a a i DISCOURAGING DIVORCE. S oa. Costs Mast First Be Paid Before Cases Come | ty Trial The steady indrense ln the applica tions for divorce In the Payetls county courts and the fitilure oF a umber. of Spioanis to pay the costs Of the cased ave caus : Conn to minke ew rule, regina 1 cost to be IN Every Daniel Flariar 5: Mary Franklin, borghure, Ha. $5 TRrSon, i nT 81; Hil, RB 1 e, ve Smith. prsbiury OTR reek. er Lr isons. Hurtinglion 8: Darel #. Kettoris merset, M5 Boker? Bol tefonte §iG; wiamb ua Treadway, Coryvdim ‘arron, ¥. Wil- fiarn MH. M-Donakl TH A 88 Iehn Aven. Mok seaport, 3%; Iszac Kappen. Rafer, Mitlorsbur:, 8 George W. Mb ner Johretown, $4; George Baler, Pits burg. 85 to &;. John €. Fisher, Fast Springfield. Erie #8 to 120 John Tonstor, Fivergreen, Bradford ti 17: Charles PB. Willams, Phoerixviile, Alexander MM. MoKow, Mercer. 18 to 80 Jefferson High House, Fayitte, § to 19 E. Hawk, FPsiterwor Juniata, Joseph Dorkey, Flillshorn 8 to 12: Alexander Morgan, ¥ re, 1adinca, 38 ts 12: George Ir. Bro KS, 17. Nebeminh FF. Elsbes, rd $6 tw 13: William H. virtlee, 88 tn 13: Minnie # Haven B Edwards of her ede nig Her junk xz hosgts aimost to fetiy, and he room hare vid ones 7 ih tragic. The bast titans 2% wax Fr “hair usa to be The maive The county # reward of ferers, Yosiliame &#¢ Port nities] » out his brine 3 ard un fave ix gi the namie maother wor they returnees Ciakpeedd in Fred : Ring Stover, the negro aio var ing in New Brighton, Foi 2 £oiny 1g. A pugi-mdrtefn EXAMINATH vealed two Buliotg 3 vertebrae, one plgsing 1 cLhe ; Winn 8 in school Tuesdov at : up hs been tom nehip s ts Liadiig mte an Amwae Washington einer, wha has pot heen thres years, owing to il healt sptly begun to exprotorate a dark mu. gs which, Under a [Oicrosiape, proves to be pogl dust which has been in his lunes gince he 160 the miine Lediers of administration in tats of the fats Willlam M. Singrorly, Phiigdeinhia, wire granted by ter of wills Inst week to Motlgriney, sondin-law of decease Singeriey dled intestate, The est tate, asrording 10 the petition of the admis istrator, is valued at 828.008 and cone gizts entirely of perso affects Exercises at the Indian training nevsed by sdveral thousand persons, many senators and congressmen being present. The address before the ter ary Rocieties wan delivered by Hav ) Ryinir of twenge, XN. J. on ‘Abraham yl in” The graduating age consists of 24 Infiane, 12 boys and 12 girls Atl Nigger He tow. near Mon reeent. 4 poddier nalling from c says that he wesw held up ar ef the public read in Tyne by tw wien and used woaghly. tha $156 in soney wie talisn from him and that his pack, containing $26 worth of glhode, was thrown into the river The home of Andrew Miller, of Biate fot. Crawford county, abe ut 12 ii Live from Corry, burned to th > RY rd a few days ago with all its conte : and his wife were sway their chitd, which waz cremated. T sured, The jury in the Mueh-Goldeteln bregch of promise sult at Washington, jast week, brought in a verdiet for the plaintiff of $452 50. Doth Mrs Much and Goldstein admitted that they had engaged, and the gori said she willing to wed ih delinquent over. Theodore B. Haupt. of Bellefonte a clgar maker avd as farmer. depart. ed last week for the Alaskan gold fields James L. Rots is arranging to start March ID Others who are arranging to go in the rear future are Henry Jackson and William Harness In response to Governor Hastings re. quest for ald for the Cubane contribu. tions of $5615 91 in cash and $2, 27s ss ine merchapdise have besn received. Of this Pittsburg and vicinity gave $509 in cash and merchandise valued at 3426 50, For punishing two scholars at River side schools. Monongahela, Rate Fry & 4 Julia Baxter, teachers. have been ordered to leave, bit they refuse The breach of promises suit for $10.0600 damages of Lena Much, of Pittsburg, against Benjarnin Goldstein 18 on trial at Washington, James Canen, 8 cattl Jone, of Hickory towns a. the nthe ay butch. ered a Cow > 8 found the frain and several ily cent piece, Alerritt Long yd Tuck. er at Mt Morriz G ve aunty, WwW as convicted of man hier 1 from the Ways: back at his al brougnt {rom The monthly urer Haywood sho balance of $3. $57,031 85, incline MARS advances to state employes 4 off § close of business February of Riate Treas. 1t is said in Chicago thst a financial | stitution, to be known as the Interpstion { American Bank, i to be organized with a rardtel stock of BLO 000 and have | teapehes bs pearly every foreign country i The eitizsni of Young America, Ind. orpanized aod will resist arrest for ishing a saloon in Jasuary. claiming they wers jostifled jo doing 0 for tbe it Aid to sontety, Reports from Skagasy confirm the rom hat the British fag bas been raised al run Areal AY THE NEWS. | § pit Lake Martini iaw bas been dois siagzuay and troops are thers ter, The Monetary Commission ba The steamehin Maria His inte Halifax with her shafl Cprherwine disghied. She was Lo the Alpha. ¢ Herbert A, Davis, postmaster Ta. was arrested for (legal canceliation of stampa Es Bata whepherd, M hare § % is A yn ve wn, he any fekt with tar {ite wt § § several dave ag vy, alter which the beret EE The American clipper ship Tacoma arrive. of at Tacoma, Wash. winning a race of 10. WR miles from Phiindeiphia to Tacoma io 15% days. She defeated the Indiana in the Contest, | Mayor Ossae F. Price, of Tamaniows, N. ¥.. bas made a general sssigoment tor the tenet t of bis creditors. An overload of real | state Was the sauss The Baitimors asd (hilo Southwestern Katiway Company has changed its dinieg oar system from tables de hote 10 Ala carte with the result of increased profits, better fervion and greater satisfaction on the part | 5f the patrons. The oars ate open for busi som daring the entire time they are on the train. and the {nnovation seems tO have met with the approval of the passenger Tae plants of thes Conk Hauger and the Carrivy Catiery 1 ampany, at Montour Falls, N.Y. wers destroyed by fire, The oss b astimatedigat $40 000, Fire has destroyed nearly the whole bust was portion of Watersmeet, Mich, insu. ing the Commercial House John Kelly's aivgecds store and a somber of bulidings a isthe {Kans,) draggist has been re fused a permit to sell Hqeor. This is the Arst permit applied for in this places under {he present law, and iL was for signicg this fraggist’'s peiitfon that ex-Gov, St. Jobe, the formed prohibition leader, was deniune 4 bv the Woman's Christing Temperanoe Mestings of the sulaanmmitioss on organt lsginiation and On ys of the Amer) an Mate Propagasds Sd otgusiza. tow to promote the larger use of ladien sors in the United States ad foreign rout. whos, wars edd in Philadeiphia to perfest the organisation and mature plans for fae ther BO +15. Wiiilam A. Dodson, an enspioye West Madison strest Ha aiinsbed d-story winds with padpis, be ab tatend Petore anvihing could toa fons to ERY aim, Dodson had burisd Limseil 10 the straet bejow, breaking his Len. Admiral Pasee commandant at the Hreokives navy yard received paemission from: Waakingian 15 0po6 & Sabiaeipien fet st the navy yard for the bane of the fam. lies of the men killed by the sxplosion on she Maine, Tha dst was posted at onoe The government sontinusy active prajara- dons al ths Norfolk navy yard, which is stil working night and fay. The slaam ena gineering foros being now div {ded Into three shifoe of sight hogrs enol, Lo Doh the ood f1er Prritan, The minor srmament is being ciaced aboard ber, and her funnel has been engihened twsive feet, to fncroass her fraught and sped, Private Henry Hoffmas, of Com way B, United States Fifth Bagiment, at Port Me- Puersan, Ga, was found dead in a thicket fle had out his throat with a razor. Hef nan was quiet and morose, and had teen sooding over the Maing disastsr asd the ceaibia copsenuences, He expressed a cating and fom of the Spanish, saying that the thought of Jgbtiog such a treasliercgs pac pie was mad leniug. Mics Annie LL. Edwards, of Jamieos Pa wae found dead in ed. BOS Was a footdmiry was tha motive, Ths Invalld Pepsions Commities has agreed on sod favorably reported the (Hb son Bll extending the betefits of the June 5.1%, set to man WhO perved less than six aanthe in the Conladerstle army and wh ad the Union army belors Baplemier and 4d not egilst oul of 8 prison In thaern Male, Mrs, Georges Davideos, aged twenty-eig!d eft her home at Ht, Joseph, Mish clad Loa ghtdress. with har two-weeks-oid babe in her arms. The woman with the ailid ump of {nto the river, The woman's body was recovered at daybreak. The body of the sabe was sarried out ints the iske. losan- ity caused the deed. Cyras E. Breder, former cashier of toe First National Bask of Bethiebem, Pa, who | pleaded guilty on February 11 to the smbez- riement of over $30 0 from the Lani, was sentenced to seven years lo prison by Judge Battier. in the United States Distriot (Court Partboiomew B. Bradner was murdered ia Chicago, & woman's balpis being the weapon, General W. T. Taliaferro, commander of the Virginia troops duriag the Joba Brows raid, died at bis home to Gloocester cognty Virginia, Cyrus E. Breder, defaulting cashier of tLe First Nattooal Bank of Bethietem, Pa, wad sentenced to seven years io prison, The Laplanders and the reindeer lotend ed for the Kiopdike reilef sxpedition reach ed New York on the steamer Mastiotas Thomas Williams was sent io Jury ia Norfoik of the Large of rape. Thers are large tracts of coal lands near ' Meyersdaie, Fa, on the Baltimors and Obl Eaiiroad whisk capitalisls ars begicnl develop. A new road, a bas been soon ber 4 fa tracts of Both coal and Umber jand: {in Pennsyivania and Wast Virginia Four persons lost their ives by an ava janche which over wheimed several houses ; pear Qiebsr, The damage 0 propiriy wi also Le large. The John 8. Young Companys works at Hagover, Pa, was burned. Four firemes | were injured. Loss, $X.00R, insurance &30.000, | DIVERS : T WORK. The American Force Increased by Arrival of Wrecker. HARD TO FIND BODIES, {tis Fears? That Many Were Flown to Fleces Spaniards in Wavana Take Cirent fnterest in the Vigcave The atk bane of the Maine Heported ta be Tors Asunder SHE PRLY eX pels r ax port divers at Rpansh divers are am the wre and 1 ae an Aral v sort to the Spanish board appointed guire Into the cause of the {ffanster. Cape tain Peral is the president al he Spanish Board ot Irate Its reported that Captain Sigsbeas Bot ti to find any of the dead mes of ihe explosion, but he stil Bodies will be recovered from the wreck asthe divers remove the debris The divers, who are working steadily for ward sre eaccantering coutivual Jie! ties and itis aeriain the pew Tugs. add tiooad men and complete apparatus wid Basten the work of saivagy Ii bs foarsd that many fn pieces which Ww the fatines to nd their bodies where ported KEEL SAID TO PE BROKEN. The Backbone of the Malus Heported to he Torn Asander, A Bavans despatsh $0 the XN 3 YA The Mains war torn asy 3 atin or rx piosioss whith wreaked 1h warship. [is kesl isin too pleces and 1ho foie ars separated Uy LW CA peris of fxiiosives ; A®alrs baw hes that the Dreaking of the Jay ship sould pot pleslley Dave an 2 p#tdle EXP ea wy fers La ithe Wreck bellow . t the gre Gil twenty.z i, Was Wpenee &X Jrosion igen! was foroed In the broken in twas Abd saelivny While whieh the Myers Joab RAILORS GIVE TESTIMONY, Fractical Cione of the Inquiry at Key West. satel fram Koy Wat |} i The Unite! States Nava: our of the oes of (he cruiser MA ie i sian hers at dost Welnewdisy Ten more milisted men Wers examiuy the fal board, ard Comsatder the Best of (he wiloeeses BOL GG 1 the crew of the Malne, was sailed. H gadarstood gave testimony regardaig romang Sf the Latlieslip al the Lavy bers, ha Taet dave ja Lm Relies ta joas of the Lalls presriag iwfora GHAR GAL SLO RR Practizaliy no aioe wae the snnurt Las been Oe THGDE APY SO sewers (HAL the bee wows (0 BATA GAL WHO Togs (he 0ourt Lave Deep Naval Moers at this siston wh npectedd WRN The coor express 1 i view that very Atlan teedlinniaos wep hegrd ending eho sion was the rewnif of & cGhegirs mex ArT caus of the Jamnler, The testimony Wednar ie indest the fLguiry bere, sow return to Havaga SHIP BLOWN ASHORE. Several on Board Killed by Being Huarled Against Vessel'n Nide westtie Wash. from Tuness The cM of the Topeka report thal during 8 ter windstors at JJutiaag ast Yanday the steals. er (een was blown ssdisrs ou he Jaseac als phe was lyiog {8 Juneau Sarbor at aneho when the gale strusk Ber and after strain. ine hor anchors for same me, she Degas Wo frag and, then wilh a tremendous speed dhe was Buried on tha Gala several a § £s > iis The weamer Topeka 3st arrived at ”- : “ - Sisrs were hnrisd bodily against (he alde of fhe vessel B81 soe Were Rilded Ail dav ashe lay io thal position, LIAM sengers sullaring terTiliy Irina Lhe gai Aepse tog and ano pracatind registered Lari War “gow Win 1 waa pisroeing ® Rae abasad The vemag a ately t he Bale were soft aul suared Boon Q WEST VIRGINIS THAGEDY. Boy Stabs His Mother Wha Was Abou to ( hastise Him FOAD i. caugit nda allem pts id fo the yan a wheres DOINGS OF CONGRESS. The members of th 1 Ho sane Commies on pigs a%aies visioed the jndian sebool al Prvatinns bes wad a py ¥ shy BE a gent dun Fh tive treat rosnntiv 3 tiated wit sf the Font Hall reservation, in : sremton pbranes § Walk gores in aneesntiblde of eyitivation lea the site of the town of Poets bad Teen presionsiy # The Renate Commitee ¥ AG prasaed favorably apot ment iv the suedey rivil rir il provid ing an sppropristion of &35 000 for the par shame of Filpt Lookout with the view lo ie corporating it in the Chickamauga asd “Battas tops National Park. Representative Glilette, of Massaah asetis appeared before the House Comm¥ies oo Lator to explain Lis employers’ abil $ B He suid he thought the measures abe idared Ly the Judiciary Com account of the legal techpYeailties vad and indicats] be had reached the nciasinn the Sli Gad too broad a scope, WORSE THAN ARMENIA. No Sued Sut ring in That Country as is Now Seen in Cobbs. award of New York just re 33 the mtmammer Vigiinnon Armenia with Ciara Barton ward Bt powhere in Aro. Teriog and famine as | ba among the pact recannetirados, Men, women a0 areas saaciated fron privat hele rile and ones arm sans x ried aking If svar se w Wort aly wy rn $ Fonts ars welled vrmendd Ald we sme and 55 wawte Tha Teas Lal ail Laing 0% MIRNA Davy raced or barged. terrasse acd weeds gro wr hera ones the Diglest sglitieation exis? Mr foward said that ba was on the wh Havans when the Malone Liew on Mar) iRaneia, said Gers wars Iw armew iat TRAIN WHECRERS AT WORK Partially Specessful Aftempt on the At. iunts. Rnoxvitie and Northern, alter nt wan mada Lo wreck the south. vier trade of the Alana irthers Ratroad oar tne Was fastened Detwaen Lig Was thre wn fran waninear Cearwood'e harwise oiuring dim. The ger cars Ad aol rave LATE INVENTIONS, { #4 Dirauglting oompnassas Ara Sexilde rabber suction poo fasten to the paper and badd the while the sircle ls being drawn, ei I Sing ambewiia has hed will RUrew soo ele id fF wie vay “pecking AL devices is isdn of a wire ba cwistend 10 he Centre Ad spring each ond to grasp (Ue sar ang bodd 1 rigid 2 Bowie patented pair of pliers (hs awe ire segti-titoniar and. have potobes out at ntarva.s boo A diferent sized nuts so the ors 2a0 Ie Used Ls 8 wretich For ase (0 places of tos cdps on 8 Bleyoie » ta ta attached 10 the shoe Having 8 recess “ ¥ Las wy iy ¥ + hy & og 3 ¥ ag whirh a proosrtion on (he pedal Bis Biid the riders fool (8 pears ravines for blackboard or draw. abe 8 SU with clamping (awe nd a sibling rod at the stherand 2a8n $830 Promila fa. ‘srumatie pressure is used LW ring a new the push Bullen pumpisg alr inl has a piston at the Gther end aly the Led clapper hatuger which an he al } : has a i ig the cen ten wit) spiral sprig oo oRber side and pina ad caall eng g win Ils fastened the garnent recenty pales LAY DGUH Sn iI Veriiioa; with Aprings fo TARR KILL KING GEORGE: Greece's Ruler Shot At Seven Times. HE ESCAPED UNHURT. Wonld be Asiussinsg Ambashed Hie Carriage ant! Wounded a Footman fireat Fxoiteivent in Athens Over the Exent The Firet hot Missed hut the second Waonrded a Faotinan Trim Athpne attempt win male xen = pens ey tf Crrsenw was returning fro ¢ aber pa in oa and Maria i 8 grass seneatio, King Govrge vas firs Dose 2%. 14% iow the second aon of the King Irs mars, and was ected Ring gf the Hellen. s tw the Nation Aesetshly of Athass Murch IN 19% goeeptin ihe frown ihroug his Mather acting as bis guartian, Ho ans decisred of age Ly the Natliode Assembly on Jwie U7, 1988 and landed ju Grrewon on November 7 of ihe same your He was married on Ostodee 27 887 0 Queen Olgw the sidest dsugbler of the Grand Drake Cotatalion of Raisin, brother of inte Er pera Amxander 11 Cyan Trg and B® altemt wots Prince £ catating. Bas Doel Vary unpopular sinc the overwhelming defeats (niltoted upon i Garo Army by the Tardis ast year, FIELD OF LABOR, eoasts 3 2d mine ws Daw AD ONE) poe ow i omg had & FE rikes MBs we vos cAarsenters Sntons Bas slnten Sweet pagar Iaclories Towa Swan ite gas flan, fx 0 Barve a Barean of Labor, Maoxing ® a Ba BOI OY Ma DARL wri ola eho g raliway engineers 7 hasn't 45 Hen PAY ES omenta Bowes rginia has abolished (he tr Aw wrk ary have Ea axe aabar defeat] Federatio Caglral abies Seeelsn r Northwest Daler nits are calied mek sralfon store at Oslaosh Bax gives ~rmgde chairs are xliling Indians Tactile, toy Bers bayeott members Om erative societies Nashville yn wis deemalid the nine-Boul lay for oily Mager 10 tutid In metros be sworiredd Bi oseliing Donds, Every metsber of the [udisnapolis gar ment Workers union bb siploysd, abar temipia wi § fo fodiamapadis ne (peeling oh ranges from 813 8) to 2 4 Was R Krups faetories contain Dethhotises pry tan fhe Woes po ward nade goods Lanisinaers gl 1 olexe. ish 8 so-operadive rapuin miners threaten Uo extalibsh oo erative works to Jah the powder trast Sorted a tor Maver of Martin's Farry RS 3a jes kombinta Wheeling tititonists i Lewark gticnists are preparing 4 oew Cire Das Doel Jdedianed uu Cletpodt street rallaay workers oot {rom (§ $1 sonts au hour halls lo President slonists have prevented the introdustion of mat! caps of Detroit, chy Contolls aud a oangresstiai alded the duivoisty, he Amaljamatel Society of Carpsiters acd Joiners of Grreal Britain Sas oa Lota mercheraliip of 55 017 and THT branches The Boval Aroanaal of Reookiys, is oon sidering A pian for the formation ol an em. pidyment Dufeau H work fog mem ers Cleveland Balldiog Trades Connol wal 8 ALOE (Yulin Codmda gn onists complain thal very few of the paplis of the Masual Tratsing Sahoot in that city, are the sous aml daughters of workingmes. sri sis BROUGHT MY SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Aeniires the Memphis and Charleston at the Upset Price. Ihe Memphis and Charleston Rallroad, ax- wading southeast from Memphis 10 steven. Lia. a ilistance of I miles, was soid tery, The =outhern Halrosd Suit the propery af the gps $2 300 M0 thers being Do other bid Shie Was macie Geo ary: Det atime Terrible Eyplosion at Hise in Kalama zou resin Death to Firemen, Whitie vith © pul fae Ore Gut 0 3 Vier ine aXplosiin WN Lie x pe up the entire side Chi the bu Biting. Lhe fret ex piost sn was fo oy twa Alers Yipsmen ob the (sdder were LOWEN IL ever bra 5 War Faw gds lirecOon by he fearing: FOREIGN AFFAIRS. rats ac Thanksgiving services were hold in Athens ind other parts of (ives over the escape of ling (reorge from sssassination, when two {pen fred at him while be was out riding In ray with he daughter, the Princess igriz scares in many of the neovioess of vi riot are of almost daily nysnn, poet, eldest brother anreate of England, is mins for the pennse of the souls + the Halos was “sinbrgied in : fultard Ware 3 sixlesn DersOUS nineas government bas agreed to 2 Imes Pang Teepe an #8 stertain any the abolition of the 1d amp tenaed 1 to nay a Sune of 1%. manager of the a pubilehed Bis wield and sentetoed Wid seen args forse of pillow rn greh fury, PE M: Oat sli prone = TWN ete heen gpged at nf sD 0 000 has Anaily a Beriin and a London { new ports wii be giodged as seeurity It 4 ofelally denied by the Prench Fore Magn (Mae that any Frearh (roops have id= visded the British territory of Sokata, SUNDAY MARRIAGES VALID. Decision of the Supreme Court Has sn {ree milton dollars worth of rel state is 1Tectad By the deckelcg of the Greorgis So. Cont Bedding a marriage costract of Sunday vaild. The young man into powssssion of this propenty Hay: fet, Hitherto EOOWS 28 0 B00 cal it seems that in 1550. Mer Cons Havien's Fravdmotber married W, HL Underwood and reserved Ger estate Tor berself and at ber Jeath the property was 100 jo her children Mr Havden in the trial (8 ihe Superior art wanted 10 produce as ariilence the arriba contract of Me asd Mrs Loder Aotapss sbiartod as It was sttered i Sanday amd thenefore was Bot egal we tees idling ude i phe he oltestion is the decision of th goreme Cont the ares opal, aa 5 iste ordinary monet apd the enterin % late 31 x mar giract was § sedisary smpioy- saris AOanirgt Was the Legislature onal ot : aii the wigaln ing ~ short. Bat ties bey Lo overactse the de gy Bale its of the American net, uses Bt Her service Whinh Wiiiiaze M. Pression, he was Minister to Xpalg irae ratory watts the sriiatment Lo PA aw fxempming Darter oO ALL the canveighit of teh has igst expiesd POR IR Aneta On f rhe sopyright law arrigs (he ssgiplor J8e airenivy herun oy for thee Parts Exe xiii represent Hago asa ; sat, The fre will a roel, one band supporung i shes fans frames) 18 load balr ia ne fone sides of the oluth will Ts Ggures an pesentilg opie aid ivrical poetry, sare wil the drama, Paine Weatoheraliy, (he aditar and pro. Hetor af the Crrasbidanin, who reossliy 1o- ad the wrath of the ssasor fw fGimi against the Franed aidages, is again in Moiniiy. He has dared to at if Ni Pigersburg for septa? of duty in lhe aller of gr the streess, and 10 anggest that wi] shall De sgporossed frig has just saachad Nis SRN Ted sitios De plaved Bob the late BH. J. Byron s ironrer al the pow exh Aiello a ecatie. Long Are: November, i. aud hsp INTE were marked Lv 3 SHA OB rst auvearanos as Mathias and as Ham vizie Xi. lates [row Mar Rims A vaunrs wl the and of gext De wry beet wi nes Decale rider of Tue avs wuts Theatre The trostess of Corneil UStversity hyve ; haries lie liars president of SW Ro EY Caliegte, to the profosscrsilb oof bhi acisnos and art of *3 Abert Edward, nts ol Wales, Las ates abe record of his predoressar, Leearge (YT. He is about to he siscted Grand Master ¢ the Englisti Free Masons fur ihe JHA dine A feature of interast at the next Some rneupaenant of HOKGGEe Callege, al Salen # 5 June 15 wil be the graduation af ue of the Hes sivtents from «ores sow at Hat ipstitution— Riu Bang Rar, who will othe Srst Coraan 10 take the degrees sf Uachelor of Ans i Amelnoa, 94 iL the word Sra Sarah Buss] is Known in Landon ss the Jiden HF the CC ORIOER nha cOBITOE 300 stir Barrows and carte. apd i» 8 0D aoTRRAL, As worth [Der cass UES Rurre Vi, has just secured a model for a starge of Bovert Burns to he stacted on the car ob the Bpauiding Aosdey. It is the work of Jo Massey Lb nd. au Edinburgh wniptor, and represents tue poet coming Asi after the day's work, rod ol mass. w singing a TOT tithe 3 {in has fousd it feds : baptism, a er out sie Was EE a aie Ras GAILR f (RLier Tawi A A most substantial evidenos i : or the survivors of the Muine and the { Hpk of the vioums oane i qd ab the Navy Department in the shine Of hook of $560 an President Dole, of Hawail, The money rarned into the Maine redie! fund,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers