dominion = Yatton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. | E WiLL (ismrwe, Fattor. ESTABLISHED « . Lor Patton: Borough for the Year Ending! ‘ March 10th, 1898, { Statement of the financial condition | tem of Patton Borough for the vear ending 5 | March 10, 1598: Ress ipts PBalanoe in hands of Tosoearn last Andit From Licenses, {a Treas HON. A. A. BARKER. The sudden death of Hon. A. A. Barker, of this county, which occurred eh Melion, (ol. at Altoona Friday afternoon was a From James Mellon, Col. great shock to his friends, since, in spite From he Prinditle, Bor of his advanced age he was apparently | Pron | RR. Somervitle, Bors in excellent health. Mr. Barker was Atoroey an Qoriginal abolitionist. He hated "7 S500 TL SU a gr | TE pioneers in the canse of freedom when it was unpopular and even dangerous to be identified with the enemies of slavery. When the Republican party was organised he was one of its origi- To nal members and it was as a Republi- can that be was elected to Congress in 0m, tad 1864, taking his seat in the Congress « Birders paid for Lambs that convened after the death of Mr. : - A Lincoln and that dealt with the difficult d= TT problems of reconstruction. All bis mnithing Hite Mr. Barker was an ardent advooate .. TT paid fr of prohibition and a determined foe of the liquor traffic. He hailed from Neal Dow's state and shared that great leader's spirit. Iu due time, led by his convictions he aided in the organization of the Prohibition party and has ever since been ardently stiached to its * principles, supporting by speech and vote its candidates. There was noth- ing bitter or vindictive about him, and | he was ready to listen to the reasons leetar's Pereentage. which other men had for the faith that, " Work paid “tor was in them. But no reverse or disap polumnens ‘could quench his optimistic Yeager Dar nt... a i H. Sandford, sews mp From State Troms, (oanty Tax From Ratph Letneh, STV BOT Per ae Of Disbursements. Crrders ‘ork = Orders pated for Potice ser views, badpen And mals to paid for Nireet Mer Fer Hiark- Luditing Bossrd of Hewith Expenses * Orrders paid for Engineet’s MEY Ov © trrders paid for | Livery fir Water ‘© frrders paid for Profession. al Servioew, (Dr. Sommer vite finders paid on Rewer Ao « Geers paid for Sewer "i poe © Omsders pasa for Rpecial Eiertiom ¢ Orders paid for Tax (ol Bridge ork * Orders paid = Printing tnemsen ory Sat. ore... . Orders paid V Borongh Sse Mer Barker was a constant attendant at the State and National conventions 4 iy of the Prohibition party and was in| . Omc™ mi fr LOE closest touch with all the leaders of the Interest and Coupon Bonds movement. The death, in rapid soc- is pid on Orders cession, of Miss Willard, Mrs. Mc {To I Don. Allister, Neal Dow and Mr. Barker, (ommisioos doe Treas robs the cause of prohibition of four of — most untiring supporters, and its 8dvo- [roe from County Treasurer, cates who yet remain may well inquire 1, Mime 8 who will take the vacant places. Mr. moners ax fiflows: Barker was an untiring worker. Usually in robust heaith and always = ‘bubbling over with enthusiasm forthe . =. eause, he gave his time and money, | several times permitting the nse of his name as a candidate, although it was jr rom Orders outetand- evident that be led a forlorn hope. He roe "kr iy bento 1 was a forcible speaker and had a won- I. — derful memory. His mind was not ; _ only well stored with interesting | Shea | Henrie oteanaTng concerning public events, w was ever willing to share with others, Statement Taz Collector, but also filled with Scriptural timage Janes Mellon, Tax Iniplicats 0 nk and quotations. Altoona Tribune. Paid out to Borough... S194 & tating Tas Pos 3 ng Tax I A MixwEsoTA widow wants $1,000 per ont. col of $1.58% 4 TELY from a man who hugged her. He mast a. Saoum. have made a very unsatisfactory job | “retarned. Sn 2 ® of i. oN» Bal - ah 0 6 THE RELIGION that makes people pay We, the undersigned Auditors of their debts; the reilgion that keeps | Patton Borough, do hereby certify that jeaple fromm speaking Hl of bois poigh | we have examined the foregoing sc- bors; the religion that makes no % counts of receipts and exponditares, bo’ that makes people honest 1, ‘yiareh 10, 1998, and fonnd the same | upright; the religion. that make | to be true and correct to the heat of men manly and women womanly; the knowledge. religion that is a part of people’s every | PM SMALE day life, exemplified in kind deeds, | W. A. MELLON, | Auditors loving acts, cheering words, is the C. A. REPRHER, ) religion that is needed in the world "ORIA heltor.. .... a + (orders padd Clerkabip and ee BE wink [298 $8 Nao LS ns » oi 4 REBAR AE Fifth A ven Sewer Ime fromm Beoeh Avennpe r. “k ard aK He. ii hay 42 wap py sony kD $1.06 TADS We nm So ap 2.8 to-day. AS one Een Important News Gatherrd si Cambria County's Capital. ; ~ Ebensburg, Pa, March 21. Chas Ww. Anna, of Patton spent a few hours | in town on Friday. AW. Lee, a prominent lumberman of Clearfield, was in Fbensburg on ‘THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can be Cured. —— An Eainent Mew York snd Sciestist Makes Tharsday. Dr. T. M. Richards is having a large veranda put in front of his residence on Julian street. : P. N. Donahue and DD. W. Kirkpat- rick, of Carrolitown, were among the ing malady; ‘eat short by the nse of One Minute : a troubles. Two-story frame dwelling, with fin. | ished basement, seven rooms, on Magee | “" avenue, Patton, Pa Owner will sell] at purchaser's price. No reasonable’ offer refased. : Two-story frame dwelling on Lang avenue, Patton. Four rooms; stable on lot. Will be sold at a bargain. Two story frame dwelling on Beech | avenue, eight rooms. All modern eon. - veniences, Two-story frame dwelling, eight | rooms, on Palmer avenue, erected in 1998 fitted with all modern conven ences. Owner is leaving town and must sell. Wil be sold cheap. All of above properties are in good condition and any of them will fine home, or would prove a profitable investrent to anyone with any capital to invest ParNgrs & COWHER, Heal Estate Agents, (;ood Boilding. Patton, Pa May 3 Whooping cough is the most distress. but ita doration can be cough care which also the best known remedy for croup and all jung and Ww. ghine, Patton Pharmacy. Virtiogn of (igareites, Christian Gaffey, aged 13 years, son of James Gaffey, Maple avenne, Do. Bois, Pa , died Thursday evening. The youth was taken sick about M4 hours before he died. Dr. Spackman was called Thursday morning, but found him in a coliapsed and anconscious youth was an inveterate cigarette smoker and the excessive nicotine pol- | soning killed him. A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through | But the terror k soon changes to relief after One Min. PATE of Cambria county nte cough Cure has been administered. | : Safe and harmless for children. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. the house at night. > W, the Patton Suppl space. i TAP A NEA pS PBS bab A HA ec Work, _ Consumption 8 now known to be. rable if taken in time the German as Otto's Cure, having been found to be an almost certain ‘eure for the disease. Asthma, bron ' chitis, croup. coughs, colds, pneamonia and all throat and lang disesses are quickly cared by Dr. Otto's Great ‘German Remedy. Sample bottles of Otto's Care are being given away by our agent, CC. W. Hodgkinge Large alzem 2% and 0 cents We are anxious to de a little good in this world and can think of no pleas anter or better way to do it than by recommending One Minote © A% A prev entive of pneumonia consump tromblos tien and all other seriots ang neglected colds. CO. ns, Patton Pharmacy. that follow 1 1.253 Hodgki seis Smit - oll Kapaie 3 Ero Airy of 3 Th, ey smd vigor, tare Neo PROT LAT Bas RES WARN Fase Came en meas mnie free Ad ago or New Yor Finr tre wands siremg AL Aroprists Me or hl. teed Booklet aud Cpr itm id On Ein { Sel For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier cares headache, nervousness eraptic Tee om the fare, and makes the head as clear as a bell, Sold at Corner Drag Stores Case A Sastipatis: y Fores wom iroty Crnty , 4 : ~ Ie te ture As eta ri fn here are three little things which do more work than any other three lftie things created--they are the ant, the bee and IeWitt's Little Early Risers Stor and vorath The tM* last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. CW, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Announcement. sugh Care Ww. I hereby announce myself as a can. didate for the nomination of Assembly subject to the rales of the Republican a RJ YO 5 Hastings. the same. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thet is whet It was meds for. ompany's Watch tor our an- nouncement of next week. It will be worth your while. Patton Supply Co, Patton, Pa. strangers in town on Friday. The house of Henry McDermitt, of Nioktown, was burned to the groond on Tuesday of last week, only ove plece of furniture being saved, and the family had barely time to get their clothing and save themselves. Luckily no one was injured. Mesars. J. G. C. Bearer of Spangler, and H. C. Kirkpatrick, of Carrolltown, were in our town to-day. Ed Craver, the practical penman and aatistic card writer, of this place, is doing some very fine penmanship, as is shown by a variety of his work we seen recently. Printing OM tangoag The following is a sampie of every. day printing office language: “ Rep!!! put George Washington on the galley and finish the murder you commenced yesterday, Set up the ruins of Her cules and distribute smallpox. Lock up Jeff Davis; slide Ben Batler into the hell box and leave the ‘pi’ alone until after dinner. Put the ladies’ form to press and tell the devil to work on Deacon Fogg’s article on eternal pun- ishment.” Shiloh’s _ consumption cure. cures Where others fail. It is the cure and no home Should be be | wit ut it. Pleasant to take an Sight to the spat. 3 40 take aud goes Chemist 8 Free Ofer to Our Readers. The distinguished New York chemist, T. A. Slocum, demonstrating hin dis- ‘covery of a reliable and absolute cure for consumption (Pulmonary Tuber- culosis i and all bronchial, and chest diseases, stubborn cou catarrhal! affections, general dec ine and weakness, loss of flesh, conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOTTLES all differ ent; of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the Patron COURIER writing for them. His “New Scientific cared thousands anently by perms ite timely use, and he « msiders it a simple i professional doty to stiffering humanity to donate a trial of his inf Jlible Cure Science daily develops preew wonders, and this great chemist, patiently ex. perimenting for years, has resulta as benefleial humanity as can modern genius. His assertion lung troubles and consumpti in Are curable in any climate is proven by “heartfelt letters of gratitude,” filed in his American and European labra. tories in thousands from those cared in all a of the world. Medial experts coneedle that bron- chial, chest and lung troubles lead to consumption, whic aninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. & 98 Pine street, New York, giving office and express address, an en leading | free medicine will be promptly sent Hopi ould take instant ad- van 0 nerons proposition. rug: Please tell the i YOu saw | his offer in the PATTON COURIER. i A be rlaimed by throat, lang and all’ Treatment” haa prvaiioced | suffering | any | that ! ms = reer eensenLInLILLY i . ATC x jo iR THE GHAND OPENING (1 i Goldstein's New Store APRIL 4th, PATTON, PA Painer Hose bibs iis iiats A a 3 ee + 3 “wl = = §bbbbsbEbsELbILIINN didi 5 (ny 7 TS Fe 1 Burney “ Roe Ms Ji We You can always find FRESH GROCERIES At our store and of the very best quality. Our store 1s headquarters for everybody. Prices are as low as he low- LIMITED. 3 If You Doubt erhaps have some doubt ihout what You are not You pe we an do for you in our store. certain, may he. how we can sell High-Grade Goods at the prices convinced 1s see what prejudice vinced, : will be We are headgnarters we name. The only come and look ato are. No matte will hb ar xX, Antu LE Ke, 10 they may Jor 50005, I. HE. — GEO S. GOOD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers