THE PATTON COURIER, MARCH 17, 1898. B wrt Greexe, Edttor. Insley eer - » ANDING ARMIES, The latest: addition to the military census of the world presents some queer figures. At the present time Europe has 3,500,000 men under arms. The following are the figures of the different armies on a peace footing: Men. commer Lev. | The Extension of the B., R & P. Ratlroad to be Built at Ones. The contract for the grading of 2 miles of the western extension of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pitteburg railroad was let last week at Punxsutawney. A strong effort will be made to have the road opened up to Batler inside of a year and to have trains running through from DuBois to Pittsburg within that time. The opening of this road will be a great advantage to Du. Bois and Punxsatawney, thus giving them ap ontlet to the west, A. E. Patton, of Curwensville, has i ascnred a contract to erect 12 miles of ‘the road, which includes a tunnel of 10.20 12.300 feet in length. al 25,000 | W000 £00 an 0.00 | biomes Mweden and a WAY Spain... Sea int Aosta Germany Rossin AND y W000 Emon 580.000) | “000 horses in time of peace. In Asia there are about 560,000 men | under arms, divided as follows: Persia, 25,000; Japan, 100,000; India, 200,000; China, 270,000, and the remainder in ware Co., No. 2, Smith & Lent, the other Asiatic countries. North ard South America are set | down an the least protected, consid. ering the extent of territory. They foot up, on a peace footing of course, | only 160,000 regular soldiers, scattered | as follows: Mexico, 40,000; Unite States, 30,000, and 90,000 in Brazil, the Argentine Republic, Chili, Paraguay, | Pera, Venernela and Columbia. In Africa and the archipelagoes of Oceanica there are about 150,000 regulars. The stand ng armies of all civilized nations amount to 4,610,000 soldiers with 700,000 horses. The cost of keep- | ing this military population amounts to about $5,000,000, 00 a year. ; So much {or the armies in time of peace. Now let us look at the figures in war paint. Here they are: Men, TL on | Hn finn oT lng Parker Spi ne Sweden and Norway Roamans Denmark Belgians Un States ah famtadin : ; LE a Ka 0006 4,880 oon AHO Won was en AEH Seth A fryers Chitem. wit epabiics SPAINS IDEA OF WAR. Spaniards should not talk of war with the United States, says the Pitts. burg Chronioal Telegraph. Evidently Spain does not know what war is - Spain has refused persistently to ac knowledge that war is raging in Cuba. Its an insurrection, they say. Their premier once called it a “combat,” but they have never yet admitted, formally and officially, that a state of war ex- ists in Cuba. Although they refuse to recognize the military opperations in Cuba as constitating war, they have been unable to suppress the insurrect- fon, or to prevent the revolutionists from occupying a large portion of the island. If they cannot quell this in- surrection, after spending millions of money, and after robbing the cradle and the grave to fill the gaps in their army caused by pestilence and loss in battle, what could they do in contest against the United States? For hos. tities with America would be war. Soch a conflict. would not be a “‘com- bat,” but it would be something which | even Spain would recognize as war, and that quite speedily. Me. Lovo is doubtless convinoed that the rural editor has a few friends in the House. Jor WANAMAKER has at last de- | cided to “tale a chase” gubernatorial nomination. He will! make a stamping tour of the State. IT DOER not seem hardly fair that the bars of license hotels in Cambria county should be compelled to close for a whole wenk. The ruling in this matter appears to be somewhat tangled | up. It seldom occurs in other counties. | no. THE CONTEMPORARY, which thinks an unpleasant happening to Fitz Lee ~ at this juncture would have the effect’ of uniting the North and the South . sadly behind the times. The North and South are all right igri) ~ quire any cement of that sort. JUDGING from the verdicts rendered at Court last week in the cases of H. | 8. Woomer, representing the Common- | wealth, va. Kelley, Styump and Fox for assault and battery the police of . Patton should, Bereafler, not be any tno particular in regard to enforcing! the lav: of this great Commonwealth, / at least if they do, their protection is not guaranteed. Cnn a sao xe Cure Const! . pation PP — Take Chscarets Candy C Cathartic 10¢ cr fe. IC CC fail to cure, druggists refund money. i I o'clock with the exception of Saturday on | evening. All customers who are in | any store will be waited upon but 3 Safe and Barr less for 1 hildron, ‘have money ! Closed al 8 (rclock. Commencing on Monday, March 14 [all the andersigned merchants of Pat- ton agreed to close their stores at § none shall be admitted when the door : : in closed. Following are the names: The above armies employ 550,000 | Patton Supply Co., Miners Store Co, Geo. 8. Good, John Boyes, Miller's Shoe Store, Mirkin & Kusner, Wolf & Thompson, R. 8. Tozer, J. E. Kirk Hardware Co, No. 1, J. E. Kirk Hard. Adolf zen & Forsberg, W. J. Weakland, A. . HH. Rook, Anna Dartt, John Yahner, Jacob Dans, Frank Brunean, Geo O Brady, Jas Commons, Oleo Oleson, J. J. Donnelly, Joe Fedor, The Keystone Clothing Co. Another Sign of War, A Somerset county hen is laying eggs with a *“W’ on one side and the Amer- jean flag on the other, we are told This is indeed, as the correspondent . says, “profoundly significant,” for the ‘ben is evidently trying to break the record of the Blair county liar who saw the flery sign of the cross in the sky. Johnstown Tribune, List of Unelaimod Letter, The following letters remain in the postoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Thursday, March 17, 15608 Miss Laurs Hammond, Mis Hatlie Hileman 2, JF Jonea, James Raney, | Miss Orene Schaffer Persons cailing for the above letters will please coy the are advertised, E.A Meuron, P.M. A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror KOON changes ty relief wer One Min. ute cough Cure has been administ tered. GW, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy HELLO! What's that ? Have we our Spring SUITS? YES! ‘ Have you the new Yes! We have the most Spring Goods in the house. I'll be down Saturday! All ‘night! We will show you some nobby Suits for men at {5,6, 7, 8, %io, in the latest ‘shades of cloth. Ove BOYS’ {SUITS will also interest you ‘and the prices are the lowest ‘in the county. THE CHILDREN'S VES TEE SUITS are worth com- ing to see, and the prices run from a 48¢ Wash Suit up to ‘the finest money can buy. THE * Shox ol our SHOES — Well we the reputation of keep ing up-to-date stock of every- thing and Shoes are one of ‘our leading lines. Men's Tan, | Vici, Pat. Leather and Box alf. BOYS’ of the sume. ES’ in Black and Tan. CHILDREN'S § SHOES up to 32.00. THE 48¢ S dow still draw i They are big values, OUR NECKWEAR at 25¢ a dozen catches the eye. Then MISS SHIRTS in win- trade. lots of ' we have plenty at 25¢ each. COME HERE — Save Our motto still re-! mains the same: Penny Profits | —Big Sales. ected an his assistant Harrison : Holy Number enrolled, Witt's Witch Hazel Salve EBENSBURG LETTER. News Gathers at County's Capilal Ebensburg, Pa, March 14 1568 In J Yothers, candidate for assembly. man, of Hastings, spent a few hours in town Thorsday. . Bender, of Patton, burg Saturday. Mr. Anslemn Weakland, of Patton, and Jacob Thomas, of Thomms Mills, were among the vigitors to Fhensbury to-day. Harry Reffner, of Spangler, { Inporem visited Fbhens in ats tending court as a witness this week Messrs Samuel Weakiand and T. N agle, of Patton, made a business trip o the county Capital Monday Postmanter-elect Fes Lloyd, N ¢ has Davis of this place. Rev. Father Prior, of Carrolitown spent a few hours in Ebensburg to-day. On Tuesday last Messrs Addie Hughes, Owen Rowland and John Howells, of Cambria township left for lowa city where they will remain about a month visiting relatives and friends. Mr RE. Jones has had a new sign put on her store and an awning in front of it. RB. Burr, of Alleghney did the work. Henry Farabaugh, formerly of the firm of Farabaugh & Jones, has opened a butcher shop on Main street in the East end. Rev. J. J Deany, pastor of the Cath. olte church in this place, is confined to his home by erysipelas A choir has been organized in Ebens. burg to compete at the Johnstown : Eisteddfod and will be under the direc tions of Prof. T. 1. Gibson, Prof H Jones and F. H. Davis Prof Jones will conduct a Normal school in this place this summer begin. ing the sseond week in May, John Curnow and Miss Maggie Hampton, of South Fork, were mar. ried in the Blair house parior Thursday afternoon by Rev. J. J. Hunt, of the M. E church, Ebensbuarg. Sr. Gabriel who was killed Tuesday lust was brought burg Wednesday morning and taken to the convent Thumsiay morning at ten at Lilly to Fbens o'clock where obssquies were conducted Father Smith, of Altoona, by Rev. after which Name interment wax made in cemetery. A society called the "Mites Thimble Club,” has been organized by the younger members of the Holy Name church, in this place, they meet every Saturday afllernoon and do sewing, fancy work ete sunday IMstu bance, Every one was sorry for those people in church last Sunday, who were sn Ter. ing with a distressing cough. A full duse of Downe’ Elixir on going to bed t al night and small doses daring the | £¥ gud ten” 4 £34 ui ! Boys’ anita, day will cure the most persistent cough Whenever there iw a tickling sensation in the throat take a few drops of the! Elixir on the tongue and let it run slowly down the throat and immediate We guaran. © tee it to cure any cough, cold, croup or For i relief will be the resait lung trouble or money refunded, sale by CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. It is, or should be, the every merchant to please his ers: and that the wide.awake drag firm of Meyers & Eshleman, Sterling, IH, i» doing 86, 8 proven by the fallow: ing from Mr Eableman: “In my six- teen years’ experience in the drug business | have never seen or sold or tried a medicine that gave as good sat. infaction as Chambertain’s Collie, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Sold hy Patton Pharmacy. €, W. Hodgkine Sebhool Report The following is the mport of the Clark school, Clearfleld township, for the fifth month ending March 9, 1s98: males, femalen, 18: total, Perfect Tomeay Dunegan, Harry vighest aim of ¥ HES HE ipex -3 Dinegan, James Cox, Charlie Messinger, Bertha Mary Messinger, Cox, Mary Cox, Lettie Messinger. Ina Nure, Teacher. After years of untold suffering from | piiea, B. W. Purseil of Knoxville, Pa, wan cured by using a single box of De. | Skin disense such as eczema, rash, pimples and stinate sores are readily enred by this famous remedy. COC. WW. Hodgkins Patton Pharmacy. Bidacate Your Powals With Cascareta Candy Uathar 0c, Be Ripans Tabules pleasant laxative Ripaas Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules for sour stomach, Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules one gives reitef, Ripans Tabuies cure flatulencs, DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The tamous little pills. ot 25¢ s0¢ ABSOLUTELY GUI Ho 14. STERLING RRREDY Cambria in attendance: AE Hare Canal paoon forever | 11 CCC tail, drug sis refund money. | Store oll Corner NDY CATHARTIC Notices of Application for a Charter, Notice is hereby given that an appli- cation will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania on Tuesday April, 5, 1898 by 1. M. Patterson, 3 W, Worrell, J. BE. Parnell, J. W. Lupfer, B. P. Wise, and M BR (Cowher under the Act of Awembly of Pennsylvania entitled an “Ast to pro vide for the and regual- ation of certain corporations’ approved April 29, 1574, and the supplements thereto for the charter of an intended corporation, to be called “The Patton Wooden Manufactaring Company,” the character and object of which is the manufactore and sale of spokes, handles and all wood products and for these purposes to have possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and priv. egos of said Act of Acsembly and ita supplements The proposed charier is now on file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Rts SOMERVILLE, Solicitor, vat meorporation A Short Cut 10 Health To try to cure constipation by taking gi is is like going around in a circle. ou Ww vill never reach the point sought, but only get back to the starting point A or foct natoral laxative 8 Bacon's Cedery King, the celebrated remedy for all serve, blood, stomach, liver and kidney diseosos It reanlates the bowels W, Hodgkins will give you v aamiple package free. Large sises 35 and 50 conta, ! A. W. iinlletin MY ov Agh in and TUS AWAY fen He r Ne + ¥ ra TE LE ake him From § “He w Muay fhe fas iE ime Mav Lr Patton Smoke the Parton COURIER stogries Hand made and long filler For sale by all merchants in surrounding towns. Two brands, the long and short, A GREAT opportunity for is offered at THE BAZAAR, If you are not a customer of you cannot fil to sos the neomsity advantage of being one when von look at these prices Coorier Stogies. the Barguine is Beat parlor matches, per doz boxes, Six plevws jetted wi ap, f1how §00ds, Men's heavy srl Large wash bodle ar, to lend, . Large granite w anh bowl Bull hirace r hits eR 3 Fuaney cake inh. fated, Large SDA OF lam dinkam | a Ow warrantied nt yereyed pers, wart Th oat wi Yeo i Yen ane pants Bazaar priow, t Xi Mens' Kentae ky i$ ~ 3 o Ladies’ dre skirts COM Pata, THE BAZAAR G;. 0. BRADY , Prop'r. .C. Fisher. ALL APER! We have the most complete Hine of Wall Paper in North- ern Cambria All Hew patterns to sedect from Good White Rlank Je ge roll, 5 yds long. ilveretisn 4, & 8 and Te. Gilt from 50 ap. Pictures and = Frames. All styles and sizes. We carry a large stock of Mould. ings and can make any size frame. Crayon work life size with & inch frame only §3.00; cha Ry 84.50. Give us a call and save money Magee and Fourth Aves, PATTON, PA. hh | ey gd } ) ) ) } ) ; 9 ) Can. , or Now es 1.) Pw ————— aw ee ini LH (yonds Patton and if OU |, and $1.25 - i : madle of F ured : Reillisntine, Black Mohair and Figured | Silk, best qualities at prices no one can | An Important Question. Don't: annoy eT by your coughing x i y ( ur Siauls Mii neig bors are mf and risk your life by neglecting a cold. “rin COAPNN, OF) sore throat, y coughs, or any throat or lung disease | includ- Oe ity Tone Coe id at and ing consumption ask them if they have ever used (Ofto's Cuore. This lung troubles. C. W. Hodgkins, Pst ton Pharmuoy. famons German remedy is having a Khilnh's targe side hore and is perfor nin some wonderful cares of throat ane lung disown CW Hodgkins will give where others fail. It is the leading cough cure and no bome should be without it. Pleasant to take and YOu a sample hostile fry Na matter what other medicines have failed to do right to the spot. Sold at Corner Dr Stare try Otto's Cure. Large sizes 25 and R. F. Notley, 5 oy nts, the morning of Feb 20, 1885, 1 Dealer in-- - Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. was sick with rheumatism, and lay in bed until May 21st, when [| got a bottle D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. of Chamberlain's pain Balm. The first Our Bottied Beer and Porter for appiication of it relieved me almost en. tirely from the pain and the second family use cannot be excelled. Prices are reasonable, afforded complete relief In a short time [ was able to be ap and about FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA: again. A. T. Moreanx, Laverne, Minn, Sald by Pharmacy, © W. Hodgkins Criow the that sum of $1.00 Will pay for the Johnstown Weekly Dermocrat For one whole year? Consumption cure cures £3 Patton Wa Ye marvel Regt sod Rpeoke Torr Ui gwoy, To guilt y easily and fordier be ag rye and vigour, ake Nolo Bac the mon ter worker that makes weak mney sirocg. All giata, 80c orf. Cure gusran- seed Bookiet and sample free Address Sterling Hermely On. Chicago or New York take Karl's Clover Bland parifler, ¥ & eetie Iuil of (le ned aif LEND US YOUR Ep on Kemi For constipation oat Ten, $ Fan cares hon nerTcass nes arpntions oft the face, snd makes the head as clear as op weld Wold at Corder Drug Store. Fine Millinery. Po grest Aunehp the smail nl [ wish ¢ fF D R73 A ARnNGUuNce to i} th 4+ nd vicinit ition a i e ¥ purchased the ilinery Store of Miss Alice Asheroft and Carry al line of ne Fancy | , Ete.” It will ot con to lt EIGHT will BRIGHT PAGES. All the Cambria county news. All the Bedford county news All the RSomerset connty news All the Indiana county news, All the Westmorel'd connty news, All the Pennsvivania state news All the news of the world. Associated Press telegraph news. A lt ltl Wiiek Ty rise the Fait lee Iwermowrat has taken mank pagers fn Pennsylvania and pei i el arity fag amily to the STYRIA Pe atile Do You Last Or shane y ofder SOE A tira all shaw J he x LERRE wonocrats read it spublicans read it. apnlists read it ihoring men read (t armers read it -5 oo Byes fiw sFie fant iicrom Yin A sy vygiatedand (ed ye} 83 THE DEMOCRAT, I ih nstow i. Pa. - -_ PERE © | Y US! 1 erhaps h you in our store, how we can sell Ls sdb ave some doubt about what You are not 1’ +5 1 Oil P we can de certain, maybe, High-Grade GoodsRfan~— at the prices we name. The only way to be convinced is to come and look at our goods and see what they are. No matter what your prejudice may be y ! be convinced, and it will be to your > dvitage, too. We are headgnarters 1 yr 13 wt In fact evervthing kept in a first- class up-to-date General Store. (Call whether you wish to purchase or not. All goods deinvered to vour home promptly and :thout cha =. GEO. 5. GOOD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers