% { 4 Your Watch may need sr; tora, <i. Beguluting. {et ay look at i a Wilfred Karihe § XEN na ii adept E40 34 fof exis wri if ve } . t sit it 1 Dray i Gwynn, shape we'll 1 Janes, Willie Frank Morea Jenkins. Joe James Nterrat, oan man Powell, Arnold fla Andrew Sboka, Harold PATTON HOTEL, Peightal, John Man Wal A MELLON, Prove Dancan Wilkie, Leéna Anderson, Emi: Hes Johnson, Ale Noonan. at the Ba oa Dis srey, AHAFFEY HOGI» T. J. Frirox, Priney Mahaffey, Cleariield Co., Pa. On the morning Asoo ations fiestas est of Liga WR and Wines at the mr, Sodio cattached Firato lass Recomm iad is ¥ Aish . 3, ~ with the Dest the mmr WINES sua 4 ny ORs was sick with rheaman = = bed until May 21st, when GEORGE © ERGUSOX, i of Chamberlain's pain Bal Prop'r. application of it relieved n PRUN KENN ESS hes tirely from the pain and oe out the knowledge of the patient oan £0 afforded complete relief. [0 ven strictly in tea, eoffioe or . and the pa- Tent will lose all taste tor drink without k el time | was able to be up why: it is safe, sure and reliable; one bax fi "oar tks will cure any ordinary case. Price SLC post. again, A. T. Moreaux, Lave : paid; free purticnlars in plain envelope for 20. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, ¢. W, THE CARTER CHEMICAL Co. 1 Hodgki » Second 8t., Philadelphia. {odgkins. The first second stam ent. af : Harry Marshall Glass, Willie Zelia Tackitt, Mary J. Bertha Number enrolled, 7% per cent. of § slinost en- a short | about ; Minn. ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Qc flo H Dg er f A man stands no chance of being | elected to the mayorship of a city _uniess he enjoys the confidence and i Geo. W. i ° esteem of his neighbors. Humphrey is the popular mayor of Swanton, O., and ander date of Jan. 17, 1898 he writes as follows: “This is to certify to our appreciation of cham- berlain’s congh Remedy. My family ‘and neighbors have tested it, and we know it is an excellent remedy for eoughs and colds. George W. Hum- phrey. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins 1 . he Kind You Have Always Bought, ; What Dr AF salier save th Fac-simil Buffalo, ~N. Y {ENT From my e e Pe root know) ledge, rained in cheery ing the effect of vour Shiloh’ s Care in cams of wiv elit consumption, i am prepared to say it is the most remark. abide permed) that has ever been brought to my attention It has certainly consumption. Sold at { ormer {irae Nome RAY odd mii Proim Plismt to thee merits of cough Bemedy as one afficient It hroke valunble and ti the market ne dangerous oough for ON THE me in 24 hours, and in gratitude there inform. yon that | will four Aoi voy WRAPPER never be without it and vou shold feel proud the Bigh esteem in which OP EVERY ra #11 thenennd marcess fo ito R BOTT LE Downey, editor Democrat, Albion, . Ind For sale by Patton Pharmacy, ul peaple in remedy among A Groat Medicine fives: Sway THE KIND CW, Hodgkins is now giving fre tor ali a iris i OR Me of the great Bacon's Celery King, Y ] U H A Y R nervous dia. L A BH ora, indigestion, If ladies suffering from orders and constipation will ase this rei SENTAUN SOWPANY, WEW YORE £TY the skin and all Mood diseases pK pe medy Lhseek dam 25 and 50 cents fwrbal remedy, wiil soon he free fram the sil backaches that have mueh suffering. It is it quickly cores sruptions of LAr FYI 8 a dd them san perfect regulator No-TFo- Bac for Fifty Cents purl Eesti on ¥ PP hig aE oe Tildwnd ge Me Bn Ad drogyista has been for sixt diseases 31 cases of lune trouble IIIA K Standard Remedy for oughs, and Lung Discases. piv, oTRT a Severs sik v piace nts ¢ had at Hall Full Size, $1.00: Half Size, Fil TE Prorvlunly Suys So. i pn Oatharts, the mos! won Foose dry ul the spe. pease i re et romia ne to he taste, pel pently : Foi Khinevs Diver and bowels thee: ita yl. in Gur} colds, “erEey Bose tipokies aabitusl constipation Drpmess. Please bay and try a box af {°C today 10% 5 canis vil and Faro tend Ww cure 0F ali druggists. Feit Don’t annoy others by your coughing and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute cough cure cares coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. CC. W. Hodgkins, Pat- ton Pharmacy. 2 your th Your SORT UN piriindlrert i) po no hy . cUsnw VME 5 Nia te the _n ~ oe WEE tripablen COLIN, we » Re : Re yer ar LR a . n rn Asthms n Tr ONLY ¥ Llu ra roman porn ns he, a mall, 58 rents. a free, CERIENLY DRUG Cin, TISCRINES, ot A Get Your James Mellon, J.P. Good and panies Office cotner of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. FirstNation'| Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00, SURPLUS, ¥0,900.00. of Corporati Flora, (ndivide the romt favors Ede terois consistent with ane and ons rvative tg kir reliable com- ihn EN fswetyvel pres “Keds for sade tor all the sanding Tings rein [hrufte payable in the principe! Fie oof Lye THE Word All Tei willl peters i atieontion Intervet pert i] A. E. Parron, President. se Nw oaar prodagd and tire Jopont ta Wu. H. Rannporb, Cashier. arnell & Cowher FIRE LI FE AXD ACCIDEXT -INSURMNCE- Loans and Real Estate. OFFICE IN GOOD BUILD'G. phone Connected. IRIE MEAT MARKET, MCCALL & JOHXSOX, PROP. is the place to buy your meat in prices from 6 cents np All ranteed to he fresh and he hest HONEST WEIGHT! PEAY Cy EY faginag a be money s oworti . . Sale. 1S our motto pr HAVE YOU TRIED US YET? McCall & Johnson, Patton, Pa. COATS & FURS Great Bargain Sale at QUINN'S, JOHNSTOWN. remaining stock of Ladies’ and Misses’ coats and furs will be wabd at a great sacrifice in prices We will not Keep any of goixds aver. They must be sold, and it is everybody's business to buy as cheap as they can- come and get a bargain. We sell the best vard-wide bicached muslin at 34¢ vard. Outing cloth at #¢ yard, Giinghams at 34 vard, Cnt prices on ladies’. misses’ and children’s underwear, the lowest made *T QUINN'S. The entire Lia