MARCH 10, The bladder was a rested for one pur- pose, namely, a le for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless Fal treatment of other diseases, CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid- neys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. Bo the womb, like the blad- der, was created for one purpose, and if not dortored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases, It is sitpated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore Any pain, discase cr inconveniences mani fested in the kidneys, back. bladder or nrinary passages is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of sorne sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find oat correctly set your urine aside for twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble, be mild and ex- traordindry effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Foot, the great Kidney and bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a ict icine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents and one del 3a. You may have a sample bottle aml pamphlet, both scent free by mail, upon the receipt of three 2-0ent stamps to cover cost of postage on the bottie. Mention the Patron (COUIRER ard send your sddress to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N. ¥Y. The pro prietors of this [Re guarantee the gennine vias of this offer. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. firadite Philadel phin Dental College. Hpectit) atten thom given othe the mature teeih, Ariificiad spoetn ity, feed Baitding, Patton, Pa DR. $5. W. Worrell, : PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No. 38. nu-Genseyl Burgury and the Eye a Specialty All enlis will recvdve prompt attention. DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Sergeen )} Office in Mellon block, next door to Postoffice, Patton, Pa ay enlle, day or night, promptly Or. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. (fies In Atingian Look, next wo Postoflice, | Patton, All plant calls resprnded to pramtiy. * Dison of the exr, nome and throat | given special atiention, OFFICE He wn! "RE: ~T 10dny 35} and 17 *2p 4 ISucinote Education) The Anerson Bet! of Business, Aloo won, Pa will give Foul 8 Eraduyting EHR in Book-Jeeping, Shorthand, Ty riting, Penmanship wid hi Tah Branch es for the PRICE (0 ONH-BOOKS FRE SEXD FOR CATALOGUE Be teeth a ity (if i ARE YOU READY For ninter® Tews your beater give vom satisfaction” Doar't put ap with troubdes that prispedd vi last year, CONSULT ne abot fending your hades, either by hotnir, hot wiser cr <Lmirn Can give you estimates om ay work, GOULD & BEEZER a4f ¥ ATTON, PA CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We ake pivparad to do all kinds of Casting inery, iron ketties, stoves, stove repairs, w points, plow re pairs, airs Ploy are reasonable. Nd metal takes In exchange fr new work. 12-1yr STHEMT SPRINGS, PA. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. Offoe in the Good Building. JAMES NOLEN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Bailding. 101, WH DAVIS, — Attorney und Counselor at Law, EBgxsntra, Pa. All legal bosiness promptly attended to, Office in Barker Bullding. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest Hue tn Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK’'S Restaurant Ly Magee avenue, . . it. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, Your Watch may need Begvilating, Lei usiook at it. No charge for exariihntion, If it peods gtiention we'll ted] vou, aad if you would have ux put it in shipe we'll do it well gf a reguine clings that Your wor | olden to CENTRAL - HOTEL, § JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Accommodations the best. Bar in connection. The Patton Jewel First class ~ RATES 51.25 PER DAY, PATTON HOTEL, WM A MELLON, Prov'x, First-class aceommadations, Table suppiisd with the best the market affords. Choler WINES ad LIQUORS al Suef the ‘wagon, one sled, ren ¢t al, Manster, near Thomas, Elder, $800 Bar, EBENSBURG LETTER News Gathered a1 Commty's Capital Ebenstiarg, Pa. March Important th a large crowd is in attendance I. 8. Bell, of Patton, attendin court as & juror. Attorney Reuel Somervilie, in Vincent Reig, accompanied by wife, spent Raturday in Ebenshurg James Fisher of Johnstown, spent a few hours in our town Monday. The Lyceum of Ebensburg public schools met to-night at 7:30. The ex ETUINOR BT6 Very Interesting Jos. A Gray, of Carrolitown was Ehensburg visitor on Monday Room No. § of was closed a few dave last weed to the illness of the tescher Miss Mag. gie Shenkle Harry Shoemaker, of this piace, purchased the Todor building on street, The familv of J RK GRIDS to Ebensburg last week and are get ting the Metropolitan hotel in read. ness for the opening which will take place in a The personal property of the estate be sold at public our public schools has Mazin Shook few weeks, of P. E Brown will male at the Central hotel in this place Saturday, March 19th. The County Commissioners have jot the contract for the Soldiers monument which is to be erected in the Court Hloase grounds, to Jones Brothers of Massachussetts. The monument will | cost $15,000 the Commissioners to farn- ish the foundation, Fahbliec Nsics There will be expowed at public sale | on the premises of Washington Doug- | lnem, in Clearfield township, to-day. | Thursday, March 10th, at 1 o'clock p. | m., the following described personal | property, to-wit: One brown horse, | two 11-year-old colts, two head of young | cattle, two milch cows, one shoal, one | two buggies, « sleigh, one Yirealiing Smacking, one ay ning mill, one mow machine, hay | plow, harrow other farming gery; one cooking stove, one 46- copper kettie, household and | a furniture and other articles too numerous to mention. at biic sale There will be SXpted ‘on the premises of Frank Rice, known | as the Chris Karlheim farm, Saturday, March 19th, &t 1 o'clock p. m., the fol- | Jowing described personal property | to-wit: A span of brown mares, weight about 2,800, both with foal, ages from | 6 to 12 years; four head of Cows, two | shoats, one Conklin wagon, 31 spindle; Lpne MeO) wrmic mower, one New York | Champion hay rake, top buggy, plow, spring tooth harrow, cultivator, pair | of wa indders, cutting box and | twin sieds; also two setts heavy {work harioss and breechings, hay and | straw, anda lot of small articles too! numerous to mention. Reasonable credit will be given with jodgement exemption notes and proof security DICKERS nN DRY Deeds Bearded at Ebensbarg up te Date | Friday, Fehraary 16, A. T. Beers et ux to Simon Grimes, Dean: consideration, $175 Celetine J. Biairetox to W. A. La trop, Cambria, $1 383 signee of John A. Blair ¢t ax to {Ce — J. Blair, Cambria, $3,150. : Isaac Smay et ux to John William | Smay, Adams, §1,200. Max Prick et ux to John Ww. Barna, Reade, $40, meph Gutwell to Gon borough, $500. Samuel H. Lemon to Barbara Lemon | et al, Cresson Wil Eilen Durbin, 1. Francis O'Friel et ux to Dennis Far | puuu—— ‘rem, Munster, $20. Genevieve Sill et oir to Dennis Far- Administrator © Philip Farren to John Farren, Munster, $10. John Farren et ux et al to Daniel C. Farrem, Munster, P. Farren to D. C. ‘ster, $20. J. I. Mitchell et ux et al to Patriek Cosgrove, Gallitzin borough, $1. Harriet Zimmerman «t al to Jona than Helsel, Adams, §1 John Weakland to Margaret Byrne, | Patton, $600. Chest Creek Land & Improvement ‘company to Catharine Pyles, Patton, $100. Assi Isaac R. Snyder et ux et al to Wash ington National Building & Loan i Association, Patton, $1. W. W. Amsbry et ux to Michael 1. Murphy, Munster, $450. Michael Thomas et ux to Thaddeus Thaddeus Thomas et ux to Margaret J. Thoms, Elder, $400 Williaa: M. Kimball et ux et al to W A. Lathrop, Cambria, $1.43 Rowland BR. Davis et ux to W Lathrop, Cambria, $145. John J. James ot! 0x to throp, Cambria, $500. Chest Creek Land & Improvement Sopany to Mes. ME Pation, A WwW. A la. Riss, Land & Improvement L his Motold]. Patton, i hest Creek company $300. P. W. Heifrivh et $4 ux to Edward Me- ‘Hugh, Hastings, $125 ¥ Jahn Whited et ux to John erville, Susquehanna, $x. Trustees of Washi ington Building & Loan Association L. Kerr, r= $2 888 Richard Owens et ux to David W Jones, Cambria, $400. Mary Byrne et vir to Adaline Byrne, ¥t vir, Patton, $500, National to James Cambris ! of Pat. ton, is attending court here this week | hin an owing | Farren, Mun. Comrt convened here at 9:00 this morning and | he Kind You Have Always Bought, | Avegetable Frome for As- similating the Food andReguis a. Stomachs and tow 5 sab df for Constips- | § Stomach, Diarrhoea} or Feverish- | ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Pac Simile Signature of THE KIND YOU HAVE LWAYS BOUGHT. . SOUTARY. BREW YORE TY Every om re sri thal thw ISIISISISIIISS. ‘We are Getting Ready pri = and a . NOMITETr Mi For of Clothing, Gent's Parle And red Bare - . : 3 nal va Are PY Gh r Pui ard» slon x whieh Wy Cham pon ie { on ae ni 3 ron for new Zienis Mass ws THAK Wolf & Thompson, PATTON. PA TISIIIsIssssys. 18805805808 SSSSSES IITTIITITIIIITIIIY. dr. SAVE wy I in the State. ; gnee of John A. Blairetoxto Herman Apel, Ebensbarg, $100. § PN The Quickest “Bas Mail Order House BOTH®< g BUILT YOUR BENEFIT « UNCLE SAMS wre iy 3 makes SHOPPING BY MAIL {smd & Noon Peston i tre oo JOU gered OY Wai, Wt or Ca ul Samples bok jet A i nanan Best Goods at Lowest Prices - and vour Money Bach if vou want it. ALTOONA, — x- = %. There are three Little things whinh more work than any things ereatesd thes Patton Markets. mkrieet changes i ET Sabject $< Mivese Sraew (nT imead - hep tae Spray Fits wees WW RE £ Mayon & Fahlamar Sted irr Foe Tha pnw Ciiver Awsy 5 FP ving 1 Ea pee + Prk 1 Ail] mes * pin fe Ry +H that bh sry Ma Ew bam TEN a1 Toler Ba priory reg ator oe Fess ioms £4 ws Yd i MM FLEE _~y Lave Twamt RE BDOWD ha iG Fras tak ORDINANCE NO. 42. meng Tax om Adjioent lo the Fait Pi $ waeendmig fre mera “ogee rl Foo ard snared] That sorstracting the herinning at goeimvee and en 2 ines Bn ending al an the mtn -ner the aan w heer Rew d avon nesr PIAL Cevpir, @ AL in Theat $48 Wh there alley se wrtained to be which fifty. owt oo ‘ Bas of sewer foot lots making a twenty-two dollars forty-five cents for each fifty fool Jot a adjacent It is the Along twenty rats als hi OD. SET reefs me omaetedd and ordained that a sewn: Ax aps " thas Oo JE sped aid Yat por xii the prop ETLY WIS | adie Wo Lo sal steed, ar line of wswer to the following amounts and that the Borough Tress arer be authoriaed 0 eoliect the sine accomiing Ww law and 0 apply he sme the sewer 3 pay or Bink ¥ ana UW Te same wis, Dw Ta wy Eo 3§ Sew Faoacted awd FBX Ramin on wer LO PETEArY, of {oyna resstent Sevews Olerk by the Burgess his f Fe Sha ry ] Prisnieiit. Burgess I demire (0 atten? fo the merils of a8 Oe efficient Bs | a it Wie na ET Fe ' EAlwe rial) & Rented y La sgh ff the owet vainable and preparations on the marin exceed sgly dangerous jars, and ing ALi 2 I ak PW far | Gemive: BO he We EHOGY | ald feed Dey er thoosa wl. Nucoess Downey, sditor Democril, ation x atid Bow Li vat te dn Eminent Now York Chemis! asd Sonic! Bakes a Fwa Ofer tp Our Resders The cists inti | \ LH LT 1 i Pleas, st a Moe tions, wii send aii differ. wnlang for them fas Yeow Scientific part SHegre my Cert ATA tay Tons Arey ne A AN oy a oe Lemesic sed 3.2 SATE TR, £y eX: withered ¥ sii ring Vow dats rs DEW OW Nar VeRTS beetles iki sue’ YT mil comsamption Ale UR proven | Pas be and is assessed wedw Fpew Sa Announcement. I heretay ar an 1 PIRATE Cina myself ax a can of Assembly the He TG hin n BNtY governing yor HFRS, Hastings, Pa YOUR FORTUN ir poe heed oe Pleas ar Kee pag Lo nd TT hy cr anu TS . “rE THEOL CiNRALEa TE: i 2 Sry pe el a8 trogbles CERES 107 Pon, SORE FR ROAT. CA TARRIT Toast awe sdor of atarrd de roomates By tia ee, Wondeefsl tw Hy HS gad Aste al RE Cy, ONLY ey ori ANTS po nd Be BW. By Rw mar tre a a. Sonn, b4 | pi oF. VISUERYES, IRS A Sed te the rales of Cambria o BR i x ¥ CRT (ret FIRE INSORRNCE Le CR yy relal {Mee corner of Filth and Magee A ven Patton, Pa. FirstNation'| Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa CAPITAL PAID UP, $54 000. 00, SURPLUS . $30,000 an. Adeveants of Chie pars wi * Fires, jadivigs als aed Panis reel wry The asond favoes bade * pron AEN Somuistant wl ir si le and one tive for gE Fhe ova Bde oat bm in ive priveripn: T ft » sitiom of the (Bd We oT, AL sorrows ped Setien wii Fe i AE Ay Wy imvtemm pweied ots Live fewoatts AE Parios. Ww MH Ruixpyord, arnell & Cowher FIRE LIFE AXD ACCIDENT -INSURANGE- Loans and Real Estate. OFFICE IN GOOD BUTLD'G i enh Lit A ¢ at e EH Haw deve prompt an 4 Cashinr Las nt gd Faas RS MCALL & JOHXSOX, PROP. Is the place to buy vour meat : : & cents asteed to hex! ranoIng FANN waar eda Li Baily, HONEST WEIGHT! & dohnson, Patton. Pa Bargain Sale at S, JORNSTOWN BR of Ladies’ * Bled a a i ae i ‘ Yay? Pua IA dl ars abrs- | gradiiiege, will be Dries Thieme goods and ft =» as heap bee and DeWitt's Little the last being th stomach Hodgkins, Patt : ; ’ No-To-Bac for Fifts Cents ine a : 2 Basis : a. » 4 z rt welt 4 on : : 1 od ik - an pe " - 1 ! 3 E fruaran ised whacor La » 4 guaiekiy cured hy In { H (areal TE og) ER h tis 8 3 3 Boel SAIS, Sian Pale BX EL oa ari SL Yin 2 By 3 - sh od : FETE. Ras Rh * : . msi Al ry Adaline Byrne et a! to et vir, Patton, 81. Elizabeth Reese to V Cambria, $25, Mary Byrne ; AR M AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clea: field Co., Pa. Accotumadntions firstacinss. Best of Liguoms and Wines af the hur, Stabling attached, GEORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. DRUNKENNESS ts thout IN Kuow edie of the patient, can SHE given strictly in tea, enilee or soup, and the pa- tient will Iose all taste fordrink without know. ing why: it fe safe, sare sind reliable; one box will eure atiy ordinary case. Price $1.00 post.’ paid; free ae wisps in plain envelope for 20. stamp, IY CARTER CHEMICAL CO I» South Beil Kt, Philadelphia. i sacrifice ny i any of e fanny - : A Ino in win E Padus, and Hyver hE ahs yard LMating « Jo th at #0 vand Ginghams at 3; 3 Cut prices an indies’, chiliiren’s underwear, the *T QUINN'S. Children and 2 8 barns, scalds | dimemses may secure iostan nsing DeWitt's Wit h Has is the great pile remed kins, Patton Pharmacy adalts toring For Infants and Children he fe rt o misses and Yc pena? THEN te ¥ 9 rT ails hal yoa saw ‘One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers