The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 10, 1898, Image 2
THE PATTON COURIER, MARCH 10, 1898. Patton Courier. | PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. ‘sylvania Railroad company will run | Uniess he enjoys the confidence the second of ite present series of low- esteem of his neighbors ‘rate excursions . Washington. E WitL Greve, Editor, ESTABLISHED - - 1593. OASTORIA. ’ JAPAN WITH U= It is believed that the destruction of the Maine in Havana harbor may lead directly to the realization of Japan's desire to possess the Philippine Islands. The State Department, af the instance of Japan, has deter vd that there were seven Japaneas subjects on board the battleship when she was lost If it is proven that the Maine was blown ap fram the ontside, it is stated that the Jupanese government does not propose to excuse Spain from the responsibility for the destruction of these men, und will demand a heavy indemnity from Spain, re-enforcing it with a naval demonstration at Manila. The cirenrastance gives the American government and wnexpected but in- valuable ally in case of a rupture with Spain. It is stated that the Japanese minister bay given this government assurance of Japan's support in any emergency, and while it fis not been accepted or declined, el it is recogunired that the friendship of Japan would re lease America from the necessity of keeping some of her finest vessels in Asiatic waters, and these, added toa naval force in the Atlantic, would in. sare the supremacy of the home fleet against any threatened Spanish raid on our coast. A SPLENDID SHOW ING. We call attention to report of the First National Bank of Patton pub- lished elsewhere in this issue, in com- pliance to call the Comptrolier of ! the Currency. The business shows a healthy and rapid growth, the aggre gate of resources being aimost three hundred thousand dollars, $300,000 1. This is & very remarkable showing for an institation only a littie over four years oll ard indicates the good and progressive policy of the management. A good, well managed bank such as this Is a potent factor in promoting the development and prosperity of our town and section, and we are proud of the fact that we have in the First National Bank of Patton such an institution, Tar war has struck that lagging peace where the tramps of the country feel that it is now perfectly safe for them to enlist. PATRONIZE the merchants who adver- tise in the (oURIER. Tha leading busi- ness houses of Patton are represented in our columns and vou will make no mistake in extending your patronage 10 thease 5! tores. Tue Lotp bill alleged abuse’’ of the second. class mail matter privilege, which last year passed the House hy a majority of 144 to 104 was buried under by an overwhelming ma. jority by the House on Thursday by al vote of 162 to 119. to “correct From Kbensharx Mout iainoer, The Parton CoURIER last week threw ont a suggestion that a cycle path be built from Patton to nearby towns, stating that a splendid grade could be attained to either Carrolitown, Hast | ings or ("hemt Springs. Becaunse of its cheapness and accessibility cinder would 1» the material used. The Mountaireer would be glad to see the northern eyclists taking up Brother Greene's plan, and believes that if the path be built in this direc. tion Ebensburg wheelman might co- operate in completing it between the county seat and the point where the Patton path would endfor instance, ! Carrolitown. Hastings wheelmen could then connect with it, and thus the labor and expenses would be divided | up. The Patton men would build foar | miles to Carrolltown: Hastings riders about the same; while Carrolltown and | Ebensburg cranks would each take the half of the nine miles between the two | places, and thus a complete wheel.’ man's highway would be constructed. | Of course, this is only talk, and | when it comes to raising the funds the | construction may not move as rapidly | as on paper, but it is a good thing to! discuss, all the same. Notice of Application for 8 Charter. Notices: is hereby given that an appli- cation will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania on Tuesday April, 5, 15898 by L. M. Patterson, 8 W. Worrell, J. E. Parnell, J. W. Lapfer, B. F. Wise, M. B. Cowher and H. 8 Lingle, under the Act of Assembly of Pennsylvania entitled an “Act to pro vide for the lucorporation and regul- ation of certain corporations” approved | April 20, 1574, and the thereto for the charter of un intended corporation, to be called "The Wooden: Manufacturing Company,” the character and object of which is SU pplements the manufacture and sale of spokes, . handles and all wood products and for | these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and priv. ileges off said Act of Assembly and its | supplements. The proposed charter is now in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. REVEL SOMERVILLE, Solicitor. ' Baltimore, will rates. Apply to ticket agents, or Thos. | Patton | on file | To Baltimore and Washington. On Thursday, March 17, the Penn- to Baltimore and leave Pittsburg 5:00 a. m. Tickets will ‘also be good on train No. 4, leaving Pittsburg at 5:10 through sicepers Round trip tickets, return within ten days and good to stop off at at very low p.m, carrying 1» LO Be wid he mold E. Watt, Passenger Agent, Western District, Pittsburg. School Roport Report of Cooper school, Ulearfield township, for fith month ending March 4, 1888: Number of pupils in’ attendance dnring month, males 18: fomales, 19: total, 38% Per cent, attendance, males, $8: females 88; total, 86. Pupils perfect in attendance: Maud Ryan, Mary Copples, Katharine Sharon, Mary MeGongh, Olive Mona- han, Margaret Wharton, Esther Shoff, | Fred Swirea, James MeGough, Francis Monahan, Elmer Monahan, Bernard Ivan, James {i Ly~ncH, Teacher, ve 4 Fabuiea © Fipans R inte | Felsranry tober BME, [NG ure dyspepain EPORT of the coutition of the Firm tional Hank of Patton at Pa thn in ho of Ponasyivanta af the chose of Hos news, Imthy INU ony nest Basdness Owe Heosotimes $ is £24 8 oH 0.000 in 5490 m i 8 « AN fore ard diweonints : Omori mAs secured amd nnseansd £18 Bowls to sea ee clreaintion, Premios on U8 hemeda Stow ke, seriiritios, ote Banking Hote furnit tee & Agius po Free feos State Banioe noel fae Pre froma pproves! reserve agents, Choc in 51 ther ons (Gris Nostew of olor Nathoal Haass Fractions per FUrTeneyY, ekels atl ovnte fawn! vy ey Peservied iy Hank i Fant epic fis dt witht eomt Af sleet intives 3 { Mpwarle WALL Lega testueievr +f Pom Lav of Hom yam § pe $8 I< #1 OFN TNS Show A £0 (We oN aR Oe 3 HC £02 24000 Ty go Ag a =TATY §oasynt } ef Elia ghurve RT § Fug arrest thie Temi ty y, gellar Wee fees (fiim ind 3 Fog id dav of Heat laara Special train carrying | Swanton, O,, through parlor cars and coaches will | 17, 1596, he writes as follows: Washington, | ‘coughs and colds. phrey. ' W. Hodgkins of | Francis Copples and Leo Ryan. | IPC 0. « - Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. such as eczema, rash, pimples and ob- _am AL: A man stands no chance of being: elected to the mayorship of a city and Geo. W. Humphrey is the popular mayor of to certify to our appreciation of cham berlain’s cough Remedy. My family and neighbors have tested it and we an excellent George W Sold by Patton Pharmacy, know it is remedy fo Hum 4 What Dr. A. ¥ Salter Save, Buffalo, N. Y. Gent: From my personal knowledge, gained in observ ing the effact of your Shiloh’s cure in cases of advanced consumption, | an prepared £4 say it is the most remark able remedy that has ever been brought t to my attention. It has certainly saved many from consumption. Soild at Corner Drag Store, We are anxious to do a little good in , this world and can think of no pleas . anter or better way to do it than by recommending One Minute cough cure am a preventive of pneumonia, consump. tion and all other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. CW, Hodgking, Patton Pharmacy. were Consiipmtics ¥ BEYER Tao £ After vears of untold suffering from i plles, B. W. Parwell of Knoxville, Pa, was cored by using a single box of ee Skin disease stinate sores are readily cured by this famous remedy. CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Fducate Your Bowels With Cascarets Candy Cathariie, sure constipation forever ie Me §1 OCC fail, druggists refund money A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds throngh the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Min. ute cough core has been administered. Safe and harmless for children, CW Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Don't annoy others by your coughing and risk your life by noglecting a cold One Minute cough care cores © colds, croup, grippe and all throat lang troubles. CO. W ton Pharmuey, Lilie, and Rhiloh’'s Consumption Care cures where others fil It ia the wading congh cure and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold at Corner Drag Ntayre For constipation take Karl's Clover Ten, the blood purifier cures headache, nervousness, eriaptions on the face, and makes the head as clear ax a bell. Sold at Corner Drug Store Sst Lreat JANDY CATHARTIC ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED 5 § pie snd boskiet free. 14. STERLING RENEDY C If You Doubt —— owe POPOL OPPO IOOOOw - or gripe. cane eaters reenits. h.! Chirag, Bowtreal Con. or Yow York. ore w US! You perhaps have some doubt about what we can do for you in our store, certain, maybe, how You are not we can sell High-Grade GoodsiifAa— we name. at the prices The only way to be convinced is to come and look at our goods and see what they are. No matter what your prejudice may be you will be convinced, and it will be to your advantage, too. We are headquarters Does the work. of same to make Tag Sale ¢ above don't blame us as. we mfor the t in the fut class up-to-date (General Store. whether you wish All goods romp delivered and without charge. in bi, In fact everything kept in a hrst- Call to purchase Or not. to vour home = GEO. S. GOOD. and under date of Jan. Su “This in Hodgkins, Pat. fand Value, cost and profits gr in i of ress Goods, and Shirt Wai Yarns Cut any Boots an Hoods, Shawls and Fascinators, Blankets and Haps, Gloves and Mittens, [Ladies Flannels, the Clearance Knife. 1. v4 {Yio © [9 J rr $v Nuare mind ont of sig! { Shoes, Me n’'s, It tc PRICES St are aii under “1 to yon was there or will there Never in the history of Patton and and get the Ready Cash. Fall and Winter stock consist- “Ladies” and Children's Underwear, Hosiery, Skirts vicinity ever he Such a Grand Opportunity to save vonr hard-earned dollars than attending this (yreat begins Red Tag Clearance Sale which TUESDAY, FEB. 15, 1898, $3 Bag Pos ¢ . # : a Wii enag daesaay, march iI 8 W i+ ho Aven t lett a stone an Sle 1 RNOCesy ind 4 § turned to make this Red Tag CLEAN SWEEP Ty $c Kh Ie \\ hen this Sale ol 1. 4nd ahi a yo, DRY GOODS. ngham, $i Lancaster Cambrie i others ask Be on re Lgl aw edd tag ; others rive de CRAIC Wa read “ed 3 logs Wr TL iv Fd % oH our red t 8.4 MM: vrs 3.4 Mohawk sheoting, oth. 18 hawk bleached wl Nie, our red tag price unbleached sheeting, % ask 18, oor red tag price 13 45 inch bleached pillow case musiin althers ask 100, onr mxd tag price Sa Simpson's light shirting calicos, oth- aur red tag price $0 gthwers ask To, ther srw ask Ae Indigo Blue print, red tag price do Hill bleached ar med tag price se Hil Baro “hed muslin, Se, our red tag price Hac Spunwell Bleached muslin, yard wide, others ask Se weed tag pire 7s White Star unbleached naling, others ask To, cur red tag price Outing flannel, others ask U red tag price Se Saxony varn, per skein, 100, our red tag price to Alabama shirting, others ask », red tag price Sc Bleached table linen, our red tag price se Unbleached table muslin, others anak be, others ask iT Ww, our ws be £31 hers aur others ark 5c, ank linen, . athers 80¢, nur red tag price 40 . »} int the 1% » . * Pk Ys 12. Cre ile i Loos Eieki Lali, y ‘ ! tha $ iy ® LoAasEg for linen, others ask one red tag nrce Bk fad dhe asl-wonl shoulder shawl, (We i. arrwsd 3oomi Bi Bu reed Lag price $2.70 Pir Warner's Health : p10 y privet yg AE tanhls ahaw! oir peed warsels, onr "ag Tolar wi tag i op UF rea milk soup WEP wir reed tag price *isin felt «halos. others ask anil Lay Hon he "8 All men's roear i : Ee eri The Ail ne Lag 1 ar red Ad ia wid he Ald WHAr a Potlar's he, our price Patter od clot Lag) price She hers ask "et 100, Cree ie, our thers ask $1, ander sta nnderwear, ote ask io, lag price 55¢ alles’ vpderwear ¢} at cont : Hames’ Ome. S-4 tabde 19, fn natural wool and children’s ander. others ask confound heap stuff oid clot, Pon's with the ing at 1240 3 market soil] GROC ERIES, ETC our price 5 igc qc IT 4 thers ask ik ik gm wl r i re Lima beans Nav Y Dried peas Foakes ny x Soap ; : ’ 10 + lion Ee Niece sun dried Apples pr ib * Te Good Raisins per fo Loose Starch s last a bewiider our compet: Fall and k for us gladden worth of to do the wor 3 tors and will dollar's t's ROGIN i Ceood Columbian Sal Good mixed candy Uiothes per ida ‘zeny for Miners’ nick handles so Pride of Pstton floor nest that spring wheat will make, per sack $1.50 BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. Knife wiambhiedd For resnlts read hon [Hr CAT de - A per ih or 8 doz onl ailing i ie Our Cle fell among our prices in fine these lines and Arias footwear amd style, figures. Men's Gums, regular price se, red tag price A2¢ Men's storm Gums, regular price 75, our red tag price Sse Ladies’ storm Gums, wie, our red tag sale 42¢ Roys' Gams, regular red tag price 42¢ Foscdiow’ Girimng red tag price 34 Mismewn' Game, rec tag price 260 Child's Gums, regular price 25¢, red Sag Jute # 2lo All Men's, Ladies’ Mises Children's Gum Boots at cost. SEE RED TAGS. our regular price price H0¢, our regular price 40, our regular price 30, our our and THE RED oT G for our If vou TOO loses Keeping your eye on early you will profit the are Red T the opportunity whi! and closes \Ma { Jur stare ti DIC €5 #0 van above * 1 ail. rel Sa Ny Sal © miss these [Look for it among our Dress Goods as we must which will reach us New Spr [ine 13. .; A 3 i 110 ing paid you to watch Red Tag will save ire by warty for our Red Ta and anly go onr Red ion’t blame sale ¢ ony st med "$11 TEN OY eh : { during yay ¢ ag ™, ba d Kd a2 Yours for Trade. close out our present stock Hv the time our Red Wi . : in Yas the same goods listed more for 3 : gl ¥ and walt for our sae you mouey so if you have bought too Sale Bear in mind that ag Sale, so if you don't grasp omimences Tuesday, February re a visit during this Money