President McKinley Reuses to ~ Recall General Lee. AE NOW GETTING SERIOUS. The Spanish Government May Pores Gen ; erat Lee Out of Cabs by Giving Him His | Ezeqaatar, and MayAiso Prosecate Him, | if They Dare, and Imprison Him The Weve May be Only a Campaign Trick o Adespated trom Washington, D.C. says — Bpuin has demandad the recail trom Hae vata of Consul General Lee. and Preside: MeKinley bas promptiy refassd the Arman Nok only bas the Spanish goveramezt ns foformed that General Lee witli pot he reo “entied at fs request, but the President bas endorsed every astion of Mr Lee and bas | stultionsly dweiz tpos “the entire © nf dence whieh is reposed Ly this everan es: {a 3 1b Judgment, the fidmifty and tae oo uae ‘the Consul Goneral” To Spain's farther protest apaiast the Sapnt h of tas Twi WAT ships, the Nasheiiie ani tue Mantzomery, to parry suppres io the starving Cutans at Matasaas and Sagus ia Grande 40 3 {08 ree quiet that the orders To Themes uiiipy ba © enlied asd the supplies be sent in merchant mn, the goverament announces oMsdaily with a sgriness that ls deeply ani Seant | ‘determination that a warship, which fe best mdupted for the rapeposs and most avanatae whl lens Kor West for 5 Catan port week. la other words Preside: ha taken a postive stad azais enne by Spain with his progres ~ Becretary of the Nav: L oR And Lesbo Beiretary of Stale Pay were at the Wh Meuse with Prasftont Mo Jlinley. Alwer ‘conference lasting penr) FoR: Nourse, gentlemen gave the alwvs brie sommes thi staation sod Me Day sdided that, ; thimgh Mr. Woodlord Lad beer ineirg 10 lay the reply of thls cdministration be- {ote the Spanish govern ment, thar bad teen ‘po farther communication, dad that neither ‘the demand for the recall af Me Loa for the protest agninst the nse ol # Yemaeis bal benny reiterated bv the Spansd goss erizment. 1 is, of course, inthe bands of the Soa ih government to seek x own redress Consnl General Lse's exequatur may be withdrawn and bis official copnections with | the Spanish government will thus be sam. marily ended. Mr. McKinley bas loformed the Spanish government that Jenvesi Doe's | conse meets his entire satisfaction” and thei withdrawal of bis rxequater wii, there. | fore, necessarily ead all diglomatie relation | between the two countries. If Mr Low's | gmaquatar bs withdraws thers wil be po saiarens for Bim to prirsus ina 12 leave (abs | bry the next boat, frst piscing all Americans 9a the fuinnd under the caps 50 the consul from Germany, fhpnat Drissia or some other mary patios. at of i $e wn a ‘Bpain bas withheamn her request {or the povnll of Consub-fieneral Lae, and it ts pow | Delleved that thy Incident i practically slwed. Phe withdrawal same (a the shaps of an al commantastios from Mintster Wood- | Iie pow stated that the request was never putin the shape of a demand, Lut that it : was merely a suggestion on the part of jain, abd when ste foutd that it would ‘Bot bo pleasantly weesived Ly this coustry, she promptly recvded. It is learned that ths Spanish objestion to | Tote was based largely upon thy for the Culmas. and some of | Ble utterances which bare found their way foto print. It is understood that the Spas- tarde also take exiwption to the frisadiy re. | jons And companisuship r1istiog betwaeas sod correspondents of papers which ve been decidediy untriend'y to Spatu. It 8 bolloved that ‘Nemor De Lome carried to | : veri and iuformation ealeg- Iated to make the Spanish Government te- | Quiest the recall of Consnl i-Chaneral Les. Rp a E58 rn ABOUT Nursn rrorLe The centenary of Methodism in Ohio wil eviobrated in Delawsre in Jone, aod President McKinley will attend. ; Queen Victoria lias refused 15 land to Can- adn and the Australian colosies, for exbi- Mition, her Jubiice jeuwnl gifts. Dr. Bredon, wie: lus been appiinted Dep. Tuspector-Giimeral of Chinese Maritime Customs, was for pozas time lu Jie medical sirvioe of the English army, shop Eillcott 14 now the sanior member the British Episcopal Booed, baving been from the Deanery of Exeter to the Sea of Glonoestor and Bristol «arly in 1968, Viee-Admiral Makarow of the Russian | navy, is on bis way to this country to look Sito American lov hresking ferrybonts, The | Bossians want 10 Veep some of (heir Barbors ypen in the winter, Jord Asbbursham's Stow macuseripts Dave been Lought al private sais by the Fueitish Government for $225,000, When the | doliection was bought at au tion for &40 000 by the late Earl, soma years ago. the Gos _erament refused to bid. | Witham F. Notun, the esceniria miliinn- aire, who owns thy Auditorium Theatre in | Joulaville, Ky., mad who manages HB under | i ibe nawe of Danii Quilp, cleared 7 evita a “on 1,000,000 bushels ol wheat duriug | the last Jump ia prices. ‘Senator White, of California, is said to contemplate peticing {rom the Senate a2 the “dof his present term, which ~xpires next | "Sir Arthur Sullivan has taken a villa at | Beauilon, within wasy distance of Nice and Carlo, and thers he proposes to re. side during the March winds. Meanwhile, he hopes to work bard upon bis pew opera, The Knnsas Legisinture bas just appropeds ted $1,000 for a marble Lust of Charles Bavisson, the first Governor of Kansas, to | be placed in the Stata University. Bishop Vincent, of the Diocese of South. : ern Ohio, has begun a crusade against Sau. - goif. He has expross rossed Liimsel! very | oo the turniog of Sunday into a day | of “wholesale rearention.” Prof. Hamiiton King, who will soon sue- qeed Mr, Barrett as Minister to Corea, bas | _ just taken out his cititenship pagers in De- ; troit. His father was naturalized years ago, but as Mr, King was unable to produce the | fhe was foreed to take out new ones, Mr. Fiveooats lives in Anderson county ~ and Mr, Pewciose ia Cowley county, Kan- ARS, Governor Ranfrew, of Oklahoma, got his | start in the world by exhibiting a petrified | ‘ebidd in Arkansas. That was 20 years ago. A few days since he recognized the chiid ia ‘Guthrie. where it was being ealilbited asa | petrifisd woman, Of course it had growp dur 2 that tine, phe | Heyl ‘ ft {Ann pian Cowal an Co ENGunte Lf tivities, Lowgt Festival Assoinliinr P Ihsodare The | biast fu | pure and the Rbenango And i interests | Plest { arrested on aroun tween inrmers residing in mitted saicids beosus the PANES, : turer, 8d fn Pi | slopieg coupe Ir | AWRY Ly Rages as Bey siapt, “dow and died in the patrol wagon, THE NEWS. Mrs, BEobert Mant eli. ii, the Brtress Bort Huron, Mich The frm of Bate : elmer, dealers iu obs, . mapy Btates, bos fatied, Tae waciaated capital of the concern Was six mioh 4% ye jars, It is ssid that Fredericksbary, Va be (hesapoaie Day throaeh the Marthe Kook. Major Jacob Bretz died at Carlisie, Fa. aged 72 years, The (04 Dominion brought down from Now York to Ste 4 Wats who « att stile forme wii ba bail i foro ry Evid and alse wears taken inat there at, to be plant moti tar For: Monroe ier projective, They Point. It bs anderstood seven or wight mines fu the el in the chan A Philadel his synitioats formed } y Ge , H. Earie, Jr. snl Rookard ¥. ¢ the joan of 2500 600 secgred | stock of the Besnrd Pub Heking (0 asd Bei by P A BW ES [ inn James MoManes and the Bem bin | tate, These secgritive, 3 is claimed | want 8 soptroal of the Resnrd property, i A Nre which ol lnraw ity glore of Wail & Franks Vine sirewis | ed ciated tn the AnTany, Ex. Hh Hef Juntin: £0 nat charged 7th or give bond for Nix pereons bao i Bpetus from: aly adi : amount The vate on 1 A dalopen 1 FALL ¥ Sa 153 walk? tre WY Viamie ty this peel aameed, nail Tha Ran Foals Ai athanshios, € bE dn strier, ball Btwn R Tov ter, NH ow JrNea % bry : Si with tos em? | G0 of the funds & { given ten days in wd * ha Ln Bhi b ne The th Cle ee? fe RIE Wiis ns wil dir for 8 quarter cl a con An »ore has teen PEASE TATOTS tgs act, ay Be bax Joos tary. mada ya HE oF Ye Cloeninnd, Eabonier Yi nati ination. £5 25 ys to anter into x COW swniog gltetoen rRATeN, Fodneigted Aa an arder remov. x £ fisvernoy (Hers has Ta fine A B Fail as pointer Mexion, charging neglect of duty Fail iin said that Be will not only make x 20uTest Sere TAl President. sherwood O Nations arsine. Banx Coa nt as slbeged poy of 323.008 in his anos onis He aver to the bask bis ress estate pominaly vlond at 3 0 ad was reload oo 50. G0 bond and itis bedleved be will not Det cinnart, has een | prosecuted, aespinrred Futons soupy, Jaw Lyn his son, A four-handed encounter Ry. over 8 mwsuil pal, : Hurt Lynch, Wade Hardiog aud James Nog vis were sericusly (njared Sergeant Fislor of the military poles st hem was reduced 6 James H. Carpenter {nvestor nl the Car. pester projectile, died Roading. Pa. of the age of 51 years. Isans A. Sheppard s pron iadeip tila us toe age of 71 years, Jobin Deraisk and Mary Westerham, od ta Chirag, Rev. Mr. Beymoar, the puiplt in the Eptecopal Chard liste, Pa. United States Senator Mills, of Texas, his | withdraws from the race lor pr-sloction, A woman was safovated and five Sa | persons badly bursed in a fire in Pitsbiar Ex-Mayor Gastay Brows was bared * 1 € nariestown, WwW. Vs, ONE SEFFOCATED, FIVE BURNED. ad Three Families Usable to Escape From =» Buraing Building fa Pirtebarg. One of the ost axcitiog fires the Pitts hurg dejartmment has ever been calied pon as Indian, oecupled to Sgt occurred at 614 Welater avenin Sad, . { sented an a Reid | day. when ous woman was saforated aud five other poopie $0 badly bureed may do. Toares fam! ramshackle Lafidiag, and the stairs salen Hers Is 202 “hp chivity Bartell: 4 aged Ay huokster wis $1 rewait of the 15 minutes Dead. Mrs. Domine wife ol Domine Farieiln, frait was au Mocnted while trying to raise & Win Harry Levis, aged 16 sadees 1D Gries puis Injured about face, arms and sl . ¢ fatal: Lillian Lavin, aged #5 0 wont hands, fest aad face: condition — Max Variicaki, aged 22 bDarsed ing bead, and 3rd uaily Jessle Voeriioesl, aged Lia baraed abou’ the naok, Toe al [ase ties serious: Ethel Verlinski Shek, | barned abayt hands and body: ®bl probadly die; Etzatmth Levin aged In ani Droien by jumplog from sean 3- sory window, kbp | burt fnternaily Rita Levin, aged 3 yours, {throws from secosd-story window, bealiy Uratend, | Toe bulidiog at 613 Webater avesus ia a three-story Brick tenement, old and shady POs the fret Boor and tbe rear of the secoad i Boor ved Sam Levis, with Bis wife and swven children. Ou the second floor frend ved Dominic Boriells, with his wile, [lm 18%nr wile B fataisy IBN <4, ca win and S<monthsiid baby, Tue fire started im Iawvin's dinlsg-roots {ia the rear of the first foor It burmesd | through the door sod up the stairway, aud tn oa very short Ume the estire Duliding wis in Bames, Only work of the rescuing fremen prevented & WGamunl- Bouse Darron, EE i the most eM olent Senator Millis Withdraws, The Houston (Tex. Post pritits a aft trom United States Senator Mills, in whisk ! ae formally withdraws from the race for pee ! election, which i=aves he feid to Governor PCA Utalerson, Mr. Mis i sives as the pripeipal reason is witha { drawal the rec-ul astics of the Sate Execn tive Committers which makes a siringeat fost | tar ali persons desition to participate in Democratio vrimaries atid con ventions, Colonel Heary was wounded on the sitow to a swond deed in Paris with Colonel Py quart. whom be recently demcunoed at the Lola triai 5 A MILLION Defense Bil Passes of Representativ wera | peprE © {1 theta Yeas Ww y May 3d | Pang south Fast and i the Terrnt Tien by tha Dassegar Fiairteen Kea } New § preeiving telinr of the | Pod with Yah © SST Fo hadi Crihers Insite of poenmosia at piment manele : an tn Baitimore, were arrest | a Cag) thal three | iow wars penned in al’ WEE tor os separated from her bustand la the sass | ¥ brand | pan sar 1 I MAY Pot peaking 1 theme Yon bor r Lan Wa ERAN GRR the third foor fived Max Veriloski, with kis | ai nantmans Voice Congress Contidence fn the snout rement of the Yolte, Sm Pegi Lont's Brat dai to 1 IW ig Vile Presiden: Mol ql bs Mans Apes, * eh i Bok 8 Xs SRE Mean Ter Wana seardiy is a : pana oy With on saree Bite vat thus (lyn fed arate sarin mat Theiler sup § * at sirate 1540 bie forelze war bg Crrmarnl Chrosy anos, war 30 yom the ey {hin Ws Lo maps sned fram wilh fa | ORE Peete Beg! ax in : the cones. but with go to Congress and 1h» : Idle thers Was RY A #1 sated BY tie sopeseny of Poti tiny a, A Eaiian stincglon ander Mae gp # Fe sia # H 5g A win ey Sar TAMER ud y as 150) Bad bees 43 em BVELY ay of faa Toye hisand BH wo war, Bow ai tie dabate, At Tom EE HAPS is Bs, - SHE BROS & wils Av re eves tel rR we 3 vod spit Hewte d Neel! in The gonersl sEone Live thom thie AQ * aw CW 4 He Ar eit wars porn im aard and Me Mo daciared thal war aiually rl %ia Poe Ate tion Were Henderson and De wide wnd Moseers » J Shem x] iver vy Lhe { Dmmoorath: side Sent to the Senate, The BI appropriating #36 wudy and referred, 3 The Ce The gaitinrion of the Hones wor the doors, ad wong nes of Zain winyission, surged On the Boor am BUATY a RT The vip POLE Fx wal EGE a vd shar ress Amp appratiefian rz the la th wide set an aie of heir Bpirie entering i far poms Ax soins As the Jog Bpeakar rag Ba wnt # shangee | 3 Saal = BG 5 Be RMIT praprialing weyarai Aber tw wal for naval ¥ asera, Wheeler bem. Aa tederate cavalry dader, ced fw Aarts Passunge of the Bill, Bn was pal oa Baum ro = Bars TM tha BE the whole txvor, but Mr wavs. He 358 ws, Be sadld +f many Sembers, who base wise : Ghpk Fert (pmo Every td ny He. Lise Paxily 5 pearl tive Rye BR ad? Tid in wi, an Seas pr Ghee Lhe vote fmonoas Administration A! Soeenes of Enthusiasm fGreeted (he An RVR, Rigen ea a fave of a2 Se foes potas rT AlIve ¥ far ths give. and who mogin 33. wo id Sapraatad SELLE teaclare O3 thy alton 1% ala) The speeches which atlraned Moamari Dalley aad Savurs Sa RM tor Pusiional defense was cacried | | the Reg pedis ate, atid Bas Deel prossaded bo ? Hr. Aiisng Ww Appropriation FDEFIGN A¥YFALIRS, NOT A VOTE AGAINST IT. : Party Lines Were swept Away ned With | } Dusitred caves of 10-tnel srmor-plersing pro | Footed fis) reat grt HRS 5 § stein wae 3 Fang od wo pa ; perl Le MTR | for a 3 2 ands 5 tearhe 8 ta 3 ams Pax wa TO BLY MIEN. OF. WAR President MeNinley Prepare! it is Said, ra Take Ali Ships MBered for Sale. AX BEL Hergid © MBE Rain gTeRs 8 SEs LO £3 Aran 0 Apes wing Willing oe aR hiniey wil pure {RL os - Forel here FE RB Fie Be Intentions the adm ini 5] rating to Dante T hers ¢ oh Rey sip Lalo Npan. {ish seelisra that the auth desided 10 buy the two Semen pe TOT Gr torpedo oat de Dears simowsd gt thelr FETE when PARROT 5% Ama Sate bid ive SIrRY gr anid ! Smee LAL raiser wn and ab 3 daily ried Ree oa sent will In all the Fresiiagl ree ¥ i Bide pro be ua fod » + re LET 2 rant ho Ha with separa} fe to take thi had 3 Jurber 208 far ANY Secrelary CHET wil] na. i they Bie dering Bas been pos lersin ‘ anid seniors and be § Xi] i Lp Vasey 0 Ha Wars i ry Siany of : Lv HY ke ox foretdn with ASE £ wrate Day and Secretary TSplay aNaraoon. He pro. his discuselons Wilh mein. LAB es And Hoge ort, i. Rin : k mat SUP od cary em LE Dawei 558 Ale LENE LO AT af the wee * 4 id 5% § Sher supp wis THe He ake slilos oa SWinoyiy., vg sipbern wii was union 1 war Ene war WEE fag A. FIELD oy Lasox in all 0s have dollar Ana $a To Ohne Fass Tate ie Casson Bagabijoan FR ado hae BAST seeders 2 A abaga sends coke to Hexion wie aid 1 RR dade Rote flow Han AS i kes RHARD 0, Bas A SO RIB Bas textile Rundar.ecl ners spond $8 000 39 5 day, fartiord Bas 8 2508 mil {3g TALITY AG 4 . i rE SPEAR mx Tuk Ear YE vps tial : hag Le s pogo ged 1 wr enter ABER AKErS WOOL & SIXTH Vadeiphin bas a Chiness hrick ayer Dwtpott moniders struck for 330 a day. raw a liils wo £m YY hE is Biel. 7 re arr NAR yk AT Nasagranhers Siasa nas A Thestrica advertising agents sion Droomisas2rs 1a the Vaites]l States Na » 1h axa) x Wave Pappiages whan thas Bid Was pressnied tha Seams Cannos ssl Tag FIFTY MILLIONS FURL DEFENSE, | The Biil to Place This Sum at dent's Disposal For lumed Chltroaa Commies Monday tied Makisg Fa FOB RL LET AR gh PEt it is Dereliy PPO poeta 3 Prialivn ie xs Todlows That tiers Any money in appropriated fr each and wiih with to De eX pedicle s Presplent aud Ria ATR June Wp 1sus AiG Q I was relied Lia propriatinns Mr taanos Presideat w special meetiog of i LAE Waa RBULE 3 and wmanl w irkiveston Over special train of sixteen munition passed through for HX mare guns go scalbwand, vion Urals was Pug on PAassend silwara Ir Loe WOUIG®TR via Shor faa, Capnog, of De Appr imtrodacnd Sa EE A a gy Alexandr somo] UAT The azn + ne the Presi fate Use, ts a pias rial sped ga x fil Mary. 54 & S # a i ip # VRAUTRAY wa 53 So & § Foal 5, Rd BOW gralled Las Petia ciated her Wine A 33 ABT a Naw wana WR SER irers Lave Raat 4 i Biilana der. {hieagy painters want ti March i, i380 year foaawing on 2f Live ah ile * Mavor Jdeelarss thal his wr serie oF Se ELIE (RXEN 2 PAYS &3 | Gans Far the Saath. i$ mares A Yq Bali way A ancleriand, Eagand Ey Bf Am. oars struds when ware rx faster SALT varamenl ae sitor aad ma ow Horan advise FERRERS LN 5 wrod di Bai a Wika dr anmmisssnoy Seas Ar A 0 ke ls | EETSTONE SE INKERITANC President McKiniey, It is Said. is Ready For the Report. ds - L An Opinion Given 3 Buessty Artoraes r Ed TAX * Pasdoe "ast Feneral Plus that = Td MAINE ANNE as ATNGITIes Zrowe at > > fix tim the eatate of Justus Van Stoloh sahieet to colinteryl inter. T tats was value! ar ¢ntoy the ini ame te go Too d= ayl Sen te HEE. Mrs vained ar Hi WES a Mois 1 “COURT HAS DECIDED.” -~ This Statement fx (fuoted Ax Coming +3 Prom a Prominent Nyvai OMepr Firm Avtion is FEaxspsoted Intervention in Cutis Ie Not Believed to Be Far in the Distance 2.000 Men Par the Navy. LE ve ¥ i ¥ root Sans Yoangteh oN naEYal sowigl smbiegram from » Ft Hoa wt ‘7 oa oRptein pial ere od Wve proady 1a 1h at sinies Rom iatanded to Geet via KR I pte] sles Hi A Uist yr Air 3 Marys Marx: ihe Fayetta pat pon win law. the gaaditanas of Frances ANeRie, Ae (Bede 3 oa Sron at adit that Grregt Britals will the abode with aired States D8 the event of war gz welled Fronoheill [urged A RH . Pht - The Rianish Soverasent ses made Rvs srmditional pursBases vastifid stanrners Austrian theo Her laiary apet Nagra Wagan the Noanisd thas ail regar ot vplmnd mee wr Ei Te a Hs i NAA EE Bcf eed BION 2 oF x a reas ier Sead Madri tae Wmetphary of the Rea dford $14 5 Rods 3 1 8 47 Frili, "8 at, = ofr, Vals NRT. 1 Eo 8 DRiTie’ telarenn a sons batants of seh ide which was 2 Matanzas © iwmiiste 18 Havana iod org TEE a be vad weed thie feim ode Ug an Melane Brie SX inh ae « HBALAR, tylvenw 8 § they saw. | © oan, re. 34 to 8 wns {armen . * ir lwpe Be Baye started 3 4 for : wm = vr Lo Atal Up at Fright, oie. Pras a x : EAP ar ite mesting recently tha, it iw reRdy trout Ivy SELEY Sale 1 Tome Any tural work {ine reeds Any spain of Ash her rt. that It Bean able 18 make disteibution of nly through he gen of pab sorted citizens As the faxt quarter's pan sn subsiriplions wo fie April Asks subscriters pay Et Mel al oXpenss 04 Tide PEEL “TH LAWTRROS iy Meant wit i Sot about $19 88 high ¥ * a? # he A 41 The Toone Lusioue gros] that Bins fe co that 0 ing failed r fish oq. apitcn si pod prirehawe fo % 8 It mums xnnogry of the Wate Mu appropriation +4 shiy t oi we— NO SHORE LEAYE FOR TARS, of the Crataet Mantgoomery’s Are Denied This Privitege i prreres of I ited sruiser Moni gomery at Havani, a pany with ese « emal IL ini on Captain trend ral and was pant ar an WIE $ than Lion siutes oni Ee Ed Ei a 5 Biome Ths he Pies it Ww wa 1d 9 Yimity and cog wifey Lo SEL tha Uatted States Cisndoalo the sed Pelary gaia Toba Resurvs Gesmeral Lee thet thers smears delay (8 1h» passage tiles §hroagh Le Sustaen Boy went 38 the Liseiveery supniies the ule sigometls, ARS One Jmiis wera gins id The afMicers ars stil ref mach wuts Ey shalt iN TAY pg’ EGE Antit 3 Rt te shaft ia Reneral ir Teas 3 re. ro Rav 5 FF Rg i Dee Wil rw Bas at track Se sined ad men of the Mos JE A 3 : instant ¥ ithe ta al Tench Hey Fink JF age and was on Mroshyterian nos! = he wit ee Bed bed Labiie aroy isons TE wee wiileh ax0rles Ba lhe SRG the tartis ars ht eed abe ope Lov pil wg whars Seren &ul Nyala ferent the sther ram Sples fewalry iat drove lhem i ators about wore nn the delinr wir. Their sogur stra Dengine asd it ignited The fre was is sieht wal oMNman, 2 the sone While shalt al af ™ ’ Burglars Rew in win agg SR - night #1 AWRY $I Deir “RLOWX UF BY 4 MINE.“ Be 13 yv * “That is What Roth Divers Say." Writes » sailor Lied From the Montjiomery +3 * + v : ALG Hayes Die srg af A ay TURAL Let Board 13a srilear but gee Hapos Toe: berets © 15 LOW fate an ay Wat, 10 working on snemokin IrRpien new Rurnside ther day ote sears x stick of dy ! BELS 3 3 irining it with Lr went ge ) ie selaney of Pltsbure ying about n wars fRIAllY LArTHAn Wee 3 Poti ted. rey aks d Xoniss ia 57 ail Gere awaiting tio un the New 3 RA SAVE I Wanita iWa + thas o- 3 hes Bart rigs wud of itary He ars i% tHe whieh wre oF mies pam) Deve ore dead and sognded wong HavaBa 3s 158 Bache x 5 oa | i MellAr prison x William ware Drought oips induries oo U0 Save VEEL alin a farmer frou WarnK seh Weaver Rae 3 of Ldsard @ TAMAGGA Was BY an oun cw We hagoas ie vhs Maine and are ak Bean PE A vest? § hn and Kui 3 tramp fi the Harn an tere] him fPrers. who ware Lown wAainag to (yr in "iA The tr ag TAT: a» 5 WeRICN. yee if the + Aaltemplin ts3 x tha Pawn. Haliroad ras Sper Joannataown MM Ero graf w stanyiy ite She * in survives i Tone 35 WOR Gif : far, Upide- the wecamil FR * Foge He TE Years «ra and ou wit in A bysee «lk kak a bTRIN SHY near Th 3 0 “Xt Woke . ak UL of AYE ARO Wand be Givem old and faaghier When hair the GidMES OFFERS 8150 tad O00 Secting Pact A This sure. ft 1s Heporied fa Exchange for Isdepondeonce. Miss Austin hor night Thasra (4 Kg Road doR. sf comaent in Hae wae mbing her at Jochester. the ae sausnd one of her scambe To burst with a laud ~aich fra Her hair Sas in the affort to put owt 44 nad Aands seversiy We SLs sua a0 Gress hy Hiial na Jet iL Sey PETAL » lames she her favoraida ! pplepeindenos is wnt Yann PURER 0 Lt her Gn ail ten lan R ITRID AY vary and jor the main Hs Was laken Dowd aged 1% Beaver Falls, at: maving fraight on statisn on ihe Pills Erie Gauroad un add both jew oul off, the hospital LO% at rma geirs or WHDAM Mazen, decrased, BAG ae Atlantic, six miles north of Lr me 3 Rl Lana no of wills afver a Htigation covering are about Wo receive an estan at TE Ga of Jerry Magner was dJestrovad Dy cogether Wilh insurance Xenia avening s Resd of amp a aglanomist AGlaeers &® fad Sisarmet POND Oh EEE ees ne ie $s # said mess > saat mE in +5 Me. Rie 1500 AK fail i oa RAT ti fortune Feild “r silar BS 2% ner rvglive a wn dedi agreed a aacaming 5% hadnr RE MERI HS «1 ar lanl § eR VR aiued The Awa gf Mercer gangs loon R= ¥ SX ¥ rat Seis Lami nw agorh fire r=. contents, ang WY Glee ye asad if i ang FIT Gations aleiphia, alld ro exanunatinns in Philadelphi SRXAMINSIY iS for sim: in Pitshurg June 4 15 in 14 hm: h af Hagh dmwere 39 v it nen. i le ALE Sis ven ad Dwr ree £4. in 1d 10 the ANE ALIENS RAR ml “ Péwuaieny 1% YeAl's av was in studied (AW MY Was "RATA Heslllh iNi= 3 Pe war aul Gehrig. of MUU shot wonndad Wi B Alilleravilie a siied Dimsell vy BEA RA faw Alar 20
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers