” . Chotee Gccupuiton. They were making out the dance 11st | for a prospective ball and were put | ting down lapcers, waltzes, twosteps, | ete, when they were Interrapted. “What are you doing?’ said the new- comer. the family. American, Even Worse than Death. “Why are the Dashleigh girls In mourning ¥’ “An uncle of theirs was accepted as A Juror last week.” “Picking bops"—North PAS Boe SO. 0h, Witat Splendid Coffee. Mr, Cioodman, Wiliams Co, Il, Writes: “Frony one package Saizers German Coffer Berry costing 50 I grew 800 Ths. of betier cofMes than 1 can buy in stores at 0 cents am” AC 3 A packa®s of this coffes and big seed and plant catalogas is sen! vo John A. Baizer Seed Co, la (1 Wie, upon receipt of 15 cents stam and this notic Por Maby win Bot strangle and die with Croup f Hox. she's OC, OC fs nwed No opium 0 stupefy, to Ipecac to pauseate. Hice ia rmanertly cured. No fits or nervons. r first da ht B of Kline's Great iT Restorer. sand free RH Kun tad A Aren's Su Phila. Fa The rate of the growth ot human hair waries, In some MMsex it has Deen known to excerd two inches per month The average for man and woman is about half an inch every 3 days, To Cure A QOold tn One Day. Take Lazstive Bromo Quinine Tablota AB Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. Me. The cat was comsiderad a sacred and mal by the ancient inhabitants of Heli- opolis, Egypt. When one of these ani- mails died in a private residence, the pecupants shaved off their eyebrows, Chew Star Tote ~The Beat, Emoke Sledge Cigarettes. Great Britain has 185.000 filiterate voters ——-— a mors| Spring isthe Cleansing Season- Don’t Neglect Your Health You Need to Take Hood's Sarsa parilia Mow Spring is the season for cleansing and renewing. Everywhere acoumuletions of waste are being removed and preparations for the new ifs »f another season are being made, Thia is the time for cleansing your blood with Hood's Sarssparilla. Winter has left the licod impure, Spring Huamors, Boils, pimples, eraptions, and that tired feeling are the resuits. Hood's Barsaparilia expels all impurities from the blood and makes ft rich and nourishing. It builds up the nervous system, creates an appetite, gives sweat, refreshing sieep and renewasd energy and vigor. It cures all spring humors, botls, pnp, eruptiats. 18 Ameries’s Grostast Medicine. $1; vix tor #4 Prepared by C. I Hood & Co, Lowell, Mas, Ome Woman's Way. Mrs, Skinper—-Oh, bot wish Iwas a Mr. Skinner— Why a4, my dear? Mrs Eesuner~] was just thinking ts {day it] was o MAD, leew py 1 Levibd make my rife hy giving ber a “Don’t you sce? replied the wit of | diamond nec a ros uy Pre | ent. The Proper Way to Dh, brawn How is your friend Grosn getting slong in the grocery hosiness? White He's not making his salt Brown Why, what's the trouble? White Oh, thing, be bo 38 it. ai fine or Fronancitiom. It is alwazs diverting to watch a wave of email fntelioe nal reforn from tine io tine sweep over 8 or 8 compmnhiy, or, Dxieed forality, Rays Me New Yori iz so catching. so bowly goes down «fo BOYel or ont of the Way ts the poprilar infection in example “half after four’ or “hilt past four,” “keen for quick’ or eager” apd “delectable” do sey thing fromm “nice” to’ Just ton perforily lovely for anything.” This fashion has however, jogs to somone] {t that it je not so much 8 tribute to good English as to silly Americans--namely, the Ad glomanines, Pronunciation affords a fine (pstance of the way that women all fallow sub Like a row of bricks or a flock of shoes or anything else that symbolizes har mony and accord. Just jet a club presi dent or any acknowledged leader start in by saying appendicyrtis or co-guetry or anything else foreign to the appen dlceeris, or coquetry that they have al been saying for so Many years, and presto! the sleightof band ms» coulin't make quicker work of #6. All this isn't saying that it jsn't highly faundable and well intentioned. like everything else culture iimelf has fo have a start, and not unlike evervtidog else it's apt to be fuuny wille t's so refrembingly oer ren worse men I»ecatn. Jack Potts What will rou charge to make a good out poker trunk’ Trunkmwaker— What do you mean hy “noker” trunk? Jack Potts—One that holds four trays. oe Ittrofena nara mater to oomvinee 8 brass hand that it isn't (he entire pro COSSIOn. LE There ts move Catarrh in Orie motion of the comntey than sil other diseases put together, adn ne inen raced ita Joti’ I, a nowd 1 in. 8 rer i the om Nt: came of a market It ‘no on lgtaraally in Sinan | $romm Baer . They after one handred doliars for any case it fails to emre. Rend for cirenjars and tests. moniala Address ¥ J Cmeney& Co Toledo O Redd by Dragriets, Th. Hall sFamily Pills are the binest, Mra STR na Son. allie pain. cures After Jgsiciase nad — me up, 1 was syved ins {ure oi Erin, Wik paves L Pa. Nov. 20 185 Hood's Pills 27,17 ZI. Price only 88 For y Hlustratedcironiare | PREraciuse, r paint dealer and do your own o STORIES OF RELIEF. Two Letters to Mra Plokham. Mrs, Joux Witrzaws, Englishtown N. J. writes: “Dear Mes Pivgnax—1 gin to tell you how | suf taking vour remsios. I was 80 weak that l could hardly walk serous the flea without falling. I had womh troohie ad such a bearing down feeling ; als suffered with my back and lms, ; in womb, inflammation of the bisd piles and indigestion. Before taken one bettie of Lydia BE Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound 1 foita grea: Sead better, sud after taking two and one half bottles and half a box of you: Liver Pills I was cured. If more would take your medicine they would not bare to suffer so mach.” Mrs. Josera Prrensox, 513 East St. Warren, I's., writes: “Dran Mes Prxgaavw—1 have su? fered with womb trouble over ffieern years. I had infaramation, enlarge ment and displacement of the wom? I had the backache constantly, headache. and was so dizry. heart trouble, it sevroed heart was in my throat at ing me. I could pot walk arour I could not lie down, for then wy wonld beat so fast I would though 1 was smothering. I had sit op in bed nighis in order 40 breaths I was so weak | conld not do Baty - thing. “1 have now taken several hess tien of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetalie Compound, and used three - pack ages of Sanative Wash, and can 1 am perfectly ew: edd. dir I could have I Te + ham 8 medion mis ag his material ia niade on scientific prigsiples by machinery and milled in twenty four tints and is superior to any consoetion of Giue and Whit. ing that can possibly be made by band. To ma Mixzp wrrae Corn Warsn, MFrSEND FOR SAMPLE COLOR CARDS and if you cannot urchase this material from your local dealers let us know aud we will a$ you in the 8 way of obtaining it. CO., NEW BRIGHTON, S S.LLNEW YORM. — Put Off Till To-morrow the Duties of To- Day.” ~ Buy a Cake of pre. and by constantly failing to Ag : : HBT ORT Buying Feed For question Low man! aracl 18 no 108i oases off are farvas where the bast ur ; « WAS to ran x few through a» very rich part © and nse the crops grown tan] stock which shonld man rest of the farm. Wherever hy E . $ Xow poasthie it sh il Dom BONE suee to buying either feed or with a furm that zers. Bat araiiv AI i Or increas wa meh on ie jocstion. mitleh cows may be kept good market for milk, ter to enrich the land and fes hing wheat bran, or potton sesd res] sank coarse feed as cnn the place than in as milk sold will ae ' wrdrasaed the ite fartili iy feed, and tue fond and eighty per cen? ganous substances goes itivator Regalarity In Salting the If the cook should i come ‘froable of salting LADASERTY, oF that ¥y Bie, wo IT "nH vigorous prot What TERAGT IR hare eit lien or practice, to lead 4s oar dah anisal friands sitive to such irregaiarits The mich better gqasnatity of salt. Ther = slalie a3 so : 25 AF Lae (pool # g < i wy ided Graty Kins o RES an culiy b Ye a great d SO wany Ainds of pmpietient now ased ou the farm that farmer ought to have sole ans SY i arth Ag Tye safe. SATHLITALY BI <taded in i any hewsash WELTY é a a5 be registerad, and even to aloe the until he had Lewy ar {alves vo a small aunther vine hwan Pesaran alk wif foes a Hat ¥ - fade doe ; ail Anes she sqm dew wiers whe soratched it ont | 0 Chetan Nows was the Sight Then = Lat a SRIND Her Father Have von davghter sing, young ¥en stir hod in vp Eve Ser, . Panars ton a Wo Iai os S10 tka a CRIT A ranary begins pads commence 10 eras Siti when she — Fasetiin Transermpt, hat 3% efi TD Re a % ode ke act “en k nia] WARK en B iad : : Ered Srillaiel % fps : Ana gfe * penspve sompeiderailion the cOWe 2 3 h. #14 Wash wea 2 Bonny» 3 Th rm without ian: Phe noirstive ua La wag ate, he proceeds to ev gives up 1he stege, and in fama nh te | BALTIMORE, MD. Pease Mention This Paper, Looking Backward. “You must fee] very hapoy 'n thip lnvaly cortage you call your swn © “How san | when 1 12in% of $y fam flv that owned an estate of Hhonwmnds of sores. wih 8 castie and a whole reg iment of servants “Why, when 3% they lose +7 *ivaring the eleventh ocantury” Brookirn Life A writer Sn that heains will tell Snmetimes they do. and sometimes (tla brains that ¥eeDn 3 man from telling. Son esti i SITTING OHURNA IN INDIA satan |The Mahratts Method of Settling Hl Many queer s'ories are old of the | persigtence and clever devices of the collectors of had debits at even a pre fomwionnl humorist would fod it Jars to invent amythtig mors abegrd thao the method actually io owe 30nE oe Mahmtas--at leant if travelers tales ‘are to De Trasted TET FDEDEIE | Zrowa-ap | In thar countrys they zr Wihen a creditor canned get bis mney and begins to regard the debt as Jesper dhurna” spon bis debeor that is he squgis Sowa at the door of Ns Cletin’s tent, 30d there by ia some mysterious Tay, Deodines maetar of the sitnation Xo ohe Cad £0 In or out except hy his sanction He petther Himmel? sats sor allows bis Ae ar toe pat. AT] this extraordinary warvation Mates? uw Rept up unt ether the det t's twmid ar the smaiiter the aller cane the ded ix held te be catceled. However eimange It may appear te Purcpesne, this mathoed of snforeing » Aemend a an sstahiishad and aimost naiversal osage among the Malhratias amd seems to hem a mers mgiter of motives Even thelr Gini . ehiefialn. is pot exemnpt fren iL Tae nwa hy witeh the “dlorna™ sogitig ren ave as well defined as those a’ any sther eustus whatever When pre tw ba tory Wirt, De claim sepa Wath Neg 3 nomber of his apes Who nrsaand the tent and dimen even The hed of Lis gdren wo ry maka sure that he oldains ne sacral af fon The rowin Loewever maeuspitues the sate adwtinence for the can whe (mioewen the ondeal; and. of pms Tha strongest ston ach wine Afrer all we have litle mgt ie thie sheundity: for omer aw ride, sominally at least To 3 jury nto a vemos, Mr rsTom WERE MNOS 85 Drew Jeng im tha provines and city of Ra pares (hat Realiniine wers someefiney goto natieally put through a cows of training enable them ™ endure » long time without food They went 5 " % i * yw es at thon wnt to the door af seme ve Comer oclovee ther publisty to reals fasting antl a + of money was Dill or antl They ner Payers pimrvatien. T 3 ima the ¢ af 3 Brilimnin was sangiderad se hotmong an offense THAT The cas was goserally forthooming. bul nerer with ont a resolute wruggle Ww deterTone whether the Jan was Ika ¥ I prove gtaael Tor the average CITenia Wii Se mk? G4 SOGE SIve Up is le is 40 - Fs Baila ¥ The Hothed, (Glass Mires nore Warmth on Sotheds than 257 offer covering LUT wien plage are desired to be grown thar snew hal Eady. such as Win shhage. a Hghr frame aad minsdin ans ters © COCIOC000000SS000050 24 VERY MANY ANGW ST. JACOBS OIL CURES SCIATICA Thea all mest Losw how exsily amd WOON 0 we “OWN sured 31 CURES ALL Pale RIS MAT. NE RK Adda Badin.
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