Ho ip GREP CR ie For a Malden of Bashiful Fifteen, Designed for the maiden of bash. ful fifteen isan evening frock of tacked muslin. It is made with an over dress of soft rose-color silk, which opens front to show the maslin skirt. of pinked silk for a depth of twelve inehes from the bottom, A Jit bodice of the silk a the yoke and front of muslin, is laced across with ribbons of ross colored satin. muslin and there is 8 eeinture of rove. colored silk. The stock mnslin, and has a rosette of rose colored silk on either side of the neck in Ape A Wedding Innovation. It was someting of an maids enter four by theright and 0 ar by the left door of the chareh. It was | such a surprise that the wedding party should thas separate that ‘the | sadience did not at first notice that) two prpeessioni were simnitaneonsiy making their way to the altar the middle gisle, when her attendants had accomplished abont hall the distance np the right and left aisles. She was preceded by two ushers and | ‘her maid of honor walking alone, an- other pair of ushers closing the pro- cexsion. the chanel lane they formed a throngh which the bride slowly passed | to be met at the altar steps by the groom. Reorean Girls, When a girl is born in Korea she is | not even dignified by s name some favorite deity, and when it is necessary her godfather selects one withont saeing it and she is known by it until sho reaches ly. gach a man, result of custom, little more concpquence than a mestie aninal, the boys of the family st the age of seven years. | They oceupy the apart ments of women and are forbidden to communicate with anyone outside, Svicntifie Glove-Filting. The first trying-on of gloves is the cracial test, and ‘should always be! done doliberntely and in order. The directions, ay formulated by one who has given thonght to the matter, are First, shake same powder inth each finger of the glove. Then place your elbow firmly on a table. with the hand npright and the thumb extended toward the palm. Draw the body of the glove cver the fingers, and, after seeing that each seam of the glove, is straight with the line of the finger, coax esch flager into the finger of the glove. Be sure in the mean time that the stitehing ou the back of the glove is also straight. Now insert the thumb, and look once again to see if the sdams are all straight I not, pull the glove off and begin again, The seam at the tip of the thamb should be in line with the middle of the thimb nail. Smooth the wrist neatly and fasten the second button before the top one, for then the top one will not saldenly burst off. — New York Tribune. AR SAA Dress Designers’ Ingenuity, The newest imported models far. nish a variety in skirts that is at least noteworthy as an exhibition of the hat dress designer's ingenuity, whether or not they will on this side the water banish the plain sheath. fronted skirt, minns all decorations, from all but the several styles of tailor gown, remains to be found out later on, when dressmakers begin to busy themselves in earmest with spring gowns. One of the very old styles re- vived is the demi-trained evening dress, finished with long, slender peplum pointe, the skirt of oue rich material, the long pcgnts of auvother; these two fabrics are repeated on the bodice to cotaplete the double effect. Silk braid put on cloth skirts on wide trellis patterns, this trimming cover: ing more than half the depth of the skirt, is a very popular garniture This elaborate and stylish effect is car- ried out on the full blouse waist often fromt and back, or the crossing braids appear only on the front of a full flonse vest worn beneath an open jacket made of the cloth. —New York Post, The Butler Maid, Young women have to a certain ex- tent begun to ¢isplace men as butlers and table servers in the fashionable circles in Wasaington, though, so far as known, the innovation has not spread West. The extent of such a ¥ revolution ean only be measured by | the oconlt weaning for ages attached | to the presence of men in the dining room aud pantry. It was at function. In every truly afluent house the butler has seemed indispen- i duced to sheath-like proportions thar sable, ie Countless canses have been coneur- | He is | ring to make a butler a trial. apt to be exacting, certain to be prro- Ti tains ava waked fy BICEVEE RTA (TA OR eotiar is of | innovation | at a wedding lately to have the brides. | The | bride, on her father's arm, entered by! As the bridesmaids reached Bev. | eral names are written on slips of | paper and placed in an ura before | womanhood | among the members of her own fami- | Strangers desiguate her as the wife, mother, sister or danghter of! This is pot merely the | The laws are strict | in this matter and hold a woman of | In the higher — and inspeeting tha laying of for of society the girls ars separated from | : i ae workmen Asia tly pro- ¥ SOmes I pant, and, it turns ont, ir dacecns as to wines and cost tihiles In the regime of Fra (OTR ORT IO, to, he has 1 1 thie The silk is adorned with frills ftonaire hot an from ind Bator ma 1a" Zen? € LE Ris A ¥ : - 2 s . refined »c% 311 RL PRES YI. » WIALG EO « . ren Wornan Who butler an Basame enthasigate hav i X vrrwn ¥ z 4 Yo shar advantages: of the ola aver tha while the masters won: | aver tolerated the male Francisco Chronicle A Rosy Woman Architec?, buildines, oversees the work of haiid tof Pittsburg. She comes Mearour, of the | Snpreme Conrt. Miss Mercur enjoys the distinction of heing the | prominent woman architect in the United States As will heramembeared, she designed the Woman's at the Atlanta Exposition, and at present at Fork on a $60,000 ition to the Washington Penn. | Famals Seminary. She planned St, Paul's Episcopal Church, Pittsburg, St Martin's Episcopal ( F Johnsonburg, Penn | anid the ehibiren’s building Pittshinrg City voor farra aur first Lecame an sha nad drawing tha : archite: promoted to the ps She then want ont on Worse ¥, Psp po Pittshurr erasting baildm ft 1x her loved O58 huiidiag quarters in the immediata remain thera the work As on the structore Miss Morvear is on ally sees almost every no the bigs ling fn this quires practical Khow! hy few men arcastect Times Herald, $5 AR NairidR 3 yoy 0 grin Fashion Noles, This spacial featars of the evening cloaks is the large Lood back, which is really wads for an: very becoming. Tatant at tue Bae, ALE 3 and Ee nals on ib ak 1 black velvet rosigmes trimmed p with jet or embraovdere ribhan are ranch ful and elderly m i AL eaaYiy Blhanoceron «i Ing most atirastive rows By Rue after heiny proper: be aloiost indestrne Sheil and pompadour enmihe, whieh ars reac COD, RTE ever. Tha most up-to atadie? with brilhants and ored stones for evening wear HAR ROW NSA 0 eather madd gomba an x * pe TEL t 1 son Ba wiki J REx ¥ dathitiest, uae | variety, ad tunst be of tone wehhy lace, with dis sUApe 1 dots nd two or three bias ots to ve Sid iiilk 13 BARTLEY ! Britixh they have a vestel righ are using strong language innovation and the iu The belt craze is on the inoreasa, and the most beautiful specimens are shown made of leather, silk, velvet aad metal. Many of the latter have jewels set irregularly in thelarge links, aud the enameled belts are things of real bheanty. ke buckies are also handsome. BOvalore Black satin blouses are very fasinon- able, and, f smartly made ap, mve considerable style tha sown, especially if a girlie of the satin en riched with gold and be added T than auy of the silks 50 very io The four-leaved clover and fear de lis designs are favorites fur brooches, medallions, lace pins, and the heads 1 hat and stick pins chatelaine watch is an exceedingly pretty toy, and may be had in an almost endless The small ones, enclosed in ryatal spheres, are amo ug in Tha wa fe once proof of wealth and status to maintain a butler and nile aids in the dinner ir “a. “a hi haw a 2 draperies Was iliey ; is always a correlatica between matters, Sol skirt of ground, it was disten:l it with trimming; 1 sooner sre the Haring breadths re the trimmings appear as a natural con. sequence, as they bave done in tims i past. a 4 3 : reoving syentiy et pranetiions in matters of i C{rreat | writer also t feenll, whieh ave { high and | being A woman who draws plans for large | { as the stone itself ers and gets as much money for her | efforts as a man ix Miss Flaie Mereur, | from ai | prominent Pennecylvania family, anid | she is the niece of former Chief Justice | Pennsylvania State | ae Bd 18 1 a bli- i harch, at) lag designed L juries, passed to Yo SN : fanmmibmr of 3 Givarsedshy | very air of 0 . i English canarie Chinagy | i the Harwich and Rotterdam stea: | Brom Harwich they are taken to Lou ‘ dom, generally to the "Brown Bear,’ THANK - tt Ward Aah Ay Gere gorgesas than i } i alm ones are! | saldom that iP thangeht to be worth : 3 4 g 4 i I yon wonld wear a shite veil ol go THE CHINESE WALL Some Interesting Pacts as to the Immen- | sity of This Structure, Being in Peking some thirty years the | ago, writes a correspondent of Washington Post, [ made a journey to ‘his great rampart. I spent several days on the top of the wali and towers walking and slimbing certainly twenty. five miles per day, The word 4 purposely, for many > J % 3 i iol 2% gs rans of tha wall are excesding iy steep, climb Ne i Uae por. [f merely mo hese dictions was sxhpnsting, what must have been haman to: in Hfting all the materniais tos those rugged nea Feo BMA 4 $0 fet? ft iw wall cheater nt HY tha stagmapat omy rap at up Wax toe EB Ti 1. tae fsllows their summits, and ton the deepest defying all fF ANE IVI Bn. Al ‘ xe abranfly deseendn rel ravines, Long portions of the great 1 towers are in vy ON 35 garioer; wall an ervatinn, tear of 3 eX COngaerin the wear Naw Lian 4 1 Farl Mallarioer. © w io British Em- : % hassy ho, in 1792, visited and meas arad the wall, axtimated that at that tine the enbie yards of maten aia need in Wa gonstraction exceeded in bulk si] tha materials of all the haildings of Britain pnt & i {he rativer, if easnromen? i ¥ : af £18 5% Fike raged twenty-five feet fifteen thick, the foundations of eut stones, md in regular \onrses, with mortar, aa hard to-day The mdes of tes wall, the parapets and the towers are sonstracted of burnt brick. The inner portion of the wall is filled in with arth and broken stone, well rammed and compacted, while the top between the parapets, is paved with burnt briek and stone. About every 2K there is a tower, somo thirty five nigh, forming a part of the wall [ hut projecting beyond and Baiiding ing the face of the wall on either s Than tox ers raard rooms or Hers ans the stone Ea FE staircases w vrs} ak } ou 2 evhiantd formed § ov 8. barrac r the {iad from the top of the wall to rronnd on the southern side, uw the stone pnteTing tamer, were well worn b He feet tnrealiclaa 3 3 EI TR % i asad Ant ieER an Cr ALY O82 Ria i fanary At a moderate shatige hands svery Kingdom alone, the vals ng abont RM (MY 3 FANArios lealers 100 00 at east are i CrmAnY.’ # » 3.3 “« for o would seem enArarad ate alive 1 world, Geeraan : & for beauty an Fe ov I have of ehanges of notes ssid for 354 the Tyrol, round th 18 and in Thuringia ra and shoe makers, tha G are coliscted in Angus and ant ber by the dealers, and begin to | rive in Eagland in October, The greater part of them come by TT, an Leman street, Whitechapel, whers ‘hey ars bought by dealers gathered Mom all parts of the Bat faw of tha vary best buds come to CONnATrY. Nh $ $ England, and when they do 11 18 gen erally as | mmriiar part bards of passage. In ths of the season the nenal re price is from 81.13 to $2.50 per acoorang Wo ne Det SONY, Mivse prices sent. by the end o 5m wi? LIRR DY Lhe comin Rill | man, consequently 4 birds | Are | Keepers or { where they readily make from B20 | 340 each. { birds in Germany is Ove i oy . | pair Good Wards tiv German hard a the United Statex, aither The average price fo ; Badiaakii ply feather Conds, Leather coats are made of sheepaki: of horsehide and of dognitin They Pare lined with cordnroy, with flaane and with sheap's wool. The corda roy-hined coats are made reversible, so that they may be worn etther mide ont. The coats of sheepskin are usu ally finished black, the hurseliide and dogakin coats russet colored. A feather coat of sheepskin, cordnroyw Lined, coats about 83: horsehide coats aell for 812 to 315, and dogskin for 31x, Leather coats are wars by truckmen and policeme ars and Inmbermen i3 serviceside and warm, bulk. The dack shootir living, per haps, for hours 1n a battery wating Keeps warm in a leather coat. The sportaman after biz gume wears leather coat. It keeps warm without impeding hia ments Coats se the weare x thal might A Family of Crimninasla Three men and sama family were adpbtted to ti Frankfort (Ky) Penitentiary one dad this week 1ae mon hal CTidiilags Le DAVID served ID two womed of the ER saver vp Trad Walled GaRNS a AOE 2% TE Sh an 2th 3 x previous terws and the others terms each, CONGRESS. Senate Hear, of Massy 8 EQ@eestion on sin af Mr Mr py ig Wa mean lmngthaning the nr Forkingmen a trains the fact that as a rae ala later honrthan sien and are deralils lpeocaveiiesce aud se present aysten A— ET A ¥ Flovgue Fy L¥ I 4 that the i selermined Has yol made vie Bytrtah tition of Wilk really golieiuae of irmsted Ly ir tay wary SALE TAY Te pense Ly FLAMES DEVOUR FIVE Jhildren Had Besn Home, t 4 AOR pear 1 Avinastar , ieaving Bya ME twa % nine v ged 3 he oh Hre to Keep than Wi Looked mi fren 10 and 4% a in Thet rik PIAYSr meet Mig A Rall 1 Mas AND GIRL HANGED Mayr Have Been Cappers ‘igen t eni Viotinnns of White made sgriust thy FEEL No | White M4, ton ‘Fair, 70 10 MB. BINGEFRLY DEAD. he Noted Pustisher Strickem by Hear Disease. Phaliadelphis, says suddenly at hb ; street . Heart Jisense was (he of Aegth Mr OF ghey A despateh from J Rin geriy idenon 1701 Locust Hind liam M Runday after immediate singeriy had been sul fron tnye me sinon ipdispositi sitting in his bedrog + was sodred witd wd Lads i 2 : roots al the wero Mr &izgeriy’s granddaughter and tw James HN Mea the aipchileg and fine iy after i ver dead file P Mingeriy Maret ys Fin pit Ir a fr ou Tow soanenls baste wmevie leaving Mr goal hegith singwely Apparsntl 4 wold iy oan Kingery that bis hes! was woak wf expressive xmoking, and of iat was 10 take a dry smoke however, bis plgar was Ughled ant spake Deco ght grat from bis silt [pe physicians sav they freuen! newt Mr 2 A rewmip is custom 3 that ihe REE v3 th the § weseaml of tauglter Mrs FE prement Louring Larope. add sevmrity of which rup Mr. singer): wingeriy Balch the heart _ a MARKETS. PITTSBURG, Oran, Fiour and Fama . front 3 emg ee FlLoU B- Faury straight winter. Kye our . HAY No. | dmathy Lanwsr, Now 4 ia Hay, {rom wagons Brown midditogs Bran ik Hi ATRAW. Wheat... Ont ‘ ; REEDS Cie 1, 60 he Tiunothy, prise Duiry Products. BUTTER--Eigin Cresinery + hie sresmery. Fancy country roll CHEESE Obi, pew New jork new Fraite and Vegetables BEANS. Hand plekesd $b § 1 POT ALORS -Thite, per Da CABBAGE -Home grown, © ONIUNN per hg Powe og itn 62 oe RD 0 We »oi 2 Poaitry, Blo CHICKENS ¥ pair smuail ¢ TURREYS #0 FGor Pa and Ofte CINCINNATI from $4 FLOR WHEAT Na Rida 3 COHEN Mixed ATH Eirias BUTTER (tio PHILADELPHIA Frorn $5 WHEAT Na { OIHN ATH BUTTER Eis Pa {irels NEW YORK FLOU B--Palents WHEAT New 3 rod CORN Xo 8 TR Waite Western RUTTER Fists Sigh 2 red Area lie ry Gred Ni, oj mized N 4d Wiite wariery, nlm { rominery Penn LIVE 8TOCK. CENTHAL STOCK Tans, Eaxd AT TLE. Prime, 1.500 to #% hs # Good | X00 bo 1% the Tidy, Loe to 1 i00 Fair dant steers 0 to LOM on, 7640 to Ww Lt Bim, Mediam ... - Heavy Roughe and stags LIFERYY, PA 000 ha SREREY Prime #5 1 100 Ma, welbhers. $4 Coad x5 to ws SH Te Loman , LliieR Fair to good ames. 10 TAKE EFFECT NOV RB Went ward Fastiward ROKER ERT EE Im Ps ha Le) East y (Philipsburg 5.10 — Snap it sr Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table November 20, 1897 Main Line Crown Fastward wosbk days £3 i, week days Wn ™ LF Foe dl Sve and Clearfie fe eERy for Idd vey jinn phat arent Wi, 0 oat Wowa owt el At Altoona & Philipsharg Connecting R. R. CONDENSED TIME TABLE, 3 sits, Myr in «fect Desember | Fasrwann - Week Dayw Pu. # 00 413 a 31 i AH lamey T8 4X Hoatzdnle TE aN Omenain Mills TA 85 $0.1 3 3 8 8.0 bo Wisewann Week Daves AN AM Philipsburg 2B 13.40 Create Mills | 2 88 13 Houtsdale £5 1 Hames 00 1300 Fr. - NEeniay dal eX Head Down Bamey utrdale in Mis Fmarae rion Kies ad rane Hyves, Wil xv44 New if Watkins cist. Mohafler and ‘ Panasutaws } aud with C & M Division. FALLS CREEN AND CLEARFIELD Bridgeport {yrerenieylije i: Wrights Le SS 1 rket = = Ah Foetal 4 # & 23 20 TY as wi va rd nal Lx Lala R.(o wneud Thine Table { ' H.R {iene Phila 3 xy Fix ~ Y MWoimngaihns in Phil tis port o. Phila with Phila Torey Nhe Mii Hal CRT hm al rail rowel SBR peeting wailtessd a Riwhester and A arid Patton fvisiig of the Maharey aitly the Ml Way Herriman, Pass. Agent ieipnia. Pa. Lana Lowestiern Fr sty $ ot mons in a los fonkey 3 horse ‘matic
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers