The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 17, 1898, Image 1
VOL. V.—-NO. 16. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA., THUR SDAY, MARCH 17, 1808. $:.00 PER YEAR. VISIT L, W. COOK'S DE PARTM. ANTS OONA, PA. Save your checks. On January 1st. 1899, I will give to the person return AUDITORS" STATEMENT Of Patios Borough for ihe Year Ending Mareh 10h, [80S Statement of the financial ing the largest numbe Sr of of Patton Porough for the yane endin my Cash Register Checks Of standard make. Will be September. Full Particulars Later on exhibition Patton Pharmacy. pr Fifth and Beech avenues, Oppo- site School building. A woodman is known by his tools, and he is a good : tion that they are good tools. We have the best line of Mechanic's tools, complete line of paint brushes, carry the best line of cook stoves and ranges, Capello, Columbian, and Cinderella, all fully guaranteed. Just received all varieties of « Gorden Seeds. Give us a trial order. Furniture Department. Come and examine our new line of Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Window Blinds, Cur- tain Poles, Brass ‘Rods, Pictures, Mirrors, Iron Beds! story short, we can fit you out from cellar to garret. | Patton and vicinity To in : Intervet see? Compe i y C Beads cen fata nd ‘architect of Altoona, ‘cured to proceed to prepare plans, ete, for the erection of the addition to the ‘first of April when work wi zation of a base the coming season are | meet Curtain ‘copal church next Sunday will Well, to make a long {League at ©: . welcome, March 10, 1908; Kevodpts Fs brine fy hae fe fT rower Jot Anny From BL Sommer Atiormey Fron BEB. sooner] PAE ol A Eres ' A Sunn : Prous iN 5 iy tap From Sse {Seat Tax "a Fova Hal i ine ty a 3 reen pur of Prisbhsirse ments, frrders pld fon Wark $2 TA Cipdern paid for pr Wart Yhoew, Deegan and FEWEST tirdrrs patd R ‘ “ on Ey i xe A w Tamer Hw ta £3 4 “ a Sf gor Pros 1 fie Errors smith ne Orders paid for Asditing nd Bowed of Henith Expenses Crider paid for Engines e's Berio Crrders paid Hire Orpdem peat for Hest {dere pa bd Soup Pr onfiaumion. Bl Nerves [Fr Sauer ville) (rpm Seman. Orders paid fy pad for Black. Pivery Four Water 4 rR oid on Sewer Ae. Ax 3 me . §2 a paid Aer Noewia Eiaetion “Orders gad] Bw Tay Cod eters Popevits fa Orders paid Ro Wark Orders pid for Printing : Wit newaes oat Yeager Irirnage Suit * Cmders paid $V wers Foran ay Bridge Mw Heitor ¢ Orders paid ford wrt Pn age Orders paid for Dorvvgs Err ¥ AY Bovreds erRaliip paid Interest pals Y To Grder paaiet « on J, nell ¥ Tw fori i Cop iasiorm Ay | Badanes in Hands of Bosonrees | Dae from Connty Treas Live ive wi om Prue from Con Ser is Bo “og “=, og a ¥ ol § i ja i Fue he T2588 Hy 8% Crrdderw OR Day £5 Jn wr Btatemen Tax Cidoelor, Jame Mallow, Tax Pmpliaie 9 ” Pad out 43 | Abwting T Thx m Pore : Per cen! of 3 5 iw i ara $409 F workman in the same propor Tow! $x ! Hal doe Rosngh We, the undersigned Auditors of Patton Borough, do hereby certify that we have examined the foreguing ac counts of receipts and expenditares, ote. of Patton Borough for vear and. ing March 10, 1888, and found the same to be trae and correct to the best of our knowledge. EM. Sxars, W. A MeLinx, C. A. Repsuigr, i Auditors The Now Aditi The services of CM. have Robinson, been we. building in Pat- £1 18 51 present public school ton borough The new addition w ‘be two stories and will contain four ‘rooms. The contracts for the ervotion (of the addition will be let about the it! be dom- menced and poshed to an early completion, Baie hail. All those interested in the in GI gwn- “atton rerpuested to Sunday to bail cigh in the Good building afternoon when arrangements ‘perfected. Everybody , attend. 3 it Will is invites COMMITYRE. Chureh Natlew. Methodist Epis be a8 follows: Praise service at 19°30 a ro; Sunday school at 2 po m.; Epworth 3 p m Everybody The services in the road Hou tic ~~ Roa ’ gre Ne Some of best housekeepers in use the Cinderella Stoves and Ranges and propounce them perfect bakers. Sold by J. BE Rint 4 ™ roar Weare Las LOCAL AN 3 condition 3 i Of the EAT aun id i = and (GGleaned Here the “Cony rier’ A SPECIAL SESS Borough Connell fe Pass Upon Fu Arosmttag te SINS TS. c March 11, 1808 call President Manteith, Pat- ton Borough Council met in special session this evening for the purges of taking action on exonerations as asied by Tax Collector James Mallon, WE Ue a ral hone y Fa waned by Cre Patton, AR per wers Je MOE, Seheid and The following aamed o present at roll eal. Monteith, Mo ormick, Habbard, Anderson. Om motion of Jones, and weonded by Hubbard, it was ananimeonsly carried that the following persons whose names appear on the Borough daplicate of i887 be exonerated of taxes Adams, cr A odin y Togmisl Batriek, den #2 Eerie flnrk Trp Re Ww ¥en 3 the Cs Flapegan, r Mier, As Aros, Henry i. Ha» ET BH Bry Joma Boden Patrte x, Keliy, Fodin, Wr Kobus Jono. mre ¥ AXCEESALR A282 8840 0K A “y & © Ww ani, ¥ ¥ wit Poi Hazes ny, 1. L bums MM. Mo Ke "y Mini, vi een, News i, Nagle, Feb Nagle, Lote, N wa fan Ear) Fation (lay M% 1 o Pri iy, Man, How] EY taal Wi A farses. Ha Repth, Frang Spe Fan miner WW EaAALLEY 3 pen =a EH SEP, Bw EBELAE Connell then adjourned. Faved Strvels The subject of paving Mages avenue from the Pennsylvania railroad Fifth avenne is being discussed quite freely of late, and the Couns knows of no better or much more needed poblic improvement in our thriving town than paved Crees, even if but for a short distance. The idea i= a good one and if our town Bad a sample of such streets more would ber Laid from year to year. Good pay £4 ing brick ean be procured in Patton, which sould be to advantage It is the experience in other towns where the streets have been paved that the expense of jaying same could be saved in a fow years from the fact that the ney expended on dirt streets every year would soon pay for paved ones and then the town will always have them with practically no expense in repairing two or three limes a year. The i» & good one and the property owners should co-operats with the borough in this matter if it ia taken up. If it is possible, let ax have paved streets; all will share equally by the advantage obtained therefrom Jovenent Baraed Alive. On Sanday morning at 4 o'clock a dwelling honse at O'Shanter oceupied by a Swedish family was consumed by fire. It's occupants were father, mother, and daunghter he mother and danghter escaped through a window but the father and son burned alive. It was a pital! their resctie was imposible owing the angry flames Mani Wore as sede we WIT ros hd Lady Want, Wan tag #t the Ron Apsly Twirstary Fae ished busement, seven rooigh on avenue, See Pa Owner at purchaser's price. No offer refused. Two-story frame avenue, Patton wn Foam KN SAA reas inabie dwelling Foar moons; Will he sold at a bargain Two story frame dwelling avente, eig All mundern con- 1: Beech ght § DOaGIns, Yenences, Two-story POONA, 1898, frame dwelling, eigh: on Palmer avenue, erected in fitted with all modem conven ences. Oster is leaving town and must seil. Will be sold cheap. ALL of nove properties are in god condition and any of them will make a fine home, or would prove a profitable investment to anyone with any capital tO invest, ParNsrl & CownER, Real Estate Agents, rood Bu'lding, Patton, Pa ) GENERAL NEWS an APPEAL To MiNERS ail for a Moeting Te Hel! in rel P24 tre Aiton The following appeal to miners ap pears in this weck’s issne of the Lilly | Rigmal {fe AT wr of A it Pa, March 17, 1508 To local Unione U. MW and Unorganized Members trict Na 2 Friiaow ( i we 17 District 2, Gal. rin, of A of [He embracing RAF THEN per. the the Tink gy * } $ tors of the territory mining sastérn ar anghos regions shipping coal to red marked Bave the representatives of in the of Aldana, on Tuesday, March 22 the of forming plans plase the mining business on a more satisfactory basis to miner and ator. If the sperators decide to mest invited to mew? thas cary 5% 38} fo Matyi mn re in fue! for Purp oo £43 rer gs the importance of must be anparent the district and we would therefore nrge that each local anion of the United Mine Workers of America or mine where they are not vet organ. ized send their ablest representatives and that they come posted on the con. ditions that prevail in their varloos locadities. In case the operators fall to ment us it will be necessary to bold a such meeting to avery miner in district convention, therefore, in order to save the miners the cost of sending representatives 10 a convention to be held at a later date, we have decided that the representatives selected to at. tend the joint conference be also the representatives to the district conven. tion L nion of the United Mine Workers whose district tax has been paid as required by the constitu. tion of the organization, will he en. titled to one delegate for each Afty members or fractional part thereof in good standing Miners not vet organized will be en. titled to the same representation on the payment of five conta for sach Pers rem tend The officials elected at the Altoona convention have already accomplished a great deal with the Hmited funds at thelr command, aud there should be no halt in the good work so favorably begun and locking ao well at thin stage of progress, It has been sugested to os by many deeply interested) in the success of the movement that we issue an a small bevy from each and every miner in the district that sufficient funds be carry the movement termination sand meet sue that may arise after Fach looai maner appeal for apres Lo access a fhe th ont ont. an the afer due ale organized and unorganized miner and mine in district Noo 2 to cone tribute the sum of Afy cents each for the porpese above aamed. No words of vam coud show Henamaily fir such request wil the miners know it themselves, therefure hoping for a liberal response and the selection of able men to attend the meeting at Altoona on March 22d at 10am. We are Respectfully yours, tGiporare Harris, P Jas. W. Kiinury, Sec - Treas Send all communications and mon. ims to the secretary treasurer, James W. Kilidaff. Gallitzin, Pa ference or district We, have Msn Yenton Cas may be therefor 4 consideration, decided to Iaborer the ar Lhan res, “The Koontiis Koase [he rash for Riondike has already ue authority estimalies that sold Belds begun and « A000 we this season pie Ww Hi go to the g Thare 8 now daabt but that the fabulous wealth of the country has not underestimated and the wildest speenlations Hac Dewy to ite Data pr rails : Ne izing AH ria TE Airees are siirpassed by {he Rochester & Pitah ane « Baffals ticketed i other parties are organ an Als Le. kets via anv of ow rales, and an ads mer call ar Passe 3 Pee ¥ wd BEY ix - . Fo Lo LAADEY, {piel Raohest PE. N YX « ivpers Ho igo 8 | Murphy, the iI present fyow © ta Hy wi 3 Foil yh owdid ria Nida Later I Floste oe and play ie blacksm Wi: appear he warm-hearted Irish ith, Nan OF Ham {atic as well of any piay sbi. Mr and sinus Pea Les on any Igimale, sthoerse L Mint to Lastios cakes and puddings can bw in the Cindereila Ranges. The large, high oven insures uniform baking and no burping on the top. Sold and guaran- teed by J. BE. Kirk Hardware Co, Delicate baked Sto YN and SPOCDeNRINY » AGONY 15 OVER AT LAST H. ands ijcenses AN INCREASE OF Over fas Yeay tof TIT Applicunts 190 are Granted, On Monday morning Jodge Barker flied! hin decisions in the matter of Hove nse applications at Fhenshurg, The namber of leensaed hotsewm in the county » ine ervamyd by 14 over last year, the gure 1903 fom [ROR bn 1TH fivp 1857 the number of applications this heing 1d more than ” VRE, Ns a 38 0 37 while sach year two apolicants witiulrew, and in 1587 one applicant died while the matter was pending. 5% wed the mofienisg ions hy | fart Minos expent for statistics of fgnres of the Jorn 19594 have been as follows, this year and wich are given above: in 1484 243 applications, 188 granted, 51 refused, 3 held over. part being sah. sequently granted and part refused, in 1885. 200 applications, 184 granted, 685 refused; in 1886-218 applications, 5 granted, #0 refused, 1 withdrawn. Following are the names of the suc cessful applicants from North Cambria county Ashville borongh-- James Elantin, re. tail; John F. MeCoy, Fountiuin home, retail; Myers, Ashville boos, metakil Barneshaors borough David J. Boug- ber, corner Maple and Caroline streets, retail; Thomas Brown, City hotel, re. tail: John Barneshoro lan, retail: Id E Notley, Commercial botel: retail Carrclitows amg, the ir GG Hindle, weronigh--B. A. Blum, Old Sun Brewsry, brewer; A. Fara baosgh, Main «rest, brewer: John Celwmnisr, Star hotel mtail, Asdrew H, Haug, The Haobenzohlern, retail: Julios Ragvr, American house, retail) Vincent Reig and John W. Dumm, Main strest, wholesale, MO. Serath, Si. Lawrence hotel, retadl; V. J. Stolte, Gray hotel, retail Carroll wownship- Patrick Ha Harrigan hoass, retail; J DD patrick, Fur View hb retial, Chest Springs borough ry. Dexter honse, retail township ~ H. rrigan, Kirk- AEM Richard {host B. Alison, Rhody bao Clearfield township rilngton hovel, retail: tal retail Cworge Harber, 8 P Nagle St fa Wome cee reli : Matthew Adels. Jobin Brown, Uressson township Eo asd ¥ ¢ Lote, rela; xs ® LAAT Comimertias hotel, Callan, Ashe ab reel whole ref avenoe snd [econd ssa: John MeNadly sane: Feat; R. i MoNaily, Coes wory, James PP. Mo. Mountain bons: residence, Altoona, Pa, retall. Conrad Wende roth, Anderson honse, retail Ebensburg, Fast Ward -J. BR Denny, Mountain house, retail. Ebeusburg, West Ward Albert Bender Hotel Bender retail; 1. A Craver. Blair hones, retail: WW. M Kim. ball, Central hotel, retail; J RK. Shook, The Metropolitan, residence, Westover, Uleartfield county, Pa, retail. Elder township--J. W. Agnoa, St Bonifwe, retail: FX. Ot, Union fsotel, retail, Cadlitain borough John Beoher, four fowl west of Pennsylvania depot, wholesale; FN. Burk, National boted, retadl; RE Dignan, West End hotel, retail: Michse! Bitcharris, Main street, retadl; FOP. Gillen, Chuareh street. retails AL J Gutwald, North Ward hotel, retail; Joseph B. Gutwald, {Chestnut street, wholesale: Allen H Heitor, Main @reet. wholesale: Arnold Lens. retail; John Logue, Maysville | Elmer Nedson, Main and Chestood streets, re- tall, A. Padala, Thomas streat, sale: 1. OC Roekefeller, Juekson steoeet, Joseph Speig Pore age sles, read tion Bouse, b§ ph Williams, wii brewer: = ba hundred Parta gi hivterd, tous, retail; whole. wholesale eihalter, Joseph Eetohen- Jobin A. Motiuire, LN Yaka. AE 3 train vy EB imliee, township retail; ASLAN EAL, Hastings boroagh EL. Beckwith Hastings Marshall patrick, retail; Eilward retail: Patni tani: lh 2 § 4 Ey otis, rr fii -Avente hotel, Hotel, ney Boated, res I. W. L. Nich. hoted, sid: RR PB John A. Parks, Park Frank W arga, retail, retail: borough. F. O'Donnell, y, K reli Pet Central wit ipsale Han, Nit wy, SO, Laretto restall Patton Patton hotel, ~ William A. Mellon, retail; Simon XM. Wilson, Commercial hotel, retail, John A. Walfe, Falmer house, retail; John Lo Yecklev, Pitth and Lang avenues; resi. borangh dence, Cresson township, retail. ~X A. Beade township F. Bonner, Lioydsville, retail; Blandeharg. Down | Crawlord @rveet, f petadl 14 VOAr Was being 20 to - retail; Thomas FP. ). Brown, Ari | ington hotal retall- Wo a Alpine hotel, retail | Lapere hotel, rvtail {haplin, : Stephen A (5 WYIWET, Jonn J MoCann, Lilly, Pa, re tail: Joseph Wilt, Dept hotel, retail, Rpangler borongh- Richard Bowen, retail: A.J. Hopple, King, The Brandon, retail: D. C. Sullivan, Bigler avenue setail: M. C Westover, Rigler avenoe, whole. rewidenon, x BK Rusnehanna toomrehin p D WwW , retail Hoover, Traveler's Home hotel Thon Barneshors beso and, Globe hotel we pyc st Fimo OF Danned? Loretto haroogh Mary street, Patton boroagh-- WW Fifth avenue, wholesale Spangler borough Robert Gowan, Franklin hotel retail Notice to Bridge Builders. Sealed proposals will be meswived at the office of the Coanty Commissions ers, FEhemaburgy Pa. until PRIDAY, APRIL 1, 188% at 12 o'clock noon, for the erection of an Iron or Steel Bridge over the Clearfield Ureek at or sear Ashville. Length of span 100 feet in the clear. Width of madway 14 feet Separate bide for masonry and super. structure will be required. All bids to be sncqmpaiied by bond with two sureties, or the bond of a surety or trust company to the full amoant of the bid, as a guaranty of good faith on part of bidders. Plans and specifica. tions for masonry on Sle in said Com. mbssioners' Low Bids on super. structure to be accompanied with plans and specitleations Suceessful bidder will be required to furnish bond with at least two sureties, or the bond of a surety or trust com- pany, in doable the amount of the bid, for the faithful performance of con- tract, The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Bex: Jones, Anas Hosrerien, TroMas Hooves, Commissioners Ji OC, Giares, Clerk Ehensburg, Pa, 16:3 Betiesd Weak. towneh Jahn Ex aE Josh f Hobe hase, retail, g M p Gutwald, ™ M. Hengels, Kt retail W. Ressler Me- 3 5% Atfeas Cams Offee 5 HE Oy Fosiraini well qiting of the March i - PTH WETITITVFVTITIFTR PY TP TPTToveovYe ve veya ese WEYWVVYWwWVYVVYVVVYV VY VYwYyYw Dry 200d goods and Carpets Sold by Wm Murray's Bon & fo, Altoona. have for more than thirty vears heen con siclored, and justly ton TRE BEST QUALITY. TRE NEWEST STYLES. TRE LOWEST PRICES. Out of Town i“ to correspond npnvenient to are invited with gs if is not Some to the stare We can ppl iy your wants promptiv aril eave you goney. WM. MURR SON CD. ALTOONA, PA. AYX i Admired by his friends. rom ix admired Hy oe frends Bath conditions gown clothes, he and aay orders with Fries RIE WERT Ses arsed Dav ES wud asierias of PL ¥ CE ¥ as son, Wa wall gx in 14 Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, ile 39 fi oateigm af Feels as